IRC log for #brlcad on 20090403

00:00.09 brlcad at best, you could have an iterator function that is given an iteration state object
00:00.12 Malyce I never realised this
00:00.21 mafm you can create roughly the same functionality with C structs, but sometimes it's not as clean and usually ppl doesn't work with those idioms in C language
00:00.36 brlcad sort of like strsep() .. it's not nearly as clean as just iterator++;
00:00.49 Malyce Ease of use. yes, classes are nice
00:01.02 brlcad with strsep(), you keep calling strsep and keep feeding it a new (state) pointer
00:01.07 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
00:01.10 Malyce Which is why you want the CoreInterfaces in C++
00:01.18 brlcad we have a C api
00:01.28 brlcad the entire point is to provide a new/clean OO C++ API
00:01.37 Malyce But, for the unified API, youd rather use C++
00:01.40 Malyce ok
00:01.42 brlcad hm?
00:01.47 Malyce same thing
00:01.50 brlcad there is no 'unified' api
00:02.02 brlcad there are the C libs, and this new C++ library
00:02.12 Malyce the merging of Coreinterfaces with GeomEngine
00:02.14 brlcad the C++ one sits on top of the C ones
00:02.54 brlcad well, that's more just a "current state of affairs" .. there are two things that have the exact same goals, but were simply designed by two different devs mostly in isolation
00:03.11 brlcad they need to merge simply because they are the same thing -- the differences have to be reconciled
00:04.03 Malyce The Tree walker example, is that hypothetical ?
00:04.13 brlcad no, we do that sort of thing all the time
00:04.26 brlcad you can find dozens of examples of it throughout the brl-cad code
00:04.30 Malyce Or, if it works, then don't you already have traversal support ?
00:04.54 brlcad we have traversal support in C -- that's the db_walk_tree() function (and there are about 6 others too)
00:05.09 brlcad that one in C++ was just implemented like last week
00:05.28 Malyce so, you do have traversal support in C++ now ?
00:05.43 brlcad the one you just saw...
00:05.58 Malyce k, is there anything I can add ?
00:06.13 brlcad undoubtedly
00:06.24 brlcad again, that code is brand new, hasn't even been reviewed by anyone really
00:06.34 brlcad and it's actually longer than the C example
00:06.43 Malyce Yes, funnily
00:06.44 brlcad that's not right -- something could be improved there I'm sure
00:07.09 Malyce I'll add that to my list
00:07.16 Malyce anything else that comes to mind ?
00:07.23 brlcad to say you're going to work on that would be missing the boat a little bit though -- there's hundreds of pieces of functionality like that in LIBRT that need to be translated to OO C++ API form
00:07.43 brlcad you're obviously not going to implement everything
00:08.00 brlcad mafm: here!, I can't keep toggling
00:08.08 brlcad and it shouldn't be private
00:08.21 brlcad doesn't matter if there's something else also being discussed
00:08.36 mafm ah ok, sorry :D
00:08.39 Malyce But, you need a specific list of goals
00:08.45 brlcad Malyce: yes
00:08.53 Malyce Saying that I wish to extend Coreinterfaces won't be enough
00:09.06 Malyce I'll need more specifics ?
00:09.21 brlcad so you could work on cleaning up tree traversal -- to do that I'd suggest looking at those two examples as well as the other iterators in librt .. see how they could be defined best as c++
00:11.15 mafm brlcad: so do I repeat the questions here?
00:11.25 brlcad Malyce: probably best is to peruse what librt presently does, what coreInterface presently does, and what the other GS/GE-defined engine does .. then describe those categorical areas of the API -- those categories of API in LIBRT very likely correspond to objects in C++
00:11.27 mafm the 1st one was already posted in this channel
00:11.42 brlcad the basic structs in C mostly correspond to C++ classes nearly 1-1
00:12.02 brlcad mafm: yes, the discussion log would be useless for others otherwise
00:12.17 brlcad what was the first question?
00:12.26 mafm brlcad, from your ideas list: Create a 3D geometry browser graphical interface using a common graphics engine (e.g. OGRE, Open Scene Graph, Crystal Space) -- isn't this the GUI that we've been making?
00:12.34 brlcad that is the gui
00:12.47 brlcad more specifically, that would ideally be a plugin in the new gui infrastructure
00:13.45 brlcad more interestingly, it becomes a plugin in the gui infrastructure that talks to the geometry service for getting geometry
00:14.10 brlcad this is a great article by a friend on the drupal dev team:
00:14.20 mafm I don't understand, isn't "browser" the view?
00:15.06 Malyce You mentioned support for primitives
00:15.20 Malyce a quick look reveals revolves, bsplines etc
00:15.26 Malyce I can move this to C++
00:15.39 Malyce And I have worked with these before in SW
00:15.51 Malyce So I have an idea of what to do
00:16.04 brlcad Malyce: there's no moving
00:16.20 brlcad you're creating a library that sits on top of libbu, libbn, librt, libwdb, libged :)
00:16.32 Malyce that is what I meant. Sorry, my lingo sucks
00:16.47 Malyce but, I can do that
00:16.53 brlcad if working with entites is more familiar, then start there
00:17.05 Malyce It seems like a big chunk of work
00:17.17 brlcad absolutely
00:17.23 Malyce coupled with hierarchy transversal, I think it will keep me occupied
00:17.30 Malyce big enough objective ?
00:17.43 brlcad you should post whatever you come up with onto the brlcad-devel mailing list, see if you can get rossberg to comment on your goals
00:18.06 brlcad he'd likely be the mentor or d-lo if you worked on that project
00:18.06 Malyce I think that covering all the primitives would be hard
00:18.15 brlcad then maybe focus on just that
00:18.29 mafm 2nd question: Create a ray-trace service daemon with a simple tcp communications interface (similar to remrt, but more of a persistent daemon) -- do you think that is it doable as gsoc project? I don't think that this raytracing is covered by geometry service
00:18.37 brlcad traversal was just an easily demonstrateable point since there are already demos of both in both APIs
00:18.58 brlcad mafm: ray-tracing is covered by the GS
00:19.07 brlcad it's actually one of its critical requirements
00:19.39 brlcad it's being developed specifically to callers to shoot rays at geometry and get back the results :)
00:19.59 brlcad s/to callers to/so callers can/
00:20.34 mafm good, so scrap that one too :)
00:20.52 brlcad so the task there, mafm, could be to work on the GS directly and work on the class(es) that get hooked into by the job manager that will issue rays
00:21.03 brlcad that'd be a pretty hot topic
00:21.10 brlcad why scrap it?
00:21.15 mafm the 3rd one was a curiosity -- Implement or integrate a RenderMan-compliant interface (e.g. Pixie) to BRL-CAD's ray-trace library -- my gsoc of 2007 was with Aqsis, rival of Pixie :) but it was not about rendering, but multithreading
00:21.41 mafm oh, I meant, if dlo or daniel are already working on it...
00:21.49 brlcad pixie is all lgpl, aqsis has nasty gpl portions ;)
00:21.55 brlcad otherwise, yeah, same thing
00:21.57 Malyce ? i think it might take too long for him to respond. Maybe I should proceed with writing this stuff down and submitting ?
00:22.06 brlcad mafm: they're huge tasks
00:22.18 brlcad collaborative efforts would be way cooler than independent efforts
00:22.23 brlcad Malyce: no
00:22.28 brlcad see the wiki
00:22.32 mafm Malyce: you should submit the application nevertheless, otherwise you'll miss the deadline
00:22.36 brlcad it has instructions in the gsoc pages on getting there
00:22.53 brlcad yeah, you should submit asap just so you're in -- you can tweak and update afterwards
00:23.01 mafm Malyce: you can edit the proposal later. also the address is wrong.
00:23.11 brlcad I'd suggest submitting it as soon as you have it done, then post to the list for feedback
00:23.21 brlcad and/or to a user wiki page
00:23.35 Malyce I have more than 12 hrs, right ?
00:23.50 Malyce just to be sure
00:23.52 Malyce ?
00:23.57 brlcad Malyce: *you* do.. but it would be nice if we could have some time to review and discuss it :)
00:24.02 Malyce yes
00:24.04 Malyce certainly
00:24.06 Malyce I will do that
00:24.31 mafm about rendermans: says GPL and LGPL, anyway BRL-CAD would not use them (but the other way around), so I don't kow why that would matter :)
00:24.37 brlcad i mean we'll have the upcoming week, but its only going to get harder as the deadline approaches and there are a dozen half-discussed applications
00:24.45 brlcad I expect a little bit of a flurry of discussion tomorrow
00:24.48 mafm anyway, I didn't touch any renderman-specific part, so nevermind :)
00:24.53 brlcad seems to be accellerating as the deadline approaches
00:25.03 brlcad agree that it should have been a monday deadline instead of a friday one :)
00:25.08 brlcad but therein is the planning
00:25.20 brlcad mafm: okay
00:25.48 brlcad it's not actually implementing renderman spec (though that is an option) .. as that is indeed a project in itself
00:26.39 brlcad it's hooking into something like aqsis/pixie as either a lighting model or shader .. and making their code use librt to shoot at the geometry (instead of whatever they implemented)
00:27.03 mafm I mean, I don't know how to map their operations to brlcad's :)
00:27.11 brlcad so using their code to parse the renderman scripts, manage textures, etc, but use our ray-tracing
00:27.16 brlcad fair enough
00:27.35 brlcad it's a bit of a project to say the least -- would probably require modifying pixie to call our tracer
00:27.45 brlcad unless they really made it that cleanly modular
00:27.56 brlcad would definitely require hooks on our end, probably a new shader
00:28.03 mafm I think that I'll settle in something between GUI and the GS, or some part of the GS
00:28.46 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:29.34 brlcad getting the GUI talking to the GS and/or working directly on the GS are both pretty high-priority/valuable/cool projects
00:29.43 brlcad pretty well-defined too
00:30.14 brlcad I kinda like the goal of making the GS shoot rays for you
00:32.25 mafm the GS would be a kind of remote daemon accepting commands via TCP, to perform operations on an open geometry
00:32.41 mafm and sending data back and forth for visualization in the GUI
00:32.42 mafm right?
00:33.37 mafm so what we need is a wrapper in the thin client that it's the gui, a kind of couterpart of GS for the client (or clients)
00:33.48 brlcad the GS has an example daemon already (gs0)
00:34.24 brlcad you could hook it into the gui, or just make your own little daemon that just issues commands and demonstrates capability
00:34.41 brlcad once you had it working, could then work on hooking it up
00:34.49 brlcad and ripping out the libged components in the gui
00:35.13 brlcad it already has enough hooks to open geometry and list objects
00:35.41 mafm gs0 is the server/-ice part, right? or an example of how a client should call the GS?
00:39.32 mafm I don't know if the client component talking to the GS would be better modelled as a separate process, as an object instantiable by the gui with mostly hardcoded API (functions), or with an interpreter that would validate commands before sending them over to the GS
00:39.42 mafm reading the wiki, searching for that info
00:40.11 brlcad it might be the server part, I forget
00:40.18 brlcad either way, writing a client is trivial
00:41.16 brlcad the point of the service is to not have to hard-code a list of commands in various places -- so you'd either just pass the command to the GS and have it tell you if it's valid or not, or have a routine on the GS that reports a manifest of valid commands
00:41.30 brlcad probably better served reading the sources
00:42.12 mafm imagine a db like mysql
00:43.15 mafm notes: db, not proper rdbms :P ;)
00:43.15 Malyce what are 'nmg's ?
00:43.16 brlcad the GS is only accessible over a socket
00:43.16 brlcad whether local or remote
00:43.19 brlcad Malyce: nmgs are n-manifold geometry
00:43.25 Malyce k
00:43.38 brlcad for all intensive purposes, they're boundary representation geometry
00:43.39 mafm the GS could provide kind of libmysql libraries, so the clients can use those libraries to talk directly to the rdbms, abstracting network operations and all that
00:43.58 brlcad technically, they are an implementation of the radial edge data structure for representing boundary representation geometry
00:44.17 brlcad there are links on wikipedia for all of those terms I used if you don't know what they are :)
00:44.33 Malyce For some reason, the b-spline primitive seems to be quite big, compared to others. I assume, this is because other primitives build on it ?
00:44.50 brlcad mafm: possibly, but for simplicity, only care right now about getting the socket communication working
00:45.03 brlcad the geometry engine is the compiled library interface
00:45.17 brlcad the service is a true service, you'll connect to a port and chatter
00:45.18 yukonbob hello, cadheads, GSOC'rs
00:45.22 brlcad howdy yukonbob
00:45.28 brlcad yukonbob: are you signed up?
00:45.28 pacman87 hi yukonbob
00:45.31 brlcad someone's not signed up
00:45.52 yukonbob what's the signup drlil?
00:45.54 yukonbob *drill
00:46.01 brlcad Malyce: don't bother looking at the bspline primitive
00:46.05 brlcad it's going away
00:46.13 brlcad
00:46.31 Malyce what about n-manifolds ?
00:46.33 brlcad create a profile, request to be added to brl-cad, I confirm, you reconfirm, and we're good
00:46.35 yukonbob "sochop": cute.
00:46.43 brlcad er, socghop
00:46.51 brlcad sochop would have been better
00:47.24 brlcad Malyce: what about them?
00:47.54 brlcad n-manifolds are topological structure -- you'll end up needing most of that
00:48.04 brlcad look at how primitives are already being supported by the core interface
00:48.23 brlcad leaves for a bit
00:48.31 Malyce theay are still going to be needed ?
00:48.55 poolio howdy all, brlcad
00:49.11 brlcad Malyce: yes, everything except bsplines
00:49.15 brlcad howdy poolio
00:50.04 Malyce where exactly is core interface in src ?
00:51.42 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:53.10 yukonbob Malyce: core interface to what?
00:54.23 Malyce Core C++ Interfaces
00:55.20 mafm yukonbob: I think that it's daniel's project
00:57.03 poolio If anyone is interested in knowing more about brep/needs help understanding what's currently there, I can lend a hand...maybe :)
00:58.39 yukonbob fsck... that sign-in keeps crashing my browser
00:58.57 mafm yukonbob: konqueror?
00:59.14 yukonbob ffox
00:59.34 poolio yukonbob: is this on linux? I've had a ton of stability issues with ffox lately
01:00.20 mafm I had to do stuff with ffox, konqueror sometimes crashed
01:00.38 yukonbob poolio: NetBSD
01:00.46 mafm yay for foss-unfriendly google gsoc stuff :D
01:01.35 Malyce so, does anyone know, where the actual code for Core C++ Interfaces is in the src directory ?
01:03.11 mafm Malyce: it's in rt^3 module, src/coreInterface
01:04.49 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
01:08.50 Malyce thanks
01:12.17 Malyce Is this all ?
01:12.29 Malyce Seems there is no support as of yet for any primitive support
01:12.47 Malyce scratch the second 'support'
01:13.05 mafm there's no private development AFAIK, so all that it's developed should be there
01:13.49 Malyce except for arb8
01:14.16 Malyce so, arb8 is the only primitive so far supported by Core C++ Interfaces
01:14.42 mafm shrugs
01:16.14 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
01:17.13 Malyce ok
01:17.38 Malyce I had thought, it would be possible to include support for a single primitive within 5-15 hours
01:17.52 Malyce but I guess that was far too optimistic
01:24.30 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1337 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
01:30.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1338 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: /* Timeline */
01:38.49 AlexandreGuedes How many students will be accepted for brl-CAD in gsoc 2009 ?
01:39.02 AlexandreGuedes two ?
01:39.35 mafm brlcad: back?
01:39.47 mafm AlexandreGuedes: for brl-cad? up to 4, I think
01:41.01 AlexandreGuedes mafm: You are trying to ?
01:44.22 mafm AlexandreGuedes: yes
01:57.36 AlexandreGuedes mafm: Will it be Sean sleeping now?
01:57.39 AlexandreGuedes incredible
01:57.56 mafm maybe 8|
01:59.39 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=Andre_Ca@
01:59.48 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
02:01.36 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1339 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
02:02.34 brlcad probably somewhere between 2 and 5 slots, depends on a lot of factors
02:02.56 brlcad like the fact that many of you haven't posted your applications yet, which may result in us getting fewer slots regardless of what we request :)
02:03.14 brlcad Malyce: core interfaces is in the rt^3 module
02:03.24 brlcad
02:04.07 brlcad poolio: you're also welcome to be a mentor if you're interested (a backup mentor) .. and all you'd have to do at a minimum is be willing to sign up and accept a free t-shirt ;)
02:05.13 brlcad Malyce: .. there are two primitives at a glance
02:05.23 brlcad arb8 and halfspace
02:05.53 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: sleepiwhat?
02:06.16 Malyce I have completed my proposal
02:06.20 Malyce I will post it soon
02:06.22 brlcad awesome
02:06.30 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: heuehue
02:06.33 brlcad yukonbob: no account yet?
02:06.43 Malyce I have a question. How do I attach my cover letter and Resume ?
02:07.13 brlcad not really necessary, but you're welcome to include/link to it if you like -- basic background information about yourself can sometimes be interesting
02:07.33 brlcad more interesting is usually how you work and interact, how quickly you learn, how much a pain in the ass you can be, etc ;)
02:08.14 Malyce Then I guess no need for resume
02:08.24 Malyce But I'd like to put in a short cover letter
02:08.29 brlcad link it if you think it'll help ;)
02:08.40 brlcad if it'll be a waste of time, don't link it ;)
02:08.56 Malyce Can I create a new document in the GSOC toolbar, and add it ?
02:09.07 Malyce Just a short letter
02:09.49 brlcad time is often well spent adding more detail to the proposal, or working on a second backup proposal, or working on a patch
02:09.53 brlcad i dunno really, give it a try
02:13.43 mafm Malyce: this is not applying for a job, cover letters are not needed. a link to your CV might come in handy, though
02:14.53 Malyce I wanted to give my background in working with Solidworks API
02:15.58 mafm you can add that in the "Content" section of the application too, as past experience for instance
02:17.53 Malyce allright
02:20.17 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=Andre_Ca@
02:21.58 mafm brlcad: coreInterface is in a very early stage of development it seems, and what's about iBME? it appears to include some plan for GUI too...
02:22.51 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
02:25.29 brlcad Malyce: be sure to read this if you haven't yet:
02:26.05 brlcad also worth including in your proposal is what you hope to gain out of participating in GSoC and what plans for your project (if any) do you have after GSoC is over
02:29.43 Malyce ok
02:29.49 Malyce I will edit my proposal
02:29.57 Malyce but I have already posted it
02:30.02 Malyce iamtanmay
02:37.00 mafm brlcad: you tell me to talk in the channel, but then ignore when I talk :P
02:41.33 yukonbob brlcad: my browser crashes trying to register :P !!!
02:45.13 mafm well, going to sleep
02:45.15 mafm night
02:47.48 brlcad wasn't ignoring him, wouldn't have answered pm either :P
02:53.55 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=Andre_Ca@
02:55.49 Malyce So, how to I get feedback from d_rossberg ?
02:56.52 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: so you know, I generally don't answer "hello" messages in PMs -- but I'm more than happy to talk once you say something more than hello
02:57.03 brlcad if it's a dev or gsoc question, though, it probably shouldn't be in private
02:57.45 brlcad Malyce: post to the brlcad-devel mailing list, and ask for feedback from him or others (or leave it open-ended)
02:58.17 Malyce can you give me the mailing list ? The one on the GSOC website was wrong
02:58.25 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: I have a question about patch to gsoc acceptance..
02:59.00 AlexandreGuedes As sample patch I could implement an alteration that allows users to visualize the exported model.
02:59.27 AlexandreGuedes That would be interesting and acceptable?
02:59.41 brlcad Malyce: wrong how so? it shouldn't be
02:59.45 AlexandreGuedes I should use glut and opengl functions.
03:00.02 brlcad Malyce: it's also on our wiki under the submission guidelines
03:00.30 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: we have a modeler and ray-tracing system for visualizing models.. :)
03:01.02 Malyce where can I find info on the patch that we have to do ?
03:01.11 brlcad plus, how are you going to visualize a boolean operation between an implicit ellipsoid and a torus?
03:01.11 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: but is to visualizing exported models...
03:01.44 brlcad Malyce: what do you mean?
03:02.38 Malyce Do we have to write a patch as a prerequisite to GSOC ?
03:02.39 brlcad you do whatever patch you want to do
03:02.53 Malyce Is it necessary ?
03:02.58 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: it is just to modes that were already exported
03:03.02 Malyce Or is it complementary ?
03:03.12 brlcad technically, no you don't *have* to .. but your chances will be massively hindered if you don't at least do something
03:03.21 brlcad if you can do something impressive, that can *greatly* increase your chances
03:03.54 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: native tounge portuguese or spanish?
03:04.46 AlexandreGuedes portuguese
03:05.11 yukonbob brlcad: "linkid" can be arbitrary string?
03:05.20 brlcad basically you'll be considered whether you make a patch or not -- but most have submitted a patch and that *really* helps get a feel for how you code and where we're starting
03:05.28 brlcad yukonbob: whatever you want it to be
03:05.46 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: ah, okay .. I can only read that and not very well, fluent in spanish
03:06.04 Malyce I could work on the Hierarchy Transversal Support
03:06.18 brlcad so AlexandreGuedes -- I wouldn't suggest an exported model viewer, it's more important for us to import than export :)
03:06.48 AlexandreGuedes ok..
03:07.04 Malyce would that be something acceptable ?
03:07.17 Malyce if I could work on it and improve it somewhat ?
03:08.18 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: how much time do you think you have for a patch?
03:08.39 brlcad that can kinda steer how big of an idea you might be able to handle -- a couple hours, couple days?
03:08.44 yukonbob brlcad: submitted
03:08.48 brlcad ok
03:09.14 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: i can submit my patch after 3 april ?
03:09.20 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: yes
03:09.35 Malyce Oh, that would be great
03:09.35 brlcad just should let someone know if that's the plan, maybe state it in your proposal
03:09.51 brlcad you have all the way up until we do final rankings and select
03:09.56 brlcad but obviously the sooner the better
03:10.11 AlexandreGuedes i have enough time
03:10.11 Malyce Or maybe if you could suggest another idea, I could work on it faster
03:10.16 brlcad as we'll be less inclined to bump you much higher/lower the closer we are to the deadline
03:11.11 brlcad fixing bugs is always a great way to show your skill as it involves comprehending and navigating code more than writing it
03:11.15 brlcad writing code is pretty easy
03:11.35 brlcad reading it is hard
03:12.07 Malyce where can I see the bug list ?
03:12.07 brlcad yet with open source, unlike school work and short-lived commercial products, you usually end up reading code WAY more than you write code
03:12.28 brlcad there's a BUGS file in the source checkout as well as a bugs tracker on sourceforge
03:12.44 brlcad Malyce: I'm really getting the feeling that you've not read everything that you're supposed to read on the wiki
03:12.54 brlcad most of this is even itemized there :)
03:13.03 Malyce I've tried, sorry.
03:13.08 brlcad the brl-cad wiki, not the gsoc wiki
03:14.55 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: ok...
03:15.06 brlcad so there's this: as well as
03:15.11 brlcad both good reading to get started
03:15.19 brlcad the latter describes where the trackers are
03:15.30 brlcad is the venerable bugs file
03:15.39 brlcad has the trackers
03:15.46 AlexandreGuedes i'll try fix a bug
03:15.56 brlcad difference is basically internally reported bugs vs externally reported bugs
03:16.38 Malyce You are right, I hadn't seen this page
03:17.38 brlcad if you want to try a new code project, I suggest a simple importer that we don't have like obj-g, x3d-g, or vrml-g (but should still follow our HACKING guidelines)
03:18.28 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: it is just i would propouse
03:19.26 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1340 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Application_Guidelines: link to the checklist in a few more places
03:19.48 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1341 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Application_Guidelines: silly preview
03:20.08 AlexandreGuedes i'm writing my document ...
03:20.33 brlcad Malyce: is where the checklist was principally mentioned
03:22.21 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1342 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: /* Getting Started */
03:23.07 Malyce The first bug: "Windows MSVC build files seem to have the project dependencies all
03:23.08 Malyce <PROTECTED>
03:23.33 Malyce It would be easier for me to fix. But, will it count as a good patch ?
03:25.05 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1343 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Checklist: er, wtf.. send them to the subscribe page, not the archives
03:25.29 brlcad Malyce: better than nothing, but would certainly prefer code over build system
03:25.43 brlcad and that task is WAY more tedious than you are aware
03:26.36 brlcad we have 400+ applications in BRL-CAD, about two-dozen libraries
03:27.02 brlcad specifying dependencies for 400+ items is rather grueling :)
03:28.07 Malyce I see
03:28.09 Malyce * bot-bldxf fails in db_walk_tree(), interface may have changed
03:28.10 Malyce ?
03:28.18 Malyce too trivial ?
03:29.39 brlcad m, I don't recall what that bug entailed
03:29.48 brlcad so no, not too trivial if you figure that out and fix it ;)
03:30.12 Malyce allright
03:30.13 brlcad not too exciting a bug to fix, but certainly more useful than build system
03:31.09 jonored Is there another branch that the brep primitive is being worked on in, or is trunk it?
03:33.35 brlcad trunk is it
03:34.24 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
03:34.30 brlcad and I just verified, the lists are not incorrect
03:35.05 Malyce Thanks a lot brlcad. I will get some sleep now, and then work on the patch.
03:35.08 Malyce Goodnight
03:35.22 brlcad cool, cya
03:40.10 jonored So writing rt_brep_norm and maybe rt_brep_curve would be a good patch? they seem to not be there in trunk.
03:50.57 brlcad jonored: wow, and would be impressive if you actually did..
03:51.15 brlcad you know what is involved there? :)
03:58.20 jonored The first one looks like it's not that bad... it looks like the uv coordinates are stored and passed back, and for the normal it seems like that should be either calling EvNormal or taking the cross product of the u and v derivatives... am I missing something entirely? Curvature would take thinking about calc, though.
03:59.18 brlcad it'll hard to implement and verify without brep ray tracing being complete
03:59.25 brlcad it only works on some basic shapes at the moment
03:59.38 brlcad though I suppose you could use one of the test cases we already have that render correctly
03:59.43 brlcad and get uv working right there
03:59.57 brlcad hey, no -- that's cool -- go for it :)
04:12.29 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
04:15.36 andrecastelo nice mail, brlcad
04:15.57 andrecastelo just finished reading the tale of two developers ;)
04:16.58 bjorkintosh tail of two developers?
04:17.03 bjorkintosh was a bikeshed involved?
04:17.58 andrecastelo bjorkintosh: the dreaded bike shed ;)
04:18.08 andrecastelo bjorkintosh:
04:18.35 brlcad thanks andrecastelo
04:18.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
04:19.58 brlcad love it, particularly relevant for some of the devs on brl-cad and new devs in general
04:20.03 brlcad one of the hardest tendencies to break
04:20.30 brlcad but one that almost *invariably* happens with impassioned open source devs
04:22.06 andrecastelo i was never much of a pat person ;) i remember last year, someone said he/she (don't remember now) liked big commits
04:23.10 bjorkintosh Pat works in isolation
04:23.20 bjorkintosh pat is just a skunk-works kinda guy.
04:23.42 bjorkintosh probably should be working for said organization.
04:24.37 bjorkintosh hah.
04:37.48 starseeker fixes archer icon colors
04:40.18 yukonbob heads for home... maybe a coffee on the way..
05:01.44 brlcad plays with the concept, still far from done:
05:10.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith|trip (i=482b4af3@gateway/web/ajax/
05:10.42 Ralith|trip checks in again
05:37.07 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
06:04.25 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: hi
06:04.44 AlexandreGuedes file formats like obj vrml and x3d
06:05.14 AlexandreGuedes are not CGS system
06:06.09 AlexandreGuedes i should convert these in a BOT
06:07.24 AlexandreGuedes (Bag of Triangles)
07:42.25 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: are you on ?
07:43.07 alex_joni AlexandreGuedes: it's night over there
07:43.11 alex_joni wait a couple hours
07:43.24 AlexandreGuedes hum..
07:43.48 AlexandreGuedes alex_joni: where are you from ?
07:50.14 pacman87 ~ask
07:50.14 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:50.55 pacman87 AlexandreGuedes: ^^
07:51.33 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
07:51.46 b0ef was any work started on the new interactive gui?
08:12.17 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:20.10 alex_joni AlexandreGuedes: .ro
08:23.18 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:43.36 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: yes, they are non-csg, so you convert to a non-csg during export (there are plenty of examples of other converters), or pick another converter that does support csg (like pov-g)
08:44.23 brlcad b0ef: yes, but discussion for later
09:46.19 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03202.3.77.143 07 * r1344 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: /* Deliverables */
09:58.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:59.37 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03202.3.77.143 07 * r1345 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
10:05.05 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, any comments ?
10:06.38 hippieindamakin8 on the wiki
10:09.51 mafm hallo
10:11.23 hippieindamakin8 hey mafm
10:11.30 hippieindamakin8 good morning
10:22.58 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1346 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
10:46.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1347 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
10:51.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1348 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
10:56.37 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
11:36.56 AlexandreGuedes my plan is use simple shapes like triangles to represent a model
11:37.39 mafm AlexandreGuedes: did you submit them?
11:38.20 AlexandreGuedes not yet
11:41.39 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
11:47.42 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
11:49.33 mafm AlexandreGuedes: you only have a few hours left
11:49.48 mafm madant: hippieindamakin8: welcome back
11:49.57 AlexandreGuedes i'm finishing
11:50.13 mafm nice :)
11:50.25 AlexandreGuedes thanks
11:50.28 hippieindamakin8 mafm, hey :)
11:50.41 hippieindamakin8 mafm, making a presentation on NOx emmisions :P
11:50.43 AlexandreGuedes this week i had many dead lines..
11:52.06 mafm AlexandreGuedes: be sure to submit to google first to not have problems later, then try to follow the specific brlcad deadlines: submitting it to the mailing list, creating pages in the wiki, starting to think about a patch if you haven't yet, etc :)
11:52.31 mafm hippieindamakin8: I hope that you're not making a hands-on NOx emission!
11:52.49 mafm or rather, live methane emission
11:52.50 mafm :P
11:53.37 hippieindamakin8 :P mafm nope .my term paper for the energy systems course was on NOx emmisions and HCCI technology
11:57.26 mafm nice
11:57.52 mafm maybe you should apply for tata instead of brlcad! ;)
12:02.47 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: our format is very generalized and flexible, so you will be able to import their geometry into our container with pretty much 1-1 faithful preservation
12:02.59 brlcad if they have polygons, you import as nmg
12:03.06 brlcad if they have triangles, you import as bot
12:03.13 brlcad if they have primitives, you import as primitives, etc
12:03.47 brlcad hippieindamakin8: not yet -- said submitting near the deadline would make things more tough! several need a review
12:04.31 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, i do understand :) u did tell us that u would be extremely busy at this point of time
12:07.26 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:08.04 mafm wants a percentage of google stipends for herding gsoc students into brlcad trap :P
12:21.36 hippieindamakin8 mafm, how abt keep mafm happy fund :P
12:25.40 mafm yay, that'll make it :D
12:26.30 mafm I'll donate 1 or 2 pennies to brlcad too, for his patience
12:26.42 mafm brlcad-the-man, I mean
12:27.57 mafm bbiab
12:32.31 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
12:42.28 starseeker brlcad: nice sketch!
12:42.55 starseeker I'd suggest that it might be better to have the green faces non-transparent, and leave the center cube transparent
12:44.50 starseeker but a VERY nice job - I take it you did that in BRL-CAD itself?
12:45.24 hippieindamakin8 hey starseeker
12:47.00 starseeker howdy
12:48.26 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:50.35 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
12:56.54 starseeker hippieindamakin8: I notice you suggest the use of LiDIA, which would in turn involve LAPACK. That's a pretty hefty set of requirements
12:56.55 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
12:59.05 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, yeah but re-implementing the multi-precision floating point libs takes way too much of time
12:59.25 starseeker Hmm. Need brlcad to weigh in on this
12:59.42 starseeker LiDIA's license is a little funky
13:00.20 hippieindamakin8 aah is it ?
13:00.31 starseeker it MIGHT be ok, but it needs studying
13:00.32 hippieindamakin8 looks at the documentation of LiDIA
13:00.50 starseeker their statement that it's "OK for noncommerical use" on the website is worrisome
13:01.21 hippieindamakin8 aah :| that is not very good
13:02.48 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, i planned on tweaking arnd with the BOOLE system which already uses the package LiDIA.
13:03.21 starseeker the actual license text isn't standard, at a quick read
13:03.24 starseeker checks BOOLE
13:03.37 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, :|
13:03.50 hippieindamakin8 Copyright 1997 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
13:03.50 hippieindamakin8 <PROTECTED>
13:03.50 hippieindamakin8 <PROTECTED>
13:03.50 hippieindamakin8 <PROTECTED>
13:03.50 hippieindamakin8 <PROTECTED>
13:03.53 hippieindamakin8 <PROTECTED>
13:03.54 hippieindamakin8 <PROTECTED>
13:04.05 starseeker ow
13:04.33 starseeker yeah, that makes it sound like commercial use could be a problem
13:04.34 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, that shouldnt be a problem !
13:04.54 starseeker they specify educational, research and non-profit purposes
13:05.05 starseeker that means other purposes do NOT have permission
13:05.06 hippieindamakin8 :|
13:05.25 hippieindamakin8 so i need to re write the proposal
13:06.41 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, will get back to u in 5 mins. going to another lab in the next building
13:07.13 starseeker I've got to get going myself
13:07.21 starseeker just thought I'd point out the potential issue there
13:09.21 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, any suggestions on how i should proceed ?
13:10.08 starseeker are there any similar libs with clearer licensing?
13:10.34 starseeker You might check with brlcad when he gets in - he has a broader knowledge of this sort of software than I do
13:10.43 hippieindamakin8 yeah nlt starseeker
13:11.18 hippieindamakin8 i have checked nlt too . but planned on using liDIA as it was already implemented in BOOLE
13:11.53 hippieindamakin8 *ntl
13:12.49 starseeker hippieindamakin8: do you have a link to BOOLE handy?
13:12.55 hippieindamakin8 yeah
13:13.04 hippieindamakin8
13:14.06 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, if LiDIA cant be used then ntl( can be used along with GMP
13:15.15 starseeker NTL is GPL, not LGPL
13:15.22 hippieindamakin8
13:15.39 starseeker yeah, saw that
13:16.06 starseeker you should ask brlcad about those license questions and whether they make using those in the project a non-starter
13:16.31 hippieindamakin8 yeah :|
13:16.55 starseeker ok, I gotta run
13:17.11 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, thanks and cya
13:35.58 ``Erik *readreadread*
13:36.41 ``Erik a patch lets us know you are able to a) use subversion and b) build the system. I wouldn't sweat the patch phase too much :)
13:37.07 ``Erik dependancies ... all that info is defined in the, so it could be a reasonably simple translation issue (though tedious, yes)
13:37.31 ``Erik all heil the bikeshed!
13:38.12 ``Erik brlcad: perhaps we should generate a list of pre-acceptance patch ideas next time around?
13:39.51 ``Erik musta picked up a stomach virus or something, was bugging me yesterday, now it's messing with me bad 'nuff that I can't drive far :( had to call into work
13:40.26 ``Erik stopped by the shop, got an updated estimate, gonna be another month to repair :( and close to the $ for a total :( sucks
13:40.40 ``Erik a lot of the pieces are 3x the price of a normal component for a 3 series
13:40.44 ``Erik sucks.
13:43.38 mafm 3 series?
13:49.55 bjorkintosh bmw.
13:50.17 bjorkintosh what's wrong with your vehicle, ``Erik ?
13:51.13 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
13:56.52 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
14:01.07 ``Erik bumped a curb
14:01.25 ``Erik
14:02.13 ``Erik (looks bad there, they'd pulled the bumper cover out and removed the plastic cover from teh wheelwell)
14:03.19 ``Erik and for some reason, brlcad refuses to loan me his brand new lotus O.o :D *duck*
14:04.02 *** join/#brlcad typ0 (
14:13.04 brlcad still isn't satisfied..
14:13.10 brlcad but better
14:13.51 AlexandreGuedes i should link papers ?
14:14.09 AlexandreGuedes in my project ...
14:14.15 brlcad starseeker: yeah, the sketch was all done in brl-cad, that latter had a little compositing done to it to get the right emphasis
14:14.26 ``Erik if you want, alexandre
14:15.09 brlcad we have permission from the boole authors to do what we want with boole
14:15.35 ``Erik boole project? O.o
14:15.46 brlcad has/had that in e-mail somewhere -- could probably talk to manocha again and get another okay if it became critical issue
14:15.48 ``Erik google isn't helpful, it gives me george boole plus some lithp stuff
14:16.54 ``Erik has spent the morning on the phone in legal and contractual type things, so may be apt to go all pointy-haired retarded at any moment, btw... like requesting signed approval via fax for boole, whatever that is :D *duck* *run* *hide*
14:17.16 brlcad ``Erik: possibly (re patch ideas) .. I was thinking of identifying TODO/BUGS items with a "QUICKIE" label of some sort for the ones that should be pretty simple (less than a full day's effort)
14:17.51 ``Erik we have to fight the notion of a 'veteran' grabbing a quickie just to get it knocked off, though
14:18.01 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: you can link papers if it helps clarify
14:18.09 ``Erik the "just do it" vs training opportunity is a beeyotch
14:18.27 brlcad more interesting is to usually link to a portfolio / profile if you have one, but if not that's fine too
14:18.42 brlcad ``Erik: search for "boole csg"
14:18.48 brlcad work done at UNC
14:18.56 ``Erik unc?
14:19.05 ``Erik I think I've seen this before
14:19.08 brlcad university of north carolina at chapen hill
14:19.12 brlcad you have
14:19.17 brlcad that's our bradley
14:19.17 ``Erik was this one of the utah rt posters?
14:19.36 brlcad the only folks (in academia) that I know of that got an actual vehicle .g transfer
14:19.51 brlcad no, boole/esolid are older research
14:19.56 ``Erik wants to arl1 the hilux
14:20.17 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: papers tha had wirte, but they aren't strongly related with brl-cad...
14:20.39 ``Erik alexandre: we're looking for competency and utility, not necessarily relation
14:20.54 brlcad dinesh and john keyser are the guys behind those works, you may have met/remember them from siggraph
14:21.32 AlexandreGuedes ok thanks
14:21.38 ``Erik someone who did mad awesome code in say firefox would be a big bump up when we try to select :)
14:21.50 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: that wasn't for you, that was for ``Erik ;)
14:22.09 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: it's your judgement to determine whether it's worth linking them or not
14:22.47 ``Erik uh, someone said something about gsoc not being about applying for a job... I'd argue that's incorrect, but it's a short term contract job, so the focus is different
14:22.56 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: I was thanking eriki by the information
14:23.07 ``Erik it's about saying "I can do awesome things that you want", not "I'll be an awesome team member for the next 20 years"
14:23.31 hippieindamakin8 hey brlcad
14:23.45 hippieindamakin8 starseeker, and i had a discussion on the licences
14:23.58 brlcad typ0: I don't generally answer "hellos" via PM -- if you have something to say or ask, I'd be more than happy to talk but it's not the "IRC-way" to do a "hi ..[wait].. hi ..[wait].. are you there? .. [wait] .. " just say what you were going to say
14:24.19 ``Erik happy people get paid to do what what love, hopefully we attract folk who are happy doing stuff in open source BRL-CAD land and they continue to contribute :)
14:24.48 ``Erik oh, uh, uhhhhh esr has something about that
14:24.51 ``Erik "don't ask to ask"
14:24.51 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, wat do u say about it
14:25.07 brlcad ``Erik: actually i'd rather them sell the latter :P
14:25.13 jonored Is it known (off the top of people's heads) to not be valid to translate a spline between two surfaces (with a not-unreasonable error formula) by translating its control points?...
14:25.21 brlcad and the point is to acquire new devs, not just get some code out of folks
14:25.40 ``Erik we want the 20 year folk, yes. But we don't need the full grilling that those guys recieve...
14:25.42 brlcad the short-term contract is just the mechanism to help kick things off and keep bills paid
14:25.56 hippieindamakin8 as in LiDIA and boole's licences arent straightforward. if instead of LidIA ,ntl(which is just GPL and not LGPL) is used along with GMP how bt it
14:26.27 ``Erik and I like to imagine that it's an important and fun project with nice and fun people, so there's a lot of imputus to stick around
14:26.35 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, ``Erik ^
14:26.45 ``Erik but it's definitely not a "bust out the cv and wear a tie" deal
14:27.47 ``Erik perhaps I'd be better in phrasing it that the goal is to impress the geeks, not a pointy haired mgmt type :)
14:28.54 brlcad yeah, thats pretty much what I said to folks last night too .. don't really care who you are or what school you go to -- care about what you want to do, your ability to do that work, and your short/long term interests
14:29.49 ``Erik *nod* sage
14:29.52 brlcad thinks makes for a decent BREP image too
14:30.07 brlcad hmm
14:30.32 ``Erik heh, mensa is a fistful of 'smart' useless people, people who really matter dont' join mensa, they go do something real :D
14:30.45 brlcad has a little problem that I made the numbers too small to scale it down to 128x128
14:30.51 ``Erik it's what ya do, not what ya have
14:30.55 brlcad not really readable under 512x512
14:31.24 brlcad thinks ``Erik is gazing a little to deeply into his mensa navel now :)
14:31.35 ``Erik declined the invite
14:31.50 ``Erik had better things to do than pay for a circlejerk
14:32.18 brlcad and no way, you can borrow Elle .. she's seen what you do to your babies
14:32.34 brlcad heh, s/,//
14:32.34 ``Erik this morning, for example, I'm figuring out the relationship between REST and continuation based web frameworks
14:32.53 ``Erik heh, wow, that erroneous grammer could be... fatal :D
14:33.27 ``Erik they're digging to look for mechanical failure :/
14:33.49 ``Erik I doubt they'd be able to identify any with legal sureness, though
14:33.51 ``Erik sucks
14:34.10 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes_ (
14:34.19 poolio brlcad: was that around when I was working on brep code?
14:34.26 brlcad doesn't even want to know how you happened to hit a curb
14:34.31 brlcad poolio: no, I just did that this morning
14:34.31 ``Erik <-- would be willing to swap cars on a drive to lunch some day, just to see what it's about, though :)
14:34.32 ``Erik well
14:34.34 ``Erik I stopped
14:34.38 ``Erik I started moving and turned left
14:34.54 ``Erik and then the car quit turning and went straight a bit
14:34.57 ``Erik and there was a curb in the way
14:35.23 ``Erik tha'ts my best recollection, of course your brain goes all sorts of nutty when you're in an accident like that, so *shrug* who knows
14:35.50 brlcad sure, blame it on the curb
14:35.58 ``Erik it jumped outta nowhere, honest
14:36.06 brlcad they do that
14:36.20 ``Erik almost got rear-ended by a truck this morning, tailgating me and a squirrel when whacko on the road
14:37.46 ``Erik how's release coming? saw a couple commits last night
14:40.47 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03202.3.77.11 07 * r1349 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: /* Proposed approach */
14:42.27 typ0 BRL-CAD 7.10.4 isn't launching on my PPC Mac
14:43.13 typ0 it complains about using CoreFoundation functionality after fork() without an exec()
14:43.30 typ0 when i try to launch mged
14:53.35 ``Erik which version of osX?
14:53.41 typ0 Leopard
14:53.43 typ0 10.5.6
14:54.09 ``Erik hrm, we have 10.4 on ppc, but only intel for 10.5
14:54.35 ``Erik can you paste the full error log to ?
14:54.39 typ0 sure
14:55.50 typ0
14:56.37 ``Erik thanks... *guru meditation*
14:57.00 ``Erik smells like forkbomb prevention gone awry
14:57.03 typ0 if i follow those instructions and with gdb I break on that symbol, i can't even do much
14:57.13 typ0 because the program exits with interrupted syscall
14:57.32 typ0 i've seen this error before, i think in a php lib
14:57.42 ``Erik is it acceptable to suggest grabbing 7.14.4 from the site and compiling yourself?
14:57.43 typ0 probably a leopard restriction
14:57.49 typ0 of course
14:58.00 ``Erik 7.10.4 is very outdated :)
14:58.22 typ0 i want to write an application to improve IGES importer/exporter
14:58.31 typ0 any useful tips ?
14:58.38 ``Erik oh, then you don't want 7.14.4, you want the svn 'trunk' checkout
14:59.48 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, help
15:00.05 ``Erik (which should be named "7.14.6" real soon now, if hippie would quit bugging brlcad)
15:00.05 ``Erik :D
15:00.11 ``Erik 'sup, hippie?
15:00.45 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, the problem is that the packages i intended to use are MAPC and LiDIA initially
15:00.54 ``Erik license issues?
15:01.14 hippieindamakin8 yeah
15:01.33 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, the licence issues are like this both MAPC and LiDIA are copywrit.
15:01.41 hippieindamakin8 or copyrighted
15:02.12 ``Erik hm, sit on it. we'll think. if it's just gpl, and we don't want to further infect the primary repo, it may be doable as a new module
15:02.31 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, neither of them is gpl either
15:02.40 ``Erik oh, uh, url's for licenses?
15:02.51 ``Erik dreads having to summon a legal team :(
15:02.52 hippieindamakin8 i actually couldnt find any exact arithmetic packages which are LGPL
15:03.02 ``Erik isn't gmp lgpl?
15:03.10 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, it is
15:03.38 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik,
15:03.42 hippieindamakin8 this is my approach
15:03.49 ``Erik gmp is an exact precision package, no? do I fail to see something?
15:04.22 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik,
15:04.35 ``Erik exact arithmetic, lazy evaluation... talkin' haskell here? :D
15:06.46 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, their implementation in c++
15:07.19 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, i had a plan of spawning a functional programming language from C++ to do this processes
15:07.55 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, how abt that ?
15:08.08 hippieindamakin8 prefers python for that
15:08.49 ``Erik in theory, we intend to introduce python, common lisp, and something else as basic scripting langauges to BRL-CAD
15:09.32 ``Erik so, personally, the notion of python is not a showstopper in my mind... but I may be wrong, I defer to brlcad for an official stance
15:09.37 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, ur comments on the procedure ?
15:10.13 ``Erik I've made all the comments I'm comfortable making :) my brain isn't 100% today... called in sick to work, etc
15:11.03 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, i am very comfortable with python so that is the reason i wanted to implement it with python
15:11.16 ``Erik also; my proxy is farting on the ftp notion, so'z I can't view all the relevant data :(
15:11.27 hippieindamakin8 ohh
15:11.33 ``Erik <-- far more of a ruby fan than python :)
15:12.00 ``Erik guido has something rollin', but I think he misses a few critical points
15:12.15 ``Erik I think the next ruby is gonna remove some important stuff that I don't think matz groks :(
15:12.26 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, for the gsoc i ll code in python and then port it to ruby once i get more familiar with ruby by the end of summers
15:12.58 ``Erik make sure that plan is in your proposal
15:13.03 jonored seems to remember something about someone doing a test and python coming out 400 times slower than C++, and 100 times slower than common lisp, on some basic numerical stuff...
15:13.24 ``Erik micro-benchmarks tend to produce stupid numbers like that :(
15:13.53 ``Erik I've seen some where common lisp blows c++ out of the water...
15:14.13 ``Erik the caveats are critical :)
15:14.55 jonored The only ones I've seen on that are where it's testing stuff that gets essentially compiled out... that one was (I think) just matrix multiplication.
15:15.29 hippieindamakin8 jonored, for matrix multiplications fortran is much faster than anything else
15:15.31 ``Erik fortran stomps C on naive matrix mults on modern hardware...
15:15.35 ``Erik aint' sayin' much, yo
15:16.50 ``Erik (and the ONLY reason fortan wins is because their multidimensional arrays are column major instead of row major, so it just happens to tweak the cache lines a little better)
15:19.56 ``Erik is doing cl stuff in personal time due to the faster "time to market" aspect :)
15:20.52 jonored is in general very keen on common lisp. The only irritation is that it doesn't have first-class continutions and scheme does...
15:22.40 brlcad no python for gsoc with only a few exceptions (ged/ge/gs scripting and web stuffs)
15:22.48 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, listen so technically openNURBs library which is being used shouldnt be used is it ?
15:23.00 brlcad there's not enough time to be productive and integrate something well with the code base
15:23.16 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
15:23.22 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, so the implementation shall purely be in C++
15:23.37 brlcad it's one thing for an existing core dev to pick up a python project, entirely different for someone new just picking something familiar without regard to what we have or the impact
15:23.57 ``Erik jonored: there're a couple addons that provide zomfg call/cc, I'm a scheme head myself :) #ucw is the channel for the framework I'm using, it provides call/cc
15:24.06 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
15:24.34 ``Erik aight, there's your answer, python ain't cool for a gsoc, it's down teh road for the gurus
15:24.43 *** join/#brlcad devilsadvocate (n=devilsad@
15:25.12 ``Erik note all the cya I threw down in that avenue :D
15:25.36 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, i was just proposing tht python shall be used only in the library( away from the core code)
15:26.13 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, if that is wat you say, i shall implement the said routines in c++ itself
15:26.21 ``Erik is, um, what's its name... swag? is that gsoc purvue?
15:27.00 ``Erik we had a summer student try&fail on it
15:27.42 ``Erik (unified interface between a large set of languages)
15:31.17 brlcad tick tock on the applications for any still remaining
15:32.33 brlcad mentors, feel free to start commenting on them if you haven't already
15:32.45 brlcad I won't be commenting for at least an hour still
15:33.01 ``Erik hm
15:33.14 brlcad hippieindamakin8: you didn't upset me in the least, it was a valid question
15:33.15 ``Erik *look* 10 in the queue
15:33.40 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, yeah thats very true that python all of a sudden :)
15:34.01 ``Erik imagines that the only ways to piss brlcad off is to either key his car or shit on his rug
15:34.06 ``Erik (sorry 'bout the rug)
15:34.10 brlcad if you'd brought it up two weeks ago, we could have discussed in better detail ;)
15:34.27 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, :| yeah
15:34.47 ``Erik y'know if d'lo is gonna log on and say hi when he gets to his families place?
15:35.03 brlcad doesn't care about his rug, now crap on my plasma, I might care .. but then I'd wonder how you got it up that high
15:35.04 hippieindamakin8 but still with respect to the proposal my proposal submitted , i dint intend to use anything other than C/C++
15:35.36 ``Erik note it in your proposal.
15:35.47 ``Erik or if it is noted, sorry for making noise :)
15:36.13 ``Erik looks at the proposals...
15:36.56 typ0 brlcad: is there a description of the new features in IGES 5.3 comparing to 5.0
15:37.11 typ0 that i can use to create a task list with a schedule
15:38.45 jonored is going to have a sadly rushed proposal, but will have something in before the deadline... and hopes that a good patch afterwards could help a bit with a somewhat technically weaker proposal write-up.
15:38.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03202.3.77.11 07 * r1350 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: /* Timeline */
15:38.58 ``Erik ugh. too much marketspeak
15:40.12 *** join/#brlcad lifeeth (n=praneeth@unaffiliated/lifeeth)
15:41.16 brlcad typ0: that's part of the leg work for that project
15:41.26 typ0 ok
15:41.27 brlcad I'm sure someone, somewhere, has that information
15:41.30 brlcad I certainly don't :)
15:41.33 typ0 eheh
15:41.38 ``Erik naturally, dawn is incredibly verbose, but quite high level
15:41.40 typ0 i searched around and didn't find much
15:41.46 brlcad iirc, you can get at least comment drafts for iges online now
15:41.59 typ0 i can do it during the community bonding period
15:42.02 typ0 should i get accepted
15:42.03 brlcad the 6.0 draft for example
15:42.08 typ0 cool
15:42.15 brlcad that was a couple years ago though
15:42.30 brlcad i might have it stashed away, can check .. should you get accepted
15:42.58 typ0 ok i'll work on the application
15:43.45 ``Erik o.O
15:44.21 ``Erik well, typ0... would you be interested in being part of our community even if you weren't accepted to our gsoc presense?
15:45.23 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
15:46.52 typ0 well i find the IGES idea quite doable and interesting
15:47.15 typ0 and always had an interest in CAD systems, even if i don't know a lot about them
15:47.45 typ0 so i can do the project , and even continue working on it post-gsoc
15:47.55 typ0 and take it from there
15:48.05 typ0 btw, latest svn is not compiling on my mac
15:48.07 typ0
15:48.07 ``Erik I'm not grilling you, I'm just trying to learn more of your interests and abilities :)
15:48.37 ``Erik up's on his mac
15:48.51 typ0 ;)
15:49.11 ``Erik effin' change :( *wait*
15:49.53 ``Erik the paste looks like you're missing X headers
15:50.12 ``Erik both the X package and the X developer package need to be installed :/
15:50.34 ``Erik ooh, automake error
15:50.42 ``Erik error, not warning, a full-up error
15:51.13 typ0 i think i have all the latest X11 stuff
15:51.18 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34145 10/rt^3/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): added the ellipsoid (ID_ELL) primitive
15:52.12 brlcad libtkhtml apparently isn't listing it's deps, needs Xlib
15:52.41 brlcad probably something their build file is doing
15:52.59 brlcad try going to that directory (src/other/tkhtml) and manually building
15:53.29 brlcad add -lX11
15:53.52 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:57.10 typ0 rm -f libTkhtml3.0.dylib
15:57.10 typ0 gcc (...) -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.4 -ltclstub8.4 -L/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.4 -ltkstub8.4 -lX11
15:57.11 typ0 ld: library not found for -lX11
15:57.11 typ0 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
15:57.11 typ0 make: *** [libTkhtml3.0.dylib] Error 1
15:57.53 brlcad so you either need a library search path (-L...), or you don't have it
15:58.06 ``Erik wow, qt as an indicator for platform popularity, lame :)
15:58.23 AlexandreGuedes_ I submitted my project
16:00.48 ``Erik hah, wow, whining about homework being a timekiller, uncool
16:01.07 brlcad AlexandreGuedes_: great!
16:01.07 typ0 yeah -L/usr/X11/lib did it
16:01.17 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03202.3.77.11 07 * r1351 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87: /* Abstract */
16:01.52 AlexandreGuedes_ Someone can confirm.. ?
16:02.30 ``Erik most systems have /usr/X /usr/X11 and /usr/X11R6 pointing to the same real directory
16:02.51 typ0 yeah
16:02.58 ``Erik fbsd recenty moved /usr/X11R6 to /usr/locla
16:03.01 ``Erik local, even
16:03.10 typ0 but in this case the Makefile only made reference to /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib
16:03.19 ``Erik *shrug* ./configure LDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11/lib
16:03.20 ``Erik :)
16:03.42 brlcad either way, the autoconf/automake tests should have found it since we just let their tests do their thing during configure .. so something awry there
16:04.10 ``Erik ok, mediafire for a resume sucks goat balls. get a real effin' homepage to post that.
16:04.25 typ0 i have the latest X11 package from apple (
16:04.30 ``Erik sucks, cuz I like the idea, but the presentation blew :(
16:04.51 *** part/#brlcad devilsadvocate (n=devilsad@
16:12.17 AlexandreGuedes_ It is possible confirm if my submission were successfully?
16:13.47 ``Erik dude, alexandre, wtf is with all the xml explosion that came through as text?
16:14.25 ``Erik divs and font types and stuff, and there's like 5 lines of content in that 3 page monstrosity
16:15.05 ``Erik I created src/conv/Formats.cvs a while back, d'no if you saw that
16:20.25 ``Erik wow, chinese place says 25 minutes
16:25.22 AlexandreGuedes_ ``Erik: i can erase it ?
16:25.40 ``Erik erase what, the csv?
16:26.45 ``Erik bbaib, heading to pick up lunch
16:28.19 AlexandreGuedes_ the lines with div and font types
16:31.11 andrecastelo ``Erik: that's melange making us crazy :(
16:31.32 andrecastelo i had those appear more than once when I submitted
16:32.43 typ0 the iges converter works as a separate binary, ie, can i implement command line parameters to specify the desired version to export/import ?
16:32.50 *** join/#brlcad devilsadvocate (n=devilsad@
16:34.20 typ0 (i assume so since there is command line options parsing in the source)
16:53.43 jonored ...And submitted. Short, but submitted.
17:01.29 ``Erik needs to learn how to say "thank you" and "chopsticks" in chinese O.o
17:02.44 AlexandreGuedes_ hard
17:08.55 andrecastelo ``Erik: easy, domo arigato for thank you
17:09.02 andrecastelo joking ;)
17:17.30 ``Erik mr robato? what?
17:26.43 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1352 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
17:28.16 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Suryajith 07 * r1353 10/wiki/User:Hippieindamakin87:
17:57.56 pacman87 is it possible to create a degenerate NURBS that's a line instead of a surface?
17:58.19 *** part/#brlcad lifeeth (n=praneeth@unaffiliated/lifeeth)
18:15.17 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
18:15.36 Malyce Hi. I was trying to make a patch to fix one of the bugs
18:15.46 Malyce * bot-bldxf fails in db_walk_tree(), interface may have changed
18:15.57 Malyce What is bot-bldxf ?
18:17.30 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:24.22 typ0 hmm, i finished building svn and mged launched, printed out a line about using Tcl scripts from a directory, and then gave a bus error
18:24.26 typ0 Thread 0 Crashed:
18:24.26 typ0 0 libdm.19.dylib 0x001447d8 X_open_dm + 1644 (dm-X.c:343)
18:28.38 *** part/#brlcad devilsadvocate (n=devilsad@
18:34.56 typ0 btw, i just submitted my application
18:35.21 typ0 if there's anything i should clarify or improve, i'd appreciate the feedback :)
18:35.40 pacman87 typ0: do you have a wiki page yet?
18:35.51 typ0 no
18:38.09 typ0 i will create it
18:39.56 Malyce hints ?
18:40.25 Malyce The tracker has no mention of it
18:40.34 Malyce its in the BUGS list only
18:42.39 Malyce Do all applicants need a wiki page ?
18:43.00 pacman87 not required, but useful to bounce ideas around
18:43.17 pacman87 how many applicants are here now?
18:44.15 Malyce as admin, shouldn't you be able to tell ?
18:44.29 pacman87 i'm not admin
18:44.40 Malyce is brlcad still around ?
18:44.49 Malyce or mafm ?
18:44.49 pacman87 and i meant 'here' as in 'this channel'
18:47.25 Malyce how do I find out, what bot-bldxf means ?
18:59.28 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03Carlosvsilva 07 * r1354 10/wiki/User:Carlosvsilva: Initial creation
19:03.47 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
19:15.11 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
19:19.35 madant is now moderately un-sick :)
19:20.35 hippieindamakin8 hey madant
19:21.30 madant hey hippieindamakin8
19:24.45 Malyce hi madant. Can you tell me how I can find out what 'bot-bldxf' means. It was in the BUGS file, as in "* bot-bldxf fails in db_walk_tree(), interface may have changed"
19:24.51 Malyce ?
19:26.50 brlcad Malyce: by asking -- bots are "bags of triangles" -- bldxf is "build a dxf"
19:26.57 brlcad it's a horrible name, but it means make a dxf from a bot
19:27.13 brlcad if you're just getting started on that one, try for another bug
19:27.34 brlcad there's another tool that technically makes bot-bldxf deprecated
19:27.42 Malyce rats
19:27.52 Malyce I was already in the middle of it
19:27.56 madant Malyce, bot-bldxf and other dxf conversion tools are there in src/conv/dxf directory
19:28.00 brlcad well, you are welcome to fix it
19:28.00 Malyce I had read and understood the code
19:28.05 madant oops.. brlcad beat me to it :D
19:28.26 brlcad it's not going away right away, and still perfectly serves the purpose of the patch
19:29.13 brlcad but the fact that it's missing a manual page means it was an unpublished/unfinished tool that never turned into a production tool
19:29.50 brlcad and since then, there is now a bot_dump command that will export obj, dxf, vrml
19:31.23 brlcad Malyce: what is your project?
19:32.20 Malyce Extension of Core C++ Interfaces
19:32.34 Malyce I said I would add primitive support
19:32.46 brlcad so add another primitive to the core interface
19:33.01 brlcad daniel just added another one today, you could use that as an example
19:33.12 Malyce how much time did it take him ?
19:33.19 brlcad ask him
19:33.45 Malyce I am worried that it might take too long for the purpose of the patch.
19:33.52 brlcad so ask him :)
19:34.04 Malyce how ? The mailing list ?
19:34.10 brlcad the code isn't that horribly complex, I can't imagine it was more than a day or two
19:34.13 brlcad sure
19:34.24 brlcad probably just a couple hours
19:34.28 Malyce allright
19:34.30 brlcad if even that
19:34.50 Malyce I should probably alter my proposal then
19:35.02 Malyce Because I estimated 10-15 hours per primitive
19:35.03 brlcad you could implement the torus -- that should be fairly easy
19:35.06 Malyce I wasn't sure
19:35.15 brlcad why would you alter it now
19:35.29 brlcad I don't know how long it'll take -- ASK HIM :)
19:35.37 Malyce yes
19:35.37 Malyce I am on it
19:36.03 brlcad mine is just a guess, but I'm also very familiar with that code
19:36.37 brlcad your first one would probably take a bit longer, but you'd be pretty familiar after a couple
19:39.20 Malyce he added ellipsoid i see
19:39.44 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
19:40.32 brlcad yeah, I would have too
19:40.40 brlcad he's probably working on tgc or torus next ;)
19:40.50 brlcad you'll certainly get his attention with that patch ;)
19:41.02 brlcad and he'd likely be the mentor for your project, so good to talk to him
19:41.37 brlcad (though we do group mentoring, you can call on anyone -- he's just the lead on that area)
19:42.14 Malyce Is it ok, if I send it to the mailing list ? Won't it spam everyone ?
19:42.28 brlcad the dev list is pretty small
19:42.45 brlcad the news and user mailing lists are the big ones
19:43.11 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=andrecas@
19:43.18 andrecastelo hi guys
19:44.17 brlcad howdy andrecastelo
19:44.25 andrecastelo howdy brlcad
19:44.27 brlcad how'd the applications go?
19:44.35 andrecastelo i've sent only one, to blender
19:44.45 brlcad cool, what for?
19:45.15 andrecastelo blender's interface is being refactored and the way the inner data is accessed is changing
19:45.29 andrecastelo and the big refactor will happen on version 2.5
19:45.55 andrecastelo with the refactoring, the python scripts will become incompatible
19:46.08 andrecastelo so the application was to port some import/export scripts to the new system :)
19:47.17 andrecastelo brlcad, how were the proposals this year?
19:47.37 andrecastelo everyone was talking about a low number of proposals, i wonder why
19:47.50 madant andrecastelo, blender sounds kewl :) how is school ?
19:47.52 brlcad andrecastelo: curious actually
19:48.02 brlcad our applications were down about 25% from last year
19:48.19 madant is always reminded of "Catelo's Castle" whenever he sees the surname castelo :)
19:48.34 brlcad bz's applications are actually up about 40% from last year
19:48.37 madant brlcad: and quality-wise ;) ?
19:48.45 brlcad quality is better for both
19:48.50 andrecastelo madant, i'm currently in between semesters
19:49.05 andrecastelo so, i'm free of them :)
19:49.08 madant hmm.. bz beat us ( brl-cad - brlcad) :P
19:49.10 andrecastelo and thus i'm a happy man
19:49.32 andrecastelo madant, castelo = castle :)
19:49.45 brlcad madant: the game has an quite an appealing advantage :)
19:49.48 madant andrecastelo, i used to love both :) bunking classes and doing work in between semesters :P
19:50.30 madant is not at all a gamer :D == feels stupid about pushing keys and moving the mouse imagining you are in a different world
19:50.30 andrecastelo i felt demotivated this last semester, had some really bad teachers
19:50.57 hippieindamakin8 madant, but u should try playing bzflag dude
19:51.06 madant andrecastelo, aah.. nice :) well Dawn = dawn, Thomas = twin .. :P
19:51.08 andrecastelo i tried bzflag but i do not have good reflexes
19:51.36 madant is pretty sure he would suck at games too ;)
19:51.37 hippieindamakin8 andrecastelo, neither do i . but it is fun with that arena and those options :)
19:51.40 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34146 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 7 dirs): peanut butter release time, peanut butter release 7.14.6 with a baseball bat
19:52.00 madant ah what the hell :)
19:52.10 madant is installing bz
19:52.15 hippieindamakin8 the only games i play are "frets on fire" and "bzflag"
19:52.21 starseeker blinks - peanut butter with baseball bats?
19:52.32 hippieindamakin8 madant, put the server as
19:52.56 madant ok :)
19:52.59 hippieindamakin8 madant, the lag from there was minimal when i was playing bzflag in bangalore
19:53.58 madant hippieindamakin8, thanks :) hope i don't get addicted
19:54.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34147 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/g_diff/g_diff.vcproj: g_diff needs libtclcad, oops on r34146
19:54.23 brlcad notes that starseeker definitely needs some peanut butter jelly time
19:54.25 hippieindamakin8 madant, it is very rarely that some one joins tht game
19:54.29 pacman87 you all up for a bzflag game?
19:54.45 brlcad pacman87: hah, wish I could
19:54.52 brlcad later today, sure
19:55.00 brlcad pacman87: who all'd you apply to?
19:55.06 pacman87 just here
19:55.15 madant pacman87, hehe .. break from 6811 ;)
19:55.20 brlcad ah, okay, cool
19:55.39 pacman87 i realized the bzflag cheat prevention really needs the modularization of game logic
19:55.46 pacman87 so the server can use the same code as the client
19:56.25 brlcad it doesn't "really" need it, but it would greatly help it
19:56.44 brlcad i had started more in-depth cheat preventions years ago with server-side dr and shot tracking
19:56.57 brlcad but my goal was a networking optimization so I never committed it
19:57.20 pacman87 unfortunate
19:57.28 brlcad as there was a net problem with players teleporting across the server (it was a packet culling technique based on how close the other players were from you)
19:57.41 brlcad made network use nearly linear
19:58.11 brlcad would have allowed bzflag servers to support something like 100 players on a server that today can only support about 12 playesr
19:58.20 pacman87 impressive
19:58.26 brlcad if it wasn't for those damn teleporters :)
19:58.36 brlcad then I got sidetracked before I finished implementing waypoints
19:58.43 pacman87 you'd have to do something like Portal
19:58.47 brlcad but the basic logic for server-side cheat checking was easily doable
19:58.48 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, but the teleporters add much more fun to that game ;)
19:58.57 madant grr... what is a good bzflag approach on TwinView :) windowed mode
19:59.11 pacman87 madant: use top/bottom
19:59.19 pacman87 and you can get the radar to fill the second screen
19:59.21 brlcad madant: code up something better
19:59.29 pacman87 set opacity to full
19:59.35 pacman87 and size to max
19:59.48 madant pacman87, :) seems like u ar sitting at a battlestation ;)
20:00.06 pacman87 you may need to set the radar size in your conf file
20:00.19 madant yeah i need to do some tinkering :)
20:00.32 madant brlcad: :) hopefully when i get addicted to the game :D
20:00.44 pacman87 if you want to play, let me know
20:01.02 madant pacman87, sure :) brlcad plays a lot too ?
20:01.16 pacman87 not that i know of
20:02.18 poolio brlcad: do none of your supervisors read the commit messages? :P
20:03.09 pacman87 madant:
20:03.10 starseeker brlcad: dunno what that means and maybe I'm better off that way ;-)
20:08.17 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34148 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/BRL-CAD_db_format.xml: Add content for spec up to tables in Padding and Length Rounding - need to check those more carefully before redoing.
20:14.00 brlcad madant: used to play a lot (one of the best, actually), but not in a long time
20:14.46 brlcad poolio: it's an open source project, meritocracy rules the code, devs do as devs do
20:15.49 madant :) i got quicked out for jitter
20:15.54 madant just now
20:16.11 brlcad shakes head at starseeker .. next you'll be telling me that you don't know what "badger, badger, badger" means too
20:16.33 starseeker eh?
20:16.39 brlcad slaps forehead
20:16.55 madant pacman87, unable to connect :)
20:17.15 pacman87 madant: in bzflag?
20:17.34 starseeker has the distinct sensation of being back in high school listening without comprehension to the slang of his peers ;-)
20:17.36 brlcad you have some google homework, your lady will probably find it funny :)
20:17.40 madant i mean i connected to bzf.bzflag..
20:18.00 pacman87 sorry, it's port 5161
20:18.08 madant ah ok :)
20:18.56 starseeker I dunno... her sense of humor is not to be trifled with
20:20.43 Malyce BRL, I can't seem to be able to post on the '' list
20:20.48 Malyce although I subscribed
20:21.48 Malyce ah no, I see
20:21.50 Malyce its ok
20:25.08 starseeker Hmm - BNF description of VRML 2.0 - cool
20:26.02 starseeker idly contemplates the creation of a BNF definition for .g files, wonders if the spec has enough info to make one...
20:33.18 brlcad starseeker: sure does, but wouldn't likely be efficient in the least
20:33.27 brlcad have thought about it before too, though
20:33.32 brlcad would be neat in itself
20:33.48 brlcad just not too incredibly practical for binary files
20:35.02 madant pacman87, :) i guess my brain has to get used to watching 3d rendered motion :D ( last game i played was probably 5 years ago :P)
20:35.12 pacman87 ah
20:35.17 starseeker formality might be useful as a framework though
20:35.18 pacman87 it's a good start
20:35.25 pacman87 there's hope for you yet :P
20:35.40 madant :P
20:35.48 pacman87 madant: you could always just make your radar really big
20:35.53 pacman87 and ignore the rest of the screen
20:35.59 pacman87 then it's back to 2d motion
20:37.55 starseeker distcheck good on the mac
20:39.04 madant pacman87, yeah.. i feel like that is the best approach for me :d
20:39.58 pacman87 try some of the big/popular maps at the top of the list
20:40.03 pacman87 and don't get discouraged
20:44.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:44.13 brlcad starseeker: cool, thanks
20:44.29 Malyce hey BRL, I am having a problem compiling on Cygwin
20:44.36 Malyce I ran the configure script
20:44.49 Malyce And the first time, it told me that X11 wasn't installed
20:45.22 Malyce Installed X11, reran script. It now says X11 is enabled, but Xi library was not found
20:45.58 Malyce I followed the guide at:
20:46.50 Malyce Couldn't do the last step, since for some reason Cygwin setup didn't install the startxwin.bat file
20:47.05 Malyce Workarounds ?
20:47.10 brlcad install it by hand?
20:47.28 Malyce The Xi library ?
20:47.34 brlcad you can disable all X11 stuff if you don't mind not having a gui
20:47.52 Malyce yes
20:47.55 Malyce that would be great
20:47.59 Malyce how ?
20:48.06 brlcad --without-x11
20:53.23 Malyce ./configuration --witout-x11 ?
20:53.25 Malyce without
20:54.10 pacman87 ./configure --without-x11
20:57.16 pacman87 and you'll probably have to run 'mged -c'
20:58.53 Malyce no, won't be running mged
21:01.11 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
21:01.13 starseeker brlcad: OK, Good on 64 bit linux too
21:05.13 Malyce "Warning: Neither YACC parser nor LEX scanner was found." Will this affect Core C++ Interfaces or librt stuff ?
21:06.28 Malyce Also "Floating point implementation is not IEEE754 compliant. htond and htonf may be incorrect"
21:06.53 brlcad Malyce: no
21:10.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34149 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: keep with a lot of objects in mged isn't working right. just prints out a usage statement. I haz test case. reported by lee and verified.
21:13.13 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34150 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS:
21:13.13 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: verified another bug in the facetize -n commmand with lee where it is giving
21:13.13 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: spurious 'color index out of range' errors on (at least) some 3-manifold
21:13.13 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: surfaces. the painting algorithm in nmg_manif.c seems incomplete/flawed.
21:14.44 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34151 10/brlcad/trunk/ChangeLog: last thing, update Changelog with items since 2009-03-06, ready to tag.
21:19.52 Malyce Warning: Can't figure out how to do Dynamic loading or shared libraries on this system
21:19.54 Malyce Bad ?
21:27.22 brlcad pretty bad, but not fatal -- did you run ?
21:29.37 Malyce before ./configure ?
21:29.39 brlcad yes
21:29.41 Malyce I think I tried
21:29.45 brlcad heh
21:29.51 Malyce didn't work for some reason
21:30.09 Malyce I am 'make'ing right now
21:30.09 brlcad given you're on a relatively obscure configuration, that's probably why you're getting that message
21:30.23 brlcad you need a set of the gnu autotools that has been made for cygwin
21:30.36 Malyce should I stop, and restart ?
21:30.48 brlcad plus, you should be working from svn, not a source tarball ;)
21:30.51 brlcad I would
21:31.01 brlcad you can keep struggling if you like
21:31.11 brlcad see if you get enough built to test a patch
21:31.22 Malyce right, so first I should get the autotools
21:31.28 Malyce second, checkout svn
21:31.31 Malyce and then retry
21:31.33 Malyce ?
21:32.24 brlcad yeah, ideally
21:35.08 Malyce Autoconf, Automake and libtools, all three ?
21:35.50 brlcad yes
21:36.08 brlcad and they in turn will want m4 and perl, maybe other minor deps
21:44.19 Malyce no pain, no gain
21:46.24 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34152 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (2511 files in 220 dirs): merge trunk to STABLE from r33968 through HEAD r34151 for release 7.14.6
22:00.32 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:14.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34153 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-14-6/:
22:14.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: tag release 7.14.6
22:14.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: tested: source build, binary mac 32-bit intel, binary linux 32-bit intel, binary linux 64-bit amd, binary linux 64-bit ia64/altix
22:24.52 poolio brlcad: sweet :)
22:25.27 madant yay :)
22:25.39 madant is off to sleep after a very weird day and night
22:36.46 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
22:39.20 *** join/#brlcad jonored (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)
22:54.09 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34154 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS README include/conf/PATCH): update post tagging to dev version 7.14.7 (haha). this may still end up being a 7.16 release..
22:55.41 brlcad thinks this has been an exhausting day
22:56.13 brlcad some of you that didn't include nearly enough detail are going to have to make edits up on the wiki.. :P
22:56.24 brlcad didn't post early enough to get a good review
22:56.47 brlcad stupid that the app prevents edits, but we'll deal
22:57.30 madant we shall overcome :D
23:08.14 brlcad so it looks like we get a preliminary slot count on the 7th
23:09.25 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.6 posted (20090403) || GSoC2009 Next Step: we're reviewing applications, preliminary slot count on 7th, selections announced on the 15th
23:09.54 madant 11 action-packed days
23:11.59 madant is sleep-deprived and high on orange juice
23:13.23 madant brlcad: what is the maximum possible number of slots ? the total number of registered mentors ?
23:31.14 *** join/#brlcad jonored (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)

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