IRC log for #brlcad on 20081220

00:01.03 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33406 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ ( human.c): Stub in a procdb for the purpose of creating human-type models - right now the idea is to serve as a framework where work can proceed - no actual geometry creation takes place yet.
01:51.22 mafm night
04:41.24 brlcad starseeker: memory leak on the vls
05:19.30 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:40.44 *** join/#brlcad DanielFalck1 (
05:52.16 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33407 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c: Free vls strings once we're done with them in human.c
05:53.20 starseeker brlcad: See if this looks like an improvement on text readibility for the Mark VIII article:
06:05.02 *** join/#brlcad DanielFalck (
06:10.20 brlcad starseeker: not particularly
06:10.34 brlcad it's worse in some places and worse in others
06:11.39 brlcad the per-letter errors are pretty drastic
06:14.20 brlcad you can see a nice comparison here,
06:15.29 brlcad overall, obviously darker but words like "weigh" and "when" there are noticably worse
06:18.01 brlcad and you still have a vls memory leak in there
06:28.04 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33408 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c: Free the vls string in the help function.
06:28.20 starseeker brlcad: Any suggestions for algorithms that can be used to enhance text?
06:59.07 starseeker I'm trying various edge detection routines, but none will produce error-free results by the nature of the input data
07:15.50 starseeker tries thresholding + Gaussian blur to coax faint pixels into the limelight...
09:05.12 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
09:09.08 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:33.47 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:40.10 brlcad starseeker: for that data, probably a mix of localized fuzzy (i.e. magic wand) selection and color curve (mostly constract) enhancement
13:55.55 brlcad oh nice, the smart shapen filter in PS does a pretty decent job by itself
16:18.54 DanielFalck brlcad: is there any way to create 'pipes' with brlcad? I think there is something related to creating wires/pipes from reading the source, but I haven't seen the docs on it. thanks
16:19.38 DanielFalck I want to be able to produce elbows that are tangent to straight pipes
18:04.45 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
18:04.46 brlcad DanielFalck: yes, and it's even called the 'pipe' primitive ;)
18:05.07 brlcad there's a mini-tutorial in the Principles of Effective Modeling doc on the website
18:06.01 csanyipal Hi, again, a small problem with rytracing on Debian GNU/Linux Etch system with BRL-CAD version Release 7.14.1
18:08.31 csanyipal I have selected Underly option in Raytracing Control Panel and when click on Raytrace button I can't see the wireframe of the shapes2.r in the Lesson 4 in the tutorial Introduction_to_MGED.pdf (34 page).
18:13.44 brlcad howdy csanyipal
18:14.05 brlcad csanyipal: we were just talking about the underlay/overlay bug yesterday
18:14.26 brlcad it's been there for a while, was just recently fixed in archer but not in mged yet
18:14.45 brlcad csanyipal: Misc menu, turn on the Z option
18:15.09 brlcad and maybe toggle lighting, it's dependent on which of those are on/off
18:15.55 csanyipal ok, when I turn off Misc / Z option, I can see the green wireframe. Thanks!
18:16.04 brlcad sure ;)
18:31.26 DanielFalck brlcad: thanks- found the document and section on pipe
19:35.33 DanielFalck brlcad: sorry for the next question: are there any examples showing actual use of pipe command with actual points and radius' given? the 'effective modelling' doc give theory, but I can't find any examples.
19:35.37 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
19:36.04 DanielFalck using the gui, one seems to have no way of editing parameters, that I can see
19:52.08 DanielFalck I'm using "put {p1} pipe V0 { 0 0 -1000 } O0 500 I0 125 R0 500 V1 { 0 0 1000 } O1 500 I1 12
19:52.08 DanielFalck 5 R1 500
19:52.08 DanielFalck "
19:52.13 DanielFalck and it works
19:52.26 DanielFalck but - is there a simpler way? via command line
21:18.24 brlcad DanielFalck: parameters can generally be specified via the 'p' command
21:19.11 brlcad you could use the 'in' command
21:19.42 brlcad you could also create a pipe and then use the sed command to edit the pipe, and combinations of push "menu option" coupled with 'p' commands to add/set values
21:33.46 DanielFalck brlcad: thank you
21:46.44 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:19.16 csanyipal so long!
22:19.22 brlcad cya!
22:19.22 *** part/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
22:40.31 *** join/#brlcad jonored_ (
22:53.14 starseeker raises eyebrows - the Google tesseract engine did a decent OCR on page 84 of the handbook
23:18.23 starseeker not perfect, but ok
23:58.18 *** join/#brlcad sporty_ (n=brl@
23:59.05 sporty_ PrezKennedy: i still want to marry 'em!!

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