IRC log for #brlcad on 20090224

00:00.08 tc-rucho oh
00:00.08 brlcad help view opendb closedb tra
00:00.11 brlcad it'll give help on command(s)
00:00.15 tc-rucho I see
00:00.17 brlcad like man a b c
00:00.23 tc-rucho but how to get help about suboptions of a command?
00:00.45 brlcad there is no suboption help for that command
00:00.50 brlcad but all is not lost
00:00.56 brlcad notice the get/set
00:01.07 brlcad run any one of those without arguments and it'll get the current value
00:01.15 brlcad run with args and it'll set
00:02.04 tc-rucho got it
00:02.06 tc-rucho one more thing
00:02.08 brlcad now the kicker, the 'ae' command does exactly the same
00:02.20 brlcad if you run ae, how many numbers you see?
00:02.34 brlcad guess which one is twist ;)
00:03.01 tc-rucho how am I supposed to guess what do {eye, ypr, quat, aet} stand for? I know aet now, but how about the others?
00:03.26 brlcad those are documented in the mged tutorial series
00:03.36 brlcad one of the appendices
00:03.41 tc-rucho mged> ae 45 45 0
00:03.43 tc-rucho mged> ae
00:03.45 tc-rucho 45 45 -4.07111e-15
00:03.48 tc-rucho ^ wtf? lol
00:03.58 brlcad they are also on the mged help menu somewhere
00:04.02 tc-rucho I would expect it to return 45 45 0
00:04.30 brlcad that's basic x86 floating point unit behavior
00:05.07 brlcad it can't exactly represent most integer values, that was the closest approximation
00:05.26 brlcad far beyond numerical computation tolerance, mged just lets you know what the hardware did
00:05.56 tc-rucho ok, I think I'm done asking stuff for now. Just one more thing. When I raytrace something it stays as a background image and no clue how to erase it, tried the 'fbclear' button in the raytrace menu but got an ugly 'command not found'. Any hint?
00:06.05 tc-rucho maybe I have to check something in my path
00:06.22 brlcad another place you can find more help on some of the commands, there's an mged quick reference card on the website under docs
00:06.26 ``Erik export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin
00:07.04 brlcad yeah, run that before you run mged and it should fix it - what version are you using?
00:10.38 ``Erik wow... just... wow...
00:13.20 tc-rucho 7.10.4
00:17.53 tc-rucho it would be really cool if brlcad had something like 'man' for a detailed explanation of every option available for a command (does it have it and I didn't notice?)
00:18.58 tc-rucho oh yeah
00:19.14 tc-rucho it does have a manpage for each command
00:19.24 brlcad there are manpages for most of the external commands
00:19.26 tc-rucho just that doesn't seem to be accessible from the mged
00:19.30 brlcad yeah
00:19.31 tc-rucho yeah, just noticed
00:19.40 brlcad brlman will search the /usr/brlcad manpath
00:19.54 brlcad but you'll get better results if you just set your MANPATH
00:20.18 brlcad we're working on having more detailed "manpages" for all of the mged commands too, that's just a hell of a lot of work
00:21.39 tc-rucho I know, maybe I will help with that in the future, but I first need to get the hang of brlcad, it's like drawing using assembly language
00:21.48 tc-rucho no fancy mouse thing
00:21.58 brlcad at least not until you're a lot more proficient
00:22.17 brlcad there are lots of various shortcuts for most tasks, but it's way too much to get into for new users
00:22.24 brlcad just gets confusing before you learn the basics
00:22.30 ``Erik for a in `mged -c blah.g 'echo $MGED_CMDS'` ; do echo "Things and stuff" > $ ; done
00:22.40 ``Erik :D *duck*
00:23.10 ``Erik sorry, I'll behave :)
00:23.36 brlcad tc-rucho: if you do get interested in helping out with the docs, there are about 100 external commands that don't have manpages yet (listed in the TODO file iirc), and pretty much most/all of the mged commands need to be expanded for manpage format
00:25.00 tc-rucho yeah, but first I need to decide whether or not brlcad is a good solution for my needs.
00:25.07 brlcad sure
00:25.22 brlcad if it's not a good solution, always looking for good hands to help make it one ;)
00:25.27 brlcad open dev team
00:25.47 tc-rucho good (:
00:27.40 tc-rucho would love brlcad if it had some lisp dialect [instead of tcl] (what's between brackets it's optional)
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00:28.19 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33885 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/tcl.c: clamp all floating point values being printed to a string to a corresponding integer value if the number is within hardware computational tolerance. the user probably wanted and expects 42 instead of 41.9999999999997.
00:31.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33886 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
00:31.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: clamp even more values to the closest corresponding integer if they're within
00:31.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: hardware tolerance. this change was made in response to unexpected behavior
00:31.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: reported by a new user (tc-rucho) learning to use various view manipulation
00:31.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: commands. the effect of this change should be pretty pervasive to most mged
00:31.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: commands that utilize the libbn routines for printing numbers to strings (ae
00:31.14 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: being one example).
00:32.56 tc-rucho brlcad: I think using fractions for internal calcs and then converting to float for UI output would avoid a lot of float weirdness
00:33.29 brlcad heh
00:33.48 brlcad it sure would
00:33.55 tc-rucho (:
00:34.28 brlcad it'd also be approximately three orders of magnitude slower for most operations :)
00:34.49 brlcad not to mention require a pretty pervasive data type change throughout
00:35.18 tc-rucho it's always like this T_T
00:35.33 tc-rucho friggin floats
00:35.36 brlcad (we're talking about affecting something on the order of a quarter-million lines of code)
00:36.07 tc-rucho ugh
00:36.17 brlcad it's much easier to just test the number and print it cleanly, and account for floating point fuzz in the calculations
00:36.42 brlcad that last change should make what you just saw go away
00:37.44 brlcad I've toyed with using something like gmp behind our fastf_t number type to get exact calculations -- that'd be an interesting gsoc project for someone to take on
00:41.47 tc-rucho brlcad: is there a way to _lock_ tw to a certain value when using the mouse to rotate the view?
00:42.49 brlcad ooof, I believe so, but I don't have the mouse keybindings memorized -- maybe check the shift-grips table on the docs?
01:11.42 tc-rucho when trying to modify just 1 element from a parameter array, is there a way to tell mged to reuse existing value in that position? I mean something like 'view aet . . 0' which would reuse the current az and el, and set tw to 0
01:15.48 tc-rucho it's not really that cool to retype everything to change just 1 element
01:16.27 *** join/#brlcad tc-rucho (n=tc-rucho@
01:17.00 Ralith not_so_fastf_t
01:20.11 tc-rucho oops, seems my last 2 lines were sent to /dev/null
01:20.26 tc-rucho when trying to modify just 1 element from a parameter array, is there a way to tell mged to reuse existing value in that position? I mean something like 'view aet . . 0' which would reuse the current az and el, and set tw to 0
01:20.26 tc-rucho it's not really that cool to retype everything to change just 1 element
01:22.59 Ralith brlcad: how would you drop in gmp in an elegant way? I can't see a method cleaner than replacing every single arithmetic operation with a preprocessor macro or similar.
01:23.55 tc-rucho sed -i ?
01:24.59 Ralith tc-rucho: even if it was that simple, which it's not, the end result would still be very ugly
01:27.35 tc-rucho anyway, Ralith, is there a way to tell mged to reuse a current value instead typing it again over and over?
01:27.53 Ralith no, but try the up arrow
01:27.56 Ralith not afaik*
01:30.24 brlcad tc-rucho: hm, can't say that need has actually ever come up to only change twist -- at least no requests for it
01:30.48 brlcad you can just up-arrow and change a previous line if it's a need to repeatedly test new values
01:31.03 brlcad there is command history
01:31.24 tc-rucho brlcad: no, if there was no previous line regarding those values there's nothing to do but to retype the whole thing
01:31.25 brlcad Ralith: via compilation with a c++ compiler
01:31.36 Ralith brlcad: huh?
01:31.51 Ralith does GCC have some special gmp support or something?
01:32.11 brlcad tc-rucho: you said retype -- but I think you mean type ;)
01:32.11 Ralith oh right
01:32.12 Ralith C++.
01:32.17 Ralith operator overloading.
01:32.19 brlcad operator overlaoding
01:32.20 brlcad right
01:32.22 tc-rucho brlcad: right (:
01:32.24 Ralith I thought all that code was in C, though
01:32.32 brlcad it is
01:32.42 Ralith moving it to C++ is acceptable?
01:32.50 Ralith thought he recalled some reluctance to do that
01:33.12 brlcad doesn't mean that it can't be compiled with a c++ compiler -- we don't hit the problem cases
01:33.24 Ralith hm, good point
01:33.34 brlcad oh hell, wouldn't move to that -- it would destroy performance for real-world use
01:33.51 brlcad literally, it is two-to-three *orders* slower ..
01:34.08 Ralith really? I didn't know C++ impaired performance that much.
01:34.14 brlcad no
01:34.16 Ralith assuming you're just doing C things in it
01:34.17 brlcad you're missing something :)
01:34.40 Ralith what'm I missing, then?
01:34.41 brlcad talking about replacing fastf_t's with a fixed-precision numeric class type
01:34.44 Ralith oh, yes
01:34.50 Ralith of course
01:35.01 Ralith I thought you were responding to my question about moving to C++.
01:35.11 brlcad I was also responding to that
01:35.16 brlcad we wouldn't "move" to C++
01:35.56 brlcad if we wanted to make a fixed-precision compile, we'd would make it work through the c++ compiler and use the fixed-precision math pervasively
01:36.52 brlcad it would be a compile-time toggle that could be used for various purposes where the performance hit was acceptible, like regression testing, certain analyses, certain geometric transformations, etc
01:36.53 Ralith and the way you'd keep that in the same codebase would be by ifdef-ing out the GMP bits, which would be the only part requiring C++ features?
01:36.56 tc-rucho brlcad: in a normal bash session I would do => view aet `view aet | awk '{print $1 $2 "0"}'` However, if you think it makes sense to add something like => view aet @ @ 0 where '@' would reuse the current value for that field, then I will gladly contribute a patch adding it (:
01:37.09 brlcad Ralith: right
01:37.18 Ralith part of me thinks that's a hack
01:37.25 Ralith and part of me thing that's a wonderfully effective solution
01:37.50 Ralith hm.
01:37.54 brlcad it's not a hack if it works, rather elegant imho
01:38.05 brlcad still a lot of work, though
01:38.16 Ralith yeah, I guess I just have an innate aversion to the preprocessor.
01:38.31 Ralith comes from too much playing with higher level languages
01:38.36 brlcad have to make fastf_t's fully pervasive, have to have a whole buffet of operator functions
01:38.45 brlcad tc-rucho: hmmm
01:39.46 tc-rucho because I don't think aet will be the only command that will benefice from a value-reuser
01:40.42 brlcad command-parsing like that is still command-specific, though, as args are vastly different from command to command
01:41.01 brlcad so either start a new convention.. or add new subcommands
01:41.06 Ralith considers finding himself a GSoC project to sign on to
01:41.07 brlcad view tw 12
01:41.22 brlcad view az 10
01:42.09 tc-rucho yeah
01:42.13 brlcad tc-rucho: how about the latter, a lot more isolated to just add new view subcommands
01:42.37 tc-rucho brlcad: would they be included in brlcad if I make them?
01:42.45 brlcad and goes well with the aim to make the commands more stateless
01:42.50 brlcad tc-rucho: absolutely
01:42.55 tc-rucho good (:
01:43.13 brlcad good to have all three, az|el|tw
01:43.52 tc-rucho I think it would be nice to be able to do something like => view tw 0 el 30
01:44.07 tc-rucho being 'view' the main command and the rest options with values
01:44.14 brlcad sure, gang up sets of commands on view
01:44.28 brlcad view ypr 10 200 0 tw 10
01:44.45 brlcad similar to what you ran into for help ;)
01:45.40 brlcad src/libged/view.c is where the view command lives
01:45.42 tc-rucho yeah, I strongly believe changing the commands model a bit would improve mged's usability a _LOT_
01:45.46 brlcad it calls out to various other commands
01:45.58 brlcad we're working on that
01:46.42 tc-rucho I'm your man then (: but I will be able to get my hands on the commands code in april
01:46.42 brlcad first step was getting all the commands out of the application front-end and in one place in a library (libged)
01:47.01 brlcad next step is/was making all the commands modeless (ugh, lots to do)
01:47.10 brlcad there's still a lot more that has to happen
01:48.22 tc-rucho sure
01:48.24 brlcad next step after that is command reduction and consolidation
01:49.06 tc-rucho I'd love some tw lock for mouse orbit
01:49.10 brlcad e.g. instead of a dozen bot_* commands, there's one bot command with various subcommands
01:49.34 brlcad hey, if you make the mod, there's no reason to not put features like that in
01:49.58 tc-rucho I like that
01:49.59 tc-rucho (:
01:50.33 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:50.36 brlcad make more than a couple useful patches and you'd end up working directly on the code
01:51.11 brlcad Ralith: are you applying?
01:51.42 Ralith brlcad: well, student applications aren't for a month or so, right?
01:51.48 Ralith I certainly like the idea.
01:52.07 brlcad yeah
01:52.15 brlcad the problem here will be slots
01:52.42 brlcad if we participate, I'm planning to probably have even fewer students than last year
01:53.23 brlcad just 2 or 3, so it'll be even more competitive
01:53.42 tc-rucho brlcad: what do you mean? svn access?
01:53.46 brlcad tc-rucho: sure
01:53.48 Ralith aw. Perhaps I'll find myself a less high profile mentoring organization.
01:53.54 Ralith tc-rucho: happened to me.
01:54.00 tc-rucho brlcad: oh, nice (:
01:54.25 brlcad Ralith: i'm not saying you don't have a chance, you have a leg up just by already being part of the community with a history :)
01:54.41 brlcad some of last year's students have leverage too in that regard
01:54.59 Ralith brlcad: fair. Are you allowed to apply to multiple organizations and take your pick of the acceptors?
01:55.18 brlcad doesn't work that way exactly, but yes you can apply to multiple orgs
01:55.31 Ralith will read up on it
01:55.38 brlcad if you are accepted by multiple orgs, though, the orgs sort it out (and maybe or maybe not involve you)
01:55.43 Ralith O.o
01:55.50 Ralith that's... weird
01:55.56 brlcad all happens behind the scenes
01:56.09 brlcad there's a big conflict resolution meeting
01:56.18 brlcad if it's not resolved beforehand
01:57.03 Ralith is there a list of SoCables anywhere? Perhaps some subset of that wanted features page of yours?
01:57.12 Ralith (within BRL-CAD, that is)
01:57.39 brlcad it works out well because many acceptances are contingent on a lot of factors .. like if the project you proposed to one org is considerably more valuable than it was to another org, or maybe you're right on the cutoff and they haven't decided on whether to accept you as N+1
01:58.04 brlcad Ralith: yeah, you can see the materials for last year up on the website
01:58.04 Ralith hm, I guess that is pretty reasonable.
01:58.13 brlcad has a list of a dozen or so projects
01:58.19 Ralith nothing new since then?
01:58.33 brlcad I'll probably cull that down to about a half-dozen this year to focus applications
01:58.43 brlcad plenty new
01:58.47 brlcad but nothing that needs to be added
01:59.02 Ralith 'kay then
01:59.20 brlcad and students are always welcome to submit ideas not on the list
01:59.29 brlcad some of the best ideas for bz haven't been on our list
02:00.34 Ralith bzflag is on SoC? I didn't know they did games.
02:00.45 brlcad we were their first game two years ago
02:00.49 Ralith neat!
02:00.52 brlcad this will be year three if we accept
02:00.56 ``Erik wow, europeans take their winter sports seriously
02:02.13 brlcad ``Erik: do you just wander through video, joke, and comic forums for hours on end??
02:02.27 brlcad sounds like a bigger brain-rotting waste of time than watching tv all day
02:02.31 brlcad :)
02:02.40 tc-rucho agrees
02:03.31 Ralith I dunno, at least it's interactive
02:04.06 ``Erik yes, yes I do
02:04.12 ``Erik at least until I'm caught up
02:04.23 brlcad shakes head
02:04.31 ``Erik eventually, I'll make it to the end of the internet, get the highscore and finally beat it
02:05.49 brlcad tc-rucho: if you go diving in, keep in mind that libged is the start of a pretty big refactoring effort -- and is subject to change
02:06.19 brlcad not so much the commands themselves and how they behave but the ged struct and how data makes it in and out
02:06.41 brlcad and there's still a lot more to go to decouple tcl
02:06.44 tc-rucho brlcad: I was already considering in getting latest svn sources of BRLCAD to start diving into it's code
02:07.29 brlcad also, you mentioned other languages -- for what it's worth if you've not seen it, mged can be pretty readily scripted and batched from any language
02:07.42 brlcad e.g.,
02:07.42 tc-rucho brlcad: by the way, you just mentioned decoupling tcl, what are you implying? getting rid of it and adopting something else or what?
02:08.09 tc-rucho yeah, noted that from the very beginning
02:08.39 tc-rucho it's just that having a nice language within mged itself would be nice for batch stuff
02:09.05 Ralith tc-rucho: making the system scripting language independent
02:09.14 brlcad we're not getting "rid" of tcl for various reasons, but certainly want to allow other interpreter environments
02:09.18 Ralith i.e. make it straightforward to slot in w/e
02:09.35 brlcad exactly
02:09.59 tc-rucho well, in that case it would be nice to have some lisp dialect as an interpreter too
02:10.05 brlcad part of the libged framework is to make it a generalized command functionality library that could be tied into any interpreter environment
02:11.07 tc-rucho I like that, so a couple of bindings here and there and one could almost use BF as a command interpreter (just kidding)
02:11.11 brlcad initial goal will be to support tcl and bash, and then python and lisp, at least as a starting point
02:11.33 brlcad that should generalize the interface sufficiently to support most languages we'd care to bind to
02:11.43 tc-rucho sure
02:12.16 brlcad plus it covers procedural, functional, and OO as well as interactive and non-interactive parsing
02:12.54 brlcad (in terms of a flexible api)
02:13.04 tc-rucho you have any dialect in mind for the lisp environment?
02:13.16 brlcad not presently
02:13.29 brlcad clisp, elisp
02:14.07 tc-rucho In terms of implementation quality, I'd stick to SBCL (common lisp) on unixoid systems, and maybe clisp for winblows
02:15.17 tc-rucho anyway, seems this could get pretty interesting. I'd say I'm in (:
02:15.24 brlcad one of the main points of picking up a lisp environment would be to provide something similar to autolisp
02:15.40 brlcad awesome, glad to hear it!
02:15.58 brlcad hope you stick to it even after you see how much work is involved ;)
02:16.26 brlcad good stuff, though, lots of fun and one of the best code bases to make a big impact
02:17.15 tc-rucho as soon as I can get a lisp environment things will get really nice 9In 9My 9Opinion
02:17.55 tc-rucho however, I'm definitely not enforcing OO in the lisp environment, it's... ugly
02:21.34 brlcad no no, I meant supporting OO semantics for languages like python/ruby/etc
02:21.48 brlcad wouldn't sully lisp with that
02:22.07 brlcad might not even sully the other langs with that, depends on how the bindings happen
02:23.16 brlcad ultimately could just wrap everything in a ged object and do a pass through with a method for every function if it's a strict OO language
02:25.47 tc-rucho anyway, I have some proposals for the lisp environment, but bindings come first
02:26.12 tc-rucho more specifically, a slight GUI change
02:27.16 tc-rucho that would allow keybindings and access to the command prompt in the same window without any extra hassle
02:27.51 tc-rucho anyway, I should continue with my studies, I have a huge exam in a pair of days
02:30.09 brlcad heh, actually we're looking at a rather major GUI change, but that's a ways down the road
02:30.57 brlcad have to do a variety of mged refactorings first, libged cleanup, tcl decoupling, finish implementing BREP support, geometry engine support, geometry service support, then the gui has something solid to talk to
02:31.14 brlcad there is a prototype interface hooked in already that a gsoc student worked on last summer
02:31.37 brlcad good luck with your exam tc-rucho !
02:33.40 tc-rucho nods
02:34.14 tc-rucho brlcad: what text editor do you use?
02:34.33 brlcad depends what I'm doing, but usually emacs
02:36.03 tc-rucho well, some _wild_ idea for a GUI would be to have most used commands as single letter commands, and then have some stuff like C-x and C-c
02:36.26 tc-rucho but maybe people would not feel that comfortable with it
02:36.43 tc-rucho anyway, was just a quick wild thought
02:37.18 brlcad there's a whole design philosophy about making the interface pervasively modeless, only allowing quasimodalities for context-specific actions
02:37.46 brlcad there's a prototype interaction video that one of the devs worked on that I'm using as a sort of "starting point" goal
02:38.00 tc-rucho link?
02:38.33 brlcad
02:38.44 brlcad is a good starting point
02:39.23 brlcad takes about 5 minutes
02:39.52 brlcad it was intionally made non-CAD-centric, but the basic design philosophies still apply
02:42.12 brlcad ~ioe
02:42.19 tc-rucho I think about brlcad as a rough diamond. It has an awesome 3d framework and all, but it lacks a good GUI 9In 9My 9Humble 9Opinion
02:46.05 brlcad agreed
02:46.30 brlcad that's why it's one of our four top project priorities
02:46.40 brlcad
02:46.59 brlcad with the other three priorities directly and indirectly supporting it
02:49.05 brlcad starseeker: I think I must recall my victory claim.. I'm getting the Tcl_Init error again, so there must be more needed (and my test earlier must not have been a clean test)
03:00.07 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
04:00.10 yukonbob hello, cadheads
05:04.44 starseeker brlcad: arrrgh. Is it something to do with the tcl upgrade?
05:05.33 starseeker tried to step through all the changes, but may have missed something...
05:27.34 brlcad starseeker: that's when it started, and it's a problem I recall needing to be patched the past couple times we've done a tcl upgrade
05:30.35 brlcad can't say for certain without dishing through a whole debugging session, and trying to avoid spending the time to do that frankly
05:30.52 starseeker brlcad: arrrgh
05:30.56 starseeker ``Erik: help
05:31.06 starseeker you recall what was needed in the last couple tcl upgrades?
05:33.14 brlcad i'll go through a clean rebuild here to see if maybe the failure earlier today was a false positive
05:33.30 starseeker ]it's distcheck that's failing?
05:33.42 brlcad test fails
05:34.22 brlcad specific to doing a make test prior to (ever) doing a make install -- it'll look in /usr/brlcad so have to make sure there isn't an install there already
05:34.28 starseeker Is it MacOSX only? It seems to work here
05:34.32 starseeker oh
05:34.36 starseeker did a make install
05:34.59 brlcad one of the sanity checks to make sure in-tree execution works cleanly pulling the right files
05:35.30 starseeker Oh, I see it now
05:35.49 brlcad it's not a release stopper
05:36.02 brlcad but it shouldn't linger (assuming it is new/returned)
05:36.58 brlcad could try a 7.14.0 to see if it has the problem
05:37.06 starseeker ok
05:37.23 brlcad maybe it was broken during the prior upgrade and just coincidentally noticed
05:38.08 starseeker is bothered he didn't get it patched with that last effort
05:38.53 brlcad you fixed a whole slew of other issues that would have come up, though
05:38.59 brlcad so good you did anyways
05:39.13 starseeker thanks, but it makes this one all the more vexing
05:39.27 brlcad 1/10th the time to find/fix now than to have someone else spend all day rehunting each one ;)
05:39.35 starseeker :-)
05:39.51 starseeker makes a note to join the tcl dev email lists and start making some noise
05:40.00 starseeker grumble
05:40.15 starseeker not that I had a lot of luck with gentoo
05:40.43 brlcad gentoo is so close, should be able to finish it up now
05:41.16 starseeker assuming they don't just leave it to the gentoo-science overlay
05:41.26 brlcad nods
05:41.51 brlcad haven't seen a build log in a while to know if there's anything else that needs changed
05:42.05 brlcad I took care of most of the issues I knew about
05:42.11 starseeker I haven't tried to do a system build in a long while - it might work now
05:42.43 brlcad it should work as a --disable-all now without a problem
05:42.50 starseeker cool :-)
05:43.05 starseeker will test that once the make test bug is hunted down
05:43.15 brlcad incrTcl init was the last straggler, and that should be taken care of
05:43.23 starseeker awesome
05:43.31 brlcad there are still the naming conflicts, but that's for later to allow subdir relinking
05:43.55 starseeker brlcad: Oh, that reminds me - bob said you wrote the libtclcad auto_path command
05:44.10 starseeker did that change I made cause any trouble?
05:44.16 brlcad the function, yeah
05:44.45 brlcad what change?
05:44.57 starseeker let me check
05:45.21 starseeker r33845
05:46.00 brlcad oh yeah, that one..
05:48.09 brlcad "probably" only because tclcadAutoPath() is mostly supposed to allow relocation overrides and source-dir executions to work, not serve as install defaults
05:48.29 brlcad if it works, it'll be because of how it searches for relocation execution
05:49.12 brlcad can't say for sure, though ..
05:50.16 starseeker ok. If it breaks anything I'll revert it - it sidestepped what I was running into, but it's still not clear to my why auto_path had the system paths in the first place
05:50.32 starseeker maybe it's related to why make test isn't working, for that matter...
05:50.44 brlcad I think the latter is a different problem, and the one that needed fixing -- why it got system paths in the first place
05:51.15 brlcad think that implies that it didn't load the right init.tcl to start with or didn't link the right lib to start with
05:51.24 brlcad which are different problems
05:51.51 starseeker Is that our build system or the tcl/tk level logic?
05:52.47 brlcad wouldn't be the build system -- could be run-time ld paths or tcl init logic
05:53.53 brlcad you can check the ld linkage easily enough (otool -L or ldd)
05:54.23 brlcad can check the init logic by breaking in Tcl_Init() and seeing which init.tcl is loaded
05:57.06 starseeker ldd looks OK
06:04.37 brlcad notes that Bob cheated horribly in src/mged/setup.c
06:11.30 starseeker brlcad: did we need to explicitly set tcl_library?
06:11.35 starseeker was that the patch?
06:19.03 starseeker ummm.... 7.14.0 on my machine is trying to use /usr/include/tk.h when compiling bombardier.c
06:28.17 brlcad different issue
06:28.37 brlcad src/util/, add TK_CPPFLAGS to bombardier
06:37.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33887 10/brlcad/trunk/ default the ogl interface to off until the various bugs are all fixed. it's unusable as-is due to said bugs and is just complicating the support questions.
06:37.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33890 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
06:37.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Bob added a new 'gqa' command to mged that runs the formerly command-line-only
06:37.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 'g_qa' command including the addition of a new -Ap option that will visualize
06:37.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: the overlaps encountered as a series of wireframe edges similar to rtcheck.
06:37.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: should rename one of the two to make running the tool self-consistent inside and
06:37.14 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: outside of mged.
06:37.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33888 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS TODO): bob fixed the mged view initialization bugs where it was starting up under a top view instead of 3525 with no faceplate initialization. should be mostly all better now.
07:05.18 brlcad notes warnings on nmg_fix_normals
07:13.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33891 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (178 files):
07:13.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: whew, that is brutal.. tedius header cleanup to denote private headers as
07:13.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: private (and in the own section) using relative path syntax. also make sure
07:13.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: bio.h comes after the system headers but is listed with system headers (it's
07:13.06 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: sort of a wrapper around stdio).
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11:08.20 d-lo yawns
11:08.23 d-lo Mornin
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13:13.44 starseeker brlcad: I'll be out one more day, I'm afraid :-(
13:15.51 starseeker d-lo: I can't find the email addresses - could you do me a favor and send out an email again?
13:17.49 d-lo starseeker: shore thang.
13:17.55 starseeker thanks :-)
13:27.23 d-lo np
13:55.52 brlcad starseeker: okay, np
14:07.21 ``Erik starseeker: the only caveat with tcl and tk was that one line in tcl/generic/tclInt.h iirc, tk "just worked". incr is a bit of a different story
14:08.32 ``Erik was under the impression that elisp had grevious differences to cl (stuff like scope handling, basic function names, etc), but kinda remembers reading that autolisp was weird, too *shrug*
14:09.06 ``Erik supposedly, CLOS can do all t he oo type things that ruby and python can, plus a slew of other neat stuff like generic funcs
14:11.32 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
14:20.11 tc-rucho ``Erik: CLOS is an awesome OO system, it does not use messages, it uses generic functions. However, I find OO rather ugly in Lisp. It's like jailing/restricting oneself rather than liberating
14:20.36 tc-rucho OO in lisp usually leads to code that's really difficult to track
14:21.07 ``Erik hm, I'm more of a scheme weenie, I've only used clos just enough to get a basic ucw thingy working :)
14:22.47 tc-rucho well, I use common lisp as my main lisp dialect, and I really never needed CLOS, it made things more difficult actually, and heavily OO code made using CLOS was hell to figure out.
14:23.13 tc-rucho not even the original authors were able to keep track of it in order to fix some stuff, blame CLOS
14:23.36 tc-rucho so I would be happier if we stick to just lists for the bindings and all
14:23.38 tc-rucho .
14:25.16 ``Erik *shrug* I still plan on learning it, I've heard arguments both ways so mebbe I'll find it a handy tool for certain problems, mebbe not
14:26.02 tc-rucho points to the second alternative
14:26.09 tc-rucho anyway
14:26.28 ``Erik but yeah, with scheme I felt like the combination of lists, vectors, and assocs is probably 'sufficient'
14:27.37 tc-rucho have it your way, give it a try, try to code something complex, then archive it and look at it again in about 2 months, and if by any chance you can follow the CLOS code easier than if it used just lists, I would like some good argument about why use it
14:27.46 tc-rucho right
14:28.01 ``Erik we'll see *shrug* :)
14:28.04 tc-rucho lists and assocs are all one needs
14:28.06 tc-rucho (:
14:28.07 starseeker brlcad: I'm seeing failures in the test script that appear to be caused by the messing "Using Tcl library at..." being printed
14:28.19 brlcad starseeker: yeah, I know about those
14:28.24 brlcad it's benign
14:28.38 starseeker but otherwise, the MGED tests seem to run
14:28.43 brlcad it's because the script just takes the output of ? and help as-is
14:29.11 brlcad and there are a variety of debug and output messages that can appear before the command list
14:29.32 starseeker OK - so the failure you're worried about is something different then
14:29.45 brlcad if there was consistent stderr/stdout separation, could handle it, but there's not so it is what it is
14:29.45 tc-rucho ``Erik: by the way, what scheme implementation do you prefer? I really haven't toyed with scheme (mainly because fucken scsh needs some scheme implementation for 32bit only)
14:30.27 ``Erik gauche usually, used to use guile but it's performance was ... poor. have toyed with chicken and bigloo a little, and mzscheme isn't too bad
14:30.39 brlcad starseeker: yeah, the error is something different -- Tcl_Init failure
14:30.55 starseeker so far I can't reproduce that here
14:31.08 brlcad on old or new or both?
14:31.15 starseeker anywhere
14:31.16 tc-rucho ``Erik: I find mzscheme (drscheme?) kind of bloated. Wasn't gauche a scheme -> C implementation?
14:31.20 starseeker er, either
14:31.25 brlcad thought you encountered it yesterday?
14:31.31 brlcad when you removed the installed version
14:31.42 ``Erik no, gauche is an interpreter, um, or something
14:31.46 starseeker no, that was the complaint I just mentioned
14:32.01 ``Erik the interpreter is "gosh"
14:32.33 starseeker ``Erik: then the compiler had better be "darnit" ;-)
14:33.13 ``Erik no, there's no straight compiler component, I don't know if it can save bytecode images, either :/ I used it for q&d scripty type thangs mostly
14:33.41 tc-rucho hohoho, awesome name for a lisp-family interpreter
14:34.56 brlcad starseeker: i'm giving it a clean retry now
14:35.17 brlcad see what you get with this on a clean tree, it'll .. take a while
14:35.38 brlcad rm -rf /usr/brlcad && sh && ./configure --enable-all && make distclean && sh && ./configure --enable-all && make -j4 && make test
14:35.45 brlcad notice the rm -rf in case you need it..
14:36.31 brlcad if that works for you, then we can call it a closed issue
14:36.52 ``Erik hm, rm -rf /usr/brlcad/* would be better, so the /usr/brlcad directory stays and doens't need rootage to recreate it :D
14:37.52 brlcad meh
14:39.54 starseeker ``Erik: on my home box, no matter
14:39.56 tc-rucho ``Erik: although it's not a really big problem, I've always felt more comfortable with false being just nil and true being T, instead of #t and #f. Also SBCL is a kick-ass implementation that compiles to native code (not to mention that CL uses different spaces for functions and data so a var and a function can share the same name)
14:41.55 starseeker tc-rucho: Oh, he's an SBCL fan :-)
14:42.09 starseeker so am I
14:42.20 tc-rucho starseeker: good (:
14:42.21 ``Erik is using sbcl on fbsd for ucw :)
14:43.02 tc-rucho then it's going to be Common Lisp (SBCL), right?
14:43.14 tc-rucho I thought that had not been decided yet
14:43.30 ``Erik for BRL-CAD, it's not
14:43.35 ``Erik not decided, that is
14:43.44 ``Erik this is for a private project
14:43.57 starseeker ucw = UnCommon Web
14:44.22 starseeker ucw is... odd
14:44.33 starseeker at least as far as getting it working
14:44.59 d-lo no no no no....ucw =
14:45.04 ``Erik YOU'RE odd! :D naw, the continuation based web framework model seems neato to me
14:45.34 ``Erik you may've spent a little TOO long in the navy, d-lo.
14:45.46 starseeker d-lo: that's gotta be in the top five "URLs I never thought I'd see" list
14:47.47 d-lo lol, blame google. #2 on the list.
14:47.58 starseeker brlcad: no point in my doing -j4 on a 2 core machine, yes?
14:48.18 brlcad whomever works on making the lisp interface actually work will probably be the main deciding factor on which lisp is used ;)
14:48.26 ``Erik best bang is probably -j3, I'd guess
14:48.36 brlcad so if you want sbcl, someone needs to get busy ;)
14:49.02 starseeker alrightie, the clean test is running
14:49.04 brlcad starseeker: yeah, j3 is probably best, but doesn't matter much
14:49.23 brlcad distclean or clean?
14:49.40 starseeker the sequence you gave above
14:50.01 starseeker autogen, distclean, etc.
14:50.31 starseeker could still be a mac specific issue though
14:50.50 starseeker ``Erik: Did you see any major patches to tcl that I missed in that big roundup?
14:51.32 ``Erik I didn't see your big roundup... :D the only trick was the line in tclInt.h or something
14:51.46 ``Erik last I did it, anyways... they may've made things more interesting
14:52.26 starseeker erm
14:52.44 starseeker Bob had some Windows specific tweaks in there, and there was some SGI/IRIX makefile logic
14:52.57 starseeker or tweaks at least
14:53.20 starseeker plus the fix for doc install paths from the gentoo bug
14:53.44 starseeker oh well, no matter
14:54.05 starseeker it could very well be that 8.5.6 itself introduced a new quirk all on its own
15:08.39 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:37.16 starseeker brlcad: OK, I see it now
15:45.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33892 10/brlcad/trunk/ (69 files in 3 dirs): Upgraded libpng to 1.2.35.
15:45.32 starseeker It looks like we need to set tcl_library somewhere
15:45.52 starseeker or set the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable
15:49.30 starseeker based on svn diff, offhand I don't see any change pertaining to tcl_library that could have an impact
16:03.00 ``Erik hrm
16:08.23 starseeker grr:
16:11.48 starseeker export TCL_LIBRARY=../src/other/tcl/library prior to make test does succeed
16:19.14 starseeker the difficulty is where should it be set, and how to conditionalize its setting on BUILD_TCL being true
16:27.10 ``Erik sweet, I done broke the libpng stuff :D
16:27.29 d-lo awesome! The dishes are done man!
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17:01.37 brlcad starseeker: additionally, tclcadAutoPath() tries to set tcl_library too, could be some interplay going on
17:01.54 brlcad good to see that the problem can be reproduced, though
17:02.09 brlcad starseeker: did you test that with 7.14.0 too?
17:02.41 brlcad if it fails for 7.14.0, then it's not nearly as important to address now .. just don't want to take steps backwards if it's new
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17:56.14 brlcad ``Erik: build failures in libpng's
17:56.40 ``Erik hm, cia is being slow
17:56.44 ``Erik I fixed it a few minutes ago
17:56.54 brlcad cool, k
17:58.30 ``Erik jabs cia a few times
17:58.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33893 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libpng/ ( revert back to our and remove the leftover autoconf crud.
17:58.38 ``Erik there it goes heh
18:39.29 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:42.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33894 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c: ', ' doesn't make a lot of sense, hope it's supposed to be ','
18:44.34 brlcad ``Erik possible to get an isst screenshot today?
18:44.52 brlcad could use something glitzy to show off
18:45.10 ``Erik show off for what?
18:45.34 brlcad presentation putting together
18:46.26 ``Erik sure, gimme a few to back out a change
18:46.39 ``Erik the, uh,
18:48.22 ``Erik heh, I blew up my BRL-CAD
18:49.39 brlcad starseeker: similarly, do you have access to a copy of what you brought to the ccb that you could send my way?
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20:21.08 brlcad starseeker: never mind, I pulled images from elsewhere
20:22.22 ``Erik is half interested in how his images will be used if'n there's time to show the slides off
20:23.01 brlcad used two of them
20:23.53 ``Erik assumes the t62 and the depth render went away?
20:25.05 brlcad good guess
20:25.59 ``Erik but but but the old tank had the dropdown menu showing the modes, and the depth render looks, y'know, all futuristic! :D
20:28.40 brlcad only have a 15 min total, there are already two min slotted to adrt .. if I put more, it'll lose effect
20:28.47 ``Erik ok
20:28.50 brlcad two is pushing it, really needs to be one, but I think I can talk to it
20:28.54 brlcad as two
20:29.10 ``Erik lemme know if you need info
20:31.35 brlcad k
20:31.45 brlcad going with data from last quarter
20:33.17 ``Erik hm, almost everything has been internal, though my current activity is to make it can run in 'local' mode (just run a binary and go, single process with 2 threads)
21:34.22 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33896 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ged.h: Added a declaration for ged_build_tops.
21:35.19 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33895 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libtienet/load_MySQL.c: temporarily disable the converter ...
21:37.23 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33897 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/libged/libged.vcproj: Added nmg_fix_normals.c to libged's windows build.
21:37.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33898 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tcl/generic/tclInt.h: Move include for common.h after Tcl includes. This gets rid of warnings about redefining O_BINARY and O_TEMPORARY.
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22:04.42 brlcad hm, distcheck is still busted
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22:33.38 brlcad good catch on the ','
22:33.54 brlcad automated cleanup went afoul
22:34.03 ``Erik make -s makes it really easy
22:34.46 ``Erik there're others I skipped, they looked less odd (like const char *argv[] ... char *blah = argv[1]; )
22:35.09 ``Erik my distcheck breaks on not knowing how to aclocal heh
22:39.14 brlcad I looked and was mistaken on the export5 for bot's using nmg_fix_normals
22:39.57 ``Erik yeh, *shrug* I implemented what was discussed, I saw no easy way to do a fix_normals on an arbitrary bot, I think ed was right
22:40.21 ``Erik I don't think bot strongly enforces being a closed solid, it's just all our conversions to bot happen to come from solids
22:40.32 ``Erik via nmg topology testing
22:41.00 ``Erik at least from something like facetize :)
22:41.14 brlcad it's not strongly enforced but it is enforced
22:41.27 ``Erik at the bot level, or the nmg level?
22:41.29 brlcad the bot mode
22:41.33 brlcad as a bot
22:41.37 ``Erik ah, hum
22:41.39 brlcad RT_BOT_SURFACE
22:41.47 brlcad RT_BOT_SOLID
22:41.51 brlcad RT_BOT_PLATE, etc
22:41.55 ``Erik aight
22:42.14 ``Erik I knew we had plate, I was fairly certain we could have abitrary bots as well (surface, I guess)
22:42.15 brlcad if it's a solid, it should convert directly to an nmg
22:42.42 brlcad there is an nmg-bot converter, could turn that into a routine and make a bot-nmg routine
22:42.53 brlcad then turn bot into nmg, fix normals, then back to bot
22:43.07 brlcad or make a bot_fix_normals that just does the same algorithm on the bot structure
22:43.13 ``Erik guess that depends on the pro-e and iges converter shtuff, d-lo seemed to have opinions as he just recently went through the pain and suffering with that little pickup
22:43.14 brlcad fairly simple algo
22:43.39 ``Erik has to hammer out the adrt/isst stuff yesterday :/
22:44.43 brlcad true dat
22:58.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33899 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/
22:58.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: quell the false-positive ERROR lines about "Using Tcl library at
22:58.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: /path/to/something" since it's just diagnostic output. that message is only
22:58.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: printed in debug builds and is one of a variety of diagnostic messages that
22:58.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: could get displayed. still, quell the one we know will be shown.
23:00.31 brlcad starseeker: I think I found the problem
23:00.39 brlcad and I think it's new
23:01.03 brlcad mged isn't failing with that message, g_diff is
23:01.45 starseeker is impressed
23:01.50 starseeker and groggy
23:01.55 starseeker you got the pics you need?
23:04.37 brlcad yep
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23:10.37 brlcad IriX64: you're voiceless until you do something constructive, sorry
23:10.54 brlcad send me a PM if you'd like to discuss it
23:11.13 brlcad otherwise, welcome to lurk and listen
23:24.18 *** join/#brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein (n=phreak@
23:50.28 ``Erik guess he didn't like that
23:55.12 brlcad he was talking to me in private
23:55.16 brlcad he's okay with it
23:56.05 ``Erik but is he going to wrap up, say, the version thing on mged? i'ts what, 4 lines of code, he was almost done, still no patch? :)
23:56.31 ``Erik or at least start writing up docs, we have an awful lot that need to be written at least in draft form
23:59.42 brlcad probably not, he'd need a lot more hand-holding and someone telling him exactly what to do next

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