IRC log for #brlcad on 20090402

00:13.48 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
00:22.05 *** join/#brlcad typ0_ (
00:22.21 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: where i can get .g file format specification ?
00:59.34 yukonbob hello, cadheads
01:04.25 madant AlexandreGuedes, best bet is the code +
01:16.59 AlexandreGuedes madant: this link is not working, but I found:
01:17.18 AlexandreGuedes is the same thing ?
01:21.30 madant AlexandreGuedes, yep :)
01:22.07 *** join/#brlcad typ0 (
01:22.28 madant hmm.. er.. the one says draft 19 july
01:26.22 AlexandreGuedes WARNING: this document is out of date and incomplete, but a useful start for those writing to the .g format. See the librt and libwdb interfaces for more up-to-date information.
01:27.08 madant exactly :)
01:27.25 AlexandreGuedes it iis ok
01:27.49 AlexandreGuedes i should develop a sample patch...
01:28.04 AlexandreGuedes Someone could tell as should be a patch ?
01:28.14 madant have u succeeded in checking out the repo and building ?
01:28.27 AlexandreGuedes yes...
01:28.35 AlexandreGuedes and make install..
01:28.51 AlexandreGuedes is all runing ..
01:29.24 madant well you could take up any of the manageable things on the BUGS list or any small feature request at the sourceforge tracker or the things in the main TODO.. small things ofcourse :)
01:29.55 AlexandreGuedes hmm
01:29.55 madant AlexandreGuedes, I am not a mentor :) just a contributor
01:30.11 AlexandreGuedes ok
01:30.33 AlexandreGuedes tha pache can be a file .. ?
01:30.43 AlexandreGuedes the patch*
01:31.59 madant AlexandreGuedes, how to create a patch is mentioned here
01:32.52 madant It is just an easy method for transmitting whatever changes you have made to the code for removing the bug, or implementing a new feature etc. so that a developer can easily apply it , check it etc.
01:34.34 madant the diff tool as well as svn diff basically concatenates all the changes you have made to a single patch file which you can submit at the sourceforge page i mentioned above
01:35.29 madant then someone from brl-cad can check the patch by applying it using the patch tool etc.
01:35.45 madant thinks maybe this will explain things better than moi :)
01:36.01 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
01:40.13 AlexandreGuedes hhmm now I comprehended
01:41.58 madant no problem :) go have some awesome time reading brl-cad code ;) some of it is decades old and still awesome
01:44.31 AlexandreGuedes is a lot of code lines
01:48.53 madant heh.. indeed ;)
01:51.19 AlexandreGuedes ohhh
03:02.04 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: you don't really need the .g file specification to make a converter
03:02.18 brlcad there is an API for accessing/creating/reading geometry
03:02.42 brlcad src/librt and include/raytrace.h include/rtgeom.h and include/wdb.h
03:30.44 AlexandreGuedes i'm back
03:39.05 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: ok i'm analising it
03:40.02 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
03:57.54 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: great
03:57.57 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (i=bryan@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:58.31 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: librt is where most of the exporters work, libwdb is used by most of the importers
03:58.31 brlcad librt is read/write -- libwdb is write-only
03:59.38 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
03:59.54 AlexandreGuedes There is some specific documentation ?
04:00.13 AlexandreGuedes i'm lookin it now.. Converting_Geometry.pdf
04:00.13 brlcad there is quite a bit of documentation, dpends what you're trying to do
04:00.24 brlcad yeah, that's a good starting point
04:00.35 brlcad for an exporter, this simple example is relevant:
04:01.37 brlcad looking at the existing converters is also good
04:01.41 brlcad src/conv
04:05.32 AlexandreGuedes there are already converters from .g to .vrml, .obj, .x3d
04:07.35 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: some formats can represent many properties..
04:08.27 AlexandreGuedes which ones of them are more important for brlcad ?
04:09.18 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: the ones that deal with the geometry itself of course
04:09.33 brlcad other metadata specifically related to solid modeling and solidity
04:09.38 brlcad the hierarchy, if any
04:10.23 brlcad the rest is mostly attribute, parametrics, or 2D data that isn't easily converted
04:11.39 AlexandreGuedes mostly : points, vectors, vertexes ...
04:13.48 brlcad ah, yeah -- the 1D/2D/drafting entities can either be imported as sketch data, just stashed as attributes, or ignored
04:13.58 brlcad they're not directly related to solid modeling generally speaking
04:14.41 brlcad and solid modeling does take precedence over other purposes like design, drafting, and machining .. until there are devs to better support those domains
04:46.05 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
04:51.49 *** join/#brlcad cad07 (
05:05.36 *** join/#brlcad andre|away (n=Andre_Ca@
05:08.19 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: are you here ?
05:09.05 brlcad ~ask
05:09.05 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:09.34 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: i'm writing my project
05:09.51 brlcad highly recommends submitting two applications if you have the time
05:10.01 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: great
05:10.35 AlexandreGuedes i'll offer importers to vrml, obj and x3d
05:10.55 AlexandreGuedes and a interactive vizualization...
05:11.19 AlexandreGuedes using opengl..
05:11.45 brlcad the converters can all go together on the same applications
05:11.48 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: You think that is very or little ?
05:12.15 brlcad it's not clear until you start coding
05:12.27 brlcad depends how good you are at reading exising code
05:14.24 AlexandreGuedes And the interactive visualization can be together ?
05:15.10 brlcad interactive visualization using opengl will be very difficult without finishing the impementation of BREP support
05:16.09 brlcad at least implementing BREP tessellation support and CSG to BREP conversion support
05:17.08 brlcad still, please do submit both even stubbed out and we can discuss them in further detail.
05:17.18 brlcad wanders
05:20.52 AlexandreGuedes Unfortunately gsoc deadline coincided with other commitments...
05:21.17 AlexandreGuedes this week i have others deadlines
05:31.31 deeeffache Hey, if you wanted to create something that would generate.. say, a gear, that worked like, 'creategear numberteeth radius,' would it be best to write a shell script or is there another way of handling this?
05:41.35 *** join/#brlcad Ralith|trip (i=40f692fb@gateway/web/ajax/
05:41.44 Ralith|trip checks in
05:57.47 *** part/#brlcad Ralith|trip (i=40f692fb@gateway/web/ajax/
05:59.03 yukonbob deeeffache: could be done in Tcl, using mged for example.
06:14.58 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: hey, thanks
06:15.32 AlexandreGuedes now i'm understandig more about brlcad models
06:17.55 AlexandreGuedes i'll be away, see you later
06:33.51 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes_ (
06:35.00 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
08:29.44 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:35.29 d_rossberg brlcad: your comment on the new importer proposal is private
08:35.52 d_rossberg i.e. the student should not be able to see it
08:47.34 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
10:15.59 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:19.08 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
10:27.44 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 0385.186.3.59 07 * r1327 10/wiki/Talk:Animation: New page: Hello
10:54.12 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
10:56.28 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/delete: deleted "[[Talk:Animation]]": content was: 'Hello' (and the only contributor was '[[Special:Contributions/|]]')
10:56.51 brlcad d_rossberg: really?? oops, thanks!
11:07.31 mafm hi
11:08.33 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
11:20.00 *** join/#brlcad andre|away_ (n=Andre_Ca@
11:25.50 mafm brlcad: mail FAIL: "It was never expected that the project woluThere is also a separate MGED+Archer"
12:06.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:09.37 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:31.19 brlcad mafm: ah, oops, thanks -- "never expected that the project would 'finish' as it's a multi-year effort."
12:43.06 mafm brlcad: I figured it out, just noted it in the case that you want to fix it :)
12:43.06 mafm bbiab
12:52.21 brlcad fixed and extended
13:00.23 ``Erik cocks an eyebrow at the 'tops' program on his mac
13:09.07 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
13:17.06 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:36.42 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
14:26.46 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
14:31.51 starseeker wills his nosebleed to stop so he can get on the friggin road
14:33.50 brlcad gives starseeker some cocaine to congeal the bleeding
14:34.11 starseeker heh - best example ever of cure being worse than disease
14:37.26 _sushi_ Do you know how to feed a long content of a Makefile variable into xargs?
14:37.37 brlcad you probably wouldn't think that after trying it ;)
14:39.14 brlcad _sushi_: grep variable Makefile | xargs ...
14:40.25 brlcad or just the content: grep variable Makefile | sed 's/[^=][^=]*=[ ]*//g' | xargs
14:41.57 ``Erik that assumes that the variable isn't split with escaped newlines
14:41.59 _sushi_ I have variable $(GENERATED) which is a dynamically computed list of all files generated during compilation of Ronja
14:42.09 _sushi_ I cannot grep it out of the Makefile. It's not written there.
14:42.26 ``Erik if you have a bsd make handy, do "make -V VARIABLE"
14:42.26 _sushi_ It's so many kilobytes it cannot be passed on a commandline.
14:42.36 ``Erik gnumake is r-tarded
14:43.05 _sushi_ I need it for gnu make
14:43.13 _sushi_ it apparently doesn't have -V
14:43.43 _sushi_ is there a limit on size of environment variable?
14:43.50 brlcad true dat about escaped newlines, though easy to unescape all lines before the grep too -- one of our scripts does that
14:44.10 brlcad _sushi_: most have some upper limit
14:44.21 brlcad 65k on many nowdays
14:45.06 ``Erik woke up too early, is already hungry :/
14:45.57 ``Erik wow, sgi for 25m? O.o
14:48.01 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1328 10/wiki/Developer_Documents: stub in a development tips section for emacs and studio
14:48.26 _sushi_ wow, it works
14:48.30 brlcad ``Erik: lee is up for lunch
14:48.38 ``Erik yeah, talked to him about 20m ago
14:48.52 brlcad _sushi_: what does?
14:49.00 _sushi_ export GENERATED
14:49.03 _sushi_ calling an external script
14:49.09 ``Erik jim isn't interested in a real lunch, just a bowling alley trip or something
14:49.14 _sushi_ and there for filename in $GENERATED; do rm $filename; done
14:49.25 ``Erik I was kinda thinking japan house, sake might help this headache out :)
14:58.09 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
15:08.59 _sushi_ now it's already working with GENERATED :)
15:09.38 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
15:25.22 *** join/#brlcad typ0 (
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15:27.36 *** join/#brlcad boerrebj_ (
15:28.14 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1329 10/wiki/Emacs: add some functions, style, and behavior setups
15:30.43 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1330 10/wiki/Emacs: pre markers so [] display
15:53.07 *** join/#brlcad gaurav_hiiii (n=chatzill@
16:22.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1331 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: New page: ==Suryajith== I am a final year undergraduate at Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur, majoring in Mechanical engineering. ===Abstract=== I wish to implement a library/routine which comp...
16:27.20 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
16:53.33 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
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18:08.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34141 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ (4 files in 4 dirs): update uuids
18:09.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34142 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_diff.c: include sysv.h for bcmp()
18:13.41 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1332 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
18:35.44 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1333 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: remove the priority distinction
19:30.59 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34143 10/brlcad/trunk/include/sysv.h: hah, missed committing this fracking declaration
19:48.52 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34144 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ typo
19:54.15 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1334 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: restore a benchmark database website idea
20:01.02 *** join/#brlcad andax (
20:48.03 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
21:19.10 jdoliner brlcad could you provide a bit of guidance on a patch?
21:25.03 brlcad jdoliner: sure, fix something ;)
21:26.40 brlcad i.e., look at the BUGS file -- most of those items are a lot less work than the TODO file items (though todo also has a few tasks that are pretty simple)
21:27.14 brlcad another thing is to start trying out a variety of the command-line tools until you find some unexpected behavior or a crash, then fix that
21:27.20 brlcad usually doesn't take too long ;)
21:29.19 jdoliner yes I'm working on bug: 2561346
21:36.07 brlcad looks
21:36.22 jdoliner it has to do with tesselation failure
21:39.58 jdoliner so I need a bit of help on the flow of the program
21:40.30 jdoliner nmg_booltree_lead_trees is failing
21:45.57 jdoliner tess* that is
21:46.41 jdoliner and it's gotta be failing since ip-idb_meth->ft_tessellate is failing
21:48.00 jdoliner but I don't really know what that references at all
21:48.53 mafm brlcad: requirements are the usual: proposal in the wiki, mailing list, and sending patches?
21:49.14 brlcad mafm: yeah
21:49.37 mafm patches being in the interim period, right?
21:49.37 brlcad jdoliner: so did you get john's response?
21:49.41 brlcad what the problem was
21:49.58 jdoliner no I didn't get john's response
21:50.04 jdoliner did he send one?
21:50.18 brlcad jdoliner: read the comments on the bug ;)
21:51.06 jdoliner oh yes I did see that
21:51.08 brlcad also might as well mention that ip->idb_meth is a callback table to specific primitives -- ft_tessellate calls a primitive's tess() function
21:51.34 brlcad so if it's an ellipsoid, ft_tessellate() is a function pointer to ell_tess()
21:51.49 jdoliner in this case it seems to be rt_extrude_tess()
21:51.56 brlcad right
21:52.18 jdoliner and that's the function I think I should modify, am I right about that?
21:52.33 brlcad probably one of several really given what the problem is
21:52.38 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
21:52.45 brlcad it's a matter of garbage-in == garbage-out
21:53.01 AlexandreGuedes hi
21:53.06 brlcad it's bad geometry, so we can either detect it and abort or fix it automatically if it's fixable
21:53.11 mafm brlcad: patches being in the interim period, right?
21:53.11 brlcad hello AlexandreGuedes
21:53.17 brlcad mafm: what does that mean?
21:53.18 mafm hi AlexandreGuedes
21:53.42 mafm that patches doesn't have to be submitted before 3rd April deadline
21:54.09 mafm just with time enough to evaluate it properly
21:54.27 brlcad oh heck no -- patches can be submitted all the way up until we finalize selections (though the earlier the better obviously)
21:54.30 jdoliner well it certainly is fixable
21:54.39 brlcad which is like april 15th maybe? forget the timeline
21:54.51 jdoliner yes april 15th is correct
21:55.23 brlcad jdoliner: in this case, definitely -- you can detect that various segments need to be reversed if they don't form a loop
21:55.30 jdoliner 1 question, is there any worry with fixing it, that we're maybe changing some feature of the geometry that the user wanted?
21:55.59 brlcad and if that's the approach taken, reversing the segments, it probably belongs in import5() so that it's fixed once read off of the disk
21:57.44 mafm goody
21:57.47 jdoliner k so we want to make sure, anytime we import that we don't have these reversed segments
22:00.00 jdoliner where can I find the import5() function?
22:17.35 brlcad jdoliner: same file as tess()
22:18.02 brlcad src/librt/primitives/sketch has the sketch primitive that is used with the extrude primitive
22:18.43 brlcad jdoliner: alternative, you could make sure you only write out / export "correct" sketches .. but that will still allow them to be initially created and cause bad behavior
22:19.25 brlcad alternative is to just detect the problem during import and print a message that there are incorrectly oriented segments
22:19.46 *** join/#brlcad BigATo1 (
22:19.53 brlcad put that detection in a function, then it could be added to import/export/prep/tess/whatever
22:20.38 jdoliner sorry that's nmg_booltree_lead_tess you're talking about
22:20.53 jdoliner because Im not finding anything called import when I search
22:23.36 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
22:26.24 jdoliner k nm found it
22:30.40 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1335 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
22:32.07 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1336 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: /* Proposed approach */
22:33.05 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, comments please
22:33.08 hippieindamakin8
22:33.51 hippieindamakin8 madant_, mafm ^
22:38.58 mafm nice, hippieindamakin8
22:39.16 hippieindamakin8 mafm, comments :)
22:39.37 mafm aesthetically?
22:39.42 mafm technically, no idea :)
22:40.08 hippieindamakin8 mafm, :D
22:40.22 hippieindamakin8 mafm, meant technically
22:41.00 hippieindamakin8 should be getting ready with a bug fix .. now i can do my course projects for the next 2-3 days
22:41.28 mafm hippieindamakin8: I don't know much about b-reps or CSG or anything :P
22:41.47 mafm as a proposal, if you want to submit that as application in the google app
22:42.00 mafm it should have maybe less detail (or maybe not)
22:42.16 hippieindamakin8 mafm, are u familiar with the computational geometry algos using approximation ?
22:42.24 mafm but it must contain milestones, plans for it (in weeks or something) and this kind of thing
22:43.10 hippieindamakin8 mafm, rt exactly
22:43.17 hippieindamakin8 i forgot to mention the timeline :|
22:43.25 mafm
22:43.58 hippieindamakin8 mafm, thanks i shall add it to both of them
22:43.59 mafm I think that mine from last year works pretty well (it's incomplete, lacking personal info and so on, but gives you an idea about milestones, deliverables and other sections)
22:44.49 mafm (my full proposal was more detailed, now that I see it in detail :) -- I can provide you one of my proposals where you can see the overall structure )
22:45.26 mafm and I'm not familiar with the details of CAD or rendering in any sense, I only take part in the infrastructure of things -- GUI, interfaces, etc :)
22:45.44 hippieindamakin8 mafm, i ll try to add it in :) i just have gone through madant_ 's proposal
22:46.27 hippieindamakin8 mafm, havent u put in any app this year?
22:46.48 mafm I'm trying, right now
22:48.01 mafm madant_'s one is also a good think to inspire you, specially with the schedule
22:48.41 mafm but hey, brlcad is the Big Boss, so take advantage of him (erm... with tender and care :) )
22:48.43 hippieindamakin8 yeah that is elaborate
22:48.53 hippieindamakin8 mafm, yeah ;)
23:07.44 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
23:08.22 Malyce Hello
23:08.33 Malyce I was reading through the Core C++ interface
23:09.01 Malyce where can I find the class diagram for it ?
23:09.47 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
23:10.18 brlcad hippieindamakin8: even at a glance, already better than last year :)
23:10.59 brlcad you need to include a timeline with some basic goals/deliverables/objectives spelled out -- something that can help track progress
23:11.03 *** join/#brlcad Lezard (n=lezardfl@
23:11.10 brlcad that goes for others as well, if you don't have a timeline yet
23:11.22 brlcad it'll be one of my first comments
23:11.24 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, working on it. thanks
23:11.29 hippieindamakin8 :)
23:11.59 mafm hippieindamakin8: also, make sure to read all the required stuff in the website
23:12.02 brlcad also, feel free to link to a personal site or portfolio or paper or whatever if you have it to share
23:12.29 brlcad doesn't need to be a resume, frankly don't care much where you've worked -- but if you can show things you've actually done, that can be useful
23:12.38 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, sure. i ll put the links.
23:13.06 brlcad hippieindamakin8: yeah, what mafm said too -- there's a list of things you should be sure to include/cover
23:13.11 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, rt now the ftp site of uNC is down so i shall put up the acm links
23:13.12 mafm hippieindamakin8: such as:
23:13.19 Malyce hiya
23:13.22 mafm (and the rest of things in that page)
23:13.29 mafm hi Malyce
23:13.39 Malyce I managed to find the UML diagrams for Geometry engine and services
23:13.49 brlcad hippieindamakin8: don't want links to other people's stuff, I mean *your* stuff if you have anything
23:13.51 Malyce but couldn't find the one for Core C++ interface
23:13.51 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, with sleeplessness i forgot abt the requirements
23:14.06 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, as in anything related to that ?
23:14.11 Malyce Could you pass me a link ?
23:14.59 mafm sorry Malyce, that's classified information
23:15.12 hippieindamakin8 i shall set a link to my resume/site. my paper isnt anywhere close to this :P
23:15.46 mafm (malyce: I mean... I don't know, maybe other people does ;) )
23:16.06 hippieindamakin8 mafm, i just got a hosting from drupal(the free one) a couple of weeks ago :P that is pretty decent as a matter of fact
23:16.35 mafm :)
23:16.47 Malyce eh ? ok
23:17.00 Malyce as long as the discussion is about passing links to previous works
23:17.13 Malyce I don't really have links to what I have done
23:17.37 Malyce But, for the past year, I have been working as a research assistant to formalize Solidworks 2008
23:18.21 Malyce I wrote VBA code for the Solidworks API, to extract CAD data to OmDoc(XML) and HASCASL(Haskell)
23:18.48 Malyce And in the end, basically creating pointclouds from the CAD data
23:19.04 Malyce Would such an explanation be any good ?
23:20.11 mafm Malyce: if you're planning an application, you should read and do something like
23:21.00 mafm milestones, schedule and other stuff depends heavily on what task do you plan to tackle
23:21.05 hippieindamakin8 madant_'s app has become an example aint it :)
23:21.10 mafm but in general, it should give you an idea
23:21.24 brlcad Malyce: there aren't uml diagrams for the coreInterface -- but there is writeup for it on the wiki
23:21.32 Malyce Yes, I read that.
23:21.35 brlcad and the classes are pretty neatly organized -- it's not that complex
23:21.49 Malyce oh, you mean the one from the Developer docs ?
23:22.00 brlcad Malyce: also note that the uml diagrams that you read are likely out of date - but they do still have useful information
23:22.05 mafm hippieindamakin8: I had the link around
23:22.16 brlcad mostly on what those uml diagrams call the GeometryEngine is not entirely/still true
23:22.27 brlcad and yes, the dev docs
23:22.27 hippieindamakin8 mafm, madant_ would be elated if he hears this
23:23.02 hippieindamakin8 neways i better complete editing the proposal. its already 4:55 am and got a class from 10.
23:23.18 Malyce I read a todo list in the repository for Geometry Engine
23:23.28 mafm Malyce: also mine (personal info, background and so on not included), was accepted last year
23:23.45 brlcad hippieindamakin8: for references, I meant personal-portfolio information, like if you had a personal website where you show other projects you work on
23:23.48 brlcad if not, no big deal
23:23.49 Malyce It tells about what should be the end product, but not about the current issues
23:23.51 mafm hippieindamakin8: get to work! :P :)
23:23.52 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
23:24.14 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, i do have one.
23:24.18 hippieindamakin8 i ll link it up
23:24.20 Malyce Is there such a todo list, where I can find what part people are currently working ?
23:25.20 brlcad Malyce: mostly by hanging out in irc and talking -- we don't keep anything documented like that because it is *constantly* changing for the most part
23:26.36 Malyce I see. So to include a concrete list of what I can achieve, I should go through the current state of the repository ?
23:26.57 Malyce I don't want to sound too vague, when I write a list of objectives.
23:27.44 brlcad yeah, the more specific you can be, the better
23:27.57 brlcad it is expected that you will have to learn much as you get started
23:28.06 brlcad so pad for some of that time in your proposal
23:28.19 brlcad there will have to be a lot of time for communication/discussion too throughout
23:28.31 brlcad no student should be working in a vacuum
23:29.08 brlcad as for the state of the repository, that's best understood by looking through what you can and asking questions -- I can probably answer a lot more quickly than you can find
23:29.17 brlcad or at least point you in the right direction
23:29.35 brlcad there's not much time left so there will be more time to tweak after the deadline
23:29.48 mafm brlcad: the global illumination rendered was not done by andrecastelo?
23:29.53 mafm renderer* even
23:30.02 Malyce You said yesterday about the future merging of Core interface with Geometry Engine
23:30.18 Malyce I have taken a look at both. I am still formulating some good objectives
23:30.24 Malyce Any hints ?
23:31.45 brlcad mafm: what do you mean? he worked on it, but he didn't finish
23:32.20 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes_ (
23:32.32 brlcad in fact, he didn't get to the global illumination aspect, he got to basic flat shade ray-tracing
23:32.47 brlcad Malyce: are you the one familiar with SW?
23:32.56 Malyce yes
23:33.01 brlcad okay
23:33.11 Malyce I have been working on it for quite a while
23:33.16 Malyce not as a modeller though
23:33.23 Malyce only with VB and the API
23:33.48 brlcad well to relate to their api a little bit -- if I remember their api correctly, their approach does things a little like if we merged our geometry service together with the geometry engine
23:34.08 brlcad basically that you attach to their geometry engine and send it actions/queries to perform
23:34.16 mafm ah ok, it'll be a WIP too
23:35.01 Malyce Hmm, I thought core services' syntax resembled more like their API syntax
23:35.20 brlcad the goal of the geometry engine is to separate service actions, access control, and revisioning from the core representation and capabilities of geometry
23:35.21 Malyce I haven't seen any examples for either Geometry Engine or services
23:35.39 brlcad there are some coreinterface examples on the wiki
23:35.43 Malyce Yes
23:35.46 Malyce I have seen
23:35.49 brlcad k
23:35.54 Malyce but not for Geometry engine/services
23:36.06 Malyce Are there any ?
23:36.33 brlcad for all intensive purposes GeometryEngine==coreInterface
23:36.51 brlcad geometry service is not involved
23:37.01 Malyce I think I am beginning to understand.
23:37.25 Malyce So, when you said you wanted to merge core interfaces with geometry engine, they both complement each other
23:37.25 mafm brlcad, from your ideas list: Create a 3D geometry browser graphical interface using a common graphics engine (e.g. OGRE, Open Scene Graph, Crystal Space) -- isn't this the GUI that we've been making?
23:37.33 brlcad the GeometryService *project* required the dev that was working on it to define some aspects of a GeometryEngine before one existed, before coreInterface was even to the point it is at now
23:37.35 Malyce instead of substituting each other
23:38.08 Malyce ok
23:38.13 brlcad so the GS dev ended up duplicating some of the same design that was implemented by the other dev that was working on the coreInterface (d_rossberg)
23:38.27 brlcad so they should be merged
23:38.46 brlcad I think coreInterface has a lot more design to it already, but still has a LONG way to go
23:38.51 Malyce So, is the plan to extend core interfaces, till it converges with Geometry engine ?
23:38.58 brlcad yeah, sorta
23:39.06 Malyce Sound cool
23:39.17 brlcad in my mind, coreInterface is the GE but with a bad name :)
23:39.27 Malyce Is the wiki out of date ?
23:39.39 brlcad but then there are some aspects in the currently GS/GE-named GE that need to merge with it
23:39.45 brlcad not horribly no
23:39.58 brlcad that's where things are at -- a lot of work remains
23:40.36 brlcad so probably your first step would be to work with d_rossberg and d-lo to merge the two or find the best way to consolidate them
23:41.14 Malyce So core interfaces needs to cover all the standard libraries that BRL devs work with ?
23:41.24 Malyce Should I put that down as an objective ?
23:41.36 brlcad then itemize a few specific goals, like maybe adding support for all of the primitive types, or maybe defining brep entities, or maybe adding hierarchy traversal support, etc
23:42.04 brlcad brl-cad's core libraries are presently LIBBU, LIBBN, LIBRT, LIBWDB, and LIBGED
23:42.20 brlcad the Geometry Engine is an OO layer that sits on top of that functionality
23:42.45 brlcad and uses those libraries to provide functionality
23:43.05 Malyce Pardon me. I understand some of your lingo, but others I don't get: Defining brep entities ?
23:43.28 brlcad depending on what portion of the API you work on, the task may even involve some refactoring -- pushing functionality that is in libged into librt, for example, so that the GE can use it more effectively
23:43.40 brlcad brep is "boundary representation"
23:43.52 brlcad
23:44.21 Malyce Hierarchy transversal support has to do with inheritance ? Or does it have something to do with model parts ?
23:44.23 brlcad <-- pretty good image
23:44.29 brlcad albeit detailed
23:44.41 brlcad model parts .. traversing down a model hierarchy
23:44.48 brlcad doing things while you traverse
23:44.52 brlcad it's a common operation in librt
23:45.00 Malyce That seems like something I am much more familiar with
23:45.01 brlcad it becomes a set of iterators in OO
23:45.16 Malyce Sounds simple
23:45.30 brlcad that's why one of daniel's examples is traversal iirc -- you can see the difference
23:45.34 brlcad looks for the link
23:46.27 brlcad
23:46.40 brlcad that uses librt to traverse a geometry file and print all regions
23:47.02 Malyce Thanks a ton brlcad
23:47.11 Malyce this was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for
23:47.16 brlcad this is similar but with the C++ interface as it currently stands:
23:47.59 brlcad notes that needs lots of improvement :)
23:48.43 brlcad no reason the C++ version should be that much more text than the C version :)
23:48.57 brlcad though in all fairness, they do slightly different things
23:49.01 Malyce ok, dumb question maybe, but is it not possible to save the file, and just run the db_walk to get the same result ?
23:49.13 brlcad hm?
23:49.26 Malyce It seems you have hierarchy transversal in the geometry files, but not in core interfaces, is it not ?
23:49.28 brlcad save what file?
23:49.46 Malyce I assumed the first example was transversal inside a stored database file
23:50.11 brlcad our geometry database files (our .g file format) contain geometry with hierarchical information
23:50.27 Malyce yes
23:50.46 brlcad say you open a file and want to list all objects, that's easy enough, but say you want to print the hierarchy itself, then you need to traverse over the objects in their hierarchy order
23:50.49 Malyce so, why can't a dirty shortcut like the one I mentioned above be used ?
23:51.01 Malyce oh
23:51.22 Malyce So the hierarchy isn't preserved ?
23:51.38 brlcad of course it's preserved, but it's just bits on a disk
23:51.53 Malyce so ?
23:52.07 brlcad so I think you're missing something :)
23:52.35 brlcad the API in this case is a routine to walk down a tree
23:52.42 Malyce Is this the difference between doing it in realtime, and retrieving the info from storage ?
23:52.48 brlcad on the C side in librt, one of those functions is db_walk_tree()
23:53.12 brlcad you provide various callbacks to db_walk_tree() to tell it what to do when it encounters various object types
23:53.26 brlcad your callbacks are invoked, and your application does what it needs to
23:54.09 brlcad that's very much a procedural method of iteration, what one would generally expect with a C api
23:54.25 brlcad for the C++ api, I would generally expect something else
23:55.00 Malyce like ?
23:55.21 Malyce Just something higher level ?
23:55.36 brlcad which is what is shown in that example for the coreInterface -- there it defines a TopObjectIterator along with a callback, and as it iterates over 'good' objects (wtf), it calls that callback
23:56.31 brlcad expectation is what it does -- iterator pattern instead of procedural callbacks
23:58.35 Malyce And we can't have the same thing in C ?
23:58.43 Malyce Is the difference in Classes ?
23:58.54 Malyce iterators are not possible in C ?
23:59.27 mafm languages with OO capabilities are cleaner in some ways, as this one :)
23:59.46 brlcad mafm: right, there are no iterators

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