IRC log for #brlcad on 20090212

00:10.18 starseeker message to self - per discussion with Sean, push GED checks for database state in commands down to where the command actually needs to know - "correct" way to avoid status picking up errors from the ged commands run in startup
00:20.24 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:27.59 brlcad if we separate out help from the main work command, then the checks could conceivably remain at the top -- we'll end up with something like rt_functab that the wrapper would use to invoke a command
00:28.13 brlcad for now, though, I think the next step is to just do the push-down
00:33.43 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
00:34.37 brlcad howdy andrecastelo !
00:34.40 brlcad ltns
00:34.59 andrecastelo howdy brlcad :D
00:36.01 andrecastelo how's everything???
00:36.09 brlcad busy as all frack
00:36.23 brlcad too many irons in the fire I suppose
00:36.32 brlcad otherwise, going great
00:36.54 brlcad has to run off for a bit, ttyl
00:38.11 andrecastelo :D
01:09.54 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * r33748 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/archlinux/PKGBUILD: Add libxslt as makedepends, and tkhtml3 as optdepends in Arch PKGBUILD.
01:16.43 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
01:59.10 ``Erik_ heh, I keep seeing more and more about ted lately O.o
02:43.28 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (
03:03.55 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
03:42.16 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:50.27 starseeker ``Erik: the old rich text editor?
03:50.39 starseeker hasn't heard of it in years...
03:51.30 starseeker hey, cool - it does still exist:
03:51.46 Dr_Phreakenstein silly antiques ;)
03:51.54 starseeker indeed
03:52.10 Dr_Phreakenstein actually, ted was not a very clever name...
03:52.35 Dr_Phreakenstein i have known of several, unrelated text editors named ted
03:52.59 louipc oh sweet!
03:53.07 louipc installs ted
03:53.12 Dr_Phreakenstein i should start a collection
03:53.26 starseeker used it back in the 386 days...
03:53.36 starseeker Abiword was too much for it, iirc
03:54.05 Dr_Phreakenstein Abiword!
03:54.23 louipc Abiword is as far as I want to go.
03:54.50 Dr_Phreakenstein my current favs are nano, the one built into mc, and kate
03:55.07 starseeker grows ever fonder of vim
03:55.31 Dr_Phreakenstein i do not mean to start debate...
03:55.45 louipc vim++
03:55.46 starseeker nah, nowadays they're all pretty good
03:55.48 Dr_Phreakenstein editors are really a matter of habit and preference
03:56.04 starseeker you just have to spend a lot of time to take advantage of the powerful ones
03:56.10 louipc they should tweak evim so it's usable via console
03:56.13 starseeker still uses nedit for quick and dirty
03:56.20 louipc then there would be no reason for nano whatsoever
03:56.56 Dr_Phreakenstein i remember my 1st experience w/ vi. got stuck in slackware 96 after i wiped my dos partition. i had no idea what to do, never heard of a man page, nothing
03:57.14 Dr_Phreakenstein i was hurting
03:57.53 louipc I had a book so it wasn't so bad
03:58.02 Dr_Phreakenstein given that trauma, i think that you can understand my reluctance to use vi and all derivitaves, even if i can acknowledge their technical greatness
03:58.18 starseeker sure - a lot of people associate it with emergency situations
03:58.32 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, i did not know that they wrote books for those sorts of things
03:58.40 Dr_Phreakenstein ya might call it baptism by fire
03:58.49 louipc hehe
03:58.53 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
03:59.22 louipc well when I first dived into linux I did hear that it was a bit challenging, so I went out and got some docs
03:59.22 Dr_Phreakenstein also, i was using the worst possible hardware
04:00.02 Dr_Phreakenstein i had never heard of it... i complained that windows crashed and dos was limiting (wanted better shell)
04:00.27 Dr_Phreakenstein so my cousin sent me a disk, and it really forced me to learn a lot
04:00.31 Dr_Phreakenstein glad for it now
04:00.33 louipc nice
04:00.51 Dr_Phreakenstein oh, no net access, either
04:01.02 Dr_Phreakenstein that might have helped
04:02.07 Dr_Phreakenstein i still prefer nano due to it's ease of integration in very tiny systems (very tiny still means qwerty kbd or remote shell of some kind)
04:02.20 louipc good luck getting that to work way back then :P
04:02.40 Dr_Phreakenstein getting what to work?
04:02.53 louipc internet?
04:03.07 louipc dialup - ppp
04:03.07 Dr_Phreakenstein in 96? my only restriction was parental
04:03.29 Dr_Phreakenstein i had a ... 14,400 baud modem
04:03.43 Dr_Phreakenstein that's *over* 14K!
04:03.45 louipc sweet
04:04.05 Dr_Phreakenstein i know, i could not even whistle that fast!
04:04.20 Dr_Phreakenstein ahem...
04:04.38 Dr_Phreakenstein chai, the russian way has a *lot* of caffeine in it
04:05.00 louipc yeah I actually didn't -get- vi, and I didn't like it
04:05.08 louipc so I used emacs for awhile :D
04:05.58 Dr_Phreakenstein now there is the kirby-vacuum, universal motor assembly of software
04:06.33 Dr_Phreakenstein it has long since ceased to be primarily an editor
04:06.50 Dr_Phreakenstein now more like a complete desktop environment
04:07.01 Dr_Phreakenstein that i still do not use
04:07.10 louipc haha
04:08.19 louipc you know nano isn't completely user friendly
04:08.45 louipc I had one user ask "I'm stuck. What does ^X mean?"
04:09.36 Dr_Phreakenstein well, what can you do
04:09.56 Dr_Phreakenstein pebkac
04:10.11 Dr_Phreakenstein had they figured out the cupholder yet?
04:10.23 louipc well nowhere does it say ^ = ctrl
04:10.41 louipc :D
04:10.52 Dr_Phreakenstein no, i guess i know that from some stumbling i did back in the day...
04:10.58 louipc they figured out ssh!
04:11.04 Dr_Phreakenstein but it seems like a good guess
04:11.07 Dr_Phreakenstein that or alt
04:11.15 louipc or esc
04:11.25 louipc or shift-6
04:11.32 Dr_Phreakenstein ok, so that leaves 3 combinations to try
04:11.42 Dr_Phreakenstein all of which is faster than asking
04:14.00 Dr_Phreakenstein
04:14.14 Dr_Phreakenstein make 'em read that
04:14.32 Dr_Phreakenstein and everything else by him and dj bernstein
04:14.53 Dr_Phreakenstein then, have them read
04:15.20 Dr_Phreakenstein that will first bring them down to size, then let them know what you are capable of
04:29.22 schwinn434 where can I read about brlcad, and downloaded it, if possible
04:29.39 Axman6 i think
04:30.36 schwinn434 thx Axman6
04:31.27 schwinn434 is there a 3 dimensional cad program similar to AutoCad which is opensource
04:33.42 ``Erik striped irregular bucket, pheer... was the gospel back when I was a sysadmin
04:34.23 ``Erik there're some things esr has written that can safely be ignored, though... :D
04:35.19 Dr_Phreakenstein yes
04:35.28 Dr_Phreakenstein very safely
04:36.00 Dr_Phreakenstein schwinn434: qcad is 2d and OS...
04:36.21 Dr_Phreakenstein it is available as 3d, but i believe at a $price
04:36.40 ``Erik and screw nano,
04:38.20 louipc ``Erik++
04:41.17 Dr_Phreakenstein that was one of the funniest things i have read this year!
04:41.31 schwinn434 is qcad opensource?
04:41.54 Dr_Phreakenstein i believe so
04:42.02 schwinn434 thx Dr_Phreakenstein
04:43.29 louipc haha it's crippleware
04:43.49 louipc The demo version terminates after 10 minutes. # It can be restarted and used for 100 hours in total.
04:43.55 louipc opensource crippleware though
04:43.59 Dr_Phreakenstein community is released under GPL
04:44.02 louipc odd
04:44.07 Dr_Phreakenstein what?
04:44.10 Dr_Phreakenstein weird
04:44.12 louipc
04:44.28 Dr_Phreakenstein i compile it and use it often
04:44.46 Dr_Phreakenstein does not do 3d, which brings me here
04:45.29 Dr_Phreakenstein if you compile it, i have found no time restriction
04:46.12 ``Erik hrm, looks like there're 3 products, only 'professional demo' has the time restriction, community is the only gpl one
04:46.21 Dr_Phreakenstein correct
04:46.36 schwinn434 thx guys
04:47.01 Dr_Phreakenstein but really, schwinn434, brlcad can import and export autocad files
04:47.11 Dr_Phreakenstein you should use that instead
04:47.16 ``Erik erm, a subset of
04:47.25 louipc I guess the time restraints is a config option in their build
04:47.27 Dr_Phreakenstein shhhh...
04:47.33 louipc possibly
04:47.40 ``Erik like we ignore all the extra drafting crap, we do the triangles for solid geometry
04:47.44 Dr_Phreakenstein that's not a very good sales pitch, Erik
04:48.24 louipc NASA used BRL-CAD to send people to the moon.
04:48.25 ``Erik heh, no, I'm not a sales person :D if it's just the solid stuff needed out of the dxf, we're right there for it... but if that meta-info is required, *shrug* we don't do that
04:48.34 louipc fact
04:48.44 Dr_Phreakenstein the correct answer is "Yes, it is not only fully compatible, but better in every way, and if you disagree, we will refund your purchase price in full"
04:49.09 schwinn434 didn't realize brlcad was so powerful
04:49.12 brlcad ``Erik: it does import the 2D geometric entities now too (as sketches)
04:49.18 ``Erik oh, neat
04:49.21 brlcad g-dxf is the shizzle
04:49.31 brlcad er, dxf-g :)
04:49.31 ``Erik does it attempt to export the sketches, too
04:49.33 ``Erik ?
04:49.38 brlcad mm, doubt it
04:49.45 louipc hmm
04:49.53 ``Erik I looked through the source not TOO long ago and didn't see sketch shtuff :/
04:49.53 brlcad but maybe
04:49.54 Dr_Phreakenstein see, there ya go
04:49.58 louipc schwinn434: I was joking :D
04:50.10 louipc schwinn434: I don't know that for a fact
04:50.32 brlcad it still doesn't import the non-geometric entities I believe and various attributes that have only to do with annotation
04:50.46 Dr_Phreakenstein begins working on sales literature and #ower#oint
04:50.55 brlcad like an entity with a "stipple" attribute .. yeah, that's ignored and probably will stay that way
04:51.09 Dr_Phreakenstein que es "stipple"
04:51.18 brlcad - - - - - -
04:51.22 louipc hash marks?
04:51.36 ``Erik I d'no, things like that could just be saved as named object pairs in the attribute tags
04:51.43 brlcad means draw the wireframe and/or edges or whatever it's associated with using dashed lines instead of a solid line
04:51.46 louipc oh hidden lines/centre lines, etc
04:51.54 ``Erik wouldn't MEAN anything, but slightly less data lost
04:52.00 Dr_Phreakenstein ahhh... drafting symbol stuff
04:52.40 Dr_Phreakenstein that is rendered irrelevant by the whole idea of CSG
04:52.50 Dr_Phreakenstein it only makes for pretty prints...
04:53.25 brlcad it's irrelevant in most solid modeling systems
04:53.33 brlcad very much a drafting feature
04:53.37 louipc *hatching
04:53.52 Dr_Phreakenstein which brings me to my idea of a print making utility, or something, to turn geometry nice draft
04:54.07 louipc you need those marks if you're going to take a draft into the shop for sure
04:54.10 ``Erik kinda sorta like rtedge does?
04:54.10 Dr_Phreakenstein geometry into nice draft
04:54.14 Dr_Phreakenstein yes
04:54.20 brlcad enjoys some awesome home-cooked surf n' turf
04:54.22 Dr_Phreakenstein rtedge...
04:54.30 Dr_Phreakenstein sorta
04:54.49 louipc sounds good
04:55.23 Dr_Phreakenstein would add dimmensions, 4 views, notes, specs, and
04:55.32 Dr_Phreakenstein GD&T
04:55.35 louipc bill of materials
04:55.43 Dr_Phreakenstein perhaps
04:55.51 louipc revisions
04:55.54 Dr_Phreakenstein that is too easy to do in favorite editor
04:55.57 Dr_Phreakenstein yes
04:56.05 Dr_Phreakenstein revisions is a good one
04:56.07 ``Erik 4view is easy, dimensions could be glued on post-rendering, no?
04:56.22 Dr_Phreakenstein i did it in openoffice
04:56.29 ``Erik doesn't know what the behavior of sketch is in rtege O.o
04:56.36 louipc you need bill of materials on the dwg, especially if it's an assembly
04:56.49 Dr_Phreakenstein ok, i buy that
04:57.22 louipc and dimensioning is a bit of an art. I couldn't trust a computer to always make the right decisions
04:57.44 ``Erik for 'bill of materials', what exactly is the pertinent information?
04:57.53 Dr_Phreakenstein no, should be manually editable, especially w/ tolerances
04:57.59 louipc yea
04:58.20 Dr_Phreakenstein that is something that would deserve a fair bit of thought
04:58.22 louipc ``Erik: tells you what the different parts are on the drawing
04:58.46 ``Erik yes, but just a list of part numbers? or material and mass? or? :)
04:59.05 Dr_Phreakenstein sources, prices, quantity
04:59.06 louipc if it's a screw it will tell you what it's specs are, if it's a custom part it will give the part/dwg number
04:59.25 Dr_Phreakenstein perhaps mult. part numbers
04:59.35 Dr_Phreakenstein assy/sub-assy numbers
04:59.56 ``Erik soo, encode it into the geometries path, then a quick little scripts to massage the output of mged -c commands for a usable output? :)
05:00.09 Dr_Phreakenstein as in part numbers for vendor and client
05:00.20 Dr_Phreakenstein groups of parts for assy
05:00.41 Dr_Phreakenstein could work
05:00.51 Dr_Phreakenstein bye, schwinn
05:01.36 louipc the most important part is always first ;)
05:02.35 Dr_Phreakenstein ... also, notes about the construction, specs, or assembly of different parts, and a misc notes field to cover everything else
05:02.43 Dr_Phreakenstein here ya go...
05:02.54 Dr_Phreakenstein notes per part, and per drawing
05:03.06 Dr_Phreakenstein that is the easiest way to make it more generic
05:03.53 ``Erik been 20 years since I've done drafting, and it was just an intro course, so nothing detailed :D I know the general format for electronics, but that sounds a bit differnet
05:04.27 Dr_Phreakenstein the new thing is geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
05:04.31 louipc you can achieve the order by naming I guess
05:04.54 Dr_Phreakenstein just a set of symbols and a system for doing dimensions
05:05.00 louipc 001.Main_Housing, 002.Drive_Shaft, 003.Bearing
05:05.04 ``Erik or attribute abuse
05:05.11 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
05:05.14 Dr_Phreakenstein true
05:06.05 Dr_Phreakenstein i would not mind if brlcad could do electronic stuff, too
05:06.17 Dr_Phreakenstein sounds like a lot of work
05:06.36 ``Erik talking to geda would probably be a better first stab O.o
05:07.16 Dr_Phreakenstein but it would be handy to have it figure out size/shape of populated board, to see if it would fit housing
05:07.22 Dr_Phreakenstein i like kicad
05:07.59 Dr_Phreakenstein geda is decent, i have less experience with
05:08.40 Dr_Phreakenstein actually, what i want, is a hammer that also saws, polishes, grinds, and drives threaded fasteners
05:08.41 Dr_Phreakenstein ;)
05:09.02 ``Erik I think they call those shops
05:09.10 Dr_Phreakenstein if it had a soldering attachment, so much the better
05:09.14 Dr_Phreakenstein ok, you win
05:09.18 louipc oh sweet. 3d view
05:09.30 Dr_Phreakenstein from a hammer?
05:10.25 louipc kicad
05:10.46 Dr_Phreakenstein what i meant was that it would be cool to have an "everything cad" system, but i understand why that would not always work
05:10.57 Dr_Phreakenstein upgrades kicad to latest
05:19.00 Dr_Phreakenstein hmmm... i will have to talk to those guys, see if they can export 3d data to a file brlcad can read
05:19.07 Dr_Phreakenstein that would be nice!
05:20.12 brlcad too much manpower and lack of development focus to attempt to support too many domains at once, there's more than enough work to just support one or two domains
05:21.02 Dr_Phreakenstein i understand that, i meant make kicad export to .g
05:21.04 brlcad solid modeling is top-priority followed closely behind by either drafting or mcad needs (or the features that overlap both domains)
05:21.22 brlcad that would be pretty easy
05:21.28 Dr_Phreakenstein exactly
05:21.58 Dr_Phreakenstein hey, you guys have any debugging for me today?
05:22.23 Dr_Phreakenstein i am not much of a programmer, but i can do that
05:22.48 Dr_Phreakenstein "I can strace like nobody's business!"
05:23.26 brlcad I think the main problems were sorted out earlier today
05:23.31 Dr_Phreakenstein still learning to work w/ you guys
05:23.32 Dr_Phreakenstein k
05:23.53 Dr_Phreakenstein sorry to say, i should have pointed some stuff out i found in my trace
05:23.54 brlcad now just have a lot of grunt-work moving and repairs to take care of
05:24.42 Dr_Phreakenstein looks like i could have saved some hours, not sure. i saw stuff last night that you guys discussed this morning
05:30.57 brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein: actually your lead last night helped
05:31.08 brlcad helped a lot, thanks
05:32.54 Dr_Phreakenstein glad to contrib...
05:33.22 Dr_Phreakenstein don't be afraid to throw problems at me...
05:33.43 Dr_Phreakenstein this way we can both learn what i can do, and i can learn at all
05:34.03 Dr_Phreakenstein eg this morning was my first experience w/ gdb
05:34.28 louipc do you do any programming?
05:34.47 brlcad if you have an app with debugging symbols, gdb is actually pretty easy to learn
05:34.51 brlcad at least most of the basics
05:34.54 Dr_Phreakenstein not yet, but i can fumble through bash and python
05:35.08 Dr_Phreakenstein so i saw
05:35.13 louipc aww, same here :/
05:35.18 Dr_Phreakenstein always thought it would be way harder
05:35.32 louipc so that's why you don't use vi or emacs yet ;)
05:35.37 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
05:35.53 Dr_Phreakenstein perhaps
05:36.28 Dr_Phreakenstein although, in my defense, my main use of kde is that it gives me konsole, a nice way to have more terminals
05:36.44 Dr_Phreakenstein terminals with a scrollbar
05:37.13 Dr_Phreakenstein and unlimited scrollback buffer
05:37.20 Dr_Phreakenstein with search
05:37.46 louipc hmm yeah sometimes I'd like more scrollback
05:37.55 louipc but it's usually because I wasn't paying attention
05:38.30 Dr_Phreakenstein here is a tip to help many things...
05:39.07 Dr_Phreakenstein # hey, let's get a decent terminal speed now.
05:39.09 Dr_Phreakenstein if tty|grep -v tty > /dev/null ; then
05:39.10 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
05:39.12 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
05:39.13 Dr_Phreakenstein <PROTECTED>
05:39.15 Dr_Phreakenstein fi
05:39.19 Dr_Phreakenstein that is in my ~/.bashrc
05:39.55 Dr_Phreakenstein believe it ornot, that speeds up compiles
05:40.11 louipc hmmm
05:41.00 Dr_Phreakenstein but it will often break plain console, thus else
05:41.40 Dr_Phreakenstein try #time cat hugefile.txt before and after
05:42.21 Dr_Phreakenstein i do not remember how i discovered that
05:42.25 louipc can my PIII handle 4000000?
05:42.29 Dr_Phreakenstein yes
05:42.33 louipc sweet
05:42.45 Dr_Phreakenstein i looked in linux kernel source, and that is mak
05:42.46 Dr_Phreakenstein max
05:42.54 louipc cool
05:43.07 Dr_Phreakenstein used it on my PIII toughbook
05:43.11 louipc pro tip. thx
05:43.30 Dr_Phreakenstein np, you prob will not find that online
05:44.39 Dr_Phreakenstein also, i use make with "-j 17 -iks --no-print-directory"
05:45.05 Dr_Phreakenstein i means ignore errors, k means keep going. those are dangerous, but others add speed
05:45.46 Dr_Phreakenstein every write to stdout blocks, so it cannot compile any faster than that...
05:45.57 Dr_Phreakenstein so i tell it not to send as much output
05:46.20 louipc true
05:47.12 Dr_Phreakenstein however, i do break a lot of stuff, so take my uber-tweaking tips w/ NaCl
05:47.14 louipc I guess I really need to work on getting all the 3rd party libraries installed separately from brl-cad
05:47.24 Dr_Phreakenstein stty is well tested on many boxes, though
05:47.28 louipc if I don't have to compile them it will dramatically help
05:47.37 Dr_Phreakenstein true
05:47.41 Dr_Phreakenstein what distro?
05:47.46 louipc arch
05:48.05 Dr_Phreakenstein gentoo derivitave, iirc
05:48.11 Dr_Phreakenstein ?
05:48.20 louipc LFS derivative if anything
05:48.27 louipc inspired by CRUX
05:48.32 Dr_Phreakenstein ahhh
05:48.56 Dr_Phreakenstein sorry, so many, i get mixed
05:49.00 louipc binary packages, rolling release
05:49.17 Dr_Phreakenstein cool
05:49.44 Dr_Phreakenstein i will say, gentoo has given me *much* compiling and resolution experience
05:49.55 Dr_Phreakenstein too much?
05:50.10 louipc now that I don't have to compile everything I can actually do some hacking :D
05:50.20 louipc yeah I used to use gentoo
05:50.27 Dr_Phreakenstein slaps on gentoo bumper sticker that reads "I'd rather be compiling"
05:51.01 Dr_Phreakenstein can't argue there
06:57.09 yukonbob Dr_Phreakenstein: how many CPU cores do you have at your disposal?
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06:58.54 Dr_Phreakenstein 4
06:59.20 yukonbob why do you "-j 17" for your make, then?
06:59.24 Dr_Phreakenstein 2proc, dual core, 2.4gHz
06:59.32 yukonbob I'd think 5 is about the max you'd require...
06:59.40 yukonbob 4 on, 1 on stand-by
06:59.43 Dr_Phreakenstein j= core *4 + 1
07:00.00 Dr_Phreakenstein also have 8 gigs ram
07:00.31 yukonbob but that "parallelism" isn't really parallel if they're just being swapped around the cores ;)
07:00.42 yukonbob ...and that's not free, either.
07:01.05 Dr_Phreakenstein i forget, but i researched it at one point, and that is what i arrived at
07:01.25 Dr_Phreakenstein somehow, it gave the best performance in test case
07:02.01 Dr_Phreakenstein ahhh, that may have been when i had a slower hd
07:02.29 Dr_Phreakenstein even now, i am mostly io-restricted
07:02.46 yukonbob nods
07:03.17 Dr_Phreakenstein i did not believe it, either, thought it was insane, but it seems to work
07:03.29 Dr_Phreakenstein and on gentoo, i do a little compiling ;)
07:07.33 Dr_Phreakenstein also, -j 17 is no good w/out my stty optimizations
07:16.09 Ralith I'd think that -j 17 is no good without four quadcores, too.
07:16.46 Ralith the rule I've always hear is ncpu+1
07:16.51 Ralith heard*
07:17.49 Dr_Phreakenstein fair enough, especially for a sys that is better balanced than mine
07:18.28 Dr_Phreakenstein depends on cache and scheduler, too, but that is getting pretty deep, and for specific cases
07:18.55 Ralith I suppose ultimately you're best off just trial-and-erroring your way up until performance starts to drop again
07:19.11 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, that is how i got where i am
07:19.30 Dr_Phreakenstein problem is, i only tested it for certain things
07:20.00 Dr_Phreakenstein mainly just to emerge a short list of programs
07:20.34 Dr_Phreakenstein wonder how it would be affected by ccache
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10:06.46 d-lo likes ubuntu :)
10:22.37 Dr_Phreakenstein not a bad choice
10:22.44 Dr_Phreakenstein you are up early
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11:19.45 *** join/#brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein (n=phreak@
11:46.13 d-lo not really. Thats my normal 'up' time.
11:46.51 d-lo Wake @0400-0415. On the road to work by 0500. Arrive @ work 0600-0615.
11:49.13 d-lo I was very impressed by Ubuntu. I have basically done a 'out of box test' of FC10 vs ubuntu.
11:50.16 d-lo and Ubuntu wins hands down. I had to install only 2 drivers not included with the base install to make myt Dell 1505 lappy work at 100%... although I haven't tested the graphics driver yet.
12:01.21 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
12:01.49 d-lo gonna put on wine this evening and fire up Civ4 and a few others ;)
12:01.58 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
12:02.23 Dr_Phreakenstein i have tetris and minehunt on my HP calculator...
12:02.35 Dr_Phreakenstein that is about as much gaming as i do
12:03.06 Dr_Phreakenstein makes my professor seem less verbose
12:03.08 d-lo tetris rules.
12:03.25 d-lo what class?
12:08.53 Dr_Phreakenstein well, i only have 3 instructors, as it is a small dept
12:09.09 Dr_Phreakenstein that one teaches CNC mill, and inspection II
12:09.57 d-lo kewl.
12:10.10 _sushi_ what is the inspection about
12:10.11 d-lo did you get all that gear Hauled successfully?
12:10.13 Dr_Phreakenstein they are all really smart, but that guy can really get going
12:10.19 Dr_Phreakenstein yup
12:10.33 Dr_Phreakenstein somehow (lots of prayer) i am still alive
12:11.32 Dr_Phreakenstein not to preach (i hate that), but that was really a faith-building experience
12:11.46 Dr_Phreakenstein too much wind load for my caravan
12:11.54 Dr_Phreakenstein terrible trailer
12:12.06 Dr_Phreakenstein ratchet straps rubbing on tires
12:12.20 Dr_Phreakenstein no good strapdown points
12:12.46 Dr_Phreakenstein and those that there were had iffy welds that were bending under the stress
12:13.00 d-lo heh, sounds like the stuff 'good stories' are made of eh?
12:13.09 Dr_Phreakenstein engine redlined or plain ran out of steam on hills
12:13.14 Dr_Phreakenstein :) indeed
12:13.34 Dr_Phreakenstein oh, and i drove 800 miles on 2 hrs of sleep
12:13.49 Dr_Phreakenstein maxed out debit card, so could not get gas...
12:14.01 Dr_Phreakenstein mad it home with about 1 pint, no joke
12:14.26 Dr_Phreakenstein gauge said i was getting 4-5 mpg on hills
12:15.00 d-lo you must *really* love that gear :D
12:16.04 Dr_Phreakenstein uh-huh!
12:16.13 Dr_Phreakenstein too bad it is still in driveway
12:16.20 Dr_Phreakenstein no room in garage
12:16.36 Dr_Phreakenstein oh, and i came out about even vs shipping
12:16.45 d-lo where is it going to go? (Ultimately)
12:16.49 Dr_Phreakenstein however, now i have a hitch and wiring
12:17.07 Dr_Phreakenstein well, i have to move to a different house... this is funny
12:17.27 d-lo hell, you gotta move it all again?
12:17.30 Dr_Phreakenstein i have a wife+3 kids, right (ages 1, 2, 3)...
12:17.51 Dr_Phreakenstein well, it is still on trailer, and this time will be a shorter drive
12:17.52 d-lo Woot! You got me beat! (mine are 5,4,2.5)
12:18.10 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, 375 and 383 days apart
12:18.18 d-lo niceness.
12:18.38 d-lo 379 stdev 4
12:18.49 Dr_Phreakenstein so, we are planning on moving into my mother-in-law's garage, after renovation
12:18.56 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
12:19.02 Dr_Phreakenstein cool :)
12:19.15 Dr_Phreakenstein that thing is 40*24'
12:19.17 d-lo 15 months between my first 2 and 21 between the last two. works out to 15 days shy of exactly 36 months :)
12:19.37 d-lo 'Moving into garage' as in the family? or the gear?
12:19.48 Dr_Phreakenstein with a wall across 24' width, 15' from back
12:19.53 Dr_Phreakenstein everything
12:20.03 Dr_Phreakenstein shop in front, family in smaller space
12:20.36 Dr_Phreakenstein will share bath and kitchen with bigger house to avoid legal and bldg permit hassle
12:21.09 d-lo Now that I have all 3 pairs of little feet storming up and down the steps in a 3 story townhome.... I am begining to covet a studio style layout :/
12:21.26 Dr_Phreakenstein there is that...
12:21.37 d-lo good call on the legal.
12:21.52 Dr_Phreakenstein i am in townhome, lack sufficient electricity and garage space
12:22.38 d-lo I can't remember... is this just a hobby, or a hobby turning into a bidness?
12:22.39 Dr_Phreakenstein as in computer, 3 printers, workbench, aircompressor, lamps, room lights, and some house outlets on 20amps
12:23.03 Dr_Phreakenstein compressor trips brks, and my UPS squawks, plus i lose light
12:23.07 d-lo 20 or 200?
12:23.14 Dr_Phreakenstein hobby-to bus
12:23.26 Dr_Phreakenstein 20 amps
12:23.47 d-lo ...your whole townhome is served by a 20 amp feed?!?
12:24.02 Dr_Phreakenstein never mind hooking up my rack, with those computers
12:24.11 Dr_Phreakenstein no, just all the big stuff
12:24.42 d-lo whats the main house feed? 100A or 200A service?
12:24.48 Dr_Phreakenstein it has 4 20 amp circuits for most everything (save stove, etc), but all lights and outlets
12:25.19 d-lo (are we talking about your townhome or the MIL's garage?)
12:26.06 _sushi_ Hey how dangerous is the 120VAC>
12:26.08 Dr_Phreakenstein current place... not sure of total, no main brkr in panel
12:26.13 _sushi_ If you touch it are you gonna die?
12:26.19 Dr_Phreakenstein only deadly,y?
12:26.23 _sushi_ Should be less dangerous than the European 230
12:26.42 Dr_Phreakenstein only takes 10 mAh through heart
12:26.46 d-lo 120Vac can kill you... 230 can kill you...440 can kill you dead.... but then again, so can a 9V or AA battery :)
12:27.00 Dr_Phreakenstein lowest known lethality was 30vdc
12:27.29 Dr_Phreakenstein for exocution
12:27.43 Dr_Phreakenstein that must have been agonizing
12:27.55 _sushi_ tickled to death?
12:28.12 d-lo 0.001a person killed themselves with a multimeter (powered by a 9V)
12:28.15 Dr_Phreakenstein i have been bitten by 15kv, but low current. it only sucked
12:28.31 Dr_Phreakenstein that takes some talent!
12:28.50 Dr_Phreakenstein death by fluke
12:28.52 _sushi_ Must have rammed the measuring points directly into his heart
12:28.53 Dr_Phreakenstein pardon pun
12:29.17 Dr_Phreakenstein aided with brine solution, to improve conductivity
12:29.27 d-lo put it on Ohms, and jabbed a lead in each index finger. 9V/resistance of blood = enough amperage to pop his heart.
12:29.39 d-lo ded
12:29.43 Dr_Phreakenstein no, MIL place, i will install my own dedicated power
12:29.46 _sushi_ did the heart make a popping sound?
12:30.00 d-lo I imagine you could do the same thing with a 1.5V batter if you wanted.
12:30.18 Dr_Phreakenstein sounds like wasted talent
12:30.19 d-lo _sushi_: dunno, but I imagine not.
12:30.28 d-lo Darwinism in full effect
12:31.37 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
12:31.39 _sushi_ did he suffer from darwinism?
12:31.50 _sushi_ I made a 50V power supply for my optical receiver
12:31.53 _sushi_ Is it lethal then?
12:31.54 d-lo seemingly so ;)
12:32.13 d-lo Voltage isn't lethal, its the current that the voltage develops that is.
12:32.33 Dr_Phreakenstein <_sushi_>: what you must know is that here in US, we do everything possible to protect such persons from themselves
12:32.49 d-lo ...and we shouldn't :/
12:33.25 Dr_Phreakenstein but every now and again, you get someone really determined, which results in those sorts of stories, more laws, and greater national debt
12:34.12 d-lo not that you're bitter or anything :)
12:34.49 Dr_Phreakenstein not to sound cruel, but if you do not buckle up, and you crash, hey, we just should not pay the bill. sorry, dude. the car had seatbelts, since what, 1968, maybe sooner?
12:34.49 _sushi_ Hmm you need 300-500mA DC to cause fibrilation
12:35.03 _sushi_ My power supply is designed for about 100uA current
12:35.14 Dr_Phreakenstein get a cap
12:35.15 d-lo fib is usually only incuded by AC current....
12:35.25 _sushi_ But since it's mounted on a roof person touching it accidentally could be shocked and fall from the roof
12:35.33 _sushi_ I should still put a warning sign there is 50V inside
12:36.00 Dr_Phreakenstein or mount it to car... excellent anti-theft
12:36.02 d-lo 0.1mA makes a muscle twitch, 1.0mA causes physical pain, and 10mA causes death.
12:36.24 _sushi_ d-lo: where do you have 10mA from?
12:36.31 Dr_Phreakenstein figures 1 A should do it
12:36.35 d-lo eh?
12:36.42 _sushi_ d-lo: source URL?
12:36.53 _sushi_ I don't believe the story with the battery
12:37.04 d-lo training. In my past life, I was an electrician.
12:37.04 _sushi_ I would believe the one with 30V if properly contacted
12:37.08 Dr_Phreakenstein i have electronics pocket ref, and it says 10mA
12:37.25 _sushi_ for AC?
12:37.31 _sushi_ And how much for DC? My supply is DC
12:38.05 Dr_Phreakenstein any 10 mA
12:38.14 Dr_Phreakenstein DC-purple
12:38.53 Dr_Phreakenstein your body is pretty efficient as electricity is only signal, not motive power
12:39.06 alex_joni any voltage/current pair is lethal with the right set of electrodes
12:39.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33749 10/rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/ (Combination.cpp Object.cpp): moved resource pointer memory management into Object class
12:39.24 alex_joni almost any ;)
12:39.36 Dr_Phreakenstein yup
12:39.42 d-lo Worst case senario: A person is tired, cold, naked and wet... their body resistance is about 300 ohms. If it takes 100mA to kill that person (300ohms / .1 = 30) then a mere 30V applied to the person will kil them
12:40.28 Dr_Phreakenstein there ya go
12:40.59 d-lo i was forgetful in my numbers (1mA moves a muscle, 10mA = pain and 100mA causes death) but that is average... each person is different.
12:41.25 Dr_Phreakenstein remember, that 10mA has to go through heart, and it is too hard to predict path through a body, so much current may be wasted
12:41.36 Dr_Phreakenstein "wasted"
12:41.58 d-lo anyways, blood is about the same resistance as water... nearly zero, so if you take a 9V battery: 9V/.001ohms = 9000A.... yeah, that'll kill ya.
12:42.17 _sushi_ lol
12:42.26 Dr_Phreakenstein -internal resistance of cell... still lethal
12:42.35 d-lo and .001 ohms is very very generous
12:43.09 Dr_Phreakenstein so don't play with electrons, kids
12:43.33 _sushi_ hmm when I take 12V into sweaty hand and press hard then I can make 0.12mA
12:43.34 Dr_Phreakenstein one day, i walked past and outlet...
12:43.37 d-lo heh, well, at least don't stab yourself with live electrical leads.
12:43.51 _sushi_ I don't think my blood has 1mOhm
12:44.07 Dr_Phreakenstein i was a bit alarmed to see my favorite klein screwdriver sticking straight out of the outlet
12:44.07 d-lo _sushi_: exactly... ever wonder why your car battery is only 12V but can knock you on your ass? :)
12:44.14 _sushi_ 10 kOhm
12:44.16 Dr_Phreakenstein thankfully, from the ground
12:44.33 d-lo oh dear... kiddo get a hold of it?
12:44.33 _sushi_ d-lo: never heard about car battery knocking anyone
12:45.06 Dr_Phreakenstein i guess... trying to be like me and "fix" stuff
12:45.10 d-lo _sushi_: well grab both the + and - sides of your car battery sometime and you'll find out.
12:45.13 d-lo :)
12:45.35 _sushi_ d-lo: 120uA and I don't feel anything
12:45.41 Dr_Phreakenstein better yet, place wrench carefully across terminals...
12:45.49 _sushi_ wrench != body
12:46.05 Dr_Phreakenstein no, but lead acid can arc weld
12:46.08 _sushi_ they are made from very different material
12:46.16 d-lo Dr_Phreakenstein: Lol, yeah.. did that during my first carstereo install... scared the life outta me.
12:46.30 _sushi_ d-lo: never welded before?
12:47.03 d-lo _sushi_: 120uA is .000120 amps... we are talking .001, .01 and .1 amps.... several magnitudes difference
12:47.20 d-lo _sushi_: yes, several times... but on purpose.
12:47.38 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
12:47.43 d-lo the wrench on the terminals was an accident and not expected.
12:48.05 d-lo thus, scarey.
12:48.42 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
12:49.27 d-lo besides, if you have a 50Vdc power supply and the load on it is only drawing 120uA... that in no way means that the 50Vdc p/s can't be shorted to ground and draw lethal current....
12:49.52 d-lo the general rule of thumb is anything around or over 30Vdc should have a warning sign of some sort...
12:51.04 _sushi_ d-lo: what I said if I connect my sqeaty hands across 12V and press down hard, I get only 120uA
12:51.37 _sushi_ That shows my body resistance with sweaty hands and pressing down hard is 10 kOhm
12:51.48 _sushi_ If you take 30V and 10kOhm, you get 0.3mA
12:52.01 _sushi_ You need 300mA to be lethal, still 3 oderrs of magnitude are missing.
12:52.27 _sushi_ oh no, 100kOhm!
12:52.34 d-lo ...just curious.. but where are you getting this 120uA measure from?
12:52.42 _sushi_ from an ampmeter
12:53.00 Dr_Phreakenstein hey, if we stop hearing from you during these tests, what is the local number to call ambulance in your area?
12:53.16 d-lo lol
12:53.25 Dr_Phreakenstein and where should we send 'em?
12:53.37 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
12:54.30 d-lo multimeter or ammeter of a 12V power supply?
12:55.26 _sushi_ d-lo: multimeter, at 40mA range
12:55.38 _sushi_ Now I was able to make 500uA, but I had to press so hard that it was painful
12:56.16 d-lo 10K sounds about right for normal situation hand to hand resistance.
12:56.22 Dr_Phreakenstein ....which is a good reminder of when to stop
12:56.38 _sushi_ Dr_Phreakenstein: the pain was from pressing, not from the current
12:56.54 Dr_Phreakenstein i know that, point still stands
12:57.28 Dr_Phreakenstein i am not afraid of electricity, but i have never intentionally shocked myself, ammeter or otherwise
12:57.49 _sushi_ I Once put 16V AC across my skull when I was a kid
12:58.00 _sushi_ I could see dim white flickering light in my peripheral vision
12:58.02 brlcad heh, 'splains a lot, don't it
12:58.08 Dr_Phreakenstein i do not want to be on record as encouraging this sor of thing
12:58.13 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
12:58.14 _sushi_ Across the temples. From the model train supply.
12:58.15 d-lo get both hands 'sweaty', grab two metal pipes and then check your body resistance.
12:58.22 d-lo lol
12:58.38 d-lo should get about 1k-5k
12:58.57 Dr_Phreakenstein again, there is the idea of stopping while ahead
12:59.03 _sushi_ Sounds like you have to be a pretty good contortionist to actually kill yourself with domestic voltage
12:59.06 Dr_Phreakenstein or less behind
12:59.44 _sushi_ Then I got scared that maybe I killed some cells in my brain with that current and now I become retarded
12:59.59 Dr_Phreakenstein has no comment
13:01.02 Dr_Phreakenstein thinks not to remind these guys of ethanol... a great brain-cell-icicide
13:01.12 d-lo not really _sushi_ : A person just gets done washing dishes. They see the toaster is still plugged in and lean over to umplug it. One hand on the metal sink(wet) the other hand grabs the plus. They overreach a tad and a finger slips around and hits the hot prong as its coming out of the wall... with both hands wet and one hand on a good grounding point... zap. can easily be killed.
13:01.28 d-lo plus = plug
13:01.49 _sushi_ d-lo: I think US should get their plug design fixed
13:02.11 d-lo has nothing to do with plug design... electricity is still electricity.
13:02.24 _sushi_ It has - the European plug doesn't allow you to touch hot parts
13:02.34 Dr_Phreakenstein ?!!!
13:02.34 d-lo its very easy to get shocked... especially when you don't know the dangers involved.
13:02.38 Dr_Phreakenstein which one?
13:02.53 _sushi_ British, Czech,///
13:02.56 Dr_Phreakenstein the round pin ones that always arc and fall out of socket?
13:03.28 _sushi_ But seriously the US plug is a major health hazard
13:03.43 Dr_Phreakenstein british plug design is good, but fails in implementation.
13:03.55 Dr_Phreakenstein i used to replace about 5-10 a day
13:04.18 _sushi_ You can half insert it and then touch the hot one with your finger
13:04.33 Dr_Phreakenstein have fun with that
13:05.18 Dr_Phreakenstein oh, and those switches in the outlets... brilliant idea, really
13:05.35 Dr_Phreakenstein except that they always weld together
13:05.40 d-lo Dr_Phreakenstein: agreed.
13:06.42 Dr_Phreakenstein <_sushi_>: hate to say, but outside of Brittain, British electrical equipment has a poor reputation. can anyone say Lucas?
13:07.04 Dr_Phreakenstein 7 fuses in series to power a car stereo
13:07.18 Dr_Phreakenstein no reason for that
13:07.28 d-lo the US plug is by no means the safest... but there is a trade off there. the number of electrical related deaths is pretty low.
13:07.38 Dr_Phreakenstein indeed
13:07.58 d-lo Dr_Phreakenstein: Well,if you want to make absolutely damned sure that the stereo has overcurrent protection...
13:08.12 Dr_Phreakenstein what we are saying is, though there is plenty of anger, actual incidence of death is low
13:08.16 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
13:08.32 _sushi_ Look at the US plug it has all-metal contacts and the area around the socket is flat
13:08.33 Dr_Phreakenstein I should have charged a lot more for that job
13:09.03 _sushi_ If you insert halfway you can still touch the hot prong. I have tested that myself witha plug we have here. Checked with a multimeter that there is a contact, and that I can touch with a finger.
13:09.07 Dr_Phreakenstein yes, familiar w/ those units
13:09.07 d-lo heh, I am well aware of what the US socket looks like :)
13:09.35 d-lo _sushi_: Yes... and?
13:09.52 Dr_Phreakenstein that is why we do not conduct such tests, we already have a good idea what will happen...
13:10.04 Dr_Phreakenstein how good is that GFCI?
13:10.11 _sushi_ The Euro plug has an elevated area around the socket, preventing a finger access when half-inserted:
13:10.38 d-lo not that I will admit anything Dr_Phreakenstein , but gfci is pretty good protection :)
13:11.03 Dr_Phreakenstein yes, but i have a policy to not tempt fate
13:11.30 d-lo _sushi_: yes, there are US receptical coverplates that perform the exact same function.
13:11.32 Dr_Phreakenstein especially since so many things are made in, shall we say, poorly regulated corners of earth
13:11.46 _sushi_ The British plug has part of the hot prongs insulated, so you cannot get into contact with lethal voltage:
13:11.59 Dr_Phreakenstein not all of them are so made
13:12.08 d-lo Whats sooooo wrong with the lowest bidder? They need to make a living too!
13:12.27 Dr_Phreakenstein and they do
13:12.50 Dr_Phreakenstein we just do not touch live conductors, live to see another day
13:13.25 d-lo _sushi_: and the trade off is that the surface area in which current can conduct is reduced... thus rasing current density and lowering the life of the connection. Its a trade off.
13:13.42 Dr_Phreakenstein that is y kitchen appliance plugs are so short... it will unplug rather than stay on while causing injury
13:14.10 d-lo aka, the G_plug is rated at 13A whereas the US standard is rated to 15A, sometimes 20A
13:14.40 _sushi_ But the G plug has higher voltage therefore you can get even higher power
13:15.02 _sushi_ According to my opinions The US plugs shouldn't be used with more than 48V
13:15.40 _sushi_ they are low voltage plug, then don't offer any protection against accidental contact with live conductor
13:15.44 d-lo true. but us sockets are rated to 230V... although they only carry 110-130.
13:15.48 _sushi_ Like banana plugs.
13:16.09 Dr_Phreakenstein or some other euro plugs
13:16.26 _sushi_ Some of the Swiss have the same problem as the US ones
13:16.35 d-lo _sushi_: Some sockets have the female portion of the contactors recessed. Serves the same function as the G_plug but also invokes the same limitatiosn.
13:16.37 _sushi_ Also all-metal conductor and no elevated area
13:17.19 _sushi_ d-lo: I disagree that having a recessed socket invokes any electrical limitation
13:17.47 Dr_Phreakenstein in fairness, US design is quite old, and people do not want to retrofit. but we have one standard for our primary outlets, an advantage over continental europe where poor adapters can lead to hazards
13:18.32 _sushi_ US is one state, whereas Europe isn't
13:18.41 _sushi_ Within each state you also have one standard
13:18.42 Dr_Phreakenstein um, 50 states
13:18.47 d-lo _sushi_: not the recessed socket, the insulated prongs of the G-plug. Some us sockets have recessed electrical contacts (while the face of the socket stays the same) thus, also, reducing the contact area. thats the comparison I was making.
13:18.50 _sushi_ Or one country
13:19.24 d-lo heh, one of the few times anything has been standardized sucessfully :/
13:19.51 Dr_Phreakenstein like the metric sys... congress made it official
13:19.54 Dr_Phreakenstein in 1896
13:20.00 Dr_Phreakenstein or 1898, i forget
13:20.05 _sushi_ lol
13:20.14 d-lo long story short, there are pros and cons to each design. neither is superior.
13:20.14 Dr_Phreakenstein you can see where that went
13:20.25 _sushi_ btw how much is a pint?
13:20.29 d-lo also likes metric. Dividing and multiplying by 10 is much easier.
13:20.31 Dr_Phreakenstein i have to buy 2 sets of tools to work on even one car
13:21.11 Dr_Phreakenstein i am used to metric from cycling, but even there, certain things are spec'd in inches
13:21.20 d-lo 9/16th or half... wtf? Neither? Damn it, its a 13mm....
13:21.29 Dr_Phreakenstein 1 pair of chain links is 1 inch when new
13:21.34 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
13:21.41 Dr_Phreakenstein story of my life
13:22.36 Dr_Phreakenstein certain bearings may literally have inch OD, metric ID
13:22.41 Dr_Phreakenstein ?!!!
13:22.47 d-lo heh, now thats stupid.
13:22.52 Dr_Phreakenstein who thought of that!
13:23.04 d-lo hopefully someone who is now unemployed.
13:23.12 _sushi_ 10mm inner diameter and 10inch outer?
13:23.18 d-lo lol
13:23.29 d-lo thats a badass bearing!
13:23.47 Dr_Phreakenstein more like 1.5 inch OD, 25mm ID, or so
13:23.47 _sushi_ wouldn't work
13:23.55 Dr_Phreakenstein sure it would
13:24.00 _sushi_ but 1cm inner and 1in out could work
13:24.04 d-lo ~9" diameter ballbearings for a <10mm
13:24.29 d-lo i dub it... the 'Compensation Bearing"
13:24.36 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
13:24.55 Dr_Phreakenstein heh, just got second part
13:25.02 Dr_Phreakenstein need to sleep
13:25.08 d-lo "For when your bearing *can* be huge when it doesn't need to..."
13:25.17 d-lo nighty night!
13:25.28 Dr_Phreakenstein o, i still gotta finish H/W
13:25.40 d-lo well get to is slacker!
13:25.48 d-lo edit: well get to it slacker!
13:25.50 Dr_Phreakenstein looking at 24 oz rockstar, viso, and chai
13:26.03 d-lo careful with that energy drink stuff......
13:26.07 Dr_Phreakenstein all 2/3 gone
13:26.14 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, fries nerves
13:26.25 Dr_Phreakenstein takes calcium from bones and teeth
13:26.46 Dr_Phreakenstein leads to diabetes and blood pressure problems
13:26.52 d-lo I have to back off the Mt Dew... I randomly make strange noises and/or scream at brlcad. I think he's scared of me...
13:26.53 Dr_Phreakenstein makes me want to smoke
13:26.59 brlcad heh
13:27.15 Dr_Phreakenstein i was up to 2 liters a day of that stuff
13:27.20 Dr_Phreakenstein for 3 yrs
13:27.30 d-lo brlcad: did you get your requisite 4 hrs down?
13:27.49 brlcad yeah, and then some after a hard workout last night.. sore
13:27.53 Dr_Phreakenstein actually, they started making 3L bottles, and i would have one a day for a month or so
13:28.17 d-lo I bet your pancreas hates you...
13:28.24 Dr_Phreakenstein btw, it does not have effect that urban legend says
13:28.34 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, probably
13:29.11 d-lo well good. I thought I was crazy living on 5-6 hrs aday... when I heard you say " i only need 4! " I was sceptical...
13:29.50 Dr_Phreakenstein i was telling brlcad about polyphasic sleep... d-lo should try, too
13:30.01 Dr_Phreakenstein only 3hrs per day
13:30.02 d-lo well, you best get to that homework before you sugar crash.
13:30.09 Dr_Phreakenstein too late
13:30.17 Dr_Phreakenstein i crashed and rebounded
13:30.45 d-lo when I was in the Navy on the sub, we shifted to 18 hour days... thats an awesome schedule. Up for 13-14, down for 4-5.
13:30.54 d-lo *that* works like a champ.
13:31.27 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
13:32.06 d-lo I tried it when I wasn't underway though.... doesn't work so well when you can see the sun.
13:32.23 Dr_Phreakenstein how about in hacker cave?
13:32.32 d-lo brlcad: you got a membership to a gym somehwere or do you do it all at home?
13:32.42 d-lo has no hacker cave.
13:33.02 d-lo has children that find him anyways no matter where he hides
13:33.21 Dr_Phreakenstein i got a sawzall and a shovel that'll fix that
13:33.32 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, me, too
13:33.36 Dr_Phreakenstein i love 'em
13:34.06 brlcad doesn't believe in working out from home
13:34.09 brlcad at least it's not for me
13:34.33 Dr_Phreakenstein says that some people work, some people work out
13:34.42 brlcad just not sustainably effective -- too convenient and easy to get accustomed to ignoring
13:34.43 d-lo brlcad: Thats cool. What's your reasoning?
13:34.59 d-lo (if your dont mind me asking)
13:35.10 d-lo is having a *very* bad typing day :/
13:35.34 brlcad works for some (very few), but I mostly find that it's just too convenient
13:35.37 Dr_Phreakenstein must be contagious
13:35.56 brlcad there are so many other things in the house that can always take attention, and be more entertaining even
13:36.05 Dr_Phreakenstein hmmm
13:36.30 brlcad whereas physically going to the gym is a separate event in itself, a place you go to get something done
13:36.59 Dr_Phreakenstein only thing that works for me is cycling (contrived destination), or, certain "partner assisted" cardio events
13:36.59 d-lo ah, so its a mental conditioning thing... gotcha.
13:37.13 d-lo hence, 3 kids.
13:37.15 d-lo :P
13:37.17 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
13:37.20 brlcad plus just the social aspect of working out with others working out can help sustain that conditioning, get you past the ruts
13:37.25 Dr_Phreakenstein and a vascectomy
13:37.46 Dr_Phreakenstein cool, glad that works for you
13:37.49 d-lo great, they just issued a 50mph wind warning.... $5 says I lose power at work :/
13:38.13 Dr_Phreakenstein i just lost pwr here... alarm at 7-11 just shut off
13:38.20 brlcad yeah, I heard that last night .. that should be fun
13:38.27 Dr_Phreakenstein even the telco RT reset
13:38.29 brlcad should have a betting pool on which trees fall
13:38.51 Dr_Phreakenstein mark 'em w/ different colors of spraypaint like BLM
13:39.08 d-lo was having fun doing an obstical course all the way to work. The Jeep Patriot handles much better than he thought!
13:39.27 Dr_Phreakenstein ..."there's only one!"
13:39.47 Dr_Phreakenstein what state is this in, MD?
13:39.48 d-lo oh dear... anything fall on the new ride brlcad ?
13:40.03 d-lo Dr_Phreakenstein: Damned skippy! Yes, Work in MD, live in PA.
13:40.11 Dr_Phreakenstein fun
13:40.27 d-lo 1 hour commute through Amish country :)
13:40.46 Dr_Phreakenstein you east coasters are why america uses so much gas
13:40.49 Dr_Phreakenstein ;)
13:40.59 d-lo heh.
13:41.02 d-lo tell em about it.
13:41.07 Dr_Phreakenstein things are more spread out here, but we have shorter commutes, go figure
13:41.22 Dr_Phreakenstein except much of CA
13:41.22 d-lo but I wasn't about to drop 2.5x the money for a house just to live in MD.
13:41.29 d-lo grew up in AZ.
13:41.37 d-lo knows spread out.
13:41.37 Dr_Phreakenstein not to say i blame you at all
13:42.00 Dr_Phreakenstein just stay away from Maricopa Cty sherrif!
13:42.16 d-lo What I bought in PA for $130k was going for $280k(ish) in MD
13:42.26 Dr_Phreakenstein pink jumpsuits and all
13:42.27 d-lo I still have my pinik boxers lol.
13:42.33 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
13:42.50 Dr_Phreakenstein nice
13:42.51 d-lo "Sherrif Joe busted my ass" on the back... priceless.
13:43.31 d-lo If I could work a 100% telework contract with the Government... I'd so be moving back to the west.
13:43.41 Dr_Phreakenstein i could buy a phone booth here for $125K... but it would be advertised as a "cozy... handyman's dream..."
13:43.45 d-lo has his eye on Northern Colorado/Wyoming.
13:44.00 Dr_Phreakenstein not bad
13:44.10 d-lo Prices bad out there then?
13:44.25 Dr_Phreakenstein yes, thanks to Californication
13:44.48 Dr_Phreakenstein and no lumber, thanks Green peace and spotted owl!
13:45.25 Dr_Phreakenstein not that spotted owl is any different than striped one, just does not get away from chainsaws fast enough
13:45.26 d-lo Them Cali's are screwing up AZ too. They are causing the real-estate market to crash and mess my family's investments! (fumes)
13:45.37 Dr_Phreakenstein yup
13:45.41 Dr_Phreakenstein that's ok
13:45.55 Dr_Phreakenstein they will be bankrupt and fall into Pacific soon
13:46.09 Dr_Phreakenstein already halfway there... bankrupt
13:46.47 d-lo I new a guy who thought it would be funny if the 'Big One' hit cali and everything east of the fault fell into the Atlantic.
13:47.14 Dr_Phreakenstein hmmm...
13:47.19 d-lo Murphey would probably laugh his ass of at that one.
13:47.39 Dr_Phreakenstein he may need to re-examine the atlas before he gets his hopes up
13:48.15 d-lo oh thank god.... it finally compiled. Stupid Singleton....
13:48.39 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, then nobody to pay high prices for hollywood movies, actors must find productive work now
13:49.21 d-lo aint that the truth. Perhaps all the Pro Sports players would get a real job too... but thats just asking too much i suppose.
13:49.53 d-lo I suppose that Education will become more important that the NFL about the same time hell freezes over.
13:50.43 Dr_Phreakenstein if then
13:50.59 ``Erik were saying 60 on the radio
13:51.13 Dr_Phreakenstein how much to build new arena?
13:51.28 d-lo hopes this building gets damaged.. maybe we can get a new one!
13:51.34 ``Erik HAH!
13:51.37 Dr_Phreakenstein how many schools, teachers, textbooks for that much money
13:51.42 d-lo I know... I laughed too.
13:51.58 Dr_Phreakenstein with obama, you will get at least one
13:52.07 ``Erik I'm upstairs because the floor is gonna give, I"d rather fall than be fallen on O.o
13:52.31 d-lo not to mention, for that amount of money... you just *might* get a few more students to stop betting their career on Pro Ball and actually prepare for life.
13:52.41 Dr_Phreakenstein actually, they will have so much money, they will build one, tear it down, then make a new one from granite and gold
13:52.51 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah
13:52.52 d-lo ack, true. theres a big heavy thing over my office too....
13:53.21 Dr_Phreakenstein hey, stop calling Erik "the big heavy thing over my office"
13:53.25 Dr_Phreakenstein sorry
13:53.27 Dr_Phreakenstein that was bad
13:53.34 Dr_Phreakenstein did not mean it
13:53.36 ``Erik heh, I'm one over, he's talking about dave :D
13:53.39 d-lo realizes that armed with this knowledge, Murphy and his laws are putting d-lo at serious risk....
13:53.55 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
13:53.58 ``Erik pheer the skeery dave on dave action that might happen O.O (or didja mean the safe)
13:54.19 Dr_Phreakenstein what's the diff?
13:54.33 d-lo retches and the mere beginnings of the mental picture 'Dave on Dave Action'
13:54.59 d-lo Hi, my name is Dave and this is my Co-worker Dave and my other Co-worker Dave.
13:55.08 d-lo We work at a freaky cloning factory.
13:55.20 Dr_Phreakenstein anything like that dude, what's his name...
13:55.26 ``Erik passes out mandatory flannel and those earflap hats
13:55.26 Dr_Phreakenstein rosie o'donnel
13:55.34 d-lo lawl.
13:56.03 d-lo Mandatory Flannel ...sounds like a punk rock band or the punch line to a really bad joke...
13:56.04 Dr_Phreakenstein ba-dum-che
13:56.38 Dr_Phreakenstein sounds like the hour when the rock stations plays only 90's alternative
13:56.39 ``Erik wait, I think dlo just called my wardrobe a really bad joke *sob*
13:56.54 Dr_Phreakenstein ... hey, and mine
13:57.01 d-lo Rosie is on the list of "People to leave behind when we evacuate Earth during Armageddon"
13:57.19 Dr_Phreakenstein yeah, craft not rated for that payload
13:57.33 ``Erik I thought she was on the passenger list for the one we shoot into thte sun, isn't that how simpsons portrayed it?
13:57.38 d-lo ``Erik: You play the guitar, right?
13:57.54 ``Erik I beat on strings and fake it
13:58.02 d-lo Flannel allowed then.
13:58.11 Dr_Phreakenstein you know a dude named Eric Johnson?
13:58.28 d-lo Special Agent Eric Johnson?
13:58.31 Dr_Phreakenstein think satriani, steve vai
13:58.57 ``Erik play a lot of narvarna, alice in chains, soundgarden, ... and I lived in the seattle area from '88 to '96, so I'll pretend I'm allowed to be a throwback :D
13:59.06 Dr_Phreakenstein nice!
13:59.26 Dr_Phreakenstein AIC, "would"... great bassline
13:59.47 Dr_Phreakenstein simple, but solid
14:00.12 brlcad d-lo: there aren't too many trees to worry about in the city, bigger concern are ancient power poles in the alleys
14:01.07 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
14:01.17 d-lo brlcad: Ack... didn't even consider that... forgot that power isn't buried everywhere....
14:01.29 d-lo brlcad: Still have power?
14:01.33 d-lo :D
14:01.44 ``Erik obviously he doesn't
14:01.45 ``Erik :D
14:02.09 d-lo has his router and modem on a dedicated UPS. :P
14:02.37 d-lo sometimes it works... sometimes not. Depends on the ups in the Comcast cabinet down the street.
14:02.58 ``Erik heh, yeah, my cable modem, 'server' and wireless router are all on a fairly big consumer grade ups
14:03.39 d-lo ``Erik: Hows the cable modem feeling now adays? any better?
14:04.26 Dr_Phreakenstein ... in the time it took to ask that, rates increased another $3
14:04.32 ``Erik tracked it down to a specific connection, might clean it and shoot some silly-con or a little oil to fight off corrosion
14:05.03 Dr_Phreakenstein deoxit
14:05.06 d-lo Dr_Phreakenstein: aint that the truth.
14:05.08 ``Erik need to clean up my den so I can make the cable company come fix it, probably needs the splitter replaced and upstream cable cut and redone
14:05.34 Dr_Phreakenstein don't bother... cockcast?
14:05.34 ``Erik lacks a coax crimper
14:05.44 Dr_Phreakenstein they will make it worse, if and when they show
14:06.06 d-lo i dunno, their rates might be high, but I have had decent luck with the techs that come out.
14:06.16 Dr_Phreakenstein "tech"
14:06.25 ``Erik yeah, I tried to call them out after an 8 hour service failure, soonest they could schedule someone to look at it was 2 weeks away... ended up working again "magically" so I never bothered
14:06.53 Dr_Phreakenstein as in 6 grueling hours of how to say "I dunno, but it will cost more... and save you money, somehow"
14:07.13 ``Erik amusingly, I could probably drop off all my gear and cancel my service on the way in to work, call, and have a tech out to install stuff when I get home. but fixing something for someone already paying? 2 weeks.
14:07.43 Dr_Phreakenstein cancel that auto debit
14:07.51 Dr_Phreakenstein they will be more responsive
14:07.53 Dr_Phreakenstein no joke
14:08.30 ``Erik heh, never bought into that, I don't like the notion of people taking money from me without letting me audit and approve first
14:09.11 d-lo well, i have heard of *some* people who call in and cancel service knowing that they probably won't get around to turning it off for a few months... at which point they call back in and turn it on again. gets a few free months out of it...
14:09.50 Dr_Phreakenstein usually only works for tv part
14:10.10 Dr_Phreakenstein and then they may never actually unhook phys connection
14:10.30 Dr_Phreakenstein someone like me, but legally distinct from me told a funny story
14:10.41 ``Erik they usually don't, houses have pretty much all come pre-wired for cable for the last 25 years
14:10.51 Dr_Phreakenstein "he" used to live in a 104 unit apt complex...
14:11.18 Dr_Phreakenstein convinced all neighbors to disconnect cable service
14:11.27 Dr_Phreakenstein then reconnected them
14:11.43 Dr_Phreakenstein got them to chip in for replacement locks for boxes...
14:12.12 Dr_Phreakenstein also, bought bolt cutters from Home Depot, used them for project, and returned them when done
14:12.23 Dr_Phreakenstein that guy is great!
14:12.52 Dr_Phreakenstein figured if nobody started/stopped service, they would never come out
14:12.53 d-lo Well, there is a fine line between being economical and being flat out cheap :D Good story though.
14:13.06 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
14:13.29 Dr_Phreakenstein that may be worse than cheap, but hey, those guys had it coming
14:13.44 Dr_Phreakenstein sometimes ya gotta enforce a little karma yourself
14:14.31 Dr_Phreakenstein don't remember his name...
14:15.17 d-lo i'm sure :)
14:16.43 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
14:18.25 d-lo brlcad: Do you remember what the difference is between pkg_conn.pkc_inbuf and pkg_conn.pkc_buf ?
14:19.51 brlcad not off the top of my head
14:19.59 d-lo kk
14:27.23 Dr_Phreakenstein goodnight, kids
14:27.48 ``Erik later
14:27.48 Dr_Phreakenstein be safe at work, and watch out for falling daves, safes, and powerlines
14:28.44 Dr_Phreakenstein rember, US plugs are dangerous!
14:28.50 Dr_Phreakenstein remember
14:29.35 d-lo as my Basic Electricity Instructor always said: 60Hz?!? Why yes it does!
14:29.48 Dr_Phreakenstein :)
14:30.45 starseeker estimates his car's wind profile and decides to risk it...
14:31.42 d-lo geek
14:31.43 d-lo :)
14:31.55 ``Erik heh, I'd heard at some point that the big safety problem with the US power grid was more about the frequency, but it may've been damn swede propoganda
14:32.31 ``Erik the wind barely effected me on the way in, the suvs and trucks didn't seem bothered, either
14:38.30 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:38.49 ``Erik contemplaes the next code hackery to inflict
14:39.37 d-lo options?
14:39.37 ``Erik uhm, mostly isst shtuff
14:39.37 d-lo right, but what parts are on the chopping block?
14:40.05 ``Erik local library linking (getting rid of distributed and the networking overhead)? conversion to libpkg for distributed? arsing out the cut feature? resizable windows? elimination of the mysql dependancy?
14:40.32 d-lo I would go with the pibpkg thing :)
14:40.36 d-lo libpkg even.
14:40.44 ``Erik only so you'd have someone to ask questions of O.o :>
14:41.06 d-lo that and see another implementation of it to draw exp from :)
14:41.16 d-lo either way, its purely selfish :)
14:41.19 ``Erik hrm, the tpkg.c thing isn't useful enough?
14:42.07 d-lo its been a huge help, but hasn't answered all my q's.
14:42.50 d-lo I R Newb, 'member?
14:43.18 ``Erik surspects that with recent workstations, distributed is actually a slowdown for isst, it runs awfully snappy with all 3 components running on the workstation, with the overhead of all thsoe packet copies and the compression/decompession of it all
14:44.43 d-lo well, if you are already operating at the far right of 'the curve' then yeah, no reason for distributed.
14:48.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33750 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/slave.c: comment on a noticed crash, will deal with it later.
15:02.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33751 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (9 files in 3 dirs): move geometry loading stuff from slave/ to libtienet/
15:03.55 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
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15:37.39 d-lo <PROTECTED>
15:39.45 ``Erik uhm, doesn't orbit have something to do that? or libidl?
15:40.30 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:40.59 d-lo dunno :) I want something simple, lgpl and portable
15:42.30 ``Erik <-- has only bothered with uuids in java, they seem like a using thermobaric when a pistol would suffice most of the time O.o
15:43.40 d-lo well, I want to make it as simple as the Java implementation... but If i have to generate all 128 bits randomly, then so be it. Just don't know much about random seeding and predictability on computers.
15:43.58 ``Erik seeding is just a number, random is not
15:44.04 brlquestions Hi everybody !
15:44.36 ``Erik but if you hash the hostname (or a mac address), time and semirandom, it should be good
15:45.14 ``Erik hrm, libuuid is part of e2fsprogs
15:45.26 d-lo exactly. If its not as simple as randomly taking 128 bytes, then I might as well find a simple lib rather than recreate the wheel.
15:45.33 d-lo yeah saw that one.
15:45.52 ``Erik the versions are explicitely defined
15:46.08 d-lo right, I just want type 4 (Random)
15:47.53 d-lo nm, OSSP looks like a solid choice. thanks!
15:50.21 ``Erik ah, mit license, cool beans
15:51.50 brlquestions working on a brute force fillet ... CPU about to burn !
16:02.43 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
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18:20.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33752 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (glob.c qray.c): (log message trimmed)
18:20.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Problem with MGED starting up was due to errors getting returned by ged commands
18:20.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: if a database was not open, despite this being a valid state to attempt
18:20.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: commands. The fix is two-fold. First, glob.c has had its logic for checking on
18:20.23 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: the state of the database moved to where it actually needs it - the regexp
18:20.25 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: matching part. Second, if the wdbp is null return OK, and do this BEFORE the
18:20.27 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: database open check. It may be that some libged commands will need to make the
18:25.46 starseeker so far, opendb will successfully open a file but I don't get the background color update specified in the .mgedrc file. However, I do get the settings imported into the color preferences panel and can successfully apply them
18:26.36 starseeker I guess this makes sense - if the user locally overrides the bkg color you don't want it switching everytime a new file is opened
18:27.05 starseeker wonder if there should be a special case for no file previously opened
18:42.21 starseeker brlcad: "gets" man page?
18:44.00 starseeker you mean the Tcl gets command?
18:44.29 brlcad yes
18:44.34 brlcad man n gets
18:45.07 starseeker do I set up a standard tcl file handler and use that then?
18:45.17 brlcad pretty sure that problem is due to our gets replacement that handles the stdin redirect, and it may just be logic that didn't get migrated to ged
18:46.37 brlcad sorry, mac manual page doesn't have the example -- this:
18:46.38 starseeker the gets manpage here has no example - is there another somewhere?
18:46.43 starseeker ah :-)
18:47.21 brlcad basically that exact example won't work
18:47.29 brlcad and of course it should :)
18:47.37 starseeker all rightie...
18:47.39 brlcad it's not a tcl problem, it's because we replace gets
18:47.48 brlcad so we're doing something wrong
18:47.50 starseeker with ged_get?
18:47.54 brlcad dunno
18:48.00 brlcad might be tcl-only in stc/tclscripts
18:48.55 starseeker hmm
18:49.28 brlcad check ged/mged first
18:56.36 brlcad example: [morrison@ocho (Thu Feb 12 13:54:26) ~]$ brlcad-config --libs bu
18:56.37 brlcad -L/usr/brlcad/rel-7.12.6/lib -lbu -ltcl8.5 -Xlinker -framework CoreFoundation -lpng -lm -lpthread
18:57.03 brlcad [morrison@ocho (Thu Feb 12 13:54:40) ~]$ brlcad-config --ldflags bu
18:57.03 brlcad -L/usr/brlcad/rel-7.12.6/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wnewline-eof -g -O3
19:05.08 starseeker brlcad: is your error "can't read "line": no such variable ?
19:07.38 brlcad yep
19:07.49 brlcad or it'll crash, can get a couple things
19:08.26 brlcad might just need an "upvar $varname"
19:12.00 starseeker there's an upvar $args vname
19:18.25 starseeker interesting - works in -c mode
19:20.11 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
19:21.06 starseeker eh?
19:21.28 starseeker what happened?
19:21.37 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33753 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (74 files): remove executable property from .c files.
19:21.47 starseeker ah - I was wondering about that
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19:29.23 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33754 10/rt^3/trunk/ (31 files in 3 dirs): added a simple uuid generation library from OSSP (
19:33.30 d-lo hi mafm!
19:43.59 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33755 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/text.tcl: Add upvar for incoming variable so gets functions as expected on mged command line.
19:44.36 starseeker brlcad: you called it - just took me a bit to figure out how to use it and test
19:44.42 brlcad cool
19:45.19 starseeker mged -c and mged work very differently in some ways, don't they
19:46.30 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33756 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: Take gets bug off of todo list - may have already fixed the File->Open but need to confirm on more machines.
19:50.34 louipc If jove is deprecated should it be disabled by default?
19:58.00 brlcad starseeker: yep
19:58.02 brlcad louipc: meh
19:58.54 starseeker brlcad: File-Open is fixed?
19:58.57 brlcad in the sake of being completely self-contained, I think we should still provide 'some' minimal editor .. just not jove
19:59.04 brlcad maybe an old version of vi
19:59.21 louipc ah hehe
19:59.38 brlcad but that'd be pointless until I get a terminal ported anyways
19:59.51 brlcad starseeker: don't know
20:00.05 brlcad i'm working on something else
20:00.24 louipc there aren't any plans to deprecate mged -c are there?
20:01.24 starseeker brlcad: what's yep?
20:01.47 starseeker oh, the mged remark?
20:02.04 ``Erik likes mged -c, but would like jove to be removed sooner than later :)
20:02.19 louipc yeah
20:05.09 ``Erik what's a good svn post-commit hook? the included one keeps failing with no useful message
20:05.58 starseeker we could always use the original vi from 4BSD :-)
20:06.38 starseeker thinks it would be cruel and unusual punishment for folks used to jove though
20:06.44 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:06.59 d-lo MUWAHAHAHA
20:07.50 ``Erik ed, damnit.
20:08.23 d-lo Ed is down here talking to Bob.
20:08.33 ``Erik /bin/ed
20:08.43 d-lo =D
20:09.04 ``Erik "I used ed to edit files. Ed, go write me my files."
20:09.22 louipc yeah I dunno, I think editors are widespread enough that you shouldn't need to ship one with your software, unless there's a particular need for that editor
20:09.38 d-lo I think Ed needs a new sign on his door: "/bin/ed"
20:09.51 ``Erik we need to have one in our 'special' list to launch stuff like red and oed and those
20:10.16 d-lo ``Erik: so, basicly, brlcad needs /special/ed ?
20:10.23 d-lo :)
20:10.31 louipc ``Erik: a guaranteed fallback?
20:11.16 ``Erik ed is the guaranteed fallback ... :D src/mged/tedit.c
20:11.23 louipc haha it is
20:11.54 ``Erik will just delete that annoying emacs line and make it all better O:-)
20:13.43 ``Erik hrm, on the bsd's, emacs and vim tend to live in /usr/local/bin O.o wonder if that should be done to have a set of paths and programs and permute them, instead of singly hard coding that
20:14.24 louipc yeah probably
20:14.36 ``Erik having /usr/bin/emacs and /usr/bin/vim seems a little wrong to me :D like leenewx weenies who have never done critical system recovery and don't know about partitions
20:15.22 louipc we use live cds
20:15.28 louipc :D
20:15.39 ``Erik my cd's are all inorganic, so, uh, dead
20:18.44 louipc hmm this could be a replacement candidate
20:19.08 brlcad louipc: heaven's no
20:19.23 brlcad mged -c is here to stay for probably as long as there is an mged
20:19.42 brlcad starseeker: that's actually what I was thinking of re old vi
20:19.44 louipc brlcad: ok good to hear
20:20.59 brlcad louipc: the point of shipping one is really "just in case" there isn't a system editor (extreme portability, embedded environments, new platforms, etc)
20:22.12 brlcad or on the off chance that it's a system that doesn't have things properly configured, we do something sensible other than something stupid like Can't open display:
20:22.36 brlcad X11 being particularly notorious for horrible messages
20:25.41 brlcad ``Erik: it is wrong, none should be listed -- but jove makes for a horrible default and letting it search PATH would be a security weakness
20:28.29 louipc nice. that vi ^ is smaller than nano
20:29.21 ``Erik oh, nvi, that's the one included in the bsd's for /usr/bin/vi
20:30.02 ``Erik almost 71000 lines, ed is 3500
20:30.11 louipc haha
20:31.22 d-lo Ed is rather touchy about that, so just keep your voice down.
20:38.42 ``Erik vim weighs in at 264,291, and emacs at 1,166,933
20:39.51 brlcad interestingly, vim is well past the point at which folks used to complain about emacs' size back in the 90's
20:39.56 ``Erik hrm, I did vim with sloccount, which eliminates blank lines and stuff, ed scores 2750 and 45,326 when I use the same metric
20:40.14 ``Erik nvi 45k
20:40.23 ``Erik eight megs and constantly swapping?
20:40.32 starseeker plots to include nvi quietly one night...
20:40.33 brlcad thinks ``Erik should write a drupal sloccount plugin for the website
20:40.37 louipc :D
20:41.00 starseeker brlcad: How much longer before we can strip out jove altogether?
20:41.10 ``Erik heh, I have to fix my svn mail hook first, and do that command for mged O.o
20:41.43 brlcad starseeker: see doc/deprecation.txt
20:43.31 louipc looong time
20:43.35 brlcad thinks we should have a little "vgr" login widget on the website ala cgi:irc where you could log onto a simh session
20:44.07 ``Erik indeed
20:44.12 brlcad basically around 7.22
20:44.51 ``Erik I was kinda thinking.. mebbe it should spawn a fresh instance for every user and let htem have root on a temp copy of the disk i mage
20:44.59 brlcad yeah
20:45.19 brlcad actually a whole lot harder to do anything but root probably
20:45.30 ``Erik plus a hell of a lot more boring
20:45.42 starseeker grumbles a little about having to leave jove in so long when it can't handle files we might need it to...
20:45.46 starseeker oh, well
20:45.53 brlcad another interesting one would be a web-based mged where your command prompt would send commands to an "mged -c" instance
20:47.27 louipc attach (nu|X|ogl|web)[nu]?
20:47.36 brlcad heh
20:53.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33757 10/brlcad/trunk/ (AUTHORS include/raytrace.h src/librt/db_comb.c):
20:53.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: add a new rt_comb_get_color() routine to librt that returns the color for a
20:53.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: given combination. this change comes inspired by a code snippet contribution
20:53.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: from Van Hoa Le (SAIC) that was using a similar routine for their purposes.
21:02.36 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
21:25.24 ``Erik *grump*
21:33.38 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33758 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/raytrace.h src/librt/db_comb.c): oops, sry bob et al. fix typo and sig to unbreak the build
21:58.32 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:07.53 ``Erik wow that's slow
22:18.18 *** join/#brlcad smurfette (
22:26.16 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
22:38.46 brlcad ``Erik: fix normals should probably be rewritten
22:39.00 brlcad it's presently an O(n^3) algorithm (or worse)
23:00.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33759 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): beginnings of nmg_fix_normals mged cmd
23:07.44 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
23:28.53 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
23:39.30 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@

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