IRC log for #brlcad on 20090127

00:30.36 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
00:44.02 mafm night
00:50.39 brlcad cya
01:01.41 starseeker growls at in comand
01:01.44 starseeker command
01:03.33 brlcad sup?
01:03.49 brlcad that would be a fun command to totally rewrite to be more modular
01:05.12 brlcad would be a little tricky to refactor a few things, like making it a pass-through to primitive-specific commands (e.g. "arb8 create param1 param2 param3 ...", "sph make", etc)
01:05.15 starseeker Oh, just making the test commands for functionality checking
01:05.33 starseeker is getting to figure out legal parameters for all the primitives...
01:06.06 starseeker is starting mged testing script for libged work
01:06.12 brlcad oh, awesome!
01:06.25 brlcad I was thinking about that whilest in the wonderful training today
01:06.34 starseeker training?
01:06.57 starseeker panics
01:06.59 brlcad another construx course that ed and I are in
01:07.03 brlcad you're fine
01:07.03 starseeker oh, ok
01:07.05 starseeker phew
01:07.15 brlcad today was 50% overlap with estimation training
01:07.25 brlcad next two days are more to the meat
01:07.33 starseeker got to play with financial stuff and car oil changes - got in at 5pm :-(
01:07.36 starseeker cool
01:07.47 brlcad and at least he covered and was familiar with how his practices relate to agile methods
01:08.05 starseeker well, that helps a bit :-)
01:08.16 starseeker still has fond memories of the previous course
01:08.37 brlcad yeah, he seems a lot more knowledgable about the differences in different types of projects, research-oriented, production-oriented
01:09.02 brlcad how they relate, how various techniques fall apart
01:09.13 starseeker awesome
01:10.31 brlcad if anyone wants to talk to the sourceforge staffers, they're hosting an "open house" meeting on the 29th (Time: 2009-01-29 11:00AM Eastern (08:00AM Pacific, 15:00 UTC))
01:10.53 starseeker irc?
01:10.57 brlcad they'll open to complaints, requests, comments
01:11.02 brlcad yeah on irc
01:11.05 starseeker nifty
01:11.10 brlcad, #sourceforge
01:11.34 brlcad it's not the first time they've done it, they started irc meetings about a year ago, have held a couple
01:11.56 brlcad is particularly interested in the new trac integration...
01:12.35 brlcad I'm not sure if it's a solution in search of a problem, but trac is a much better tracking system than the trackers
01:12.40 starseeker doesn't really have too much to complain about, aside from the connection being dropped on big commits...
01:12.46 starseeker nice
01:12.47 brlcad for at least some definitions of 'better'
01:13.37 brlcad if you want to kick the tires on it, lemme know and I'll turn it on
01:14.14 brlcad there are about a dozen other apps they've recently integrated too with the new infrastructure, documented somewhere.. (just lemme know)
01:14.48 starseeker cool
01:14.51 starseeker will look into it
01:15.22 starseeker is about to be drivin nuts by the stray character capture in the tcl command window
01:16.26 brlcad you ran into it?
01:16.33 brlcad it's *really* easy to fix
01:16.41 brlcad IFF you find the keybinding that causes it
01:16.53 starseeker looks like it's popping up when I do a paste into tcl, and then hit return too fast
01:16.54 brlcad I fixed "most" of them over a year ago
01:17.12 starseeker can't nail it down yet
01:17.36 starseeker glares at Tk for allowing it to happen in the first place
01:17.40 brlcad could be a scroll event (including you clicking on the scroll bar)
01:18.24 brlcad tk textareas with a scrollbar are very very simple, app code controls pretty much every binding
01:18.53 brlcad at least the way we use it -- there's probably a better widget now that does much of it for free, but not back in the day
01:18.59 starseeker nods
01:19.18 starseeker note to self - find better text widget...
01:22.15 brlcad not worth it
01:22.49 brlcad it'd take a lot of work to decouple it and if you did everything right, it'd be nearly identical
01:23.05 starseeker wouldn't it be a benefit on the maintainance side of things though?
01:23.08 brlcad better effort spent merging archer with mged
01:23.11 starseeker true
01:23.19 brlcad I think its text widget might be newer/better
01:24.58 starseeker that reminds me - how did you want to address the "list of drawn objects" problem? It seems like a state issue, and libged is supposed to be stateless, but some of the commands need to "trigger" an entry in some list somewhere in MGED, at the very least
01:27.41 starseeker not to mention rt itself
01:31.00 brlcad hmm.. hehe, now what a thing of beauty ..
01:31.30 starseeker heh
01:31.45 starseeker where'd that come from?
01:31.55 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
01:31.57 brlcad libged operates on a ged structure, which includes lists -- so the commands themselves are stateless, but they are passed lists to operate upon (and have to be written/modified to recognize the ged lists)
01:32.04 brlcad just found it somewhere
01:32.11 starseeker cool
01:32.13 brlcad i think that's all the colors :)
01:32.20 starseeker thought for a second it was a raytraced image :-P
01:32.23 brlcad except two exotics
01:32.47 brlcad don't think the mother-of-pearl one is there
01:41.41 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:42.15 starseeker phew
01:44.12 starseeker that's all the primitives in claims to support in 7.12.6
01:54.37 starseeker brlcad: I'm going to stick what I've got into svn for safe keeping, but it's nowhere near ready so it's a temporary file name and not being added to the test routines
01:55.09 starseeker however, using the "would I want to redo this if I lost it" metric i don't want to lose it ;-)
01:56.15 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33608 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ Add early stages of mged test script intended to exercise (eventually) all mged commands.
02:04.28 brlcad starseeker: k, just don't forget EXTRA_DIST though in the meantime
02:04.49 brlcad distcheck will fail if files are missing
02:17.13 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33609 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ put in EXTRA_DIST
02:25.48 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:12.30 yukonbob hello, cadheads
03:12.34 brlcad howdy
03:24.21 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
03:41.08 starseeker brlcad: I don't suppose there are any docs anywhere on the implementation of sketch and what { bezier D 4 P { 4 7 9 8 0 } } is actually describing?
03:44.54 brlcad bezier curve, degree 4, control points 4 5 9 8 and 0
03:45.39 starseeker hmm - so points are defined independently of particular segments?
03:46.26 starseeker what about { carc S 6 E 5 R -1 L 0 O 0 }
03:48.13 brlcad yeah
03:48.18 brlcad there should be a vertex list
03:48.26 starseeker weird
03:48.37 brlcad lines, carcs, bezeiers, reference indices of that array
03:48.56 brlcad S 5 E 4 .. starts at vertex 5 ends at 4
03:49.07 starseeker ok - R is radius?
03:49.09 brlcad R -1
03:49.10 brlcad right
03:49.43 starseeker is that for storage/efficiency reasons?
03:50.04 starseeker would have stored line, xy start, xy end
03:50.27 brlcad yeah, generally way more compact as points are usually referenced at least twice
03:50.59 brlcad and it makes for a topological structure
03:51.24 brlcad you know that two line segments actually connect by the fact that they reference the same point
03:51.32 brlcad not just because they are "close" within a tolerance
03:51.41 starseeker OK, I can see that
03:51.57 starseeker REALLY needs to work on his primitives documentation...
03:53.02 brlcad it's pretty common paradigm, most geometry formats do that for all primitives (check out an stl or dxf file sometime to see more examples)
03:53.24 starseeker nods - I can see the logic, just makes for very unintuitive "interactive" geometry entering
03:53.45 brlcad yeah :)
03:53.57 brlcad have to specify all your points in advance
03:54.03 brlcad it shouldn't be the interactive form
03:54.47 starseeker hmm.
03:55.04 starseeker was setting up the "in" command to do just that, but perhaps that's a bad move
03:55.07 brlcad make interactive whatever is most intuitive for interactive
03:55.17 brlcad you have a lot more flexibility there
03:55.37 brlcad none of the other primitives match the tclget form
03:55.52 brlcad at least not 1-1, none that come to mind
03:56.10 starseeker 's first thought is to specify line segments, arcs, etc. and have the in command figure out the points and make them "available" if the user wants to specify them
03:57.06 starseeker hmm
03:57.18 starseeker I could really go to town with this if I'm not careful
03:57.26 brlcad since you have the "points" in ascii form at that point (no pun intended), you should be able to dervie the vertex list
03:57.34 starseeker sure
03:57.42 brlcad or..
03:58.27 starseeker I was thinking to be able to specify either "X,Y" line segments or "2->4" style to save typing
03:58.52 brlcad without much thought into it, could be similar to the tclget form sans the VL, but allowing 'in' to have segmented sections for each 'primitive' type prefixed with an identifier
03:58.52 starseeker I've got to be careful not to make "in" too elaborate though
03:59.19 brlcad then you could specify 'v'ertices as a primitive of their own before use
03:59.34 starseeker right
04:00.04 brlcad like if you wanted to make a line: in sketch sketch v 4.5 2.3 v 8.4 7.4 s 0 1
04:00.07 starseeker at user option either specify a vertix explicitly, or have them deduced from more "intuitive information
04:00.51 starseeker or, in sketch sketch l 4.5 2.3 8.4 7.4 -> same thing
04:01.02 brlcad I don't think you'd be able to deduce index vs value reliably without a hint
04:01.20 starseeker l would be the hint - "line segment"
04:01.34 brlcad e.g. in sketch sketch l 4 2 8 7
04:01.44 brlcad is that 4.0 2.0 8.0 7.0 or indices
04:01.55 starseeker use l for xy xy form, s for v1 v2 form
04:02.20 brlcad hm
04:02.28 brlcad double up all the entity types
04:02.32 brlcad interesting thought
04:02.36 starseeker right
04:02.46 starseeker what's "intuitive" will depend on the situation
04:03.04 starseeker or the user
04:03.48 brlcad could be something like "s"/"si", "c"/"ci", etc
04:03.55 starseeker right
04:04.17 brlcad more to type, but less to remember
04:04.32 starseeker and consistent between types
04:13.04 brlcad well, that's one bit you can probably have fun with for sure
04:13.11 starseeker :-)
04:13.45 starseeker the sketch editor actually makes a bit more sense now that I get how it's thinking about verticies
04:14.08 brlcad yeah, you probably see how the interface basically just directly ties to the data
04:14.39 brlcad because it was completely written in just a couple days
04:14.48 starseeker nods
04:15.19 starseeker soome sense of scale in the drawing window would probably help
04:15.49 brlcad probably
04:16.00 brlcad though it does auto-adjust based on the points that are created
04:16.12 brlcad so they're semi-sensibly normalized to a useful range
04:16.32 starseeker sure, but you can't SEE that up front ;-)
04:17.41 brlcad right, but if I saw the values and saw that the values kept changing on me, that'd be a bigger problem (I'd expect a fixed controllable scale like the 3D view)
04:17.54 starseeker nods
04:18.37 starseeker thinks it would also help to have two panes - one which shows the sketch in its local coordinate system and another which lets the user get at the 3D settings
04:19.29 starseeker or, alternately, have the MGED window's display of the sketch object handle that part
04:19.35 starseeker just like any other primitive
04:20.52 starseeker brlcad: Thanks for the orientation - it really helped
04:21.48 brlcad nods
04:22.57 starseeker I really should get out of here...
04:22.59 yukonbob brlcad: question: ".a" archives are always "static", correct?
04:23.00 brlcad sketch really belongs integrated, just with a distinction of 2D editing operations and 3D editing operations (along with 4D) as separate "interfaces"
04:23.10 brlcad yukonbob: .a are static archives, yes
04:27.01 Ralith yukonbob, iirc, .a is literally just an amaglamation of .o
04:27.48 brlcad pretty much, at least the symbols of the specified .o files plus a table of contents
04:27.54 brlcad not just a concatenation of files
04:28.21 brlcad plus/minus a few discrepancies for various platforms over the decades
04:28.26 Ralith yeah, not quite that literally.
04:28.48 starseeker :q
04:28.53 starseeker whoops, that's not vim
04:29.35 starseeker <grin> and now I'm going to go operate a motor vehicle
04:29.37 Ralith if I had the power to trigger a netsplit, that would have been an awesome time to do so.
04:29.54 starseeker lol
04:29.54 yukonbob wtf would libtool be trying to dynamically link a .a?
04:30.02 Ralith O.o
04:30.13 yukonbob
04:30.14 brlcad yukonbob: because someone specified a .a as an ldadd
04:31.12 yukonbob Ralith: re: 'amalgamation' -- ya -- .a == archive, which iiuc is actually similar to tar, for example... it has a ToC, etc. and can hold multiple files...
04:31.59 yukonbob heh
04:32.10 yukonbob sees this has been discussed above...
04:35.39 brlcad yukonbob: that pastebin is normal -- it's just a warning that a "libtool archive" (.la) was created that referenced linking against a library for which there was no dynamic library found
04:36.20 brlcad so it's saying that it'll have to differ linking until the .la is used whereupon it'll use the .a it found (which is fine for binaries)
04:37.02 brlcad it didn't try to dynamically link a .a, it said it couldn't but that was all it found
04:50.50 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33610 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: gah, hard-coding to 5 is a problem on 64-bit platforms where long's can be 64-bit and require a 6 shift. must have been asleep at the keyboard.
05:01.29 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:21.53 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:21.53 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSoC 2008 Highlight: new prototype gui, check it out! || Source Release 7.14.0 is now posted (20081108)
05:21.53 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
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07:01.48 yukonbob brlcad: ok -- thx for that commentary -- I've got more questions/cases coming -- I'm approaching this in a measured baby-step fashion as much as I can... ;)
07:55.37 starseek1r decides sleep is in order...
07:56.27 starseeker humph
08:06.40 brlcad heh
08:46.25 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ub (
08:55.55 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
08:56.28 csanyipal Howdy!
10:18.34 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:43.40 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:03.40 d-lo mernin all
12:04.39 mafm mernin d-lo!
12:07.10 d-lo Finally getting snow here. Time for some sled action... well after work that is.
12:13.43 mafm :)
12:13.53 mafm we had a bit of snow several times, but not very heavy
12:14.01 mafm we never do
12:21.00 d-lo well, aren't you somewhat close to the Med?
12:31.09 mafm mmm
12:31.15 mafm I'll geolocate myself now:
12:31.20 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
12:36.43 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:36.50 mafm ops :)
12:38.59 mafm,-9.135517&sspn=0.428661,0.76561
12:41.17 madant mafm u are at Lugo ?
12:41.27 mafm madant: yep
12:42.03 mafm why, do you know somebody from there?
12:42.43 madant nah.. only Barcelona which is like the other coast right :)
12:42.51 madant ever been to Siurana ?
12:42.56 mafm yep
12:43.05 mafm 1k km away
12:43.20 mafm nope, I don't even know where Siurana is :)
12:43.55 mafm about the proximity to mediterranian sea: alps are closer, pirinees are touching it, and there's a lot of snow there :)
12:44.18 d-lo mafm: So I see :)
12:44.47 ``Erik I don't think I can get to the main road
12:44.49 mafm but there are no big mountains around, the tallest are about 2k meters
12:45.48 d-lo ``Erik: I am begining to see a pattern with you and brlcad: "Oh i have this expensive, awesome sports car and there is a bit of snow on the ground... guess I'll have to stay home today!" :P
12:45.51 madant Siurana is near barcelona . good for climbing
12:45.53 madant
12:46.23 mafm :)
12:46.32 mafm I've only been a couple of times in Catalonia
12:46.33 d-lo madant: Thats a beautiful picture!
12:46.35 ``Erik they're light, have insane amounts of torque and have tires that simply do not grab in snow and rain
12:46.52 ``Erik my truck woulda done it, my car cannot
12:47.33 d-lo Took the Jeep out and had some pseudo-offroading/snowsleding fun this morning :) Its why I got to work about an hour later than norm :)
12:47.35 ``Erik and amusingly, I think there's more snow on my driveway than I can clear
12:47.56 ``Erik heh, I had an '80 honda civic stationwagon that I did effin' insane shit in the snow with
12:48.03 d-lo how much you have on the ground thus far ``Erik
12:48.15 d-lo Honda's are great for that.
12:48.25 ``Erik at one point, I got stuck in mud and snow, ended up pushing it into a ditch and slaloming down to the street below
12:48.40 d-lo CRX + snow covereed deserted mall parking lot = crazy fun :)
12:48.48 d-lo lol nice!
12:48.56 ``Erik um, well, ok, I'm sure it does clear, but I can't see the road or sidewalk, it's hard to make out the curb
12:49.22 ``Erik looks lik ea couple inches
12:49.26 ``Erik ~2-3
12:49.27 ibot -1
12:49.33 d-lo lol
12:49.53 d-lo damn 'bots always piping up when you don't wantem to.
12:50.05 d-lo ~What is the meaning of life?
12:50.07 ibot I think you lost me on that one, d-lo
12:50.19 ``Erik I only see 3 cars tracks in the cul de sac here
12:50.21 d-lo its 42 silly. Sheesh.
12:50.22 ``Erik ~what is 42?
12:50.23 ibot 42 is, like, the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything
12:50.29 ``Erik NO ROUND TRIP! FAIL@
12:50.50 ``Erik is the BC in?
12:50.59 ``Erik I'm getting no answer on the phone
12:51.09 d-lo Dunno. They have that Software training thing going on.
12:51.16 ``Erik ohhhh, hrm
12:51.25 ``Erik that'd be why I got no answer yesterday
12:51.37 d-lo if you want, "I saw Erik here today" :)
12:51.49 ``Erik nah, I'm too honest for all that
12:51.49 d-lo I think its me an d John A in the whole building.
12:51.53 ``Erik hrm
12:52.11 ``Erik do you have a CoC?
12:52.14 ``Erik wow, that sounded wrong
12:52.41 d-lo we only have abour 1" on the ground up by my house, but by the way the radio and TV are reporting it, you'd think its The End.
12:52.46 d-lo lol
12:53.13 ``Erik it's moving east by northeast, so you might get soem more
12:53.34 d-lo CoC = Cohorts of Chaos. A Centaur based guild on the game of Shadowbane known for their effective hit and run tactics.
12:53.38 ``Erik here's the thing, I can't drive, but I want to work, I d'no if it'd be ok for me to work from home, being open source, etc
12:53.42 ``Erik I meant chain of command
12:53.51 d-lo :D
12:53.56 ``Erik otherwise, it'd be corrosion of conformity
12:54.08 d-lo Just leave messages. If I see someone, I will let em know.
12:54.16 ``Erik which became a pretty decent band when they picked up pepper
12:54.36 ``Erik yeah buying an outback is looking more and more attractive
12:54.42 d-lo I saw them when the opened for Metallica during the Poor ol Touring Me tour in Orlando.
12:54.51 ``Erik uhm, around '93 or '94?
12:55.05 d-lo Outbank in addition to the M3?
12:55.09 d-lo '97
12:55.15 d-lo summer of '97
12:55.26 ``Erik my best bud in high school was hired as a bouncer for metallica and CoC in seattle around '94 or so
12:55.51 ``Erik yeah, m3 for nice days, outback for not nice days, plus the larger payload
12:55.56 ``Erik and selling my truck to a neighbor
12:56.31 d-lo yeah, you told me about the truck. If you need help pushing it out into the street, lemme know :)
12:56.54 ``Erik hehehe, well, a neighbors friend wants to buy it to fix it up for his son, and the neighbor is thinking about buying it himself
12:56.56 d-lo So... normal Outback or Baja Outback ;)
12:57.17 ``Erik uhm, they have like half a dozen variants now, I was looking at the 'sports' edition, because I'm, well, stupid
12:58.51 *** join/#brlcad mafm2 (
12:58.59 brlcad has absolutely no aversion to working (or going in to work), else I wouldn't do this for fun and in most of my spare time too
12:59.03 d-lo Nah, not stupid... just enjoys a nice toy or two.
12:59.13 brlcad suckers just pay me to do it too
12:59.17 d-lo lol
12:59.21 brlcad so I buy toys
12:59.43 ``Erik morning, "the boy"
13:00.22 brlcad not nice to call mafm2 that!
13:00.41 d-lo brlcad: hows the class?
13:00.53 brlcad it's alright
13:02.22 brlcad mostly a big rehash of things already known, particularly for open source project management, agile practices, estimation techniques
13:02.37 brlcad today and tomorrow are diff topics, so will see
13:03.02 d-lo heh, well, known to you mebbe, hence why *I* wanted to go :P
13:04.48 d-lo brlcad: you gonna be able to make it to post?
13:04.50 brlcad wanting to get into project management?
13:05.16 brlcad d-lo: don't see why not
13:06.01 brlcad ballerina on ice .. just have to take it really slow
13:06.02 d-lo brlcad: Yes, actually i do. And was just asking about the roads because the one's I traveled were not that great and getting worse.
13:06.53 mafm2 d-lo: :P
13:07.46 brlcad mm, frightening :)
13:08.07 d-lo well, its not the roads, but the retarded hicks with big trucks that scare me.
13:08.20 brlcad not that, wanting to :)
13:09.18 d-lo heh, well I have managed my way out of a few wet paper bags in my life so there :P
13:09.45 brlcad like many things, the job is often best served by people that don't want it -- the don't meddle/impose, don't get too involved, have more humble people skills, protect their people better, etc
13:10.27 brlcad particularly for software management, unless you start up a production shop where you're just coding widgets with no research aspect
13:11.13 d-lo hrm, well, the opposite can be said also. Too humble/univolved and the leadership aspect is nullified.
13:11.29 brlcad sure, it's not black and white
13:11.30 d-lo Its more a fine balance that makes a good manager.
13:11.34 brlcad it's just the bigger trend
13:12.18 d-lo I'll agree 100% with the micromanagement. Let the workers work and the leaders lead ;)
13:12.46 brlcad it's not just micromanagement
13:12.58 brlcad it doesn't take much at all to demotivate
13:13.57 brlcad hell, I honestly almost quit over an argument about shutting doors many years ago
13:14.30 d-lo Exactly, which is where a univolved/humble manager will fail. If a manager cannot set realistic, attainable waypoints/goals with tangible benefits for the workers, morale drops quickly.
13:14.56 brlcad authority or rules without merit or reason is a non-starter in my world
13:14.56 d-lo brlcad: as in you wanted your door shut but management said to keep it open?
13:15.41 brlcad no, different, but that's for another day
13:15.53 d-lo I think thats a given, actually. Very few people nowadays are happy with 'just obeying the rules without knowing the why behind them'
13:16.35 d-lo okay. I could just see some of the managers here starting BS like that, lol
13:16.40 brlcad people bend to the rules *all* the time, put up with crap and find work-arounds instead of fixing the imposition problem
13:17.23 d-lo heh, never said they didn't bend to them, just said they aren't happy blindly following. They usually seek the 'Why' or just quit.
13:17.53 d-lo But you are right, many people don't try to fix the problem.... thats someone else's job... right?
13:17.56 d-lo :)
13:18.24 brlcad the point should be seen in the industry productivity quotia .. that gov't employees on *average* are only 30% productive
13:18.34 brlcad compared to industry's roughly 70% average
13:19.41 d-lo Thats okay though, because Obama will fix that too. lol
13:19.45 brlcad that implies that on average at least, that gov't workers put up with and allow (or require) more than twice as much overhead process in their work
13:20.21 d-lo well, thats assuming that 'Laziness' is either not accounted for or part of overhead :)
13:20.42 brlcad process for the sake of process "to be safe", process on top of process, inefficiency at every corner, entrenched workers that do negative work
13:20.56 brlcad the class actually touched on net negative programmers, I was really glad to see that
13:21.14 ``Erik hides
13:21.18 d-lo lol
13:21.41 brlcad did not know that the rate of negative programmers is actually around 30%
13:21.45 ``Erik I have an abstract to write, and a fistful of crap I wanna work on, sucks
13:21.48 ``Erik really? huh
13:22.04 ``Erik uh, how did the bz migration go? HRM?
13:22.21 ``Erik order of criticality is bz, the suns, then code, right?
13:22.22 ``Erik :D
13:22.39 brlcad the migration has actually been underway
13:22.39 d-lo rate.... as in the amount of negative producicity they create or the amount of neg programmers compared to the total amount of programmers.
13:22.43 d-lo >
13:22.45 d-lo ?
13:23.12 ``Erik software developers have a HUGE difference between 'stars' and 'tards'
13:23.16 brlcad d-lo: that on a given team, the team would actually get *more* work done if that programmer was not there
13:23.19 brlcad in the long run
13:23.36 brlcad due to bugs that go unnoticed that have to get fixed X months/years from now
13:23.45 brlcad due to overhead communication to keep everyone informed
13:23.57 brlcad due to arguments and disconformity
13:23.59 ``Erik mythical man month provided brilliant insight in the 70's
13:24.16 ``Erik but was mostly ignored by the "powers that be"
13:24.32 brlcad ``Erik: you'll like one stat .. i'll have to mention it later
13:24.41 ``Erik heh, pm?
13:24.51 brlcad no, i'm just gonna be late
13:24.56 brlcad ask me about paradigms
13:25.24 ``Erik ok, *shrug* when we're both in the office, I'll jabber about four nickels
13:25.53 ``Erik a bit confused why this can't be said here and now, but *shrug*
13:25.55 brlcad or here later, I just gotta hit the road :)
13:26.22 ``Erik ah, aight, you're riding what, michelin pilot pros? be damn careful, they don't grab snow/ice owrth a fuck
13:26.37 ``Erik I have 'em on the front, I refuse to drive cuz I don't feel like dying today
13:26.53 d-lo "Today is a good day to die."
13:27.05 brlcad more worried about getting her prettiness all sullied with muck and grime
13:27.10 ``Erik heh, amusingly, I have a wad of that blood.
13:27.13 ``Erik but I disagree.
13:27.45 archivist cars are meant to be used
13:27.45 ``Erik tell ya what, witht he m's, I'm FAR more scared about the fucker behind me not having the braking power
13:28.26 ``Erik I mean, good street conditions, I can clomp down and stop in half the distance of an average sedan... fuckers tailgate and don't pay attention, it's damn dangerous
13:28.45 *** join/#brlcad smurfette (
13:28.46 d-lo yeah, the snow has always been the least of my worries... its all the idiots out there.
13:29.43 d-lo I'll be watching the roads/storm progress. I'll jet if it gets too bad. Although I don't think it will be a problem.
13:29.43 ``Erik the, uh, silverado sportback that parks in the same lot, I hit the brakes coming up on paradise, the dude was all sideways and shit from hitting the brakes too hard :( he blew out into the turn lane, but I was crapping my drawers
13:29.54 d-lo has been playing ddo and kinda likes it.
13:30.07 ``Erik your jeep should be able to track fairly well in this east coast shit
13:30.17 ``Erik ddo?
13:30.27 ``Erik dance dance OBLIVION?
13:30.39 d-lo vomits.
13:30.56 d-lo No, not that retarded game.
13:31.00 d-lo D&D online.
13:31.08 d-lo playing the 10 day free trial.
13:31.10 ``Erik did you see the generic rip-off at the bowling alley?
13:31.25 d-lo Nope, must have missed it.
13:31.35 d-lo Either that or my brain blocked it out from my memory on purpose.
13:31.48 ``Erik they're redoing shit, it's amusing, in the "arcade" section, there is a ddr rip-off
13:32.04 ``Erik richard claims it's going out due to green tube failure
13:32.18 d-lo 'green tube failure'
13:32.24 d-lo ... is that medical talk?
13:32.31 ``Erik crt shit
13:32.48 d-lo eww.... who uses crts anymore?
13:33.02 ``Erik it's a halfassed ddr rip with a little crt and a shitty stomp pad thing
13:33.50 d-lo heh, I threatend my mother-in-law's life when she mentioned she might get us that DDR pad for Xmas.
13:34.12 d-lo We got copies of NWN instead :)
13:34.56 d-lo hates DDR in case you haven't noticed.
13:36.14 d-lo hey, where can you find the default size of the Socket buffer at the OS level?
13:38.55 ``Erik um, usually it's the same as the page buffer
13:39.03 ``Erik BUFSIZ in uh, stdlib.h I think
13:39.08 d-lo kk.
13:39.34 d-lo justr trying to size a socket buffer intelligently.
13:39.49 ``Erik most os's have gone with 0-copy socket buffers, so it's a page
13:41.02 ``Erik um, the ether spec says 1500, which comes out to like 1486 or something, but frags are recouped immediately now
13:41.07 ``Erik *think*
13:41.18 d-lo 1500 bytes?
13:41.25 ``Erik *fail* 1k is probably a good size
13:41.26 ``Erik yeah
13:41.51 ``Erik there's crap fro "large packets"... heh, I d'no, I don't remember
13:42.05 d-lo no worries... just looking for a starting point.
13:42.40 ``Erik 1k is safe, 4k is common
13:43.13 ``Erik BUFSIZ is usually 4k
13:43.39 ``Erik if you get to the point where it actually matters, you'll know.
13:44.18 d-lo well, I will be streaming several MB of data, so I am going to fill the buffer every time..
13:45.50 ``Erik don't sweat it until it becomes a problem
13:46.14 ``Erik fragment collectors and buffers are pretty damn solid these days
13:46.26 d-lo kk
13:46.33 d-lo so what you upto today>
13:46.34 d-lo ?
13:46.55 ``Erik I need to write an abstract for a conference
13:47.02 ``Erik and do some adrt/isst work
13:47.05 d-lo abstract.... what?
13:47.27 ``Erik uh, some v/l conf up in jersey that BC is all twisted in a knot about
13:47.47 d-lo so an abstract presentation?
13:48.17 ``Erik yeah, she wants me to present in like may, but it needs and abstract by end of jan
13:48.41 d-lo wow... thats a bit ahead of schedule!
13:49.02 ``Erik gov't is as gov't does
13:53.16 *** join/#brlcad Vivek (n=Vivek@gnu-india/admin/VivekVC)
13:53.49 Vivek Where can I get the install instructions for brl-cad ?
13:54.26 Vivek I have downloaded the 64 bit version and unzipped and untared it
13:54.43 d-lo what OS?
13:57.15 Vivek Ubuntu
13:57.59 d-lo did you get the binaries or the source?
13:59.19 Vivek d-lo:
13:59.53 Vivek d-lo: Source from the above URL.
14:00.42 ``Erik what is the fail?
14:01.02 d-lo that looks like a Binary distribution. try running mged from rel-7.12.2/bin/
14:01.39 Vivek ``Erik: I need the howto to install it on ubuntu, a pointer to the revelant document would be nice.\
14:02.04 Vivek d-lo: I use ubuntu not rhel.
14:02.23 d-lo Vivek: yes, you said that.
14:02.30 ``Erik the code is the doc :D I'm not looking at your URL, the source is the one true way, fwiw
14:02.54 Vivek ``Erik: ahaa
14:03.12 Vivek I was looking for a install or readme file :)
14:03.25 ``Erik we have both an INSTALL and a README
14:03.34 d-lo like I said, You downloaded a Binary dist, so 'cd' over to whereveryouuntarredit/rel-7.12.2/bin/ and try running 'mged'
14:04.14 Vivek So can you point me to the URL to download the latest souce :)
14:04.34 ``Erik being a 30 year old program, we install to /usr/brlcad/ by default, old school unix style, yo
14:05.00 Vivek ``Erik: ok...
14:05.06 ``Erik yes, the sourceforge page has a link to the latest source, it's like 7.14.0 or something
14:05.12 d-lo latest tarball of source:
14:05.36 d-lo or you can get a SVN checkout if you want the latest (perhaps not greatest ;) )
14:06.53 Vivek ``Erik and d-lo: Thanks
14:08.47 d-lo np
14:09.48 Vivek oops I had downloaded the binary earlier ;)
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15:41.23 starseeker struggles back to something one might generously call awake and heads in
15:41.46 starseeker mmm, purty snow
15:41.51 starseeker this should be entertaining
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18:25.10 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33611 10/brlcad/trunk/ (11 files in 4 dirs): Added the following functions to libged: ged_grid2model_lu, ged_grid2view_lu, ged_model2grid_lu, ged_model2view_lu, ged_view2grid_lu, ged_view2model_lu and ged_view2model_vec.
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21:56.37 brlcad mm.. today was much better, that was fairly useful or at least interesting
21:57.46 brlcad d-lo: that's one of those places where just using libpkg as the underlying transport will save a lot of work
21:58.17 brlcad it's a fairly extensively tested codebase as it is that already parcels up and delivers data across a pipe through a fairly simple interface
21:59.19 brlcad and it takes care of all of the portability issues that you won't encounter (tcp issues, drop outs, splits, kernel/system buffering, signals, etc) just testing on a couple platforms
22:02.12 brlcad also, fwiw, our INSTALL file is in both the source and binary dists (in binary it's in share/brlcad/VERSION/doc/INSTALL iirc, otherwise the http svn URL helps)
22:41.35 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
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