IRC log for #brlcad on 20090314

00:01.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1242 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2008/Project_Ideas: add the ideas as they ended for 2008, include a warning notice
00:01.48 brlcad anyone wanna make a poster?
00:01.55 brlcad something like
00:02.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1243 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2008: /* Additional Information */ refer to 2008 specifically
00:02.28 brlcad complete liberty to make it cool
00:09.30 starseeker brlcad: Ah, so anything .l or .y generated is supposed to be included in generated form?
00:09.40 starseeker that puts a different slant on it
00:11.47 brlcad starseeker: possibly
00:12.01 brlcad but actually, I think it's saying that it's a BUILT_SOURCES makes it included
00:12.36 brlcad since you're supposed to be able to build straight from a dist (at least that's one of the schools of thought)
00:13.19 brlcad either way, it's probably some _SOURCES decl that makes it be included
00:15.13 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1244 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: clean up the preamble
00:16.14 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1245 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: /* Getting Started */ smaller image since it's now out of date
00:18.45 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1246 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Acceptance: /* Assign copyright and license under the LGPL */
00:21.39 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1247 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: /* Getting Started */
00:29.18 ``Erik I'll participate in braintorming and critique, but I claim no ability in visual creativity
00:29.37 ``Erik if'n you're talking code or music, ... :D
00:36.08 starseeker brlcad: Except expparse.h is in BUILT_SOURCES, and doesn't seem to get included
00:36.17 starseeker sticks it in EXTRA_DIST and tries again
00:38.26 madant brlcad: which program was used for last flyer ?
00:40.56 brlcad starseeker: ah, hm, maybe put BUILT_SOURCES in EXTRA_DIST
00:41.08 brlcad madant: mm, don't recall
00:41.36 brlcad probably Pages
00:41.57 madant yeah the header says Photoshop :)
00:42.25 brlcad ah, could have been just that too
00:43.11 ``Erik how does it say photoshop? could it be that pages output a semi-photoshopis header to attempt to force compatability?
00:43.40 ``Erik mebbe even as much as spoofing client, like opera can do for web stuff? :D just random blabbering here, hain't looked into it myself
00:44.12 brlcad nah, I vaguely recall throwing it together quickly in PS
00:44.33 ``Erik okie
00:44.42 brlcad doesn't take much to whip together a flyer
00:44.51 ``Erik brlcad, do you happen to recall the prices of the different long term parkings at the airport?
00:45.56 brlcad
00:46.24 ``Erik so that's a no. :) all heil google
00:48.25 ``Erik that's, dude
00:48.39 ``Erik thanks, even
00:49.34 brlcad 10/daily is all i ever remember
00:50.34 ``Erik I think park&ride is about there
00:51.02 ``Erik I think I like the notion of having to present a ticket for them to let you on the lot and stuff more than the automated garage
00:51.07 ``Erik at the loss of overhead protection
00:53.09 brlcad riight, having some dude making minimum wage take a ticket from you makes it more safe than a security patrolled garage with cameras
00:53.53 ``Erik heh
00:54.01 starseeker regrets not having before and after pictures of Sean with his old/new cars
00:54.36 ``Erik minimum wage dudes walking the garages and watching the cameras
00:54.46 ``Erik with no notion of needing a ticket to get to your car
00:54.58 brlcad airport staff
00:55.01 brlcad they're unionized
00:55.17 ``Erik I might do that
00:56.04 ``Erik last time I left it in the park&go thingy, came back with a bmw on one side and an mb on the other, I d'no, mebbe some fucktard in a lumina might park next to me and bang my door up *cough* *duck*
00:56.07 ``Erik I guess I'll wing it :D
00:56.31 ``Erik *shrug* in the end, it's just a car, 60k o not
00:56.41 ``Erik I'll stop being a ginormous varginer now
00:59.13 starseeker brlcad: Any preferencs for visuals on the poster?
00:59.25 brlcad starseeker: nope
00:59.44 starseeker hmm.
01:00.22 brlcad you can see what other orgs have done on the site for previous years
01:00.43 ``Erik wait, no
01:00.47 ``Erik there is a preference
01:00.49 ``Erik we prefer awesome
01:01.08 brlcad
01:01.25 starseeker ``Erik: well, so much for me doing it then :-P
01:01.38 ``Erik iirc, our last had a 3 panel corner with a sphflake in it
01:02.18 ``Erik in fact, is it acceptable to adjust the dates and stuff on the old poster and re-use it?
01:02.31 brlcad should use the 2009 logo/info
01:02.41 ``Erik ah
01:08.20 brlcad bz's last year was awesome, probably the best to date of all orgs
01:11.07 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:12.49 ``Erik punker is dj'ing,
01:38.22 redvsblue :D
02:43.03 yukonbob bzflag poster -is- cool ;)
02:48.58 starseeker has fun with gimp:
02:50.04 brlcad starseeker: nice picture
02:53.27 ``Erik huh, olmos has put on quite a gut
03:07.15 *** join/#brlcad Briggs_ (
03:07.36 Briggs_ I had a quick question about NMG and booleans in BRL CAD....
03:07.50 Briggs_ does NMG support boolean operations between two NMG structures directly?
03:08.02 brlcad yep
03:08.20 Briggs_ brlcad: ahhh great.
03:08.31 brlcad nmg_evaluate_boolean()
03:08.52 Briggs_ so it should be possible to get untesselated version of these NMG structures and translate into another n-gon structure.
03:09.58 brlcad that's exactly what it does
03:10.08 Briggs_ brlcad: thank you so much :)
03:10.29 Briggs_ brlcad: any comments on the robustness of BRL CADS implementation of booleans on NMG structures?
03:10.30 brlcad there's a handful of funcs, nmg_bool(), nmg_do_bool(),
03:12.01 Briggs_ one other question, does NMG have any utility functions for building a NMG from a 'polygon soup'/much more primitive data?
03:12.22 brlcad the lib is pretty robust for 99.9% of models, but there are plenty of numerical issues that can arise
03:12.37 brlcad particularly if you're evaluating degenerate or invalid geometry
03:12.48 *** join/#brlcad joeedh (n=chatzill@
03:13.15 brlcad plus there are tolerance structures that you provide that will heavily affect an evaluation
03:13.49 brlcad (e.g., set a horribly low tolerance and you end up evaluating degenerate cases)
03:14.57 brlcad as for a utility functions to build up from polygon soup .. probably .. but would have to dig around
03:16.06 brlcad looking at the importers (src/conv) would probably be a reasonable starting point or straight to the nmg funcs (in src/librt and src/librt/primitives/nmg)
03:16.33 Briggs_ brlcad: yeah I figured I might just modify an importer that exists.
03:17.02 brlcad if it turns out there isn't something, would be a great addition to make
03:17.04 Briggs_ brlcad: the biggest difference between my representation and NMG is I dont store shell/region info.
03:17.30 Briggs_ so I just worry about being able to derive that succesfully.
03:17.41 brlcad nods
03:18.41 Ralith starseeker: neat!
03:18.44 joeedh how would you pass data back?
03:19.17 Briggs_ convert back from the NMG structure.
03:19.23 Briggs_ thats probably the easiest part actually.
03:19.57 joeedh is confused; he thought people told him earlier this would only work on triangulated datasets
03:20.23 joeedh so I guess I'm wondering if it passes back triangulated data
03:20.27 Briggs_ joeedh: did they say 'triangulated' or 'tesselated'... I think in BRL-CAD world there is a difference.
03:20.44 Briggs_ 'tesselated' dataset == explicit BREP reprenseation of a CSG primitive
03:20.44 joeedh vaguely remembers both, isn't sure though
03:20.51 Briggs_ that doenst mean triangulated nessecarilly
03:20.58 Briggs_ (or at least thats the impression I got from reading the docs)
03:21.30 brlcad yeah, triangulated implies .. triangles
03:21.40 brlcad the nmg lib deals with arbitrary polygons
03:21.55 joeedh right.
03:22.05 brlcad if you only want triangles, you can use nmg
03:22.10 brlcad or you can use bots
03:22.41 Briggs_ nah, we definitely want polygons with interior bounded loops for holes as option
03:22.44 brlcad pretty simple to turn an nmg into triangles
03:23.26 joeedh how does it handle data like uv textures, or vertex colors, attached to the mesh?
03:23.54 Briggs_ suspects thats probably not a concern for NMG... may have to be extended.
03:24.16 brlcad nmg structures are purely geometric
03:24.51 Briggs_ this sounds like great starting point for what I want to use it for though :)
03:27.13 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34035 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/express/ Add BUILT_SOURCES to EXTRA_DIST for step
03:27.24 brlcad the structures could be extended to include user data too
03:29.52 joeedh yeah we'd have to do that.
03:30.10 Briggs_ I remember looking at NMG code, its fairly straightforward.
03:31.22 brlcad so what are you guys working on?
03:31.42 Briggs_ brlcad: we are blender devs, working on the mesh system.
03:31.51 Ralith the current materials system can't handle UV maps?
03:32.08 brlcad aha, cool
03:32.21 Briggs_ brlcad: I wrote a non-manifold brep (not quite as heavy as NMG) and now that we can do n-gons, I really wanted to look at having booleans that dont stink
03:32.22 Ralith Briggs_: oo, neat!
03:32.32 Briggs_ brlcad: joeedh here is working on finishing up the API for the brep/kernel.
03:32.42 Ralith having high quality blender i/o to BRL-CAD would be awesome.
03:33.35 Briggs_ Ralith: :)
03:34.05 Ralith playing with blender was my first foray into computer graphics/modeling
03:34.23 Briggs_ its come a long way!
03:34.31 joeedh yeah it really has
03:34.46 Ralith yup
03:35.42 joeedh btw, does brl-cad have code to triangulate arbritrary complex polygons?
03:35.50 brlcad Briggs_: perhaps interesting to know that comprehensive brep support (including nurbs) is one of our current development priorities
03:36.11 brlcad one of the later tasks for next year include implementing (spline surface) brep on brep CSG evaluation
03:36.19 Briggs_ brlcad: ahhh thats very nice.
03:36.39 brlcad presently working on high performance ray trace evaluation and conversion support (step)
03:36.47 Briggs_ brlcad: I actually originally looked at the NMG source when designing the new blender mesh kernel and I noticed that there were already pointers in the NMG structs to data like that which were not used.
03:37.04 Briggs_ or didn't seem to be used yet.
03:38.01 brlcad joeedh: yes
03:38.14 brlcad check out src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_tri.c and nmg_misc.c
03:38.20 joeedh ooh cool
03:39.21 Briggs_ Ralith: something I thought would be interesting is to use blender as interface to BRL-CAD CSG primitives/trees.
03:39.33 brlcad believe it does a slice n' dice to turn non-convex faces into workable pieces
03:40.04 brlcad Briggs_: you recall which structure in question?
03:40.20 brlcad I just looked and didn't see a user data pointer like we usually have
03:40.31 Ralith Briggs_: that would be very nice; does the blender renderer handle that kind of geometry?
03:40.35 Ralith given librt
03:40.40 joeedh brlcad: this looks a little like trapezoidal decomposition (from a quick look at the code). does your version produce nice tesselations?
03:40.41 Briggs_ brlcad: it was the edge(not edgeuse I think) that had pointer to curve data.
03:40.59 Briggs_ Ralith: no, I would probably have to have it spit out an NMG.
03:41.02 Briggs_ Ralith: and then render that.
03:41.17 Ralith Briggs_: wouldn't that really kill quality on smooth surfaces? :/
03:41.20 Briggs_ Ralith: which isnt quite as 'cool'.
03:41.23 Ralith not nearly.
03:41.24 Briggs_ yeah it would :/
03:41.38 Ralith is that how nurbs are implemented?
03:41.45 Ralith convert to mesh for render?
03:41.49 Briggs_ blenders nurbs are triangulated, yeah
03:42.02 Briggs_ blenders raytracer only understands a bag of triangles.
03:42.14 Ralith too much work to extent it?
03:42.16 brlcad joeedh: not nice according to recent research measures, but certainly good enough for most purposes -- it depends
03:42.34 Ralith I mean
03:42.39 Ralith you could just call librt for raycasting
03:42.42 joeedh <PROTECTED>
03:42.51 Ralith so it might not be too much work
03:42.59 Briggs_ joeedh: you mean scanfill?
03:42.59 joeedh we implemented an ear clipper tesselator, which produces nice tesselations but is kindof slow.
03:43.03 joeedh yeah
03:43.16 Briggs_ joeedh: quality is not an issue for drawing, but for conversion.
03:43.34 Briggs_ well I guess renderer we woudl want nicer quality....
03:43.43 brlcad Briggs_: hm, curve data sounds like spline data, not material informaiton
03:44.39 Ralith Briggs_: I don't know much about raytracer design, let alone blender's implementation, but it seems like librt will do the hard bits for you.
03:44.41 Briggs_ brlcad: sorry, I think we are geting two seperate lines of conversation mixed up :)
03:45.04 Briggs_ Ralith: possibly, it becomes a more difficult problem when you factor in 3d procredural textures/ect I think.
03:45.34 Ralith hm, it might be an interesting study to see if using librt in other cases too would speed the renderer up.
03:45.40 Ralith BRL-CAD is very heavily optimised.
03:46.15 Ralith yeah, I thought there'd be more to it, but I would hope that the renderer was designed to be extensible.
03:46.15 Briggs_ brlcad: when I said that there were some unused pointers I saw in NMG last time I looked I was commenting on the fact that you are not invetigating comprehensive brep support
03:46.25 Briggs_ Ralith: blenders renderer?
03:46.27 Ralith yeah
03:46.33 Briggs_ Ralith: not really :)
03:46.34 Ralith Briggs_: actually, comprehensive brep support is WIP right now.
03:46.36 Ralith oh.
03:46.38 Ralith that's a shame.
03:46.51 Ralith I wonders, does yafray support CSG?
03:46.53 Briggs_ brlcad: are 'now' investigating even... not 'not'.
03:47.27 joeedh Ralith: I don't think so.
03:47.29 Briggs_ Ralith: blenders renderer was originally probably written to work 'just enough' for the productions that they did when it was just an in house tool
03:47.55 Ralith Briggs_: thought that might be the case, but it seems like it's been extended an awful lot since then
03:47.56 joeedh well it's been heavily refactored since then. though some of the ore evil optimizations remain,ger.
03:48.13 joeedh it's still a production tool first though :) so not the best thing in the world
03:48.24 joeedh ore == more
03:49.28 Briggs_ Ralith: yeah, but I think once again these things are just 'bolted on' to serve some immediate need.
03:49.39 brlcad more specifically, comprehensive nurbs/brep support is what's presently a work in progress -- we have an old nurbs implementation from a long time ago but are now working on a completely new implementation using new research (starting from rt06)
03:50.05 Briggs_ brlcad: ahh ok.
03:50.09 Ralith this is why I love the BRL-CAD project; simultaneously ancient and cutting edge.
03:50.23 brlcad as for "brep" support, technically nmgs fit that bill (and the old nurbs implementation uses the nmg structures for the topological structure)
03:51.03 brlcad but they're much more heavily used as a polygonal structure as you've noticed
03:51.07 brlcad (nmgs)
03:53.50 Briggs_ right.
03:58.28 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.4 posted this weekend (20080313) || GSoC 2009 Begins!
04:15.34 Axman6 Release 7.14.4 posted this weekend (20080313) ?
04:15.44 Axman6 that's... a little while ago right?
04:30.26 brlcad heh
04:30.45 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.4 posted this weekend (20090313) || GSoC 2009 Begins!
04:37.10 Axman6 :)
04:38.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34036 10/brlcad/trunk/ ( src/other/
04:38.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: FINALLY - make distcheck passes with src/other/step added in. Need to revisit
04:38.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: the handling of yylineno in express, but otherwise no major known issues. Right
04:38.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: now no test logic is hooked up, and probably isn't needed for BRL-CAD purposes.
04:51.33 ``Erik wow, why didn't I notice that the first time... she's eating sushi the right way
04:51.41 ``Erik bsg... with her fingers O.o
05:01.12 Axman6 what is the right way to eat sushi?
05:09.31 Axman6 pokes ``Erik in the sushi roll
06:02.28 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
06:15.23 *** join/#brlcad Manjunath (
06:50.16 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
06:52.54 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
11:18.14 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1248 10/wiki/GSoC: create a shortcut
11:27.47 brlcad starseeker: hm, you made it harder for yourself trying to mix a white background with a black background but it's certainly a start
11:29.20 brlcad I'd suggest ditching the contrast, maybe just go with the tire taking up a third of a page, then blend the logo into the opposite corner, then use the remaining two corners for the info
11:29.54 brlcad and you don't need to make it speculative -- we'll know on monday
11:30.01 brlcad dates are on the timeline
11:33.26 brlcad logo is here:
12:30.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:12.26 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:32.02 ``Erik hrm
13:34.12 ``Erik _sushi_: I was just cleaning up a directory, saw a file named 'thread.c' and was trying to figure out if it was an experiment to test/break some kernel threading capability, took me a bit to realize it was your bolt generator... that's another reason for proper informative comments (license, author, purpose) at the beginning of a source file :D
13:35.38 ``Erik brlcad: bz doesn't have any single player capability, does it? I'm preparing a travel care package here :)
13:35.58 brlcad it does, it's just not fun
13:36.11 brlcad you can start your own server and play against bots
13:36.25 brlcad good for newbies, but gets old real fast
13:36.29 ``Erik hm
13:36.43 ``Erik I think I'd rather hack code, then
13:36.49 ``Erik sounds like weak bots
13:38.01 ``Erik uhm, I got mysql and apache running, but I haven't tested anything. In all likelyhood, a lot of the php pages will fail due to missing dependancies
13:38.25 brlcad they're actually pretty good bots
13:38.29 ``Erik and for all I know, none of the tables survived transport... a combination of laziness and ethics prevents me from digging in
13:38.34 brlcad especially when they swarm you in numbers
13:38.39 ``Erik good strategically, or technically?
13:38.54 brlcad a little of both
13:38.56 ``Erik I enjoy sloppy but strategic bots, precise immediate bots are no fun
13:39.16 brlcad they lean towards the latter slightly
13:40.07 ``Erik I think starcraft was an excellent example of how to do them... they messed up a lot, but the bot was reasonably forward thinking... definitely not human class, but enough that appropriate strategy and tactics were required to dominate :)
13:40.32 ``Erik quake style aimbot things are just not fun :)
13:40.50 ``Erik will code, instaed
13:40.53 ``Erik instead
13:41.26 ``Erik mebbe look at how libdm can be used for a 'rich' immediate display, for a public adrt client
13:41.39 ``Erik provided the battery holds out :/
13:41.42 brlcad that'd be cool
13:42.17 ``Erik do you know if they got rid of that 'no extra laptop battery on flights' rule?
13:42.51 ``Erik (heh, or how they'd react to bringing an extra laptop to circumvent that fucktarded rule)
13:42.52 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
13:42.53 brlcad I've never stopped carrying two and never had a problem
13:43.18 ``Erik hm, was a link on smacksnot, I might have to buy a second for my macbook, even though I haven't gotten close to dead yet
13:43.54 ``Erik heh, mebbe I'll look into that gimpy mouse behavior, or mebbe I'll just hack lisp code so I can retire :D
13:44.11 ``Erik either way, I won't be randomly jabbering on irc, so something good might happen O:-)
13:57.07 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
14:35.06 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
14:59.16 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
15:13.14 ``Erik I LOVE COMCAST!
15:13.25 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
15:25.17 brlcad starseeker: hmm, better blend of the two images with the tire and moko but still several issues -- text needs a different font, would be nice to showcase tire better/bigger, bullets look cheesy (gov't is already messing with ya, eh?), url should be a one-liner, and the gsoc logo image clashes (maybe make the entire footer that color)
15:28.20 ``Erik heh
15:28.41 ``Erik :( I envy you, the dirty reality of protecting you is fucking brutal
15:28.42 ``Erik :(
15:47.11 brlcad wonders what ``Erik is talking about
15:49.22 brlcad btw, looks like fancast only has some of hulu and other shows
16:05.01 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
17:21.42 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (
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17:45.07 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:12.25 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
18:13.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
19:08.24 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
19:12.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34037 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): more distcheck fixes. few files missing from dist and a few that can die with the old build system gone.
19:31.16 bjorkintosh <PROTECTED>
19:33.44 brlcad bjorkintosh: kind of an open-ended question
19:34.29 brlcad decent content and animation modeler
19:35.19 bjorkintosh have you used it much?
19:36.03 brlcad I've followed and used blender long before it was ever open source
19:36.40 bjorkintosh so how would you compare it's purposes with brl cad's?
19:36.41 brlcad more following than using, and the little use I have had is quickly forgotten
19:36.47 bjorkintosh are they more or less the same?
19:36.55 bjorkintosh ah
19:36.55 brlcad eh
19:36.56 brlcad less
19:37.13 brlcad it's like comparing maya to catia
19:37.25 bjorkintosh makes sense.
19:37.29 brlcad they have so little to do with each other beyond the "it does modeling"
19:37.45 brlcad how they do it and for what purposes and with what fidelity is completely different
19:37.56 brlcad the same holds for brl-cad and blender
19:38.23 brlcad blender would make for a horrible cad system and we make for a horrible content modeler
19:39.04 brlcad and no, you can't really do both -- the domains are massive and separate
20:13.55 Briggs_ nods
20:14.09 Briggs_ blender would stink at cad.
20:15.38 Briggs_ although there are some people who only use a small sub-set of what most CAD systems provide and have been able to get by with doing just a small bit of additional scripting/tools in Blender.
20:21.40 yukonbob hello, cadheads
20:26.56 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
20:55.56 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
21:04.38 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
21:08.18 starseeker invites someone else to attack the poster question - art skills are not his forte
21:08.45 starseeker will keep trying if he must, but the odds aren't promising :-/
21:11.25 starseeker brlcad: <snort> that logo would clash with anything
21:13.00 starseeker contemplates distorting the logo...
21:17.15 brlcad starseeker: it's an improvement over the first, just still with some issues :)
21:17.48 brlcad the logo clashes because it's free-floating and has a hard corner
21:18.03 starseeker ok, working on that - give me a sec
21:18.09 brlcad that top-left has to "disappear"
21:18.43 starseeker uh - the tire?
21:19.00 brlcad either as a fade (which would be incredibly hard to do well) or as a footer or corner or similar ornamentation
21:19.04 madant_ where where :) is the flyer ?
21:19.09 brlcad no, the top-left to the logo
21:19.15 brlcad the tire looks good
21:19.23 brlcad should emphasize it, make it bigger
21:19.32 brlcad madant_: not ready :)
21:20.00 madant_ i meant is the work in progress online ? :)
21:20.49 madant_ does not like power outages
21:22.15 starseeker ah
21:25.33 starseeker brlcad: a fade like this better?
21:25.40 starseeker goes to get food
21:29.44 brlcad yeah, that's much better
21:30.21 brlcad I made a redirect if you want to shorten the url,
21:32.48 brlcad woot, distcheck passes
21:33.38 alex_joni brlcad: started reading the HACKING page (following the GSoC link), and I noticed a minor typo (incouraged vs. encouraged)..
21:34.36 madant_ looks good .. openmoko in the background ?
21:35.24 alex_joni yeah, teh flyer is nice .. the only thing I don't like about it is the GSoC logo, but that's google's fault ;)
21:35.47 madant_ yeah.. even the t-shirt i got was childish :P with flowers :D
22:41.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34038 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: fix an incouraged typo alex_joni noticed as well as a half-dozen others noticed.
22:42.36 brlcad thx alex_joni
23:26.23 bjorkintosh <PROTECTED>
23:56.27 elite01 pervert :(

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