IRC log for #brlcad on 20090331

00:02.02 mafm lol :)
00:02.04 mafm hi andrecastelo
00:02.24 mafm in my case, it's because many ppl take advantage at distance learning just for fun
00:02.48 mafm or, in the case of businessman or polititians, to get a degree as lawyers or so
00:03.23 mafm so half of ppl is more or less young ppl as in other unis, specially for engineerings as me
00:03.35 mafm but other ppl are of old age
00:04.07 mafm there are even programs for inmates in prisons, and ppl working abroad in different places of Europe and America
00:04.12 mafm it's funny :)
00:09.10 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:12.13 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
00:13.50 andrecastelo hi brlcad, mafm :D
00:15.13 mafm andrecastelo: applying for gsoc?
00:28.40 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1318 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Checklist: expand the checklist into four main sections, one during the application period, then before coding begins, and then while coding, then after it's all done
00:30.02 Ralith yay!
00:32.55 andrecastelo mafm: nope :(
00:33.00 andrecastelo mafm: you?
00:33.28 madant took 23:30 :|
00:34.48 mafm andrecastelo: not sure yet, and not sure if as mentor or student... still checking project ideas and so on, and thinking about my future
00:34.52 mafm andrecastelo: why not?
00:35.19 madant howdy castelo ;)
00:35.21 mafm madant: you need to drink more tea :P
00:35.34 madant is a coffee person
00:35.46 madant where is pacman87 :) that would make it a perfect reunion :)
00:35.59 pacman87 right here :D
00:36.12 madant andrecastelo: thinking about future is never easy i guess
00:36.18 mafm madant: heretic!
00:36.23 madant pacman87: yay :P
00:36.30 mafm I love coffee too, too much :(
00:36.50 madant why the sad face . coffee is life :)
00:36.56 madant pacman87: how is school .
00:37.22 andrecastelo madant: true, perfect reunion :)
00:38.14 brlcad hehe
00:38.14 madant and did something happen in the direction of the clustering discussion
00:38.14 pacman87 madant: busy. i'm working on making tetris with a 6811, and writing a darknet F2F client
00:38.14 mafm madant: because I can't drink as much as I would like
00:38.42 pacman87 madant: i think the clustering discussion was more an idea-gathering than a decide-something
00:39.00 yukonbob hello, cadheads
00:39.50 madant pacman87: 6811 sounds kewl.. :)
00:40.32 pacman87 512 B ram, 512 B rom
00:40.53 madant haha .. and a lot of tinkering around ;)
00:40.53 pacman87 we're interfacing external eeprom using the address/data bus
00:41.10 madant ah it is like a project or a competition ?
00:41.16 pacman87 a bit of both
00:41.22 pacman87 it's for class
00:41.26 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
00:41.30 pacman87 and there's a competition at the end
00:41.31 madant whats the F2F client for
00:41.40 pacman87 concurrent and distributed systems programming
00:41.53 pacman87 it's a 'chose your own project'
00:41.56 brlcad the 6811 is actually faster than the first hardware that ran brl-cad .. memory not far off too
00:42.15 brlcad it was just bigger than a refrigerator back then
00:42.19 madant brlcad: what was that monster :D
00:42.27 ``Erik hrm, pdp11/70?
00:43.26 pacman87 i want to find a graphics LCD panel that i can interface directly to the display RAM from the address/data bus
00:43.34 pacman87 memory-mapped IO style
00:43.43 pacman87 but i haven't found any drivers that do that yet
00:44.38 ``Erik there'll still have to be some kinda controller in the mix to translate, pacman :/ lcd's and memory work a bit differently
00:45.12 ``Erik probably be easier to just glue i2c components together or somethin'
00:45.22 madant has always wondered whether higher polyomino games would be nice
00:45.58 pacman87 ``Erik: yeah, i know; i'm looking for a controller that will let me talk to the display ram, and the controller syncs the display ram with the LCD panel
00:45.59 ``Erik (6811 or 6812? I thought motorola discontinued 6811's in favor of 6812's a long time ago, a 6812 can run 6811 code 'and then some')
00:46.38 ``Erik <-- did some assembly and low level C on both those chips back in college :) fun stuff
00:46.47 pacman87 6811. we use the 6812 for most of the stuff we do, but the point of this is to do external memory
00:47.29 ``Erik hm, I thought you could get 6812's with no internal memory
00:48.04 ``Erik has been tempted to figure out how to get his pics talking to old simm ram
00:48.07 pacman87 it's also possible that UT has some big stock of 6811s from before they stopped making them
00:48.39 pacman87 and our 6812s are on dev boards with serial monitors to program them
00:51.30 ``Erik of course, I've also been tempted to buy a 68040 and build an old school unix box out of it, I seem to get tempted an awful lot and act an awful little ;)
00:53.44 *** join/#brlcad Lezard (
01:02.11 mafm night, folks :)
01:03.30 Lezard well i`m interested in one of the project ideas, could you guys give me more information in the MGED User Interface Improvements project?
01:04.44 brlcad Lezard: thanks, that helps :)
01:05.03 brlcad so our main modeler right now is called MGED
01:05.42 brlcad it's actually probably best explained by just running it -- it's not easy to learn, not easy interface to discvoer
01:06.14 brlcad basically, if you look at the screenshots on under the screenshots section, you'll see various pictures of it running
01:06.37 brlcad meant here
01:07.15 Lezard looking at the screenshots
01:07.37 Lezard well... i really agree that you need a more friendly interface, at least from what i see with the screenshots
01:09.27 brlcad the interface is being overhauled completely
01:09.39 brlcad that has been in the works for a while and was a gsoc project last year
01:09.47 Lezard hmm
01:09.51 brlcad but in the meantime, mged can and should still be made easier to use
01:09.51 Lezard did anyone apply?
01:10.14 brlcad just one person has applied to continue that project again this year thusfar
01:10.31 Ralith waves
01:10.37 Lezard hello Ralith o/
01:10.41 Ralith hullo
01:11.04 Lezard My main problem is that i`m not a Tcl/Tk expert...
01:11.19 Ralith I'm sure it's not hard to learn
01:11.29 Lezard I`m a researcher in my university in the HCI lab
01:11.32 brlcad Lezard: mged is about 1/3rd tcl/tk and about 2/3rds C
01:11.55 Lezard so i got kinda interested in the project, after all i could test my skills
01:11.56 brlcad so much of what can be done to make it easier to use can be done on the C side
01:12.09 *** join/#brlcad objorn (n=safar@unaffiliated/objorn)
01:12.22 brlcad like better introspection, help system, cleaned up command layer, etc
01:12.42 brlcad the gui aspects are tcl/tk though -- the new system is where that changes it up to C/C++
01:13.09 Lezard well i`m more interested in the gui aspects
01:13.20 brlcad having someone with HCI experience take a hack at mged would be phenomenal -- you'd have a pretty big opportunity to make a big impact
01:13.45 brlcad there are something on the order of 200k downloads a year, about 20k a month that would benefit from better usability ;)
01:14.06 Ralith I'd also love to have your input on my work on the new system, if I get accepted
01:14.40 brlcad yeah, there's the guy that has that application in for continuing last year's work thusfar ;)
01:15.17 Lezard so you think that even if my Tcl/Tk skills aren`t very advanced, i should apply ?
01:15.23 objorn where are the 32bit builds?
01:15.26 brlcad starseeker: you know any word about whether weiss is working on fixing it?
01:15.38 brlcad objorn: for binary builds, you have to go back a few releases
01:15.41 objorn i only see 64bit
01:15.45 objorn okay
01:15.45 Ralith Lezard: certainly; GSoC's all about learning.
01:16.05 brlcad generally recommend just building the latest from source regardless if you can
01:16.06 Ralith Lezard: of course, you might want to look over some docs on it beforehand so you have some idea what you're getting into
01:16.28 brlcad Lezard: what languages would you say you know pretty well?
01:16.59 brlcad tcl/tk is a frustrating blessing .. sometimes great to work with and sometimes makes you go looking for a shotgun
01:17.13 Lezard well, i`m confident in my php and pascal, my C is about average
01:17.26 Lezard as my python
01:17.36 brlcad tcl's not "too" dissimilar from php
01:18.12 madant Lezard: php and pascal , interesting combination
01:18.18 brlcad the syntax is definitely different, check out
01:18.43 madant Lezard: what do / did u do in pascal ?
01:21.15 *** join/#brlcad typ0 (
01:22.30 Lezard madant: Well, last thing i did in pascal was a program to manage a store
01:22.31 brlcad typ0: so the iges converter.. have you worked with iges before?
01:22.44 Lezard nothing too complicated i guess...
01:22.58 brlcad typ0: has a link to the spec iirc
01:23.04 typ0 thanks
01:23.08 typ0 didn't work with it before
01:23.28 typ0 but i can use the student bonding period to study the current converter source code
01:23.34 madant Lezard: hehe.. not at all. I was just asking since pascal is a relatively uncommon language skill ;)
01:23.34 typ0 and familiarize myself with the format
01:23.42 Lezard sorry if i took a long time to answer, i`m doing the laundry
01:23.52 Lezard well, yeah, i learned it in my last university...
01:24.24 Lezard used it for some programs in class, and to code that managing program to a friend
01:24.47 brlcad madant: actually I think it's pretty common (for some of us older folk) .. just not one many will admit to knowing/using ;)
01:24.56 brlcad often an "intro to programming" language ;)
01:25.12 Lezard Agreed
01:25.27 Lezard I know other languages as well, but it has been sometime since i code...
01:25.28 madant brlcad: :) yeah i remember a friend of mine having to deal with pascal for some algorithms which were written a decade ago :)
01:25.37 madant er .. make it two decades ago :)
01:26.03 Lezard But i know that at least my algorithms logic is still fine... at least was last year in the Coding Arena...
01:26.06 madant I hear it is pretty good for mathematical stuff /
01:26.08 madant ?
01:26.08 Lezard were
01:28.12 *** join/#brlcad deeeffache (
01:28.17 madant had an introduction to computers in LOGO
01:29.05 Lezard Man, i should be sleeping
01:29.13 Lezard its going to be a long night
01:29.36 madant Lezard: gn, do come back if u need any help regarding brl-cad
01:30.00 Lezard I`m not goint to sleep, i need to finish some stuff for my class tomorrow
01:30.04 brlcad Lezard: a little piece of you dies every time you sleep!
01:30.19 Lezard agreed
01:30.22 madant agrees with this philosophy of brlcad's :P
01:30.23 brlcad thinks that will be one of his new phrases worth repeating ad infitum
01:30.48 brlcad hello deeeffache
01:30.58 deeeffache hola
01:31.28 brlcad g'dammits .. cruise control is stuck again
01:32.50 Ralith madant: what're you applying for, again?
01:33.32 madant Ralith: further work in libpc :)
01:33.55 Ralith oo, that stuff!
01:33.56 Ralith awesome!
01:33.57 Ralith :D
01:34.46 madant i think the gui will be more visually appealing not to mention awesome :)
01:34.53 Ralith is looking forward to having that working
01:35.10 Ralith eh, the GUI's worthless without a powerful backend
01:35.33 Ralith it's just there to hold people's attention long enough to become comfortable with the package
01:35.34 madant Ralith: which univ do u go to ?
01:35.59 Ralith not actually in univ yet; turns out SoC lets you in if you've got an acceptance letter.
01:36.25 ``Erik *readreadread* pascal pascal, or delphi?
01:36.42 Ralith I do look forward to making a shiny and usable GUI, but the GUI is an enabler
01:37.07 Ralith the point of BRL-CAD is, after all, not just to model things.
01:37.16 brlcad visually appealing AND awesome
01:37.22 Ralith hehe
01:37.26 brlcad we could just name the binary "awesome"
01:37.36 Ralith isn't there already a window manager called that?
01:37.42 brlcad ah, yeah, probably ;)
01:37.46 ``Erik teh-awesom3z.7.14.4.tar.bz2
01:38.18 Ralith aw3d. Reads as 'awed'
01:38.29 Lezard brb
01:38.33 Lezard going to cook my dinner
01:38.37 brlcad yeah, actually 'awesome' wm has a lot of the same usability considerations as the new gui
01:38.45 Ralith hehe
01:39.02 brlcad similar HCI backings
01:39.08 Ralith I guess that kind of design is just inherently awesome.
01:43.33 brlcad has the munchies
01:44.03 brlcad debates hitting up the bar down the street for some satisfaction
01:49.03 brlcad non-overlapping windows, everything can be performed with a keyboard, swappable contexts/tabs/tiles, automatic default unobscured layout arrangement, ..
01:49.13 brlcad reminding himself out loud
02:00.24 brlcad starseeker: yeah, saw the start of that :) pretty cool
02:00.34 brlcad starseeker: so was reading your brep notes
02:00.44 brlcad heh, gmta
02:02.44 yukonbob
02:03.02 brlcad howdy yukonbob
02:03.05 yukonbob :)
02:03.26 brlcad yukonbob: er.. you're running autoconf there
02:03.27 yukonbob Noteable for above paste: NetBSD 5_RC3, pkgsrc.
02:03.31 brlcad that won't work
02:03.38 brlcad needs to be the full toolchain
02:03.41 brlcad ./
02:03.45 yukonbob nods
02:03.49 yukonbob will continue from there :)
02:04.07 brlcad more specifically, if you want to do it manually, you're missing aclocal
02:04.26 brlcad there's a comment in some ways down that describes the manual steps
02:04.36 brlcad lists them out
02:04.52 brlcad autoreconf should do the trick too with the right options
02:05.26 yukonbob will poll the tools; thx for the directional hint
02:06.29 brlcad any reason you're not running ?
02:07.01 yukonbob brlcad: is wrapped in old(er) config I had for pkgsrc... need to give it some hints.
02:07.29 brlcad hm?
02:07.49 brlcad ah, you mean you have a pkgsrc target that is set up to run autoconf directly like that?
02:07.55 yukonbob yup :)
02:08.00 brlcad that shouldn't have ever worked...
02:08.03 yukonbob I'll give it more specific hints...
02:08.23 brlcad maybe from a source checkout after aclocal had already ran
02:08.38 brlcad er, s/checkout/tarball/
02:08.50 brlcad but still.. unusual
02:08.52 yukonbob brlcad: good guess...
02:09.41 yukonbob I've certainly had the whole affair successfully wrapped in pkgsrc before, including ripping out all in-tree options like Tcl, ITcl, Tk, various gfx libs, etc., etc.
02:10.07 yukonbob just working on re-implementing with "modern" co
02:10.14 brlcad should be running either "autoreconf -i -f -I m4" or
02:10.14 yukonbob s/co/checkout/
02:10.19 yukonbob nods
02:10.36 yukonbob will retry l8r tonight...
02:10.40 brlcad ideally the latter so we can control it ;)
02:10.52 yukonbob noted
02:10.59 yukonbob gets kicked out of cafe...
02:11.06 brlcad oh noes!
02:11.11 yukonbob :)
02:11.12 brlcad ze coffeee!
02:11.19 yukonbob chat later, brl-nerds
02:11.24 brlcad cya geek
02:16.16 *** join/#brlcad typ0_ (
02:19.20 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
02:48.11 objorn brl-cad is simply 400 applications...
02:49.13 objorn -simply
02:49.17 objorn i did not realize this
02:49.30 objorn now i'm looking at the wiki trying to figure out how to use it
02:51.33 objorn ah, mged
02:51.49 objorn brlcad/bin$ ./mged
02:51.51 objorn ./mged: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
02:52.24 objorn i downloaded the packages and haven't done ./configure, make, or make install
02:52.44 objorn but i also can't find using find . -name
02:53.13 objorn in the brlcad folder
03:04.49 brlcad huh, objorn where'd you get a source tarball from?
03:05.37 objorn i'm guessing it's binary
03:05.48 objorn i got the install instructions confuesed
03:06.33 starseeker brlcad: here's the ascii art in the TODO.BREP taken a bit further:
03:06.38 objorn so putting brlcad/ in /usr will solve the problem?
03:06.54 objorn is highly considering just downloading from source
03:06.56 brlcad yeah
03:07.12 brlcad if this is for gsoc, you should start from a source chekcout
03:07.44 objorn it's for my own interest
03:08.21 objorn i have a feeling i will being needing to use it in about a year so i should become familiar now
03:09.02 brlcad ok, cool
03:34.25 Ralith starseeker: what is that, and why does it make xpdf lock up?
03:43.59 brlcad starseeker: what's missing from that art is the sample determination
03:45.09 brlcad Ralith: something about how it's encoded.. massively eating up cpu here
03:45.29 brlcad it's just a bunch of simple lines, but something wrong with the pdf
03:45.54 Ralith doesn't even eat much CPU here
03:45.56 Ralith just locks
03:47.06 pacman87 it was taking up all of one core for me
03:47.38 pacman87 i gave up and closed it
03:49.36 brlcad re-encodes it
03:50.16 brlcad
03:52.12 brlcad few cases not missing, not that it matters -- the three-case can be considered to cover all possibilities pair-wise if you treat one of them, say C, as being the test sample (just that several options become invalid samples)
03:55.32 brlcad also not clear that the representative shape is accurate -- they end up being distance checks with a tolerance so those should be spheres of uncertainty
03:55.52 brlcad for computational reasons as well as just not inducing an aliasing bias
03:57.25 brlcad it'd be square/rectangular if the comparisons were done per coordinate component individually but they're not (intentionally) as it would introduce an artificial shape factor (and be more book-keeping)
03:57.38 brlcad interesting idea, though, for certain
03:57.47 brlcad and assuming I'm just not missing something
04:02.12 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
04:05.49 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
04:38.34 starseeker brlcad: I doubt you are
04:38.34 starseeker I thought the comparisons would be done per component, but if not then yes it would be spheres
04:38.50 brlcad yeah, nah -- they are point-point distances
04:39.15 starseeker it doesn't actually matter too much - I just need to re-draw the cases with spheres
04:39.22 starseeker might eliminate a few, not sure
04:39.35 brlcad doing it per component is smaller, but a biased shape
04:39.53 brlcad don't redraw, it gets the point across
04:40.02 brlcad no pun intended
04:40.05 starseeker heh
04:40.13 starseeker scolds inkscape for doing such a sucky pdf
04:40.28 brlcad looks like they use cairo
04:40.34 starseeker yeah
04:40.34 brlcad so might be cairos fault for the crap
04:40.46 brlcad either way, something really wrong with it :)
04:40.55 starseeker I wondered why it rendered so slow
04:42.03 starseeker heh - spheres would actually mean circles, and that would (probably) make it proper Venn diagrams after all :-)
04:42.20 brlcad so the trick with the tests are all mostly just a matter of accumulated error tracking with a given comparison tolerance
04:43.17 starseeker well, unless we need to decide which points with overlapping error bounds to regard as the same - that's where it gets iffy
04:43.42 brlcad another way to think of why boxes would be an issue is the effect it would cause on a point-collapse operation
04:43.59 brlcad the direction of approach between two points would actually affect their collapse
04:44.07 brlcad you want it direction invariant
04:44.15 starseeker true.
04:44.36 starseeker I was assuming we were constrained by the realities of xyz 3d point storage
04:45.07 brlcad nah, because we do actual distance calcs between the points
04:45.19 starseeker what did you have in mind for a collapsing algorithm?
04:45.31 starseeker nearest point with overlapping error bounds?
04:45.31 brlcad DIST_PT_PT() in vmath, for example
04:46.00 brlcad well naive first implementation, yes, but that's a very dumb clustering technique that will have problems
04:46.06 starseeker agreed
04:46.21 starseeker my second pass was largest shared error bound volume
04:46.45 starseeker but that also seems to have some weaknesses
04:47.10 starseeker I was trying to find papers on techniques earlier today (should be in the scrollback, come to think of it)
04:47.13 brlcad basically if you have two points A and B that are near each other within the distance tolerance, there's an entire ellipsoid where they are within tolerance
04:47.34 brlcad and conceivably, any value in there would suffice as a solution
04:47.53 starseeker for free points in space, that might do
04:47.56 brlcad picking A or B is usually the case, but that's actually on the surface of the ellipsoid instead of some mean/average/inner point
04:48.06 starseeker I'm worried about things like the vertex of an arb8 though
04:48.20 brlcad picking anything *other* than A or B, though, is changing your inputs and can cause cascade failures
04:48.32 brlcad or accumulated error
04:48.37 starseeker what about three points with one being overlapped by the other two but the other two mutually exclusive?
04:49.12 starseeker and so on... n points means a lot of those sorts of possibilities
04:49.28 brlcad yeah, that's the point drift problem
04:49.53 brlcad A and B are within tol, B and C within tol, but not A and C .. so what happens
04:50.01 starseeker exactly
04:50.11 brlcad you make a decision and that can cascade a failure
04:50.28 starseeker as near as I can tell you have to pick one and say the other one is a no-go, unless you have something better <hopes>
04:50.55 brlcad what you suggest is basically what nmg code does now
04:51.02 starseeker winces
04:51.15 starseeker ouch
04:52.42 starseeker uncle - what's the better solution?
04:52.45 brlcad it makes a decision on the first comparison A<>B and clamps B to A if within tol to maintain data integrity, then comparing C, determines it's outside bounds and rejects it
04:53.07 brlcad or determines it's within and clamps to A as well, etc
04:54.17 starseeker what bounds is it comparing C to? B and C shouldn't both be clamped to A, correct?
04:54.38 brlcad okay, so there are a couple things that we can try, but not making promises that we'll actually solve it for all conditions .. garbage in will result in garbabe out
04:54.57 brlcad it really depends on what the algorithm is attempting to accomplish
04:55.29 brlcad it was comparing C to the same distance tolerance, A<>C
04:55.58 starseeker so B and C WOULD end up the same point after clamping?
04:56.16 brlcad all three at A or C rejected
04:56.32 brlcad that's just explaining basically what it presently does
04:56.40 brlcad oversimplified
04:56.47 starseeker nods
04:57.08 brlcad where it really fails, though, is that it doesn't know it clamped B to A
04:57.19 starseeker blinks
04:57.43 starseeker yeah, that could be a problem
04:57.43 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
04:57.48 brlcad topologically, it may have been the actual case that B<>C was the right two to combine and A was just something close by
04:58.02 brlcad and had the order of operations even changed, it would have worked out correct
04:59.07 brlcad jeez, eva mendes is smokin'
04:59.25 brlcad anyways
04:59.35 brlcad so the idea is that we have to track the decision
04:59.45 objorn i want to enable opengl support, yes?
04:59.55 brlcad objorn: no, not necessary
05:00.11 objorn what's the benefit of using it?
05:00.12 brlcad doesn't affect anything to disable/enable it -- it'll use X11 routines
05:00.26 starseeker archer needs ogl, I think that's about it
05:00.29 brlcad it's just what underlying protocol does it speak, doesn't actually change what features are provided
05:00.35 brlcad doesn't give you shaded displays, for example
05:00.56 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
05:00.59 starseeker actually, at present archer doesn't seem to display anything without ogl...
05:01.05 objorn how do you enable it through configure? ./configure USE=opengl
05:01.08 objorn :P
05:01.18 objorn seriously though, i'm not sure
05:01.23 starseeker ./configure --help
05:01.27 objorn thanks
05:02.24 starseeker brlcad: is tracking the decision O(n^2) or worse?
05:02.53 brlcad starseeker: so to track the decision, the simplest way is to simply take the average of the two points and track the error volume
05:04.36 objorn ./configure --enable-OpenGL[=yes]
05:04.38 objorn ?
05:05.13 starseeker --with-ogl
05:05.31 objorn thank you starseeker
05:05.47 brlcad so with A<>B, it determines they're within tol, giving a resulting AB point (call it D) and the maximal error of that point (which after the first comparison is just the tolerance) .. then compares D using that error against C with the starting tolerance, resulting in a DC point, call it E
05:06.23 starseeker ok
05:06.46 brlcad E's error is possibly going to be bigger than D's, error is accumulating as more points are combined
05:06.51 starseeker do we then check B and C for distance from E?
05:07.16 brlcad so if you had a string of points within tolerance, they can actually all collapse with a resulting large error bounds
05:07.22 starseeker right
05:07.41 starseeker in the worst case, we go from a long line of points to one point with a huge error bound?
05:07.45 brlcad but it's kept track of that error and theoretically, nothing will be left out
05:07.50 brlcad just possibly too much brought in
05:08.11 brlcad right, that should be the worst case I *think*
05:08.24 brlcad not realistic, but conceivable
05:09.39 starseeker so if a ray passes within the error bound of the point, is it a hit?
05:10.01 brlcad now the trick is when we run into a future operation that results in topologically invalid geometry (non-manifold for example), we can actually back out a decision and try to find one that will result in valid geometry
05:11.05 brlcad if we were to get really fancy, each decision becomes a new graph in a decision tree and we have a parametric decision tree
05:11.15 brlcad but that's fugly and expensive
05:11.22 starseeker nods
05:12.57 starseeker bemusedly wonders if we can use metaballs to keep track of the error bound :-)
05:13.58 starseeker alright, I should get some sleep here :-P
05:14.26 starseeker back after regaining consciousness
05:15.15 brlcad there's actually a good argument for maintaining a fixed error
05:15.38 brlcad and rejecting C if it's not within that D average point within error
05:15.51 brlcad not accumulating error
05:16.16 brlcad basically clamping error to some fixed magic tolerance slightly larger than the distance tolerance
05:23.38 brlcad (like sqrt(distance tolerance))
05:24.07 brlcad for fractional tolerances of course
05:28.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
05:32.08 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
05:33.38 brlcad the bigger issue is generally going to be that there are at least two main tolerances.. there's our absolute calculation tolerance for presumably what the hardware can handle, and a model tolerance, which is generally many orders of magnitude larger
06:41.12 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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12:49.59 brlcad yawns
13:10.40 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
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13:25.32 madant loves waking up at 4 pm :)
13:25.36 *** join/#brlcad Don_ (
13:42.59 brlcad madant: heh, fantastic :)
14:05.15 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
14:49.56 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
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15:53.56 ``Erik hrm, *ponder* I have 4 photographs of an object with different lighting angles, it'd be really gnarley if we had an app that attempted to generate a 3d .g file from those images (random thought)
15:54.22 brlcad ``Erik: put in for a dri :)
15:54.36 ``Erik are the images in question
15:54.39 brlcad that's not far off from what I proposed a few years gack
15:56.27 ``Erik babylonion geometric theory, pheer
16:11.46 *** join/#brlcad Lez (n=lezardfl@
16:13.01 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
16:24.03 brlcad waves to madant
16:44.59 madant waves back
16:45.10 ``Erik does the wave, too
16:46.18 madant all we need is a little resonance for an IRC disaster :)
16:48.14 madant brlcad: did u have a look at the draft ?
16:48.47 brlcad madant: briefly, reading in more detail later today
16:49.17 brlcad er, no -- yours was to the list, yes I did read that
16:49.50 madant will be back after dinner :)
16:53.03 brlcad resounding comment to offer would be that I'd like you to emphasize achieving some actual user-visible integration/impact this summer, even if it means leaving some portions not quite resolved (like the grammar, or even portions of the solving framework)
16:59.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34123 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
16:59.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: annotate intent to add material objects, shader objects, and image objects to v5
16:59.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: as has been discussed and mused over the years. really need material objects
16:59.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: soon, which implies having shader objects even sooner. image objects can wait,
16:59.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: though.
17:01.05 ``Erik is kinda wishing he had a glidepad on his desktop :/
17:03.57 madant brlcad: true, i'd like for some visible integration myself :) Nothing helps further progress like a basic working system.
17:04.17 madant and the actual issues will come up only when things are user-visible
17:05.08 madant I think i could spend less time on the "perfect solver" and devote that time to user-interfacing
17:05.43 madant ``Erik, glidepad ?
17:07.18 ``Erik um, touchpad
17:07.44 ``Erik the macbook is spoiling me with that bigassed glass beast
17:08.05 ``Erik having to actually push a mouse button down sucks :D
17:08.08 ``Erik </whine>
17:09.27 madant ``Erik, :P don't be too lazy :D
17:09.54 madant doesnt like the mouse at all
17:10.51 madant though engineering-wise pretty neat for its time :)
17:11.00 ``Erik well, having to click a small 'next' button 68 times is a bitch, the mouse tends to want to move, on my lappie, I'd just tap and not think about the location of the pointer, making it a soft 'next' button of its own
17:11.10 ``Erik its time? you mean like '62? :D
17:11.58 ``Erik 68, rather
17:12.14 madant was just now checking that
17:12.30 ``Erik doug engelbart, though the trackball was '52
17:12.52 madant wow 52 .. :D must have looked like a monster :)
17:13.30 ``Erik picture doesn't make it look too bad, canadian 5-pin ball (which is about the size of a modern 'good' trackball)
17:13.37 ``Erik there's a pic on the wikipedia article for meeces
17:14.37 madant ah well looks straight out of a science fiction b/w movie
17:15.27 madant "cutting edge" has progressed a lot in 50 years :)
17:30.22 *** join/#brlcad Lezard (n=lezardfl@
17:40.32 brlcad madant: yeah, I think that'd be *really* good to focus on -- pick one user-visible goal for the project and then organize your activities around making that happen on the backend, only exactly what's needed for that feature
17:41.56 brlcad like you could make a 'validate' tool that calls the prep/constraint validation checks for a few primitives
17:42.45 brlcad or the ability inside mged to create a parametric equation object that talks to other objects and will evaluate
17:42.56 brlcad something succint and visible
17:45.14 ``Erik wonders if dwaynes g_qa gui would be a good soc project?
17:45.17 madant sounds logical , and very rigorously measurable too in terms of progress :)
17:46.12 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, absolutely
17:46.26 brlcad or better yet, a plugin in the new gui
17:46.34 brlcad if said plugin underpinnings was in place
17:48.20 madant g_qa gui ?
17:50.03 brlcad yeah
17:50.42 ``Erik
17:51.32 madant ``Erik, was reading that ;)
17:52.13 ``Erik of course, there's been discussion about that in person between a few different people that isn't reflected in the tracker yet :)
17:53.04 ``Erik like storing plot files in the .g for easy resource mgmt/transfer. whether it's a seperate app, part of mged (or archer or whatever), or all of the above
17:53.08 ``Erik etc
17:53.47 madant brlcad: plugin underpinnings ?
17:57.38 brlcad madant: the thin-client gui is supposed to be a heavily plugin-based architecture (on the front-end and back-end)
17:58.18 brlcad hm, that reminds m e
17:59.44 madant aha, an extensible gui :) nice.. seems like brl-cad is going to look quite different in the coming days ;)
18:00.59 brlcad madant: that is all part of the plan, yes
18:01.21 brlcad all in line with things spelled out here:
18:01.31 brlcad just more of the details on how
18:05.33 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34124 10/brlcad/trunk/src/external/ aha, fix distcheck for when Cubit isn't being built
18:10.38 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
18:12.09 Malyce hi ?
18:12.32 Malyce I am new to IRC :P
18:13.39 Malyce I had a couple of questions about the idea of implementing an API for BRL-CAD
18:14.30 ``Erik ok?
18:15.05 Malyce oh
18:15.15 Malyce are you the admin ?
18:15.34 ``Erik I think I'm tagged as one of them O.o just ask your questions, they'll get answered (eventually)
18:15.59 Malyce I was wondering whether there was some work already done in the direction.
18:16.15 Malyce ALso, what part of the code should I try to read, to get an understanding
18:16.20 Malyce ?
18:18.17 Malyce I would think that creating an API would involve knowing the core aspects of the geometry engine of BRL
18:20.04 Malyce Is the Doxy of the code unavailable ? It seems so from the website
18:20.59 Malyce I had done some research on BRL last year. I was unable to find documentation for the code. Is it just me, or is documentation played down in the open source industry ?
18:27.50 madant Malyce: Doxy is there but not very updated, depends on the part of brl-cad code you were looking up.
18:28.04 madant did u check out the svn and try building the doxygen output ?
18:28.34 madant :) I am a last year gsoc participant and found brl-cad's code pretty well commented ;)
18:34.22 Malyce I am trying it out now
18:34.38 Malyce Ok, but I wanted to look at a sort of overview, if you know what I mean
18:34.46 Malyce doxy is so nice
18:47.48 Malyce Can you point me to the Doxy config file ?
18:57.24 ``Erik misc/Doxyfile
19:10.00 brlcad howdy Malyce
19:23.49 Malyce hiya
19:26.47 brlcad Malyce: there is actually a lot of documentation, it's just not neatly organized and in lots of places
19:27.56 brlcad the code is pretty well commented throughout, but there is also this
19:27.56 brlcad
19:28.30 brlcad was last ran a couple years ago -- but the api of the libs hasn't really changed in a drastic way since then
19:28.37 Malyce thanks
19:28.42 Malyce makes my life easier
19:28.49 brlcad someone(tm) should get the doxygen system updating automatically on of course... :)
19:32.30 Malyce I have some API experience
19:33.12 Malyce in that, I have been working as an RA to formalize Solidworks. I used the VBA API for SW
19:33.48 Malyce But, I have never developed an API. I do have C/C++ exp, 6 yrs plus of Uni and high school
19:34.02 Malyce so, I was wondering whether I was qualified for the job.
19:34.40 Malyce I don't really know where I would start, to design an API. Reading a lot of wikipedia right now.
19:36.11 Malyce But I assume, the basic premise is that the API is linked to the Geometry engine for the output to user, and for the input from the user, it feeds it back.
19:36.45 Malyce So, I should take a close look at the how the GUI interfaces with BRL, because that is the same interface that the API would use ?
19:37.30 Malyce Any pointers, where this would be ?
19:39.30 Malyce So, one of the GUIs is MGED.
19:43.40 Malyce The GUI seems to be primitive. Is there a way to use BRL-CAD, command line ?
19:46.11 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34125 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/cut.c: pointer wrangling.
19:58.16 Malyce Found the cmd line in MGED. Is there a brief explanation of the BRL code structure somewhere. I can understand the doxygen, but I can't seem to get the overally structure of BRL. Am I being retarded ?
20:01.01 Malyce Am I missing something obvious ?
20:01.03 *** join/#brlcad andax (
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20:13.19 Malyce For example , where is the GUI initialisation done ?
20:13.35 Malyce in Libdm ?
20:18.03 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (
20:32.56 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r34126 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): updates to rtarea adding center computations
20:37.47 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:02.27 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
21:11.09 brlcad Malyce: sorry for the delays, busy day :)
21:11.17 brlcad gimme a sec and I"ll answer all the ?'s
21:11.33 Malyce np
21:15.00 ``Erik didn't know that poking a smoke detector with a measuring tape constituted 'busy' :D *duck*
21:16.17 alex_joni ``Erik: flaming measuring tape?
21:22.43 ``Erik measuring tapes wearing mesh shirts and cutoffs? O.o
21:25.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r34127 10/brlcad/trunk/ (doc/docbook/system/man1/en/rtarea.xml src/rt/rtarea.1): updates to rtarea documentation
21:30.14 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
21:44.03 mafm hi there
21:44.51 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
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22:15.17 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
22:26.51 brlcad howdy mafm
22:27.01 Ralith hullo mafm
22:27.44 brlcad Malyce: an RA? revenue assurance?
22:28.18 mafm - Cubit/g-sat.cxx
22:28.20 mafm + Cubit/g-sat.cpp
22:28.34 mafm ``Erik was ranting about cpp a few days ago.. :D
22:28.52 brlcad he rants about a lot of things
22:29.30 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
22:30.30 brlcad Malyce: as for overall structure, read volume I under docs on the website (the first doc link) for some basic philosophy, as well as HACKING file (near the middle is a description of the various dirs), and perhaps src/README for a little more detail
22:31.12 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik__ (
22:31.31 brlcad Malyce: depending on which API you're referring to, it actually has very little to do with the GUI -- more to do with the geometry engine
22:31.51 brlcad there's a project to build up a geometry API similar to the acis/granite/etc engines
22:33.14 Malyce Research Assistant
22:33.18 brlcad if you want to work on the gui, there are a couple specific projects possible in that regard
22:33.18 Malyce sorry for the confusion
22:33.25 brlcad ahh, okay
22:33.50 Malyce not really
22:33.57 Malyce I wanted to work on the API
22:34.07 Malyce I thought it would be interesting
22:34.10 brlcad 'the API' .. what does that mean to you?
22:34.21 brlcad there are many APIs in BRL-CAD
22:34.26 brlcad there are a dozen libraries
22:34.27 objorn what is the benchmark suite?
22:35.07 brlcad objorn: the benchmark suite is a toolchain that will evaluate your system performance and report a performance metric that very closely represents your expected computation capacity
22:35.50 objorn interesting
22:36.00 brlcad reports a statistical measurement (similar to GFLOPS but unrelated) of your performance that traces back through a couple decades of computing
22:36.00 Ralith also, verify render results with known-good images
22:36.07 Malyce OOP Geometry API
22:36.26 objorn this is useful for?
22:36.33 brlcad yeah, it's also a verification / test suite
22:36.57 Malyce Does it mean, that I will be summarizing the existing interfaces into a bigger interface, which will be more standardized
22:36.57 brlcad objorn: to know how fast a machine is under real-world use
22:37.12 brlcad Malyce: an, no -- not for the OOP Geometry API
22:37.29 brlcad the OOP geometry api is basically developing something like the ACIS engine for BRL-CAD
22:37.31 objorn ah, so if there's a deadline, you'll have a good idea of how much more computer power you need or when to start
22:37.57 ``Erik *rantrantrant* :D
22:38.31 brlcad we presently have the extensive LIBRT library API which provides most geometry services but it's not very clean/organized, not OO, and lacking some features
22:38.38 Malyce Does it mean, that I will be summarizing the existing interfaces into a bigger interface, which will be more standardized ?
22:38.43 brlcad objorn: one possible use, sure
22:38.55 brlcad objorn: also very useful when buying new hardware
22:39.01 Malyce so, the new API interface will just provide a nicer interface ?
22:39.18 Malyce to an existing set of interfaces
22:39.55 brlcad new computer vender comes out with a new system, claims it'll be 5x faster than the previous version... this gives a very accurate unbiased measurement that makes it really easy to compare one machine to another under controllable conditions
22:40.07 brlcad Malyce: on top of the existing set of interfaces, yet
22:40.10 brlcad s/yet/yes
22:40.48 starseeker makes note to self to look at reorganizing the header files in include to be in subdirectories pertaining to individul libraries
22:40.53 brlcad Malyce: have you ever worked with granite or acis?
22:41.04 Malyce I have worked with the SW API only
22:41.06 starseeker checks if that is in the TODO...
22:42.06 Malyce SW: Solidworks
22:42.34 brlcad very similar
22:42.59 brlcad there is a project already under way related to this api in the rt^3 module
22:43.10 Malyce the API you want to implement should be similar to that used by Solidworks ?
22:43.34 Malyce If there is a project already underway, is it still possible for me to apply with this idea ?
22:44.07 brlcad^3/trunk/src/
22:44.17 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34128 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: Add a note to look into reorganizing the headers so it is clearer which .h files pertain to individual libraries.
22:44.22 brlcad Malyce: of course, just means you won't be working in isolation
22:44.28 brlcad you have to coordinate with the other developers
22:44.49 Malyce So, the specs have already been decided, and the structure has been set ?
22:44.51 brlcad doable, just have to work on the API and be involved in a lot of discussions
22:45.03 brlcad none of the gsoc projects are meant to be done by students alone :)
22:45.22 brlcad some of the structure is set, most is a work in progress that will continue to evolve
22:45.31 Malyce And any new programmer, just has to follow the pattern already established. i.e, the programming method implemented so far ?
22:45.34 Malyce I see
22:45.39 brlcad the engine has to take into accout, for example, what our existing libraries already do
22:45.47 brlcad so that you can leverage those facilities
22:45.51 brlcad and not reinvent the wheel
22:46.07 brlcad we don't want you to reimplement what has already been done
22:46.30 brlcad it's more about making a clean API that can be grown and tested that we will want to use in our own tools
22:46.49 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:47.01 brlcad coreInterface and GeometryEngine are the two main efforts thusfar -- those two need to merge at some point
22:47.28 Malyce Would it be possible for me to get the specs so far ?
22:47.47 brlcad most of what is available is on the wiki or on the website
22:47.57 Malyce I will read through it
22:48.12 brlcad
22:48.22 brlcad "BRL-CAD's core C++ interface" is one
22:48.56 brlcad "Geometry Service" is another, closely related, but more focusing on something a layer above the C++ API
22:49.35 brlcad and finally, more at
22:49.56 brlcad that core interface effort and the ibme ge work are the two that need to merge
22:52.12 *** join/#brlcad cad85 (
22:52.32 cad85 hello tanmay!
22:52.54 cad85 we know you are hereeee!!
22:53.22 Ralith O.o
22:53.32 Malyce 0.o
22:53.53 brlcad cad85: who is tanmay?
22:53.59 cad85 if you are wondering what i am saying i am just greeting my friend
22:55.38 cad85 bye
22:55.41 *** part/#brlcad cad85 (
22:55.58 Ralith that was odd.
22:56.07 brlcad yep
22:56.42 Malyce uh please ignore them
22:56.48 ``Erik hm, if'n ya GSOCers haven't put your proposal up on the goog site yet, do it soon
22:56.49 Malyce friends playing a prank
22:57.07 ``Erik they're trying to get estimates for how many proposals there will be (I believe you can edit them once you put them up)
22:57.30 Ralith has done so.
22:57.37 ``Erik ralith++
22:57.37 brlcad ~ralith++
22:57.42 brlcad fail!
22:57.45 Ralith :D
22:57.49 mafm ERIK FAIL
22:57.59 brlcad heh
22:58.03 ``Erik has no interest in manipulating that steaming pile of bot
22:58.11 ``Erik just making a general statement :)
22:59.06 Ralith is there a list of who's mentoring somewhere?
22:59.54 ``Erik yeah
23:02.35 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (i=bryan@
23:05.17 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1319 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Mentors */ update list for the 2009 folks
23:06.43 Ralith hehe
23:07.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:08.52 Malyce With regards to Geometry Services, why would you need a layer above C++ API ?
23:11.23 brlcad it's a distributed network service interface
23:11.47 brlcad a way to bridge communication with other applications what want to remain loosely coupled
23:12.45 brlcad e.g., a java application that wanted to access brl-cad geometry, get display lists, shoot rays, but not have to maintain a JNI wrapper or be tied to binary distribution issues
23:13.43 brlcad or even in our own tool so that we can have a service talk to other geometry servers, allow distributed shared access to geometry, etc
23:16.44 ``Erik so is v6 going to keep the 'flat' namespace or move to an fs like heirarchal one?
23:19.20 brlcad it'll be more like svn -- you talk over a protocol and something happens on the backend
23:19.55 Malyce Will the Geometry API be expected to perform such tasks as well ?
23:20.03 brlcad Malyce: not at all
23:22.55 Malyce Thanks a lot for your help. Goodnight.
23:28.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
23:44.33 ``Erik we don't take kindly to folk who don't take kindly 'round here

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