IRC log for #brlcad on 20090124

01:43.42 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (
02:05.07 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
03:22.15 brlcad wonders how a storm trooper drives
03:23.31 brlcad ah, heh
03:23.34 brlcad googled it
03:28.50 brlcad nifty thread:
04:24.15 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
05:58.45 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
06:20.25 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (
06:40.37 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:30.14 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:52.07 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:57.27 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
08:57.42 csanyipal Howdy!
08:58.43 csanyipal brlcad version 7.12.6
09:05.42 csanyipal I made a nice model of a photoholder.
09:10.33 csanyipal It can one to download from here:
09:11.06 csanyipal Now I want to make an animation of this photoholder.
09:13.38 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
09:14.20 csanyipal I'm following the Anim_Tutorial and have the key-frames. I have 37 keyframes.
09:16.02 csanyipal I run the script key-chans and get the files: chans.eyept, chans.orient, chans.vsize.
09:16.49 csanyipal When I want to run the 'tabinterp << EOF > chans.all' command I get error messages:
09:18.59 csanyipal cmd: file chans.vsize 0
09:19.05 csanyipal chan 0: File 'chans.vsize', Column 1
09:19.13 csanyipal File 'chans.vsize', Line 2: time sequence error 1.4 > 0.28
09:19.19 csanyipal File 'chans.vsize', Line 5: time sequence error 4.2 > 0.56
09:19.26 csanyipal File 'chans.vsize', Line 8: time sequence error 7 > 0.84
09:19.32 csanyipal File 'chans.vsize', Line 11: time sequence error 9.8 > 1.12
09:19.39 csanyipal aborting
09:22.33 csanyipal The key-frames can to download from here, if there are someone to want to help me to figure out what is the problem:
09:22.57 csanyipal
09:24.20 csanyipal Thanks!
10:44.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:45.03 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:57.57 csanyipal OK, I find a solution for my problem. It's a matter of properly naming the key-frames when using saveview command in MGED.
11:46.24 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
13:15.52 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:54.58 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:11.41 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
14:21.44 iraytrace anybody able to make mged's oed command work?
14:36.50 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=quassel@
15:02.42 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
15:05.04 brlcad iraytrace: works here
15:06.38 iraytrace Example?
15:07.29 brlcad oed / all.g/platform.r/platform.s
15:08.22 brlcad oed /all.g/platform.r platform.s
15:09.03 iraytrace in a sph 0 0 0 1
15:09.13 iraytrace g c a
15:09.24 iraytrace oed c a
15:09.28 iraytrace fails
15:09.29 brlcad oed /c a
15:09.42 brlcad tests
15:10.07 brlcad ah, have to e it up first
15:10.14 brlcad g doesn't draw
15:11.40 iraytrace got it.
15:11.50 brlcad csanyipal: 404 on that url, no BRL-CAD dir
15:12.02 iraytrace Probably need to annotate manual that path needs to be on screen
15:12.21 brlcad yeah
15:12.28 brlcad or fix it so it doesn't have to be drawn
15:12.39 brlcad don't see any reason to have that limitation
15:12.59 brlcad other than consistency with sed
15:13.22 brlcad oop, didn't notice the dcc
15:14.45 iraytrace OBE
15:14.57 brlcad :)
15:18.38 csanyipal brlcad: yes, because I delete it.. I solve the problem, but if You like, I put it there again, to see the model. :)
15:20.32 csanyipal This is a model of with my pupil will to go on competition soon.
15:21.48 csanyipal It's there again. :)
15:22.50 brlcad csanyipal: permission denied :)
15:23.19 csanyipal OK soon i'll fix that..
15:24.05 csanyipal brlcad: and now?
15:26.50 brlcad much better :)
15:27.01 csanyipal OK :)
15:27.46 brlcad very nice
15:27.51 csanyipal I have now the keptarto.rtanim that I run in MGED with preview command.
15:27.57 csanyipal thanks!
15:28.35 csanyipal but it is so fast that I can't see anything.
15:33.52 csanyipal There is the keptarto.rtanim too, so you can download if you will.
15:35.40 brlcad got it
15:36.05 brlcad that's pretty cool, I"ll have to play with it some more later
15:36.41 csanyipal It's OK, I can see the L's out there.
15:58.19 ``Erik hrm
15:59.00 ``Erik assumed that the migration was of some importance O.o
16:03.43 csanyipal When I run 'keptarto.rt -s 200' there is nothing happen.
16:04.55 csanyipal I can't get the 'keptarto.pix' file.
16:10.27 csanyipal What should to be the 'all.g' int he command line: 'rt -M $* -o moss.pix moss.g 'all.g' 2>> moss.log < moss.rtanim'?
16:13.30 *** join/#brlcad DanielFalck (
16:14.27 csanyipal When I replace it with the keptarto.c from the Keptarto.g database, then I can see that that the keptarto.rt script does the work and I get the keptarto.pix.number files. :)
16:14.35 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
16:28.53 csanyipal I came to the command: setenv FB_FILE :0
16:29.15 csanyipal but get the message: bash: setenv: command not found
16:29.36 csanyipal 'aptitude search setenv' give to me nothing.
16:41.54 csanyipal Moreover, when I try to run the command: $ fbserv -S 1024 0 /dev/sgip &
16:42.13 csanyipal then I get the error message: fb_open: no such device "/dev/sgip".
17:38.59 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r33600 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/html/manuals/mged/mged_cmd_index.html: Corrected documentation of "oed" command. (rhs/lhs must be a currently displayed path) This fixes bug ID: 2533174.
19:11.18 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
20:03.08 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:03.54 IriX64 <-- i'm such a tool ;)
20:29.19 brlcad ``Erik: it is, just still flushing out my todo queue, won't get started till later tonight I think
20:29.43 brlcad down to just a couple hundred megs, not much more to go before it busts at the seams
20:30.03 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
20:30.25 starseeker checks to see what he can delete
20:31.02 brlcad starseeker: you're not using anything
20:31.13 starseeker oh - not talking about bz?
20:31.15 brlcad it's filled with actual data, just have to do the migration
20:31.31 brlcad new server has like 3X the space
20:31.37 starseeker cool :-)
20:31.57 starseeker needs to clean up the crap anyway...
20:32.06 starseeker don't need a bunch of old nirt doc drafts...
20:32.12 brlcad mm
20:32.19 brlcad I'm a data whore
20:32.24 starseeker :-)
20:33.08 starseeker still has huge pull of national atlas clogging up his hard drive at home, refuses to give up :-P
20:33.11 brlcad even intermediates or temporary data unless I'm absolutely sure there's no use for it :)
20:34.34 starseeker heh - and thus was the demand for terabyte drives on desktops created ;-)
20:35.06 brlcad yeah, I have a whole human genome sequencing somewhere .. what will I ever do with that? dunno, but just think of the possibilities! ;)
20:36.34 starseeker is of the opinion that all *nix distros should have a couple extra DVDs included with all the public domain content that can be scraped together
20:37.17 brlcad it wouldn't be just a couple extra DVD's
20:37.25 starseeker Well, true
20:37.26 brlcad that's probably at least a few TB
20:37.49 starseeker thinks a complete backup of might be a good place to start
20:38.26 starseeker still though - even a subset of good free stuff would be NICE
20:38.38 brlcad hum, no .mil sites
20:39.56 starseeker heh - good point
20:40.09 starseeker I guess he thought they wouldn't be a "soft" first target ;-)
20:40.37 starseeker Given the Obama exec. order on FOIA requests though, I hope they hire him and put him to work getting stuff online
20:41.15 brlcad those two orders that came our are pretty nice
20:41.27 brlcad the foia less so, but the other one in particular
20:41.56 brlcad there's a sentence in there that reminded me of someone very specific and the way they think
20:42.07 starseeker closing Guantanamo?
20:42.38 brlcad no
20:42.47 starseeker checks exec. orders
20:42.54 brlcad transparency and open government
20:42.58 brlcad
20:43.12 brlcad "Government should be transparent"
20:43.26 brlcad "Government should be participatory"
20:43.40 brlcad that just screams of open source justification
20:43.46 starseeker no kidding :-)
20:44.14 brlcad oh yeah, "Government should be collaborative"
20:44.41 brlcad so within 120 days, there is supposed to be new GSA directives
20:44.53 starseeker wow, I hadn't see this one
20:44.54 starseeker YAY
20:45.29 brlcad it was the second or third order
20:46.19 brlcad I did really like sentance in the FOIA one.. it hit very close to 'home'
20:47.14 brlcad "The Government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors or failures might be revealed, or BECAUSE OF SPECULATIVE OR ABSTRACT FEARS." [emphasis mine]
20:47.25 starseeker was happy enough about the FOIA one, but that's AWESOME
20:47.44 starseeker does happy dance,
20:48.59 brlcad granted, ARL operates in the one area that is almost completely exempt from FOIA requests, but someone with enough money could certainly put up a good fight
20:49.16 brlcad (or enough time and press coverage)
20:50.25 brlcad loves how his car looks now cleaned and waxed..
20:50.43 brlcad purty shiney
20:52.25 brlcad (and yes, removing that last subtle remnants of salt off the car took priority over the server migration, ``Erik) ;)
20:55.57 iraytrace I just read the Jan 21 press release from the White House.... w00t!
20:56.59 iraytrace wonders if the darkness is about to end.
20:57.40 brlcad there are two
20:57.54 brlcad well, three but two more interesting
20:58.22 brlcad they were out printed on my desk on the 21st
20:58.26 starseeker Here's the other one
20:58.37 starseeker where'd you find the pdfs?
20:58.50 starseeker oh, I see gwu
20:59.24 brlcad eff was starting point
20:59.28 brlcad
20:59.52 brlcad that links all three
21:00.05 starseeker cool
21:02.03 brlcad wanders
21:02.17 iraytrace wonders if Bush's draft and service records will magically be found again.
21:03.14 starseeker heh +1 Cynical
21:03.35 starseeker more likely some supporter smuggled 'em out
21:06.20 iraytrace The new is pretty cool.
21:17.04 *** join/#brlcad cad92 (
21:20.10 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:53.24 ``Erik *read*
21:54.28 ``Erik setenv is a csh type thang iirc. /dev/sgip would seem to assume an irix machine, not linux. blank out old log files, you have the shit on backups.
21:54.57 ``Erik all your gene sequencing are belong to me, make good your time, for great justice
21:55.46 ``Erik the foia 'err on being open' was nice, but protecting the domestic spying activity, ugh
21:56.31 ``Erik pees on that orange go-kart
21:57.22 ``Erik I have a feeling that great care is being taken NOT to shit all over the former office holders record :/
22:12.24 *** join/#brlcad samrose (n=samrose@
22:13.04 *** part/#brlcad iraytrace (
22:27.32 ``Erik O.o
22:28.49 ``Erik ffs, that e90 forum has been down for 12 hours now
22:31.11 ``Erik huh, vw had a vehicle with a $40k base, they're stepping into mb and bmw's turf O.o
23:11.23 brlcad ``Erik: he ain't here or I would have responded

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