IRC log for #brlcad on 20081215

01:39.30 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:57.53 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
03:03.23 brlcad yukonbob: the only monthly I really care about are the monthly releases of BRL-CAD ;)
03:04.58 DanielFalck hi brlcad, it's been quite a while since I have used brlcad. Is it now possible to extrude a dxf path into a solid?
03:05.19 DanielFalck using some other program like qcad to generate the dxf
03:19.41 yukonbob brlcad: :)
03:21.25 brlcad DanielFalck: dxf's with closed-form 2D entities should now import as our sketch primitive
03:22.03 DanielFalck ok, great
03:22.07 brlcad sketches can be extruded (linearly)
03:22.29 DanielFalck is there any way to generate taper?
03:22.31 brlcad can't yet sweep them along an arbitrary spline path, though -- that work started this summer but wasn't completed
03:40.34 brlcad depends on the shape of the taper and what's being tapered, you could use a separate boolean operation to cut accordingly
03:40.45 brlcad alas, extrudes can't be tapered though
03:40.59 brlcad at least not via a built-in taper value
03:42.46 DanielFalck ok, no problem. thanks for the info
04:10.05 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33368 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c: ws & style consistency cleanup
04:52.26 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33369 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c: unbreak. macros are scoped, so have to use parens if we're going to put the semicolon.
05:21.37 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
06:02.50 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
09:30.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:31.25 mafm hi
10:13.12 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:27.07 *** join/#brlcad claymore (
11:27.40 claymore Morning all!
11:28.25 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:34.40 claymore yawns.
11:44.21 claymore Here is a link to some photoshop artists' work. Some good, some strange....
11:57.48 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
12:01.55 claymore anyone: If I build a library (aka boost) and want to include it in a C++ compile, its simply a matter of adding it to the g++ command line... correct? g++ -I ../../include -o myCppApp myCppFile.cxx /path/to/boost/system/build/gcc-4.1.2/release/threading-multi/
12:02.35 claymore yet once I attempt to run myCppApp, i get the following error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
12:03.01 claymore which tells me that either the library didn't build right or a path isn't set right somewhere....
12:03.06 claymore ... any help?
12:17.11 Ralith claymore: you need to link the lib, too. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the basics before moving into things like multithreading and boost.
12:19.25 claymore :/ well thats helpful, lol.
12:20.50 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
12:21.29 claymore Ralith: I understand that I need to link the lib, and that is what I thought I was doing. hence my confusion and question.
12:22.16 claymore are you speaking of using -l ?
12:23.27 Ralith -I sets your include path and nothing more
12:23.29 Ralith -l links a lib
12:23.31 Ralith afk
12:23.53 claymore thanks for confirming that
12:28.03 claymore btw how is the weather over on the west coast? (when you come back from AFK)
12:42.11 claymore ...strange, looks like the rpath isn't setting. :/
13:50.12 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:52.51 Axman6 clock_: "XMLSLT UML RUP ITIL SQL Oracle Java SAP AJAX IIS ASP Visual Basic C# .NET IT" -- sounds painful :(
13:54.08 clock_ lol
13:58.54 Axman6 what are RUP and ITIL?
14:02.00 clock_ Some kind of bloatware
14:25.14 ``Erik a/det
14:25.16 brlcad -L is library search path, -I is header include search path
14:25.31 ``Erik O.o howdy
14:26.18 claymore righto, got all that. libraries compiled and installed into ~/lib/ since I don't have access to /usr/local/lib/
14:26.29 brlcad -l is library to link with a preferential order for dynamic then static depending on the platform
14:26.38 brlcad you shouldn't ever need to use full paths when linking unless you're doing something really wrong
14:27.19 claymore however, I cannot get the linker to recognize that the .so's are in ~/lib... even when I feed them the whole path via -l and/or give them the appropriate name via -l and path via -L
14:27.19 brlcad since you're autotools-building, you also shouldn't need to install prior to using the library (one of libtool's jobs)
14:27.48 brlcad except for installing "all of boost" like was mentioned last week so you can figure out what to include
14:27.59 ``Erik -L$HOME/lib
14:28.12 ``Erik ./configure LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/libs
14:28.31 ``Erik or sumfin
14:28.55 claymore ``Erik: during the myCppApp build or the boost lib build?
14:29.19 ``Erik gcc assumes a .so, um, so you need like $HOME/lib/ for -lcrap to work
14:29.36 ``Erik during your app build, whatever is looking fo rthe libs
14:29.49 claymore hrm. aight, I have a few more things to try then. Thanks
14:30.07 brlcad should be mycppapp build
14:30.13 ``Erik I'm in right now, so if you get stuck, lemme know and I'll walk down
14:30.37 brlcad boost will have had the path embedded as part of --prefix
14:32.02 claymore righto, I have the 'make install' command reporting: --prefix=/home/dloman --exec-prefix=/home/dloman --libdir=/home/dloman/lib --includedir=/home/dloman/include
14:32.34 ``Erik prefix should be sufficient, the exec looks wrong, the libdir and includedir are redundant
14:32.35 claymore and that is as I had it before. :/
14:33.05 claymore ``Erik: Tell the boost guys :) they wrote the ./configure :)
14:33.19 claymore I just copy/pasted it
14:34.03 ``Erik heh, in the normal world, --exec-prefix will default to /home/dloman/bin, and the other two will be filled by the prefix arg :) mebbe boost does something special :)
14:34.39 claymore ``Erik: LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/libs will set where the libraries will reside when all is said and done?
14:34.56 ``Erik no, it says where to look for libs
14:35.21 claymore oh duh, never mind. lol my bad.
14:35.26 claymore info overlaod
14:36.41 brlcad claymore: configure lines are almost always just suggestions/examples -- they probably wrote them all out just to show that they can all be overridden
14:36.54 brlcad doesn't make them any less redundant, though (for lib/include)
14:39.33 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/minuteelectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:52.11 claymore deflates.
14:54.24 claymore ``Erik: got a minute?
15:24.43 ``Erik detonates
15:25.56 claymore esssplosion?
15:26.07 ``Erik asplode
15:26.24 claymore whoa now, thats at least a yellow light buddy.
15:26.48 ``Erik settle down, boy, I'm with punker O.o
15:27.18 claymore jams to Beastie Boys
15:42.32 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:57.01 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
16:05.48 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (i=bbishop@
16:07.08 kanzure What's the difference between doing an mged command like "comb dome.c u part1.r part2.r part3.r" and "r mypartname.r u sphere1 sphere2" ? Is it just that g/comb doesn't operate on primitives? Seems like an extra layer of abstraction going on.
16:07.37 ``Erik iirc, the onyl difference is that 'r' sets the region flag and 'comb' does nt
16:15.03 brlcad kanzure: comb is for creating generalized combinations using any sort of boolean recipe; g creates combinations of only unions; r is for creating generalized combinations that are considered *regions*
16:15.34 brlcad kanzure: regions are where something goes from being a pattern/shape/idea to physically occupying space
16:20.27 kanzure The tutorial says that regions are just whatever it was before plus some material metadata.
16:20.32 kanzure (the mged tutorial)
16:20.47 claymore thats correct.
16:21.37 kanzure Blah. I don't need tutorials. I need code :-). /me goes back to reading.
16:25.23 brlcad kanzure: what's the difference between a blueprint for a car and a car? it's what it was befreo plus some material metadata (i.e. it occupies space)
16:25.56 clock_ brlcad: the blueprint starts even in winter
16:26.18 kanzure brlcad: Sorry, that doesn't work for me. I'm coming from a programmer's perspective; my "blueprints" usually contain some quite dense information, not just geometric primitives etc.
16:26.29 kanzure has a strange background, so the terminology isn't synched yet.
16:27.06 brlcad kanzure: one is an "idea", one physically occupies space -- organizationally, they're is no difference
16:27.30 ``Erik just a 1 bit flag :)
16:27.30 brlcad from a programmer's perspective, it's literally a boolean flag that is set
16:27.35 kanzure Maybe it would help to know what other commands do when the region flagged is set/unset.
16:27.44 brlcad but that flag changes the way things behave -- where overlaps exist
16:27.48 kanzure ah?
16:28.30 brlcad akin to "shape" vs solid
16:29.25 kanzure So, I can (uselessly) have a shape that intersects itself, but if a region/solid had that sort of configuration it would be invalid? Is that's what's going on here?
16:29.43 kanzure *intersects and goes through itself in a physically impossible manner, to be more precise
16:30.09 brlcad right
16:31.19 brlcad before it's a region -- if you union two objects together, it's the union of the sets they represent -- if it's a region and one is steel overlapping another object that is wood, that's invalid since you have two materials occupying the same space
16:35.25 kanzure Neat, 'tree' shows me a boolean algebra tree. If I modify one of the primitives at some ridiculous depth in the hierarchy, is the entire tree modified, or is there a way for me to do versioning control on it?
16:36.55 brlcad I don't know what you mean by the entire tree being modified, but there is no automatic versioning control
16:37.02 brlcad at least not yet
16:37.30 brlcad one of the features of the new geometry service is to provide automatic versioning control on all edits, comprehensive tracking
16:38.14 brlcad or by versioning control, do you mean instantiation .. you have 20 crayons in a box and you want to make one have a bite taken out of it
16:38.24 brlcad that's easily doable
16:38.26 kanzure I think that's nearly the same thing
16:38.56 kanzure that second case, of 20 crayons + a bite taken out could be done via copying the tree, but maybe I'm lazy and I do something "irreversible" and harm my precious tree
16:39.05 kanzure I guess you already answered that though, it's generally irreversible at the moment :)
16:39.08 brlcad no no, not at all the same thing -- by versioning control, I'm talking SVN/CVS style complete revision history of all edits
16:39.23 kanzure yes me too, but I was thinking of an object-level for versioning control, not for the entire file.
16:39.41 brlcad I mean per object too
16:39.54 brlcad instantiation is a much different beast though
16:40.43 brlcad in y our example, you could create a copy of the tree -- there are shallow (referential) copies and deep copies you can perform
16:41.16 brlcad if you wanted to be safe, you could make a deep copy and do whatever you wanted, the original tree would be unmodified (as there is no association after the deep copy)
16:41.22 kanzure but if I don't make a copy before I make a modification to a very integral component, then the overall tree is modified, even before I ask for the new tree to be recomputed?
16:41.30 brlcad if it's a shallow copy, then it depends on the edits performed of course
16:44.54 brlcad there is no "recomputation" that occurs, everything is instant -- but if I understand you correctly -- yeah, if you make a change, it's changed ;)
16:45.18 kanzure ok, instant change propagation and such.
16:45.34 claymore One must unlearn what they have learned... for there is no spoo..err, undo.
16:45.39 brlcad much like the unix command line, very unforgiving -- modelers using the command line are expected to learn/know the implications of the various commands
16:46.15 brlcad make copies of your .g when you're first getting started ;)
16:47.30 brlcad kanzure: it's not so much that it propagates, either -- think of how the CSG hierarchy is stored in memory, it's a graph of nodes -- all you did was change a node, nothing to propagate/recompute
16:47.55 brlcad something like the "tree" command just walks the graph and prints it while it walks
16:48.52 kanzure right, and frankly I prefer the shell :) none of this engelbart mouse nonsense.
16:50.17 claymore there are a few tasks in mged that can be accomplished *MUCH* faster via use of gui/mouse. The reverse is also true. Its a nice balance really :)
16:50.45 kanzure Clicking a few thousand times with a mouse can get dull.
16:51.31 claymore true dat.
16:58.48 DanielFalck brlcad: I'm looking for a non-64 bit binary for linux on sourceforge- I don't see one
16:59.10 kanzure DanielFalck: I ended up compiling one for myself the other day.
16:59.42 kanzure DanielFalck: brlcad suggested to check the source out from svn to get around some minor annoyances in the configure-make-install process.
16:59.52 DanielFalck ok, will do
17:05.38 brlcad DanielFalck: look at the previous releases
17:06.03 DanielFalck I found 7.10, but I think I'll build from svn
17:06.08 brlcad a version or two earlier should work just as well unless there's some specific feature you know you need
17:06.19 brlcad that works too
17:06.30 brlcad should have another release up shortly
17:15.02 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:53.08 brlcad DanielFalck: build going okay?
17:53.45 brlcad "sh && ./configure --enable-all --prefix=/usr/brlcad/rel-7.12.6 --enable-optimized && make -j4" should do the trick
17:54.12 brlcad using whatever prefex and -j#procs you have of course
17:56.32 DanielFalck it's making right now
18:00.01 kanzure Is there a way for me to serialize everything I've done into a set of commands and scripts?
18:00.40 kanzure ah, I guess just having the .g file means I can go back and modify objects with a script, so nevermind
18:01.37 kanzure was writing a filter generator in python a few weeks ago that generated STL files, to link up to OpenFOAM for CFD, but this is looking like a better deal :)
18:01.59 brlcad yeah, or if you run g2asc, it'll turn it into an "mged script" i.e., a brl-cad database in ascii form
18:02.17 kanzure Thanks.
18:03.09 brlcad mged itself is pretty heavily scriptable in a variety of ways too, an example of a few of them at
18:03.58 kanzure yeah I found that page a few moments ago when I was about to start complaining about Tcl (I've been able to avoid it so far, you see)
18:06.44 brlcad basically amounts to mged supporting single-command invocation, commands over piped or redirected input, commands loaded via the 'script' command, or a serialized subset using the ascii storage format
19:32.14 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
19:52.52 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:55.57 IriX64 :)
19:56.22 claymore ......ewww vista.... ;)
19:56.34 IriX64 heh fun stuff :)
19:57.12 IriX64 its usefull..... it's building brlcad ;)
19:58.33 claymore is getting ready to dump xp-pro for good at home :)
19:58.45 IriX64 in favor of ...
19:59.13 IriX64 mine dual boots, xp-pro or vista64
19:59.19 claymore Fedora, RHEL or ubuntu.... haven't quite decided yet.
19:59.51 IriX64 no gentoo :)
20:00.13 IriX64 curious about gentoo
20:01.49 IriX64 this irssi was built on vista64.
20:01.49 claymore I think starseeker is a gentoo fanboi....
20:10.27 ``Erik
20:10.48 claymore dies laughing.
20:10.59 claymore zomg so fast!
20:11.35 IriX64 that good :)
20:12.28 IriX64 --- prefer this :)
20:13.04 *** join/#brlcad sporty__ (n=sporty_@
20:13.06 claymore ..i don't get it. Other than Vista, there is nothing funny there....
20:13.09 claymore :D
20:13.17 IriX64 heh right
20:13.47 sporty__ IriX64: that was nice link, that one to
20:13.48 claymore lol
20:13.53 claymore +b on *!gentoouser@*
20:13.59 IriX64 vista says. shhhh i'm pretending to be ubuntu ;)
20:15.22 sporty__ IriX64: obviously, kde and kubuntu has more sophisticated features, such as an "aggresive" use of RAM when it loads whole .pdf into RAM - and tons of such features
20:16.03 claymore "I essentially started using Gentoo because my KDE clock would never show the right time in Red Hat." -LOL
20:16.21 claymore hates ``Erik now for providing this excellent distraction :)
20:17.33 ``Erik *bow*
20:18.36 claymore OPTIMILAZIATIONS....nice
20:19.40 DanielFalck brlcad: thanks, I got the latest installed. Now I need to learn how to use it
20:19.58 sporty__ Also, kde usually represents the true linux style: "Whole installation" = dozen of the web browsers, dozen of the text editors, and so on. Exactly this was a "taste of the linux" - at least for me when all i did in pc was in windows: games as nfs i, games as gta with english speech
20:22.35 claymore wants to raise his iPod access time by 0.2%
20:23.06 ``Erik I d'no, linux tastes kinda gamey... O.o
20:23.43 claymore haha, t'n'a in red leather is >> than most OS'es.
20:24.23 claymore fights a nasty headache. Cya tomarrows!
20:24.32 ``Erik later, dude
20:24.42 IriX64 salutes claymore ;)
20:24.49 claymore oh yeah, thanks for the help ``Erik !
20:25.00 claymore IriX64: No saluting, I was enlisted :)
20:25.09 IriX64 heh aright
20:27.12 sporty__ IriX64: How do you think, what is a better name, Home page, or a Main page ??
20:27.47 sporty__ i mean, which one is essentially more suitable for web-sites?
20:28.05 IriX64 startpage ;)
20:28.17 sporty__ IriX64: right!
20:28.54 sporty__ IriX64: how can i join to ibot ? Is it like """/join nick:ibot """ ??
20:29.04 IriX64 no idea
20:29.09 sporty__ IriX64: ok
20:32.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:32.34 IriX64 ^C the wrong window :)
20:32.53 sporty__ IriX64: hello
20:33.07 IriX64 ?
20:33.20 sporty__ j/k
21:17.33 sporty__ hello?
21:17.53 sporty__ :-[
21:57.37 IriX64 grins, and says my clipboard is showing :)
22:05.45 IriX64 mc
22:18.23 sporty__ ok, irix64 has left the room, but we're keep' rock' on and our next guest is ... is... is... brlcad!
22:18.44 sporty__ brlcad: how do ya?
22:19.06 sporty__ brlcad: oh yeah, fine.
22:19.33 sporty__ brlcad: what is a next primitive to be drawn?
22:19.44 sporty__ brlcad: "um..."
22:20.00 sporty__ brlcad: is it a shovel to kill me?
22:20.19 sporty__ brlcad: "yeah, i think so":-D
22:20.30 sporty__ goes mad from the boredoom
22:52.23 sporty__ advances in his work.
22:59.24 kanzure Are we pasting system screenshot links now? re: IriX64's link. I think I can win: and for physicals.
23:04.46 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
23:15.04 PrezKennedy i can top that, but first i have to get my gallery working again
23:15.11 PrezKennedy so i can show you the picture
23:15.34 kanzure Do you mean to say that you can top the phyiscal setup too? That's eight monitors.
23:16.05 kanzure
23:41.09 sporty__ i'm off: have nothing to show yet, but i'll have posted it soon.

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