IRC log for #brlcad on 20090320

00:02.36 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
00:11.26 starseeker where was that website with the gear stuff (that I couldn't access yesterday?)
00:36.19 *** join/#brlcad copenhague (
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01:03.28 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
01:10.52 brlcad dreeves: yes
01:11.23 brlcad starseeker: pictures are worth a thousand words and probably ten thousand equations
01:11.28 brlcad (to most people)
01:11.50 starseeker ok, I'll give it my best shot
01:12.14 brlcad doesn't have to be comprehensive, just a few illustrative examples
01:12.25 starseeker nods
01:12.37 brlcad or maybe a table that shows two variables
01:12.56 starseeker what I need to do is provide the tools (intellectual, if not code) to allow people to make use of overall length as a measurement
01:13.14 brlcad e.g.,
01:13.25 brlcad speaks wonders with a simple table
01:13.31 starseeker converting length into something useful for a coil isn't so simple
01:13.56 starseeker ah, yes
01:14.04 starseeker 's situation is a bit different
01:15.45 starseeker I need to teach people how to compute some other input value based on length (unless I just skip that, but since overall length is one of the simplest measurements a modeler can make for a coil I hate to ignore it, too...)
01:15.54 brlcad similarly,
01:16.12 starseeker nods
01:16.21 brlcad of course it's different, the point is that you can pack a lot of data in by picking two useful variables
01:16.21 starseeker I actually do that for most of the coil settings :-)
01:16.44 madant wakes up and realises he has a lot to read :D
01:16.47 starseeker yes, but it's worse than that - there are two different equations that have to be used
01:17.01 starseeker based on certain geometric behaviors
01:17.01 brlcad i'm sure it is
01:17.08 brlcad but in the end, you're making a spring
01:17.12 starseeker sure
01:17.15 brlcad so you show a few tables
01:17.30 brlcad they don't need to know every shape ever possible
01:17.42 starseeker oh, I know
01:18.02 starseeker but using length to calculate parameters is something else again
01:18.13 starseeker can't just show examples
01:18.17 starseeker need to outline method
01:18.28 brlcad e.g. the superellipse table has a dozen other parameters that you could tweak that would make things even more complicated -- they're just not nearly as useful and the extra information really just confuses the core explanation
01:19.58 starseeker nods
01:20.26 starseeker Realistically, I don't HAVE to say a word about overall length - it's not an input parameter
01:20.41 starseeker could just leave it up to the modeller
01:22.19 starseeker was just trying to anticipate difficulties that would come up in real world use
01:41.03 brlcad you could certainly make it an input parameter as that's probably very true :)
01:42.12 brlcad to me a coil's basic properties are it's overall length, radius, wire thickness, and number of windings or density of windings
01:43.05 brlcad if the user has to perform a bunch of calculations to arrive at their desired length, that sounds like something prime for the application to handle for them
01:45.35 brlcad otherwise my basic point regarding the diagrams was that you should just enough to get the gist of what it is and does, not necessarily explain every or even most of the details -- that can be captured in the writeup and (if needed) the equations themselves
01:51.07 starseeker nods
01:53.16 starseeker the problem with length as an input parameter is it makes ONE of several other parameters unnecessary, but not uniquely - e.g. length + pitch + wire diameter will settle helix angle (in most cases, there is actually one corner case with two solutions) but by the same token length + wire diameter + helix angle will settle pitch. I'm still not sure how to automagically use length "correctly" to solve for the right value
01:53.43 starseeker short of a lot of special case programming (yuck)
02:01.37 brlcad you allow the unnecessary parameters and just do a validation check on your arguments
02:02.36 brlcad think of how rt will let you specify an image -- you can specify a square image size, width, height, aspect ratio, cell size, and a few other things .. and specifying any of those often makes any of the others unnecessary
02:02.53 brlcad but it still lets you, and deals with the calcs and validation
02:03.07 brlcad well pseudo validation, last one wins iirc
02:03.36 brlcad yep, last one
02:03.50 brlcad (e.g., rt -s1024 -n512 -w512)
02:32.02 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
02:43.41 starseeker brlcad: ok, so I would put in the equations for each parameter deducable from length, solve whichever ones I could based on inputs, and if one input was "missing" that length is supposed to substitute for that calculation would succeed and would replace the default?
02:44.40 starseeker supposes he might as well, since he needs to add the ability to do left and right handed coiling anyway
02:44.49 brlcad you have a set of parameters you "need" to calculate
02:44.56 brlcad to calculate the coil, that is
02:45.07 starseeker yes
02:45.15 brlcad presumably there is some default if you just run the program?
02:45.20 brlcad (should be)
02:45.22 starseeker yes
02:45.36 brlcad then each arg adjusts the defaults however it makes sense
02:45.45 brlcad sort of like an overlay
02:46.11 brlcad so if given -l 100 .. all those inputs are adjusted however makes sense for -l 100 to work
02:46.27 starseeker there isn't a unique solution to that
02:46.40 brlcad then if followed by some other arg -coil_density 1.0, whatever, even something that conflicts, it readjusts
02:46.52 brlcad but there is a consistent solution I bet
02:47.03 starseeker consistent?
02:47.07 brlcad 'valid'
02:47.12 starseeker sure, several
02:47.31 brlcad so they've underspecified, but it's enough to work with
02:47.36 brlcad technically the defaults are underspecified
02:48.24 madant_ needs a faster computer :D
02:48.59 starseeker yes, but what is the "preferred" way to adjust? reduce number of coils and tweak wire diameter? change the helix angle?
02:49.16 starseeker I suspect the answer to that is "yes", which is where the problem comes in
02:50.23 starseeker If I underspecify by one input parameter and add length, I expect length to be solved for the missing parameter
02:50.32 starseeker if I underspecify by two, it gets less clear
02:50.56 starseeker underspecifying by one is a fair bit of work (solve the length equations for all variables) but doable
02:51.09 starseeker the second involves "picking something"
02:51.52 starseeker presumably the default would usually be zero helix angle, I guess...
02:52.07 starseeker maybe that could be the "last assumption to go..."
02:55.19 *** join/#brlcad double-yang (n=bravehea@
02:57.24 brlcad 'yes'
03:02.55 brlcad like I said, I'd expect the dominant params be length+coil_diameter+wire_diameter+#coils if I was making one
03:03.20 brlcad but then I don't have a need to make coils repeatedly as a modeling task, that's just my common sean expectation
03:03.53 brlcad pitch to me is just a specialization that replaces #coils
03:04.16 brlcad and pitch+#coils replaces length
03:04.35 starseeker pitch is spacing between coils
03:04.51 brlcad yeah
03:04.55 starseeker well, ok
03:05.07 starseeker stores those to use as defaults...
03:05.39 brlcad internally maybe you turn everything into just #coils and pitch
03:05.54 starseeker no, helix angle is distinct
03:05.59 starseeker as is wire diameter
03:06.30 brlcad i mean per that example if that was your dependency matrix, you find *some* set that you use internally
03:06.37 starseeker oh
03:07.08 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:07.09 brlcad e.g., rt doesn't store -s1024 anywhere
03:07.31 brlcad it just keeps a buffer and a width and height
03:07.36 starseeker oh, sure
03:07.56 starseeker brlcad: I take it you haven't played with the existing coil tool much? :-)
03:08.04 brlcad so it might get a little tricky, but it should be doable given you can make a default coil
03:08.28 brlcad i don't have to play with the tool to know how argument handling should be able to work :)
03:08.33 starseeker heh
03:08.39 *** join/#brlcad andre|away_ (n=chatzill@
03:08.41 brlcad even for outright conflicting args, it doesn't matter
03:09.14 starseeker as a user might prefer a warning if he feeds in conflicting args...
03:09.33 brlcad always a good thing
03:09.41 brlcad could even halt
03:09.51 starseeker nods
03:09.59 brlcad s/could/should/
03:10.22 brlcad just not requisite, not much halts as it is
03:10.44 starseeker sighs - nevermind about proofreading, looks like it will be a while (more functionality to add first)
03:11.32 starseeker starts visualizing how to deal with length issues... hmm...
03:12.07 starseeker ah well, low priority anyway
03:12.21 starseeker brlcad: thanks for the feedback/help :-)
03:12.39 brlcad that's why it's often/usually good to implement the interface/api/args before the implementation so you can think about it from the user's perspective before getting bogged down in what the implemenation needs :)
03:13.02 brlcad otherwise you just end up exposing implementation detail to the user and that makes them go 'wtf'
03:13.16 brlcad dsp anyone.. wtf
03:13.35 starseeker got scared off initially by all the math needed to handle length ;-) Existing parameters are actually based on how springs are "usually" defined
03:13.51 starseeker just happens that length is the easy one to <measure>
03:13.55 starseeker chuckles at dsp
03:14.34 brlcad well, there's usually defined by *spring-makers* and by *consumers* of spring-makers .. which are rarely the same
03:14.57 starseeker nods
03:16.48 starseeker actually, for springs with severe helical angle length can be a bit tricky too, come to think of it...
03:17.57 brlcad kinda what I'm referring to:
03:18.03 brlcad page 4
03:18.24 brlcad that's how I think of springs, how I'd be trying to specify one
03:19.30 dreeves So is the nurbs implementation displaying the wireframe correctly now?
03:19.42 brlcad it should be
03:19.49 brlcad just it won't show trimmed surfaces
03:20.03 brlcad it'll show that outer extent, maybe the trimming curve itself
03:20.14 brlcad (too)
03:20.37 starseeker brlcad: thank you for that link, that's very helpful
03:21.31 brlcad dreeves: it doesn't tessellate the surfaces yet, just the extents, if that's what you mean by correctly
03:21.52 brlcad but otherwise, yeah - I don't know of any actual "problem" with what it shows other than being simple
03:22.02 dreeves yes that is what I was asking
03:22.03 brlcad raytracing is where there are problems
03:22.38 brlcad eek, I gotta catch some z's before practice
03:22.39 dreeves right but I'm just trying to get an idea of what I'm shooting for :)
03:23.00 dreeves practice for what?
03:24.37 brlcad dreeves: if you want to start with a tangible issue on the current code base, you could look at breplicator or one of the other two cubes, take any corner point of the cube and pull it inward to make two of the faces non-planar
03:24.51 brlcad that's a relatively specific bug that will probably lead deep down the rabbit hole
03:24.58 brlcad practice for crew
03:25.01 brlcad rows
03:25.23 starseeker just not gently down a stream ;-)
03:26.32 brlcad mm, yeah.. kinda windy tomorrow and cold
03:26.53 brlcad welp, ta ta
03:26.59 starseeker later - have fun!
03:28.39 double-yang I'm a student who wants to apply GSoC project.
03:29.09 double-yang May I ask someting about that?
03:29.27 madant_ hi double-yang
03:29.34 brlcad starseeker:
03:29.44 madant_ what do you have in mind ?
03:29.47 brlcad yummy,
03:30.25 brlcad welcome double-yang, glad to hear it, gotta run, have fun talking to the other guys ;)
03:30.43 double-yang I'm considering
03:31.23 double-yang @brlcad:Thanks
03:33.37 madant_ double-yang: any specific ideas on what you would liek to work on ?
03:34.36 double-yang @brlcad:I saw you assorted those idears inyo two parts, High Priority and Additional
03:34.38 madant_ s/liek/like
03:35.51 double-yang madant_:Implicit to Explicit boundary representation support
03:37.36 double-yang madant_:I'm interest in this one
03:38.44 double-yang madant_:What do you prefer?
03:39.11 madant_ sorry didn't get you
03:39.54 double-yang
03:40.34 madant_ :) hehe.. oh.. i have been working with brl-cad since last year on parametrics and constraints :)
03:40.56 double-yang Oh,sorry.
03:41.09 madant_ I wrote 1.7 :)
03:41.23 double-yang Great!
03:41.36 madant_ not at all .. so have you thought about how you would go about the project ?
03:43.11 madant_ the existing brep files give a pretty good idea about the work involved
03:43.29 double-yang I'm a student in physics department
03:43.42 madant_ ah kewl. which univ.
03:44.20 double-yang Northwest Univ in China
03:45.41 madant_ hehe nice :) ä½ å¥½é©¬
03:46.41 double-yang ÄãÖÐÎIJ»´í:)
03:47.52 madant_ argh.. something wrong with encoding.. am only getting ÄãÖÐÎIJ»´í:)
03:48.03 madant_ nyways poolio is the brep guy :)
03:50.57 double-yang ÄãÖÐÎIJ»´í means your Chinese is good :)
03:52.55 double-yang madant_:So are you a mentor of the GSoC ?
03:53.40 madant_ double-yang: hehe.. i meant i am only getting some weird roman charaters only instead of the chinese logographs.. must be something to do with my client settings
03:53.50 madant_ double-yang: and nope i am not a mentor :)
03:54.22 madant_ is very much interested in Physics albeit an architect by education :D
03:54.45 double-yang :)
03:55.00 madant_ is still in an earnest approach to finishing the 10 volumes of Landau's course of theoretical physics
03:55.50 madant_ double-yang: have u already built brl-cad ?
03:56.04 madant_ and did u check out the brep code for ell, nmg etc ?
03:56.56 double-yang madant_:No, actually.
03:57.15 double-yang I'm a new guy here
03:58.19 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
03:58.53 double-yang You know that Open Source is not very popular in my nation.
03:59.01 madant_ no problem :) everybody is new at some point ..
03:59.21 madant_ you could check out the subversion repository and tinker around :)
03:59.27 madant_
04:00.41 double-yang Thanks for your link.
04:02.08 madant_ you can also view the code online at
04:03.32 madant_ the primitives are here.. as mentioned in the wiki some of them already have brep
04:05.11 double-yang These will be a great of help!:)
04:08.29 double-yang It's really a exciting experience to chat with all of you.
04:10.18 madant_ double-yang: our pleasure.. do come back and tell us your brl-cad building experience and further adventures
04:10.49 double-yang madant_:Sure.:)
04:12.17 double-yang madant_:It's time for lunch.I have to go.
04:13.21 madant_ bye double-yang
04:13.38 double-yang madant_:Nice to talking to you.Bye.:)
04:36.21 *** join/#brlcad jonored_ (
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06:23.43 *** join/#brlcad anirudh (i=75c77135@gateway/web/ajax/
06:25.20 anirudh hi
06:25.28 anirudh any mentors around here
06:25.39 anirudh for google soc
06:29.20 anirudh hey
06:29.24 anirudh anyone around ?
06:40.52 yukonbob hey, cadheads
06:41.03 yukonbob anirudh: what's your question?
06:42.07 anirudh hey
06:42.15 anirudh i want to propose an idea
06:42.30 anirudh its not on the list, its simple
06:42.53 anirudh CAD manipulations using Multitouch gestures
06:43.14 anirudh can i do a proposal based on something like that :)
06:48.12 anirudh anyone around
06:48.38 yukonbob sounds like you're proposing a new input device and driver and complete suppport in the application...
06:49.19 *** join/#brlcad anirudh (i=75c77135@gateway/web/ajax/
06:49.24 yukonbob ;)
06:49.27 anirudh no
06:49.37 yukonbob go on...
06:49.45 anirudh can you copy paste the last chat u said :P i got dc
06:50.16 yukonbob I was saying that it sounds like you're proposing a new device, driver and BRL-CAD interface...
06:50.43 yukonbob remember that the project ought to be achievable in the timeframe proposed.
06:51.06 anirudh not a device exactly, a lot of people have alredy built their DIY Multitouch tables
06:51.17 anirudh have you seen touchlib ?
06:51.25 anirudh its an open source tracker for touches
06:51.50 yukonbob I've heard of it, not programmed against it...
06:52.17 yukonbob do you have experience programming against touchlib, and have a working device?
06:52.19 anirudh the TUIO protocol it has, i have to send TUIO data on port 3000 and BRLCAD will listen to that data
06:52.22 anirudh yeah
06:52.30 anirudh
06:52.43 anirudh check out the video i've put up of my device :)
06:53.13 anirudh CAD manipulations using multitouch would add a lot of functionality and ease the interaction process
06:53.27 anirudh the way people interact with CAD
06:53.39 anirudh it'll ease the process, i believe ;)
06:54.00 yukonbob I'm imagining easing spinning/flipping a la Jeff Hahn
06:54.14 yukonbob for wireframe static views....
06:54.17 anirudh yeah
06:54.17 anirudh right :)
06:54.30 anirudh that's precise , but it wasnt CAD i believe
06:55.21 yukonbob the vids I've seen were sorting photographs, navigating blobs of "Lava lamp" goo ;)
06:56.18 yukonbob anirudh: do you have a direct link to the video, so I can view via mplayer (/me doesn't have flash-enabled ffox)
06:56.19 anirudh yeah
06:56.20 anirudh thats for the eye candy :P
06:56.20 anirudh I plan drawing based on Gestures
06:57.18 anirudh its uploaded on vimeo
06:57.18 anirudh can you access that ?
06:57.22 anirudh wait
06:58.17 anirudh flv works ?
06:58.22 anirudh
06:58.40 anirudh i got a direct link via keepvid site, it allows direct downloading of videos
06:58.47 anirudh yukon you around ?
06:59.18 yukonbob y
06:59.36 yukonbob I think your paste was truncated...
06:59.54 anirudh didnt it work ?
07:00.26 anirudh
07:00.35 anirudh see it now, i hope it should work !
07:00.36 anirudh :)
07:01.10 anirudh see the DJ app on multitouch, music mixing we did on the touch surface
07:02.48 anirudh now a days making MT pads and tables isnt hard with so much DIY info around... Dell's XT laptop and HP Touchsmart are alredy popular, Apple will be releasing all its screens soon based on Multitouch
07:03.17 yukonbob hrmm... no dice (via curl)
07:03.30 anirudh ??
07:03.39 yukonbob better via ffox...
07:03.41 yukonbob 1 sec
07:03.47 anirudh yep :P
07:11.22 yukonbob nice
07:11.27 yukonbob all your own footage?
07:15.46 *** join/#brlcad sourav (i=d2d43703@gateway/web/ajax/
07:18.30 yukonbob needs to hit hay --- anirudh, I'd post the idea to the wiki, and if you have the cycles, don't hesitate to begin a proof-of-concept or some other demo
07:19.23 yukonbob see:
07:19.41 anirudh yeah
07:19.51 anirudh its me and my classmates on the video :)
07:19.59 yukonbob nice indeed.
07:20.20 anirudh hey, also give me ur google talk id , if u use that
07:20.40 yukonbob don't have one atm...
07:21.23 yukonbob I need to hit hay (work tomorrow), but don't hesitate to talk to me, brlcad (the user here in IRC), or starseeker, or ``Erik
07:22.20 anirudh hehe yea
07:22.31 yukonbob chat later :)
07:22.48 anirudh bbye :) so you got my idea, right ? :)
07:22.50 anirudh thanks
07:22.52 hippieindamakin8 anirudh, u sent that proposal of mt eh ?
07:22.53 anirudh laters man
07:23.00 anirudh yeah
07:23.09 anirudh yep hippie
07:23.24 hippieindamakin8 wait that was ashish kumar rai
07:24.04 anirudh ???
07:24.17 anirudh is confused
07:24.24 anirudh what's up ? are you ashish ?
07:27.23 hippieindamakin8 anirudh, no :) i am hippieindamakin8 :)
07:29.23 *** join/#brlcad double-yang (n=bravehea@
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08:05.12 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
08:56.00 brlcad yawns
09:05.11 madant huh awake already ? i thought u just went to sleep
09:06.13 madant is getting his lappie heating up trying to build minion
09:27.20 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
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11:13.55 madant aah apparently double-yang's real name is Yang Yang :)
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11:59.43 brlcad madant: I had :)
11:59.57 brlcad few hours is plenty
12:00.16 brlcad if I could get away with less and function safely, I would :)
12:06.18 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
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13:52.49 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 0378.183.51.7 07 * r1285 10/wiki/Building_from_SVN: /* Install */
14:00.40 *** join/#brlcad double-yang (n=bravehea@
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14:36.42 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Louipc 07 * r1286 10/wiki/URL_URI_URN_Implimentations: Typos
15:15.31 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34060 10/rt^3/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): added the arb8 object
15:17.51 brlcad neat
15:18.07 brlcad louipc: care to take a stab at fixing that bug :)
15:19.09 louipc brlcad: can you reproduce it or is it just me?
15:19.14 madant brlcad: how was rowing :)
15:25.41 louipc brlcad: you're referring to the ogl reattach bug right?
15:25.48 brlcad louipc: yes
15:25.50 brlcad madant: fantastic
15:25.59 brlcad actually kinda crappy today, but fantastic to be rowing
15:26.15 brlcad was windy, boat couldn't be set well
15:26.26 louipc arr
15:27.00 brlcad matey
15:27.06 louipc I would like to stab the bug, but I think it's beyond my sorry level of understanding
15:27.07 madant learned swimming only recently :D , would love to row sometime
15:27.35 brlcad rowing doesn't generally require swimming unless you're doing something wrong :)
15:27.53 louipc haha
15:27.58 louipc swimming is a good back-up
15:28.38 brlcad the oars float ;)
15:31.37 madant :D hah..
15:32.21 madant i would really not like to be in the middle of a big lake and not know swimming :D even if it is a big boat :P
15:34.04 brlcad there's a "flip test" in crew where they intentionally put you in a single skull boat and make you flip it (with you in it)
15:34.52 brlcad the test is to unstrap yourself from the boat (so you don't drown), get out from under it, flip the boat back over, and then actually get back into the boat (which is way way harder than it sounds)
15:35.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
15:35.31 starseeker wonders why the heck he slep so late and gets his butt in gear...
15:42.04 brlcad hopefully not first gear ;)
15:42.22 brlcad is excited about the bsg finale
15:45.17 madant doesnt like his image of flip test :D
15:46.46 jonored_ brlcad: Sounds like what I was doing the first several times out in a kayak...
15:48.01 jonored_ Well, apart from the intentional part. That was only in the lake.
15:49.18 madant hmm.. kayaking is quite different from rowing ?
15:52.49 brlcad they make you do it in a single simply because it *will eventually happen
15:52.55 brlcad just a matter of time :)
15:53.09 _sushi_ rowing on a gym rowing machine doesn't require swimming :)
15:53.16 jonored_ madant: It is, but the practice is the same idea. Although in a kayak there's the stuff you do after that of learning to just get back up without getting out of the boat.
15:53.37 _sushi_ eskimo?
15:53.39 brlcad there was a great shot at the olympics last year where this pair was *way* ahead of the competition .. and they ended up flipping like 20ft in front of the finish line
15:53.53 brlcad they tried swimming with their boat across the finish line
15:53.59 brlcad didn't quite make it, but was hilarious
15:55.17 jonored_ Hilarious. sushi: Yep. Girlfriend can do it in a small kayak but not a sea one, and I can't yet at all. Going to be able to.
15:55.39 _sushi_ do you need strength for that?
15:55.39 louipc kayaks are awesome
15:55.52 brlcad _sushi_: rowing on an erg is more akin to torture ..
15:56.43 brlcad at least outside you have these amazing sights (water, waves, sunrises/sunsets, etc), sounds of the water and boats, fresh air .. serene
15:57.09 _sushi_ I don't find water waves sounds of water boats and fresh air amazing
15:57.15 _sushi_ But i find sunsets and sunrises amazing
15:57.34 _sushi_ But what's really amazing is the sun in noon
15:57.36 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34061 10/rt^3/trunk/ (10 files in 2 dirs): IsValid method is now required for all Objects
15:58.25 brlcad in the best times of the year (end of spring, beginning of fall), I usually get to see the sunrise over the water and sunsets almost on a daily basis
15:58.37 brlcad it can be very surreal
15:58.44 _sushi_ I saw a sunset at the sea once
15:58.49 _sushi_ Nothing really special
15:58.58 _sushi_ I find sunsets in Prague more beautiful
15:59.06 brlcad not really the same thing at sea
15:59.40 _sushi_ Those are sights everyone knows
15:59.54 _sushi_ But interesting is for example a red beam of light going through fog in the night
15:59.59 _sushi_ You can see how the fog is moving inside
16:00.59 brlcad exactly what I'm trying to say, it's NOT something you normally see anywhere unless you live at a marina
16:01.24 _sushi_ why does a marina sunset special?
16:01.34 brlcad the fog rushes out as the sunrise begins, the hour preceeding is tiny white and red lights of your boat and other small craft
16:01.55 _sushi_ what is tiny white?
16:02.02 brlcad very quiet, water can be almost glasslike
16:02.38 _sushi_ oh that sounds sureeal
16:02.44 brlcad boats have lights just like cars
16:02.52 brlcad well, not just like them
16:02.54 brlcad but similar
16:03.19 _sushi_ don't boats make waves?
16:03.21 brlcad white light in front to let other boats know which way you are facing, red/green in rear (to let you know which side you are on)
16:03.32 _sushi_ How can it be glasslike when there are boats running around?
16:03.38 _sushi_ Or do they shine even when they are parked?
16:04.03 brlcad crew boats barely disturb the water, they sort of slice through it
16:04.16 _sushi_ what's a crew boat?
16:04.32 brlcad if you have a good crew, you literally only see small concentric puddles where the oars went in and a small V behind the boat
16:04.58 _sushi_ and if you have a bad crew?
16:06.41 brlcad
16:07.10 brlcad then the water is just distrubed a little more, not quite as precise
16:07.17 _sushi_ how much watt do you generate when rowing?
16:07.38 _sushi_ I mean net mechanical output on the body->boat interface
16:08.07 brlcad yeah, I know what you mean -- I forget the actual numbers
16:08.45 brlcad rowing is actually rated as one of the highest VO2 maxing sports out there as it activates almost every muscle in the body
16:09.17 _sushi_ I think about 5 sports are now rated as the higest VO2max
16:09.24 _sushi_ swimming cycling etc.
16:09.29 _sushi_ depends on who you are talking to
16:09.45 _sushi_ I am sure you ask a programmer he will tell you programming is the highest VO2 maxing sport out there
16:10.05 brlcad don't have the reference, but like the top 10 VO2-max tested athletes is something like half rowers and half cylists
16:10.19 _sushi_ Does it also activate the ear drum tension muscle?
16:10.26 brlcad heh
16:10.27 _sushi_ yeah lance armstrong
16:10.39 _sushi_ his body is directly oxidizing steroidz
16:11.10 _sushi_ lance always wins because the other cyclists puncture on the hypodermic needles he leaves behind
16:11.48 brlcad has a little tidbit about the max capacity of rowers in the third paragraph
16:12.51 _sushi_ <PROTECTED>
16:12.57 _sushi_ I am sure I must be the other group
16:14.13 _sushi_ Siberian dogs running in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race sled race have VO2 values as high as 240 ml/kg/min.
16:14.20 _sushi_ I think we need some genetic conditioning
16:14.54 brlcad mine has more than doubled in the past when I've gone from static (being a lazy punk) to training mode (2x per day, 6 days per week)
16:15.12 _sushi_ how old were you when you did it?
16:15.13 brlcad took more than a season
16:15.38 brlcad mid-20's
16:15.48 _sushi_ I started to go to work on bike
16:15.56 _sushi_ I threw out my municipal transport prepaid
16:16.03 _sushi_ I don't know if this increases my VO2max
16:16.08 _sushi_ but I stopped feeling like zombie
16:16.13 _sushi_ and I need less hours of sleep
16:16.16 _sushi_ and my face looks better
16:16.30 _sushi_ I go comfortable pace
16:16.37 _sushi_ As fast as comfortable
16:16.47 brlcad resting heart rate is often correlated -- did your HR decrease?
16:16.55 brlcad if it did, VO2 almost certainly incrased
16:16.56 _sushi_ I don't know
16:17.41 _sushi_ I am too lazy to measure
16:17.42 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
16:19.47 _sushi_ brlcad: can a comfotable physicalactivityincreaqse VO2max?
16:20.54 madant increase in VO2max by comfort ..don't think so :)
16:21.06 _sushi_ torture is necessary?
16:21.36 madant haha.. well not torture per se.. i hear high intensity interval training is pretty effective
16:21.52 _sushi_ what is that?
16:22.11 madant weirdly remember the quote "Pain is inevitable, Suffering is Optional"
16:23.10 madant well interval training is when you do say 20 seconds of strenuous work followed by 10 seconds of recovery.. or some similar interval.. :)
16:23.20 madant
16:23.20 brlcad _sushi_: yeah, I don't think you can without increasing your anaerobic threshold
16:23.25 _sushi_ like strenuous dishwashing?
16:23.28 brlcad (which is akin to torture)
16:23.54 brlcad loves interval training when at the gym
16:23.55 madant _sushi_: can imagine dishwashing being pretty strenuous :D
16:24.02 _sushi_ brlcad: I don't understand do you think comfotable bike ride increases my Vo2 max?
16:24.14 brlcad don't like interval when out on the road though for some reason
16:24.21 brlcad _sushi_: no, I don't
16:24.31 brlcad I think it maintains your max
16:24.38 brlcad plenty of other benefits, of course
16:24.47 brlcad just not your max oxygen capacity
16:24.49 _sushi_ can you die from having low VO2max?
16:24.53 brlcad at least not after a couple weeks
16:24.53 madant I don't like going to the gym :) more of a bodyweight exercise person :D
16:25.15 brlcad _sushi_: heh, of suffocation, sure :)
16:25.24 madant haha :D
16:25.24 brlcad VO2max == 0.0L/min
16:25.28 _sushi_ lol
16:25.45 _sushi_ that must be my figure
16:25.46 _sushi_ or negative
16:26.07 brlcad it's exceptionally low, though .. try breathing through a coffee stirring straw .. see how long you can keep it up
16:26.19 brlcad generally not enough for most people
16:27.06 brlcad you can adjust to crazy low values, though
16:27.09 _sushi_ I once run 12km in 55 minutes
16:27.12 _sushi_ and it was comfortable
16:27.17 brlcad folks living in high-altitudes do it all the time
16:27.26 _sushi_ if I leave out stress on the knees
16:27.33 _sushi_ So it doesn't increase my VO2max>?
16:28.45 brlcad no, that just increases your cardiovascular efficiency, aerobic capacity
16:28.52 _sushi_ omg
16:28.56 brlcad to increase your max, you have to press your anaerobic capacity
16:29.02 _sushi_ aha
16:29.17 _sushi_ like in gym?
16:29.18 brlcad (while sustaining/increasing aerobic)
16:29.25 brlcad heh, doesn't matter where
16:29.36 _sushi_ weight lifting is anaerobic
16:29.43 brlcad yes, usually is
16:29.50 _sushi_ does it increase VO2max?
16:29.53 brlcad you can actually do aerobic weight lifting
16:29.56 brlcad it just looks silly
16:30.27 _sushi_ fortunatelly gay guys on dates don't test VO2max
16:30.31 _sushi_ they just test muscle mass
16:30.33 brlcad it rarely does afaik simply because you end up taking so many breaks -- you don't sustain/increase your aerobic, it decreases if you only lift
16:30.38 _sushi_ and training for that is comfortable for me :)
16:31.00 brlcad if you did circuit training though, you probably could increase it
16:31.10 _sushi_ circuit training?
16:31.15 _sushi_ I do circuit design
16:31.42 brlcad heh, not the same thing
16:31.48 _sushi_ what is it?
16:31.56 brlcad
16:32.47 brlcad basically sort of like weight lifting with NO breaks
16:33.15 madant longs to go beyond the 6 minute mile
16:33.18 brlcad you have to lift less weight because eventually you'll be out of breath as your muscles are activated
16:33.32 brlcad madant: 6min? that's pretty damn good
16:33.43 madant er.. 6:12 :D
16:33.51 _sushi_ can do it on a bicycle
16:33.52 brlcad for casual gym go-er at least
16:33.58 brlcad heh
16:34.05 _sushi_ I am always amused when I realize
16:34.10 madant but after that mile i am pretty bust :D
16:34.27 _sushi_ when I cough up blood it's just a barely average untrained person performance
16:34.47 _sushi_ Maybe something is wrong with my body
16:35.04 _sushi_ some chemical is missing in some chain?
16:35.14 madant you cough up blood ?
16:35.29 _sushi_ I don't mean it literally
16:35.37 madant ah thought so :D
16:36.04 madant has a bad sense of humor
16:36.07 brlcad my best mile was somewhere around 4:50 iirc
16:36.20 madant brlcad: awesome :)
16:36.25 brlcad but that was back in HS/college, no fucking way now :)
16:36.37 brlcad my knees would explode
16:36.42 louipc hmm! mged -c doesn't even offer ogl as an attach option in my latest build
16:36.58 brlcad louipc: yeah, current trunk defaults ogl off for now
16:37.07 brlcad because of a couple bugs.. :)
16:37.15 _sushi_ brlcad: that was with rocket engine in the ass?
16:37.17 madant brlcad: for me still pretty much VO2max is the issue.. legs are ok ;)
16:37.35 madant hahah :D
16:38.12 _sushi_ Rule #1: if the spoon doesn't stand in your protein shake, you'll not build up any muscles
16:38.30 _sushi_ I thought I'll die when we had running on the high school
16:38.40 _sushi_ I guess for me even youth didn't help
16:39.03 _sushi_ I just decided to triple the amount of protein in my shakes
16:39.09 madant _sushi_: :) i have never had protein shakes :D and i don't have big muscles either :D but they are growing.. just takes longer i guess .. and size strength correlation is very fuzzy :)
16:39.12 louipc brlcad: ahh
16:39.18 _sushi_ Maybe I'll be able to put on some nanograms of muscle mass
16:39.25 madant not to mention size-strength-endurance :D
16:39.44 _sushi_ madant: in me, protein shakes grow probably only fat
16:40.02 _sushi_ I can select if I want to be bones-skin or bones-fat-skin
16:40.09 madant is a dumbo on the nutrition front
16:40.22 _sushi_ If the cycle that synthesizes muscle were implemented in me, it would help
16:41.19 _sushi_ my doctor said I have "slim heart" and that I am "generally asthenic"
16:41.30 _sushi_ I guess it's just a medical word for "your DNA is crap"
16:41.37 madant :D
16:42.05 _sushi_ or "half of the protein codes that make a functioning male from you are overwritten by a random garbage"
16:45.35 _sushi_ Is there a way how to monitor your total muscle mass?
16:46.55 louipc dip yourself in chocolate
16:49.52 _sushi_ and slurp it all up?
16:50.37 louipc you would have to know the mass of your fat/bone/skin/organs and subtract it from your total mass. hmm
17:48.26 *** join/#brlcad cad39 (
17:57.03 brlcad woo hoo, subversion 1.6 is out
18:01.31 starseeker awesome
18:01.39 starseeker checks subversion new features list
18:03.01 starseeker hmm... tree conflicts
18:04.19 starseeker wonders how they will factor in with stable merges...
18:04.51 *** join/#brlcad jonored_ (
18:05.06 brlcad interactive conflict resolution
18:05.06 starseeker yay - improved interactive conflict resolution at command line
18:06.21 starseeker sqlite is now required
18:13.40 starseeker is reminded of other potential uses for sqlite and looks up its docs...
18:14.58 brlcad tis very simple to use, pretty tiny lib
19:27.36 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
19:37.15 brlcad hello BigAToo
20:23.17 *** join/#brlcad mota__ (n=mota@
20:23.28 *** part/#brlcad mota__ (n=mota@
20:24.50 *** join/#brlcad anirudhsharma (n=mota@
20:25.02 anirudhsharma hi any mentors around here
20:25.13 anirudhsharma hippie you there ?
20:27.21 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
20:28.35 anirudhsharma hi starseeker
20:28.38 anirudhsharma are you there
20:28.48 anirudhsharma need to discuss my thing with you
20:28.52 anirudhsharma google soc idea
20:34.56 hippieindamakin8 anirudhsharma, yeah
20:35.29 anirudhsharma what's your name dude ?
20:35.30 starseeker anirudhsharma: what's up?
20:35.37 anirudhsharma pretty good , yeah
20:36.33 anirudhsharma hey dude
20:36.41 anirudhsharma when do the mentors come online
20:36.48 anirudhsharma need to discuss my idea with them
20:37.06 anirudhsharma since my exams are going on , i can't really :) hehe
20:48.30 brlcad tries to go into more detail for daniel
20:50.01 brlcad ~anirudhsharma--
20:50.02 brlcad that'd be interesting, use a karma point system while evaluating applicants
21:36.37 *** join/#brlcad dreeves_ (n=dreeves@
22:02.08 Ralith people always work out how to abuse quantitative systems
22:26.05 *** join/#brlcad jonored (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)
22:57.56 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
23:18.06 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
23:19.26 andrecastelo good evening everyone :)
23:21.50 madant andrecatstelo: howdy.. just woke up 4: 45 am here :D
23:24.02 andrecastelo madant: hehe, good evening from gmt - 3 :D
23:27.36 madant :D what are u upto these days ;)
23:38.54 andrecastelo madant: finishing some class projects due to next week ;)
23:39.11 andrecastelo i'm trying to move 'open source development' up in the priority list
23:39.13 andrecastelo :D
23:45.57 *** join/#brlcad redvsblue (

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