IRC log for #brlcad on 20081230

00:00.32 yukonbob_ hi cadheads
00:15.33 brlcad howdy yukonbob_
00:28.44 mafm quiet night, like the christmas son :)
00:29.06 mafm song*
00:32.47 brlcad :)
00:52.07 mafm well, time to sleep
00:52.08 mafm bye!
03:15.08 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
04:14.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
06:54.33 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
07:19.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:54.24 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:38.04 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:20.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:55.52 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
11:37.17 *** join/#brlcad CIA-33 (n=CIA@
12:35.40 csanyipal Hi, how can I set my Country so if someone see my info thatn he can to see it?
12:35.49 csanyipal sorry..
13:02.12 *** join/#brlcad ries (n=ries@
13:03.24 csanyipal Hi,
13:03.49 csanyipal I try to insert ebm in to the model with MGED.
13:04.28 csanyipal I have an image saved from the GIMP as .xbm file
13:05.38 csanyipal I saved it as X10 bit format.
13:06.16 csanyipal I can to open this file with an editor and can to see there in the file numbers.
13:07.23 csanyipal The numbers are eg.: 0xffff, 0x03ff, 0x7fff, etc.
13:10.11 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:11.32 csanyipal When I type the following command at mged> prompt: in szoveg1.s ebm brl-cad.xbm 100 20 40
13:12.03 csanyipal I get only an arb8 shape and not a text: BRL-CAD.
13:12.22 csanyipal Can anybody help me with this?
13:29.20 csanyipal When I add in the abowe mentioned command the real bitmap width and hight than I get an error message:
13:29.32 csanyipal rt_ebm_import() file 'brl-cad.xbm' is too short 101097 < 192708
13:29.32 csanyipal rt_db_external5_to_internal5(szoveg1.s): import failure
13:29.32 csanyipal db_recurse() rt_db_get_internal(szoveg1.s) FAIL
13:45.35 mafm bye
13:54.21 brlcad csanyipal: set your country?
13:55.05 brlcad if anyone really cares, a quick search on your IP indicates somewhere around/in Serbia .. you mean on irc or in mged? :)
13:56.09 brlcad csanyipal: that's the same as I said before -- that's not the right file format, it's not an xbm (but that was a much better guess than a bmp)
13:56.57 brlcad did you try using the sample png I gave you? try the png-bw on it? and try creating an ebm with that
14:12.15 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
15:28.48 csanyipal brlcad: for the country question: it's been posted here by my mistake.
15:29.12 csanyipal brlcad: finally, I have success with ebm! :)
15:31.07 csanyipal brlcad: I'm using the sample png You give me. Tried png-bw on it. Then tried creating an ebm with that..
15:31.31 csanyipal brlcad: and finally I have success.
15:33.22 csanyipal brlcad: It seems to me that that I must to type the real width and the real hight of the png in the command for inserting ebm.
15:44.43 csanyipal brlcad: well, I made a png image wit a X character, and image has white background and black foreground.
15:45.22 csanyipal brlcad: with this png I get in MGED the X ebm, but also that X char is in an arb8.
15:46.28 csanyipal brlcad: So it seems to me that that I must to edit this png in GIMP so I get the black background and white foreground and try with that png..
15:48.55 brlcad yes, the ebm has to match the image dimensions, not the 3D dimensions you want to end up with
15:49.14 csanyipal brlcad: And finally, I get the X character as I wish!!
15:49.19 brlcad great :)
15:50.02 brlcad and yeah, values are zero->nothing, nonzero->geometry
15:50.13 csanyipal brlcad: Thanks again!!
15:50.38 csanyipal brlcad: aha, I understand now!
15:52.52 PrezKennedy brlcad, i saw the picture of your car
15:53.08 PrezKennedy freakin awesome, i think you need to come visit and take me for a ride!
15:57.42 brlcad PrezKennedy: thanks, it is pretty sweet!
15:58.36 PrezKennedy you should convince my dad to get one
15:58.42 brlcad a bit tricky to get in and out of, but well worth the ride ;)
15:59.19 PrezKennedy how high does the speedometer go?
15:59.41 brlcad mm, 180 or something
16:00.16 brlcad iirc, top speed is rated at 160
16:01.56 PrezKennedy i want one!
16:02.12 PrezKennedy actually... i want a delorean, but id take one of those too
16:02.13 PrezKennedy :p
16:15.07 brlcad
16:35.06 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:59.28 *** join/#brlcad ries2 (n=ries@
17:03.22 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
17:04.33 PrezKennedy brlcad, definitely
17:07.00 Axman6 brlcad: got a link to a pic of your car? i'm curious now
18:10.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:12.57 *** join/#brlcad punkrockg (
20:18.31 brlcad Axman6: sure,
21:08.53 ries2 brlcad: that is a very nice color and good looking car you have there
21:21.31 *** join/#brlcad punkrockgirl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:23.02 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:32.39 Ralith brlcad, that's your car? Nice!
21:49.31 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
21:53.38 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
21:57.39 csanyipal I made a small tutorial for EBM and try to put it on brlcad/wiki.
22:37.08 csanyipal I made it:
22:37.16 csanyipal What do you think about it?
22:39.12 brlcad csanyipal: fantastic :)
22:39.18 brlcad ries2: thanks
22:39.18 csanyipal :)
22:41.06 brlcad yeah, that looks really nice
22:41.08 ries2 brlcad: if I may ask.. what brand is it??
22:41.14 brlcad ries2: Lotus
22:41.21 ries2 smoke.....
22:41.29 ries2 that's a really nice one..
22:41.33 Ralith never imagined you'd be the one to have a car like that
22:41.44 brlcad Ralith: oh? :)
22:42.10 Ralith has never associated technical people with ubercars
22:42.13 ries2 brlcad: brlcad makes money??? :)
22:42.17 Ralith hehe
22:42.24 Ralith so it would seem.
22:42.35 brlcad is a workaholic, loves to code
22:42.45 ries2 hehehe good... you deserve it!!!
22:42.55 Ralith well, nothing compares to an enjoyable well-paying job
22:43.34 brlcad love what you do, find someone to pay you to do what you love, be one of the best at what you do .. makes a lot of things possible ;)
22:43.52 Ralith I can only hope to do the same someday
22:43.58 brlcad yeah, I'm not a gearhead to say the least .. all of my previous cars have been crap and I drive them into the ground
22:45.22 brlcad but this car is a lot like code optimization, just got around to optimizing my transportation
22:45.58 ries2 brlcad: I do the same... I have a car I like very much myself (A grand cherokee limited V8)
22:46.15 ries2 a lotus here in Ecuador wouldn't do much joy here ... I wouldn't even get home with it !!!!
22:47.05 brlcad jeje
22:48.00 ries2 brlcad: you are spanish??
22:48.42 brlcad bilingual, de panam?
22:49.50 ries2 ???
22:50.09 ries2 I am dutch, just happen to live in Ecuador
22:50.23 brlcad ah, :)
22:50.59 brlcad I'm not human, just happen to live on Earth
22:52.17 ries2 that happens.... welcome on planet earth then...
22:52.22 brlcad thx
22:58.00 csanyipal I have the EBM tutorial in the DocBook.xml format now, but this page hasn't css page..
23:00.08 csanyipal If you think that that this tutorial is useful to include it in to a brl-cad release than I will send it..
23:00.45 brlcad csanyipal: absolutely -- little tutorials like that are gold
23:01.09 csanyipal OK how to send it together with three images?
23:01.20 brlcad sure
23:02.38 csanyipal all together
23:04.15 Ralith brlcad: I think his point was that it can't be fed to a web browser yet.
23:15.39 Twingy PrezKennedy:
23:16.08 PrezKennedy nice
23:16.16 PrezKennedy i love that car
23:16.41 PrezKennedy id settle for one without all the nerdy attachments though :p
23:17.29 brlcad Twingy: hehe, nice -- where is that?
23:17.40 Twingy universal studios
23:17.41 PrezKennedy looks like universal studios
23:18.00 Twingy same car they used on wikipedia
23:18.01 PrezKennedy was that the ride attraction they had?
23:18.15 Twingy yes
23:19.04 PrezKennedy i think they closed that finally didnt they?
23:19.15 Twingy dunno, that picture was from 2005
23:19.56 PrezKennedy i went and saw it back in 1995 or 96
23:20.07 Twingy ditto
23:20.32 PrezKennedy mom has all the cool vacation pictures
23:20.36 PrezKennedy she needs to scan them
23:27.32 Twingy brlcad: do you know of a light weight opengl volume rendering engine other than vre?
23:33.35 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:44.44 pacman87 brlcad: i just bought one of those too, except i was playing forza :)
23:57.49 csanyipal so long!

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