IRC log for #brlcad on 20090106

00:23.20 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
00:32.43 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
00:34.29 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:50.34 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:14.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
05:13.01 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
05:37.31 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
08:00.45 *** part/#brlcad mon8 (
09:50.22 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
09:54.49 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (
10:19.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:42.48 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33453 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/bitv.c): bu_bitv_shift should return an unsigned int since << shifting negative is undefined.
10:50.51 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33454 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/bottest.c: close the outfp to no leak, missing semis, and ws
10:59.45 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33455 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/argv.c: minor lint cleanup
11:02.19 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
11:20.00 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
11:20.00 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
11:33.07 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33456 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/association.c: ws
11:34.55 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33457 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs): remove association.c and bu_association() completely since it looks like it was an idea that was never put to use. there's not any evidence that anything actually uses it so give it the axe.
11:38.37 d-lo yawns
11:38.42 d-lo Mernin'
11:47.21 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33458 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm_obj.c: remove massive code block duplicated in labels.c for dmo_labelPrimitive() and dmo_drawLabels_cmd(). looks like the newer stuff is in labels.c now.
12:04.37 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33459 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c: plug a slew of memory leaks. need to call bu_vls_free() if you call bu_vls_init().
12:06.21 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33460 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c: remove dead comment code
12:34.17 *** join/#brlcad CIA-32 (n=CIA@
12:59.28 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33461 10/rt^3/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): Added some stream solutions for serializing/deserializing. Integrated them into build system. Will be built into libge.
13:03.39 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:05.32 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33462 10/rt^3/trunk/ (44 files in 6 dirs): Added some stream solutions for serializing/deserializing. Integrated them into build system. Will be built into libge.
13:11.32 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33463 10/rt^3/trunk/include/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Cleaning up Build system a tad. Removed a few's
13:54.24 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:06.46 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
16:41.12 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33464 10/rt^3/trunk/ (22 files in 4 dirs): Work to conform code to c99 standard. Use of fixed-width integers throughout iBME code.
17:25.08 *** join/#brlcad CIA-31 (n=CIA@
17:32.47 *** join/#brlcad CIA-31 (n=CIA@
18:02.40 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33465 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/mged.c: there's no comment indicating that there's a reason we would need to clone the dbi twice. remove the hack/bug/mistake.
18:08.11 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:09.08 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33466 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/axes.c: need string.h for memset()
18:20.39 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33467 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ (cmd.c cmd.h): hm, pondering. there are a lot of these unconsties.
18:29.41 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
18:40.22 brlcad howdy madant
19:07.54 d-lo enjoying vacation brlcad?
19:09.00 brlcad d-lo: I did, but I'm not on vacation now -- I apparently have a cold
19:09.22 d-lo bah, bummer. Painful cold or just annoying?
19:10.53 brlcad just annoying
19:11.18 d-lo well I suppose thats the better of the two :/
19:11.20 starseeker driving too fast with the window down? ;-)
19:11.41 starseeker saw that picture of the new car
19:11.44 d-lo did you buy yourself a lotus for xmas?
19:12.02 d-lo or did you just upgrade the lumina?
19:12.05 d-lo :)
19:13.38 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33468 10/rt^3/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): added serialization support for float and doubles to classess that implement DataInput and DataOutput.
19:15.47 d-lo Professional type question (to anyone): which is a 'better' way to access the bits of any given data type?
19:16.01 d-lo a) use bitshifting (aka << and >>)
19:16.23 d-lo or b) use pointers and loops?
19:17.16 d-lo are there any pros/cons that make one use better? is it situational? I understand the logic behind both approaches, I just need the 'experienced' advice.
19:18.19 brlcad usually bitshifting but it depends what you're doing
19:18.50 brlcad bitshifts and bitmasks are pretty straightforward
19:18.54 d-lo serialization
19:19.37 d-lo so the question, now is, 'Why choose bitshifting over pointers?"
19:20.47 brlcad it still matters what you're doing, serializing what and what the constraints are
19:21.04 brlcad how would you use a pointer to access bits?
19:21.50 d-lo say I want to convert a float to a char[4]:
19:22.15 d-lo char* c = (char* ) &myFloat
19:23.05 brlcad that's not at the bit-level, that's a byte array
19:23.19 brlcad and that'd only be valid/useful for IEEE floats
19:23.29 d-lo then go into a 4 pass loop, incrementing the pointer each time. each pass of the loop gets a new byte.
19:23.38 brlcad (which plenty of modern systems and compiler switches will make something non-IEEE float)
19:23.45 d-lo right, but if you bitshift by increments of 8, its accomplishes the same thing.
19:24.08 brlcad ah, heh -- so you don't actually need to access individual bits
19:24.20 brlcad you're just getting at byte values
19:24.32 d-lo I guess i didn't mention that did I :)
19:24.42 brlcad to the contrary, you said access the bits ;)
19:25.00 d-lo slaps his head.
19:25.27 d-lo okay, restate above question, but use bytes instead.
19:26.18 d-lo If I am mandating c99 compliance, is there still an issue with running into non IEEE floats/doubles?
19:27.05 brlcad for breaking something up into byte values, that's where htond/htonf/htonl/htons come from, so you get consistent access
19:27.10 brlcad yes
19:27.16 brlcad c99 doesn't require ieee floats
19:27.46 brlcad it's an independent complaince that has more to do with hardware and compiler optimization options
19:28.31 d-lo easy enough fix :) I will just put it in the docs: No non-IEEE floats. Done. :D
19:29.25 brlcad those are the kinds of bugs that usually take weeks to isolate
19:29.31 d-lo Hrm, perhaps I am just thick, but I don't see how htond/htonf/htonl/htons will help me convert from byte array's to various data types...
19:29.39 brlcad because it will work just fine in one environment
19:30.50 d-lo I thought that htond/htonf/htonl/htons where just int to int converters designed to re-arrange bytes, not break them down or build them up for you.
19:31.30 d-lo so is there *any* way to completely mandate IEEE floats?
19:35.22 brlcad htonf/htond are specifically for floating point types, turns a float into a 4-byte array and a double into an 8-byte array
19:35.52 brlcad passes through a cast and then relies on configure and run-time tests to determine the format for proper packing/unpacking
19:37.09 d-lo oh duh, those two are in the brlcad source and not part of the c/c++ stdlib.... right?
19:37.35 brlcad and no, at least not realiably. I actually think there's an assumption in the code now that has been causing a superbly obscure dbio bug because of non ieee floating point formats getting serialized/deserialized incorrectly
19:38.04 brlcad right, c99 wouldn't touch the floating point types because of the IEEE issues
19:39.31 brlcad doubles are really the tricky ones
19:39.58 d-lo its only 4 more bits :)
19:39.59 brlcad since many hardware (particularly older hardware, but even some modern) will do all sorts of encoding tricks to make doubles perform fast
19:40.08 brlcad 4 more bytes :)
19:40.16 d-lo slaps his knee
19:40.23 d-lo this could be a funny ongoing joke.
19:41.20 d-lo well, thats just it.... how much 'older' hardware are we looking to support? My opinion is little to none.
19:42.42 brlcad by the way, if you actually end up needing a bit vector, bu_bitv's are the way to go for bit buffers less than or equal to 32 bits
19:43.13 brlcad it is little to none for the new stuff, but like I said -- it's still one modern hardware
19:43.55 brlcad Many compilers (including GCC and Visual Studio) can break IEEE just by turning on a basic level of optimization
19:44.41 brlcad then you end up with a maze of compilers and compiler switches to try to accommodate, it gets really messy and complicated pretty quickly
19:45.32 d-lo Thats easy to fix. :D Make them have to run on RHEL4/64 on x86 using gcc :)
19:46.13 d-lo muwahahaha
19:47.36 brlcad even not compiling on older hardware, we should still compile cleanly with as wide a variety of modern environments as possible to keep the maintenance burden low and longevity high
19:48.08 brlcad still, in this case, it should be pretty trivial
19:48.19 brlcad you run the numbers through the function, have your byte array, pack it
19:48.47 brlcad it's less work than even if you could assume IEEE floats and could just cast
19:52.44 d-lo how many 'older' systems to htonf and htond support? (also are there ntohf and ntohd?)
19:54.05 brlcad yes, they'd be pretty useless without the reverse :)
19:54.43 brlcad hton[fd] go back supporting systems about 15 years or so old
19:54.44 d-lo Hey now, I have been burned badly before by not asking the 'stupid' questions ;)
20:01.39 brlcad starseeker: any idea why bob changed the args for tire to require the top-level name?
20:05.59 starseeker not really
20:06.17 starseeker probably didn't want to deal with the case of looking for a pre-existing "tire" in the db
20:06.57 brlcad actually, it does a check for existing name
20:07.22 starseeker in that case, no clue
20:07.34 starseeker want me to ask?
20:09.21 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33469 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c: document the -w option, sort the args by their help order
20:15.36 brlcad starseeker: nah, I think it was just a cop-out
20:22.54 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33470 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c: make the top-level object name optional since it's not required if the user specified -a to autogenerate. also readd the -n option to specify the name via an option.
20:25.07 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33471 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ ( tire.c):
20:25.08 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: make tire use the libged ged_tire() interface instead of replicating nearly all
20:25.08 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: of the code identically. looks like the libged interface actually works too.
20:25.08 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: one side-effect is that we have to create the file before arguments are
20:25.09 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: validated (so we have to delete the file on failure). begs for some sort of
20:25.11 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: callback or more intelligent options.
21:56.11 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
22:05.47 *** join/#brlcad jonored (

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