IRC log for #brlcad on 20090206

00:03.59 starseeker hrm - looks like a couple of the view input options are busted
00:04.29 starseeker berates himself for using make instead of in to create test primitives for other commands - default changes is messing up comparisons
00:04.41 starseeker guess I get to go back and fix it
00:05.29 starseeker don't get why all of a sudden the saveview stuff is dead - it was working when I initially tested it and that was against head...
00:20.52 mafm night
00:35.12 starseeker kill is being somewhat less verbose as well
00:37.56 starseeker erm. g_diff bombs
00:45.30 starseeker brlcad: Is g_diff converting things to the same format as g2asc and doing the diff on that?
03:09.36 ``Erik bombs on what?
03:09.55 ``Erik I was just dicking around in g_diff.. it does not do a g2asc, but it has similar logic for human readable crap
03:11.44 ``Erik other than that, the last 'real' modification was a little over a year ago by daytona
03:22.48 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (
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03:59.07 starseeker ``Erik: on the messy .g files generated by running first on 7.12.6 and then on head
04:11.15 *** join/#brlcad MinuteEl1ctron (
04:14.58 *** join/#brlcad CIA-40 (n=CIA@
04:28.48 ``Erik g_diff's natural behavior is to compare straight up in mem rep
04:29.18 ``Erik it acutally compares the binary csg tree for combs iirc
04:29.48 ``Erik and then produces text acceptable as mged input in 'mged/machine' mode
04:30.22 ``Erik my hack was to wait until after those were done, then do substring searching on the output strings... horribly hackish, boggled I haven't been yelled at for it :D
04:32.29 ``Erik hates when people with no appreciable ability in math make absolute statements about the output of certain mathematical statements
04:35.02 ``Erik 23k base health, more like 31k buffed, do the numbers, the 'big bad guy' can do up to 13k damage a whack on me, but this fucker claims I'd be one-shotted
04:35.22 ``Erik tries to figure out how 13k > 31k, thinks he could stay standing 2 hits without a damn heal
04:35.24 ``Erik *grouse*
04:37.33 ``Erik </nerd>
04:39.07 ``Erik wouldn't mind seeing g2asc's core logic moved into librt, and g_diff's output actually using those lib-ized functions
04:39.40 ``Erik It hink g2asc and asc2g need their per-primitive logic worked into the primitive files
04:39.57 ``Erik the v5 i/o is essentially complicated swizzling
04:40.08 ``Erik why not have the ascii rep in there as well?
04:52.41 brlcad starseeker: no, it doesn't convert to asc and compare, it compares object to object in order, attribute by attribute
04:54.24 brlcad and yeah, what ``Erik said
05:02.41 ``Erik brlcad: is migration low priority now?
05:11.06 brlcad nope, just stalled by the other migration
05:11.25 brlcad car filled with 6 guys or so in a pimped out car just drove by the house, stopped, backed up, were checking out the car
05:11.32 brlcad geniunely just interested in the car, but odd they new it was mine
05:11.41 brlcad yes, I will be installing external video cameras at some point soon :)
05:13.34 ``Erik on the upside, a very noticable car is far less likely to be chop shop meat
05:16.31 ``Erik <-- grumbles some at the suv that cut him of on post and he ended up passing about 12 miles later, should paint his car fucktard orange to not blend in or something :D *duck*
05:17.56 ``Erik oh, btw, saw another hidden cop, dark green or dark blue dodge dakota pickup (salt and bright flashing lights made it hard to distinguish)
05:19.02 ``Erik tagged someone on 22 just east of the jeep dealership
05:42.48 brlcad would rather be a fucktard if that means smiling every goddamn time I look at my car, get in the car, drive the car ..
05:43.14 brlcad blending is dulling
05:43.16 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
06:17.12 *** join/#brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein (n=phreak@
06:35.43 starseeker brlcad: is there a good way to direct MGED output to a file at the tcl level?
06:37.01 brlcad erhm
06:37.14 starseeker is studying output_hook...
06:37.22 brlcad it depends, but yeah, you can generally redirect any output for any command just like the shell
06:37.35 brlcad many commands have built-in support
06:38.06 starseeker using ">" and ">>"?
06:38.09 brlcad it's a little tricky with our commands for some of them since many of them "do their own thing" on the C side
06:38.15 brlcad nopes
06:41.00 brlcad if it's a command that just returns a value that is printed, you can capture that to a file very simply
06:41.25 brlcad set fd [open whatever w] ; puts $fd [your command here] ; close $fd
06:42.10 brlcad if your command calls puts directly or manually writes to stdout/stderr, then you'll have to reopen stdout/stderr
06:44.08 starseeker hmm
06:44.10 brlcad this is pretty interesting by itself and is related,
06:44.32 brlcad does the stdout redirection
06:45.24 starseeker hmm - what's the license on that?
06:47.34 brlcad don't know, doesn't say (not that I'd be too worried for such a small public snippet that isn't being promoted/used outside of regression testing)
06:47.38 yukonbob hi nerds
06:47.38 starseeker grr - wildcards don't seem to work inside []
06:47.45 brlcad nope
06:47.55 brlcad wildcards are glob compat expansion
06:47.57 yukonbob starseeker: glob
06:47.59 brlcad there is a glob command
06:48.36 starseeker glob expands the file system
06:48.47 starseeker wants it to list primitives
06:48.51 brlcad starseeker: another option is the exec command which does offer operator redirection
06:48.57 starseeker hmmm
06:49.26 brlcad set ret [exec script.tcl >& output]
06:49.52 brlcad er, set ret [exec tclsh script.tcl >& output]
06:50.14 brlcad will kick off a subprocess
06:50.20 starseeker that might work
06:50.36 brlcad ret will of course have the numeric exit status
06:50.39 yukonbob one could also build a completely new [brlputs] either at script or C level...
06:50.51 starseeker as you've probably guessed, I'm exploring doing this regression thing from the tcl side
06:51.21 brlcad you have a reasonable setup as it is
06:52.08 starseeker it has at least one major problem with extensive use of the make command
06:52.11 starseeker that was a bad mistake
06:52.24 starseeker also, a lot of operations like tra should be tried on all the primitives
06:52.39 starseeker I've already convinced tcl to do some rather intelligent things in that department
06:53.11 brlcad make just exemplifies that problem I was telling you about, sensitivity of the tests to changes
06:53.15 starseeker of course, I can kick off the individual scripts from sh, but I was thinking if tcl was used all the way through we could also regression test on Windows
06:53.21 yukonbob starseeker: are you using tcltest(n)?
06:53.23 brlcad the tests are going to be *highly* sensitive unless you make the comparisons highly relaxed
06:53.43 starseeker yukonbob: never heard of it
06:53.46 starseeker googles
06:53.53 yukonbob man n tcltest :)
06:54.20 yukonbob (assuming your tcl man pages are section n)
06:54.26 brlcad yukonbob: a great suggestion, maybe "round two"
06:54.38 starseeker brlcad: Oh, agreed - they'll be fragile. But that particular one (make) incorporated a known problem into libged sensitive commands at a time when we have to be especially concerned about their behavior - just a brain dead move on my part
06:54.56 brlcad starseeker: nod
06:55.07 brlcad so swap them all out for in commands, and you're done :)
06:55.24 brlcad except for the make command, don't swap it out for in ;)
06:55.59 starseeker sure - but having to do that manually is a pain in the neck, and highlighted how stupid I was to have so many manual instances of various commands present in full verbosity anyway
06:55.59 brlcad yukonbob: have you used tcltest on a project before, example testsuite that could be run somewhere?
06:56.18 starseeker proc in_arb8 {cmdname {id_number ""} {extension ".s"}} {in [format %s_arb8%s%s $cmdname $id_number $extension] arb8 10 -9 -8 10 -1 -8 10 -1 0 10 -9 0 3 -9 -8 3 -1 -8 3 -1 0 3 -9 0 }
06:56.23 starseeker for example
06:57.23 starseeker as is, even without integrating anything, I think we look like we're in fairly good shape
06:57.58 starseeker I don't have full coverage yet, but have a lot of the critical ones
06:58.44 brlcad good shape on the testing side or on the results side
06:58.50 starseeker results
06:59.06 brlcad ah, great .. so we can .. SHIP IT!
06:59.13 starseeker most are due to the make differences (or other arb changes)
06:59.21 brlcad that would make for a great dyslexic typo
07:00.22 brlcad I'm actually most concerned about outright crashes happening
07:01.21 starseeker Well, aside from autoview and saveview, loadview, ps, and plot antics I don't think I hit anything that flat out crashed
07:01.54 starseeker oh, and overlay
07:02.07 starseeker Bob knows autoview is messed up
07:02.16 starseeker the others seem to be unhappy about being scripted
07:05.07 starseeker anyway, sleep - I'll forge on tomorrow
07:05.26 starseeker getting a better feel for how to do stuff in tcl, so that's probably good
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07:06.40 starseeker brlcad, yukonbob: thanks for the help
07:06.47 starseeker appreciate it :-)
07:07.01 brlcad what's autoview do wrong?
07:07.11 starseeker it's not doing much of anything
07:07.15 brlcad hrm, quite a few things use it
07:07.49 brlcad okay, well cya on the other side
07:08.02 starseeker later :-)
07:15.59 yukonbob brlcad: I've done -small- work with it... see Tcl itself for large test suite, or sqlite
07:16.25 yukonbob see also dejagnu, which is tcl-based
07:16.37 yukonbob ^---- gcc testsuite
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12:16.42 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33682 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: apparently I made it obsolete in 7.12.4 whilest consolidating and eliminating globals
13:01.10 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:23.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33683 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: Add note in TODO about tools to make life easier with springs/shocks/coils and gears
13:49.53 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:00.43 ``Erik taps his foot and waits for release so he can begin committing horrible atrocities
15:01.43 ``Erik (parse however you like)
15:02.15 ``Erik I'm thinking above shoving libtie into librt proper O.o
15:05.30 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:18.53 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33684 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ Replace some of the makes with ins, comment out a few problematic tests.
15:22.18 brlcad ``Erik: you could make the release yourself, follow the HACKING guide steps
15:22.48 brlcad basically just have to write some release notes, update the release number in a couple places, sync to stable, and pass make distcheck
15:22.52 ``Erik uhhhhh *thinks of a way to dodge* waiting on starseekers mged test suite results? :D
15:23.24 ``Erik has released auto* crap before, knows the routine, just doesn't wanna do it :D dicking with code instead
15:23.54 archivist watches him wriggle
15:24.08 ``Erik (that and the machines I like have failed install/deinstall tests since the tkhtml stuff, due to tea ... issues)
15:24.10 ``Erik :D
15:24.26 ``Erik yeah, well, I think the wiggling just bought me the duty
15:25.55 brlcad starseeker seems willing
15:38.04 ``Erik yeah, he just left my office, he's gonna head it up, *puts on pigtails and freckles* an' ah halped!
15:51.22 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33685 10/brlcad/trunk/ (ChangeLog include/conf/PATCH): Bump PATCH number, update Changelog
15:52.01 starseeker brlcad: Given the updates coming to the TODO file, do you want me to do anything with it now?
15:52.08 brlcad nope
15:52.11 starseeker k
15:58.15 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33686 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
15:58.15 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: spell out names for consistency unless they won't fit, items are supposed to be
15:58.15 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: in stack-based chronological ordering with newest on top. so move up eriks
15:58.15 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: (added a rough cut at an "evolutionary" capability to g_diff. This attempts to
15:58.15 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: guess if a change to a region was a natural evolution or if the region was
15:58.18 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: "reworked" in some significant fashion. Requested by lbutler.) and expand (Base
15:58.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: to neck ratio in hyp should not be scaled with other parameters, result is
16:01.31 ``Erik tries to remember AM_CONDITIONAL's behavior
16:03.49 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33687 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: summary in preparation for release 7.14.2; emphasize the importer and exporter changes noting bot_dump, lens, dem-g, and the dxf-g 2d entity fix.
16:06.23 brlcad AM_CONDITIONAL(VAR, [condition]) ==> if condition evaluates to true, define/include VAR sections
16:06.56 ``Erik yeah, but the little details when you're in the guts is where I'm trynig to think :D
16:07.17 brlcad you mean the condition?
16:07.19 ``Erik I think I don't even need to do that, though, I think it was just a silly oversight... testing
16:07.36 brlcad rarely need conditionals
16:07.45 ``Erik "if VAR", was thinking I might need to undefined VAR in the .ac
16:08.25 ``Erik (--enable-all on a machien without apache fop attempts to execute ":", trying to make it smarter)
16:08.26 brlcad usually better to AC_SUBST so it can be toggled in the source
16:08.33 brlcad ah yes
16:09.21 brlcad starseeker: I'm done
16:09.37 starseeker brlcad: great, thanks!
16:09.44 starseeker got builds going on mac and linux now
16:10.50 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33688 10/brlcad/trunk/ do not build PDF docs if apache FOP is not found.
16:10.52 ``Erik taps cia
16:10.55 ``Erik starseeker: I'm done
16:10.56 ``Erik :D
16:11.14 starseeker ``Erik: awesome, thanks!
16:11.28 starseeker notes change to and restarts builds...
16:12.35 ``Erik since I've probably broken things in horrible ways, I should flee to lunch... :D
16:12.46 starseeker heh
16:13.25 starseeker might as well - make distcheck will take a little while
16:13.41 ``Erik yeah, it might even take until, oh, say, 1pm?
16:13.50 starseeker heh
16:14.44 brlcad starseeker, you should be good to go to upload to as well -- see a previous release for what goes into notes, changelog, and the various file settings
16:18.12 brlcad or ask, whatever
16:19.19 starseeker cool, I'll take care of it
16:19.25 starseeker has done it once before, IIRC
16:20.47 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33689 10/rt^3/trunk/src/tests/java/ (3 files): Completion of gsph0_test. Now successfully handshakes, requests geometry, receives geometry and logs off the gsph0.
16:20.52 starseeker brlcad: You get to do the website update (heh - we missed 7.14.0 on the website. oops)
16:23.24 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33690 10/rt^3/trunk/ (8 files in 7 dirs): Completion of gsph0. Now sucessfully handshakes, handles requests, sends geometry and disconnects from gsph0_test. Boost::asio is providing a segfault whenever a client disconnects, so that is the next issue to tackle.
16:27.22 starseeker brlcad: bty, home come make extrude uses an empty sketch instead of some default?
16:27.28 starseeker er s/home/how
16:28.35 brlcad it's a lose lose situation
16:28.56 starseeker how so?
16:29.20 brlcad it used to make a default and people complained that (of course) it was never what they were modeling if they're actually creating something new
16:29.32 starseeker ah
16:29.37 brlcad so to use sketch, you always had to pop open the sketch editor
16:29.46 brlcad and delete everything
16:29.51 brlcad every time
16:30.00 brlcad now it's an empty pallete
16:30.21 brlcad makes it harder for quick testing, but for folks actually modeling, it's a step less
16:30.40 starseeker maybe we should show a bounding box wireframe for the empty case or something, so it doesn't look like a total falure
16:30.54 starseeker OK, I can see that
16:31.31 starseeker we should be able to draw the bb without the sketch
16:31.55 brlcad what is the bb of an empty sketch? :)
16:32.18 starseeker no, the empty extrude
16:32.28 starseeker or rather, an extrude with an empty sketcy
16:32.32 starseeker sketch
16:32.33 starseeker grr
16:32.50 sketcy :D
16:32.54 starseeker the extrude's bounding box is not impacted by the contents o the sketch, iirc
16:33.03 sketcy d-lo
16:33.04 starseeker :-P
16:33.10 starseeker nice
16:33.24 d-lo is an irssitard
16:34.31 starseeker an empty sketch will obviously have nothing to display, but an empty extrude still defines a volume in which the extrusion will take place
16:34.49 brlcad it's an empty volume
16:35.08 brlcad it defines a height
16:35.11 brlcad so the "bb" would be a line
16:35.14 brlcad segment
16:35.21 brlcad not very intuitive/useful
16:35.26 starseeker I thought there were other vectors
16:35.29 starseeker looks again
16:35.33 brlcad those are scaling parameters
16:35.42 brlcad not absolute values
16:35.45 starseeker ah, phooy
16:35.50 brlcad multiply by the scaling and you got zero
16:36.07 starseeker thought the sketch was scaled to fit within absolute 3D boundaries
16:36.09 starseeker my bad
16:36.17 brlcad hm
16:36.20 brlcad well double-check it
16:36.33 starseeker if it isn't it should be ;-)
16:37.44 brlcad the confusion there might be the inconsistency, showing the wireframe bounding box that renders nothing where normally that would be .. a box
16:37.51 brlcad and conceivably could be a sketch that is just a box
16:38.13 starseeker true - maybe use dotted lines or some other non-traditional outline?
16:38.27 starseeker could use it for all bounding volumes, come to think of it
16:39.04 brlcad it's presently all neatly abstracted
16:39.26 brlcad wireframe render just asks the primitives for their segment list and draws them
16:39.52 brlcad if it's drawing a combination, it draws subtractions with a dashed line
16:40.04 brlcad the primitive doesn't have a way to say "this is just my bounding box"
16:40.32 starseeker hmm - pity
16:41.03 brlcad what you could do, though, once BB creation is separated from prep() would be to change wireframe render to display a BB (with whatever visual annotation) using the bb routine if the segment list was empty()
16:41.16 brlcad could have another mode that displayed all bounding boxes.. that'd be cool
16:46.25 starseeker uh - got a failure - MISSING FROM DIST: ./src/mged/red.c
16:46.31 starseeker what the
16:46.40 starseeker is that file new?
16:47.40 starseeker investigates
16:51.50 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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17:14.05 starseeker blinks - the red.c error did NOT occur on OSX
17:15.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33691 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ Put red.c in EXTRA_DIST to make distcheck happy.
17:24.37 starseeker brlcad: I recall you finding a "right" way to sync to stable that didn't involve blowing it away - what was the trick?
17:57.36 brlcad using the right command
17:57.54 brlcad and right options
17:58.40 brlcad I believe I put an example in a commit log message
18:00.31 starseeker ok. Is there a way in tcl to direct stderr to stdout the way the 2>&1 trick does in sh?
18:00.52 brlcad >&
18:01.09 starseeker thanks
18:01.29 brlcad "man n exec" lists all the combinations
18:15.55 starseeker wonders how the sh logic looking for the mged path can be recreated... hmm...
18:31.00 starseeker brlcad: If you did comment on the svn options I'm not seeing it in the STABLE merge commits
18:38.16 starseeker ok, both make distchecks passed - starting the STABLE merge (gulp)
18:43.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33692 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-14-2/: Tag 7.14.2 Release
18:44.42 starseeker that was some strange password stuff it wanted
19:18.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
19:39.19 brlcad starseeker: that doesn't look right..
19:39.41 brlcad tag should be off of STABLE *after* the merge is complete and committed
19:39.53 starseeker crud
19:40.00 starseeker then HACKING is wrong
19:40.11 brlcad not a big deal, but fyi for future
19:40.16 starseeker k
19:40.22 brlcad hacking doesn't know about stable
19:40.27 starseeker grr
19:40.47 starseeker syncing up STABLE is being a major pita again
19:41.22 brlcad what is your merge line?
19:41.44 starseeker svn merge -r 33115:HEAD
19:41.52 starseeker I'm doing it by subdirectories now with better luck
19:42.04 brlcad did you find the commit?
19:42.14 brlcad I vaguely recall that being the problem
19:42.16 starseeker the one with your comment? no
19:42.54 brlcad it's starting to come back to me..
19:48.02 starseeker I'm thinking the header updates are partially clogging it
19:48.12 starseeker it means a change for virtually every file
19:48.32 brlcad which implies something is wrong with the merge line
19:48.36 brlcad that should be a clean merge
19:49.57 starseeker my connection keeps timing out
19:54.50 brlcad starseeker: try form 1 for svn merge
19:54.56 brlcad instead of three
19:56.04 starseeker form 1?
19:56.13 brlcad svn help merge, the first one
19:56.26 brlcad and be specific on all three optional parts
19:56.43 brlcad even if it's the 'default'
19:58.13 brlcad i vaguely recall the screwup having something to do with not specifying the from/to explicitly
19:59.45 starseeker it doesn't like
19:59.54 starseeker syntax error
20:00.15 brlcad plus, the last merge point was r33207
20:00.33 brlcad that's not a valid revision on STABLE
20:00.45 brlcad hm!(lightbulb)
20:00.50 brlcad that could cause it
20:01.04 brlcad not valid so it defaults to BASE .. which would be a conflict
20:01.25 brlcad (guessing)
20:01.46 starseeker it's a syntax error though, not a revision # error
20:02.50 starseeker oh, duh
20:03.55 starseeker removes stray -r
20:04.09 starseeker OK, I'm gonna grab lunch while that runs
20:05.24 brlcad hopes that's a fresh working copy, else it'll still be conflicted
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21:01.21 starseeker brlcad: still getting the blasted timeout failures
21:19.40 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
21:53.53 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33693 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (142 files in 10 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 1
21:55.59 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33694 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (75 files in 25 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 2
21:56.24 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:58.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33695 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/ (204 files in 29 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 3
22:03.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33696 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/ (374 files in 21 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 4
22:03.43 brlcad heh
22:04.15 starseeker shakes fist at connection, but at least it merged
22:04.18 brlcad any better luck on the merge?
22:04.19 starseeker thanks brlcad for that command
22:04.22 starseeker yep
22:04.27 brlcad cool
22:04.37 brlcad in hindsight, I suspect it maybe was just the revision being used
22:04.45 brlcad either that or lack of explicit .
22:04.52 starseeker I think lack of explicit
22:05.04 starseeker will stick that in hacking for next time
22:05.21 starseeker expected better of subversion, but oh well
22:09.08 starseeker brlcad: I'm updating HACKING to include stable
22:10.59 louipc wow
22:17.28 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33697 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/ (709 files in 57 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 5
22:18.29 starseeker brlcad: Any idea how to enable "test.s*" matching of database objects in a .g file instead of files on the filesystem from tcl?
22:32.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33698 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/ (320 files in 15 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 6
22:32.29 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33699 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/ (512 files in 21 dirs): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 7
22:32.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33700 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (12 files): Merge 7.14.2 into STABLE branch - part 8
22:32.44 starseeker phew
22:32.53 starseeker hopes that has got it
22:37.03 starseeker brlcad: i've gotta run - i can do the pulls on the tagged release and stable later to follow up, as well as uploading the tarballs, or you can take it from here
22:37.08 starseeker whoever gets to it first?
22:42.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33701 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: Correct HACKING to take into account the updating of STABLE - tagging should actually happen from stable branch, not from trunk itself.
22:44.23 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33703 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/.mged.tcl.swp: oops, don't want the swap file
22:44.32 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33702 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (17 files): Put in early versions of tcl based regression tests, using individual files per-command and using looping logic and procs to make things easier to manage. Early test code, feasibility study.
22:44.50 *** join/#brlcad ruskie (i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
23:19.01 ``Erik weird
23:55.38 starseeker ``Erik: what?

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