IRC log for #brlcad on 20090215

00:20.09 starseeker well, that's probably it then - something about my bwish is messed up
02:08.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
03:52.42 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
05:05.30 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
07:39.23 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:36.12 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
09:11.11 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:54.48 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
11:55.40 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:26.05 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
17:41.27 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
18:25.14 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
19:53.03 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r33775 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/org/brlcad/preppedGeometry/ Added support for TGC primitive
20:00.35 brlcad makes a note to port more of that lib to C++
20:01.28 brlcad for now, though, time to visit the family
20:19.26 *** join/#brlcad inacio (
20:21.44 inacio Can anyone tell me how to, or point me to the correct docs, on how to build brl cad for mac os? First it wouldn't handle OpenGL; then I added an LDFLAGS variable to configure "-F/System/Library/Frameworks -framework OpenGL" but now autoconf tells me it doesn't know how to use the compiler. Any tips, or the web page I should read, because I couldn't find it.
20:22.39 brlcad inacio: doc/README.MacOSX
20:22.57 inacio wow, that's embarrasing…
20:23.07 brlcad you should actually turn off the ogl inteface --without-ogl
20:23.20 brlcad it's problematic on Mac due to an X11 issue
20:23.44 brlcad you won't lose functionality -- we implement the same functionality via other protocols
20:24.07 inacio I will lose HW acceleration though, right?
20:24.13 brlcad nope
20:24.18 inacio cool
20:24.43 brlcad we don't do shaded displays via opengl yet anyways, we use ray-tracing
20:24.58 brlcad that'll be sometime next year
20:26.29 inacio Is there a default config string for Mac OS? I was trying
20:26.29 inacio ./configure --prefix=/opt/local/brlcad --with-ogl --enable-optimized --enable-dtrace LDFLAGS="-F/System/Library/Frameworks -framework OpenGL"
20:26.56 inacio obviously this should at least become
20:26.57 inacio ./configure --prefix=... --without-ogl
20:27.32 inacio can I use --enable-optimized and --enable-dtrace? (I don't really need dtrace, btw, mostly curiosity)
20:28.52 inacio I am trying this on a PowerMac dual G5.
20:28.56 inacio if it matters.
20:31.01 inacio should I want a 64-bit version?
20:32.13 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
20:32.28 brlcad dtrace with optimized is probably kinda useless
20:32.37 brlcad just like debugging with optimized
20:32.57 brlcad might get something, but it'd only be useful to devs
20:33.22 brlcad 64-bit isn't going to do anything for you
20:35.34 inacio dtrace is just to have something of real size to try with dtrace. It might be interesting to me to see what I can understand from performance using just dtrace. I occasionally run into analysis problems similar to that on programs whose code base isn't available. I realize that it might be fairly non-sensical.
20:36.44 inacio what happens when you try to use OpenGL on Mac OS? I didn't dive into the compile problem, but I guess that someone else has.
20:37.14 brlcad bad behavior
20:37.40 brlcad some issue in the glx bindings causes the display to not update until it's invalidated, among other issues
20:38.00 inacio that would get pretty ugly
20:38.01 brlcad the compile problem is probably easy to fix -- builds fine with ogl here
20:39.11 inacio I have a pile of libraries and such installed for working on my day job, I wonder if there is a conflict. (I doubt I will dive deep enough to figure it out though.)
20:49.28 yukonbob hello, cadheads
20:53.02 yukonbob brlcad: (or anybody) -- can you compare contrast brlcad w/ CATIA in a sentence or two?
20:53.17 yukonbob *compare/contrats
20:53.23 yukonbob *contrast
20:56.29 yukonbob !wow -- CATIA is now Windows only, if I understand v6 correctly...
20:58.36 louipc !
21:03.46 yukonbob is curious re: brl-cad vs. catia because I just got a book about computers and archtecture, and found out Frank Gehry uses a CATIA core for his work... I saw a documentary about him and saw him working on his computer and at the time wondered what he was using... apparently, it's CATIA
21:03.56 brlcad yukonbob: sure cadn. "BRL-CAD is *way* more awesome than CATIA."
21:04.12 yukonbob brlcad: ok.. thanks... ;)
21:04.19 yukonbob LOL
21:04.23 yukonbob waves to brlcad
21:04.55 brlcad sentance #2: "BRL-CAD is Open Source and CATIA is not."
21:05.07 louipc brlcad++
21:05.38 yukonbob would getting BRL-CAD to a place where one could be competitve with f. gehry a smop, or are there so many core differences that it's comparing apples and oragutuangs?
21:06.01 yukonbob *smop -- simple matter of programming
21:06.35 yukonbob ie: building an interface (perhaps archer is already there) and perhaps linking-up existing library functions in unique ways...
21:07.12 yukonbob *orangutans
21:08.03 yukonbob svn updates...
21:16.05 brlcad smot&e
21:16.09 brlcad time and effort
21:17.18 brlcad dessault puts more manpower into catia than any other cad company (that I'm aware of) except maybe autodesk w/ autocad
21:17.41 brlcad they have more than 1000 *devs* that work on it
21:18.27 brlcad of course, that's across all lines that dassault employs afaik
21:19.00 yukonbob what's the status of brl-cad and nurbs?
21:19.09 yukonbob integrated and Good?
21:19.22 brlcad being worked on bit by bit
21:19.32 brlcad not done by any stretch, but making progress
21:21.22 brlcad the status is "needs more time and effort" :)
21:22.14 yukonbob smop/smot&e nice...
21:28.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r33776 10/jbrlcad/trunk/ (62 files in 15 dirs):
21:28.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Added support for TGC primitive
21:28.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Added a simple rt sample app
21:28.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Added some unit tests
21:40.41 brlcad good gravy.. john must have been working on that all day or more
21:41.53 brlcad detaches and hits the road, cya all later
21:43.03 yukonbob ciao
21:43.24 yukonbob prepares to head-out, too
21:51.18 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@

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