IRC log for #brlcad on 20081218

01:33.18 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:33.17 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
02:39.54 mafm_ night
02:57.04 starseeker is intrigued by the "DocuPen" scanner
03:05.48 starseeker can't figure out if it can do 8xN scans where N > 11
03:24.52 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
03:37.47 starseeker Hmm, apparently the manufacturing quality sorta sucks
03:45.25 starseeker grrr - this is insane
03:45.59 starseeker HP creates one decent handheld 10 years ago, discontinues it, and I don't see a successor product except for this "DocuPen"
03:46.50 starseeker begins to suspect they don't want to hurt their $20000 wide format scanner markets by introducing something else that can viably scan them
04:02.32 starseeker meh - even if the DocuPen were OK, it has no Linux support
04:25.09 starseeker Ah, thought so - old Mustek scanner was non feeder
04:31.01 starseeker Logitech too
04:31.11 starseeker astonishing everyone abandoned them
04:31.31 starseeker with optical mouse technology you could track where your scanner is relative to a large page
04:32.48 starseeker eyes Logitech Scanman but doubts he can get it hooked to a modern laptop
05:17.49 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
05:46.09 *** join/#brlcad WhiteCalf (
06:49.19 brlcad Ralith: not really, lot of distractions tonight
06:50.25 Ralith kk
07:31.15 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
09:42.22 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:19.45 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:27.32 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:40.25 mafm hi
11:57.23 d-lo hai mafm! hows the holidays/vacation going?
11:59.21 mafm busy packing/unpacking and working in my project
11:59.24 mafm otherwise all right :)
11:59.29 mafm and you?
12:07.44 d-lo busy busy. Family visiting soon, work deadlines, etc.
12:07.52 d-lo but generally good.
12:15.27 d-lo get that new job lined up? I can't remember if you said you had or not.
14:15.40 mafm lining up
14:15.47 mafm in fact I had to chose between two
14:16.00 mafm maybe I start in one and end up in another in a few months :)
14:16.12 mafm but yes, a bit of rest in the meantime :)
14:53.00 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
15:51.04 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:09.08 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:41.56 d-lo rather quiet today...
17:42.16 brlcad everyone is apparently busy coding
17:42.40 brlcad (slaps knee)
17:42.45 d-lo wants what brlcad is on :D
17:43.55 brlcad squeals with glee as the bot wanders around cleaning
17:44.21 d-lo lol, so I take it you like it?
17:49.33 brlcad yep :)
17:50.29 brlcad only issue thusfar is it having trouble getting onto a thick area rug I got, bumps into it like a wall unless it approaches from an angle
17:51.46 brlcad next project: attach a wireless webcam to it
17:52.09 d-lo nice :)
17:57.03 d-lo brlcad: make a little ramp for the bot and see if it can understand a 'one-sided' wall :)
17:57.29 brlcad it has a cliff sensor
17:57.41 brlcad to prevent it from flying down stairs
17:58.12 d-lo so.... the ramp would be a 'door' and the area rug would be another 'room'..... neat :)
17:58.48 brlcad ah, you mean for getting past my problem?
17:58.52 clock_ brlcad: yeah with skateboard it's the same
17:59.28 d-lo brlcad: yuppers. I am curious about how adaptive a roomba is..
17:59.36 clock_ Is it equipped with AS (Artificial Stupidity)?
18:00.22 brlcad d-lo: not really adaptive, you can tell it uses a fairly simple FSM
18:00.45 brlcad with the carpet, it actually hits a wall sensor on the front that presses a lever in
18:00.55 brlcad because the carpet is about .5" thick
18:01.38 brlcad so the stop is more mechanical -- if I can ramp it up slightly, it won't press the bar in
18:02.00 brlcad but doing that without looking like ass will be a little tricky
18:02.33 d-lo put 22"'s on it. That should get the clearence :D
18:02.44 d-lo and it would look dope yo.
18:03.34 d-lo heh, someone has registered lol
18:04.06 brlcad ;)
18:04.37 brlcad ooh, a roomba painter.. that could be fun in the basement
18:05.55 clock_ the Electrolux Trilobite is supposed to have more advanced algorithm with room mapping
18:07.13 clock_ The easiest way to create a robot that can map a room is... find a women and wait 9 months
18:07.43 brlcad i'm pretty sure there's a step missing in there
18:07.44 d-lo clock_: You missed a critical step in that process that many many men have problems with :)
18:09.46 clock_ After computer geeks figure out how to make artificial intelligence in robots
18:09.55 clock_ I think the next step will be how to make social intelligence in geeks
18:11.01 d-lo heh, well, with a girlfriend-bot, i dunno how important that second step will be to geeks anymore :/
18:11.47 clock_ With a reprap inside to create babies
18:12.36 d-lo blinks.
18:12.51 d-lo okay. this went Matrix quickly didn't it.
18:14.04 d-lo bah. its 78 in Orlando :/
18:14.05 clock_ I wonder where homosexuality comes from
18:14.12 d-lo is mildly jealous.
18:14.19 clock_ Meybe it's a forgotten debug testing routine from the development
18:14.25 d-lo now there's a topic I won't touch.
18:14.57 brlcad clock_: san francisco so I've heard
18:15.04 d-lo lol
18:15.25 clock_ brlcad: :D
19:05.17 *** join/#brlcad jonored (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)
19:46.46 DanielFalck brlcad: could you point me to some documentation on how to use the sketch and extrude commands? the wiki just shows a little info on get and put
19:47.15 DanielFalck I'm learning the basics of mged and the manual seems to show these commands as experimental
19:54.38 brlcad DanielFalck: they sort of are in a way just because the editing interfaces on sketches is rather poor
19:56.31 brlcad they're also often generally just not a favored modeling practice since it's based around the traditional 2D approach
19:58.11 brlcad probably easier is to see an example,
19:58.23 brlcad there is one sketch and one extrude in that file
19:59.24 brlcad if you edit that existing sketch, you should see the sketch editor where you can make edits and see how it affects the resulting shape
20:02.32 DanielFalck what I plan on doing is converting shapes in a dxf file in sketched shapes and extrude them
20:02.50 DanielFalck into
20:05.02 *** join/#brlcad cad46 (
20:05.41 DanielFalck thanks
20:05.53 brlcad so you run dxf-g, it should create a sketch for you if it's a 2D entity we recognize
20:06.25 brlcad then you create an extrude that uses it, the "in" command is probably the easiest to start with (just type "in", it's interactive)
20:07.53 DanielFalck great
20:08.18 DanielFalck V =vertex
20:08.21 DanielFalck H= height
20:08.34 DanielFalck A =?
20:08.39 DanielFalck B = ?
20:08.56 DanielFalck K = ?
20:09.10 DanielFalck I see u_dir, v_dir when listing
20:09.53 brlcad k is unused, ignore it
20:10.12 brlcad a and b are orientation scaling vectors
20:10.22 DanielFalck ok, thanks
20:10.54 brlcad usually easiest to just make them 0 1 0 and 1 0 0 so that the sketch is just oriented in the x/y plane
20:11.09 brlcad where 1 is whatever scaling factor size you want to make it
20:11.22 DanielFalck how can I skip K - when I hit enter it persists
20:11.31 brlcad 0
20:11.33 brlcad 1
20:11.35 brlcad whatever
20:11.39 DanielFalck ok
20:11.46 DanielFalck that worked
20:11.47 DanielFalck thanks
20:13.15 DanielFalck so in theory, I should be able to use brlcad in batch mode with my own scripts and convert a friendly dxf file to a sketch, extrude it, do whatever operations I need to, then export to my other applications
20:13.34 DanielFalck this will be very helpful
20:13.39 DanielFalck thank you
20:16.46 DanielFalck
20:21.10 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33401 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
20:21.10 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: this has come up several times in the past. remove the 'in' command prompting
20:21.10 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: for a seemingly mysterious 'k' option. the option was for a keypoint parameter
20:21.10 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: that was never utilized. since this is technically an experimental primitive,
20:21.11 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: it doesn't need to go through deprecation but it probably should still be stored
20:21.13 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: in the .g since it's been around for so long.
20:23.31 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33402 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: someone(tm) should clean up extrude dbio when we break proto for v6
20:23.45 brlcad DanielFalck: yeah, that's the basic idea that should work
20:24.04 brlcad mind you, the dxf->sketch path isn't heavily tested -- let me know how that works out
20:24.49 DanielFalck ok, will do
20:26.11 brlcad DanielFalck: that's a really curious image -- did you modify the sketch.g I gave you or something?
20:27.04 brlcad it's the right shape, but it's extruded too much
20:27.51 DanielFalck brlcad: I typed in 0 1 0 and 1 0 0 for a and b
20:28.07 brlcad ahh, you recreated the extrude
20:28.12 DanielFalck and I extruded it myself
20:28.21 brlcad gotcha
20:28.24 DanielFalck <PROTECTED>
20:28.57 brlcad just making sure the extrude didn't export to stl/dxf/whatever with a bad vertical scaling or something.. :)
20:30.53 DanielFalck I would like to model screw threads at some point. Is that something that I should try to do with brlcad (after I learn more)?
20:31.35 DanielFalck with a lot of rotating/translating
20:37.01 brlcad clock actually has some nice threaded bolts that he scripted a while back
20:37.15 DanielFalck cool
20:37.46 brlcad took forever to raytrace and even longer to tessellate to a polygonal format, but it actually worked
20:38.04 DanielFalck I don't see him here. does he show up here much?
20:38.48 brlcad ~seen clock_
20:38.50 ibot clock_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 2h 23m 25s ago, saying: 'brlcad: :D'.
20:39.07 DanielFalck ok thanks
20:39.24 DanielFalck I'll watch for him
20:39.42 brlcad he's usually here, probably went to take a nap
20:43.23 brlcad ugh, it's on one horribly asslow net connection, but you can see pics of it here:
20:43.41 DanielFalck nice
20:44.04 brlcad [1-6] are other images
20:45.01 brlcad basically tranlated torus at an angle makes a nice cutout
20:46.55 DanielFalck thanks. I found the source file
20:49.37 DanielFalck very nice
20:58.55 DanielFalck he used a truncated general cone
21:01.26 brlcad ah, I vaguely remember that
21:01.42 brlcad used a constructive approach instead of carving/subtracting
21:02.25 DanielFalck so, I plan on using the bash terminal more than anything and I'm getting along pretty well using mged in -c mode
21:02.37 DanielFalck I can list out his components pretty easily
21:02.42 brlcad one of the best features of mged ;)
21:02.53 DanielFalck with a "mged -c hardware.g l hex6_3_6.9.s"
21:03.16 DanielFalck I was reading your SGI script
21:03.21 DanielFalck pretty nice stuff
21:03.36 brlcad i even use that for interactive stuff, but the downside is you don't get tab-completion
21:04.05 brlcad tried to show several of the scripting methods in there
21:04.37 DanielFalck I'm not a bash scripter, but I am starting to understand a little of it
21:04.52 DanielFalck I mostly just play with it
21:05.05 brlcad sh scripting is pretty simple
21:05.10 brlcad there's so much you can't do ;)
21:05.24 brlcad so it confines you to just a few basic syntactic structures
21:05.32 DanielFalck I'm a CAD jockey at work. I play with python at home
21:05.59 DanielFalck so I'm just getting dangerous : )
21:06.16 DanielFalck "erase your harddrive in 5 easy steps " : )
21:06.55 brlcad hm, I should have renamed i and j "long" and "short" or something
21:07.09 brlcad 5 easy steps??
21:07.11 brlcad it only takes one :)
21:07.19 DanielFalck that's true
21:07.23 DanielFalck one command
21:08.12 brlcad sudo rm -rf / or sudo cat /dev/random > /dev/hda1 come to mind ;)
21:08.24 brlcad or "fdisk"
21:08.38 jonored Any particular reason mged -c doesn't get tab completion? (I've probably asked before...)
21:09.29 brlcad jonored: mged -c should have tab completion
21:09.43 brlcad running mged -c file.g some_command doesn't .. because mged isn't running
21:10.06 DanielFalck you just can't tab complete something inside it
21:10.16 jonored ...Right. Apparently it's just my install being broken.
21:10.38 DanielFalck what are you typing in exactly?
21:10.38 brlcad jonored: ehm, what version?
21:13.02 jonored I was probably remembering something from a previous install that had other glitches anyways. It works now...
21:17.40 jonored 7.14.0 and it works fine... although is tesselation of pipes supposed to be working?
21:19.20 jonored g-stl sort of thing?
21:27.28 brlcad yes, pipes should tessellate
21:28.03 brlcad tessellation in general is a bit of a hard problem, though -- it's not robust depending on the numerics
21:33.19 jonored *nod*. Would self-intersection be likely to break things? mged is actually crashing when I try to do E on this object, but I also don't trust that I've got a functional install - I'm building it through an ebuild I don't entirely trust not to mess things up.
21:48.15 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
21:53.35 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
21:59.00 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:01.37 DanielFalck brlcad: could you give me a lesson on how to import a sketch into a *.g file using the mged -c classic mode ? thanks
22:01.51 DanielFalck or even in mged graphical mode
22:07.15 brlcad DanielFalck: yeah, but I'm right about to head out the door, have to be probably later today or tomorrow
22:07.25 DanielFalck ok no problem
22:07.34 DanielFalck I'll study the wiki more
22:08.04 brlcad you can play with importing a sketch using that .g I gave you
22:08.11 DanielFalck ok thanks
22:08.12 brlcad run mged -c sketch.g get sketch
22:08.19 DanielFalck ok
22:08.21 brlcad then reverse that with put
22:08.29 brlcad bit of reverse-engineering
22:08.31 DanielFalck thanks
22:08.42 brlcad but basically there are codes for each segment type for the sketch and their values
22:09.54 brlcad jonored: certainly shouldn't but possibly could
22:10.09 brlcad crashing during E is a problem that should be happening
22:10.21 brlcad er, shouldn't :)
22:14.28 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:19.40 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:24.50 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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22:49.12 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:02.25 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:02.49 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:10.18 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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23:21.50 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
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23:41.37 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:46.10 PrezKennedy unplugs Axman6's connection
23:47.26 *** join/#brlcad punkrockg (
23:48.20 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:54.07 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:59.23 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)

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