IRC log for #brlcad on 20090401

00:05.24 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
00:07.10 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
00:23.43 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03216.171.189.59 07 * r1320 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Aqua MGED on Mac OS X */ fix external link syntax
00:23.50 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
01:20.07 yukonbob
01:20.14 yukonbob ^--- another build issue
01:20.22 yukonbob (hello, cadheads
01:20.23 yukonbob )
01:21.03 Ralith looks like you're not linking to libstdc++
01:21.11 Ralith but isn't librt all C?
01:21.35 yukonbob Ralith: re: all C -- no idea.
01:22.25 yukonbob re: libstdc++ agreed... (/me not a C++ person) I'm only one experiencing this, I guess...
01:22.39 Ralith what're you trying to do?
01:22.52 yukonbob just ./, configure ,make
01:23.11 yukonbob is SVN co
01:23.31 yukonbob 34122, fwiw
02:01.47 mafm night
02:13.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
02:35.51 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
02:47.40 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
02:53.54 *** join/#brlcad Lez (
03:26.10 brlcad Ralith: librt's api is all C, but some of the implementation details involve a C++ library (openNURBS)
03:26.25 brlcad so you end up needing libc++
03:26.27 Ralith ah, right
03:26.42 Ralith what was wrong with yukonbob's setup?
03:29.02 brlcad the test for libc++ probably failed
03:29.30 brlcad it's trying to link the 'comb' program there
03:29.42 brlcad comb only uses and it's dependent RT_LIBS
03:29.53 brlcad RT_LIBS="${BN} ${BN_LIBS} ${BU} ${BU_LIBS} ${REGEX} ${LIBM} ${SYSV} ${OPENNURBS}"
03:30.10 brlcad OPENNURBS='${top_builddir}/src/other/openNURBS/ ${LIBSTDCXX}'
03:30.42 brlcad so my guess is he actually doesn't have a libstdc++
03:31.16 brlcad configure should probably warn very verbosely if that happens, just pretty rare
03:31.32 brlcad but it's also rather compiler-dependent
03:34.26 Ralith I can't imagine a system not having libstdc++ O.o
03:35.36 brlcad note to students that haven't posted their app yet, you're supposed to submit what you have, whatever you have ASAP so they can get a headcount
03:36.39 pacman87 takes note
03:42.14 Ralith which they is this?
03:42.16 Ralith google?
03:42.23 brlcad yes
03:42.40 brlcad they're trying to decide whether to extend the deadline or not
03:42.44 Ralith ah.
03:42.53 brlcad which I suppose should mean don't submit it if you want them to extend it :)
03:43.01 Ralith heh
03:43.09 pacman87 does BRL-CAD have a generalized nth order equation solver?
03:43.42 brlcad pacman87: generalized, but the maximum n is compile-time limited
03:44.02 brlcad not sure how stable it is at higher orders
03:44.31 pacman87 ah. i was trying to see how to gracefully degrade for higher-order splines that didn't have analytical solutions
03:45.29 brlcad rt_poly_roots()
03:45.38 brlcad see src/util/roots_example.c
03:47.12 brlcad ran a performance analysis last year and was shocked to find that we outperform almost everyone, just a couple obscure solvers that came within 10%
03:48.13 pacman87 my revolve approach collapses the 3d intersection to 2d by converting the ray line into a hyperbola
03:48.23 pacman87 so i'd intersect the spline with a hyperbola
03:48.31 yukonbob waves to pacman87
03:48.36 yukonbob waves to brlcad
03:48.37 pacman87 waves back
03:48.54 yukonbob waves to anybody within raytracing distance
03:49.19 pacman87 activates a cloak and returns zero-length hit segments :P
03:49.27 brlcad given raytracing uses infinite rays, wouldn't that be everyone? :)
03:49.43 yukonbob they could be obscured, I was thinking.
03:50.05 yukonbob should know better than to bastardize tech. with a bunch of ubernerds
03:50.26 yukonbob rays are bounded by #brlcad
03:50.27 yukonbob ;)
03:50.43 brlcad plus we're one of the few raytracers that be default evaluates all points on the ray, not just first hit like most
03:51.04 brlcad for analysis and solid modeling purposes ;)
03:51.13 yukonbob go figure!
03:51.56 yukonbob reads scrollback to see if other comments on latest pastebin...
03:52.18 yukonbob sees comments
03:52.47 brlcad pacman87: what kind of spline?
03:53.10 pacman87 the 2-d spline from the sketch primitive
03:55.08 yukonbob /usr/lib/libstdc++.a
03:55.09 yukonbob /usr/lib/
03:55.09 yukonbob /usr/lib/
03:55.09 yukonbob /usr/lib/
03:55.09 yukonbob /usr/lib/libstdc++_p.a
03:55.11 yukonbob /usr/lib/libstdc++_pic.a
03:55.19 yukonbob ^-- from "locate"
03:55.54 yukonbob is there such a think as libc++?
03:56.40 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
04:00.27 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
04:00.29 brlcad yukonbob: no, those are it
04:00.41 brlcad so what did configure report for the libstdc++ test?
04:00.49 brlcad it's int he config.log and/or in your configure output
04:02.04 brlcad pacman87: no, I mean what order and type
04:02.16 AlexandreGuedes Hello
04:02.19 brlcad b-spline? nurbs curve, bezier?
04:02.37 brlcad nth order, limited to 4th order?
04:02.43 brlcad howdy AlexandreGuedes
04:04.20 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes_ (
04:05.11 AlexandreGuedes_ brlcad: I would like to know if develop importers and exporters would be important
04:05.30 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: importers and exporters are always cool to have
04:05.36 yukonbob brlcad: will rebuild and check.
04:05.49 brlcad especially if it's a format you're pretty familiar with
04:06.08 brlcad or if it's just a really important importer that we don't have or need improved
04:06.31 pacman87 brlcad: since the hyperbola of the converted ray is second order, i had started last year with a limit of 2nd order splines
04:06.50 AlexandreGuedes_ I already developed some importers for opengl
04:07.53 brlcad pacman87: it's perhaps worth noting that there are specific spline solvers within the code as well (though not in as pretty polynomial form)
04:08.10 brlcad but 2nd order should be perfectly fine for the general solver
04:08.20 Ralith AlexandreGuedes_: what formats might you work with?
04:08.23 AlexandreGuedes_ brlcad: My it doubts was if that is really important
04:08.34 AlexandreGuedes_ obj and vrml
04:08.42 Ralith pretty sure we already have vrml
04:09.23 AlexandreGuedes_ but i can develop othres
04:09.27 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: those are two pretty popular formats, would be very useful to have .. would have to have a plan for what would happen if you finish early though
04:09.28 AlexandreGuedes_ others
04:09.56 brlcad Ralith: there are exporters for both of those but neither has an importer
04:09.59 Ralith ahh.
04:10.11 brlcad surprisingly enough .. the importer is actually even easier
04:10.18 AlexandreGuedes_ I could develop how many I get
04:11.06 AlexandreGuedes_ after i can get Global illumination renderer
04:11.16 AlexandreGuedes_ if i have tiem
04:11.20 brlcad I'd expect those two importers would really only take a week or so each actually, maybe even just a few days each .. depends on how extensive you get into the obj format
04:11.23 AlexandreGuedes_ time*
04:12.03 brlcad their exporters are more involved
04:12.13 brlcad mm.. global illum would be awesome
04:12.16 AlexandreGuedes_ hmmm
04:12.29 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: have you worked on global illumination and rendering before?
04:13.45 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: I would suggest if you can make the time, to submit two applications just so you have a better chance of getting selected on your abilities more than the priority of what it is you're proposing to work on
04:13.50 AlexandreGuedes_ little
04:14.41 brlcad but yeah, those sound like great areas to be proposed
04:14.44 brlcad either or both
04:14.49 AlexandreGuedes_ i like use openGL and C there is other intersting idea ?
04:15.01 brlcad wouldn't mixt the global illum on the same proposal though
04:15.44 AlexandreGuedes_ ok.
04:16.14 brlcad there's an entire opengl GUI project, but that will likely be pretty competitive
04:16.41 brlcad you could always propose your own project as well
04:18.01 Ralith there's that -> OpenGL/C interactive program exporter
04:18.10 Ralith that'd be pretty cool
04:18.28 AlexandreGuedes_ how interactive ??
04:18.50 brlcad Ralith: oh you mean on the orange ideas page?
04:18.53 Ralith yeah
04:19.00 brlcad right
04:19.05 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: it's another exporter idea
04:19.08 brlcad see,
04:19.15 Ralith AlexandreGuedes_: free camera movement/zoom would probably cover it fine.
04:19.24 Ralith along with some way to select what region(s) to show
04:19.46 brlcad having an exporter/importer that dumps out opengl code (display lists, direct mode calls, retained mode, etc)
04:19.57 Ralith oh, that kind of thing!
04:20.00 Ralith that works too.
04:20.18 Ralith of course, you'd have to tesselate everything first and I'm not sure how easy that is w/o the brep stuff finished yet.
04:20.38 AlexandreGuedes_ i can figure out
04:20.56 brlcad Ralith: not necessarily
04:21.01 Ralith oh?
04:21.04 brlcad glu has some primitives
04:21.19 brlcad has nurbs surfaces, for example
04:21.26 Ralith yeah, but you can't subtract/intersect them, can you?
04:21.27 brlcad and various quadrics
04:22.12 Ralith I guess you could just tesselate the regions that involved subtraction/intersection, or even just the relevant sets of primitives
04:22.14 brlcad no, you'd still have to have evaluated CSG, just wouldn't necessarily need to tessellate or sample
04:22.49 Ralith er, how do you manage, then?
04:23.07 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: I like the idea for converters, do apply :)
04:23.22 AlexandreGuedes_ hum..
04:23.24 brlcad but do plan/mention for more than those two
04:23.44 AlexandreGuedes_ i'll offer something
04:23.50 brlcad and them maybe a non-converter backup in an area that interests you
04:24.00 brlcad cool
04:24.22 AlexandreGuedes_ <PROTECTED>
04:24.35 AlexandreGuedes_ if i have*
04:25.27 pacman87 AlexandreGuedes_: submit it early and get feedback - you can update it until the deadline
04:25.47 pacman87 should follow that advice, too
04:26.04 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: absolutely, and what pacman87 said :)
04:26.33 Ralith oh yeah that reminds me
04:26.40 AlexandreGuedes_ thanks a lot
04:26.48 Ralith I'm going to be on a bit less (not completely gone, though) until monday
04:27.05 AlexandreGuedes_ last question... There is already much submissions ?
04:27.46 AlexandreGuedes_ many submissions ***
04:27.51 brlcad and for anyone that's wondering/working/waiting, don't let not having a patch stop you from submitting your proposal -- there's time after the deadline
04:28.07 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: no, submissions are way down this year .. so you're chances are pretty good
04:28.49 brlcad also, the more detail in your proposal, the better .. that's the biggest problem with most proposals
04:28.54 brlcad not enough detail/information
04:29.12 brlcad say how, what, why, when, where.. ;)
04:29.37 AlexandreGuedes_ ok no detail
04:29.58 brlcad heh
04:30.19 AlexandreGuedes_ where are you from ?
04:30.48 pacman87 UT Austin
04:30.48 brlcad Panama
04:31.16 brlcad lives in Maryland USA
04:32.05 AlexandreGuedes_ I'm from Brazil..
04:32.17 brlcad your IP is a give-away
04:32.59 AlexandreGuedes_ my ?
04:33.11 brlcad yeah, brazil ip/dns
04:36.02 AlexandreGuedes_ And about most of others brl-cad developers...
04:36.48 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: all over -- usa, germany, portugal, india, netherlands, and spain come to mind
04:37.25 brlcad wanders off to nap before his morning row in four hours
04:37.44 brlcad laments
04:38.11 Ralith a whole four hours?
04:38.15 Ralith you're killing yourself, you know.
04:38.48 pacman87 brlcad doesn't need sleep, he just takes naps every few days
04:38.49 brlcad I know, saddens the soul
04:40.02 brlcad need some rest before the really hard workout though.. or it can be a painful row
04:40.03 brlcad waves
04:41.54 AlexandreGuedes_ April Fool's Day
04:42.32 AlexandreGuedes_ In Brazil is already
04:43.58 AlexandreGuedes_ there is april fool's day in USA ?
04:44.21 pacman87 yes
04:44.56 starseeker laments the "All news sites will be annoying for a day" day
04:45.33 starseeker although it is morbidly amusing to see slashdot's standards for news actually drop - hard to believe it's possible :-P
04:50.31 Ralith slashdot? Lower its standards?
04:50.33 Ralith Madness!
05:11.00 yukonbob checking whether the Standard C++ library is available... no
05:11.10 yukonbob ^---... but no "loud complaints"
05:33.59 Ralith weird.
06:02.03 yukonbob will review tmorrow
06:02.11 yukonbob for now, zeeeeeeeeeee
06:02.40 pacman87 goodnight
06:02.53 pacman87 still has 200 pages of gov to read for the test thurs
06:12.00 AlexandreGuedes_ good night
07:13.53 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:06.35 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:25.41 *** join/#brlcad _sushi__ (
08:42.33 brlcad yawns
08:48.39 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
09:10.53 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
09:56.51 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:01.41 mafm hi pplz
10:02.24 brlcad howdy mafm
10:03.46 mafm mmm, it's too early, go back to bed brlcad!
10:03.48 mafm :P
10:03.53 brlcad heh
10:07.53 Ralith hey mafm
10:07.56 Ralith brlcad doesn't have a bed
10:08.01 Ralith he just slumps over on his desk now and then
10:09.12 brlcad back in my younger days, I could just lay down right on the floor, however hard/cold, wherever I was at and have a perfectly good couple-hour nap
10:09.45 mafm oh, I see... so that's the backspace key stamped in his forehead... :)
10:11.06 mafm hmm, so the number of proposals for gsoc is that low, really?
10:11.20 mafm (I mean in general, not only in brl-cad)
10:11.28 Ralith shh, don't tell anyone
10:11.31 Ralith I like my good odds :]
10:11.34 brlcad :)
10:11.44 _sushi_ brlcad: what do you call younger days?
10:11.47 hippieindamakin8 mafm, many like me are still working on them :)
10:11.54 hippieindamakin8 _many_
10:12.18 Ralith many?
10:12.52 brlcad _sushi_: days before today
10:13.01 _sushi_ I turned 30 recently
10:13.05 _sushi_ I feel like middle aged
10:13.07 Ralith hippieindamakin8: whatchya planning on applying for?
10:13.10 _sushi_ I am already training the coffin jump
10:13.25 mafm hippieindamakin8: well, deadline is in a couple of days :)
10:13.47 _sushi_ I didn't manage to get a relationship before 30
10:14.02 _sushi_ But with a lot of hard work I at least managed to get sex before 30! Wohoo! I made it!
10:14.02 Ralith aw.
10:14.06 Ralith hehe
10:14.14 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, mafm i am applying for the brep evaluation
10:14.18 _sushi_ Lot of brute force sifting through the population helped
10:14.19 Ralith oo, cool!
10:14.23 Ralith best of luck to you!
10:14.26 Ralith that stuff needs doing.
10:14.37 _sushi_ brlcad: how old are you now?
10:14.47 mafm _sushi_: congrats!
10:14.50 _sushi_ brlcad: do you have kidneys like bricks now from sleeping on cold floor?
10:14.51 _sushi_ mafm: thanks
10:15.06 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, i am going through some research papers. Busy schedule at school is making it really difficult for me to concentrate here :(
10:15.08 brlcad nope
10:15.30 Ralith hippieindamakin8: just don't hestitate to submit a draft app early.
10:15.36 Ralith you can always revise.
10:15.41 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, sure :)
10:15.54 brlcad mostly just back pain from having too much bad posture, accumulated over time -- only reason floor-sleeping isn't so satisfying now
10:16.23 Ralith I can only floorsleep and such when I'm really short on rest
10:16.27 Ralith and I'm pretty young
10:17.04 brlcad congratulates _sushi_ for getting his cherry popped before 30. heh.
10:17.07 Ralith guess that comes from having a bed right next to my workstation
10:17.14 _sushi_ lol
10:17.24 _sushi_ I am sure there are nerds who get even worse rate than 30 years
10:17.33 mafm brlcad: odd, I have a hairdresser friend who lies in the floor after work, her backache is relieved
10:17.36 Ralith did RMS ever get laid?
10:18.09 _sushi_ RMS might profit from a gym
10:18.13 brlcad mafm: hopefully not at the office.. lot of hair on the floor :)
10:18.34 mafm Ralith: he did AFAIK, at least he had a mexican girlfriend a while ago (that's why he learned spanish)
10:18.50 _sushi_ oh
10:18.55 _sushi_ I hope he didn't manage that before 30
10:19.00 _sushi_ because then I would feel really asocial
10:19.03 Ralith lol
10:19.06 _sushi_ Girlfriend!
10:19.11 _sushi_ I didn't even get into that level.
10:19.14 _sushi_ What's the cheat code?
10:19.28 mafm brlcad: I guess that he does it privately, but I'm not so intimate friend as to ask some of the related questions :)
10:19.28 _sushi_ iddbf?
10:19.52 mafm well, stallman must be in his fifties or older now
10:19.57 _sushi_ OK good
10:20.06 _sushi_ there are still people who are more asocial than me
10:20.07 Ralith considering he was in college in the 80s, right?
10:20.22 brlcad he's 56
10:20.25 mafm he was already at mit ai lab in the late 70s I think
10:20.34 Ralith oh, right
10:20.49 hippieindamakin8 => RMS might have been a hippie too :P
10:20.56 Ralith I'm always disconcerted when I hear about AI research that long ago
10:21.06 Ralith I generally think of computer research as stuff that gets worked out pretty quick
10:21.31 _sushi_ hippieindamakin8: I guess he still looks like one
10:21.42 mafm Linus met his wife teaching inet to non-it ppl at univ, telling her to write him email for practicing (nice trick, that)
10:21.47 brlcad Ralith: it often is .. then there are research papers for three decades afterwards that all claim to have done it again for the first time ;)
10:22.03 Ralith lol
10:22.15 Ralith reminds me of something I've noticed
10:22.49 Ralith having toyed with graphics programming some, I've noticed that it usually takes 5+ years for something somebody successfully demonstrated in a thesis to actually be implemented in a commercial game
10:22.53 mafm most of the work in mit ai lab by that time was to create OSs and lisp machines, I think :)
10:23.14 brlcad much of it is solved, but limited by cpu power .. so as the chips get faster, old ideas that were completely impractical become entirely practical and implementable
10:24.49 brlcad Ralith: that's about the general trend I often see too, similar to how the emerging technology that is showcased at siggraph .. often becomes commercial commonplace about 3-6 years after if it's a hot topic
10:25.07 mafm IIRC (from Free as in Freedom book and similar resources), Stallman stallet to get mad at software practices when ppl took stuff out of mit to implement LISP machines commercially
10:25.49 mafm he started to copy and reimplement the new features like crazy so that mit versions were equally capable as commercial versions
10:25.54 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, but rt now with the GPUs in the market, the implementation would be smooth
10:26.01 brlcad like seeing epaper five years ago at siggraph, and this past year seeing it become reality with amazon's kindle in 2007
10:26.05 Ralith brlcad: that seems really long, even considering the devtime of a big project
10:26.07 hippieindamakin8 rather awesome GPUs
10:26.15 Ralith hippieindamakin8: I dunno about this whole raytracing thing.
10:26.50 Ralith it amounts to using slower techniques for less appealing visuals
10:26.54 _sushi_ self-pities
10:27.13 mafm saw the same in grid technologies... in example cloud computing, already present in some congresses years ago, like the Amazon guy
10:28.27 Ralith cloud computing is just silly.
10:28.29 brlcad Ralith: the technique becomes faster than the raster approaches as soon as you turn "all" the features on
10:28.30 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, doesnt that imply that faster computation = better visuals
10:28.34 Ralith I, for one, will not give up control over my system.
10:28.46 Ralith hippieindamakin8: but we already *have* great visuals.,
10:28.51 Ralith no reason to sacrifice them.
10:29.15 brlcad that is, to get the same picture, all the hacks and hoops you end up needing disappear with a much more simple algorithm
10:29.50 mafm Ralith: it's more practical for startups demanding big storage or processing growing by the hour, think of flick-like sites when starting
10:29.51 Ralith brlcad: for practical purposes, though, it's still much slower.
10:29.59 Ralith eventually, when power is moot, sure
10:30.01 brlcad for current purposes
10:30.02 Ralith not now.
10:30.22 Ralith mafm: for hosting a website or something, sure
10:30.32 brlcad the only reason it's even being talked about is because at the high end of the spectrum, it's starting to get close
10:30.33 mafm flickr, or whatever the spelling :)
10:30.56 brlcad the cost of a superbly complex raster system with great visuals, something like the complexity of the crysis engine
10:31.14 brlcad starts approaching the cost of advanced ray-tracing that gives equivalent results
10:31.24 mafm they're trying to lure scientists to use clouds too... but transferring multi-GB datasets back and forth for processing for a few hours it's not very nice :D
10:32.00 mafm but the personal computing, a la windows7, I think that it's a bit of non-sense right now (and I also don't like where all of this is heading)
10:32.24 Ralith I wouldn't be too concerned; MS certainly won't keep its marketshare forever.
10:32.51 Ralith and so far nobody's tried hardware lockin to a particular system, beyond the issues of driver support which are lessening these days.
10:34.19 brlcad Ralith: speaking of seeing things in research that deploy 5 or so years later -- that's been the raging research competition between the powerhouses, the likes of Intel and NVIDIA, and all the chest thumping about who can do ray-tracing better/faster
10:34.34 brlcad because it's expected that tipping point will happen within a couple years
10:34.34 Ralith really? nVidia's getting in on that?
10:34.38 Ralith I thought it was mostly intel
10:34.56 brlcad oh yeah, nvidia's been right there in the research
10:35.13 Ralith hm.
10:35.22 Ralith well, I'll be interested to see what results
10:35.26 brlcad had a massive session at siggraph just last year showcasing their implementation of ray-tracing on the gpu in response to intel's massive demo of larrabe
10:35.40 brlcad it's been going back and forth
10:37.46 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
10:38.16 hippieindamakin8 has seen the examples of ray tracing on Nvidia CUDA machines and can say that they were beyond brilliant
10:38.20 Ralith what interests me about larrabee is (if I understand it correctly) the freedom from API it offers.
10:38.48 Ralith I imagine we'll see all sorts of things when people are no longer limited to what's defined in a spec like that
10:39.19 mafm Ralith: a gsoc idea you might be interested in ;) : Amazon EC2 AMI Images and tools: create official Debian images and tools for the Amazon EC2 cloud-computing environment
10:39.43 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, CUDA is also very good in that respect
10:40.01 Ralith hippieindamakin8: eh, it'll be a while before nvidia's hardware is truly general-purpose-ified
10:40.12 Ralith oh there's an idea
10:40.20 Ralith brlcad: has anyone considered porting librt to CUDA?
10:40.32 brlcad "porting" it? heh
10:40.33 Ralith or bits thereof, at least?
10:40.36 hippieindamakin8 i can consider that :)
10:40.39 Ralith isn't sure what would be involved
10:41.36 brlcad there's ways cuda could be leveraged -- it'd take a fair bit of structuring but could be leveraged at the primitive level fairly decently
10:42.19 Ralith then again, I suppose librt's pretty damn fast anyway
10:42.29 Ralith so not much need.
10:42.37 brlcad would have to improve support for ray-bundling, and reimplement most of the complex prep() and shot() routines for most primtives to be vectorized
10:43.09 Ralith wouldn't that much be of benefit anyway on modern CPUs?
10:43.44 mafm btw, isn't there any plan for multi-threading? it's beeing a trend in the last few years for most projects
10:44.05 brlcad nah, you could certainly increase the performance of even librt using it -- but you'd also get just as much benefit from working on things like ray bundling, cacheline fitted data structures, cache coherent structure access, and vectorized ray evaluation
10:44.34 Ralith raytracing is very parallelizable, I believe.
10:44.41 brlcad should give an increase on optical image rendering on the order of around 2x-20x if you did *everything*
10:44.57 Ralith but I'm not really convinced that there's much point
10:45.02 brlcad of course it's parallelizable, brl-cad's rt was the first to show that :)
10:45.08 Ralith hehe
10:45.12 Ralith I mean, if I can render havok in under a minute on consumer hardware
10:45.16 ``Erik obscenely parallel, every primary could be its own thread
10:45.44 ``Erik parallel prep would be awesome, though
10:45.53 Ralith then again, I don't have a very good idea of what normal model complexity tends to be
10:46.03 brlcad Ralith: it's the difference between taking 30 seconds and potentially 2 frames per second interactive
10:46.12 ``Erik has working geometry that takes about 60 seconds to prep and 30 to raytrace :(
10:46.59 Ralith that's a lot of prep
10:47.11 Ralith brlcad: fair, and I suppose in not too long it'll be even closer to raeltime.
10:47.20 Ralith realtime*
10:47.45 brlcad it makes a lot of existing models realtime
10:48.39 brlcad the adrt stuff that erik has been working on does much of the tricks for polygonal models, gets a decent performance boost that allows for realtime raytraced interaction
10:48.43 Ralith realtime librt would be neat.
10:49.05 brlcad
10:49.37 brlcad if all done, those would likely result in massive performance boosts, order of magnitude sorts
10:49.46 Ralith damn.
10:50.11 brlcad exploiting cache coherency, branch minimization, data vectorization, accelerated spacial partitioning, and other optimization techniques
10:50.34 ``Erik os/embedded/criticalsystems geeks would argue that you mean interactive, not realtime :)
10:51.11 Ralith :P
10:51.25 Ralith os/embedded/criticalsystems geeks don't do much raytracing.
10:51.37 ``Erik erm, you might be surprised
10:51.45 Ralith hm?
10:52.05 mafm they raytrace models of lara croft in their basements!
10:52.28 ``Erik a lot of raytracing has nothing to do with generating images :)
10:52.43 mafm soft realtime is ok for multi-media
10:53.03 Ralith ``Erik: that's why I said *much*
10:53.06 Ralith rather than any.
10:53.52 mafm ah, they might use some of it for physics?
10:55.06 Ralith raytracing for physics?
10:55.08 Ralith never heard of that.
10:55.15 Ralith for that matter, physics in realtime?
10:55.30 Ralith (that is, technical realtime, rather than interactive)
10:55.36 mafm I mean representations of models from data gathered by radar-like devices and such, automatic control of vehicles (mars robots)
10:56.11 mafm I don't know if some techniques related to raytracing could be used for that
10:56.15 ``Erik O.o so you've never heard of things like collision detection systems, combat HUDs, flight control systems, etc, ralith?
10:56.34 Ralith ``Erik: never imagined that that sort of thing used raytracing.
10:56.35 Ralith tmyk!
10:57.06 Ralith thinks HUDs are awesome and should be everywhere.
10:57.21 ``Erik I d'no the guts, I do know that there's often raytracing to do physics and ai bits in ogl and d3d games
10:57.22 Ralith augmented reality ftw.
10:57.29 Ralith well, that's not 'realtime'
10:58.00 ``Erik so I coudl imagine 'real life' systems (or high end simulators) doing the same
10:58.47 Ralith but... that's still not realtime systems, is it?
11:01.07 mafm I can see many situations where that's useful
11:01.15 mafm or will be exploited
11:01.27 ``Erik *shrug* I d'no, I can imagine a fair numberof scenarios where time guarantees on raytracing could be handy
11:04.01 Ralith I dunno if it's used like that currently, though.
11:04.02 mafm think of rendering a scene with objects in the foreground with transparency showing objects in the background visible
11:04.02 mafm kind of Terminator :)
11:04.02 Ralith like I said.
11:04.02 Ralith We need HUDs EVERYWHERE.
11:04.02 ``Erik (and I'm a bit of an OS geek and have done simple embedded programming before, so a bit sensitive on people propogating blizzards word abuse)
11:04.02 Ralith :D
11:04.02 ``Erik </rant> :D
11:04.25 ``Erik most of my personal projects right now fall into the soft realtime need, and that's just cheezy web crap
11:04.26 mafm :D
11:04.47 mafm hates cheezy web :(
11:05.15 ``Erik but it's good cheese! real cheese, not processed cheese
11:05.41 Ralith yum!
11:05.44 ``Erik that'sa gouda cheesa!
11:07.46 mafm lol
11:07.50 ``Erik back to librt speed improvements, there's been discussion on replacing src/librt/primitive/bot/* with src/adrt/libtie/* stuff for the speed boost, but making libties tricks ubiquitous through librt would be awesome
11:08.41 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:09.27 ``Erik postage stamp bundling, cache coherency, improved scene partition (I'll bring up my old argument that tree based approaches have necessary slow warts, a graph with neighbor awareness (see portal/sector stuff) would be preferable)
11:09.55 ``Erik portable vectorization with fallback for cpu's lacking simd instructions
11:10.32 ``Erik making prep way faster would be awesome, too
11:11.53 Ralith well, I'm heading to bed in preparation for a long flight tomorrow.
11:12.09 Ralith I guess I'll assume the fact that I haven't gotten any proposal feedback yet a good thing?
11:12.29 brlcad yep
11:12.34 Ralith :)
11:12.40 ``Erik and you can render havoc pretty fast on consumer hardware... if you're doing a low resolution and low quality rendering.
11:12.52 Ralith true, true
11:13.11 ``Erik try doing a poster grade render :) now try doing it with photon mapping (or mlt if someone pics it up)
11:13.28 Ralith I'll leave that one running overnight.
11:13.42 ``Erik poster grade with simple phong was around 24 hours an image on high end gear
11:13.42 Ralith luckily, I don't generally need poster-grade renders to model >_>
11:14.31 ``Erik when ya need 14 images in 2 days, ... I was scrounging machines for that :)
11:15.06 ``Erik and I had to post-process the images because they came out a little too dark and I didn't have the time to re-render them :(
11:15.20 ``Erik so, yeah, there's a point :)
11:15.30 mafm "night" Ralith :D
11:15.35 Ralith night!
11:16.08 ``Erik have a good flight :)
11:19.47 Ralith thanks
11:26.35 madant brlcad: :) for user-accessibility should i think about modifications in mged or integration with libged ?
11:26.59 madant and how woudl it fit into the new gui plan
11:30.54 madant i feel like sticking to the capability to make a constraint object within mged sounds good
11:31.43 madant and then a user command like solve(constr.1) or something similar
11:32.20 madant which would evaluate , display solution space / update geometry
11:33.38 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r1321 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: add g_qa feature request
11:37.04 d-lo Mornin all!
11:43.41 ``Erik silence, maggot!
11:43.44 ``Erik I mean, uh, hey
11:44.13 d-lo You going on the YUMMY E39 party crash?
11:44.31 ``Erik with what? I blew my load on slz
11:44.54 d-lo wishes there could be asset transfers in the game :/
11:45.03 ``Erik heh, indeed
11:45.21 d-lo ...would totaly ruin the game balance, but would be cool for a little while :)
11:46.05 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
11:46.07 ``Erik heh
11:51.25 mafm hi d-lo
11:51.41 d-lo howdy mafm
11:52.03 mafm it seems that LHC finally made it: "I can confirm that, yes, the first stages of the experiment resulted in the appearance of a miniscule black hole," said the spokesperson to gathered reporters on Monday. "The black hole is being kept under quarantine and our scientists have been monitoring its progression," he explained. --
11:52.18 mafm so you were right d-lo :P
11:52.57 d-lo ``Erik: Do you know whats up with Hellbent? Profile shows inactive 74 days...
11:53.01 mafm I'd say, bring Ballmer to throw a few chairs at it to tame it down :)
11:54.05 d-lo Hrm, if I had to pick... I dunno which I would go for: Obliteration via Nuclear war, or sucked into a Black Hole that started in Europe.... :/
11:54.59 d-lo lol: "Many had bitterly said the consequences could be as extreme as the Earth being sucked into the black hole the LHC collisions may create as a side effect of the experiment. Others claimed time travellers with more sophisticated technology than ours could make use of the hole to invade the Earth and enslave mankind."
11:55.05 d-lo Too many scifi movies...
11:58.19 mafm :D
11:58.34 mafm the bad thing is that many ppl will believe this news :|
11:58.54 ``Erik ... I hate april 1st
11:59.02 ``Erik no, d-lo, no clue :/
11:59.23 mafm let's hope scientology church take it seriously and immolate themselves :P :)
11:59.59 ``Erik no, they'd just buy a lot of DC-9's and fly to another planet with volcanos
12:00.11 ``Erik would donate $10 to help them get to venus D:
12:00.12 ``Erik :D
12:00.48 ``Erik ('cept beck, he can stay)
12:00.58 mafm would double that!
12:05.04 *** join/#brlcad Lezard (n=lezardfl@
12:06.11 Maloeran Ahah, neat article mafm
12:07.31 d-lo ``Erik: got any 'cyclers built yet?
12:28.44 mafm :)
12:31.31 *** join/#brlcad cad48 (
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12:45.51 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:04.26 d-lo ``Erik: E37:73:06:31
13:05.52 ``Erik aight, putting together a maid service
13:06.09 ``Erik might take a couple hours, I tend to be up in the northern part
13:07.15 ``Erik 1:10 to get the 74 jg, 5 minutes to hop over to that astro
13:08.55 d-lo yeah, I have most of your astros bookmarked so they show up on the Map ;)
13:09.05 ``Erik pheer O.o
13:09.09 ``Erik jotes
13:09.16 ``Erik jots down a note... "don't piss dave off"
13:10.42 d-lo ....hrmm... no fleet, most locations known..... hrm.... *EVIL LAUGH*
13:10.58 d-lo =D
13:11.17 ``Erik hm, yes, 15 prings, 15 pshields, 3-4 dn's, and a fighter cloud on each, definitely soft targets :D
13:11.29 ``Erik no MOBILE fleet
13:11.53 d-lo True. true. but how dangerous is a person who just doesn't care about fleet anymore? ;)
13:11.54 ``Erik yoda is slz gm now, btw
13:12.16 d-lo ...wha? aren't we at war with slz?
13:12.33 ``Erik unofficially
13:12.54 d-lo why that little green shit. lol
13:12.58 ``Erik more of a "damnit, we're not farms, and you're warring on a madp"
13:13.17 ``Erik unfortunately, he has intel on our strongholds :(
13:13.30 ``Erik though I think he was like 32 or 33
13:13.58 ``Erik mebbe he'll get them to back off of fng *shrug* who knows
13:14.36 ``Erik that crash eliminated over 1/3 of slzs total fleet, mostly of their higher level members, so they're not exactly a huge threat
13:14.37 d-lo well, "personal vendettas" can be really fun ;)
13:16.34 ``Erik ooh, you've been called out on your hit, ya didn't post br
13:17.54 d-lo *shrug* I'll get to it ;)
13:43.56 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
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13:56.45 brlcad madant: either really -- a libged modification is an mged modification -- it adds a new command
13:57.58 madant was thinking whether a menu option would be nice.. but i guess a functioing command interface is a more important target :)
13:58.50 madant needs to seriously go through libged after months of stalling
14:02.51 brlcad libged is easy -- if you can make a simple test program with argc/argv, that converts very simply over to a libged function
14:04.33 madant hmm.. convenient :) ( evil grin )
14:07.41 madant oh and brlcad, i ran a sub 6 minute mile ;) 2.1 km in 7:49 :
14:07.50 madant :D felt like i was going to die
14:09.24 brlcad excellent
14:11.38 *** join/#brlcad _sushi__ (
14:30.38 hippieindamakin8 hey madant brlcad
14:31.24 hippieindamakin8 madant, just went out on a jog of 2 km (in arnd 13 min)
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14:56.10 kanzure brlcad: I'll try to send out an email in a few hours about the web repository ideas.
14:56.33 kanzure but pre-emptive constructive criticism about better ideas would be acceptable :)
15:13.52 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:21.31 brlcad hello hippieindamakin8
15:21.51 brlcad kanzure: please do
15:22.03 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
15:22.10 brlcad it'll be a rush the closer to the deadline it gets, and become harder to get good responses/reviews in the later they are
15:34.35 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=andrecas@
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15:36.22 andrecastelo hi brlcad, ``Erik
15:36.34 andrecastelo :)
15:46.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03117.196.146.22 07 * r1322 10/wiki/User:Homovulgaris: /* Abstract */ main objective changed
15:48.23 madant hippieindamakin8, speed up ;) unless of course you were enjoying some wonderful scenery while jogging
15:49.40 hippieindamakin8 madant, in iit kanpur's stadium .. there wont be any scenery there nor chiks :)
15:50.26 madant haha :) ah u are from iitk .. kewl.. i hear it is a very study-oriented place :P
15:50.50 madant u doing UG there ? which subbject ?
15:50.55 madant s/subbject/dept.
15:54.22 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
15:55.08 hippieindamakin8 madant, dude yeah !that is the reason writing an app becomes difficult. majoring in mechanical engineering.(subject of interest:computational geometry)
16:08.39 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Homovulgaris 07 * r1323 10/wiki/User:Homovulgaris: /* Proposal */ change of priorities
16:18.16 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Homovulgaris 07 * r1324 10/wiki/User:Homovulgaris: /* Schedule */
16:19.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Homovulgaris 07 * r1325 10/wiki/User:Homovulgaris: /* Other Notes */
16:19.34 madant loves cia wiki updates ;)
16:21.19 d-lo that you making all that IRC vomit? :)
16:21.41 madant moi :)
16:22.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Homovulgaris 07 * r1326 10/wiki/User:Homovulgaris: Text shifted to Notes since priorities have been changed
16:24.07 madant hippieindamakin8, :) which year are u in ?
16:25.52 hippieindamakin8 4rth
16:38.49 hippieindamakin8 starts editing the wiki <but feels that the cia updates would rather embaress him>
16:41.44 starseeker nah, go for it - we've all been there
16:44.55 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, :) thanks and did u find any thing better w.r.t the problem u were working on ?
16:45.41 starseeker brlcad and I discussed it some
16:46.00 starseeker probably want to back up and see if we really need the solution to that specific problem
16:46.09 hippieindamakin8 :)
16:47.07 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, once i submit my application, i shall send in a mail(read as spam) on the list with my idea of the solution
16:47.41 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyIII (
16:47.59 starseeker sounds good
17:16.22 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (
17:34.50 ``Erik if you feel like it'd be embarrassing, just remember, were still too busy laughing at starseeker to bother picking on you ;) *duck*
17:36.31 d-lo lol
17:36.49 d-lo You can also blame any mistakes you make on the LHC.
17:36.49 ``Erik that astro is swept, dave
17:37.17 d-lo saw that. 5200 cyclers is hardly 'no mobile' =D
17:38.08 ``Erik woulda figured the 17000 ft's and 240 hc's woulda gotten more attention
17:40.53 AlexandreGuedes hi
17:41.17 AlexandreGuedes when I'm compiling my build.
17:41.30 AlexandreGuedes is normal a lot of warning ?
17:41.46 ``Erik in the src/other directory, yes... shouldn't be many outside of that
17:50.17 AlexandreGuedes i got some errors
17:50.52 AlexandreGuedes make[2]: *** [libdm_la-color.lo] Error 1
17:51.37 AlexandreGuedes someone knows this error?
18:00.32 ``Erik can you paste more of the backlog to ? (the actual error is before that line)
18:07.11 AlexandreGuedes ok..
18:07.30 AlexandreGuedes
18:15.13 madant AlexandreGuedes, error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory = you don't have the required x11-dev libraries
18:15.19 madant which platform are you on
18:15.29 AlexandreGuedes ubuntu
18:16.10 madant install libx11-dev
18:16.30 madant and libxi-dev too
18:16.33 AlexandreGuedes ok...
18:18.26 AlexandreGuedes thanks
18:18.28 hippieindamakin8 madant, that is for most of the debian based distro users :)
18:18.41 AlexandreGuedes apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev
18:18.54 AlexandreGuedes :)
18:22.55 madant hippieindamakin8, true i remember a similar situation from a couple of days ago too IIRC
18:23.19 hippieindamakin8 madant, i too encountered the same problem. :)
18:23.42 madant ah.. so it was u ? :D
18:23.52 hippieindamakin8 madant, it was me an year ago :P
18:23.59 madant ah ok :D
18:24.09 hippieindamakin8 loves debian and KDE
18:24.48 madant AlexandreGuedes, I am not sure if the package name is xserver-xorg-dev for debian.. use apt-file search feature for locating the correct packages ?
18:25.48 AlexandreGuedes hmm ok
18:30.15 hippieindamakin8 madant, i dont think xserver-xorg-dev has libx11-dev headers
18:31.34 hippieindamakin8 AlexandreGuedes, apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev libx11-dev libx9-dev
18:32.06 hippieindamakin8 *libx9-dev/libxi-dev
18:34.33 AlexandreGuedes hippieindamakin8: thanks
18:34.44 madant does not even have xserver-xorg-dev installed :D
18:35.25 hippieindamakin8 madant, interesting :) neways they are the development files
18:35.28 AlexandreGuedes now think it is ok
18:35.31 hippieindamakin8 madant, which distro ?
18:35.39 madant debian unstable
18:35.58 hippieindamakin8 madant, awesome
18:36.43 madant whats awesome about it :P I like it though :D
18:37.33 hippieindamakin8 madant, i meant i too use the same. i dont find many ppl who are using debian unstable.
18:38.25 madant OS space is pretty huge :)
18:51.41 mafm madant rulez!
18:51.59 mafm and hippieindamakin8 rulez too :P
18:53.00 madant oh and lets not forget mafm :)
18:53.13 madant people still pester you about rand() :P
18:53.15 madant ?
18:53.46 mafm that question is not for me, I guess
18:55.10 madant mafm: ah maybe i am confused.. i remember some debian fan here being pestered about int rand() { return 4; } or something similar :)
18:56.26 mafm ahh
18:56.37 mafm well, that part was a joke
18:57.23 mafm but I was suffering a lot because of that yes, my workmates were fedora fascists :P
18:58.02 mafm incidentally, one of them got fed up of fedora in his laptop (unstable, sluggish, etc) and installed debian a while after that :)
18:58.08 mafm but I don't work there anymore
18:58.34 hippieindamakin8 madant, mafm :P
18:59.20 madant ah .. so my memory doesnt suck :P
19:03.49 kanzure brlcad: ok, sent.
19:26.14 AlexandreGuedes How I can know which are the dependeces (libs) before start the make build ?
19:27.29 hippieindamakin8 madant, i cant find a create content tab in my profile :| on brlcad wiki
19:27.36 hippieindamakin8 wiki and the site
19:32.24 hippieindamakin8 madant, nvm :|
19:37.19 madant hippieindamakin8, whats the error ?
19:37.47 madant AlexandreGuedes, did u try building again ? got any further errors ?
19:38.27 hippieindamakin8 wanted to put in my proposal
19:38.28 hippieindamakin8 madant, nthing resolved it
19:38.32 AlexandreGuedes now i'm having other error
19:38.33 madant regarding a list of dependencies.. well there aren't many.. :) x11, xi etc. are a few .. but mostly brl-cad code is pretty self-sufficient :)
19:38.45 madant AlexandreGuedes, paste ;)
19:39.43 AlexandreGuedes
19:40.09 AlexandreGuedes undefined reference to `X24_close_existing' ...
19:41.17 madant hmm.. tclcad.. try ./configure with the --enable-all option and then make
19:43.17 AlexandreGuedes Ok, I'm trying
19:46.16 AlexandreGuedes Which platform is better for build brlcad?
19:47.05 mafm debian, of course!
19:47.23 mafm some alianated ppl might suggest freebsd or something... :P
19:48.30 hippieindamakin8 mafm, freebsd is good too but they are incomprehensible philosophies
19:48.38 mafm (just kidding, any supported platform should do)
19:48.40 hippieindamakin8 *they are/they have
19:48.52 mafm such as?
19:50.34 mafm brlcad: it's full of spam
19:50.36 AlexandreGuedes madant: I had already done, but this happening the same error
19:50.52 hippieindamakin8 mafm, i ll just get the list of them from my prof :P
19:51.56 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=andrecas@
19:52.33 AlexandreGuedes madant: may i should cleanup ?
19:53.36 mafm AlexandreGuedes: it seems something internal (funcions being in brlcad code, so maybe it's autoconf missing something), you might want to wait for ``Erik or brlcad to come around
19:53.45 brlcad ~dreeves++
19:53.59 mafm a cleanup and --enable-all might help, though
19:55.28 AlexandreGuedes thanks
19:55.41 AlexandreGuedes i ll try it
19:56.41 AlexandreGuedes got the source from sourceforge, there are difference from svn source ?
19:56.49 AlexandreGuedes i got*
19:58.19 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34129 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/README.Linux: note that ubuntu/debian folks should install xserver-org-dev libx11-dev and libxi-dev
19:59.58 brlcad mafm, yep, the pastebin doesn't have any spam preventions .. gets hit every couple minutes
20:00.04 brlcad feel free to fix that ;)
20:00.05 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
20:00.34 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: svn sources are the very latest, source tarball is our last release
20:00.52 brlcad for gsoc, you'll want to be using the latest svn sources
20:01.24 *** join/#brlcad andax (
20:01.39 AlexandreGuedes i'll start a checkout just now
20:09.31 mafm dunno anything about pastebins :(
20:12.50 brlcad mafm: nor do I, don't need to know much about pastebin to run one and to install a captcha so it doesn't get spammed ;)
20:16.40 ``Erik recaptcha is already installed on that box, right? just a matter of figuring out how to wire it into the php?
20:17.50 brlcad yeah, recaptcha is tiny, just a few files
20:18.06 brlcad just usually have to add a few lines to whatever form page
20:18.17 mafm I thought that it was some kind of lil' specialized cms
20:18.27 mafm erm
20:18.28 brlcad heck, upgrading the pastebin might have a captcha option
20:18.40 mafm I'm busy with miss LH, she doesn't like me! :P
20:18.53 brlcad she say no?
20:20.49 mafm more or less
20:23.09 brlcad well, is it more or is it less? :)
20:24.26 madant_ :D
20:26.37 mafm it's less than more, but less is more
20:26.56 mafm it all depends on the meaning of "enrolled", I can't get such a paper
20:27.08 madant_ :)
20:27.36 mafm I can get only a paper telling that I finished all the courses, and I have the letter accepting my project
20:27.43 mafm but I don't even have a card this year
20:36.40 mafm uhm, that apparently is also OK
20:42.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34130 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
20:42.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: note that richard and keith added support to rtarea to computer center of
20:42.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: presented/exposed area. this is related to sf patch 1942589 (Exposed &
20:42.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Presented Region Area Center points) from andrecastelo but it was determined
20:42.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: that the patch was incomplete/unusable. this feature has been requested by
20:42.08 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: analyst users (specifically from r. dibelka as well).
20:55.54 AlexandreGuedes Yehh!! I got!!!!
20:57.24 AlexandreGuedes mafm: make run ok now
20:58.08 mafm AlexandreGuedes: congrats, you just burned the equivalent power to a trip from Porto Alegre to Ouro Preto!
20:58.10 mafm ;)
20:58.11 AlexandreGuedes i cleanup and restart build
20:59.58 AlexandreGuedes thanks.. the next stage is something from todo list
21:01.50 mafm :)
21:04.00 mafm you're welcome
21:08.00 *** join/#brlcad madant__ (n=madant@
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21:21.25 *** join/#brlcad SniX (
21:21.37 SniX hi
21:29.19 madant hi SniX
21:32.00 SniX is it possible to use FME using brl-cad?
21:32.16 SniX maybe exporting to another package?
21:32.27 brlcad you mean FEM?
21:34.01 SniX yep, sorry
21:36.25 brlcad what do you mean by 'use' then? you can certainly import most FEM's as polygonal/triangle data
21:36.36 brlcad and export those out to other packages
21:36.41 brlcad using our importers and exporters
21:36.51 brlcad depends on the format's you're wanting to go to/from
21:48.59 SniX thanks.
21:49.57 SniX how do I use a model in another? say I model a screw and want to use it.
21:56.10 *** join/#brlcad typ0 (
21:58.23 brlcad SniX: it depends really what you're trying to do
21:59.01 brlcad sounds like you probably just want to make a group/assembly, add both objects
21:59.16 brlcad g or comb command
21:59.19 brlcad (in mged)
22:01.01 SniX (my last question was not FEM related). I am thinking about libraries of models. is there something like "import"?
22:09.06 brlcad SniX: we have a variety of importers
22:09.12 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad/bin/*-g
22:09.18 brlcad those g files can be opened with mged
22:09.28 brlcad and imported into other g files
22:16.11 SniX with dbconcat?
22:16.27 brlcad yes
22:22.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34131 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/ (10 files in 10 dirs): remove BLT from windows build
22:34.58 madant hmm.. wicked Rube Goldberg
22:47.33 mafm brlcad: were the wiki accounts wiped out?
22:51.38 madant mafm: huh ?
22:52.00 mafm I can't login in and it won't recognize my mail addresses
22:52.32 madant weird.. working for me
22:54.43 mafm then I'm afraid I got amnesia and virulent stupidity or something
22:54.45 mafm :|
22:57.37 madant i think hippieindamakin8 was also having some trouble with the wiki earlier though he figured it out i think.
22:58.28 hippieindamakin8 madant, exactly it worked for me in few minutes :)
22:59.44 brlcad mafm: the geometry converter API doesn't require knowing geometry formats
22:59.49 brlcad it's a refactoring project
22:59.57 brlcad we have a bunch of converters, importers/exporters
23:00.04 brlcad it's turning them into functions instead of applications
23:00.19 brlcad sort of like how libged turned all of mged's commands into functions
23:00.38 brlcad mafm: no, accounts have never been removed
23:01.23 mafm huh, now it works :)
23:05.00 mafm hmm, still that of the exporters is low priority and not specially thrilling
23:08.03 mafm I also don't want to submit anything related to GUI if not complementary with Ralith's proposal, I like it and think that it's better "channeled" than my RBGui one last year :)
23:18.31 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34132 10/brlcad/trunk/include/config_win.h: remove dead code, define off_t instead of typedef it for some reason
23:20.43 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34133 10/brlcad/trunk/ check for the old BSD bcmp() function for Windows even though it is part of POSIX 1003.1-2001
23:24.50 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34134 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libsysv/ ( bcmp.c): add support for bcmp() for windows. g_diff uses it and windows (98) doesn't seem to have it, so implement a simple PD version.
23:29.02 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34135 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): add bcmp.c to the other build files
23:30.44 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:32.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34136 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_transfer.c: make sure we have SIGPIPE for Windows
23:37.31 brlcad mafm: of course :)
23:38.10 brlcad (and yes, discussions should almost always be public, unless it's a personal issue)
23:38.36 brlcad not being high-priority doesn't mean it's low priority
23:38.59 brlcad it just means it'll take a little more student-excitement and a better proposal
23:43.11 mafm I guessed that it was something like that, thus my "...and not specially thrilling" subjective comment :)
23:43.13 mafm sigh
23:43.27 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34137 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/ g_diff uses libtclcad for tclcad_auto_path() and tclcad_tcl_library()
23:44.02 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34138 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_lint.c: use rand() instead of random() since the precision isn't that important here and one isn't available on Windows.
23:46.26 *** join/#brlcad Lez (
23:46.30 mafm well, latish here, going to sleep
23:46.32 mafm night
23:48.28 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34139 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: verified that they now compile, annotate that g_lint, g_transfer, and g_diff are ported to windows given they now compile (and seem to run).
23:48.39 brlcad cya mafm
23:49.18 brlcad i'm sure there's probably some collaborative piece of the gui work to be done -- like backend work hooking up the geometry service and getting that talking
23:49.51 mafm I'll see tomorrow
23:50.44 mafm I don't have too much work left to do this week :)
23:50.46 mafm night
23:50.52 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34140 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: windows build seems jacked up. stuff compiling in the wrong order.

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