IRC log for #brlcad on 20090217

00:02.57 *** part/#brlcad Satisfied (
00:22.06 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
00:41.47 *** join/#brlcad inacio (
00:50.00 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
01:20.58 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:36.28 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r33782 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/org/brlcad/samples/ Access to frambuffer does not need to be synchronized
03:14.06 ``Erik "I'm not an expert, but I did burn down a holiday inn last night!" heh
03:38.38 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
03:57.20 yukonbob hello, cadheads
08:31.38 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
10:11.41 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:07.55 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
11:10.47 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
11:22.26 d-lo Mornin all.
11:23.28 _sushi_ morning
11:25.24 d-lo how goes it _sushi_ ?
11:25.41 _sushi_ fine thanks you?
11:25.53 d-lo still waking up :/
12:30.32 starseeker is still attempting not to wake up, but reality is setting in...
12:31.55 d-lo wow... that was pretty 'emo' man... you okay?
12:43.14 starseeker emo?
12:43.25 starseeker just isn't a morning person :-)
12:44.10 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
12:44.41 starseeker d-lo: thanks for the robotics link, bty - that's some cool stuff
12:46.14 d-lo heh, yeah, I love that site. Problem is that my imagination far exceeds my wallet's capacity lol
12:46.24 starseeker amen
12:46.31 starseeker what's emo?
12:48.03 starseeker weirded out for a second and thought you said elmo ;-)
12:48.27 d-lo Internet term. Basicly anyone who wears their emotions on their sleeves... usually people who are depressed are labeled 'emo' ;)
12:48.34 starseeker ah :-)
12:49.01 d-lo but i can see how a non-morning person could fit that bill... at least untill caffiene consumption.
12:49.23 starseeker is not fit for human interaction before 9:30am
12:49.45 d-lo lol "Interact at your own risk" ?
12:49.54 starseeker wouldn't expect d-lo to know about non-morning people ;-)
12:50.13 starseeker that would make an awesome t-shirt
12:50.27 d-lo is a "needs a nap around 1400" person.
12:50.36 starseeker ah
12:50.38 d-lo ... lol yes it would now that you mention it.
12:50.47 starseeker sounds like a thinkgeek product
12:51.07 starseeker we could wear it to some of those more annoying meetings :-)
12:54.10 d-lo A shirt with "don't ask me, they're in charge" and an arrow pointing right would be funny if we could get EVERYONE at the ccb to wear it.
13:57.56 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
13:58.25 ``Erik_ weird, can't log in to my home machine :/
14:06.08 d-lo strangeness.
14:06.21 d-lo more Comcast foo?
14:11.39 ``Erik_ no, it's something muffed up on my box I think
14:12.05 ``Erik_ like getty is screwed up
14:12.31 ``Erik_ "ssh home noninteractivecommand" works fine, but "ssh home /bin/sh" hangs
14:25.35 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
14:38.35 ``Erik ok, now I've really busted my home machine hehehe
14:39.06 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
14:41.06 d-lo heh, what didja do?
14:41.20 archivist wonders if the smoke is getting out
14:41.37 ``Erik rebooted it and it doesn't seem to be coming up, at least not where it should be
14:42.41 ``Erik has gotten into the habit of upgrading the system, then letting it keep running with possibly incompatible libraries until something doesn't work, THEN rebooting it for the new kernel... : D
14:44.10 archivist :)
14:44.26 archivist is a few reboots behind
14:45.01 ``Erik I wonder if I screwed up the cvs up and accidently pulled -HEAD instead of -STABLE, that'd suck
15:24.01 brlcad starseeker: print statements are crude, but actually/usually not *that* time consuming .. at least any more time consuming than most debugger sessions .. just a lot more tedius
15:27.50 brlcad _sushi_: the -k option was written specifically for you to address that cutting plane option, so hope you do use it ;)
15:31.48 brlcad _sushi_: and it wouldn't require transfer of copyright, the requirements are pretty much identical to the apache project -- you grant an unlimited perpetual world-wide license on the work, so we can do what we want with it and so can you
15:34.21 brlcad _sushi_: basically an implicit version of
15:34.55 brlcad still have to update our wording to fully reflect that, but that's been the approach for a couple years now
15:35.28 brlcad but yeah, gpl is a non-starter -- lgpl, bsd, mit, apache, or other similarly "more free" license is required
15:38.59 louipc _sushi_: use wtfpl
15:42.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33783 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/points/ (points_parse.y points_scan.l): aha, here be a couple of the lil buggers are that are messing with ohloh stats. these files were missed by the gpl->lgpl conversion over a year ago because of their extension.
15:43.59 brlcad notes src/other/libpng is a red herring, just autotool cruft
15:44.59 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:46.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33784 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tab/script.l: yet another lexer file missed during the gpl->lgpl conversion. update.
15:46.23 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
15:50.32 brlcad starseeker: "dsp" is our 'height field primitive' (which isn't out of date)
15:50.51 PrezKennedy hey brlcad! how are you doing?
15:50.55 brlcad the old 'hf' primitive is what you're probably thinking of, but that's an implementation detail
15:54.27 brlcad hey PrezKennedy
15:54.40 brlcad catches up with the thread ;)
15:54.57 brlcad PrezKennedy: so just a few more lessons eh? awesome
15:58.26 PrezKennedy 9 to go!
16:01.31 PrezKennedy oh and thanks for getting Mom on Facebook... thanks a lot...
16:01.35 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
16:05.31 starseeker wishes weekend had lasted longer
16:05.55 starseeker proposed to girlfriend - surprising how time files under those conditions
16:07.27 brlcad hah, outstanding!
16:07.29 brlcad congratulations starseeker
16:07.33 louipc :D congrats
16:07.35 starseeker thank you :-)
16:08.03 Axman6 starseeker: i take it she said yes? :)
16:08.08 starseeker yep :-)
16:08.27 brlcad good ol' washington and lincoln ;)
16:08.42 Axman6 hooray :)
16:08.44 brlcad patriotic proposal
16:09.12 starseeker well, Valentine's day actually
16:09.28 brlcad ah :)
16:09.35 starseeker Feb. 14th - needed a good excuse to set up an outing
16:09.46 brlcad was kidding ;)
16:09.52 starseeker heh
16:09.56 d-lo gratz!!
16:10.24 starseeker was trying to make it a surprise, and a random outing would have been a dead giveaway
16:10.33 Axman6 i'm looking forward to proposing to my girlfriend in a few years (we want to finish uni first)
16:10.47 Axman6 she's fast asleep next to me at the moment
16:11.23 starseeker yeah, being done with uni makes things a lot easier
16:11.46 starseeker d-lo: thanks!
16:12.13 louipc 11:09 -phrik(n=archbot@archlinux/bot/phrik)- Error: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
16:12.17 louipc woops sorry
16:13.05 archivist wait till she reads the irc log Axman6
16:13.19 ``Erik condolences, I mean, congratulations, starseeker
16:13.22 Axman6 hmm?
16:13.22 d-lo lol
16:13.33 starseeker ``Erik: heh
16:13.39 ``Erik :D
16:14.25 ``Erik starts pondering lunch
16:16.29 PrezKennedy i need to find a girl i can stand first
16:16.30 PrezKennedy :)
16:16.43 ``Erik "rough trick named jim"? *duck* :D
16:16.57 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
16:17.02 ``Erik (sorry, drank a whole pot of coffee this morning, I AM CORNHOLIO!)
16:17.03 archivist s/trick/truck
16:17.59 ``Erik if ya don't get the reference :)
16:18.00 PrezKennedy uh oh ``Erik is stealing jokes from Family Guy!
16:18.14 PrezKennedy of course i know the reference :)
16:18.22 ``Erik some might not :)
16:18.43 ``Erik take archivist for example, he may not have access to the same media that we in the civilized world enjoy :D *duck*
16:19.44 d-lo did ``Erik just related 'The Family Guy' to civilized society?
16:20.01 d-lo s/related/relate
16:20.03 Axman6 heh
16:20.03 archivist he is odd that way
16:20.18 d-lo I think he needs TP for his bunghole.
16:20.47 Axman6 PrezKennedy: you need a girl like mine. she's beautiful, very intelligent, loves that i'm a geek, and she's a gamer :D
16:21.05 PrezKennedy sounds good to me
16:21.22 archivist ew...another lost soul
16:21.45 Axman6 is not a gamer however, even though he is 19
16:22.04 PrezKennedy im a retiring gamer!
16:22.09 PrezKennedy slowly retiring...
16:22.15 starseeker s/retiring/recovering
16:22.53 starseeker doesn't game very much, and hardly at all over the last few years - it takes time away from programming :-)
16:24.33 d-lo would be a 110% gamer if RL didn't take all my time ;)
16:24.54 d-lo as it is, I can barely fit in 20mins of Civ4 a week.
16:25.03 starseeker nods
16:26.32 _sushi_ brlcad: OK I read what you wrote
16:36.59 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
16:38.10 PrezKennedy 20 minutes of civ 4? thats like 1 turn... just need 1 more...
16:41.01 d-lo I know :/ It gets frustrating after a month or so.
17:37.31 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:43.34 ``Erik huh, /usr is full (again)
17:43.50 brlcad yeah
17:43.53 brlcad working on it
17:44.17 ``Erik I'm trashing /usr/src/* and /usr/ports/*
17:44.22 ``Erik this machine wont' get any more upgrades, right?
17:44.45 brlcad I guess not :)
17:44.56 ``Erik can always be re-cvsup'd if so
18:10.33 ``Erik 1.3 gigs free now
18:13.17 *** join/#brlcad guest8286 (
18:30.10 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:30.41 Axman6 FreeBSD machine?
18:53.51 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
19:33.50 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33785 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/mged/ sort -lines
19:48.36 ``Erik a bsd machine
20:54.16 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
21:17.59 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
21:37.29 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:41.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33786 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/metaball.c: quell unused variable warning...
21:49.35 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33787 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bn.h src/libbn/mat.c): Added bn_mat_print_vls().
22:01.01 ``Erik ok, compiled without issue on leopard
22:01.01 ``Erik is starting to think lee was talking pure shit again
22:10.58 ``Erik huh, interesting, cannot rotate
22:12.07 ``Erik ae works, but mouse drag does not
22:12.32 ``Erik more interesting, I cannot ^z the tk mged O.O
22:12.55 ``Erik ^c fails as well, but the mged terminal responds appropriately
22:13.44 ``Erik ponders blaming starseeker with that tcl/tk upgrade :D
22:14.09 starseeker oh no, what broke now
22:14.33 starseeker ``Erik: I'm working OK on the Mac so far
22:16.14 ``Erik cannot rotate with the mouse, cannot ^z or ^c mged from the terminal I launched it in
22:16.19 ``Erik this is on osX.5
22:17.13 ``Erik holding down right click and drag is supposed to be rotate, right? it zooms in if there's no drag and sees a release?
22:17.30 ``Erik it zooms in on mouse2 down, not mouse2 up
22:17.40 starseeker can you run down and show me on my box quick?
22:17.56 ``Erik no, because I don't have leopard on a machine there, I had to go somewhere I did have leopard
22:18.07 ``Erik I can show you tomorrow, but it won't be a networkable box
22:18.11 starseeker ok
22:18.15 starseeker grrrr
22:18.18 starseeker works great here
22:18.20 ``Erik if'n ya grok
22:18.26 ``Erik your'e on 10.4, not 10.5 :)
22:18.45 ``Erik lee was grumping about the mass of failures on 10.5 during lunch, so I excused myself for 3 hours of interrogating that :D
22:19.35 ``Erik grabs and older version to see if issue exists there
22:19.42 ``Erik googles for how to use this stupid svn program
22:22.02 ``Erik fekkit, I'll grab a tarball
22:30.53 starseeker growls - apparently the USGS has all but abandoned DEM and moved onto other formats

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