IRC log for #brlcad on 20090114

00:06.16 mafm night
01:25.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:32.40 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33541 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: few ideas that have been on mind for a while. vrml importer, brl-cad taxonomy document, and incremental raytrace-based display manager interface.
01:51.45 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33542 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/html/manuals/mged/mged2.html: Fix problem with eto specification as reported in bug #2120094
02:20.23 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
02:28.55 *** join/#brlcad Axman6__ (
02:33.08 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:51.37 *** join/#brlcad ashishrai (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/
03:08.34 *** part/#brlcad ashishrai (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/
03:11.30 *** join/#brlcad ashishrai (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/
03:18.20 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
03:27.28 starseeker grumbles... cating mpg files together results in something that doesn't work on rockbox, and rockbox doesn't (yet) support movie playlists out of box
03:28.12 starseeker decides to go for broke and build latest svn with patch, and crosses fingers he doesn't brick anything...
03:37.13 Dr_Phreakenstein cating most types of mpeg files produces something that does not work on most things.
03:37.36 Dr_Phreakenstein main exception is if it is a streamrip
03:37.54 Dr_Phreakenstein even then, you must rebuild the index
03:38.15 Dr_Phreakenstein mencoder of the mplayer package may be your friend on this
03:38.41 Dr_Phreakenstein otherwise, try kino
03:39.10 Dr_Phreakenstein
03:39.31 Dr_Phreakenstein (returns to topic)
03:39.35 Ralith starseeker: you could just concat them with mencoder
03:39.50 Dr_Phreakenstein correct
03:41.38 Dr_Phreakenstein should look something like
03:42.08 Dr_Phreakenstein #mencoder file1.mpg file2.mpg -o outfile.mpg -oac copy -ovc copy
03:43.14 Dr_Phreakenstein anyone ever research STEP, or read the STEP application handbook?
03:43.33 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:14.29 brlcad starseeker: while it might work for some combinations of mpg's, I can't imagine that cat'ing together two random mpg files would work on most players
04:14.43 brlcad invalid timestamps and sync blocks
04:14.53 brlcad different encoding settings
04:15.26 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: we've done a lot more than research it
04:15.47 brlcad developing a step importer is one of our top priorities
04:16.37 brlcad have not read the step application handbook, though, I must admit
04:17.07 brlcad downloads
04:21.21 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
04:22.13 Dr_Phreakenstein the one i am refering to was found at
04:22.15 Dr_Phreakenstein
04:22.16 brlcad we have most of the rest of the spec, though, ap's 203, 214, 22, 23, 24, and 11
04:22.25 brlcad nods, already have it
04:22.38 Dr_Phreakenstein figured that was it
04:22.52 Dr_Phreakenstein i just got it myself
04:23.00 Dr_Phreakenstein looks like a nice little read
04:23.17 Dr_Phreakenstein you mentioned an importer...
04:23.28 Dr_Phreakenstein what about export?
04:23.38 brlcad eventually, ideally yes
04:23.52 brlcad first priority is on an importer though
04:24.07 Dr_Phreakenstein i do not know, but i should think that one would facilitate the other, to an extent
04:24.17 brlcad it's actually a funded priority, importer should be completed sometime this year
04:24.29 brlcad to a limited extent
04:24.35 brlcad it's a lot easier to make an exporter
04:25.06 brlcad more grunt code in an exporter and basic architecting to let the user specify what format they want exported
04:26.34 brlcad example, say you have a model of just an implicit sphere and a box that overlap with a CSG operation to subtract one from the other
04:27.02 brlcad using 203 and 214, we 'could' (and ideally by default will) export exactly that, preserving our data exactly
04:27.22 brlcad yet that's not something most CAD systems will grok
04:29.16 brlcad other options might be to output spline-surface brep with csg operations, evaluated spline-surface brep, evaluated polygonal brep, volumetric, among others
04:29.58 Dr_Phreakenstein i see
04:30.48 Dr_Phreakenstein well, brlcad is my cad of choice, except maybe qcad for simple 2d, until i get better with brlcad
04:31.14 Dr_Phreakenstein primarily interested in not losing any data to go to a postprocessor
04:32.00 Dr_Phreakenstein should not need much to load that into a CAM system and send to machine as STEP-NC
04:32.07 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: so you're interesting in working on the step exporter? :)
04:32.30 brlcad thinks you should 'go for it' ;)
04:34.28 Ralith STEP-NC?
04:34.32 brlcad be glad to help out any way I can if you do get started on it
04:34.55 brlcad looking to use the NIST toolkit at least for importing -- not sure how helpful it would be for export
04:37.36 Dr_Phreakenstein well, i may not be quite up for it
04:37.46 Dr_Phreakenstein still learning brlcad myself
04:38.12 Dr_Phreakenstein not saying no, i just do not want to commit to something unrealistic
04:39.08 brlcad understandable
04:39.19 brlcad can you code?
04:40.54 Dr_Phreakenstein learning python
04:40.55 brlcad the "learning brl-cad" part is a never-ending process (i've been 'learning' it for 10 years and don't know it all)
04:41.22 brlcad just depends where you draw the line and what to chew off when
04:41.27 Dr_Phreakenstein at over 5 million lines, i should think not
04:41.29 Dr_Phreakenstein true
04:41.38 brlcad it's actually only about 1 million lines
04:41.56 brlcad just barely over 1
04:46.51 brlcad (don't count the sources in src/other/ and regress/ -- they're 3rd party bundled dependencies and long regression scripts)
04:47.12 brlcad can run sh/ to get more details if you have a source checkout
04:47.26 Dr_Phreakenstein i ran it, and it failed
04:47.41 brlcad oh?
04:47.51 Dr_Phreakenstein i used find, grep, and wc
04:48.50 IriX64 <--- this at install time, i was hoping it was fixed since last i reported it
04:49.51 Dr_Phreakenstein cat `find -type f|grep -v .svn`|wc -l
04:49.56 Dr_Phreakenstein that's what i used
04:50.33 brlcad IriX64: we talked about that just *yesterday*
04:51.16 brlcad so stop pasting it unless you figure something new out
04:51.31 Dr_Phreakenstein on svn 33542
04:51.39 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: which is why you're about 4 million lines off ;)
04:51.53 Dr_Phreakenstein i would suppose so
04:52.02 Dr_Phreakenstein 5644578
04:52.13 Dr_Phreakenstein that is the dumb counting method
04:52.13 brlcad can you paste the output of ?
04:52.18 Dr_Phreakenstein ...
04:53.07 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.08 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.10 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.11 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.13 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.14 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.16 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.17 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.19 Dr_Phreakenstein ...
04:53.26 Dr_Phreakenstein 2374 BRL-CAD Files
04:53.26 brlcad well that much looks okay
04:53.28 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.29 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.30 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:53.32 Dr_Phreakenstein expr: syntax error
04:53.33 Dr_Phreakenstein expr: syntax error
04:53.37 Dr_Phreakenstein expr: syntax error
04:53.38 Dr_Phreakenstein dc: stack empty
04:53.41 Dr_Phreakenstein dc: stack empty
04:53.42 Dr_Phreakenstein dc: stack empty
04:53.44 Dr_Phreakenstein dc: stack empty
04:53.50 Dr_Phreakenstein dc: stack empty
04:53.54 Dr_Phreakenstein dc: stack empty
04:53.56 Dr_Phreakenstein -----------------------------------------
04:53.58 Dr_Phreakenstein -- LINE COUNT TOTALS --
04:54.02 Dr_Phreakenstein -----------------------------------------
04:54.04 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.06 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.08 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.10 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.12 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.14 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.16 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.18 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.21 brlcad so cascade counting failure
04:54.22 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.26 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
04:54.28 Dr_Phreakenstein 1564461 3rd Party Code (not counted above)
04:54.30 Dr_Phreakenstein (edited for some redundancy)
04:54.54 Dr_Phreakenstein note, I am using amd64 arch
04:54.58 brlcad btw, pastebin would probably be better for most things over just a handful of lines (for future ref) ;)
04:55.04 brlcad that wouldn't matter
04:55.12 brlcad it's just a shell script
04:55.25 Dr_Phreakenstein well, dc often fails
04:55.32 Dr_Phreakenstein have not investigated why
04:55.58 brlcad dc is because the expr's fail
04:56.40 brlcad expr's fail because a previous count failed
04:57.40 brlcad aha, that's right around where it starts using awk
04:57.44 brlcad do you have awk?
04:58.15 brlcad and is this a linux amd64 or some other OS?
04:58.46 Dr_Phreakenstein yes, gentoo
04:59.06 Dr_Phreakenstein oh, yes
04:59.14 Dr_Phreakenstein can't get by w/out it
04:59.48 Dr_Phreakenstein GNU Awk 3.1.6
05:02.39 Dr_Phreakenstein <brlcad> thanks for tip on pastebin; i've never used it
05:02.52 brlcad sure
05:03.02 brlcad there are a bunch of them
05:03.46 brlcad e.g., one at and ..
05:03.50 brlcad ~pastebin
05:03.50 ibot [~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:03.56 brlcad few others
05:04.17 Dr_Phreakenstein thanks
05:04.18 brlcad the .com is probably the worst
05:04.40 Dr_Phreakenstein in terms of over use?
05:05.16 brlcad overuse (lag, spam), often unreachable on various networks due to blocks/abuse
05:07.43 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
05:07.55 Dr_Phreakenstein will use in future
05:11.13 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33543 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/ try a few minor portability tweaks for the 'sum' function
05:11.25 brlcad give that a try
05:14.05 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33544 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Robert Penny reported and fixed a minor documentation bug in the mged tutorial where the 'in' command had wrong values listed (two transposed params)
05:17.30 Dr_Phreakenstein
05:18.21 Dr_Phreakenstein expires 1 hr
05:23.03 brlcad no matter, a "no change" would have worked too in that particular instance ;)
05:23.25 brlcad guessing it's the sum function, just not sure where/why yet
05:23.37 brlcad adding in some debug
05:28.45 Dr_Phreakenstein will investigate
05:37.37 Dr_Phreakenstein <brlcad>please see
05:37.48 Dr_Phreakenstein turns out you have to run it from that dir
05:38.03 Dr_Phreakenstein please compare counts to yours to make sure they are good
05:40.37 Dr_Phreakenstein i was running as sh/ from brlcad directory
05:41.37 brlcad that's how I usually run it actually
05:41.42 brlcad but that does help
05:41.43 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33545 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/ add some basic debugging to help isolate a problem with the tabulations on linux from Dr_Phreakenstein, can run via: DEBUG=1 sh/
05:47.40 Dr_Phreakenstein ok, this does not make sense...
05:47.54 Dr_Phreakenstein i ran it from brlcad root...
05:48.48 Dr_Phreakenstein with debug, it got same count and no errors (well, + 8 lines, but that is expected from change. other count was off many thousands)
05:49.53 brlcad what are your debug lines?
05:52.38 Dr_Phreakenstein
05:55.29 brlcad huh, that is very odd
05:55.43 brlcad i mean, it looks like what I'd expect
05:56.20 brlcad everything looks fine other than it being a clean checkout count so generated files aren't counted
06:00.00 brlcad what's odd is that it suddenly works now.. (does it work without DEBUG=1?)
06:00.07 Dr_Phreakenstein checking
06:02.11 Dr_Phreakenstein sure 'nuff, looks good
06:02.17 brlcad huh!
06:06.11 brlcad then out of ideas beyond a shell bug or some wierd typo somewhere (which I don't see)
06:07.26 Dr_Phreakenstein neither do i
06:07.39 brlcad and I must fold it up for tonight though, too .. early meeting later today
06:07.45 brlcad at least it runs now
06:08.14 Dr_Phreakenstein I am no sh wizard, but i vote to leave debug in there, since magic seems to work, now
06:08.26 Dr_Phreakenstein have fun at meeting
06:11.05 brlcad yeah, will need some more work
06:11.16 brlcad maybe more pervasive debug statements
06:11.21 brlcad anyways, cheers!
09:46.41 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:06.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:16.53 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
11:22.13 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:32.29 mafm hi
11:43.51 *** join/#brlcad micges (
11:57.26 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:23.28 *** part/#brlcad micges (
12:31.33 *** join/#brlcad CIA-31 (n=CIA@
12:51.28 brlcad howdy howdy
12:52.12 brlcad mafm: tv is doing just fine, great actually
12:53.46 archivist becoming a couch potato
12:54.57 mafm but probably is telling you lies anyway :D
12:58.02 brlcad the lies are on par with the ones I hear in real life
12:58.37 brlcad mostly background noise while I code unless I'm watching a movie (which is what I do most of the time with it)
13:00.44 brlcad wow, nice ..
13:08.34 alex_joni that should boost things
13:11.08 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:22.17 mafm in the last years I forgot about tv, I lived in houses without it and not missing it much, it's strange
13:23.35 mafm hmm, LGPL as in linking non-open programs?
13:24.41 mafm so it's now mostly like GTK
13:30.44 starseeker 's jaw drops
13:30.53 starseeker Uh....
13:31.11 starseeker Didn't that just blow Trolltech's business model away?
13:31.20 starseeker or Nokia's now I guess?
13:32.53 starseeker gleefully contemplates an unholy mating of QT and Ogre3d
13:33.57 starseeker glares at rockbox's player - for some reason mpg's combined with mencoder don't give back audio
13:34.13 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: thanks, that should have worked
13:34.51 starseeker almost bricked ipod trying to build and install custom version - apparently it's VERY sensitive to which compiler version...
13:35.22 *** join/#brlcad CIA-44 (n=CIA@
13:35.28 starseeker alright, nevermind
13:35.38 starseeker prepares to launch back into the fray
13:53.35 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:32.45 *** join/#brlcad worldmonkey (
15:45.46 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
16:24.52 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33546 10/brlcad/trunk/src/shapes/picket_fence.c: Initialization not needed on these character arrays (i.e. they're inititialized below before being used). Besides, windows doesn't like it.
16:28.18 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33547 10/brlcad/trunk/src/shapes/picket_fence.c: msvc probably didn't like that they were empty initializers. give them a value and it should be happy.
16:42.37 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
16:43.20 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33548 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (inside.c typein.c): Add code to prevent interrupts during database writes.
17:03.19 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33549 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ ( arbs.c cmd.c cmd.h inside.c setup.c typein.c): Mods to use libged's ged_in and ged_inside functions.
17:15.48 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
17:20.35 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
17:21.54 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33550 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: mged on mac crashes if you link against the system tcl/tk libs
17:24.33 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33551 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: the fast4-g line skipping bug was fixed a while back
17:27.13 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33552 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS:
17:27.15 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: pipe primitive no longer calls dynamic allocation during run-time thanks to
17:27.17 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: john. remove the lingering default doesn't work (because it seems to work just
17:27.19 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: fine and that code has changed a fair bit). also, rtwizard seems to be working
17:27.21 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: just fine now too.
17:30.18 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33553 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Updates to get things compiling on Windows.
17:35.57 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33554 10/brlcad/trunk/ (BUGS src/tclscripts/mged/text.tcl):
17:35.59 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: mged should read just fine from stdin now with the handful of trickeries going
17:36.01 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: on. this also fixes one remaining bug when reading in from stdin via gets --
17:36.03 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: was getting an error of: can't rename to "execute_cmd_save": command already
17:36.05 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: exists
17:39.26 brlcad howdy madant !
17:40.23 madant hi sean :)
17:40.32 madant happy new year
17:40.36 brlcad likewise
17:40.40 brlcad how's the break?
17:40.55 madant awesome till now..
17:41.07 brlcad classes starting back up?
17:41.18 madant not yet
17:41.39 madant went for some climbing towards the end of the year
17:42.09 madant sports climbing mostly .. was fun.. i think i have wasted enough time loitering around enjoying though :D
17:42.14 brlcad so then what's the "till now"?
17:42.24 brlcad nods
17:42.50 madant i might be going to an Institute for a couple of months to get exposure into some sustainable technologies
17:43.25 madant and I have an Interview from a B-school coming up towards the end of March..
17:43.54 madant Imagine 200 people getting selected out of 2,80,000 :D
17:44.41 madant and in the middle of all this I haven't been able to do a single productive thing since september :D
17:44.50 madant how is the winter in US ?
17:45.27 brlcad brick
17:45.31 brlcad er, brisk :)
17:46.40 brlcad productive, but so much going on that it's tricky to stay focused on any one task for very long
17:47.02 madant :D I live pretty close to the equator .. so almost no winter here..
17:47.31 brlcad nods
17:47.32 madant in the end to create anything of value one has to stay focused on one task for long
17:48.09 madant geometry service coming up good ?
17:48.15 brlcad used to have that back in the day, but seasons are nice for mixing things up every now and then (e.g., easier to code in the winter when there's really not much more you could do outside)
17:48.25 brlcad yeah, steady pace there
17:48.46 brlcad libged's getting tied back into mged now, which should flesh out any remaining issues
17:49.18 brlcad the service daemon is just about ready to go on-line for simple read/write testing probably in a week or so
17:49.30 madant what about mafm's ide work
17:50.21 brlcad not much has changed there
17:50.30 brlcad it's about where he left it
17:50.54 brlcad that's one of a hundred projects I'd love to be working on
17:51.14 madant hmm.. I am really hopeful of spending at least 15 hours per week on libpc
17:51.24 mafm ide?
17:51.35 brlcad the new gui
17:51.36 madant oops i meant gui :D
17:52.11 brlcad you going to apply to gsoc again if we participate again?
17:52.32 mafm me?
17:52.36 madant don't know about my student status
17:52.52 mafm I don't think that I'll be eligible anymore
17:52.55 brlcad an informal announcement just went out a couple days ago saying it's on again for this year
17:53.02 brlcad mafm: oh?
17:53.12 brlcad that partly sucks :)
17:53.21 madant yeah i saw the group post.. lh trying to publicise :D
17:53.24 brlcad i mean great that you're done and all, if that's why :)
17:53.55 brlcad course, you could always continue as a mentor too ;)
17:54.06 madant I would love to take part again.. but i think i would love to work on it before .. morally feels odd if i only work during SoC :P
17:54.11 mafm I'm finishing the project and I have to defend it, but I don't know if that will count
17:54.39 madant is the B-school i was talking about :)
17:54.41 brlcad mafm: will you still be a full-time student by the time the program begins?
17:54.47 mafm if not I could be mentor I guess, but I don't have much experience as mentor
17:55.17 mafm begins by the end of may? I don't think so, but not sure
17:55.24 madant would we be getting more slots this year ? i mean more students compared to last ?
17:55.59 brlcad madant: so why wouldn't yout have student status? those are business schools
17:56.24 madant yeah i will have student status if I clear the interview :)
17:56.53 madant basically .28 million people wrote in.. they have shortlisted 800 :D
17:57.11 brlcad and no, wouldn't likely accept more slots -- that pretty much put us at effective mentoring capacity
17:57.12 madant now i have to clear the interview to be in the 170 or so :D
17:57.58 madant can imagine.. without good mentoring especially in such a huge code base things can go pretty crazy
17:57.59 brlcad totally depends on the students, but if you guys had been more 'green', it could have been pretty bad with four, or could have easily taken 8 .. but 4 people working full time is a lot of progress to review and integrate regardless
17:58.33 brlcad probably will reduce the slot count for bzflag
17:58.35 mafm more green?
17:58.48 mafm immature?
17:58.56 madant i think he means active :D
17:59.11 brlcad with the weaker students there last year, six slots was too many (and we had 2X the number of mentors as here)
17:59.18 brlcad green == inexperienced
17:59.52 madant i think mentoring must be tougher than coding .
18:00.17 madant I have always found checking someone else's code difficult compared to writing
18:03.02 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
18:03.02 madant let me see how much progress I can make in the next couple of months, otherwise it would be pointless to eat up a gsoc slot @ brl-cad which some other student could use for doing some good work.
18:03.04 brlcad depends on the code and who wrote it ;)
18:03.16 madant @brlcad true
18:03.43 madant u must have read the beautiful code book we got last year as students ?
18:04.05 brlcad some of it was quite nice actually
18:04.40 brlcad you guys (all 4) were pretty above par in terms of readability and communication
18:05.03 madant I totally loved the section on geometry where the author discusses various ways of checking for collinearity
18:05.08 madant of three points
18:05.11 brlcad I think that libpc is coming together quite nicely actually
18:05.34 brlcad section on geometry?
18:05.37 brlcad some book?
18:06.16 madant not a section.. a chapter.
18:07.19 madant 1 sec i will give the link
18:07.47 brlcad an entire chapter that says two slopes are equal?
18:08.16 brlcad or adding two distances will give the third?
18:08.22 mafm haven't found time to read the Beautiful Code book yet
18:08.23 madant :D not really he considers the comparing slopes and addition idea
18:08.24 mafm :(
18:08.43 madant but then in the case of slopes there is the issue of infinite slope for a vertical line
18:08.59 mafm so what's the plan for gsoc this year?
18:09.13 madant and for the distances there is the case of square roots being involved and floating point considerations
18:09.50 mafm another 4 students? I might consider applying if I had the possibility, but it's not an strict requirement for my collaboration with brl-cad
18:09.53 brlcad madant: sure, but those don't mean the approach itself is flawed, they're just boundary cases that have to be dealt with on the implementation
18:10.15 brlcad mafm: up to 4 (if we get accepted)
18:10.17 madant exactly.. the author was just putting forward his concept of beautiful code
18:10.22 mafm I don't know if I'd be prepared for being a mentor, but when I'm done with the project (3 months or so) I should have more time available and less traveling to do
18:10.23 madant in the end the most elegant solution :) was finding the area of the triangle formed by the three points which is a simple determinant
18:10.28 brlcad highly expect org selections will be reduced this year
18:10.45 brlcad mafm: you could specifically mentor someone working on the gui ;)
18:10.52 brlcad picking up where you left off
18:10.57 madant brlcad: why ? last year google had trouble coordinating ?
18:10.59 mafm for continuing with the gui and so on (I don't know if you're finished with the refactoring, haven't seen anything on -devel ML about that)
18:11.23 mafm well, but the applicant might be more experience than me, that's embarrasing :D
18:11.25 brlcad madant: nope, reduced economy is making spending hard for most companies
18:11.29 mafm experienced*
18:11.43 brlcad the fact that they're even going to hold a gsoc is a pretty big deal
18:12.21 brlcad mafm: I haven't even gotten started on the refactoring aspect .. and the announcement today has opened up another possibility that was a non-starter previously
18:12.23 madant brlcad: maybe that's why the heads up. I mean i was kind of surprised why LH felt like spreading the news
18:13.19 brlcad for some perspective, even the Microsoft gorilla is expected to lay off about 17k people worldwide in order to safe money
18:13.22 brlcad er, save
18:13.23 mafm you mean the announcement of gsoc? but that's what a few days ago, wasn't it?
18:13.34 madant It didn't even strike me that they might consider not conducting it :D
18:13.50 brlcad yeah
18:14.07 mafm so another student would do the refactoring... of what? GUI or other internal parts?
18:14.29 brlcad some companies are in pretty big trouble .. fortunately google has been doing pretty well (the stock market reinforces that position too)
18:14.43 brlcad mafm: whatever they propose
18:15.04 brlcad picking up where you left off and making more progress is all that matters.. work is work
18:15.09 brlcad regardless of it being on the front-end or back-end
18:15.17 mafm I see
18:15.55 mafm well, as I said I might continue my work somewhat soon
18:16.31 brlcad I'd still like to see the prototype get closer to visually resembling some of the back look n' feel of the IOE, there's plenty of engine work to be done, build system integration/cleanup, command integration, ...
18:19.20 madant brlcad: this is the page and the book
18:19.38 mafm yep, it's a lot of work really
18:21.35 madant and the article was by Brian Hayes - Writing Programs for "The Book"
18:22.37 madant mafm: do read Beautiful code , some parts are good :) and Best of luck for defending your thesis
18:23.44 brlcad so he recommends the area approach, simple enough
18:24.01 brlcad ah, so this is the book google sent you guys?
18:24.06 madant yep
18:24.11 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33555 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Updates to reflect change in MGED's "inside" command.
18:24.56 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33556 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: Minor mod.
18:24.58 mafm yes, I might... but I have to do much more reading :|
18:25.17 mafm and the book is quite a brick
18:25.25 mafm last year's was more manageable
18:25.54 madant :D i think this one was more enjoyable..
18:27.43 mafm I have about 40 books to read, half of them somewhat urgently :|
18:28.46 mafm hmm, nope, more like 10 actually -- and fortunately
18:29.02 CIA-44 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33557 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: make extrude no longer crashes, bot values display with local units
18:29.56 madant my very incomplete Reading List
18:34.27 madant brlcad: regarding libpc, I will go back to the list of TODOs I had at the end of gsoc and start finishing them one by one.
18:35.37 brlcad madant: sounds like a plan ;)
18:35.39 mafm madant: R, the language?
18:36.05 madant there is a boundary problem which sort of ate my head for quite sometime. I have temporarily sorted it out by storing the value of the variable before iteration
18:36.41 madant basically, if the variable value is on the boundary the iteration somehow does not go through the entire sample space.
18:36.56 madant mafm: yeah
18:37.16 madant mafm: The R book is not that impressive though.. very sloppily written i think
18:37.41 mafm I have to deal with it in my project
18:38.08 madant kewl, you are working in statistics ?
18:38.48 mafm nope
18:38.57 mafm well, somewhat
18:39.14 mafm not-supervised learning
18:40.29 madant so u use R for analysing the results ?
18:40.59 mafm I have to translate from R and Fortran to Java
18:41.03 madant mafm: is machine learning fun?
18:41.19 madant :O why Java ?
18:41.23 madant is javaphobic
18:41.24 mafm to classify automatically objects in different clusters
18:41.31 mafm requirements of the ESA
18:42.48 mafm R is a bit chaotic for big projects I think (I'm not fan of weakly-typed languages in general), but anyway it was not my decision
18:43.08 mafm but it's very handy for some tasks
18:43.25 madant R is pretty neat. I mean you can pretty much do anything with it if numbers are involved
18:43.38 BigAToo Do any of you know where I can get a ver 7.12.2 that is compiled for x86 32bit to try?
18:44.42 madant mafm: I am interested in Morphometric applications
18:45.16 madant I would have loved to try some economic ( econometric ) modeling but my economic skills suck i think
18:46.13 mafm BigAToo: nope, sorry
18:46.52 mafm R has automatic plotting and so on, is kind of a command-line spreadsheet :D
18:47.31 ``Erik kinda like gnuplot? O.o
18:47.45 mafm never used it
18:48.13 mafm but you can create matrices and vectors of many types and ways and operate with functions over the data
18:48.20 BigAToo I have loved 7.10.4 that I have been using but would like to see the new stuff. Thanks
18:56.00 mafm BigAToo: for some reason there's only amd64, for linuz
18:58.11 BigAToo Yep, I am going to try it on my XP VM and then try and compile it.
19:05.47 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
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19:19.20 brlcad BigAToo: an updated 32-bit binary should be uploaded soon
19:20.08 brlcad from 7.10 to 7.12 is mostly minor updates -- you can see the list of changes since 7.10.4 in the NEWS file:
19:20.23 brlcad ~factinfo cadnews
19:20.23 ibot brlcad: there's no such factoid as cadnews
19:20.33 brlcad ~cadnews is
19:20.34 ibot brlcad: okay
19:20.48 brlcad ~cadtodo is
19:20.49 ibot brlcad: okay
19:20.53 brlcad ~cadbugs is
19:20.54 ibot okay, brlcad
20:08.32 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
20:54.55 madant loved "Man on Wire"
20:56.31 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
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21:30.16 CIA-19 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33558 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/3ptarb.c mged/cmd.c mged/cmd.h mged/setup.c): Added "more args" behavior to libged's ged_3ptarb and modified MGED to use it.
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