IRC log for #brlcad on 20090210

00:04.36 brlcad starseeker: just caught one of the first commits from today -- the *_LIBRARY_PATH foo you're using won't work
00:04.53 starseeker hmm. OK
00:04.56 brlcad those are read by the linker before/while a binary is being loaded
00:05.18 starseeker was basing it off the sh scripts
00:05.28 brlcad if you're running the tclsh that got you to those set env()'s then you're not on a platform/environment that needed them set in the first place
00:05.39 brlcad yep, they set it *before* the binary is called
00:05.57 starseeker I thought I was too
00:06.00 starseeker looks again
00:06.15 brlcad I'm looking at tcl code..
00:06.23 brlcad if it's running tcl code, then it doesn't matter
00:06.32 starseeker oh, point
00:06.33 brlcad because tclsh is running
00:06.36 starseeker k
00:06.44 brlcad ld is done with its job
00:07.09 brlcad there is an old hack you can use, though -- a script that doubles as both a shell and tcl script -- old trick
00:08.06 brlcad look at src/tclscripts/ami.tcl to see an example -- it's a shell script that can be invoked as either a shell script or a tcl script
00:08.27 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33724 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/mged.tcl: Remove env logic - won't work inside tclsh
00:08.28 brlcad actually better example
00:08.33 brlcad look at src/archer/archer
00:08.42 brlcad that even sets env vars and reinvokes
00:09.40 brlcad the "trick" is because tcl and sh handle line-comments differently, with sh ignoring comment continuations and tcl not ignoring them
00:10.54 starseeker blast - I was hoping staying completely within tcl land would avoid the need for shell scripting, and let us run these on Windows
00:11.37 brlcad it would run on windows
00:11.56 brlcad they work as tcl scripts -- and on windows you're not going to have an LD error
00:12.09 starseeker ah
00:12.20 brlcad fed through tclsh, it'll ignore the shell lines
00:13.19 brlcad for the nix platforms, they can either be fed through sh (which will read the sh lines, set *_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly, and then reinvoke as tcl) or push the LD wrapping back up into make (like src/tclscripts/ does for ami.tcl)
00:13.46 starseeker Hmm. What's the preferred way?
00:14.15 brlcad probably to push it up into the
00:14.22 brlcad keeps the scripts more simple like you have them
00:14.28 brlcad rather, even more so
00:15.12 brlcad if it really gets messier than the three lines it takes now, you could wrap the whole thing in a script anyways
00:15.42 starseeker nods
00:15.54 starseeker I'll give the way a quick go
00:16.43 brlcad see if mged works for you though .. don't have a clean build here, but if that's a prevalent bug, that'd require an emergency fix and release of 7.14.6
00:17.58 starseeker let me check
00:18.26 starseeker what command is it accepting?
00:18.33 brlcad anything and everything
00:18.36 brlcad sdlfakjhsdlkj
00:18.53 starseeker yeah - I don't know if it's doing anything with them but it is accepting them
00:19.20 brlcad nope, nothing works afaict
00:19.22 starseeker I take it it should be flashing the error about no db being open?
00:19.23 brlcad opendb test.g
00:19.33 brlcad every command fails
00:19.39 starseeker same here
00:19.40 brlcad rather .. does nothing
00:19.51 brlcad okay, that's pretty critical
00:20.04 starseeker hrm - libged related?
00:20.23 brlcad don't know but highly possible
00:20.30 starseeker oh great
00:20.44 starseeker starts digging in src/mged
00:21.08 brlcad pulls the source uploads
00:24.48 brlcad arf, have to do a 7.14.4 as soon as that's fixed
00:32.42 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33725 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ Move the path logic to where it will actually work (thanks Sean)
00:36.53 starseeker hmm - ged_refresh_handler calls refresh...
00:40.53 starseeker OK, it never gets as far as calling f_quit when I type quit, so its messed up before that...
00:48.25 *** join/#brlcad oiteste (n=chatzill@
00:51.26 starseeker brlcad: Ick - this is one of those right on the border between Tcl and C
00:51.36 starseeker it's getting to refresh
00:51.57 andrecastelo howdy :D
00:52.19 starseeker howdy :-)
01:22.08 starseeker brlcad: right now, my best guess is that it has something to do with gedp->ged_gdp->gd_rtCmdNotify being set to mged_rtCmdNotify when a file is loaded, but not without a file loaded (since gedp doesn't point to a structure)
01:31.59 starseeker If I do the naive thing and initialize a ged struct with a pointer to NULL, it starts up in classic mode and doesn't correctly handle anything.
01:32.29 starseeker perhaps ged has some sort of built in assumption about a database being open before processing commands?
01:34.01 starseeker in src/mged/mged.c lines 657-680 is where mged_rtCmdNotify is being assigned
01:34.16 starseeker or not assigned, as the case may be
02:55.43 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (
02:57.45 Mouette so,these problems still haven't solution in solaris platform?
03:06.43 Mouette 7.14.2 sourcecode in is disappear!!!! @@
03:11.21 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
03:54.04 starseeker Mouette: We found a problem that needs fixing
03:56.52 Mouette so you delete that sourcecode?
03:57.04 starseeker brlcad took it down, I believe
03:57.20 starseeker you can still get the source code from svn, if you want it - but it's busted right now
03:57.54 Mouette no, i like wait stable version
04:00.02 brlcad Mouette: I disabled it, though I believe the direct link is still valid if you had it -- there's a problem with it so it was disabled
04:02.35 brlcad starseeker: I've not looked, but the problem almost guaranteed has something to do with the ged command wrapper in mged
04:02.53 starseeker I emailed Bob
04:03.09 starseeker needs to get some sleep tonight, but he may be able to spot it right off tomoroww morning
04:03.21 starseeker can't spell
04:04.11 brlcad bets it's cmd.c:351
04:05.00 starseeker that could be it
04:05.31 starseeker wonders why he didn't notice that in the gdb back trace for the case with a file loaded
04:05.37 brlcad yep
04:05.47 brlcad gedp is only set during f_opendb
04:05.51 brlcad that's not right
04:41.31 brlcad now the other question is how classic mode works but graphical doesn't
05:46.15 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
06:25.09 brlcad closes up gdb for the night only fixing the one bug but not very well
06:26.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33726 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ (mged.c setup.c): gedp needs to be non-null. it should exist for the life of the caller making libged calls. move ged init into mged_setup but keep the wdbp association else all goes to hell.
06:29.10 brlcad that seemds to do the trick here, but I'm sure there's more to it
06:54.20 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:21.41 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
09:22.11 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:05.58 d-lo Morning all!
11:06.21 brlcad yawns
11:07.45 d-lo just waking or getting ready to crash?
11:07.55 d-lo or do I already know the answer :)
11:08.37 d-lo just FYI: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11/lib/ when searching for -lX11
11:08.50 d-lo so I think I will talk with Brian today :/
11:09.06 brlcad what type is it?
11:09.31 d-lo What type is what? The X11 lib?
11:09.35 brlcad yep
11:09.54 brlcad if it's incompatible, you can often make it compatible
11:10.00 d-lo I get that linker error for both the .so and the .a
11:10.04 brlcad sure
11:10.24 brlcad it's the 'why' it's incompatible that matters
11:10.34 d-lo I am going to try a few more things. I just noticed the path is getting the libs from /lib/ and not /lib64/
11:10.46 d-lo How can I find out the 'why' ?
11:11.04 brlcad don't guess, just run "file" on it -- it'll tell you its type, then run file on one of your .o files to see what type you're building
11:12.06 d-lo run file on one of the .o's generated during the brlcad build?
11:12.19 brlcad you have others? :)
11:12.34 d-lo :) Just verifying info when I am in uncharted waters :)
11:12.49 d-lo apologizes for abnoxious q's :)
11:13.45 brlcad is usually sarcastic, bitter, and brief in the unintended early prelight hours
11:14.46 d-lo well, the build is hanging up in: brlcad/src/other/tk/unix/ and so i picked the last .o generated: tkUnixXId.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
11:15.02 d-lo ....and that tells me that I am building a 64-bit version?
11:19.45 brlcad it tells you a lot of things, one being that it's building 64-bit version
11:20.18 brlcad more importantly, what is the .so's type
11:21.06 brlcad also important is whether it was incompatible, skipped, and it simply used something else (that was compatible) or whether it skipped and linked nothing/failed
11:21.21 brlcad the message by itself could be innocuous
11:21.42 d-lo the .so files are not generated yet.
11:21.51 d-lo or are you speaking of the .so of the X11 libs
11:21.52 d-lo ?
11:21.53 brlcad o.O
11:22.08 brlcad i'm speaking of the .so that is supposedly .. incompatible
11:23.04 brlcad the point is you compare types to see why it's incompatible
11:23.14 brlcad if it's a simple 32/64, you can do something about that
11:23.51 d-lo Yeah, its saying its a 32bit lib.
11:24.43 d-lo Hrm, configure is showing both -L/usr/X11/lib and -L/usr/X11/lib64 for linker flags
11:25.39 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
11:26.28 brlcad hence my other point
11:26.43 brlcad rather important is whether it was incompatible, skipped, and it simply used something else (that was compatible) or whether it skipped and linked nothing/failed
11:27.25 d-lo Well I have tried ./configure --with-x11=/usr/X11/lib64 (and a few other variants) with no change :/
11:28.35 brlcad but have you confirmed that you need to change it?
11:28.46 d-lo Okay, more info:
11:28.58 brlcad given both dirs are listed, the incompatible statement probably doesn't matter
11:29.11 d-lo When I simply ./configure, I get a LD error stating it cannot find -lX11
11:29.39 d-lo When I ./configure --with-x11=/usr/X11 then I get the incompatable error.
11:29.59 d-lo So I know i need to point the configure to the 64 bit flavor of X11, but I am not succeeding.
11:30.13 brlcad do you even *have* a 64-bit flavor of X11
11:30.57 d-lo yep: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), stripped
11:31.21 d-lo after you tossed me the 'file' bone, I went and verified the files in the /usr/X11/lib64 dir
11:31.36 d-lo so its there, but the pathing is somehow messed up :/
11:31.47 brlcad so then it's just path foo missing
11:32.13 brlcad try --enable-64bit, if that doesn't work try setting flags directly yourself
11:32.28 d-lo i add that -- to the ./configure?
11:32.29 brlcad ./configure LDFLAGS="..." CPPFLAGS="..." CFLAGS=".."
11:32.33 brlcad yep
11:32.52 brlcad iirc, that may swap the search ordering
11:32.58 brlcad but no promises
11:33.05 d-lo heh.
11:33.09 brlcad it's just as easy to force it manually
11:33.18 d-lo make
11:33.24 d-lo damn, wrong window.
11:34.33 d-lo nope same thing... lemme try setting the LDFLAGS manually.
11:34.38 d-lo Thanks for your help btw.
11:36.03 brlcad fyi, if you have both, there's not much for brian to do -- you have everything you need
11:36.56 d-lo i figured. email not sent yet.
11:39.41 d-lo Hrm, well thats annoying. I used ./configure LDFLAGS="blahhblah" and it just appened all the previous flags to the end of what I supplied.... so /usr/X11/lib is still there :/
11:40.09 brlcad ordering matters
11:40.24 brlcad doesn't matter if there are extras if it finds the one you need first
11:40.56 d-lo is beginning to see what starseeker and others scream about sometimes :)
11:41.22 brlcad newbies
11:41.35 d-lo Hey! I resemble that remark.
11:43.10 brlcad understanding linkage and search paths in detail is usually something hammered in hard in a first-year cs program
11:43.19 d-lo are there adverse effects to using make -j ?
11:43.22 brlcad at least it used to be
11:43.33 brlcad d-lo: yes, it compiles adversely faster
11:43.44 brlcad on smp hardware
11:44.55 d-lo :P I knew that, just wanted to know if it f-ed up the build in any way.
11:45.28 brlcad wouldn't be a very useful option if it did
11:46.20 d-lo true, but there is enough nuainces to this whole 'make' thing that its a perfectly valid question/concern :P
11:46.47 brlcad only with your current uncertain state of reasoning
11:48.10 d-lo ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11/lib64" nor ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11/lib64" --with-x11=/usr/X11 works... still same errors :?
11:48.13 brlcad there are certainly potential effects, as with any option, but nothing that matters right now that you'd run into
11:49.05 brlcad look at the actual test in the config.log and see why
11:49.46 brlcad could be not using it or something else overriding it or wrong order or missing some other flag or ...
11:50.29 d-lo okay, one sec.
11:51.06 brlcad could also move the 32bit lib out of the way
11:51.27 brlcad but wouldn't do that until you know what all usses it
11:51.46 brlcad wanders off for a bit, have fun
11:52.06 d-lo lata!
12:05.16 d-lo brlcad: I know you are away, but are we still using Doxygen? We moving to something else?
12:12.07 louipc I took first year CS 7yrs ago. We learned java. I made a tic tac toe game with the swing toolkit woo.
12:15.08 starseeker d-lo: We're still set up to use Doxygen, but I don't know if anyone has played with it lately
12:15.30 starseeker we need to do a lot of work on "doxygenifying" things, IIRC
12:15.35 d-lo starseeker: Whats the code documentation of choice now? (Or is there?)
12:19.41 d-lo starseeker: Docbook is for.... the tutorials and such?
12:21.35 louipc docbook is for documenting libraries and such
12:21.59 louipc errm not
12:22.06 louipc d-lo: you got it :D
12:22.29 louipc I just woke up
12:24.02 d-lo alrighty then, thanks :)
12:35.53 *** join/#brlcad brlquestions (
12:35.58 brlquestions Hi again !
12:36.19 louipc hi
12:36.22 brlquestions hi louipc
12:36.33 brlquestions I have one question ...
12:36.50 brlquestions the g-stl conversor is very slow ... is it normal ?
12:37.15 louipc I don't know
12:37.45 d-lo g-stl uses the facetiation/tessilation routines and, yes, can be *very slow*
12:37.55 brlquestions OK ... thank you d-lo
12:38.13 brlquestions I was wondering if there was some pathological operation in my model ...
12:38.25 d-lo there have been times where I have fired off a tessilation just before I leave work for the day, so it would be done by the time I get in the next day.
12:38.48 louipc is it slower than raytracing?
12:38.55 d-lo but these models I speak of are 75-100MB files with tens of thousands of primitives.
12:39.23 d-lo louipc: all depends on the complexity of the object(s) you are facetizing.
12:39.29 brlquestions No ... I'm talking about 20 minutes for one bezier solid extrusion intersected with a spherical shell
12:39.36 louipc ok
12:39.39 d-lo gennerally though, raytracing is much much faster.
12:40.43 d-lo brlcad: I have only delt with an extrusion *once* in the past 3 years of modeling and then it was for hobby purposes only. I never tried to shove it through a tessilator.
12:41.00 brlquestions OK ... thanks !
12:41.05 d-lo Oops, that was ment for brlquestions not brlcad ;)
12:41.10 d-lo brlq
12:41.26 d-lo brlquestions: If it finishes succesfully, I would like to know the time it took!
12:41.46 brlquestions about 20 minutes with a cylindrical shell ...
12:42.00 louipc pix or it didn't happen
12:42.00 brlquestions the spherical one is running now !
12:42.08 d-lo louipc: lol
12:42.37 d-lo brlquestions: how was the quality of the resulting BoT?
12:43.10 brlquestions I think it was good ... but anyway I need a spherical shell intersection prior
12:43.15 brlquestions to laser sintering it ...
12:45.33 brlquestions my boss only wants to perform expensive experiments (sinterizing) only on models closer to final products.
12:45.47 brlquestions No cylinders ... spheres !!!
12:46.24 louipc sounds neat
12:48.23 brlquestions OK ... the tesellation finished right now ! 24 minutes !
12:48.28 brlquestions good results !
12:53.09 d-lo ah, its nice to see all 4 cores at 100% :)
12:54.29 d-lo brlcad: I think I found an issue with the Makefiles. in at least two Make files, the LDFLAG of -L/usr/X11/lib64 is being changed to -L/usr/lib64 ... dunno why quite yet
12:55.38 brlquestions check your mail d-lo !
12:55.48 brlquestions there's a screen capture of the BoT ..
12:58.53 d-lo lookin good!
13:34.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33727 10/rt^3/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): Forgot to svn add the GeometryChunk.h file. Also includes a few minor fixes a new Exception subclass.
13:39.34 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
13:40.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33728 10/rt^3/trunk/src/GeometryService/netMsg/GeometryChunkMsg.cxx: Also forgot to include the source for GeometryChunkMsg.
13:48.57 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik___ (
13:56.08 d-lo anyone: Shouldn't 'make install' copy the includes/ dir over? I am looking for bu.h and it just isn't there... is, but not the header....
13:57.50 louipc yeah it should
13:58.11 d-lo glares at this evil machine.
13:58.33 d-lo More than likely operator error, but for now I blame the machine.
14:00.10 louipc :D
14:03.51 d-lo a ha. workeded that time.
14:03.56 d-lo glares at this evil machine.
14:08.42 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:09.41 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
15:27.56 ``Erik___ yes, it should go ito $PREFIX/include/
15:31.03 brlcad $prefix/include/brlcad
15:31.20 brlcad for the brlcad headers and top-level include for the external dep headers
15:31.59 d-lo something went foobar with the first time 'round. removed it and tried again and it worked.
15:32.54 d-lo Oddness is that in 2 Makefiles in the tk dirs, the LDFLAG for the X11 was changed from /usr/X11/lib64 to /usr/lib64 ....
15:33.30 d-lo quick change back and it was compiling just fine..
15:34.22 d-lo ``Erik: How ya feelin?
15:35.33 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:44.19 ``Erik underground
15:46.16 starseeker ``Erik: hiding?
15:46.31 d-lo Well I just got the call from my oldest's school... apperantly he blew chunks all over the playground..... Just when i thought we had this bug beat....
15:46.44 starseeker arrgh
15:46.56 _sushi_ blew chunks all over the playground?
15:47.15 d-lo vomit
15:49.27 ``Erik I assume the whif is collecing thim?
15:49.33 ``Erik s/ t/ /
15:50.01 ``Erik hope is recoups soon :(
15:50.08 ``Erik s/is/he/
15:50.21 _sushi_ d-lo: what bug?
15:50.22 ``Erik keyboard is outsmarting me today
15:50.27 d-lo Yuppers. just got a little concerned with that call and you not being here either.... might be a trend and I don't want to burn any more sick leave :/
15:50.46 d-lo _sushi_: Stomach flu probably.
15:50.59 ``Erik no, I drank myself fucktarded last night and am recouping
15:51.14 ``Erik <-- epic fail.
15:51.27 starseeker what'd you do that for???
15:51.33 d-lo ah, okay, well then perhaps its not another epidemic :/
15:51.38 ``Erik uh, same reason folk climb everest
15:51.56 ``Erik one tequlia two tequila three tequila floor :)
15:52.06 starseeker shakes head
15:52.13 d-lo Playing MMOs while heavily intoxicated is a whole new level of entertainment.
15:52.18 ``Erik oh yeah
15:52.32 ``Erik punker recounted last nights mmo episode to me
15:52.36 starseeker you might want to pick a somewhat less physically damaging pointless challenge ;-)
15:52.36 ``Erik I was in rare form :D
15:53.10 d-lo there is nothing worse than an 'angry drunk' Dwarf at the bar.... man they can be A-holes.
15:53.12 ``Erik apparently, I am very giving and loving when fucked up
15:53.30 starseeker wow, you WERE smashed ;-)
15:53.40 ``Erik "no, I don't need loot, I'm happy with the experience... dude, you wanna go grab a beer? come on down to baltirmoe, man"
15:54.05 d-lo lol
15:54.42 d-lo loots a *glowing* Pint of Guiness + 4
15:54.56 ``Erik so yeah, I felt the notion of driving this morning would have been ... bad :)
15:55.57 d-lo good call.
15:56.09 ``Erik amusingly, I've done some of my best coding either drunk off my arse, or right after my wisdom teeth, one shattered so they gave me a codeine cocktail, I was wobbling in my chair but knocked out a buttload of code
15:56.19 d-lo gives you a chance to go farming and make up for the income loss that occurred last night :)
15:56.32 ``Erik meh, I got money out the butt on that game
15:56.57 ``Erik as usual, the upgrade are strictly from places I'm not geared to go.
15:57.10 d-lo didn't need to know what ``Erik did with his money while drunk....
15:57.21 ``Erik they went all donation and gave me luvin' last night, and I went and liquored myself up stupid to fuck shit up
15:57.41 ``Erik <-- pissed at himself
15:58.06 d-lo No Leeroy then? More Erik Teresa that normal? :D
15:58.24 ``Erik heh, no, I don't leroy, I go all pussyfood
15:58.27 ``Erik foot
15:58.41 ``Erik "wait, what? did you guys pull? I LOVE YOU MANG"
15:59.16 d-lo Personnally, I think suicidal raids on zones with naked toons is funny.
15:59.26 ``Erik "I don't need loot, I'm just happy I'm here"
15:59.34 d-lo Both to watch and participate in.
15:59.47 ``Erik heh, that's become a tradition, everyone groups up at the instance start and the tank is standing there butt nekkid
15:59.50 d-lo lol, just Lovin Life eh?
16:00.46 d-lo once I get my lappy back to some resemblance of useful, I will install wine and see if I can get some games runnin :)
16:00.57 ``Erik and I've participated in full group nekkid runs through instances (the notion being we die, we die a lot, we're trying to eliminate the repair cost)
16:01.14 ``Erik just buy yourself a mac, man :D
16:01.23 ``Erik e-humps steve jobs leg
16:01.32 d-lo has a better idea: You buy me a Mac!
16:01.41 d-lo lol
16:01.43 d-lo down boy
16:02.23 ``Erik if'n yall want a long lunch, I'll come down to duclaws or festival or something
16:02.32 d-lo You don't happen to know if OSX has been sucessfully installed/ran on non Apple hardware... do ya?
16:02.47 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r33729 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/org/brlcad/samples/ Eliminated use of java 6 specifics, because this is now used in gomez (needs to be java 5 compatible)
16:03.05 ``Erik um, there was a system that apple sued out of existance that did it
16:03.21 d-lo well, i was talking more 'hack' that legit.
16:03.23 ``Erik and um, there was just an article on how to do it on smackslot a couple days ago
16:03.56 d-lo thinks running OSX on a Dell would be funny :)
16:04.00 ``Erik franky, apple puts out some damn nice hardware, I think it's worth the premium
16:04.12 d-lo agrees.
16:04.26 d-lo but worth it or not, new puter hardware is not in the budget.
16:04.29 ``Erik I'm a bit pissed that I can't find teh white&clear keyboard anymore
16:05.01 d-lo lol.... Hackintosh OSX
16:05.56 ``Erik the new style keyboard is awfully well built, but lacks
16:06.27 ``Erik <-- hugs his macbook, but admits that it's not egonomeric
16:07.05 d-lo in the words of the unknown Apple FanBoi: "sure, its not ergonmic or cheap, but its an Apple!"
16:07.22 ``Erik yeah, pretty much
16:07.25 d-lo can't remember where he heard that, but it made him ill.
16:07.34 d-lo i felt like smacking that guy.
16:07.43 ``Erik at least it still has nipples
16:08.21 ``Erik though when they moved them from the middle fingers to the pointers, that pissed me off
16:08.35 ``Erik they belong on d and k, not f and j, damnit
16:08.49 ``Erik shakes cane
16:09.00 d-lo lol
16:09.13 d-lo so, where are these lunch places in which you speak?
16:09.29 ``Erik duclaws is kinda close to the harford mall
16:09.34 ``Erik festival is down 24
16:09.52 ``Erik they're generally considered "too far away" for lunch
16:10.39 ``Erik 2+ hour dealies
16:10.48 d-lo ah, well never mind then :/
16:10.51 ``Erik but I wont' drive an hour to go to lunch :)
16:11.31 ``Erik yeah, I assumed *shrug*
16:12.26 ``Erik duclaws is a microbrewery, so not up your alley anways
16:12.35 d-lo heh, I really do think I am going to try this Hackentosh approach ;)
16:12.36 ``Erik festival has a japanese place that isn't too bad
16:13.15 ``Erik totally, the killer is gonna be the bios crap, macs used to use openfirmware and are now like epi or something
16:13.41 ``Erik so you'll need 10.5 and the right hw
16:14.43 Dr_Phreakenstein ... can be done with qemu... is a lot of work, and requires just the right hardware to avoid some /serious/ driver issues
16:15.40 d-lo need to aquire 10.5 for some testing ;)
16:15.53 Dr_Phreakenstein I would say not worth it in all but the most unique circumstances (must run x software on y hardware, cannot afford correct solution)
16:16.19 Dr_Phreakenstein convince someone to give you shell access to their machine
16:16.37 d-lo you lost me...
16:17.06 d-lo why would I need shell access to someone else's machine?
16:17.08 Dr_Phreakenstein find someont with 10.5 and get them to let you have some time on their HW
16:17.39 d-lo for what purpose?
16:18.41 Dr_Phreakenstein [20090210 08:15:42] <d-lo> need to aquire 10.5 for some testing ;)
16:18.58 d-lo heh, I mend the disc(s) for installation testing.
16:19.06 d-lo s/mend/meant/
16:20.22 Dr_Phreakenstein why the need for installation testing? it will work on real HW, fail on most everything else (BIOS checksum, or other scheme to lock you out)
16:20.56 d-lo I have a Dell lappy, and I want to see if i can get OS10.5 running on it :)
16:21.31 ``Erik just grab fbsd :D or linux, y'know, if you're lame
16:21.48 Dr_Phreakenstein clears throat
16:21.52 Dr_Phreakenstein loudly
16:22.13 Dr_Phreakenstein then chants "gentoo, gentoo!"
16:22.16 ``Erik sorry, done too much kernel work, can't respect leenewx no mo'
16:22.41 Dr_Phreakenstein that's you, man
16:22.52 ``Erik yes, that is me
16:23.02 d-lo i was wondering who that was...
16:23.13 Dr_Phreakenstein I have converted from winedo$e in 96, and never looked back
16:23.49 ``Erik I went to linux in '95, fbsd in '97 or '98, after witnessing the horrors from kernel hacking
16:23.58 Dr_Phreakenstein tried bsd in 98 or so, not impressed, went back to slackware
16:24.04 ``Erik been a kernel hacker of some form or another since '86
16:24.28 Dr_Phreakenstein well, back then, fbsd was a much better kernel
16:24.28 ``Erik interrupt vectors on c64's, yo
16:24.33 Dr_Phreakenstein !
16:24.43 Dr_Phreakenstein I had one...
16:24.59 d-lo You don't know the power of the Vic-20 ....
16:25.07 ``Erik been watching, linux has spastic upgrades, but often throws them away and adopts what fbsd did 5 years before
16:25.16 Dr_Phreakenstein sold it to that chick that reverse engineered it and made one in FPGAs
16:25.29 Dr_Phreakenstein they were popular in Germany, I am told
16:25.57 ``Erik in the last decade, I've seen ONE significant linux accomplishment adopted into fbsd. One.
16:25.59 Dr_Phreakenstein no, i don't know the power of vic-20
16:26.07 Dr_Phreakenstein ok
16:26.29 ``Erik the zero copy network shit, which was re-organized like mad due to security concerns :D
16:26.50 ``Erik though ingo's scheduler got some attention
16:26.51 Dr_Phreakenstein still not switching, too much infrastructure in place, time learning, also i like the performance i get
16:26.57 d-lo way out int he middle of the AZ desert.. I was l33t with my cassette drive... my parents pheared me.
16:27.18 Dr_Phreakenstein ... until global warming melted your tape
16:27.21 ``Erik hehehhe, I was buying the 120 minute cassettes to hold more data :D
16:27.33 Dr_Phreakenstein ... wait, that was just an ordinary day in may
16:27.37 d-lo I think I ended up taking the whole machine out for target practice one day...
16:27.48 ``Erik yes, they failed sooner, and had a higher doa, but when they worked, it was sweet
16:28.19 Dr_Phreakenstein anyone ever use a 2.88 mB 3.5" floppy?
16:28.27 Dr_Phreakenstein WORM?
16:28.40 d-lo yeah, the 'super-HD'floppies.
16:28.54 Dr_Phreakenstein or ls-120 super disk
16:28.58 d-lo never messed with them much.... jumped straight to 'SuperDisk' !
16:28.58 Dr_Phreakenstein from panasonic
16:29.09 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
16:29.27 d-lo I was on the iOmega Zip Disk bandwagon for a while...
16:30.02 Dr_Phreakenstein until wheels fell off..."read error !@#$&$%T#$..."
16:30.13 d-lo yeah, that was a waste of money.
16:30.43 Dr_Phreakenstein SD cards, that's the way to go. or CF
16:30.56 Dr_Phreakenstein a great backup solution, they are
16:31.23 Dr_Phreakenstein 32 gig CF, get 2 of them to B/U system on rotating basis
16:32.05 d-lo heh, um, I have 2 500GB drives, 1 160 and a handfull of 80's.... won't work for me :/
16:32.22 Dr_Phreakenstein that's all?
16:32.42 Dr_Phreakenstein I have lot's more, but everything else is on RAID
16:33.35 Dr_Phreakenstein with (ahem) gentoo, all of my packages are tarred and bzipped in a certain dir, and that is not much data
16:34.08 Dr_Phreakenstein add that to a tar file of my etc dir and boot dir, and that is a good backup
16:34.29 Dr_Phreakenstein crap! gotta go to class
16:34.34 Dr_Phreakenstein have fun, kids
16:34.37 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
16:34.58 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33730 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (run_test run_test.tcl): Take a stab at getting a run_test sh script/tcl script hybrid
16:35.47 d-lo and you can back 1.5TB+ up on 2 32Gig CF cards with Gentoo? Thats Frickin amazing!!!!!! :P
16:40.06 d-lo well, without furthing any HardDrive envy that is floating around here, the 1TB (ish) i have is a pain in the butt to back up to CDs as it is, so using CF cards would make me want to gouge my own eyes out.
16:40.10 d-lo ;)
16:44.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33731 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/run_test: Go for a system tclsh if the local btclsh isn't found - for this it won't matter.
16:46.16 brlcad starseeker: if you're not mid-stream, distcheck
16:47.44 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33732 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/run_test: Allow user to supply source directory as second option
16:47.50 starseeker brlcad: Ok, I'm sure I'm busted on that ;-)
16:48.07 starseeker you're happy with the mged fix for the no-db case?
16:48.26 d-lo brlcad: In looking through libpkg, i am thinking it is posible to use libpkg with out passing a callback table to a pkg_conn .....that sound about right?
16:52.05 d-lo brlcad: Message from Ed: Call him at x6300.
16:54.05 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
17:09.32 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
17:20.37 starseeker prods CIA
17:23.22 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33733 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ It's run_test now
17:34.41 d-lo brlcad: I will need to sitdown and talk libpkg with you... I am just not seeing the light :/
17:38.12 starseeker brlcad: make distcheck passed on the Mac
18:30.16 starseeker and on linux
19:33.00 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
19:55.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33734 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (11 files): Add the geometry displaying commands to regress/mged/mged.tcl
19:59.59 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:24.47 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
20:56.03 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33735 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS src/gtools/g_diff.c): fixed g_diff crash reported by lee butler where g_diff crashed with a badmagic error bu_bomb'ing out due to an uninitialized vls. looks like it is possibly related to earlier changes.
21:26.50 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:41.29 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33736 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: need to fix two more critical bugs before release. File->Open in MGED crashes and the 'gets' command locks it up saying the variable is not defined (or it crashes/freezes).
21:42.35 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33737 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: see the gets example in its manpage
21:50.01 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:21.17 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33738 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (5 files): Start on editing commands.
22:46.44 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33739 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ ( oed.mged regression_resources.tcl): add oed testing
23:02.30 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:04.11 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33740 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ ( i.mged keypoint.mged rm.mged): add i, rm and keypoint testing
23:17.45 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:22.12 poolio Howdy all
23:22.15 poolio congrats on the release :)
23:37.25 louipc oh! I missed that
23:55.01 brlcad poolio: not worthy of congrats, escaped with a handful of critical bugs
23:55.05 brlcad had to pull it shortly after
23:56.43 poolio ah sorry to hear that, is it all worked out yet or is that the reason for the flurry of commits?
23:57.26 brlcad nope, just normal flurry
23:57.39 brlcad though lot of flurry going into testing as there may be other isses
23:57.58 brlcad half of the known ones are worked out, couple to go
23:58.31 poolio good luck! I've had a few bugs recently that took a few weeks to work out...
23:58.53 brlcad yeah, these shouldn't be too complicated
23:59.02 brlcad it's only been a couple days
23:59.13 brlcad and three were just discovered today
23:59.25 brlcad one already fixed
23:59.33 brlcad two to go
23:59.57 poolio Were there issues in trunk or were these introduced while tagging and such?

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