IRC log for #brlcad on 20090213

00:17.32 ``Erik ho hum
00:22.53 Ralith hum ho
00:25.42 ``Erik hum, ho, hum!
00:25.44 ``Erik :D
00:26.26 Ralith ho, hum, ho?
00:26.28 Ralith :x
00:31.42 starseeker huh?
00:34.59 ``Erik no, you're supposed to hum, not huh
00:34.59 ``Erik :D
00:35.01 ``Erik *duck*
00:35.57 starseeker heh
00:38.32 starseeker really really really needs to merge sed/oed
00:54.40 ``Erik blargh, in-memory presistence is something beyond a lot of web language/frameworks capabilities it seems :/
00:56.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33760 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (14 files): Add remainder of editing commands to tcl based regression testing
01:05.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33761 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ ( kill.mged killall.mged killtree.mged mged.tcl): Add kill commands
01:47.37 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33762 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ (28 files): Add view commands to tcl based regression testing.
03:00.47 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (
04:16.42 starseeker grr - I still get the file dialog failure
04:16.51 starseeker got some debugging on it this time though
04:17.45 starseeker
04:21.19 starseeker brlcad: would BRL-CAD be involved with that pointer being null somehow, or is this a Tk<->X11 issue?
04:21.43 starseeker tests 7.12.6
04:22.33 starseeker it does NOT happen in 7.12.6
04:22.43 starseeker alright, this is officially STRANGE
04:23.58 starseeker wait...
04:24.07 starseeker me recompiles 7.12.6 with this version of Xorg
04:25.44 Dr_Phreakenstein what file dialog failure?
04:26.22 Dr_Phreakenstein other tk programs have lately taken to crashing upon attempts to select and open files
04:29.17 ``Erik checks out clozure
04:43.46 starseeker Dr_Phreakenstein: precisely what I'm seeing
04:44.04 starseeker any bug filed that we can track?
05:15.44 brlcad starseeker: should have continued the bt to see the rest of the stack
05:16.22 brlcad it conceivably could be a bug with the new ttk layer, but not as likely as something on our end
05:16.28 louipc starseeker: mged on r33756 works for me!
05:22.33 starseeker brlcad: I have the full bt, hang on...
05:23.14 starseeker
08:28.29 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:28.51 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
10:45.20 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
11:05.13 *** join/#brlcad brlquestions (
11:05.19 brlquestions Hi everybody !
12:23.21 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:41.09 starseeker brlcad: It's either tcl/tk specific or something at the btclsh level
12:41.28 starseeker brlcad: using the test code from here:
12:41.41 starseeker straight up in btclsh, I get the same segmentation fault
12:45.31 starseeker however, in 7.12.6, also in btclsh, on the same machine, the same minimal test code works
12:51.07 starseeker
12:53.13 starseeker according to svn, neither our tcl nor our tk has had a change applied since Nov 2008
12:56.43 starseeker shudders to think that the problem might predate that but grabs 7.14.0 to test
13:22.08 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:24.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33763 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: added nmg_fix_normals.c to be in sync with
13:24.46 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
13:26.00 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33764 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db5_io.c: corrected direction of a memcpy (rt_db_put_internal for in-memory databases)
13:29.11 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33765 10/rt^3/trunk/ (include/brlcad/Object.h src/coreInterface/Database.cpp): clean-up of db_i handling (this should not change anything)
13:34.27 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33766 10/rt^3/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
13:34.27 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: added the half-space object
13:34.27 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: (it is simple and well suited to test some basic concepts)
13:41.21 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:42.24 starseeker growls in disbelief as 7.14.0 refuses to compile on his box
14:44.12 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:45.37 starseeker 7.14.0 fails too
14:45.39 starseeker wow
14:50.54 starseeker brlcad: I'm beginning to suspect it's related to that generic event patch, but testing it will take a while on this box
14:51.01 starseeker OK, coming in
14:55.12 brlcad starseeker: which patch?
14:55.44 louipc starseeker: I had a problem building 7.14.0 too
14:55.52 brlcad louipc: oh?
14:55.54 louipc try using: SC_PATH_TCLCONFIG=-- ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib
14:56.19 louipc yeah that fixed it
14:56.48 brlcad what does SC_PATH_TCLCONFIG=-- do?
14:56.56 brlcad aside from the obvious
14:57.27 brlcad suspects starseeker actually ran off
14:57.33 brlcad d_rossberg: nice example
14:57.46 louipc hmm I forget
15:01.20 louipc brlcad: oh I think the configure script didn't have --with-tcl enabled which could have been solved by running autogen again
15:08.34 d_rossberg brlcad: isn't it :) next i try to add an object to the database
15:10.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1208 10/wiki/Animation: start the animation tutorial with the example that lee butler sent to the mailing list in march 2006
15:21.17 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:27.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r1209 10/wiki/Main_Page: /* Tutorials */ add animation. sort.
15:49.25 starseeker brlcad: the patch to tkBind.c
15:50.02 starseeker that was the solution for newer Xorg versions causing Tk to fail - or rather, it was the first round solution
15:50.12 starseeker it looks like it was NOT the solution they ultimately went with
15:52.03 starseeker Er, no correction
15:52.18 starseeker the newest one is from the gentoo ebuild tracker
15:52.35 starseeker sigh
15:52.53 starseeker I've got a test build going at home with 8.5.6 just to see if it works
16:04.24 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
16:06.53 ``Erik *think*
16:10.32 starseeker ``Erik: are you authorized to think?
16:12.53 ``Erik not on duty at the moment, I'm allowed to try new things when I'm off :D
16:13.00 starseeker ah
16:13.13 ``Erik rdo+holiday == 4 day weekend, w00t
16:13.13 starseeker tries to think why a build would fail with
16:13.16 starseeker regex.h:138: error: parse error before 're_void'
16:13.26 ``Erik something before re_void didn't parse
16:13.53 starseeker <PROTECTED>
16:13.53 starseeker <PROTECTED>
16:14.01 ``Erik I've noticed new regex.h fighting on the mac, not sure why
16:14.08 starseeker oh no, not again
16:14.10 ``Erik what's __REG_VOID_T defined as?
16:14.18 starseeker not sure
16:14.28 ``Erik gcc -E
16:14.40 ``Erik or start grepping
16:14.54 starseeker in that file it's supposed to be undefed if deffed
16:14.58 starseeker er defed
16:15.07 ``Erik typedef NULL re_void; might not go so well
16:15.13 starseeker crap gotta run
16:15.33 starseeker bbl
16:15.37 ``Erik hasta
16:15.56 starseeker this is standard tcl 8.5.6 with no mods - wouldn't expect their regex.h to be foobared...
16:22.52 ``Erik mebbe not, but it may conflict weird with the system regex.h (that they called theirs regex.h is fubar, frankly)
16:36.49 ``Erik bleh, they changed slime
16:46.11 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33767 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/proe-g.c: ws and style consistency cleanup
17:10.52 ``Erik gets the impression _sushi_ is looking for a match on a painted up vw minibus O.o
17:14.54 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1210 10/wiki/Animation: extensive rewrite and expansion of how to create an animation
17:16.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1211 10/wiki/Main_Page: stray ]
17:16.15 ``Erik thinks it'd be neat to have keyframe and bezier path spline information in the .g file :D
17:16.39 *** join/#brlcad cad85 (
18:05.21 brlcad omg, this is hilarious (NSFW) ..
18:07.19 ``Erik O.o heh, condom balloon animal orgy, pheer
18:08.24 archivist good one!
18:09.05 ``Erik hah, they did outtakes, even
18:35.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33768 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/mged.c: While I agree with this sentiment regarding Windows, this bit of artwork does not belong here.
18:38.49 brlcad aww
19:13.43 starseeker why is proe-g.c pulling in the tcl regex? grr
19:55.03 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:12.50 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
20:32.17 brlcad starseeker: any progress?
20:51.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:31.40 brlcad oh, now that is too cool
21:31.44 brlcad
21:32.03 brlcad done by three high school girls in spain for a class assignment
21:32.17 brlcad er, portugal
22:41.35 starseeker brlcad: not yet
22:41.49 starseeker been working on other odds and ends
22:42.53 starseeker same regex failure on linux with 8.5.6 thoygh
22:43.02 brlcad might want to check out the history in src/other/tcl
22:43.32 brlcad recall there being a couple header edits for previous revisions, don't know if those have to be preserved when bundled
22:43.38 starseeker ah
22:43.48 starseeker takes a look
22:44.23 ``Erik yes, they do, and I forget which header
22:44.42 ``Erik if the package gets updated, a line has to be added or the regex errors come back :(
22:55.58 brlcad someone(tm) should push a fix upstream so they fix their regexness
22:59.14 ``Erik 2000 seconds left
23:07.21 brlcad oh right
23:08.30 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
23:10.40 starseeker brlcad: would they pay attention to me? I'd love to not have to worry about this :-)
23:13.41 brlcad if the patch made sense, sure
23:14.46 brlcad they'll probably bitch about being embedded and saying it's a problem with the CPPFLAGS (which would be partially true), but if the fix doesn't hurt their build they'd probably apply it
23:17.42 starseeker ``Erik: were the header edits made within the context of svn or were they made before the update was committed?
23:18.07 starseeker is looking at the log of src/other/tcl back to r27734...
23:19.46 ``Erik um, I'm sure I patched it as its own item at some point
23:20.38 ``Erik 28466
23:20.47 ``Erik in generic/
23:20.51 starseeker ah - thanks
23:22.07 ``Erik hm, it's still in there
23:22.19 starseeker in the tree? yeah
23:22.24 starseeker I'm testing before committing
23:22.30 starseeker I haven't touched trunk
23:22.59 starseeker bingo, build continuing
23:23.49 starseeker ``Erik, brlcad: thanks!
23:24.07 ``Erik np
23:24.14 starseeker brlcad: would upstream accept that include?
23:26.12 starseeker must remember to grab bob's fix for large parsing too...
23:29.51 brlcad don't recall what the fix was
23:30.42 ``Erik adding a #include "./tclInt.h" to regex.h
23:32.13 brlcad ah, right
23:32.54 ``Erik we just passed magic time
23:46.40 starseeker coool :-)
23:47.08 ``Erik is suprised there was no /wall
23:48.52 starseeker figures given how long ago that fix was applied someone probably tried it and got turned down...
23:49.08 ``Erik *sigh* in the beginnig was sccs, and it was. Then came rcs, and it was better. Then came CVS, and all was good. Then came svn... eh. Then came darcs, mecurial, git, etc and now it's all fucked up
23:49.25 starseeker what happened?
23:49.44 ``Erik well, I want to install a couple small lisp libraries
23:49.54 starseeker ah :-)
23:49.57 ``Erik but the community seems to have decided that making releases sucks
23:50.02 ``Erik "just use the repo"
23:50.04 ``Erik ...
23:50.17 ``Erik so now I'm installing too much shit for a small libraries small dependancy
23:50.20 starseeker woooooooooot - 8.5.6 works without segfaulting on the file open dialog
23:50.53 brlcad excellent
23:51.03 starseeker loads tire and raytraces it...
23:51.23 ``Erik sorry, brlcad, your new server is getting git installed :(
23:51.30 brlcad meh
23:51.31 starseeker and is again made painfully aware of how much his system sucks compared to the SuperMacs
23:52.17 ``Erik yeah, but you went through all the trouble of installing the 387 yourself just to speed it up, it'd be a waste to ditch it now ;)
23:52.54 starseeker hehe
23:53.12 starseeker annnnnd... archer still dislikes me as much as ever
23:53.49 starseeker unknown option "-menu"
23:54.44 starseeker ``Erik: what's the best procedure for upgrading tcl/tk - svn del everything and add in the new, copy it over and update,... ?
23:55.17 brlcad merge it in
23:55.46 starseeker right, but to make sure I clear out un-used files and add in files not in currently...
23:55.54 brlcad svn add the new files, svn delete the removed files, commit the whole thing as one step
23:55.57 ``Erik um, I untarred tcl/tk into a tmp directory, did a find to build a manifest, plus a manifest of the existing stuff, copied it all over, diffed the two manifests to see what to do
23:56.05 starseeker got it
23:56.09 ``Erik finding the removed files is the part I think he's asking about
23:56.26 brlcad yeah, diff the trees
23:57.11 brlcad after you copy it all over, the new stuff is easily identified if your build dir was clean to start with -- no unknown files, so anything unknown is a new file
23:57.17 brlcad do the diff, and it'll say what to remove
23:57.34 starseeker all rightie
23:57.59 starseeker smacks self on forehead as he just realizes he built in-tree after all that trouble to set up building out of tree...
23:58.00 brlcad i think there's maybe even a way to make "svn merge" do the work for you, but never tried it
23:58.16 brlcad distclean ftw
23:59.13 starseeker ah, right

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