IRC log for #brlcad on 20090410

00:07.38 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:48.16 brlcad wow
00:48.28 brlcad so preliminary slot allocations were announced
00:48.37 brlcad checks to see if I'm allowed to share
00:48.47 ``Erik w00t, 0! go us!
00:49.27 brlcad hehe
00:50.10 brlcad looks like five orgs didn't get their allocations in
00:50.10 ``Erik is kinda surprised at how many most projects got O.o 2 are a bit lower than I'd expect to see in the announcemen
00:50.25 brlcad ``Erik: very likely they asked for that few
00:50.31 brlcad especially if they're returning
00:50.39 ``Erik 3
00:50.41 brlcad 'most' returning get what they ask for
00:50.43 ``Erik um,
00:50.46 ``Erik "bit lower" as in 0
00:50.53 brlcad ah, read the prolog
00:50.59 brlcad 0 means they were stupid
00:51.11 brlcad didn't put their count into the system
00:52.32 ``Erik *shrug*
00:52.40 ``Erik just a draft, ain't nothin' set in stone yet
00:53.28 brlcad yep, might go down a slot or two
00:53.49 brlcad but probably not too likely
00:54.31 brlcad ``Erik: in any regard, it's enough to rank -- going to keep it pretty simple this year unless you feel compelled for the chart again
00:54.52 ``Erik huh? chart? whu?
00:54.53 brlcad I figure if everyone marks their top five, they should all sort to the top
00:55.00 brlcad ``Erik: last year, the spreadsheet
00:55.03 ``Erik oh
00:55.11 ``Erik um, I read them all, I haven't commented on any yet
00:55.14 ``Erik or rated
00:55.38 brlcad right, I know :)
00:55.40 brlcad time to rate :)
00:55.42 ``Erik I think I might need to re-read and take notes, and try to correlate a couple irc names to handles
00:55.52 ``Erik er, proposals
00:56.00 brlcad only really need to rank your top five most interesting
00:56.37 ``Erik a couple of them, I don't think I understand them well enough to know if I think they're interesting
00:56.38 brlcad I marked two categories already, one for returning and another for what I thought were really good applications
00:56.57 brlcad and I believe daniel has ranked too
00:57.35 ``Erik can see pros and cons to returning, not entirely sure how he feels on that subject
00:57.35 brlcad and I think he basically picked his favorite
00:58.11 brlcad yeah, I went back and forth but there's been a general consensus that returning for one year is cool
00:58.15 brlcad two years, not so cool
00:58.19 ``Erik I imagine I'm not going to be assigned an explicit project, will just be a swiss army knife
00:58.49 brlcad it's up to you, I was planning/hoping you would unless you want to do the admin evals at mid/final :)
00:59.09 ``Erik nothing this year has really jumped out at me quite like last years batch did
00:59.24 brlcad maybe that's a good thing :)
01:00.18 brlcad starseeker: same for you, time to rank -- let me know if you have questions
01:00.23 brlcad yukonbob: too :)
01:04.05 brlcad (decided to not share the slot count for anyone keeping track since it's not final)
01:05.45 brlcad wow, some of the umbrella orgs have really stepped it up slot-wise this year
01:08.10 brlcad and wow, way to go elena .. whipped up a drupal module for her patch :)
01:13.06 Ralith oh yeah, brlcad, I'll have those milestones written up by sunday, k?
01:14.03 Ralith unless you want it sooner
01:15.26 brlcad Ralith: I think that'll be okay
01:15.42 brlcad Ralith: curious, of your two projects -- is either more appealing than the other?
01:16.03 brlcad or better put, do you think you could enjoy working on either?
01:16.47 Ralith I would enjoy both; I'd probably enjoy any not-incredibly-frustrating opportunity to make a useful contribution in a way that takes advantage of my skills.
01:16.55 Ralith that's not to say I consider them equal, though
01:17.55 Ralith I'm a little less confident about the GUI project as it's less well defined, but I'm very excited to work on it and bring us that much closer to a modern, userfriendly GUI.
01:18.19 Ralith whereas the TCL work is fairly mundane, but I expect still rewarding, as we discussed.
01:31.16 ``Erik ooh, krod mandoon in half an hour
01:34.24 yukonbob views submissions....
01:38.28 yukonbob remind me: Are the "private comments" private w/i the group of mentors, or private between the student and a single mentor?
01:38.34 yukonbob ``Erik: ---^
01:38.42 yukonbob brlcad: --^
01:42.04 yukonbob nm.
01:48.15 brlcad yukonbob: private amongst mentors
01:48.22 yukonbob saw :)
01:48.27 brlcad see some of the other existing ones that have comments
01:49.05 brlcad ``erik, starseeker, yukonbob: be sure to mark any you're willing to mentor too
01:49.17 brlcad I can't sign you up for anything
01:53.08 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
02:08.59 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:09.39 yukonbob hey pacman87
02:09.44 yukonbob , PrezKennedy
02:09.48 pacman87 hi yukonbob
02:09.53 PrezKennedy hey yukonbob
02:25.44 ``Erik knows, has been through this once before :)
02:30.52 yukonbob packs out... little more reviewing to do, but is really pretty easy decision making...
02:58.24 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
03:32.37 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
03:40.19 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
03:47.54 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
03:53.54 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (
03:56.43 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (
04:08.02 starseeker brlcad: are we tracking anywhere who has submitted patches?
05:36.39 dreeves brlcad you there?
05:37.10 dreeves starseeker you around?
05:59.25 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
06:17.20 yukonbob dreeves: best way to ask a question is typically just ask... despite IRC being realtime, everybody isn't glued here all the time... we do read scrollback, though :)
06:36.12 pacman87 the ones who are glued here all the time fall under the 'against their will' category in:
06:36.14 pacman87 ~ask
06:36.36 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
06:37.04 yukonbob waves to pacman87
06:37.10 pacman87 waves back
06:37.23 yukonbob late in Texas, isn't it?
06:37.31 pacman87 i'm currently working on my tetris program for the 6811
06:37.36 pacman87 yeah, 1:40 am
06:37.45 pacman87 first class is at 2pm, though
06:37.51 yukonbob nods
06:38.00 yukonbob no work for me tmo... Good Friday
06:38.16 pacman87 and i was up til 4am last night doing the circuit board layout
06:58.54 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
06:59.39 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
07:15.35 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
07:49.55 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
08:42.50 brlcad starseeker: pretty much in my head, you're welcome to ask them though
08:51.11 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
08:51.15 hippieindamakin8 gmorning folks
08:53.22 brlcad howdy hippieindamakin8
08:53.54 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, yeah abt the patch i ll be able to submit it in by sunday
08:54.32 pacman87 wanders off to sleep
08:54.47 madant follows pacman87
09:40.13 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
10:19.20 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
10:19.31 madant ~sleep
10:19.41 ibot methinks sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
11:11.26 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:04.02 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:09.54 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:10.27 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
12:10.27 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
12:46.36 ``Erik *yawn*
13:20.52 *** join/#brlcad CIA-28 (
13:43.05 starseeker dreeves: sorry, I was out cold
13:43.07 starseeker what's up?
13:43.48 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:44.47 dreeves starseeker that's alright I think I figured out what I was going to ask you
13:46.40 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
14:05.41 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
15:37.35 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
16:08.04 brlcad loves this:
16:20.54 pacman87 someone wrote that on the hand dryer in our bathroom
16:40.48 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (
16:48.14 ``Erik free pizza, w00t
16:48.27 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
19:33.54 ``Erik huh
21:11.45 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:11.56 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
21:26.39 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
21:28.11 Malyce hi, I was trying to make a makefile for the coreInterface code
21:28.38 Malyce I wasn't sure exactly how to link the coreInterface files to the already built brl-cad files
21:28.59 Malyce I am thinking the easiest way would be to append to the already existing makefile
21:29.04 Malyce for the main code
21:29.30 Malyce but, it is too complex, and I am having trouble understanding it
21:33.57 yukonbob ``Erik: re: matrix -- "Level 3: maintains a blog with personal insights and thoughts on programming"
21:39.30 ``Erik it's an amusing matrix from a winiot newb dev, wouldn't put a lot of stock in it, but it was amusing :)
21:40.16 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:44.56 *** join/#brlcad Malyce2 (
21:50.43 yukonbob ``Erik: re: putting stock in: agreed, but a bit interesting...
21:50.53 yukonbob ``Erik: so... .where's your blog?
21:50.54 yukonbob :)
21:57.27 ``Erik I have a blog?
21:59.47 Malyce2 You have a blog ?
22:16.57 Malyce2 soooo, noone to talk to here ?
22:17.01 ``Erik ssh
22:17.07 yukonbob we're sleeping here!!
22:17.09 ``Erik we're trying to lurk here
22:17.21 yukonbob sleeps, ``Erik lurks
22:17.34 archivist admits nothing
22:17.38 ``Erik in the shadows... waiting to pounce
22:17.45 ``Erik stalks his 12oz prey o.O
22:17.46 Ralith admits everything!
22:17.50 yukonbob like a puma?
22:18.03 Malyce2 is bored
22:18.13 yukonbob Malyce2: write a patch?
22:18.15 alex_joni bored? what is that?
22:18.20 Malyce2 how do you guys keep changing your statuses ?
22:18.25 yukonbob model a moose?
22:18.30 Malyce2 That's what I yam doin
22:18.31 alex_joni a supercow
22:18.38 Ralith a tron cycle
22:18.39 Malyce2 That's who I am, supercow
22:18.40 ``Erik looks at the patch ideas, bug list, todo lists, etc and wonders how ANYONE could be bored around here O.o
22:18.44 yukonbob Ralith++
22:18.56 Malyce2 hey, so abt the makefile thingie
22:19.07 Ralith boredom is what happens when you refuse to let yourself do something.
22:19.14 ``Erik <-- ralith
22:19.42 yukonbob !HA
22:19.46 Malyce2 since I am working with coreInterface, I am making my own makefile. I don't know how to link it to the already built brl-cad libraries
22:19.49 Malyce2 no clue ?
22:20.03 ``Erik probably something like "-L/usr/brlcad/lib -lrt"
22:20.12 Ralith don't hardcode that though
22:20.14 Ralith get it from pkgconfig
22:20.39 Malyce2 I haven't done this before, and the tut's don't say anything.
22:21.02 Malyce2 Am I not also suppose to link with the headers and C files from the main brl-cad ?
22:21.03 Ralith you using cmake or GBS?
22:21.08 Malyce2 GBS
22:21.21 Ralith google up some docs
22:21.30 Malyce2 not used to working with large projs, so noob here
22:21.33 Ralith it's not too hard to set up a simple project and get linker flags from pkgconfig
22:21.48 Malyce2 I'll look it up
22:22.11 yukonbob thinks he likes cmake
22:22.17 Ralith likes cmake too.
22:22.31 ``Erik rt^3 should have autoconf stuff that fills that all in for you, though
22:22.34 Ralith y'still want to use pkgconfig to get paths, though
22:22.59 Ralith was amazed that nobody had noticed the pkg-config files were broken.
22:23.03 yukonbob _does_ wonder why they're inventing a new language though, instead of intergrating something like python or tcl, which are finished languages with less-goffy syntax :P
22:23.14 yukonbob *less-goofy
22:23.18 Ralith yukonbob: fewer dependencies perhaps?
22:23.29 ``Erik because those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it
22:23.36 yukonbob ``Erik++
22:23.38 Malyce2 I am not using all of rt^3
22:23.44 yukonbob Ralith: tcl is so light, it's stupid.
22:23.48 Malyce2 only CoreInterface. You recommend getting all of it ?
22:23.58 ``Erik so? do the autoconf cycle, run ./configure, then cd into the coreInterface directory and do maket here
22:24.19 ``Erik or build it all, once that's done, only your changes will be recompiled, unchanged stuff will just sit there
22:24.43 Ralith yukonbob: owell.
22:24.52 Ralith cmake is nevertheless shiny.
22:25.08 yukonbob nods...
22:25.15 ``Erik so're the 12 other popular auto* imitations
22:25.25 yukonbob easier for me to wrap brain around than auto*, libtool, etc.
22:27.25 yukonbob ``Erik: only other systems I've played with are hand-coded Makefile (great for trivial tasks), scons, and cmake
22:27.47 yukonbob java has a few, but unfortunately are java-bases ;P
22:27.51 yukonbob *based
22:27.56 yukonbob (ant)
22:27.57 ``Erik eck, ant *shudder*
22:28.36 ``Erik auto* is one of those things where it's all magic and confusing, then there's a eureka moment and you kick yourself for not seeing it before
22:28.37 Ralith I like cmake's skill at finding deps even with few hints and its percentful output
22:28.42 yukonbob "enterprise" class (i.e.: requires a contract with consultants to make work reasonably)
22:29.01 Ralith percent complete is awesome to have.
22:29.04 ``Erik it's all really really super-simple, but it does impressive stuff... so people assume there's more to it :( it's really simple substitution rules
22:29.18 yukonbob does _not_ like the %-full output, or the colours... but feh.
22:29.24 Ralith colors aren't necessary
22:29.39 Ralith but don't tell me you've never been staring at a firefox build wondering just how far along it is
22:30.03 Ralith even if it's no ETA, it's nice to know whether you're just beginning or about to finish.
22:30.12 ``Erik runs system update builds in another window and goes to do other stuff
22:30.23 ``Erik staring at it won't make it go faster
22:30.32 Ralith lies!
22:30.35 ``Erik :D what's the phrase, a watched pot never boils?
22:30.53 Ralith the problem is when 'other stuff' conflicts with the build
22:30.56 yukonbob even a stoped clock gives the right time, twice a day?
22:31.04 yukonbob a stich in time saves 9?
22:31.07 Ralith e.g. installing other stuff, fiddling with X, rebooting for w/e reason...
22:31.16 Ralith not common cases but really annoying when they come up
22:31.18 ``Erik a penny saved is a penny *smacks yukonbob*
22:31.19 yukonbob let sleeping dogs lie
22:31.26 yukonbob LOL
22:31.41 yukonbob is channelling "too much coffee man vs. cliche man"
22:32.22 yukonbob ``Erik: interstingly, your reply is similar to what gave tmcm the edge in the battle.
22:32.40 ``Erik tmcm?
22:33.14 ``Erik too much coffee man
22:33.41 ``Erik not on my usual webcomic rotation
22:33.54 yukonbob
22:35.52 yukonbob
22:37.29 ``Erik or, uh, ?
22:39.27 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
22:42.22 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
22:58.52 Malyce why is the firefox browser in ubuntu, so ridiculously slow ?
22:59.08 Malyce it really sucks compared to firefox in windows
23:02.17 Malyce And I don't mean the internetss . This app hangs like every 2 secs
23:08.25 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:19.42 Ralith Malyce: it's not.
23:19.55 Ralith well, not in the sense you describe anyway
23:22.09 Malyce maybe its because I have Ubuntu mid right now
23:22.40 Malyce its supposed to be for Intel Atom processors. But, I find it hard to believe that any Ubuntu distro would run slower than windows
23:33.25 ``Erik might be worth monitoring your memory and swap utilization
23:34.43 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
23:39.32 starseeker dreeves: IIRC, the next step for brep is incorporating Utah's trimming?
23:43.18 Ralith Malyce: what normally causes that kind of behavior is you having far too little memory for what you're trying to do
23:48.48 Malyce could be true. Windoze does sometimes lag, because this is a low-end machine with only 512 megs. But, its seems to handle it much better
23:49.20 Malyce I think I will experiment with other distros, and see
23:59.58 Ralith this is probably because you are not trying to run as many apps in windows.

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