IRC log for #brlcad on 20090411

00:03.15 Malyce not true. actually I think I figured it out. Windoze I am running from SSD, Ubuntu MID from Flash mem - write speed is dramatically slower 10mbs for SSD, 1mbs for Flash
00:03.35 Malyce A lot of swapping probably is the death of this OS then.
00:04.12 Ralith just use a browser that doesn't take up hundreds of MB of ram
00:04.15 Ralith i.e. anything but firefox
00:04.17 Ralith and use a minimal WM
00:05.55 Malyce RAM probably isn't the problem. I am guessing its the swap, because windows is quite bearable, even with many apps open.
00:06.05 Malyce WM - working memory ?
00:06.17 Malyce And there are better browsers than firefox ?
00:06.43 Malyce Chrome ?
00:08.36 Ralith 'many apps' has almost nothing to do with how much memory is in use
00:08.45 Ralith and I never said anything about a better browser
00:08.50 Ralith and WM means window manager.
00:08.52 brlcad Ralith: a tron cycle would be awesome, I have some pictures from the film that shown much of the CSG that was used
00:09.06 Ralith brlcad: yeah, I was referring to your interest.
00:09.49 Ralith Malyce: RAM is the problem because when you run out of RAM stuff uses swap instead.
00:10.48 brlcad Ralith: as for the pkg-config files -- I wrote them up for folks to use but since we don't/didn't use them internally, they were never tested..
00:11.18 Ralith ah, heh.
00:11.47 Ralith well, once tweaked, their use made the g3d build system much cleaner/more portable.
00:12.53 brlcad catches up
00:13.15 Ralith sup
00:13.17 brlcad yeah, it's nice to have them actually in use so they can stay up-to-date
00:13.32 brlcad that was the intent after all, to use them
00:14.17 brlcad generally a pretty long turn-around for external codes to change how they hook in to us, so figured it'd at least be there for whenever someone asks
00:14.56 brlcad would pay for a lightcycle
00:18.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34196 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS doc/docbook/system/man1/en/coil.xml src/shapes/coil.c): Add flag to change winding direction to coil tool.
00:20.46 starseeker brlcad: that was the easy one - now I need to tackle length :-)
00:24.54 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
00:43.38 yukonbob is starting to think he'd pay for a build :P
00:54.10 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
01:22.07 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
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01:47.17 Malyce
01:47.31 Malyce I am getting the X11 error, though I have libx11-dev
01:47.48 Malyce libxext-dev, libxi-dev
01:48.11 yukonbob hits road
02:17.09 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
02:23.04 madant :) quick dumb doubt.. say i have two list of numbers, one per line in two files any way of checking how many numbers in file a is in file b :) some simple bash thingy i mean
03:14.19 dreeves starseeker yep that is what I'm working on I have found a couple of bugs in the opennurbs stuff that is causing problems plus how utah does trims and opennurbs is a little different but I think I'm closing in on it
03:15.32 dreeves what is IIRC?
03:22.17 ``Erik "if I recall correctly"
03:32.29 ``Erik madant: yes.
03:37.21 ``Erik both files need to be sorted, then there's a command, uh, I forget the name, but it can show 3 columns, what file A has that file B does not, what they both have, and what file B has that A does not... can't effin' remember the name of it, though :(
03:45.45 madant ``Erik: came up with two ways :) thanks to #gsoc : cat A B|sort -n|uniq -d|wc -l
03:45.54 madant or comm -1 -2 A B|wc -l
03:46.19 madant ``Erik: and yeah the one you are referring to is uniq ;)
03:46.32 madant oops comm i meant :)
03:46.54 ``Erik yeahhhhh, comm, that's it
03:48.01 ``Erik the 'uniq' approach will fail if numbers can be repeated in a file
03:48.23 madant such an elusive un"common" name for such a nice program :)
03:48.41 madant yeah, uniq has its limits
03:48.58 ``Erik hey, it's midnight, I've been drinking beer and playing wow, that I at least had the notion is good! :D
03:49.45 madant i am always taken by surprise by the utility of such nice simple tools :)
03:50.26 madant unix approach always works ;)
03:50.27 ``Erik heh, didn't you have a big bin of legos when you were a kid?
03:50.27 ``Erik a little imagination and ya had any toy you could want, all from simple little bricks, no? :D
03:51.10 madant was not much of a "toy" person while growing up :D
03:51.23 madant but yeah imagination and a few brciks ;)
03:51.38 madant like Louis I Kahn said "Each brick wants to be something"
03:59.11 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
05:16.04 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
05:47.15 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
05:57.02 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
09:56.54 hippieindamakin8 madant, some more polish bands for you : believe,quidam
10:39.46 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
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11:58.20 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
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13:26.48 hippieindamakin8 can somebody elaborate on the function of nmg_ckmag(....)
13:39.11 hippieindamakin8 nvm ^
14:34.07 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
14:49.32 ``Erik a/win show 2
15:42.06 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
17:09.43 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
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18:03.53 *** join/#brlcad redvsblue (
18:32.07 jdoliner can anyone tell me what a segment in a sketch looks like?
18:32.18 jdoliner is it just an struct with start and end points?
18:33.15 jdoliner and also does the reverse array actually get filled in?
18:33.56 pacman87 jdoliner: depends on what type of segment it is
18:34.15 jdoliner hmm, what types are there?
18:34.16 pacman87 LSEG (line segment) is just start/end points
18:34.43 pacman87 there's also circular arcs and splines
18:34.48 jdoliner this is in rt_sketch_internal
18:35.05 jdoliner is it allowed to have arcs and splines?
18:35.08 pacman87 are you asking about the code or the file format
18:35.10 pacman87 ?
18:36.02 jdoliner I'm asking what I can do with genptr_t *segments;
18:36.29 jdoliner the problem is that we're getting sketches where the segments aren't nose to tail
18:36.47 jdoliner not sure if that qualifies as code or file format
18:37.35 brlcad it's a code issue
18:37.45 jdoliner k
18:38.12 pacman87 i'm looking over my sketch-related code in revolve
18:38.29 brlcad well both really -- it's whether or not something declared as "A->B, B->C, D->C, A->D" is valid
18:38.53 brlcad right now, it's not considered 'valid' and gives bad/unexpected results
18:38.58 brlcad even though that forms a closed loop
18:39.09 brlcad it's just not directionally closed
18:39.24 pacman87 i remember writing something to handle that case
18:39.26 jdoliner right
18:40.34 brlcad if they're considered bidirectional connections (which they probably should), then some work needs to happen during shot() or during import/export to make things work
18:41.03 pacman87 revolve.c, lines 111 to 178
18:41.18 jdoliner yeah I was planning to just write something that can look at an rt_db_internal, and see if we can make a directional closed sketch out of a bidirectionally closed sketch
18:41.41 pacman87 if the endpoint is used an odd number of times, it contains an endpoint
18:41.50 pacman87 if it's even, it's not
18:43.16 jdoliner in brlcad's example everything is used an even number of times
18:43.38 pacman87 right, my code doesn't do exactly what you want
18:43.53 pacman87 since all i needed to know was whether it was closed or open
18:43.58 jdoliner what does rt_curve_order_segments do?
18:44.14 pacman87 and if it was open, i use a simple algorithm to add segments so that it becomes closed
18:57.58 pacman87 rt_curve_order_segments looks like it does what you want
18:58.45 pacman87 though it won't tell you if the sketch was open, or if it failed
19:20.33 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
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21:47.04 *** join/#brlcad Malyce (
21:49.48 *** part/#brlcad Malyce (

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