IRC log for #brlcad on 20090304

00:59.03 ``Erik installs rsync on the new machines heh
00:59.24 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:56.27 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
02:36.46 ``Erik yuh oh
02:53.22 brlcad mm?
02:55.45 ``Erik um, /usr/web is bigger than the new mcahines /usr, I'm making /usr/home/web
02:56.03 ``Erik with symlinks, of course
03:05.40 madant wonders when 1 PB hard-disks are going to be commonplace
03:09.21 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
03:14.01 ``Erik yowza, a 9tb sata drive
03:15.55 ``Erik form factor sizes may need to go up to get bigger drives it they cant' figure out a way to pack data tighter
03:16.11 ``Erik s/it/if/
04:02.01 madant hmm.. but i guess maybe 7 years down the line ;)
04:09.00 ``Erik mebbe *shrug* or mebbe we'll find a better medium
04:10.41 ``Erik I vagually recall something about a special quartz that used lasers to isolate polarized molecules in a cube, was on a show called "beyond 2000" back in the mid 90's iirc, something like that (a real 3d lattice opposed to ferrous material on a 2d surface) might be that kick
04:13.25 madant true .. i mean without a better medium it would be tough to make much more progress they have literally squeezed everything possible out of the present tech :D
04:13.53 ``Erik yeah, they've already stood the dipoles on end to pack them tighter heh
04:14.44 ``Erik little more intense than painting an iron oxide goop on some mylar and calling it good heh
06:06.28 starseeker sees QT 4.5 is out and heads to download it
06:08.20 starseeker wonders a little why the file is ".bin" extension...
06:23.15 starseeker ah, fancy installer
07:21.46 *** join/#brlcad astrobear (n=ib@unaffiliated/ibuffy)
07:22.32 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:14.50 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:24.32 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
12:10.51 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
12:34.08 brlcad owchies
12:49.53 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:56.08 Axman6 BigAToo: knee + desk?
12:56.22 d-lo mornin all.
12:57.30 brlcad howdy d
12:57.44 d-lo brlcad: hows the shoulder?
13:00.38 brlcad bout the same
13:00.45 d-lo bah suckage.
13:01.00 d-lo Just getting up or heading to sleep? ;)
13:55.44 ``Erik *yawn*
13:56.04 ``Erik didja take a look at vegastrike, dlo?
13:57.43 d-lo no, not yet. Youngest is coming down with a cold (again) and that took most of my evening up :/
13:57.52 ``Erik ah, bummer
13:58.20 d-lo Yeah.... its always a precursor to *EVERYONE* getting sick.
13:58.36 ``Erik when you get time, it might be just the thing you're looking for
13:58.53 d-lo So its time to swing by the store and get more Vitamin-C and Clorox Wipes.
13:59.32 ``Erik hrm, I bought some zinc pills after mike (g) claimed they help, can't make any claim to how effective they are (if at all) though
14:01.35 d-lo cool, thanks for the linkage.
14:01.56 d-lo Yeah, been trying a few different 'remedies' zinc is among them.
14:04.37 ``Erik didn't see a release announcement :/
14:10.27 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
14:10.35 madant shoulder ?
14:33.17 starseeker has tried vegastrike but never figured it out well enough to start playing it properly
14:34.29 ``Erik the default one is very elite-like (a pain to get into)
14:35.01 ``Erik um, for some reason, I was thinking it was a wc clone yesterday, I think it may've started as that and changed? I dun 'member no mo'
14:35.33 ``Erik mebbe I was looking for a wc and came across it *shrug*
14:35.41 starseeker there are mods for it (I think someone did some Star Trek models)
14:35.45 ``Erik (wc == wing commander, in case anyone's wondering)
14:35.55 ``Erik yeah, the privateer one looks interesting
14:36.15 brlcad madant: just a rotator cuff injury I'm working on healing
14:36.17 starseeker AFAIK, it's the best open source game of its type
14:36.40 ``Erik d-lo has neat ideas for a space game, vs might be a good starting point *shrug* :)
14:37.22 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
14:37.35 starseeker ooooo - I hadn't looked closely at the Paraview license
14:38.27 madant :) get well soon
14:38.31 starseeker It looks like it might actually be all BSD or close enough
14:39.05 brlcad starseeker: it is the 3-clause bsd
14:39.30 starseeker is that the one with the advertising clause?
14:39.36 brlcad changed last year iirc
14:39.44 brlcad no, that's what it was
14:39.47 brlcad the four clause
14:39.50 starseeker ah, cooooool
14:40.09 ``Erik hm, the bsd weenies tend to call it the 'revised bsd license'
14:40.13 starseeker will attempt building the GUI interface code for paraview with QT 4.5 :-)
14:40.14 ``Erik :)
14:40.52 ``Erik sometimes 'sans advertising clause license', but I haven't heard that one in a while
14:40.58 brlcad s/the/a/ their fouth clause had something to do about markings
14:41.05 brlcad not advert
14:41.23 ``Erik uhm, it was the one that said you had to give credits to the reagents of ucb
14:41.32 starseeker Heh -
14:41.46 starseeker Jerry Clarke (US Army Research Laboratory)
14:42.12 ``Erik heh, isn't that one of the images in the conf room we use?
14:42.31 starseeker might be
14:44.36 ``Erik brlcad: I've bee n moving data using tar over a ssh tunnel, because I'm a bad netizen. :) once it's as good as I feel like getting it, I'll let you worry about rsync some. Making rsync work will probably involve mucking with the old system in a way that compromise security O.o (too many files/dirs that aren't world/group readable)
14:47.04 brlcad eh, it shouldn't -- the sync it does now runs as root -- just need/want to run as root on the receiving end too so it can reconstitute all of the users/groups/perms/links
14:48.21 ``Erik hm, I d'no how to set up a 'server' component, running 'rsync -avz -e ssh /some/dir' gives me permission issues
14:49.07 brlcad right, cause that's "erik" on the receiving end
14:49.10 ``Erik since it was first copy, I figured the path of least resistance was good old tar
14:49.18 ``Erik root login should be disabled, though
14:49.24 brlcad have to open up root ssh for the sync
14:49.25 ``Erik and I couldn't figure out how to convince it to sudo
14:49.33 ``Erik oh, well, that's the thing I didn't want to do :)
14:50.03 ``Erik will make a new account with uid 0 for this
14:50.10 ``Erik once the tar copying is over
14:50.14 brlcad it's only temporary, and you can push from bz instead of pulling so you only need new server to have root ssh open
14:50.28 ``Erik I'd be more apt to make the old server vulnerable than the new one
14:50.29 ``Erik :)
14:50.49 brlcad yeah, that'd be better
14:51.12 ``Erik ok, I thought I was missing something, guess it really is linux grade ugly
14:51.20 brlcad there's a way to set up an rsync server on the receiving end too, but don't have experience with that
14:51.57 ``Erik yeah, I saw some stuff about setting up stuff in sudoers, but that page left out details on how to actually kick it off
14:52.41 brlcad it's very close to tar+ssh, just that it does only as much as it needs, can be throttled down, and be interrupted and pick up where it left off, will do hard link, recreate user/perms, etc
14:53.20 brlcad and gives a nice report
14:54.18 ``Erik I'm currently doing something like "ssh 'cd /some/dir ; sudo tar zcf - .' | sudo tar zxvf -"
14:55.08 ``Erik the remote sudo is the part that's making rsync unfun :D
14:55.10 brlcad nods
14:55.37 brlcad you'd have to add the sudoers to make it promptless
14:56.20 ``Erik hrm, rsync automatically tries to sudo but fails if prompted?
14:57.52 brlcad hm? no rsync just uses the connection method you specify and runs rsync on the remote
14:57.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:00.21 starseeker hmm, interesting - plplot is apparently using cmake to build docbook
15:00.34 starseeker 'course, they're not using fop...
15:01.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:03.14 starseeker puts down the fun toys and heads in to get some Real Work done
15:47.04 ``Erik (anyone gonna be up for lunch?)
15:48.13 ``Erik hrm, I think the bulk of the data may be moved
15:48.44 ``Erik aaahhhHHHHHhhhhh, -rsync-path="sudo rsync" !
15:58.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33939 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c:
15:58.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Modified get_densities_from_database by copying the density data to a character
15:58.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: array that is one byte bigger. This larger array gets passed to
15:58.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: parse_densities_buffer which writes an EOS in buf[len] to make the code more
15:58.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: succinct.
16:33.34 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
18:17.39 ``Erik rebuilds all of macports on his lappie
18:21.16 *** join/#brlcad astrobear (n=ib@unaffiliated/ibuffy)
18:26.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33940 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: re-encountered a bug in the X24 interface where it crashes if the image size is small. give a specific test case that provokes the crash (implicitly using /dev/X).
18:30.17 ``Erik wonders if a cleanup party shoulda been called for before moving data
18:30.33 brlcad nah
18:30.44 ``Erik lots of huge tmp dirs
18:30.50 brlcad ]the egregious use has been already trimmed
18:31.27 ``Erik lots of mp3s O.o
18:32.07 ``Erik thinks -v may not've been an optimal flag
18:32.13 starseeker could probably get rid of some of the old screenshots, or put them in the gallery...
18:32.24 ``Erik how many gigs are you using for those? :D
18:32.37 starseeker checks
18:32.47 ``Erik bets less than one
18:34.45 starseeker hmm - apperently my whole directory is less than 1 gig
18:34.56 starseeker all rightie then
18:34.57 ``Erik *shrug* if brlcad is ok with the amount of data being moved, *shrug* it's his bandwidth and his dollar
18:35.24 starseeker evidently can't help too much anyway, at least in a relative sense
18:35.48 ``Erik yeah, I think I'm at 115 megs in my home directory heh
18:36.34 starseeker that image file for the earth screenshots is 180 megs
18:36.44 ``Erik irrelevant
18:36.58 starseeker hates to delete that anyway - NASA may move or remove it at whim
18:37.16 ``Erik out of something like 65 gigs to be moved, it's neglegible
18:37.31 ``Erik don't worry :)
18:37.52 starseeker wow
18:38.14 starseeker heh - Multics 1992 tarball is less than that one image
18:38.38 ``Erik heh
18:38.41 ``Erik y'know
18:38.51 ``Erik in '00, I was talking to astronomy students
18:39.29 ``Erik they claimed that there was no way that computer imaging would ever be usable, they were still pulling new data off of 50 year old plats
18:39.53 ``Erik and now they're using ccd arrays (exactly what I was tlaking about almost ten years ago) to do astronomy.. size grows fast, we need more dataz :D
18:40.02 starseeker :-)
18:40.09 starseeker wonder if they scanned the old plates
18:40.20 ``Erik imagine trying to cope with your image on a '92 machine
18:40.31 starseeker winces
18:40.48 ``Erik lets see, I BELIEVE around '92, I had a 486dx33 with 4 megs of ram, my buddy had just gotten a 486 that had 8 megs of ram
18:40.48 starseeker Yeah, things have really changed
18:40.57 ``Erik I was really jealous, he didn't need a special boot disk to run doom2
18:41.14 starseeker is currently trying to download a complete copy of the US Census 2008 Tiger data
18:41.31 ``Erik um, don't do it to bz, pls :)
18:41.35 starseeker no, no
18:41.43 starseeker got a terabyte external hd
18:41.57 ``Erik ah, I almost bought a couple tb sata's and a card last nigiht
18:42.00 starseeker also have national atlas data on that :-)
18:42.13 brlcad this was and interesting hopkins project, basically scan about 1/4 of the sky --
18:42.20 starseeker Really Good Stuff, and all free.
18:42.45 ``Erik shoot, I found an awesome website a month or so ago, lemme try to refind it
18:42.50 brlcad the numbers there are a bit old, though to put it into perspective, that was 40TB back around 1996
18:43.06 starseeker holy cow
18:43.44 starseeker will probably backup more of too
18:45.00 starseeker notes they don't have a torrent for the whole sky survey yet :-)
18:45.32 ``Erik feck, can't find it now... was a site where you put in your lat, long, and time, and it shows you hemisphere mapping of the sky with various objects annotated
18:45.33 ``Erik :(
18:45.57 ``Erik looks similar, but cruder
19:11.41 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
19:14.32 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33941 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/text.tcl: This fixes bug 2555653. I found only one key combo that produces the bad behavior (i.e. <Control-Key-slash>).
19:19.44 *** join/#brlcad BigATo1 (
19:43.34 starseeker tries the rtarea patch and blinks at the huge numbers it's spitting back
20:33.45 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:38.16 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
20:42.37 ``Erik ack, lisp pinkie
21:29.14 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:32.54 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
21:34.47 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
21:42.41 Ralith hehe
22:30.03 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:31.31 brlcad starseeker: gave richard rtarea to work on yesterday, might just let him fool with it for a few weeks
23:02.25 ``Erik to what end?
23:06.15 brlcad get cpa working
23:06.24 brlcad and verified
23:06.26 brlcad and optional
23:06.54 brlcad should be a nice bite-sized project to work on
23:07.02 ``Erik erm, cpa? (brainfart moment?)
23:07.10 brlcad center of presented area
23:07.15 ``Erik ah
23:07.53 brlcad then work on options to ignore subobjects or do automatic smoothing to give a biased area
23:07.54 ``Erik needs to trick [] into sending () :/ suffering lithp pinky
23:08.26 ``Erik for some reason, I was thinking rtedge heh :)
23:24.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33942 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/geometree/GeometryBrowser.tcl: All roads now lead to the same result as far as the -u option to tops is concerned.
23:25.41 brlcad -u made it not show _GLOBAL iirc

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