IRC log for #brlcad on 20090104

00:17.21 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:12.46 *** join/#brlcad `` (
04:01.13 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:01.44 IriX64 <---- this happens at install time, any way around it?
04:23.51 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:03.31 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:41.00 *** join/#brlcad parodyoflanguage (
07:29.46 *** join/#brlcad Sk3letrOn (
07:29.51 Sk3letrOn hey bitch got a problem with me?
07:30.02 brlcad Sk3letrOn: in that channel with your language, absolutely
07:30.14 brlcad here I'll just as well tell you to go fuck yourself if you can't behave
07:30.21 Sk3letrOn hahaha
07:30.26 Sk3letrOn be nice to me
07:30.28 Sk3letrOn ok?
07:30.40 brlcad the way you're acting, I have no reason to
07:30.46 brlcad you have to earn respect
07:30.46 Sk3letrOn yes! I insist
07:30.58 Sk3letrOn I was reading over some logs
07:30.59 brlcad which you don't get by acting like a presumptuous ass
07:31.00 Sk3letrOn I found something
07:31.04 Sk3letrOn I need to talk to blast
07:31.12 brlcad you should have thought about that beforehand
07:31.22 Sk3letrOn but he won't listen to me
07:31.32 brlcad figure that one out
07:31.38 brlcad wonder why
07:31.52 Sk3letrOn ok I will I'll go ahead and use what I found then maybe you wil respect me
07:31.56 Sk3letrOn :D
07:31.57 Sk3letrOn bye
07:31.58 brlcad not likely
07:32.06 brlcad there are plenty of ways to be an ass
07:36.08 Ralith hehe.
09:40.04 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
09:40.04 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSoC 2008 Highlight: new prototype gui, check it out! || Source Release 7.14.0 is now posted (20081108)
09:49.38 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:21.35 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:43.42 mafm hi
11:02.17 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
11:10.11 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
11:11.23 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:57.45 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
12:39.16 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
12:41.46 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:52.25 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
15:36.35 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
16:11.31 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
16:18.50 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
16:22.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:38.25 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
16:55.03 brlcad howdy mafm
16:55.13 brlcad oh, missed madant
17:05.36 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:51.52 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:17.59 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
18:58.01 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
19:05.13 *** join/#brlcad kanzure_ (
19:05.48 kanzure_ Hi all. Someone's been mentioning to me how CSG is ancient/old/out-of-date, but I was wondering what the latest modeling kernels are doing if not CGS.
19:06.14 kanzure_ CSG*
19:07.12 kanzure_ b-rep looks to be compatible.
19:14.03 brlcad kanzure_: that's a much longer discussion
19:14.58 brlcad that perspective by itself is rather naive/ignorant of the history of CAD development too and how CSG with implicits relate to other modeling forms
19:15.54 brlcad CSG by itself is just a geometric operation, which pretty much every major CAD system supports to varying degrees of usefulness
19:16.20 poolio b-rep is in the works :)
19:16.28 brlcad the deeper issue is the underlying geometry, whether it is represented by an explicit boundary representation or implicit mathematical forms
19:16.53 poolio howdy brlcad, how were the holidays?
19:16.58 brlcad the two aren't exclusive either, you can at least go from implicit to explicit (just not easily the other way around)
19:17.03 brlcad poolio: they are/were great :)
19:17.08 brlcad merry christmas
19:17.09 poolio ah cool, still off?
19:17.12 brlcad sorta
19:17.15 poolio and happy new year
19:18.25 brlcad likewise!
19:19.15 poolio you watching the game or are you not a football fan?
19:19.22 brlcad kanzure_: most of the modern best practices focus around parametric modeling and feature-based editing operations (which have little to do with the csg vs brep vs implicit vs explicit debate), they're higher-level constructs
19:21.51 brlcad poolio: oh, I'd just tuned it in a few minutes ago
19:22.12 brlcad could hear the neighbors cheering, the entire neighborhood is big fandom
19:22.22 brlcad watching it in HD is pretty sweet
19:23.17 poolio yeah, it makes watching sports so much nicer. It's a high stakes game for me - my roommate is from miami :)
19:23.37 brlcad hah
19:23.46 brlcad so you're rubbing it in now, I take it ;)
19:24.22 brlcad looks like it'll be 13-3 or 17-3 here in a couple mins :)
19:27.08 kanzure_ brlcad: I see.
19:27.46 brlcad it is a pretty true statement that we lack several of the higher-level constructs
19:27.54 kanzure_ For geometrical constriants (for parametrics), it would seem to me just something that an extra script could do to check and update some numbers in an mged script or something. This is my simple understand though, there's better stuff that could be done.
19:28.10 brlcad that's true
19:28.34 brlcad that's also why more of our focus is on ensuring that the underpinnings are solid, guarantees of solidity and numerics, etc
19:29.19 brlcad we are working on bidirectional BREP, big priority (as that really makes arbitrary parametric editing easier as well as tessellation)
19:29.41 brlcad but that's still pretty independent of having parametric editing and feature-based edits
19:30.23 brlcad most feature-based edits could similarly be represented as a series of CSG operations (actually *considerably* more efficient than via a BREP approach)
19:31.20 brlcad since actions like "add a hole on this face with this diameter and this bevel" amount to a CSG subtraction of the hole shape
19:33.32 kanzure_ hrm, this same person mentions "free-cad" as looking like something that will "get there sooner than BRLCAD" (but to where? he makes a comparison to Solidworks, hrm)
19:33.38 kanzure_ checks out free-cad on sourceforge
19:33.49 brlcad hehe
19:33.50 kanzure_
19:34.01 brlcad I wish them the best
19:34.19 brlcad that's an even more exceptionally naive statement
19:34.54 kanzure_ ah, free-cad is a feature-based parametric modeler
19:36.09 brlcad what most people don't realize is the magnitude of effort required to make a production-quality CAD system -- it's not like making a game or web browser or office application
19:36.40 kanzure_ bah, making a web browser isn't easy either
19:36.48 kanzure_ points to the short list of available layout engines
19:37.21 brlcad most of the big commercial CAD systems have *thousands* of staff-years of effort invested (some have tens of thousands)
19:37.30 kanzure_ WebKit, Gecko, KHTML, gtkHTML. (Then there's Trident and whatever Opera uses, which are closed source)
19:38.03 louipc if someone gets there sooner than later I'd be happy :D
19:38.08 louipc but I'd put my money on brl-cad
19:38.34 brlcad louipc: I'd be happy if folks just collaborated more -- there are lots of one/two-man efforts
19:38.39 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik__ (
19:38.42 kanzure_ nods
19:38.50 kanzure_ that was somewhat the point of the open manufacturing group when it started
19:39.02 brlcad they get something up on a gui quickly and get a few screenshots, people are impressed, but then realize that it's absolutely useless for production use
19:39.04 kanzure_ trying to pick up where some of the other mailing lists died, like the open-cad-format list, linux-cad list, etc.
19:39.18 louipc hehe yep
19:39.34 kanzure_ there's also avocad-ro.
19:40.09 louipc but only so much can come from hobbyists and such, industry really needs to see open source as a real possible alternative
19:40.10 brlcad BRL-CAD has about 400 staff-years effort invested, which is about 300 more than the next group .. and we're still pretty far away from hitting a usability mark
19:40.40 brlcad kanzure_: avocado is even less along than freecad (but the guy is at least much better on his marketing)
19:41.38 kanzure_ so while we're on this topic, I mentioned the open manufacturing group :)
19:41.40 brlcad there's a couple other efforts that are even more impressive proof-of-concepts, but still -- they're years away from any level of usability
19:41.58 kanzure_ and
19:42.23 kanzure_ there are too many islands of efforts, but I don't have a solution really
19:42.27 brlcad ~nibm
19:42.28 ibot i heard nibm is "Not Implemented By Me" - a syndrome often suffered by developers that tend to reinvent the wheel or fork development for no reason other than not being able, willing, or interested in working with others, or for being able to put their name on it.
19:42.37 brlcad ~nih
19:42.38 ibot [nih] \"Not Invented Here\" - a syndrome often suffered by developers and companies who tend to reinvent the wheel for no reason other than being able to put their name on it.
19:42.41 louipc heh I googled "open manufacturing group" and I didn't get anything on the first page
19:43.28 brlcad kanzure_: that's why most of my interest over the past year has been for getting involved more in community and collaborative efforts
19:43.37 kanzure_ louipc: I google 'open manufacturing' without quotes and get a good hit on the first page.
19:44.05 louipc haha that's glx gears
19:44.09 kanzure_ yes :)
19:44.10 brlcad even our team, which has major funded backing by the u.s. gov't, won't keep pace with the industry expectations without getting a lot more people involved
19:44.14 kanzure_ I apologize upfront for that picture, btw.
19:44.21 kanzure_ it was late one night .. I wasn't thinking straight ..
19:44.41 brlcad kanzure_: hehe
19:44.45 louipc oh openi see
19:44.50 kanzure_ ?
19:45.13 louipc nvm
19:45.43 kanzure_ brlcad: another issue is probably the general misunderstanding of what's going on
19:45.59 kanzure_ for instance, this person that I've been writing a lengthy email to, might have a few confusions about parametric modelers, brep, etc.,
19:46.13 kanzure_ it wouldn't be the first time somebody had their "history of software" kinda all wrong ;)
19:46.43 parodyoflanguage Hey all, I never introduced myself. Right now I'm just reading through the manual and just trying to get up and running with BRL-CAD. I took AutoCAD in high school, but I don't have the money for that program and I've come to appreciate the free software philosophy.
19:46.56 louipc kanzure_: trying to sell brl-cad?
19:47.03 parodyoflanguage Hope you don't mind me lurking :)
19:47.19 louipc parodyoflanguage: cheers :D
19:47.30 kanzure_ louipc: sort of. :) I am working [with others] on a 'hardware packaging format' (like .deb)
19:47.41 louipc cool
19:47.44 kanzure_ so I recommended dot g instead of dot STL
19:47.54 kanzure_ as the CAD-data internal to the package
19:48.20 kanzure_ IGES/STEP might win out in the end. Don't know.
19:48.22 louipc well, different applications might call for different formats
19:48.26 brlcad kanzure_: maybe of interest, this has a really high-level overview of the longer-term project priorities:
19:48.47 kanzure_ thanks
19:49.46 kanzure_ louipc: that's true, but the "just have a lot of small tools to work with everything" mindset is good IMHO
19:49.54 kanzure_ and if you can package all of those tools together, even better.
19:50.08 parodyoflanguage You guys are still funded by the military? Wow.
19:50.10 louipc you could do it like video haha
19:50.22 louipc your packaging format will be the container
19:50.46 louipc and the geometry format may differ
19:51.03 brlcad kanzure_: also, reference for your friend that explains the industry we are most closely concerned with (from the leading researching in this domain),
19:51.25 brlcad louipc: sell brl-cad? that's not a goal of mine
19:51.37 kanzure_ louipc: yes, I just released a 250 MB zip file with Creative Commons-licensed clips for the construction of a video, last night
19:51.39 brlcad parodyoflanguage: howdy and welcome!
19:51.45 brlcad lurk as much as you like
19:52.13 parodyoflanguage Thanks :)
19:52.31 kanzure_ brlcad: out of curiosity, where can I find the architecture notes for the new kernel mentioned in that PNG?
19:52.39 louipc brlcad: no, kanzure_ is trying to sell brl-cad, sell as in promote.
19:52.41 brlcad kanzure_: I wouldn't recommend IGES -- STEP is a lot harder but more familiar (and something I'd be happy to collaborate one)
19:52.55 brlcad our .g format is more flexible and much higher-performing in general
19:54.52 brlcad parodyoflanguage: yep, still funded .. substantial investment -- it's the primary code used for all vulnerability/lethality assessments performed by the DoD (on just about all military assets)
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad kanzure_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad geocalc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad DanielFalck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.19 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/minuteelectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-31 (n=CIA@
19:56.20 *** join/#brlcad mon8 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.20 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (i=bbishop@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.20 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (n=Me@emc/developer/SWPadnos) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.20 *** join/#brlcad poolio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:56.21 parodyoflanguage brlcad: Wow. I somehow thought that such software would be classified :)
19:56.21 brlcad kanzure_: some of the docs for it are on the wiki on the website
19:56.21 brlcad louipc: ah, misunderstood -- gotya ;)
19:56.21 parodyoflanguage brlcad: Just to ask, is there any sort of integration with finite element analysis or plans for such integration?
19:56.21 brlcad parodyoflanguage: the code that performs the analysis is not public
19:56.21 brlcad brl-cad is just the geometry processing portion providing geometric representation and geometry analysis services (shotlining)
19:57.03 parodyoflanguage Okay. So the FEM part is classified.
19:57.12 brlcad there is no direct integration with FEA services (or plans for that) but we can certainly import/export a FEM and provide facilities for managing the geometry
19:57.40 kanzure_ parodyoflanguage: see OpenFOAM, OpenFlower, etc.
19:57.40 brlcad the V/L analysis are not FEA
19:57.42 parodyoflanguage Okay, that's what I wanted to know. Thanks :)
19:58.42 brlcad there is a BRL-CAD to Cubit exporter that makes it pretty easy to take any .g and end up with a FEM suitable for a given FEA
19:58.51 brlcad but you have to have the (dirt cheap) cubit license to make it work
19:59.30 DanielFalck brlcad: does the Cubit license give you other export formats too?
19:59.54 DanielFalck acis?
20:01.48 brlcad Cubit hooks into acis (and is the reason why they have to charge a license fee)
20:02.03 brlcad so once in Cubit, you can export to just about anything that acis supports
20:02.34 DanielFalck ok
20:36.37 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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21:55.31 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
22:44.05 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik__ (

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