IRC log for #brlcad on 20081224

00:10.26 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
00:15.52 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
04:03.28 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
05:35.39 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
05:38.24 csanyipal Hello!
05:39.29 pacman87 good evening
05:39.48 csanyipal Here is Morning. :)
05:41.11 csanyipal I have BRL-CAD version 7.14.1
05:41.37 csanyipal When I create from menu a shape, I get the shape in Edit mode. Is this a normal behavior?
05:44.32 pacman87 i just use 'in' from the command line window
05:45.35 csanyipal ok but I'm translating the Introduction to MGED.pedf tutorial and I want to know..
05:45.45 pacman87 if you wait around for a few hours, you should get a response from someone more knowledgable
05:45.46 csanyipal pdf
05:46.15 *** join/#brlcad skitter (n=ubuntu@
05:46.53 skitter will it be possible to edit pages in wiki, in "~/ru/wiki" folder?
05:49.22 skitter ...and to ratify the changes made by this wiki's user then?
05:50.13 csanyipal I must go now in the school to work.. so long..
05:50.45 skitter if yes, i need to re-vise 60 or so commands, part of them could not be viewed thru wiki engine, i think.
05:51.08 brlcad csanyipal: that is expected/normal behavior
05:51.24 csanyipal brlcad: thanks! :)
05:51.45 skitter csanyipal: try to imagine that female-teachers teach you particular study-cases & put their clothes off simultaneously - helps!!!
05:52.03 csanyipal skitter: :)
05:52.06 brlcad skitter: you question doesn't make sense
05:52.16 skitter brlcad: ok, great.
05:52.16 brlcad it's a wiki, so if you can edit it, you can edit it
05:52.52 brlcad "~/ru/wiki" doesn't exist
05:53.04 skitter brlcad: then i need to transfer the rest into the xml. but i will have to do it manually
05:53.20 skitter brlcad: well, i meant...
05:53.35 brlcad all of the docs are going to end up in docbook format, regardless of where they are now
05:54.03 brlcad ideally we will eventually have a means to edit the docbook masters through the website somehow
05:54.11 brlcad whether through the wiki or some other means
05:54.21 brlcad so that editing can be bidirectional
05:55.15 skitter brlcad: i have loaded bad pages into the tracker - can i delete them and upload the new ones, as "finally translated" and "these ru .sml need a syntax check" ??
05:58.45 skitter brlcad: what if docbook has two paragraphs and an <arg></arg> arguments between them? will the wiki engine determine the grammar and build the page rightly in this case?
05:59.40 skitter ok, i see i can not delete them if i hadn't logged in when 've uploaded them...
06:03.23 brlcad skitter: they're your tracker items, you can remove the files and/or add new ones or add more
06:03.29 brlcad s/more/multiple/
06:03.39 skitter i think 1. i can not use programming to spread the text into the xml - and do it manually (more time, less healthy) 2. someone will modify xml - and i will check commands in wiki then (being able to edit 'source' xml in a right way by means of e.g. tracker). So i plan to upload the rest (it means whole work is finished) - and wait untill
06:04.42 brlcad if it could be easily programmed into docbook/xml, it would have already been done
06:05.20 brlcad the "right way" is in the svn revision control system, that's where the official versions reside (or will reside)
06:05.35 skitter brlcad: yeah, the formula "s/more/multiple/" = "sexy / more / more then more" means the way software develops
06:05.38 skitter :)
06:06.08 skitter brlcad: where is a root of svn?
06:06.53 skitter uh... i can speed up the work then!
06:07.46 brlcad substitute / this / that /
06:08.08 brlcad the root of svn .. is in our subversion repository
06:08.10 skitter brlcad: your strange slang says nothing to me!
06:08.22 brlcad it's not slang, it's basic regular expression
06:08.24 skitter brlcad: and?
06:08.57 skitter brlcad: basic regular expression for humans are "i love you" and so on...
06:09.12 skitter - 9k ??
06:09.14 brlcad and people only get commit access after they show competency with the commit rules, patch submission/application processes, and general well-being integration with existing developers
06:12.12 yukonbob waves in
06:12.15 yukonbob hello, cadheads
06:12.37 brlcad howdy yukonbob
06:13.47 yukonbob brlcad: 8.5.6 released today...
06:16.46 skitter no, previous upload wasn't under my account or failed.
06:16.48 yukonbob ^--- tcl/tk, of course ;)
06:17.23 skitter ok, reboot
06:17.26 *** part/#brlcad skitter (n=ubuntu@
06:32.55 *** join/#brlcad skitter (n=ubuntu@
06:33.12 skitter brlcad: is this a trunk ?
06:33.36 skitter brlcad: or only through the sourceforge?
06:44.51 skitter finally goes to fatty sourceforge
06:47.37 skitter hucleberries fatty sourceforge at a day light ever! woring thru starseeker... wil have emailed him
06:54.08 *** join/#brlcad mon8 (
07:05.18 skitter ok, quitting
07:05.21 *** part/#brlcad skitter (n=ubuntu@
07:10.11 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
07:10.55 *** join/#brlcad WhiteCalf (
08:33.42 *** join/#brlcad skitter (n=ubuntu@
08:37.31 skitter starseeker: final edition of the comands (lesser part) are in your e-mail box. Hope its syntax is good and all we need is just to turn wiki to quetion this files somewhere at the ~/ru folder on a server.
08:39.45 skitter i said lesser because either those commands have left are tiny or my mged cmd index 7.10.2 isnt too new
08:39.57 *** part/#brlcad skitter (n=ubuntu@
09:44.56 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:35.10 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:46.58 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:47.34 mafm hi
11:27.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:30.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:27.49 Axman6 merry christmas from Aus cadheads :)
13:28.25 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
15:04.43 brlcad thx Axman6
15:25.34 ``Erik *readreadread*
15:25.56 ``Erik wouldn't a flat end mill head in a straight line be subtracting an arb8, not a buttload of cylinders?
15:27.27 ``Erik 668 would be the next door neighbor, 667 is across the street :D
15:29.00 ``Erik notes that asking for a commit bit makes it take longer to get a commit bit
15:29.22 ``Erik okie, all caught up, time to ignore ya'll for a few more days :D
15:30.33 brlcad I don't think he even knew what he was asking for or implying
15:31.20 archivist heh I think he does know
15:32.09 archivist coming at it from a machinists view
15:32.19 brlcad doubtful, asking if is a trunk is silly, his complaints about are about simply loading the http pages
15:33.15 archivist sees talking about different people
15:38.54 DanielFalck ``Erik: yes you're right about the arb vs. a lot of cylinders
16:04.22 WhiteCalf ahaha its the one day of the year my brother is working and im not
16:28.23 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
16:43.34 *** join/#brlcad playfulhotgirlis (n=ubuntu@
17:19.00 playfulhotgirlis "dbconcat database_file [prefix]" or "dbconcat [prefix] database_file" ?? what order of the arguments?
17:21.06 playfulhotgirlis time
17:22.26 brlcad dbconcat [-p|-s] file.g [prefix|suffix]
17:36.54 playfulhotgirlis brlcad: sweet!
17:56.07 *** part/#brlcad playfulhotgirlis (n=ubuntu@
19:29.33 mafm bye
19:33.48 *** join/#brlcad bjork_ (
22:32.52 Axman6 now this has some interesting models for some adventurous brl-cad user to replicate:
22:41.37 alex_joni Axman6: those are some really cool animations
22:42.04 Axman6 the whole series looks worth watching, i'm up to the 5th episode atm
22:42.42 alex_joni just started with the 2nd
22:43.55 csanyipal Hi, I try to make s model for the explanation of the azimuth in my translation of the "Introduction to MGED" tutorial.
22:44.14 csanyipal I made a model for this purpose, it can see here:
22:44.16 csanyipal
22:45.03 csanyipal I ask how can I make a shape that is on this picture abowe a curve arrow?
23:23.08 Axman6 csanyipal: just curious, which language are you translating to, and is 'sik' plane in it?
23:25.22 csanyipal It is in Hungarian and yes, sik is a plan.
23:25.38 csanyipal this plane is an arb8
23:26.02 csanyipal 1 mm high
23:26.09 Axman6 righto :)
23:26.28 Axman6 it's been a long time since i've played with brl-cad actually. need to check it out again
23:26.32 Ralith what happens if you intersect a true plane with a volume, anyway?
23:26.40 Ralith (i.e. arb8 with only 4 unique coords)
23:29.49 csanyipal Ralith: If I understand you correct, you get a plan that isn't an infinite plane.
23:31.01 Ralith csanyipal, but what happens when you intersect that with a volume?
23:31.48 csanyipal Ralith: theorethical, or in MGED?
23:32.08 Ralith as rendered
23:32.19 Ralith mged won't care
23:32.55 csanyipal Ralith: first, I can't to create a plane in MGED..
23:33.02 Ralith yes you can
23:33.07 csanyipal how?
23:33.11 Ralith arb8 with all points on a plane
23:33.34 Ralith iow a rectangular prism with one dimension = 0
23:33.35 csanyipal You mena an arb8 that hasn't a hight?
23:33.43 csanyipal mean
23:34.16 Ralith that is one example of the set of shapes I described.
23:38.21 csanyipal So, to get a "curve cylinder" I must first to make a torus, and two planes and then with boolean regulars I must to get an intersect of these shapes?
23:39.51 csanyipal Are there a simpler method for this?
23:46.56 Ralith what's a "curve cylinder"?
23:47.14 Ralith look at the mged quick reference sheet; there's lots of primitives that might be what you want
23:50.32 csanyipal "curve cylinder" doesn't exist I just call it this way to explain somehow what kind of shape I need..
23:52.37 csanyipal This shape is on the picture in the "Introduction to MGED" tutorial at the page 18.
23:53.02 csanyipal The "Azimuth, Elevation, and the xyz Coordinate System" picture
23:53.30 *** join/#brlcad misteriexous (n=ubuntu@
23:54.23 csanyipal this is the shape that represents the Azimuth on this picture

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