IRC log for #brlcad on 20081216

00:00.12 kanzure Hm. So I have a rectangle with a rectangle going through it, I take the intersection and that's a region. I copy the region, but then I have to individually move the two primitives to get the copied region to the location that I desire. Is there a simpler way to move a region and everything in it?
00:00.55 kanzure s/rectangle/prism/
00:01.37 kanzure g
00:17.26 brlcad blinks
00:18.45 brlcad sporty__: wth are you talking about? if you're bored -- I'm sure I could find some feature requests that need to be implemented for you
00:26.29 brlcad kanzure: yes, you can apply a matrix edit to the copied region
00:26.45 brlcad oed / copied_region/path/to/primitive
00:26.49 brlcad tra 100 0 0
00:26.50 brlcad accept
00:27.12 kanzure can I do oed / copied_region \n tra x y z ?
00:28.13 brlcad that is what copied_region/path/to/primitive does .. it moves "copied_region" .. not the primitive
00:28.48 brlcad the reason you have to specify the path all the way down to a primitive is merely because of an implementation detail -- it needs a keypoint
00:29.35 brlcad oed works with a left-hand and right-hand path .. moving the thing on the right
00:29.46 kanzure Thanks.
00:31.18 brlcad so if you have an object "top" that contains "a" and "b" primitives, you could "oed / top/a" or "oed / top/b" to use a or b as a keypoint on moving top; or "oed /top a" and "oed /top b" to move the specific instance of a or b respectively that top references
00:31.55 brlcad there's a nice tutorial on OED on the website,
01:02.21 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:02.46 sporty__ brlcad: today, i'm ending up another project. only brl-cad is left from all i've intented
01:03.45 IriX64 it can now be said that wherever you have a ${TK} token in, you need an ${X_LIBS} token and in X_LIBS include -lXss and -lXft, tk needs those man, and now mged and the rest build fine.
01:09.38 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
01:23.55 PrezKennedy kanzure,
01:40.14 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:41.39 IriX64 <-solver-test.exe and vm-test.exe need this little ditty fixed
01:41.47 IriX64 in libpc
01:45.36 IriX64 <--pcVariable, on my system this is system declared, get multiple definitions if i dont comment it out
01:46.06 IriX64 and now solver-test and vm-test build joy :)
02:02.36 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:03.14 IriX64 <--- on vista yet :)
02:09.52 IriX64 use the pictures if you like, brl-cad has afforded me many happy moments :)
02:22.11 sporty__ IriX64: what is on that picture?
02:22.19 IriX64 havoc
02:22.48 IriX64 err havoc.g :)
02:22.53 sporty__ IriX64: what is its size and main colours? What resolution?
02:23.02 IriX64 who cares
02:23.21 sporty__ IriX64: i want to use it as a wallpaper
02:23.36 sporty__ IriX64: gimme
02:23.42 IriX64 download it
02:23.56 sporty__ IriX64: what is its size then?
02:24.20 IriX64 you're serious, you have to know its size?
02:24.38 sporty__ IriX64: yes, i pay 0.10-0.30 per mb
02:24.41 IriX64 my screen res is 1650x1040
02:25.03 IriX64 native res
02:25.16 sporty__ sweet and :( - guess it's too big for a day, what size in kb ?
02:25.29 IriX64 oh that just a sec...
02:25.58 sporty__ IriX64: well, i can imagine, what colors then (light / grey)
02:26.23 IriX64 147,780 bytes
02:26.29 sporty__ dark? or a light one? Why not "love" or "happiness" ??
02:26.34 IriX64 its full color
02:27.30 sporty__ omg! no, i've used to spent less kb a day. Buy me an internet - and i will see links. Would you?
02:27.53 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
02:31.36 sporty__ IriX64: o.15 usd / meg - to be exact. i would load e.g. "happines" - at least a tiny bit! :-]
02:31.51 sporty__ :-[
02:32.08 IriX64 firewall that cant be messed with here sport :)
02:32.29 sporty__ what do you mean?
02:32.46 IriX64 im behind a firewall
02:32.54 IriX64 cant dcc to you
02:33.27 sporty__ IriX64: dcc ?? what is it?
02:34.41 sporty__ IriX64: it's morning in here - and i'm working. You can imagine e.g. gilian underson (even in sexy poses) - and sleep with good thoughts on your mind.
02:36.35 sporty__ IriX64: this is usually a whole kingdom - ladies
02:36.40 sporty__ and computers are wrong :(
02:41.35 *** part/#brlcad sporty__ (n=sporty_@
03:03.03 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
03:56.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
04:20.03 starseeker idly wonders about designing a .gxml or .gml file format for non-tcl based ascii output
04:20.30 starseeker then smacks himself for thinking of yet another way to keep his "primary" language xml
04:44.25 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
05:02.52 Ralith starseeker: if you added xml I would smack you
05:06.13 starseeker Ralith: too late then - lots of docbook in there already
05:06.35 Ralith that's a reasonable exception :P
05:06.58 Ralith docs in xml is different than data in xml
05:07.05 starseeker xml actually is a reasonable storage format if you aren't worried about being human readable, IMHO
05:07.14 starseeker better to compress it
05:07.14 louipc not
05:07.29 starseeker the ubiquity of parsing tools is its own advantage
05:07.35 Ralith starseeker: if you aren't worried about being human readable, use a binary format.
05:07.42 louipc xml is uh kind of bloated isn't it?
05:07.43 Ralith I mean, come on.
05:07.51 louipc Ralith++
05:08.16 Ralith you can even make it safe to transmit by base64ing it
05:08.50 starseeker Oh, it's bloated sure.
05:08.54 louipc xml is nice as web markup
05:09.01 Ralith and horribly painful to hand edit
05:09.08 louipc or document markup perhaps
05:09.38 louipc I am horrified to see it proliferate elsewhere :/
05:10.44 starseeker It's kind of one of those cases where universal tool support and "some standard is still better than no standard, however bloated" won out
05:10.53 Ralith but we're brl-cad ffs
05:11.03 Ralith make our own standards :P
05:11.08 starseeker Heh
05:11.21 starseeker Oh, the binary .g is clearly the winner
05:11.31 Ralith 'xactly
05:11.39 starseeker But when it comes to g2asc and asc2g, I can't stand the asc format
05:12.02 starseeker too tied to tcl
05:12.10 louipc someone has to innovate outside of standards
05:12.13 Ralith hm.
05:12.16 starseeker if we're going to have an ascii text representation, it should be tool agnostic
05:12.20 Ralith that's a good point
05:12.21 louipc standards are sometimes innovation killers
05:12.28 Ralith louipc: only when abused
05:12.29 starseeker and since we all agree .g is better anyway
05:12.50 starseeker one thing that is for sure about xml is that it's tool/language agnostic
05:13.01 Ralith still, surely there's some other standard that would work
05:13.03 Ralith I mean hell
05:13.05 Ralith JSON would do the trick
05:13.16 louipc yaml!
05:13.24 Ralith yaml is interesting but not a standard afaik
05:13.34 Ralith it is agnostic though!
05:14.10 starseeker if there is to be an ASCII representation at all, my feeling is that the only advantage is that it is (or should be) potentially readable (insofar as possible) by anything
05:15.08 louipc why is there an ascii format anyways?
05:15.25 starseeker I think it dates back to before the binary format was platform independent
05:16.02 louipc oh
05:16.07 starseeker Probably its sole remaining advantages are 1) it allows direct editing of the database by a modeler outside of any interface
05:16.48 starseeker 2) it is archival in the sense that the geometric information can be (theoretically) recovered with virtually no knowledge of or support from any tool
05:17.08 brlcad there are two versions of the ascii format, v4 and v5 -- v4 was specifically because the binary format was not platform independent
05:17.59 brlcad the current v5 format is essentially an mged/tcl transcript equivalent to serialized command-line recreation of geometry
05:19.10 brlcad v5 ascii is provided partly for backwards-compatibility/familiarity but more as a means to serialize the output to a readable form for debugging/inspection and external scripting purposes
05:20.44 brlcad having an xml output format has come up before (g-xml exporter, xml-g importer), but it hasn't really solved any problem to date not already accounted for by another capability
05:21.20 brlcad being xml doesn't give you a format standard, it just takes care of basic lexing -- anyone using your file still have to parse and comprehend the data/format
05:21.35 starseeker sure
05:22.30 Ralith but if well implemented, it could be easy to intuit the format sufficiently to reconstruct geometry
05:22.46 brlcad that can be said of any format :)
05:22.54 Ralith not without docs available
05:23.43 Ralith if you gave someone a .g and said "this contains geometry," they probably wouldn't have a very easy time deciphering it.
05:23.44 brlcad depends on the format, we've reverse-engineered several a format just by looking at the contents
05:23.54 Ralith sure, but was it ever straightforward?
05:24.18 starseeker winces in anticipation of a discussion of the meaning of "straightforward"
05:24.34 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
05:24.45 brlcad as far as binary formats go, .g's are very easy to decipher -- and there is a spec for it
05:24.57 starseeker sort of
05:24.59 brlcad though the intent isn't for everyone to write parsers, that's what a lib is for
05:25.44 brlcad it's probably 95-99%% accurate
05:25.55 brlcad most of the ways its out of date are just due to age/maintenance
05:26.24 Ralith brlcad: okay, but if all you have is a file, and you get to choose between an intentionally human-readable file and an intentionally computer-readable file, which would you select? :P
05:26.32 brlcad docs have a maintenance burden just like code, just hasn't been a need to keep it up to date as often --
05:26.53 Ralith the former could probably be decoded in a fraction of the time of the latter, no matter how elegant the encoding.
05:27.00 starseeker brlcad: Ah, is that the latest version?
05:27.35 brlcad Ralith: that entirely depends on the situation, and is a bit of a loaded question
05:27.48 brlcad because we already have/provide more than just a file
05:28.16 Ralith well, I don't see it ever actually becoming a real world issue
05:28.16 Ralith so w/e
05:28.18 brlcad there's a lib, there's manpage docs, there's the spec, there's the entire source
05:28.53 starseeker apologizes for digging up the worms...
05:29.24 brlcad Ralith: hrm, you're saying the computer-readable file would be decoded in a fraction of the time or the intentionally human-readable file?
05:29.44 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
05:30.15 brlcad our experience shows the the computer-readable variant (i.e., our .g) to be *massively* higher-performance to parse than an encoded human-readable format
05:30.36 Ralith brlcad: the latter
05:30.40 brlcad our .g is nearly a direct serialization of objects as they are in memory
05:30.49 Ralith I think you're missing my context
05:31.09 brlcad okay, yeah -- that's what I'm saying too :)
05:31.10 Ralith I'm talking about a theoretical situation where one has a file and nothing else. No BRL-CAD, no docs.
05:31.14 louipc the brlcad format is open source, so it's not an issue :P
05:31.18 brlcad you'd just said "the former" .. which was human-readable
05:31.29 Ralith brlcad: which is what I just said again.
05:31.46 Ralith for someon who has no docs or brl-cad tools, a human-readable format is easier to decode.
05:31.53 Ralith as starseeker said, it is thus a more ideal archival format.
05:32.07 brlcad ah, where by decode, you effectively mean reverse-engineer
05:32.17 Ralith yes
05:32.25 brlcad sure -- decoding binary proprietary formats sucks
05:32.30 Ralith exactly!
05:32.38 brlcad just not relevant to us :)
05:32.47 brlcad like louipc said ;)
05:32.53 Ralith assuming BRL-CAD tools will always be available to those who want them.
05:32.54 Ralith which is reasonable.
05:33.03 Ralith it's not like we're making a time capsule here
05:33.22 starseeker looks over newdb.html
05:33.57 louipc I would put the physical object in the time capsule and let them decode it
05:33.58 louipc ;)
05:34.14 starseeker Nah, cad model's better - cars rust
05:34.32 starseeker
05:34.48 brlcad starseeker: fyi, with a bit of polish and clean-up, the v5 spec could actually probably be made an official mil, ansi, or iso spec
05:34.56 louipc lol!
05:35.02 starseeker brlcad: Cool!
05:35.05 brlcad considered pushing it through several times, but then .. I always get back to "what problem are we solving"
05:35.19 louipc starseeker: yeah I guess that is fail
05:35.31 brlcad those three being in increasing levels of difficulty
05:35.53 starseeker brlcad: Maybe I can update it off the clock
05:35.57 Ralith it *would* be pretty cool to have it be a formal standard
05:36.12 starseeker likes well done documents that don't solve practical problems :-P
05:36.17 Ralith make it easy to advocate for use in other projects too
05:36.44 starseeker is itching to docbook this sucker...
05:37.04 brlcad Ralith: consider the tradeoff -- if you know it'll take up probably more than a man-year of effort
05:37.13 brlcad pushing a spec through takes a *lot* of time
05:37.18 brlcad and not just one person's
05:37.23 starseeker louipc: I've got to remember to save links on that car - it's a perfect object lesson about archiving :-)
05:37.50 brlcad would you rather have a spec and the same modeling interface, or no spec and a year's worth of progress towards a better interface.. ;)
05:38.31 brlcad if you're going to work on something that long-term, have to weigh it against the other long-term priorities it'll eat away at
05:38.32 louipc better interface
05:38.51 Ralith brlcad: sure, I don't think it's actually worth putting the effort in
05:38.55 Ralith but it *would* be pretty neat!
05:39.33 brlcad even if flawlessly pushed through, a mil interface would probably take two years of calendar time, an ansi would probably take two to four, iso is mostly political :)
05:39.52 brlcad absolutely, that's why I think about it too from time to time .. would be very cool :)
05:39.53 Ralith I'd imagine it would be hard to politicise something for which there's little competition
05:39.58 brlcad just hard to justify
05:40.22 starseeker Ralith: Pro/E, SolidWorks, Unigraphics...
05:40.29 brlcad oh, iso would be hard politically mostly because of STEP
05:41.21 Ralith starseeker: target different audiences, and probably wouldn't care very much.
05:41.26 Ralith (so I speculate)
05:41.31 brlcad nobody likes affirming standards that directly compete
05:42.29 brlcad STEP is basically the union of all CAD formats, even including subsections for just about every little quirk we support too
05:43.21 starseeker Ralith: particularly when they serve to make free ($ and code) competitors more "valid" in the eyes of the world
05:43.34 Ralith okay
05:43.50 Ralith I was going to argue that they probably wouldn't care enough to dedicate the effort to fight it
05:44.04 Ralith but then I realized that that was silly because we don't care enough to dedicate the effort to advocate it
05:44.07 brlcad mil would be pretty appropriate since we could pretty easily sell it as being specific to the V/L domain
05:44.21 brlcad but mil isn't quite as visible
05:44.51 starseeker Ralith: I refer you to what Microsoft has done to the open office suite standard efforts
05:45.16 Ralith starseeker: open office competes directly with word, and microsoft is known for its aggression :P
05:45.22 louipc mil started arpanet, look how big that got ;)
05:45.45 starseeker Ralith: If BRL-CAD continues to acquire features and open source community support, there are virtually no limits to its long term potential
05:45.50 Ralith yep!
05:46.01 Ralith its comptetitors probably don't realize that, though
05:47.36 starseeker looks at clock and kicks in sanity - gotta get in there earlier tomorrow to finish scanning
05:47.44 starseeker later all!
05:47.51 louipc bye
05:48.11 brlcad or just aren't worried yet, we have a few manyears of usability effort to get on their radar
06:19.06 yukonbob hello, cadheads
06:23.41 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33371 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob activated wizards in archer, added a new wizard for creating tires using cliff's tire proc-db
06:24.16 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33372 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: reword -- bob *activated* wizards in archer, added a new wizard for creating tires using cliff's tire proc-db
06:25.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33373 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: also similarly related, bob activated the primitive creation buttons in archer so users can create some of the supported primitives pretty easily
06:30.43 brlcad howdy yukonbob
06:38.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33374 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/selectlists.itk:
06:38.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: partial revert of the mods made during 33283 where bob commited a new revision
06:38.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: of selectlists.itk with changes from doug howard, but inadvertently clobbered
06:38.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: basic changes that had occurred since for header/copyright updates and ws/indent
06:38.57 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: style consistency cleanup
06:42.07 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33375 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob applied a few tweaks (borderwidth, relief, selectmode, stickyness) to the layout of selection lists for doug howard. this should impact archer's layout.
08:29.47 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
09:47.12 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:55.32 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:57.05 mafm hi
11:30.16 AFK-claymore howdy mafm!
11:30.51 mafm hey claymore :)
11:32.00 AFK-claymore whats new?
11:36.02 mafm I'm at my parent's home (not basement, yet :) )
11:36.31 mafm I've been fighting with the lab but finally I "won"
11:37.02 claymore excellent, so you have the rest of the month off (paid?)
11:37.33 mafm up to jan 12th :)
11:37.45 claymore dead sexy.
11:38.08 mafm they're part of my holidays, so... :)
11:38.20 mafm I don't receive compensations for the 2+ years worked, but since they didn't agree in cancelling the contract I woulnd't have that anyway
11:43.47 claymore :/
11:43.54 claymore well, at least you are getting something.
11:44.03 claymore any idea whats next on the horizon?
11:44.22 mafm yep, time to work in my degree's final project \o/
11:44.53 mafm with friends of a free sw company, working with mobile stuff (maemo, gnome mobile, etc)
11:45.04 mafm or e-learning projects in the univ
11:45.14 mafm maybe the former for a while and then the later, still undecided
11:45.47 mafm the univ is better for a while to finish my project
11:47.33 mafm and it's a bit less demanding so I could devote more time to other projects (like g3d)
11:48.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:51.10 mafm hi clock_
11:51.15 mafm anything new around here?
11:57.02 clock_ mafm: hi
12:05.24 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
13:23.32 ``Erik claymore, are you in?
13:24.53 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
13:25.09 claymore yuppers
13:25.30 ``Erik I can't get a hold off boss or receptionist, I'm not making it in today
13:26.16 ``Erik stomach is bugging me, couldn't eat lunch yesterday, almost had to pull over to puke on the drive home, cooked and promptly ignored dinner ... could you pass word for me?
13:27.04 claymore sure thing.... not too many others are in also.
13:27.34 ``Erik heh, quite a few people were coughing and not feeling well yesterday
13:28.09 ``Erik I no one's answering the phone and I just don't wanna get gigged for not calling to notify :)
13:29.15 ``Erik s/^I //
13:32.51 claymore Okay. Ed just rolled in and stands informed.
13:32.59 ``Erik ok, thanks
13:33.22 ``Erik curled over at the stoplight in churchville fighting puke down was NOT a good thing :(
13:33.35 claymore its funny that someone said 'Rain is coming tomarrow' and that there is a storm blowing in. I didn't even think of the other meaning till Rain popped her head in my office and asked were everyone was :)
13:33.49 ``Erik ain't no way I'm vomiting in that car, and there was no way I could get to the side of the road
13:33.54 claymore lol
13:34.06 ``Erik ah, how's she doing? she's down in west virginia for school, right?
13:34.29 claymore you'd be *very* intrigued to know that Top Gear pitted an M3 vs a Toyota Prius in a gas milage test :)
13:34.48 ``Erik heh, wow, m3 runs ~21-22, prius should be getting low 40's
13:34.50 claymore the Prius had to run 'full bore' round a track while the M3 Paced it from behind, not allowed to pass.
13:34.57 ``Erik hahaha
13:35.03 ``Erik so stuck in second
13:35.04 ``Erik O:-)
13:35.18 archivist I saw that one prius was useless
13:35.18 claymore Since the Prius was at 100%, it was operating highly ineffeiciently and got 18 mpg.
13:35.26 ``Erik wow
13:35.35 ``Erik m3 will hit 80 in second, 120 in third
13:35.51 claymore and the M3 was barely hitting 15%, so it got 19 mpg.
13:35.53 claymore :)
13:36.01 ``Erik and have enough low end that I can sit into 6th at 35
13:36.01 claymore m3 is more fuel effiecient at 45mph
13:36.14 claymore archivist: That was was pretty funny eh? :)
13:36.19 archivist yup
13:36.39 archivist they are evil on some of their tests
13:36.40 ``Erik of course, I have fits of stupid where I like to toe off, then go into second and open it up
13:36.44 ``Erik :)
13:37.10 claymore of course :)
13:37.24 archivist I have seen the latest tests more fun to come :)
13:37.45 ``Erik I saw a new m3 yesterday, I don't like the shape, but it was worth notice
13:37.45 claymore bah, all i get is second hand Top Gear... hard to find on the stations over here :/
13:38.00 ``Erik bbc plays 'em often, comcrap carries it on 114 or something
13:38.08 ``Erik if you have the digital package
13:38.17 claymore its the timing of the shows that gets me.
13:38.35 claymore and their 'onDemand' offerings are slim and change too often.
13:38.41 ``Erik I'm awfully tempted to be a tivo or something up that alley
13:38.44 ``Erik buy
13:38.58 ``Erik mebbe rig a mythtv set
13:38.58 archivist hehe live in England, get it on Sunday evening first showing
13:39.21 ``Erik hey, archivist, when does the new robin hood start up again?
13:39.22 claymore Top Gear is good, but not *that* good ;)
13:39.36 ``Erik I enjoyed that show
13:39.49 archivist no idea ``Erik not something I bother watching
13:40.18 ``Erik ah, they had an awfully decent take on it, it wasn't completely glorified, but it was still kid lgoves stuff
13:40.59 ``Erik personally, I'm apt to look for a darker meaner version, but *shrug* that's just me :) this went towards that direction
13:41.14 ``Erik I liked 'firefly' a lot, that one had a lot of grim aspects, I think
13:41.45 ``Erik heh, and I have voltaires candide on my bookshelf. W00t.
13:42.35 ``Erik it is... the best of all possible worlds
13:44.38 claymore been reading a *lot* of books recently.... have been re-evaluating my opinions on a bunch of books.
13:44.48 ``Erik oh?
13:45.15 ``Erik I've mostly been re-reading niven lately, though I have an urge to pull up like my cervantes and stuff
13:45.28 claymore Anne McCaffery's Pern series is not as good as I thought it was ('cept the first one .. still amazing)
13:45.30 ``Erik I mean, uh, I'm illiterate
13:45.46 ``Erik I never got into pern, my dad was a huge fan, but I just couldn't groove to it
13:46.03 ``Erik tell ya what, though, robert aspirin, effin' brilliant, the myth series, awesome
13:46.17 claymore Tolkien has quite a few inconsistancies and so does C.S. Lewis. :/
13:46.22 ``Erik on par with doug adams, but without the geek worship
13:46.54 ``Erik I think my next big endeavor is going to be partchets discworld series
13:47.02 claymore Douglas Adams.... I found midly amusing... but not "simply amazing" as many I have spoke to referred to it.
13:47.15 ``Erik his stuff was fun, not serious
13:47.35 ``Erik the latest movie wasn't that bad
13:47.45 ``Erik just don't expect too much :D it's fun camp shit
13:47.54 claymore Pratchetts Discworld stuff is pretty good. Its definetly up my alley, humorwise.
13:48.19 ``Erik heh, "make a man a fire, eh's warm for the night, set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life" O.o
13:48.20 ``Erik grim
13:48.32 claymore Been on the fence about that movie... dunno yet.
13:48.53 claymore grim? Nah, hilarious! Makes for a funny visual.
13:49.10 ``Erik I don't think the movie did any serious injustice to the books... not anywhere close to other adaptations
13:50.02 ``Erik heh, slashdot just had an article about torture in video games, I felt an urge to email an 'amen, brother' :/
13:50.06 claymore I think they are making movies out of a select few of Pratchetts works.
13:50.41 ``Erik partchet and niven both comment publically about people wanting to make movies of their seminal works
13:50.51 ``Erik pratchet, even
13:51.01 ``Erik plus another t
13:51.25 claymore I have seen Hog Father, and that was *okay*, but no where near as funny as Thud (which I wish they would make a movie out of)
13:51.42 ``Erik I'd love to see a ringworld movie, I think the tech is just getting there, but the audience may not appreciate it all... I d'no pratchetts work, so I can't comment on that
13:52.08 claymore I have Thud on audiobook CD and you can borrow it anytime.
13:52.31 ``Erik hrm, might be worth shoving the disc loader back in my car :)
13:53.10 ``Erik if you haven't checked out aspirins books, do it... it's good
13:53.33 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:53.43 ``Erik he did two big chains, the 'myth' series which is fantasy, and somethin's mercenaryies, which is very scifi tech
13:54.06 ``Erik I intend to purchase his full set
13:54.48 ``Erik it's goofy, but it's fun :)
13:54.59 clock_ is also goofy
13:55.27 ``Erik I think if you appreciate monty python, you'll get a kick out of aspirins stuff
13:55.33 ``Erik hi, karel :)
13:55.54 clock_ ``Erik: hi :)
13:55.57 claymore Well then, I will check it out sometime. Need to see if its on Audiobook :)
13:57.53 claymore ``Erik: Whats the best way you have found to quickyl serialize simple structs in C? memcpy?
13:57.56 ``Erik CLOCK! I want better animation shit, I started a procdb for metaball animation, tell me what needs to be awesome, or give me patches of awesome :D
13:58.08 ``Erik um, look up "swizzle", claymore
13:58.39 clock_ what is metaball?
13:58.59 ``Erik gloppy surface things
13:59.17 ``Erik
14:00.21 ``Erik claymore: if pointers are involved, it gets complex fast. if it's a very linear struct, you can just dump it (though doing ntohl/htonl stuff is better)
14:00.55 ``Erik if it goes into a .g, it NEEDS to be endian agnostic.
14:01.05 claymore right, I was looking at the same concepts earlier... didn't know it had such a flamboyant name though :)
14:01.40 ``Erik that's why ya need high tech folk like me, who are more on the ivory tower side than anyhting else :D
14:01.56 claymore ``Erik: endian agnostic... isnt any given bit arrayyy either big or little? or is there some other endian i don't know about?
14:02.10 ``Erik ther'es middle endian that hasn't been used in 3 decades
14:02.25 ``Erik and who knows what the future will bring
14:02.42 clock_ ``Erik: do you mean PDP endian?
14:02.45 ``Erik yeah
14:02.47 clock_ 1 3 2 4 or how it was?
14:02.57 ``Erik 18b, strip teh front and back for the core
14:03.04 clock_ lol
14:03.10 clock_ and 9 bit char
14:03.40 ``Erik but you don't know what the future will bring
14:03.50 ``Erik so don't plan around your assumpetions, be versatile
14:04.56 claymore ``Erik: yeah, trying that. Which is why I am looking at a stream solution.
14:05.13 ``Erik java's serialize does that for you, it's nice
14:05.22 ``Erik c/c++ makes you do that by hand
14:05.44 claymore I know :) I found a C++ implementation of residing in Beecrypt (SF project)
14:05.51 clock_ A portable program should run also on analog computers
14:06.02 ``Erik in the C world, we generally talk bits and bytes, it's obscenely manual... c++ might try to hide that, but it may be a red herring
14:06.21 clock_ Does BRL-CAD run on analog computers?
14:06.29 ``Erik doubt it
14:06.48 clock_ Why is it platform-specific then?
14:06.49 ``Erik we demand posix plus some
14:08.00 ``Erik if you whine about a single amchine that just plain doesn't matter, y'know, go fuck off, ... ;0
14:08.02 ``Erik :)
14:08.19 ``Erik I have other crap to deal with
14:08.29 ``Erik know what I mean, vern?
14:08.32 claymore I dunt think analog computers have too much of a use nowadays. Some, but very little in comparision :/
14:08.42 clock_ ``Erik: now you are quoting Theo de Raadt aren't you?"
14:08.57 clock_ everyone has one analog computer in his head. I think they matter a lot
14:09.07 claymore heh.
14:09.11 ``Erik did theo say that? I thought I was quoting ernest from the 80's
14:09.29 clock_ It sounds so rude that it fits Theo's anankastic personality
14:09.38 ``Erik yes, theo is a dick
14:09.57 clock_ I think if Theo went to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist would just jump out of the window without a word.
14:10.01 ``Erik I'm willing to be a dick, not quite as far as theo, but *shrug*
14:10.42 ``Erik it may be rude, but seriously, where is the analog computer install base? are the interested in BRL-CAD?
14:11.52 clock_ Is analog and digitall the only types of computer that exist? Or is there still something else?
14:12.24 ``Erik tell me where BRL-CAD doesn't work.
14:12.43 clock_ I meant it as a theoretical excursion :)
14:12.58 clock_ ``Erik: actually yes! On ZX Spectrum!
14:13.01 ``Erik yeah, well, this isn't a theorical issue, this is an engineering issue
14:13.15 ``Erik heh, no one uses z80 anymore
14:13.22 clock_ I find analogue computers somehow elegant and interesting
14:13.40 ``Erik the russian trinary computer was interesting, but it failed
14:13.56 archivist I have a Z80 in circuit emulator
14:14.21 ``Erik the i386 sucks goat balls, but that's what we have, unfortunately
14:14.30 claymore they're great for electrical and mechanical system calibration and testing... but outside of that...*shrugs*
14:14.42 ``Erik the mac I'm using right now uses this crap chip
14:15.02 clock_ The Zilog Z80 has long been a popular microprocessor in embedded systems and microcontroller cores, where it remains in widespread use today.
14:15.48 ``Erik I loved the g4 and g5.. even the g3... but *shrug* my mac uses an x86, every winderz box uses an x86, ibm is dropping their high performance ppc for winderz chips
14:16.09 clock_ but actually the ternary computer is another interesting idea
14:16.25 ``Erik embedded machines seem to be shifting towards x86
14:16.27 clock_ The analog computers were built usually with opamps right?
14:16.37 ``Erik it's really effin' sad, it's such a feeble arch
14:16.58 ``Erik I don't like this, you're making me angry by making me admit it :(
14:17.00 claymore opamps later in 'life' but tubes prior to that.
14:17.14 clock_ I wonder what if someone built an analog computer full of microwave amplifiers mixers multipliers and lots of them
14:17.21 clock_ Could it perform some tasks fast?
14:17.34 ``Erik eniac was a gymnasium sized room full of tubes
14:17.42 clock_ it was digital?
14:17.48 ``Erik sorta kinda
14:17.52 clock_ :)
14:18.03 ``Erik eniac was decimal digital
14:18.12 claymore ``Erik: Wasn't the largest source of grief for Apple computer buyers the price? As I remeber it, Apple dropped motorola's PPC in lieu of the x86 architecture for mainly the cost savings...
14:18.18 clock_ analog is fun a simple element can have a tremendous computational power
14:18.18 ``Erik and brliac was decimal digital, too
14:18.32 ``Erik and later used "kings own"
14:18.47 ``Erik thatwas the sattement, claymore, I don't buy it
14:19.18 claymore problem with analog is that it is uber sensitive to drift in the components. Once an analog computer reaches a certain size/complexity, it would be spending more time down being calibrated that it would be spending being useful...
14:19.33 ``Erik *shrug* my laptop runs firefox, Xterm, and wow... it's all good :)
14:19.45 clock_ how would a firefox look on an analog computer?
14:19.54 ``Erik blurry
14:19.55 clock_ If you sneeze at it, the HTML elements wave around the screen?
14:20.02 clock_ with ghosts in the picture
14:20.12 clock_ can you adjust the antenna? I can't read this table ;-)
14:20.19 clock_ Analog stuff has LIFE!
14:20.31 ``Erik I almost vomitted from laughing, stop that shit
14:20.58 clock_ and xterm...
14:21.13 ``Erik I live in an xterm
14:21.15 clock_ adjusting a sync knob until the commands stop cycling around the screen
14:21.37 clock_ we have analog computers in our heads why do we build cold lifeless digital computers?
14:21.58 ``Erik because boolean algebra is clean
14:22.41 ``Erik we have the notions of "yes" and "no" in our heads
14:22.44 claymore digital = faster :)
14:22.50 clock_ we have emotions
14:23.01 clock_ I think that's because computers were designed by people who are not very good in emotions :)
14:23.09 ``Erik YOU may have emotions, I'm far more efficient :D
14:23.16 claymore a digital computer can execute the crappy code we write in nanoseconds, yet it takes us hours/days to debug :)
14:23.31 claymore skynet = computer + emotions.
14:23.33 claymore no thanks.
14:23.43 ``Erik but then arnie won't come visit :(
14:23.47 clock_ inserts a PCB labeled "Firefox"into his
14:23.57 clock_ <PROTECTED>
14:24.22 claymore I'll take the Terminatrix in lieu of the Governator.
14:24.31 clock_ imagine you have signal and you want to determine if it's 1MHz or 10 MHz
14:24.46 clock_ With a digital computer you would need a powerful MCU, sample the signal and do some mathematics
14:25.03 ``Erik ok, clock, build me a powerful analog computer
14:25.04 clock_ With analog computer you just hook a gate, diode, capacitor and resistor and get the answer immediately with almost no power requirements!
14:25.16 claymore nah, I'll just use the PCI mounted O-Scope/multimeter. Done.
14:25.20 ``Erik I don't even want possession, just a shell
14:25.21 clock_ lol
14:25.23 ``Erik make it
14:25.25 clock_ rack mounted :)
14:25.46 claymore Erik in the Shell ... a new Manga.
14:25.50 ``Erik it took me a while to grok why gate propogation time is important
14:26.05 ``Erik and why 74xx series chips were useful at all
14:26.10 ``Erik because I kept thinking analog
14:26.14 ``Erik but they ARE useful
14:26.28 claymore lol, yes, having a ff's failing to trip is usually a bad thing.
14:26.41 ``Erik er, why use an 'or' ttl when you can just plug two wires onto the same bar?
14:26.44 ``Erik O.o
14:26.51 claymore hahahaha
14:27.07 ``Erik well, that's the fucking issue
14:27.11 clock_ ``Erik: to satisfy the EE professor?
14:27.22 claymore "Lets see how this IC reacts when I hit the output with 5.5v of reverse voltage..."
14:27.25 clock_ ``Erik: if you would see my electronics design, you would stop laughing
14:27.29 ``Erik at the time, yes, but then I got the notion of stateful holding
14:27.49 clock_ 15 HC gates in parallel driving a power LED, with their power being regulated in an analog way through a feedback transistor...
14:28.00 ``Erik there're lots of places where it makes sense to go stateless holding, but sometimes, you NEED that ttl shit
14:28.04 clock_ Signal processing from diodes capacitors resistors and Schmitt gates
14:28.24 claymore 's favorite EE term is Schmitt.
14:28.29 claymore :D
14:28.32 clock_ Shit trigger is a great thing
14:28.37 ``Erik piece of schmitt
14:28.43 clock_ :D
14:28.52 claymore Was the core of *MANY* jokes on the boat.
14:29.20 ``Erik for those who don't know, claymore was tube sperm, enlisted on a sub
14:29.21 ``Erik :)
14:29.44 claymore "Stick your head in there and check the doping of the Shmitt will ya? " - "Screw you!" :D
14:29.45 clock_ what is tube sperm and what is a sub?
14:30.19 ``Erik submarine, adn tube sperm is a derogary term for the folk serving
14:30.22 claymore Bubblehead, Tuber, Subhuman.... yeah heard em all :D
14:31.05 ``Erik I still like tube sperm :)
14:31.25 ``Erik sorry, my dad was a jet mech on a carrier
14:31.33 ``Erik I grey up on navy towns
14:31.34 ``Erik :)
14:31.36 ``Erik grew
14:31.57 claymore and that means he was a Surface Jerk and served on a Target :)
14:32.13 ``Erik hehehe, well, he ain't got shot at
14:32.27 clock_ what happens when you breathe all the air on the sub?
14:32.29 claymore was death from below!
14:32.32 clock_ Then you start breathing water?
14:32.32 ``Erik good for me, he lived to donate for my existance
14:33.01 claymore Its a requirement for all US Navy submariners to have gills and be able to stay underwater > 6 hours.
14:33.02 ``Erik they hug their chest and pray that the bends doesn't take them
14:33.19 claymore :D
14:34.08 claymore Real answer: There are O2 generators, CO2 scrubbers and CO burners that replenish the atomosphere.
14:34.09 ``Erik and, uh, vc aint no plain suface ship, it's got a flee to unfuck it
14:34.47 claymore vc = ??
14:34.51 ``Erik if a vc goes down, it was an epic fleet fail
14:35.00 ``Erik fleet carrier
14:35.06 clock_ electronic warfare mast what can it be?
14:35.09 claymore ah, cv/cvn
14:35.10 claymore okay
14:35.12 clock_ TV antenna for long winter nights?
14:35.36 ``Erik cv, yes, I was backwards
14:35.59 claymore Subrock >> cvn... but they won't let use us em any more :(
14:36.01 ``Erik I'm sure all my fathers servies were cvn
14:36.06 clock_ CO burners? Do you cook on town gas down there?
14:37.11 claymore yes, we take 100+ km hoses with us.
14:37.22 claymore :D
14:37.38 ``Erik man, the riptide really fucks your duty on that
14:38.05 clock_ Reactor sizes range up to 550 MW
14:38.11 clock_ Hehe how many seconds from 0 to 100?
14:38.12 claymore Yeah, it sucks really bad when the OOD turns the boat too quick and cuts the gasline with the screw. Cold cuts for the rest of the deployment :/
14:38.36 claymore clock_: Procedureally, about 5-10 minutes.
14:38.45 ``Erik there's no way he can answer you honest on that, clock
14:38.59 claymore if there is badness happening < 1 microsecond :)
14:39.29 ``Erik military capibility tends to be an awful secret thing, don't evne ask
14:39.57 claymore ``Erik: Thats kinda true, but since it's not like pushing the 'reactor gas pedal' down and watching the boat accellerate, then the question is vauge at best.
14:40.18 ``Erik let it float, dude
14:40.39 claymore the exact specifics are classified, but you can get the basic, and even advanced concepts of Pressurized Water Reactor theory on the web.
14:40.56 claymore ``Erik: thats what we do with the contents of our San Tanks :)
14:41.12 ``Erik 'cept when you dump over my planets, bitch
14:41.32 claymore lol
14:41.41 claymore sorry bout that.
14:42.00 ``Erik I"m sure I'd crush you on fenix, so it's all good
14:42.25 claymore Its impossible to defeat a foe that isn't there though :/
14:42.37 ``Erik when ya get there... :D
14:42.48 claymore clock_: Nuklar Power fer Dummies:
14:42.51 ``Erik I'm pissed off, wow isn't live
14:43.32 ``Erik did you read up on the story about tamm, claymore?
14:43.33 claymore that does suck. Today is a good MMO day.
14:43.43 claymore linkage?
14:43.49 ``Erik um, was on smacksnot
14:44.08 ``Erik the dude who leaekd the illegal nsa tapping
14:44.35 claymore no, missed that.
14:44.51 ``Erik
14:45.42 ``Erik'
14:45.55 ``Erik sans the quote mark at the end
14:45.57 claymore yeah, I heard about that.
14:46.10 ``Erik disturbing stuff
14:46.17 claymore he had no business blowing the whistle and should be locked up imo.
14:46.35 ``Erik I disagree
14:46.47 ``Erik *shrug*
14:47.21 claymore Well, the way I see it, there are two completely seperate issues. 1) Illegal Activities by the Gov. 2) Divulging Government Secrets.
14:47.55 claymore He was right and wrong.
14:47.58 ``Erik yes, I believe that illegal gov't actities forgoe and protection
14:48.08 ``Erik any
14:48.13 claymore the gov also was right and wrong.
14:48.27 ``Erik it's a huge risk to publicise them
14:48.29 claymore the Gov had the protection of the people in mind, but went about it the wrong way.
14:48.42 ``Erik I don't know if I agree with that
14:48.50 claymore Tamm saw an illegal activity in progress, but went about addressing it wrong.
14:49.30 ``Erik I think mebbe the administration thought that may've had the right notion, but they sure didn't do it right
14:49.45 claymore The american government isn't full of angels, nor is it this horrible, completely corrupt thing.
14:50.10 ``Erik I think I'd rather be subject to possibly foreign assault than gauranteed assault by those supposed to be protecting me
14:50.28 ``Erik *shrug*
14:50.36 claymore Anyone who thinks that the illegal wire taps were done for the sole purpose of 'personal gain' on a government offical's part... is, well, an idiot.
14:51.19 ``Erik not personal gain, but it's an extension of an organizaions ability into previously illegal areas
14:51.24 claymore You are correct in that the Bush Administration had the people's safety at heart, but again, not all of the administration are angles, nor corrupt.
14:51.43 claymore Oh I agree 100%. It was an illegal act.
14:51.55 ``Erik I'm sure they think they are working towards what they think is a safer situation, but they are curb stomping protections of americans
14:52.05 claymore But then again, us civies probably hear about 1-2% of the covert operations that actualyl take place.
14:52.35 ``Erik if that much, ... I'm not saying it doens't ahppen, I'm saying it's wrong :)
14:52.55 ``Erik I mean, look at the deep throat sitaution
14:53.12 ``Erik that was peanuts compared to what's going on now
14:53.19 ``Erik but it was huge
14:53.19 claymore Heh, then there is the whole ethical issue: Is something considered wrong if no one knows about it?
14:53.22 claymore true.
14:54.06 ``Erik I feel compelled to not condone or respect that crap that's being accepted now, it's illegal and abusive
14:54.09 ``Erik *shrug*
14:54.11 claymore My personal take is that all great nations fall, history repeats, but for us, I think we are going to tear ourselves apart. Not from an external source.
14:54.43 ``Erik yeah, I'd kinda like the system to work at least as long for me and my children to die before it fails
14:55.00 ``Erik I think bush et al is making that all happen far to soon
14:55.12 claymore I kinda see it as a parallel to the whole justice premise: "7 guilty men go free before 1 innocent man is locked up"
14:55.48 claymore Many many people would rather choose to have more planes rammed into buildings and buildings blown up before they give a little on their personal freedoms.
14:56.27 ``Erik in most of the US, the guilty dude is still around to sue for his innocence, texan/bush philosophy advocates state murder O.o
14:56.30 claymore bah, Bush is just the front man. The real people calling the shots are not well known :/
14:56.40 ``Erik yeah, I agree
14:56.46 ``Erik but he IS the front man
14:56.50 ``Erik so we can slap a name on him
14:57.46 claymore Responsible, yes. The person accountable for the govs actions... probably not. I honestly don't think he is *that* smart/stupid. "Just sign here Mr President..."
14:57.47 ``Erik I think cheney and snow and them have done far more evil, but *shrug* they're not the one with the title
14:58.46 ``Erik <-- sure hopes shit changes come feb, might be looking for a new country to live in otherwise
14:59.03 ``Erik :)
14:59.10 claymore Anyways, as for the Tamm thing, illegal or not, State secrets are still State secrets. If he is let off, then it sends the message that "its okay to divulge secrets, given the situation."
14:59.29 claymore and *that* will start the down ward spiral :/
14:59.50 ``Erik yeah, he broke the low, the question is wether it was acceptable... probably not, but it was something that NEEDED to be leaked, I'd imagine
14:59.53 ``Erik I d'no
15:00.09 claymore Yeah, tough ethics question... good case study actually :)
15:00.20 claymore Both he and the Gov need to be put on trial.
15:00.58 ``Erik were I on the panel, I'd probably claim him a patriot and be aggressive against the gov't
15:01.12 ``Erik but I have my own bias here :)
15:01.25 claymore I think if the illegal taps were an isolated incident, I wouldn't be so worried.
15:01.40 claymore Heh, well that all depends on your view of patriot then doesn't it?
15:02.08 claymore Because it could just as easily be said that he was a traitor and endangereg hundreds or thousands of American's lives
15:02.09 ``Erik I like to note that in the 1700's, there were a bunch of terrorists that were doing insane things like isolated bullets from teh woods and no fair fights... that was the revolutionary war
15:02.23 claymore yeah, i love that parallel :)
15:02.36 ``Erik we exist as a country pretty much because of the thing we're fighting right now
15:02.50 claymore Britan got whooped because they would'nt change military tactics.
15:03.12 claymore And as you said, here we are 'not stooping to their level' to bring the fight to them. heh.
15:03.38 ``Erik franky, I say lets walk away from the middle east, let israel get curb stomped, ... whatever *shrug*
15:03.46 claymore amen.
15:04.16 ``Erik every war isreal has been in, the US has done logistics for them... logistics is 90% of a war
15:04.17 claymore Build more nuklar powerplants, pour $ into electric motor research and give OPEC the middle finger.
15:04.19 ``Erik er, wtf?
15:05.04 ``Erik waits for dudes in black suites to show up O.o
15:05.21 claymore I say drop about 10-20 c-130's worth of guns and munitions inbetween Israel and the gaza strip and let them finish it...
15:05.37 claymore but then again, its not our fight, and if it weren't for (mainly) oil, we could care less.
15:06.00 ``Erik I d'no, it confuses me
15:06.09 ``Erik especially with shit like the uss liberty
15:06.19 ``Erik israel napalmed a US ship
15:06.21 ``Erik wtf?
15:06.40 claymore Nothing is black and white...
15:06.49 ``Erik
15:07.09 ``Erik yeah, but if you have fighter doing flybys and thumbs up, then turning and dumping munitions
15:07.12 ``Erik that's effed up
15:08.11 claymore True. But the whole nature of napalm is effed up too.
15:08.49 ``Erik *shrug* hostilities are messed up, why can't we all just get along?
15:08.50 claymore The Trojan horse is still a valid tactic. Non american ships fly american flags all the time
15:09.05 ``Erik yeah,and american ships fly nonamerican flags
15:09.21 claymore pppft, no, we dont do that! :D
15:09.38 ``Erik the issue with the liberty is that there was close fly confrimation, then assault
15:10.07 claymore like I said, its rpobably not as black and white as that :/
15:10.32 ``Erik *shrug* mebbe not, but how would you feel in that situation?
15:11.19 ``Erik plane flies by, waving and stuff, it's all cool, it turns back and... well... starts dumping aoe killers on you?
15:11.44 claymore depends on who i was. Am I the arrogant Israeli commander ordering the attack that would look foolish infront of his subordinates? Am I the Israeli pilot who didn't have to deploy the weapons?
15:12.03 claymore Am I the Sailor caught by the most lethal of weapons: surprize?
15:12.09 claymore etc
15:12.11 ``Erik yeah *shrug*
15:12.39 ``Erik I'd still be awfully carefuly if I were deploying lethal weapons
15:12.46 claymore It would be nice to draw a line and state 'Good Guys and Bad Guys'... makes things easier.
15:13.09 ``Erik that was the thing, there WAS that line drawn
15:13.28 ``Erik this was a ship flying US colors, with american lookin' folk on it..
15:13.59 ``Erik and it was confirmed friendly, then turned around and attacked
15:14.01 ``Erik wtff?
15:15.49 ``Erik I d'no, it seems weird to me, but *shrug* I d'no, mistakes are made
15:17.58 ``Erik I mean, if you ran surface, american flag, american vessel... flyby si all grins at you, then turn around and start dumping shit on you, uh, is that not a wtf?
15:19.30 brlcad claymore: you should also take a look at the basic serialization routines that libbu provides (which librt uses to serialize data to .g files) - includes floating points type serialization (for non-ieee formats)
15:19.40 claymore sounds like a similar ethical/moral choice that Tamm. I don't envy that pilot at all.
15:20.05 claymore HEY get that Ontopic relatied stuff outta here!
15:20.17 ``Erik no, libbu dont' give free endian trnaslation
15:20.19 ``Erik :(
15:20.37 ``Erik there are functions to handle that, but it's not free
15:21.05 brlcad free?
15:21.19 ``Erik you have to make the function call
15:21.41 ``Erik you can't say "save this" and have it all happen
15:22.12 brlcad sure, not arguing that -- just wondering where the "no, libbu dont'" comes from..
15:22.21 brlcad didn't say it was free
15:22.35 brlcad said there are basic routines to help
15:22.49 ``Erik you have to understand when to call the func, and then actually do it
15:23.03 ``Erik htat's my argument
15:23.11 brlcad who are you arguing with? :)
15:23.27 ``Erik myself, apparently
15:23.30 brlcad the goods are in htond.c htonf.c endian.c
15:23.55 ``Erik there ain't no magic, that's wht I argue
16:15.34 claymore wow up yet?
16:21.18 claymore brlcad: Thanks for the tip!
16:22.28 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r33376 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: MUVES3 package names have changed
16:47.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33377 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/ (tankwizard/ tankwizard.tcl): Moved tankwizardIA to tankwizard.
16:49.21 brlcad and xdr.c
16:51.33 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33378 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizard/TankWizard.tcl: Moved TankWizardIA.tcl to TankWizard.tcl
16:57.13 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33379 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA/: Moved to tankwizard.
16:59.49 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33380 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizard/TankWizardIA.tcl: Remove TankWizardIA.tcl
17:00.42 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33381 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA.tcl: Removed tankwizardIA.tcl
17:06.00 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:18.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33382 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/xdr.c: fix typo in comment, these are alternates for the bsd [hn]to[nh][sl] byteorder routines.
17:22.51 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33383 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/ tankwizard was renamed sans IA suffix, fix distcheck
17:45.06 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
17:48.44 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33384 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/typein.c: Mods to keep variable declarations at the top of the block.
18:32.21 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33385 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/libged/libged.vcproj: Added tire to libged build on Windows.
18:40.29 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33386 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/tclsh/library/installTree.tcl: Added code to install the Tank and Tire wizards.
18:49.48 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33387 10/brlcad/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): more repairs to the build, have to rename directories with a in too, remove the IA.
18:53.08 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:10.33 brlcad claymore: and ByteBag.hpp
20:42.47 *** join/#brlcad kanzure_ (
20:43.03 kanzure_ Hrm, so oed wants me to draw something first before I can use it. But what if I wanted to use the oed command from the shell?
20:43.13 kanzure_ (without drawing)
20:44.25 kanzure_ Ah, maybe this is doing the trick: "mged -c blah \"draw test3.r ; oed / /test.r/thing.s\"".
20:44.52 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
21:00.14 *** join/#brlcad WhiteCalf (
21:03.34 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:17.33 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:18.17 IriX64 :)
21:19.39 IriX64 i know it's off topic, but it's a good chuckle :)
21:26.05 madant didn't get it :(
21:26.53 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
21:27.08 IriX64 windows is usefull, it can build gcc :)
21:27.54 madant more like gcc is awesome can "even" work with windows :P
21:28.12 IriX64 we'll see if they coperate
21:28.19 IriX64 cooperate too
21:34.36 louipc how does windows build gcc? o.O
21:35.04 archivist see djgpp the work is done for you
21:36.40 archivist or join the djgpp project and move it on to 64 bit
21:38.15 IriX64 it's tied to the hippo :)
21:39.06 IriX64 on a serious note if i download and install tcl/tk 8.5.5 on my system can i cut the build time of brl-cad?
21:39.45 louipc of course
21:39.55 madant considering the fact that tcl-tk build takes quite a large portion of the build time
21:39.56 louipc I find opennurbs is the killer one
21:40.03 IriX64 so itll hunt and find them?
21:40.11 madant I think more than half is opennurbs
21:40.17 IriX64 i see thanks
21:40.52 IriX64 is it the same tcl though, or does yours have stuff theirs doen't
21:42.02 louipc I should probably just disable opennurbs for my own builds
21:42.22 IriX64 --without-opennurbs?
21:42.28 louipc something like that
21:42.40 louipc see ./configure --help
21:42.46 IriX64 never tried, i usually --enable-everything
21:45.11 IriX64 a lot of options, some seem arcane :)
21:46.21 louipc --disable-opennurbs
21:46.34 IriX64 thanks
21:47.18 louipc not really arcane, just a little inconsistent I guess eh?
21:47.26 IriX64 heh, yea
21:47.45 IriX64 ill look again, when this things finished churning
22:39.40 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
23:26.20 brlcad hey madant
23:26.27 brlcad ltns, how's it going?
23:26.59 madant hi :)
23:27.07 brlcad louipc: inconsistent how?
23:27.13 madant sorry about the disappearance :)
23:28.10 brlcad it's okay, it's been quite a busy winter thusfar still
23:28.36 madant :) i still have to check out mafm's interface
23:29.22 madant How's the geometry engine coming up
23:29.58 louipc brlcad: there's too many aliases, so a configure commands could be extremely varied
23:30.30 mafm my interface is very shy!
23:30.49 madant :D
23:31.16 madant I am quite sure that lots of people like shyness :P
23:31.19 louipc mafm: do you have a screenie?
23:32.33 brlcad madant: slowly as of late (at least visible progress) .. trying to get the guy working on the geometry service to commit more frequently (hint-hint), but mged->libged refactoring is just about complete
23:32.39 brlcad slowly but steadily
23:32.43 mafm louipc:
23:32.47 madant was just heading out to run my 5km @ 5am.. terrible at it :( 25 minutes
23:33.18 louipc mafm: cool thanks
23:33.40 madant mafm: i like grey.. the violet not so much :)
23:34.23 brlcad mafm: you know that you're user page now comes up as the 9th highest rank if you search for "rbgui"? :)
23:34.26 madant brlcad: it is a big job anyways :)
23:35.02 brlcad madant: yeah, it is -- about three staff years of time in all I estimated over a year ago
23:35.08 mafm that's because of google's pagerank, because brlcad is so famous :P
23:35.12 brlcad we're more than halfway into it
23:35.13 madant first time I heard righ brain games gui from mafm i though WTF :D
23:35.53 mafm well, there are no many alternatives, outside CEGUI
23:36.03 louipc hehe
23:37.11 madant :) ok be right back after i hopefully improve my run :)
23:38.37 mafm and rbgui is very slick compared to CEGUI
23:38.57 mafm it seems on a dead end (maintenance), but well...
23:40.46 Ralith it's not like we can't take over if it works well
23:42.05 mafm it's a bit primitive, but well :)
23:50.12 Ralith mafm, what's that 'camera' subwindow for?
23:51.37 mafm it's a test to create a widget, IIRC
23:51.43 Ralith oh ok
23:52.02 mafm besides that, you can move the camera with those buttons
23:52.03 Ralith I was worried it was supposed to be a useful interface
23:52.15 mafm the round thingy is to center, the rest to move and zoom
23:52.45 Ralith 'cuz really you'd want all that to be done with single-key shortcuts
23:54.29 Ralith I'd imagine you'd only need an actual GUI for explicitly setting values
23:54.53 mafm for the camera? everything works with keystrokes, yes
23:55.25 mafm it was brlcad who asked me to create a test widget as part of the project, to test the suitability of RBGui to the task, or something to that effect
23:56.09 Ralith seems like a fairly straightforward grid layout
23:58.00 mafm the simple but especialized widgets are the ones of "rotations"
23:58.27 Ralith ?
23:58.46 Ralith what are those?
23:58.56 Ralith isn't sure what to make of the bars of color

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