IRC log for #brlcad on 20090211

00:00.10 brlcad in trunk, just undetected
00:19.08 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
00:19.32 louipc oh? so the currently hosted 7.14.2 is no good?
00:37.37 brlcad depends what you need it for
00:37.42 brlcad mged has a variety of problems
00:38.06 louipc ah I think you mentioned mged -c works ok though?
00:38.21 brlcad yep
00:38.28 louipc cool ;)
00:56.43 Dr_Phreakenstein do you guys want build testing on 33740?
01:00.36 mafm night
01:07.04 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:14.07 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: 33740 is what?
01:15.33 brlcad otherwise, sure .. build testing on varied platforms is always good .. especially if you can help fix problems and not just report them ;)
01:31.39 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:51.24 Dr_Phreakenstein well, I do what I can...
01:52.59 Dr_Phreakenstein that is the subversion revision
01:54.19 Dr_Phreakenstein build and test ok on gentoo, amd64, kernel 2.6.28, gcc 4.3.3
02:28.28 brlcad cool
02:29.16 Dr_Phreakenstein benchmark is good, too
02:30.08 Dr_Phreakenstein tries to figure out how to cram more processors into box. wants to ace benchmark
03:04.44 starseeker loves bugs that make his X11 session go wonky
03:05.55 Dr_Phreakenstein that is the advantage of having another machine that I can use to ssh in and restart X
03:06.04 Dr_Phreakenstein too bad that machine broke
03:06.31 starseeker brlcad: I lost input when running mged in gdb, but the error reported had to do with string comparison immediately after I selected a .g file in the dialog
03:08.01 starseeker happens with or without a db open
03:09.41 Dr_Phreakenstein starseeker: are you running recent X?
03:09.44 Dr_Phreakenstein kde?
03:20.29 Dr_Phreakenstein I have the same problem, I believe it is either new X input evdev/keyboard, and/or their interaction with kde. I did some upgrades of xorg, gcc, glibc, binutils, and kde 4.2 about the same time. for some reason, certain bugs in other programs cause this, but the same bugs caused no such instability before. Also, I seem to have lost keyboard for no apparent reason a few times, and regained it once. iow, may not be an mged thing
03:21.15 Dr_Phreakenstein where was the string comparison happening?
03:28.22 Dr_Phreakenstein starseeker: I would like to help if I could, gotta restart (bad nvidia driver ...grr)
03:46.27 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: No, no kde
03:46.34 starseeker this is very probably mged
03:47.40 starseeker oh
03:48.32 *** join/#brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein (n=phreak@
03:48.37 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: No, no kde
03:48.46 starseeker it's almost certainly an mged issue
03:49.52 Dr_Phreakenstein perhaps so, but like I said, I started having the same problems right around upgrade time, I believe before kde upgrade, but after xorg, glibc/gcc
03:56.36 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
04:00.41 starseeker grrrrr
04:08.47 starseeker man - how do I debug something like this?
04:09.38 Dr_Phreakenstein tell me how you got there, and I will try to help in whatever way i can
04:09.57 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: you'll have a hard time getting an "ace" benchmark ... :)
04:10.14 starseeker open mged 7.14.2 or latest svn, File->Open and select a file
04:10.16 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
04:10.46 brlcad I think current leader is somewhere on the order of 42 million VGRs (projected) iirc
04:10.59 starseeker wow
04:11.15 brlcad or 12 million, there was a two and it was more than 10 :)
04:11.38 brlcad and that was about 2 years ago
04:12.42 Dr_Phreakenstein well, i can dream, no?
04:12.54 brlcad it is impressive that a deskside workstation SMP is about to eclipse the previous SMP leader (512 CPU Origin 2000)
04:13.22 brlcad probably in two years
04:14.13 Dr_Phreakenstein well, my machine is 2 years old, and I have 2.4 gHz proc, could put 3 gHz in
04:14.29 Dr_Phreakenstein att, price dictated 2.4
04:14.59 Dr_Phreakenstein starseeker: I crash before I can load anything
04:15.32 Dr_Phreakenstein however, I can open it with a db (have not tried actually using said db... standby)
04:15.47 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: what's your vgr count?
04:20.04 brlcad starseeker: best bet is either putting a break in the main event loop in mged (in mged.c iirc) or resorting to old-skool print statements
04:20.26 brlcad if you run mged in gdb via a remote session, you should be able to control it without killing X
04:21.48 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
04:27.23 Dr_Phreakenstein ok, I can start with open db, then go to open another, get segfault. investigating. did not lose X, although (unrelated) transparency is missing. 3d window was flakey. gotta look at my end
04:27.57 brlcad open db via menu or via opendb command?
04:31.38 Dr_Phreakenstein menu
04:33.38 Dr_Phreakenstein vgr 13884
04:33.46 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:37.21 Dr_Phreakenstein considering only 4 cores, not too bad
04:37.31 Dr_Phreakenstein as opposed to 512
04:37.42 brlcad yep, not too shabby
04:39.15 Dr_Phreakenstein not braggin, just proud, considering i am poor
04:39.47 Dr_Phreakenstein that having been said, i am happy to donate cpu time and shell access to deserving persons
04:40.55 brlcad 13k vaxen is pretty substantial ;)
04:41.04 Dr_Phreakenstein true
04:41.27 Dr_Phreakenstein offer still stands
04:41.59 brlcad i'm good for now, but thanks :)
04:42.31 Dr_Phreakenstein will advise of beowolf completion
04:42.33 Dr_Phreakenstein ;)
04:47.09 yukonbob evening, cadheads
04:47.51 Dr_Phreakenstein evening, yukonbob
04:53.13 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
04:58.46 Dr_Phreakenstein is restarting X. again
05:04.09 *** join/#brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein (n=phreak@
05:04.54 Dr_Phreakenstein looks like i fixed opengl, trying mged again
05:07.31 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
05:09.19 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:18.43 Dr_Phreakenstein ok, starseeker,
05:19.07 Dr_Phreakenstein I may have something more helpful
05:20.23 Dr_Phreakenstein i now have opengl working right, so when i get the above crash, my screen blanks (like going from fullscreen gl)
05:20.50 Dr_Phreakenstein i then return to konsole, which reports segfault
05:21.28 Dr_Phreakenstein which tells me that crash is mged,
05:22.12 Dr_Phreakenstein but locking X is opengl, video driver, or other opengl apps fighting over it
05:22.32 Dr_Phreakenstein looking at crash now to find it
05:23.21 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:23.21 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/minuteelectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:23.21 *** join/#brlcad d-lo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:33.35 Dr_Phreakenstein d-lo, hello
05:35.20 Dr_Phreakenstein 4 starseeker: have you found the bug yet?
05:35.28 louipc whoazers
05:35.45 Dr_Phreakenstein hey, just learning from <brlcad>
05:36.08 Dr_Phreakenstein kinda grabs ya
05:37.52 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
05:38.40 Dr_Phreakenstein if not, it seems to be line 249 of vls.c
05:41.21 Dr_Phreakenstein wait, that is where it complained, however, the bad pointer seems to be bu_vls
05:41.43 Dr_Phreakenstein said it was "Zero_Magic_Number"
05:42.23 Dr_Phreakenstein whatever that means
05:45.46 Dr_Phreakenstein if you send me an email addr, or send mail to, I will send strace outputs
05:53.46 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: just use pastebin:
05:54.34 starseeker a complaint at the vls level is almost always due to problems with string handling further up the chain
05:56.22 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: Zero_Magic_Number means it's a string that hasn't been initialized
05:56.41 brlcad sounds exactly like the other bug I fixed earlier today too
05:56.54 brlcad something missing a bu_vls_init()
05:57.23 starseeker it seems to be before f_opendb... hmmm...
05:57.40 starseeker looks at db_Open in tcl land...
05:59.10 brlcad if you have a trace, you'll at least have the place where the vls is being called
05:59.15 brlcad it's usually obvious from there
05:59.24 starseeker wants the trace :-)
05:59.28 starseeker I can't generate one here
05:59.41 brlcad starseeker: if we do gsoc again, you interested in mentoring?
05:59.47 starseeker brlcad: sure
05:59.53 brlcad k
05:59.57 brlcad all still tbd
06:00.01 starseeker np
06:00.51 brlcad last years didn't get as much attention as it deserved so probably would only accept a couple students at most IFF even accepted
06:01.07 starseeker right
06:01.08 brlcad you have a link to your panoramas?
06:01.31 starseeker I don't think they're online - I can put one up on bz
06:01.33 starseeker one sec
06:01.41 starseeker (cat, shut up!)
06:02.11 starseeker ah, it is up
06:02.31 brlcad you had a couple iirc
06:02.35 brlcad the interior and the exterior
06:02.54 starseeker interior was a panorama
06:03.00 starseeker exterior just a side shot
06:03.11 brlcad still stitched using panotools, though, right?
06:03.21 starseeker no, that was a full shot
06:03.39 brlcad ah, okay
06:03.40 starseeker I did some flat scans with panotools, but the side shots aren't practical
06:04.29 starseeker well, this is one but it's 25 megs:
06:05.05 Dr_Phreakenstein working on it...
06:05.16 Dr_Phreakenstein too big to select and put into paste bin
06:05.25 Dr_Phreakenstein can i get an email?
06:05.45 brlcad too big for paste bin?
06:05.54 brlcad the limit on that is like 25 MB
06:06.50 brlcad stack trace shouldn't be more than a few dozen lines
06:08.52 Dr_Phreakenstein 3971 lines for one
06:08.58 Dr_Phreakenstein otu of 3
06:09.04 Dr_Phreakenstein out
06:10.28 starseeker brlcad: here's one with managable size:
06:11.52 Ralith starseeker: you call that manageable?
06:11.59 Ralith :P
06:13.19 Dr_Phreakenstein perhaps by comparison...
06:15.56 starseeker Ralith: well, there's the 25 meg version...
06:16.10 Ralith fine, fine
06:16.12 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: It looks like it was trying to read your .mgedrc
06:16.17 Ralith how's that model doing, anyway?
06:16.30 starseeker haven't had time to work on it yet
06:17.06 Ralith aw.
06:17.33 Dr_Phreakenstein I have .mgedrc
06:18.45 starseeker brlcad: I'm going to paste a subset of this to pastebin
06:19.21 Dr_Phreakenstein want to see .mgedrc, too?
06:19.37 starseeker maybe - let's see what brlcad makes of this
06:19.41 Dr_Phreakenstein (only 507 lines)
06:20.08 Dr_Phreakenstein hope that info dump helps at all
06:20.20 starseeker
06:20.42 brlcad starseeker: and to clarify .. you used the panotools and not hugin, yes?
06:20.47 brlcad hugin being
06:20.53 starseeker I used hugin
06:21.02 starseeker thought it was built on panotools?
06:21.09 brlcad ah, okay -- glad I asked then
06:21.16 starseeker is that bad?
06:21.37 brlcad it's based on them and somewhat built on them, but a slightly different approach
06:21.41 brlcad no, not bad
06:21.46 brlcad even better
06:22.46 Dr_Phreakenstein emerges hugin
06:23.07 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: what's the last line in your mgedrc file?
06:25.36 starseeker hmm - that trace contains the complete mgedrc file, then something goes bad on a write
06:26.00 starseeker what the heck...
06:26.17 starseeker MUST sleep - got meeting tomorrow
06:26.27 starseeker will sleep on it - thanks Dr_Phreakenstein
06:26.27 Dr_Phreakenstein the strace command cut off everything after 4096 bytes
06:26.45 Dr_Phreakenstein i can rerun with larger cutoff, if desired
06:27.21 Dr_Phreakenstein let me know if i can be of any further assistance. during day, send me mail, as i do not always read full backlog
06:27.28 starseeker not sure if that will help - can you get it to run inside gdb and then do bt?
06:27.46 starseeker k - thanks!
06:27.46 Dr_Phreakenstein bt?
06:27.51 starseeker backtrace
06:28.06 starseeker it's what I would have done had I not lost all X11 input
06:28.20 Dr_Phreakenstein will try, and email to you... do not wait up, but i should have by morning
06:28.28 Dr_Phreakenstein sorry about that
06:28.31 starseeker np
06:28.33 starseeker thank you!
06:28.39 starseeker zzzzz
06:28.43 Dr_Phreakenstein later
07:07.19 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
07:15.03 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33741 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob did this for 7.14.2, but it didn't make the notes. he filled out the nearly empty usage message and added a specific help message if you don't have a material file set up.
07:20.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33742 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
07:20.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: typo in 7.14.2 notes that didn't get caught. original message was (added a
07:20.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: rough cut at an evolutionary capability to g_diff. This attempts to guess if a
07:20.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: change to a region was a natural evolution or if the region was reworked in some
07:20.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: significant fashion. Requested by lbutler.)
07:24.59 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33743 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
07:25.00 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: another 7.14.2 fix that wasn't documented (blasted e-mail backlog), bob fixed
07:25.00 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: mged's font preferences panel/window that was preventing the menu from
07:25.00 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: displaying if there was a .mgedrc file present. init wasn't getting called
07:25.00 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: causing badness.
07:40.32 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33744 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: minor but user-visible, john fixed a bug in the oed command documentation to note that the path must be drawn in order to be edited. fixes sf bug 2533174 (problems with oed command) reported by lbutler on 2009-01-24.
07:41.05 brlcad at least that one was consciously left out
07:41.16 brlcad just better to put it in hindsight to be consistent
07:54.12 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:07.55 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
08:25.47 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:34.03 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:45.09 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:51.33 *** part/#brlcad piksi (
09:15.11 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:51.06 *** join/#brlcad brlquestions (
09:51.25 brlquestions Hi everybody !
11:16.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:31.06 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
11:49.53 d-lo Morning all!
12:11.03 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
12:21.57 brlcad grumble
12:22.14 d-lo grumble? Not enough sleep?
12:23.06 Axman6 not enough love
12:23.09 Axman6 hugs brlcad
12:23.33 brlcad always too much and it's just that unproductive sinkholecesspool part of the day
12:24.00 brlcad yawns and rubs and scratches
12:25.13 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
12:45.57 d-lo brlcad: so is it more server work today?
12:51.13 brlcad actually, in meeting till after lunch
12:51.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
12:52.17 brlcad yesterday was a great day, though, particularly the afternoon progress
12:52.45 d-lo I think I overheard you say the Raid array was back up?
13:03.09 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
13:43.06 d-lo brlcad: in libpkg, does one have to utilize the callback table for the recv() and 'pkg_type' for the send()?
14:15.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:18.10 brlcad d-lo: I'll have to take another look in depth later today but my recollection is vaguely that it does need the callback table to switch on events
14:18.39 brlcad quite possible that it doesn't though, that's really vague and biased by use
14:19.33 brlcad that said, it's possible to mod libpkg as well so long as the underlying transport and parceling isn't changed (it's massively tested/robust)
14:19.53 brlcad there is one mod that the API does need that's been on the todo, to add callback parameters
14:20.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
14:20.15 d-lo brlcad: Been in the code for a while now, and it looks like its needed. I am finding difficult to wire it in to an OO setting :/
14:20.45 brlcad right now it relies on a global or static data containers
14:22.45 brlcad being OO doesn't change anything, at least doesn't make for a limiting constraint
14:23.04 brlcad any OO design is deconstructable to a fully procedural one
14:23.26 brlcad not that we want to, but just saying that shouldn't be the issue
14:24.25 d-lo heh, shouldn't" ...nice :P
14:25.11 brlcad okay, I could say that isn't the issue, but trying not to be too blunt :)
14:26.38 brlcad being "OO" isn't a problem, being async maybe or being multithreaded maybe or wanting multiplexing maybe or wanting non-global data containers maybe, etc.
14:27.27 brlcad it's a very simple (yet *very* robust) parcel transport layer
14:28.06 brlcad it's been hooked into OO before though, too, related to the java OO wrapping I sent you last year
14:30.44 d-lo Hrm, I don't remember that java wrapping stuff.... only jbrlcad.
14:36.26 d-lo needs an easychair @ work....
14:38.52 brlcad yeah, it was one of the very first code chunks when you started on the project
14:39.11 d-lo Hrm, can't find that email. Where does it live elsewhere?
14:39.31 brlcad i'd have to dig around for it again
14:40.11 d-lo No worries. Gonna work up a test. I *think* libpkg should work without callbacks.
14:40.41 brlcad it's simple enough because it leaves you with the raw socket
14:41.02 brlcad so i'm sure you could make something callbackless
14:41.38 brlcad it's just whether you can do that and still go through the bit of code in pkg that has the various state recoveries and error handling
14:41.52 d-lo Well, I am going to try to rework the network api since libpkg already has 2/3 similar header elements... no need for redundant redundancy.
14:42.14 brlcad simple is better
14:43.27 d-lo I am thinking that pkg_process() won't be a problem. It calls pkg_dispatch() which just so happens to preform a null check on the callback table and returns gracefully.
14:46.03 d-lo heh, damn. pkg_dispatch() wipes the pkg_conn's buffer before returning... there goes that idea lol.
14:47.46 d-lo lack of experience question: Fundimentally, is there any difference between feeding a pkg_switch a C routine and a function of an object instance?
14:48.59 d-lo apologizes for his horrid speling.
14:49.21 starseeker spelng 's overrrrratd
14:49.32 d-lo wurd!
14:49.39 brlcad there are some differences but most can be overcome
14:49.47 brlcad a static member is identical
14:49.49 starseeker after reading slashdot for years, it takes a lot of bad spelling before I'll notice
14:51.44 d-lo so: If I have a pkg_conn as a member of an object, and I feed object->pkg_conn a pkg_switch that maps a 'pkg_type' to a function of this object... shouldn't that work?
14:54.39 d-lo heh, that could have been worded a bit better. :)
15:00.56 brlcad it depends on the access settings and function signature, but yeah, something like that is possible (the syntax is funky)
15:01.06 brlcad runs
15:05.45 brlcad last note before I really run off, really should make the function static so that it's an opaque caller
15:06.04 brlcad you can make the object to be called on a data member used by the static callback
15:06.38 brlcad which gets into the whole issue that the callback registration needs to also support a client data pointer (simple mod)
15:13.03 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:24.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33745 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (9 files): Add arced, copymat, putmat, push, xpush, accept, reject, and tra
15:59.50 Dr_Phreakenstein greetings, party people!
16:01.52 Dr_Phreakenstein working people?
16:02.58 d-lo "work work work work... HELLO BOYS!" - Mel Brooks
16:04.58 Dr_Phreakenstein won't admit to seing that movie. so many times
16:09.21 Dr_Phreakenstein d-lo: not to rehash, for backing up on CF, i meant only system and config files, as in only things handled by package installer. full drive backup, another story
16:09.39 Dr_Phreakenstein still owe you those part numbers, have not forgotten
16:09.55 d-lo Dr_Phreakenstein: yeah, got your email. Its understood now ;)
16:10.04 Dr_Phreakenstein cool
16:10.50 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, gentoo is amazing, but i cannot claim things like that. will leave such claims for vista
16:13.55 d-lo read an article somewhere that MS is pushing windows 7 *really* hard to get it out ASAP. Looks like they are in phear of MS Windows ME - round 2. lol Consumer reports are starting to slam Vista pretty hard :) tee hee.
16:14.35 Dr_Phreakenstein ahhh.... warms the heart to hear stuff like that...
16:15.08 Dr_Phreakenstein 4 <starseeker>: need anything before I split for class?
16:20.11 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
16:31.48 Dr_Phreakenstein off to fun times!
16:42.53 *** join/#brlcad prado_ (
16:49.55 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
17:09.44 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:37.39 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
17:42.45 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
19:15.23 d-lo LOL
19:57.12 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
20:38.01 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
20:43.37 starseeker auugh - now 7.14.3 works on my mac
20:44.10 starseeker sort of - it opens the file without hanging but does not load .mgedrc
20:47.58 Dr_Phreakenstein on lunch break now, will hop on tonight to try and help
20:52.41 starseeker oh, lovely - now it just crashes
20:52.48 starseeker must not have installed lastest
21:26.51 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:26.43 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:30.53 starseeker tracks instant mged start crash - workin gthrouh to mged.c:2464
22:32.59 brlcad starseeker: is it a bu_bomb?
22:33.14 brlcad or coredump/segfault?
22:33.29 starseeker bu_bomb
22:33.45 brlcad vls zero or bad magic?
22:34.05 starseeker Zero_magic_number
22:34.30 starseeker trying to figure out why - str contains an mgedrc reference at that point
22:35.30 brlcad if you break on 2464 *before* calling Tcl_EvalFile, what is str
22:36.37 starseeker <PROTECTED>
22:36.37 starseeker <PROTECTED>
22:36.37 starseeker <PROTECTED>
22:36.37 starseeker <PROTECTED>
22:36.37 starseeker <PROTECTED>
22:36.52 starseeker looks like a valid vls
22:37.11 brlcad yep
22:37.17 brlcad so that vls is actually fine
22:37.37 brlcad it's the .mgedrc command processing
22:39.06 starseeker fears following it down those roads
22:39.06 starseeker but does anyway...
22:39.06 brlcad :)
22:39.06 brlcad yeah, you have to
22:39.12 starseeker hi ho, hi ho, it's off to tclIOUtil we go...
22:41.24 starseeker ok, hello Tcl_FSEvalFileEx...
22:41.47 brlcad it's going to end up being a Tcl_EvalEx
22:41.57 brlcad running the whole file as one command
22:42.05 starseeker ah, thanks
22:45.19 brlcad b tclBasic.c:4294
22:45.36 brlcad run with that, should then break for every commmand in the .mgedrc
22:45.44 brlcad set that after you get to the 2464 breakpoint
22:45.59 starseeker Tcl_ParseCommand (interp=0x780b200, start=0x74ee1ec "\n", '#' <repeats 22 times>, " Query Ray Settings ", '#' <repeats 22 times>, "\n# Set the basename of the fake solids generated by nirt\nqray basename query_ray\n\n# Specifies the kind of output generated by nirt.\n# g"..., numBytes=2902, nested=0, parsePtr=0x74f5024) at /Users/cyapp/brlcad/src/other/tcl/unix/../generic/tclParse.c:271
22:46.05 starseeker 271 if ((start == NULL) && (numBytes != 0)) {
22:46.06 starseeker that's the poison
22:46.51 brlcad o.O
22:47.14 starseeker last parse command before death
22:48.06 brlcad doesn't see anything there
22:48.20 brlcad and that doesn't make sense too.. that's not in my .mgedrc at least
22:48.48 starseeker can wipe/redo my .mgedrc - maybe the old one is killing it
22:48.49 starseeker one sec
22:49.00 brlcad keep it
22:49.03 brlcad just move it
22:49.06 starseeker k
22:49.16 brlcad there's no reason an old mgedrc should cause a crash
22:49.58 brlcad if we mess up and it does, we should fix the mess up; not give "delete your .mgedrc" as a 'fix' :)
22:50.13 starseeker aw ;-)
22:51.02 brlcad ah, I see the Query Ray Settings section in mgedrc.tcl -- mine is just apparently older
22:51.30 brlcad ah, I wonder if that's it
22:51.44 brlcad is "qray" a valid command now that libged is hooked in
22:51.53 starseeker hrm
22:51.57 starseeker good question
22:53.13 brlcad or if one of the args to qray changed when you were working on nirt
22:53.29 brlcad as unlikely as that seems .. should have come up much earlier if that was the case
22:53.46 starseeker still crashes without an mgedrc
22:54.35 brlcad nothing new was added to .mgedrc output recently, so that shouldn't be it
22:54.47 starseeker crashing in a different place without mgedrc
22:54.49 starseeker hang on...
22:55.56 starseeker now it's mged.c:709
22:56.21 starseeker hmm - valid vls, contains "gui"
22:58.50 brlcad :)
22:58.55 brlcad that's kinda useless :)
22:59.04 brlcad gui is the command that kicks off the entire gui
22:59.16 starseeker I'm digging deeper
22:59.21 brlcad basically means "something went wrong" ;)
23:02.38 starseeker Breakpoint 2, Tcl_ParseCommand (interp=0x780b200, start=0x81e3504 "press left}\n", numBytes=10, nested=0, parsePtr=0x74f59b0) at /Users/cyapp/brlcad/src/other/tcl/unix/../generic/tclParse.c:271
23:02.42 starseeker 271 if ((start == NULL) && (numBytes != 0)) {
23:02.45 starseeker (gdb)
23:02.50 starseeker continuing after that triggers it
23:03.33 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33746 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/keep.c: fix another cosmetic issue lee found today, if you run keep on a file that already exists, it wasn't printing the file name due to amissing vararg
23:04.56 starseeker hmm - looks like ged_autoview in one of these logs...
23:06.18 starseeker ah HAH
23:07.15 starseeker that's it
23:07.50 starseeker GED_CHECK_DATABASE_OPEN is calling BU_CK_VLS, which is getting passed an empty vls
23:08.05 starseeker the gedp pointer isn't null, but its contents are
23:08.29 starseeker or rather - the vls structures in it are unitialized
23:09.02 starseeker checks chgview
23:13.19 brlcad aha, right
23:13.29 starseeker I think it's that blasted gedp from main
23:13.37 brlcad exactly why I didn't think my hack fix was sufficient
23:13.38 starseeker size_reset doesn't take any params
23:13.56 starseeker and bv_reset doesn't take a ged struct
23:14.01 starseeker it's gotta be the main one
23:14.53 brlcad hm, the logic to GED_CHECK_DATABASE_OPEN is rather weak
23:15.04 brlcad if it's not a null gedp, it tries to bu_vls_trunc..
23:15.13 brlcad actually, hrm
23:15.18 starseeker it looks like the GED_INIT function needs to accept NULL and still initialize the vls stuff
23:15.26 brlcad yep
23:15.31 brlcad exactly what I was thinking
23:15.37 starseeker hunts for GED_INIT
23:16.16 brlcad I left the GED_INIT in ged_dbopen(), but it also/still has to be on BU_GETSTRUCT
23:16.22 brlcad has to be in both places
23:16.39 brlcad though now there may be a memory leak if the gedp isn't wiped out
23:17.39 starseeker heh - there's a ged_init_qray
23:17.46 brlcad I think that may belong better in the wrapper instead of during init
23:17.48 starseeker wonders if that's why the mgedrc was crapping out
23:17.58 brlcad probably
23:18.13 starseeker BINGO
23:18.19 brlcad I bet a lot of commands would fail because of the non-null gedp and null dbip
23:18.24 starseeker ged_init is just returning if gedp is NULL
23:18.52 brlcad hrm? that sounds right
23:19.02 brlcad nothing to init if you don't have a gedp
23:19.14 starseeker maybe, but that's why the vls structures are in an invalid state
23:19.26 brlcad it's never initialized
23:19.28 starseeker "Zero_Magic"
23:19.39 brlcad look for the getstruct
23:19.56 brlcad the one I added yesterday, needs a GED_INIT() immediately after
23:20.02 brlcad just with a null wdbp
23:21.04 starseeker in setup.c?
23:21.44 brlcad sounds about right
23:23.09 starseeker well, that's progress - now it says "A database is not open! MGED unable to initialize gui, reverting to classic mode."
23:24.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33747 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/setup.c: Initialize gedp so we don't have invalid vls structures when checks are run.
23:24.34 starseeker er, sorry Sean, should have credited you with the suggestion there
23:25.18 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:25.50 starseeker now that's weird - it cant initialize, offers classic, and then pops up the full GUI anyway
23:28.36 starseeker erm - it says No symbol "TCL_OK" in current context.
23:28.46 starseeker well no wonder status doesn't equal it
23:28.59 starseeker brlcad: where do we get TCL_OK from?
23:37.34 starseeker oh, OK - tcl.h, and it's 0
23:38.34 starseeker hmm - we're getting 1 as a return from the 709 mged Tcl_Eval
23:42.07 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:45.50 brlcad starseeker: I don't need to be credited for any and every suggestion
23:45.54 brlcad especially for one-liners :)
23:46.21 starseeker well, going from crashing to non-crashing on the startup of the main gui is nice
23:46.33 starseeker now if I can just figure out why its returning status 1...
23:47.14 brlcad because of the "A database is not open!" message
23:47.20 brlcad from there, the rest just cascades
23:47.45 starseeker is that a consequence of ged wanting a database then?
23:54.45 starseeker looks for where the messages are called and feels a sinking feeling
23:58.42 starseeker I'm guessing the fix is to have the various commands that can run without an open database check for an open database only when the wdbp pointer is non-NULL?

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