IRC log for #brlcad on 20090313

00:53.53 *** join/#brlcad cad00 (
00:56.00 ``Erik huh, weird, hulu changed their buffer display, now it almost looks like cell phone bars
01:38.00 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:42.34 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, awf isn't up to the new man output
01:42.58 starseeker need to make brlman a wrapper around man
01:45.48 starseeker brlcad: the --with-arch arg requirement is from the original configure script in the NIST distribution
01:45.55 starseeker it shouldn't be present any more
01:46.22 starseeker also, the new configure scripts have 3.2.0 as the version
01:50.39 starseeker I would suggest clearing out the src/other/step subdirectory and checking it out clean, if that's possible
02:27.28 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
02:31.45 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
02:35.18 brlcad settles down with the best wings in baltimore
02:35.23 brlcad (thusfar)
02:37.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
03:17.07 starseeker scowls at why are you breaking distcheck?
03:18.18 starseeker scripts a distcheck build to get full logging and sleeps on it
03:19.26 starseeker brlcad: Would a file being checked in originally in src/other/step cause problems with subsequent builds, even if removed from the repository?
03:19.41 starseeker 'cause somehow it's getting the old build system
04:03.18 brlcad starseeker: I don't know, it could be some generated file like aclocal.m4 or acinclude.m4
04:03.44 brlcad could be somehow specific to the checkout it's working with, hard to say without looking at the filesystem
04:17.07 starseeker Uhhhh. distcheck failed for me without involving step afaict: make[3]: *** No rule to make target `unix/config.status', needed by `distdir'. Stop.
04:18.40 starseeker that was at src/other/tcl
04:32.10 *** join/#brlcad ashishrai (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/
04:37.20 ``Erik so either add tcl/unix/config.status to the repo or delete it form the
04:42.56 starseeker but when/why did it change?
05:58.24 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
06:27.56 *** join/#brlcad Don_ (
06:29.28 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
07:15.36 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
07:23.09 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
08:17.08 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
10:00.15 *** join/#brlcad ddreeves (
10:16.25 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
10:28.09 *** join/#brlcad dreeves__ (n=dreeves@
10:47.28 brlcad starseeker: something else is wrong
10:47.45 brlcad there should and needs to be a config.status (and it doesn't belong in the repo, it's generated by configure)
10:49.08 bjorkintosh goodness man, do you sleep?
10:49.13 brlcad don't know why it'd be listed in tcl/tk's EXTRA_DIST, though, that could be the problem
10:51.05 brlcad bjorkintosh: I try not to
10:51.24 bjorkintosh makes sense.
10:51.24 brlcad it's a nasty disease
12:06.06 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:26.02 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
14:15.58 madant WILL test the MathVM today :P
14:19.00 brlcad :)
14:21.02 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
14:49.29 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:10.13 brlcad has the initial application in
16:04.57 dreeves__ I don't know if it is appropriate place for me to ask this but is there a document with a little more detail about the approach if the new gui and how it will tie in to the geometry service or is this currently in the works. If so is it possible to get privy to those discussions/work?
16:25.20 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
16:58.03 brlcad dreeves__: there are some other docs but much of it is very much a work in progress
16:58.30 brlcad the discussions are intentionally supposed to be completely open so you're more than welcome to join in
16:58.59 brlcad some of them happen here on irc, some on the channel, and alas some in person for the few that can
16:59.07 brlcad er, mailing list too
16:59.34 brlcad there are a few docs and details on the wiki, and feel free to ask any questions here or on the devel mailing list
17:13.26 madant :) seems like we are going to have a good number of applications this summer
17:54.38 brlcad any devs present? starseeker?
18:08.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r34026 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcMathVM.cpp pcMathVM.h): adding BranchNode definition and methods to pcMathVM
18:10.48 ``Erik O.o
18:11.45 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:14.06 starseeker here
18:14.14 starseeker what's up?
18:15.03 starseeker scowls at - why are you haulting when step has a config.status file but not haulting when enigma has a config.status file
18:15.44 starseeker oh, I see - it's in the tarball
18:15.46 starseeker hmm
18:16.21 brlcad <-- log in, edit profile, create a link_id
18:16.44 brlcad anyone interested in mentoring gsoc this year if we're accepted needs to do that
18:18.30 starseeker brlcad: you just use brlcad for your link_id?
18:20.01 brlcad yep
18:20.31 starseeker OK, I'm in
18:21.18 starseeker do I need to associate myself with brlcad somehow?
18:21.26 brlcad nope
18:21.34 starseeker k
18:21.36 brlcad just tell me your id
18:21.42 ``Erik erikg
18:21.42 starseeker link_id?
18:23.56 ``Erik heh 'do you know what "irony" is?' 'is it like "stony" or "woody" but a lot better to make swords out of?'
18:24.25 starseeker well, irony CAN cut...
18:25.36 starseeker brlcad: would it be OK to create a wiki page on brlcad with pdf versions of some of the NIST publications on the step libs? so far total size would < 5 megs total for the papers
18:27.02 brlcad starseeker: dont' see why not
18:27.23 starseeker cool - thanks. That way if the site goes byebye we still have the docs too :-)
18:27.56 ``Erik could just shove it in your public_html/ as a "personal page", as well
18:28.25 starseeker oh, sure. But this way anyone wanting to do something with BRL-CAD + STEP will find them
18:28.39 starseeker my personal site is just a grab bag ATM
18:29.13 brlcad there needs to be a page, maybe also a /wiki/STEP/NIST to talk about that portion
18:33.52 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34027 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ Oops, step's should be in the DISTCLEANFILES list.
18:35.50 brlcad anything received during checkout shouldn't be in distcleanfiles...
18:37.00 starseeker oh, really? whoops - I guess enigma must generate it
18:37.35 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34028 10/rtcmp/trunk/ (rt/rt.c rtcmp.h tri.c): remove references to brlcad/machine.h. casting in ntohd/htond to quell warnings.
18:39.43 starseeker hmm, no enigma's is checked in...
18:42.36 dreeves__ brlcad are there any docs other than the 3 uml diagrams ?
18:43.34 dreeves__ I have searched the wiki and didn't locate anything else
18:45.13 brlcad starseeker: enigma lists *configure* in distcleanfiles, not
18:45.18 brlcad you said
18:45.18 starseeker ah
18:45.22 starseeker whooops
18:45.52 brlcad dreeves__: yes there are, but did you have a particular question -- glad to just explain things ;)
18:47.24 starseeker smacks self upside the head
18:47.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34029 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ Add configure to DISTCLEANFILES. Previous commit message was incorrected - added to EXTRA_DIST files, NOT DISTCLEANFILES.
18:48.14 dreeves__ I guess I'm just toying with the idea of maybe getting involved in maybe helping out with that.... Was really look to see if you had mockups of what the new gui might look like with some possible flows...Also was interested in how the gui would interact with the service i.e. the gui knowing which parameters were editable or are you all thinking that would be just built into the gui itself
18:49.38 dreeves__ I could probably go on and on but I thought I would get educated with what the team had done first before I just started hammering everyone with a million questions
18:49.45 brlcad dreeves__: ah, then should definitely also take a look at this:
18:50.01 brlcad
18:50.10 dreeves__ cool
18:50.11 dreeves__ thanks
18:50.26 brlcad the gui link in particular includes an extensive gui interaction mock-up
18:51.33 brlcad it was intentionally made application agnostic and doesn't show CAD interface aspects yet, but the same basic ideas of localized modelessness, universal command access, pervasive drag and drop, context panels, etc
18:54.17 dreeves__ Just so I'm clear this is intended to be an mged replacement correct?
18:59.09 brlcad long term, yes
18:59.34 dreeves__ umm what would it be in the short term?
18:59.50 dreeves__ or are you just saying it would take a while to replace mged?
19:00.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34030 10/rtcmp/trunk/rt/rt.c: comments to help understand interface to librt
19:00.56 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34031 10/rtcmp/trunk/ (adrt/adrt.c updates to handle updated tie interface
19:00.57 brlcad dreeves__: the latter
19:01.03 madant dreeves__ : it would take a while
19:01.06 madant oops :D
19:01.06 dreeves__ ah ok
19:01.46 brlcad dreeves__: so if you're interested, here's the big picture as I see it
19:02.04 dreeves__ ok?
19:02.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r1232 10/wiki/STEP: Need to make a step wiki page - just rough out some categories for now - flesh out later
19:02.48 brlcad mged's great in many ways, *lots* of functionality, powerful interface, it's been doing what it's doing forever but it's incredibly difficult to learn and takes a long time to master
19:03.19 brlcad that said, it really is *filled* with functionality, hundreds of staff-years of effort that would take even a big team many years to replicate
19:03.27 brlcad so we really can't afford to do that
19:03.56 brlcad on top of that, there is a ton of other functionality in brl-cad that many people don't know about or don't know how to use (the other 399 applications)
19:04.30 brlcad basically, our usability needs to improve in a major way
19:04.48 brlcad but not such that we just lose everything that has been invested, therein enters LIBGED
19:05.25 brlcad libged is a refactoring project that has been going on for almost a year now to take most of the best aspects of mged out of mged, and putting that logic into a library so it can be more readily reused
19:05.55 brlcad libged by itself, though, obviously won't make usability any better, for that we need a better gui
19:06.37 brlcad on that front enters a refactoring prototype that was started several years ago -- archer; basically mged's gui rewritten but still using mged's geometry management and command functionality under the hood
19:06.48 brlcad also enter last year's gsoc project to start a completely new gui interface
19:07.38 brlcad what remains is the infrastructure to tie the gui to the backend while also pulling in "the rest" of brl-cad under that same interface
19:08.08 brlcad that is where the geometry service and geometry engine are at, they tie the front to the back
19:09.31 brlcad the intent of the geometry engine is to modularize the geometry management API, provide better type encapsulation and geometry management features similar to other CAD kernels like ACIS or Granite
19:10.21 brlcad the geometry engine basically wraps libbu, libbn, librt, libwdb, and the new libged into a clean API
19:10.31 dreeves__ Yeah I grabbed the latest rt^3 package and got it to compile but seems like all the apps are just outputting timing type of things I'm sure I'm missing something but I didn't see any guis
19:11.40 brlcad dreeves__: the rt^3 module hasn't really been cleaned up and unified yet, so you're sort of seeing a little of the gui work that happened during gsoc, some of the GE work, and a lot of the GS work
19:12.14 brlcad and the three don't yet play with each other much given they're all being developed in parallel
19:12.23 dreeves__ oh ok that's fine I just wanted to see what had been done so far
19:12.30 brlcad (as they really are three independent projects)
19:12.37 dreeves__ ok
19:13.31 dreeves__ I just flipped through some of the gui design I take it that is more of a concept type thing, survey of different style of guis if you will
19:13.37 brlcad so project-wise related to improving the interface, there's BREP support, LIBGED refactoring, GE design, GS implementation, and the GUI itself
19:14.02 brlcad dreeves__: it's not a survey, it's an actual interaction prototype
19:14.28 dreeves__ oh I must doing something wrong I will go back and look at it again
19:14.40 brlcad what's missing is how that would actually look and act with a 3D context, geometry actions, object palettes, etc
19:14.56 brlcad this:
19:15.04 dreeves__ ok
19:15.33 brlcad it is a survey of different *interactions* you might encounter in the gui, just not multiple guis
19:16.33 brlcad the important aspect is how tasks are managed, how contexts are managed, command interaction, how the overall menu works, the clipboard, etc
19:17.09 madant dreeves__: are u already an open source contributor ?
19:17.57 dreeves__ no
19:18.27 brlcad your name is very familiar
19:18.33 dreeves__ why am I stepping on toes and just don't know it
19:18.43 dreeves__ yes I use to work at brl about 20 years ok
19:18.44 dreeves__ ago
19:18.55 brlcad yes, that just clicked with me
19:18.56 brlcad gsi
19:19.01 madant :)
19:19.03 dreeves__ yep
19:20.10 brlcad that's very interesting, for many reasons.. :)
19:20.24 brlcad you still coding these days?
19:20.25 dreeves__ :)
19:20.32 dreeves__ oh yeah very much so
19:20.52 dreeves__ just not open source
19:20.56 brlcad nods
19:21.08 brlcad something you maybe haven't seen:
19:21.20 madant :) 20+ years omg .thats like awesome experience :)
19:21.22 dreeves__ nope
19:21.41 dreeves__ Yeah I loved working on brlcad
19:22.57 madant you must have worked with Mike et al. ? :)
19:23.10 dreeves__ I meet him a few times
19:23.42 brlcad dreeves__: I take it you stay in touch with Harry, maybe some of the other guys still out at apg?
19:24.14 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
19:24.25 dreeves__ I remember having a conversion with him when he was working NMG that was a very interesting discussion
19:24.57 brlcad you'll hear much of the same still going on :)
19:25.13 dreeves__ No Harry and I sort of went our own ways...
19:25.29 dreeves__ I miss Harry will have to get that way to see him soon
19:25.29 brlcad the BREP effort under way is our #1 priority in many ways
19:25.39 brlcad ah, shame
19:26.04 brlcad he's actually one of the few I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting personally yet
19:26.06 dreeves__ Are you nugging me toward that?
19:26.19 dreeves__ Have you an I meet?
19:26.45 brlcad don't think so unless you've been over to see the CAD team
19:27.03 dreeves__ Do you know if Ed, Paul and Keith are still out there?
19:27.06 brlcad (in the last 10 years or so)
19:27.10 dreeves__ no
19:27.24 dreeves__ i haven't unfortunately
19:27.25 brlcad ed is, he's current acting team lead
19:27.38 dreeves__ realllllly....
19:27.40 dreeves__ :)
19:27.50 brlcad paul has been promoted into managerial oblivion, no longer does anything productive
19:28.02 dreeves__ I really liked working with him
19:28.08 brlcad er, you mean deitz or tanenbaum?
19:28.21 brlcad well, same holds for both I suppose :)
19:28.23 dreeves__ deitz
19:28.44 brlcad he's leads one of the directorates
19:29.06 dreeves__ I probably shouldn't refer to him has Paul I suppose I don't mean any disrespect
19:29.21 brlcad nah, he's still paul
19:29.28 brlcad
19:30.09 dreeves__ Yeah I was sure he was but I didn't want anyone on here to get the wrong idea
19:30.16 brlcad keith retired and came back as a contractor, doesn't write code though -- still does some modeling
19:30.50 dreeves__ Yeah that is mostly what he before he is awesome at the modeling though
19:32.28 brlcad dwayne kregel is one of the best brl-cad modelers out there now, he's helped inspire a lot of my ideas for things we need to work on
19:32.47 dreeves__ So funny I went to HS with him
19:32.48 brlcad victor is back and modeling again
19:32.53 dreeves__ aberdeen
19:33.08 brlcad yeah, I think he told me that one
19:33.12 brlcad *once
19:33.22 brlcad big D
19:33.29 brlcad awesome guy
19:33.42 dreeves__ Yes he is a very tall guy
19:33.55 dreeves__ small world though
19:34.28 dreeves__ brlcad what is your email?
19:35.53 dreeves__ BTW I will check out the priorities maybe I will redirect my energy a little
19:36.19 brlcad note that those are open source priorities
19:36.26 brlcad very close to but not exactly the same as ARL priorities
19:37.18 brlcad ARL funds the cad team in more specific ways obviously to work on enhancements
19:38.06 brlcad thinks who else gsiwise is still around
19:38.21 brlcad adam
19:41.42 dreeves__ adam came on after I left
19:42.12 brlcad ah
19:43.40 brlcad there's another guy but I can't remember his name
19:46.12 brlcad probably a few names you recognize:
19:46.37 dreeves__ so does your cad team basically work at what use to be brl?
19:46.53 dreeves__ I thought Lee Butler lead the cad team did he leave?
19:47.05 brlcad he left
19:47.23 dreeves__ Yeah I wend through that list the other night know quite a few people on it
19:48.21 brlcad Lee is still around, but he went to work on his phd for a year then came back to lead the modeling team and just recently moved onto another team
19:48.58 dreeves__ oh ok
19:49.00 brlcad still at the same place, maybe even the same building
19:49.17 dreeves__ I will have to send ed and email
19:49.34 brlcad he knows :)
19:49.40 dreeves__ ok
19:49.44 dreeves__ :)
19:49.50 dreeves__ What does he think?
19:53.59 brlcad he thinks he's ready to retire :)
19:54.23 dreeves__ LOL!! :)
19:55.40 dreeves__ So what's up with the work on Java?
19:56.27 brlcad wonders if dreeves__ notices that he has other messages.. :)
19:56.47 brlcad john anderson started that just playing around a couple years ago
19:56.54 brlcad s/couple/many/
19:57.11 brlcad got a simple ray query working, and it sat for a while
19:57.39 brlcad then another big java project started at arl, and it revived some attention on that project
19:57.44 dreeves__ Just noticed sorry
20:47.13 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:49.13 ysselive dreeves__: btw, more you may not have seen -- screenie of the "Archer" prototype interface I mentioned --
20:49.26 ysselive Archer is the test bed for most of the LIBGED refactoring
20:49.59 ysselive and will likely merge with MGED at some point (replacing mged's gui) as an intermediate step until the other new GUI is ready
20:56.21 MrStayPuft dreeves__: another one of interest:
21:05.18 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
21:06.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34032 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ ( Don't need in this directory while step is acting as a part of brlcad
21:12.40 brlcad gets the munchies
21:17.59 ``Erik wonders if that was staypuft or staypuffed O.o
21:18.10 starseeker brlcad: config.status is in both EXTRA_DIST and DISTCLEANFILES in the tcl - is that intentional?
21:18.57 brlcad it's mr stay puft
21:19.00 brlcad
21:19.16 brlcad starseeker: probably not
21:19.38 ``Erik someone has stayed up too late to catch the lame joke :D
21:19.48 brlcad not that they have much to do with each other .. being a distcleanfile doesn't mean it'll be included in the dist
21:19.56 starseeker right
21:20.06 starseeker the failure on distcheck has something to do with it though
21:20.09 ``Erik $16k for a windows machine, ow
21:20.23 brlcad ``Erik: or I didn't stay up late enough? puffing glue?
21:20.38 brlcad puffing a joint?
21:20.43 ``Erik the latter, yeah
21:20.46 brlcad ah
21:20.49 brlcad then I caught it
21:20.54 brlcad just wasn't funny :)
21:21.07 ``Erik <-- said it was lame, not funny :D
21:21.11 brlcad hehe
21:21.32 ``Erik has mysql and apache22 running on the new machine, btw
21:22.26 starseeker brlcad: Any prior knowledge of the stepmod project on sourceforge?
21:24.17 starseeker Hmm, cool, NIST made some code for controlling a machining center using the STEP-NC spec
21:24.28 brlcad starseeker: yeah, prior guilty knowledge, yes
21:24.33 starseeker heh
21:24.42 starseeker anything useful there?
21:26.57 brlcad probably, but it was heavily biased towards lifecycle aspects of step
21:27.12 brlcad MUCH of step has little/nothing to do with geometry
21:27.41 brlcad hinted at by geometry starting at application protocol two *hundred* and three ..
21:28.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r34033 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/pcMathGrammar.h: Complete description of the Expression Grammar : Stage 1/4
21:28.11 brlcad ~madant++
21:28.59 starseeker hmm - looks like we're not the only ones playing around with NIST SCL:
21:29.02 brlcad starseeker: one interesting piece they do is ap28 though .. that didn't exist until recently
21:29.07 madant huh
21:29.21 starseeker ah, nuts - he's going GPLv3
21:29.25 brlcad (AP28 is STEP-XML)
21:29.30 starseeker ah, cool :-)
21:29.53 brlcad problem there, though, being no CAD software dumps that out that I'm aware of yet
21:30.01 brlcad so not a high priority
21:30.07 starseeker true.
21:30.24 brlcad still have to deal with ap21 files
21:30.27 starseeker ponders using it as a good BRL-CAD archival output format, but that's also low priority...
21:32.21 brlcad looks like it's a new project
21:32.30 brlcad there is no code to it other than scl
21:32.42 brlcad so you could check it out and see what mods he's made
21:33.05 starseeker maybe, but since it's public domain code he's allowed to make his modes GPLv3
21:33.10 brlcad wow, very new .. last commit was just yesterday
21:33.20 brlcad and that was r2
21:33.29 starseeker could ask him, I suppose
21:33.40 brlcad i mean he's done nothing thusfar
21:33.41 brlcad even to scl
21:33.46 starseeker ah, ok
21:34.21 starseeker can't find a license on the stepmod stuff
21:35.27 evilcad there is no stepmod stuff
21:35.43 starseeker
21:35.44 evilcad he's not done anything yet
21:35.49 starseeker aj
21:35.50 starseeker ah
21:35.52 evilcad oh
21:35.58 evilcad crossed the streams
21:36.01 evilcad meant fbics
21:36.08 starseeker and the universe is destroyed! :-)
21:36.25 evilcad i was told it's a very bad thing to do
21:44.56 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:47.11 starseeker grr - bad project, publish licensing restrictions clearly
21:51.38 starseeker Hey ``Erik:
21:52.15 starseeker windows only, unfortunately
22:05.22 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34034 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (tcl/ tk/ config.status doesn't belong in EXTRA_DIST, was breaking make distcheck.
22:21.39 starseeker confound it
22:23.59 starseeker the distcheck tarball is pulling in expparse.c and expscan.c even though they are included in DISTCLEANFILES in the! That's apparently enough to stop bison from running, and since expparse.h is NOT being snarfed in as well the build fails
22:25.38 starseeker brlcad: I'm not familiar yet with the distcheck rules for tarball building are implemented - is there a chance that some stray cp *.c command in there somewhere is pulling in files despite their being on the DISTCLEAN list?
22:42.19 *** join/#brlcad redvsblue (
22:47.05 starseeker is forced to put it on hold
22:52.58 ``Erik nifty, starseeker, but I chose bf as a minimal basis for a case study :D
22:53.18 ``Erik at he moment, I think I'm gonna check out clozure (for some reason, I had it and clojure confused)
23:11.35 evilcad starseeker: again, being in distcleanfiles has nothing to do with being included in the dist -- it's just a list of what to try to remove if someone runs distclean
23:12.23 evilcad those .c files are included because they are either listed as extra_dist and/or because it figured out that they need to be included because they are .l/.y generated
23:18.46 Ralith wonders what evilcad is eviling
23:21.32 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1233 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: New page: = Getting started = Students participating with BRL-CAD in the 2008 GSoC have a '''[[Google_Summer_of_Code/Checklist|checklist]]''' of actions to attend to before getting started on thei...
23:23.32 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1234 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009:
23:28.43 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1236 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: /* Additional Information */
23:28.44 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1235 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: /* Additional Information */
23:33.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1237 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009/Project_Ideas: Redirecting to [[Google Summer of Code/Project Ideas]]
23:43.19 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1238 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: comment out a few to reduce the list
23:45.51 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1239 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: commenting out not working so hot, just remove them and rely on revision history
23:50.08 brlcad Ralith: heh, just evil craziness in another channel :)
23:51.21 Ralith oo, SoC infos
23:51.31 ``Erik uh huh, rrrriiiiiggggghhhhhhtttttt
23:52.30 ``Erik ah HA, that's where I stashed it *whew*
23:52.53 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1240 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: update to 2009
23:52.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1241 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009:

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