IRC log for #brlcad on 20090413

00:09.58 FAMULUS so i seemed like I sucessfully compiled truck for OS X, but when I run mged I get Bus error
00:10.05 FAMULUS trunk^
00:10.47 brlcad FAMULUS: off of an svn checkout?
00:10.52 FAMULUS yes
00:10.55 ``Erik bus error is insanely bad, worse than a segfault, can you provide backtrace?
00:10.56 starseeker dreeves: sorry, off to Easter stuff
00:10.57 brlcad what was your configure summary?
00:11.01 FAMULUS svn checkout brlcad
00:11.17 brlcad specifically, is ogl enabled or disabled?
00:11.22 brlcad what was your configure line?
00:11.44 FAMULUS ...
00:11.56 FAMULUS ./configure
00:11.59 starseeker dreeves: Mostly curious about status - I had pulled some of the code with the intent to start looking at it, but if you're ahead of me (and it sounds like you are if you're identifying differences in opennurbs vs. utah trimming) I was going to ask if there was anything I can do to help
00:12.04 brlcad ok
00:12.08 ``Erik heh, wow, say "bus fault" and everyone comes to life :D
00:12.41 brlcad FAMULUS: grep "OpenGL support" config.log
00:12.46 FAMULUS k
00:13.00 FAMULUS configure:47790: result: OpenGL support (optional).............: no
00:13.10 brlcad starseeker: that's the point of frequent commits -- go for it ;)
00:13.20 brlcad it doesn't exist if it's not committed
00:13.36 brlcad slow committers get to deal with the conflicts/mergine woes ;)
00:13.42 brlcad FAMULUS: hrmph
00:14.05 starseeker brlcad: no, I mean I was going to see if there was a specific conceptual question I can look into - I don't have any new code myself (yet)
00:14.08 brlcad FAMULUS: you did an install?
00:14.37 FAMULUS yes
00:14.57 FAMULUS sudo make install
00:15.04 FAMULUS mged command responds
00:15.09 starseeker wants to do whatever he can to keep the nurbs progress going, without duplicating work if possible :-)
00:15.13 FAMULUS but then Bus Error
00:15.34 FAMULUS Should I svn from a tag, as opposed to trunk?
00:15.43 ``Erik you should be on trunk
00:16.03 brlcad FAMULUS: what about "mged -c" does that segfault too?
00:17.00 FAMULUS lets see
00:18.09 FAMULUS brlcad: that seems to work acctually
00:18.18 FAMULUS Creating region id=1000, air=0, GIFTmaterial=1, los=100
00:18.46 brlcad oh, interesting -- you'd scripted without -c ?
00:19.28 FAMULUS my ruby scripts use -c
00:19.37 FAMULUS that's what I'm running now
00:19.44 brlcad okay
00:19.55 FAMULUS but just launching mged my_db.g
00:19.56 FAMULUS fails
00:20.21 brlcad so try running mged -c, attach "nu" default, then run "gui"
00:20.58 FAMULUS are the commas line seperators?
00:21.08 FAMULUS mged -c
00:21.12 FAMULUS attach "nu" default
00:21.23 brlcad when you run mged -c, it asks you
00:21.27 FAMULUS ok
00:21.29 FAMULUS coming up
00:22.02 FAMULUS ok
00:22.05 FAMULUS when I run gui
00:22.07 FAMULUS Bus Error
00:22.40 brlcad try again but instead with "gdb --args mged -c"
00:22.50 brlcad "run" to start it off
00:23.24 FAMULUS Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
00:23.25 FAMULUS Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x0000005c
00:23.25 FAMULUS 0x0012fa51 in X_open_dm (interp=0x1808c08, argc=6, argv=0xbfffb4a4) at dm-X.c:343
00:23.26 FAMULUS 343dmp->dm_width =
00:25.22 ``Erik now that's interesting
00:25.32 ``Erik but "print dmp" is ok?
00:25.50 ``Erik does it fill dm_width ok?
00:25.57 FAMULUS ``Erik: don't know about print dmp
00:26.54 brlcad FAMULUS: 10.5 ?
00:26.59 ``Erik "print" is a gdb command
00:27.03 FAMULUS latest and greatest
00:27.06 brlcad are you up-to-date?
00:27.29 FAMULUS (gdb) print dmp
00:27.29 FAMULUS $1 = (struct dm *) 0xf19960
00:28.03 ``Erik print *dmp ?
00:28.14 dreeves starseeker I will status you when I get done today
00:28.31 ``Erik you can explore quite a bit with gdb, if it notes the struct then you have a good debuggable binary
00:28.58 FAMULUS
00:29.38 FAMULUS I'm doublechecking updates, my os is current, but I just installed dev tools, may be an update for that
00:30.22 FAMULUS software update says I'm current
00:30.35 ``Erik dm_width seems to be set to 0, whcih is wrong, but I don't undersatnd why you'd get a fault on it
00:31.10 ``Erik try, uh, -F/dev/X
00:31.13 ``Erik ?
00:32.16 FAMULUS Undefined command: "-F". Try "help".
00:32.25 FAMULUS where?
00:33.27 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
00:36.21 ``Erik rt -F/dev/Xl soemfile.g toplevel
00:40.14 FAMULUS
00:43.55 ``Erik looks like ya didn't give a valid toplvevel solid
00:44.40 FAMULUS one sec
00:44.59 FAMULUS ok
00:45.05 FAMULUS got it
00:45.14 FAMULUS toplevel is a variable
00:45.21 FAMULUS that produces a picture
00:47.09 brlcad "mged -c file.g tops" will list your top level objects
00:49.07 FAMULUS yup
00:49.11 FAMULUS I got a render
00:49.51 brlcad so it's not the X11 framebuffer, something specific to X11 display managers
00:50.38 Ralith hmm.
00:50.53 Ralith brlcad: it's trivial to determine whether a given point is inside or outside a given region, right?
00:51.38 brlcad Ralith: sure, shoot a ray, look at that point
00:52.14 Ralith so it'd be pretty easy to generate a voxel representation of a given volume?
00:52.32 brlcad oh sure
00:52.58 brlcad the g_qa code already does this effectively as to several of the 'rt*' tools
00:53.04 brlcad just not in a clean/simple library form
00:53.13 Ralith and then you could tesselate that for an approximate solid mesh.
00:53.26 brlcad one of the refactoring todos is to turn gqa's code into a sampling routine
00:53.36 Ralith you'd lose detail on hard edges, but it'd work.
00:53.44 brlcad yep, do some dulaney triangulation, whatever
00:54.15 Ralith and I suspect high resolutions might actually not be all that expensive
00:54.35 brlcad that's some basic csg-to-brep approaches worked out in the 80's that do exactly that, and are even mildly interesting iff you do adaptive sampling
00:54.48 Ralith neat!
00:55.11 brlcad without adaptive sampling, it generates horrible tessellations or massively refined meshes
00:58.20 brlcad Ralith: if you're really interested in that -- there's a really good paper from UNC recently ala 2007/2008 that is a big improvement
00:59.30 Ralith I've got more immediate concerns, and I get the impression the brep stuff will be providing nice tesselation soon enough anyway; was just curious
01:00.45 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:02.20 brlcad yeah, the brep work is a non-approximation approach
01:02.31 brlcad should be faithful
01:03.08 Ralith shame it's not ready yet
01:03.16 Ralith would have loved to put "Shaded rendering of geometry" on his milestones.
01:13.06 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
01:31.06 starseeker dreeves: cool, thanks! :-)
01:51.57 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, i put in a proposal for that
01:52.08 Ralith for what?
01:52.22 hippieindamakin8 brep evaluation
01:52.32 Ralith ah.
01:52.36 Ralith cool
01:52.51 Ralith here's to hoping it happens
01:54.10 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, :)
01:54.33 Ralith that's one of the major barriers to a truly contemporary modeler imo
02:10.39 Ralith brlcad: let me know if you have any thoughts on my milestones/timeline
04:02.33 *** join/#brlcad deeeffache (
04:16.06 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:29.18 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
04:53.37 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes_ (
05:48.57 dreeves starseeker so here is the deal there is no similarities between really between how the utah code represents trims and opennurbs represents. Utah's code is very basic it just basically stores a polyline that represents the trim whereas opennurbs can be several shapes but that isn't really the part I'm struggling with. The documentation on opennurbs is limited i.e. how does the type seam vs mated vs etc.. affect the seam and the iso setting affect it. I
05:48.57 dreeves f you can figure that out. So pretty much I think the utah will be fairly useless because they aren't close.
05:51.59 dreeves Just to get you going if you want to work on it. you may already know this but the 2d curves are in parameter space so the idea would be to trim in parameter space much simpler problem
05:52.46 dreeves So I'm still working on it but if you find anything out let me know. Right now I am just approximating the trim curve with a polyline for the time being
07:20.55 dreeves starseeker ok looks like I'm having some success here
07:21.03 dreeves yahoo
07:21.11 dreeves still some issues here
07:42.53 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
07:58.35 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
08:28.37 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ddreeves70 * r34197 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: This is code that implements a crude form of the triming it causing some problems but I just want to update everyone where I'm at on trimming
08:30.56 dreeves starseeker you can also focus on the line nurbs curve intersection code. The numintersections function in ON_nurbscurve isn't working
08:55.35 madant hmmmm, make[2]: Entering directory `/home/d/wrk/brlcad/src/shapes' make[2]: *** No rule to make target `wire.1', needed by `all-am'. Stop.
09:47.33 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:55.25 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
11:14.25 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:40.14 madant mafm, is the build ok ?
11:40.48 mafm hi
11:40.55 mafm madant: the build?
11:45.22 starseeker dreeves: excellent, thank you :-)
11:49.40 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
11:52.50 madant i am getting build error in src/shapes..
12:01.15 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
12:10.09 starseeker madant: what error?
12:10.40 madant <PROTECTED>
12:11.07 starseeker you've got an old makefile
12:11.59 madant yeah thought so.. cleaning up now :)
12:19.15 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
12:23.02 ``Erik
12:31.25 *** join/#brlcad typ0 (
12:41.44 brlcad interesting article at the top of that page
12:46.36 ``Erik the approach and notion seemed interesting, the results *shrug* meh. Was kinda surprised that java and c++ were behind C, and how low c++ sat, but *shrug* meh :)
12:48.16 ``Erik is rdo, gonna go across the street and check up on his car today :/
12:48.31 ``Erik ya wiring up the suns today?
12:49.40 ``Erik think your ircop friend would be willing to split her logs up daily so'z we aren't moving 11 gigs of log for the great '09 bz migration?
12:50.19 ``Erik (would probably help your home dumps, too)
12:51.33 ``Erik tries not to notice, but big things tend to jump to fg :(
12:54.51 brlcad yeah
12:55.27 brlcad I rotated some of them on saturday, still need to hit up the big one though
12:55.33 brlcad big ones
12:59.09 ``Erik <-- unwilling to muck with those, wouldn't feel right doing anything more than saying "hey, uh, can't help but notice, you're causing some issues in this operation, can you help us?"
12:59.19 ``Erik damn my ethics
13:00.55 ``Erik I'm keeping the new machine up to date system wise, and doing the occasional rsync... itching to see the migration happen so I can try to get the apache stuff sorted out for my new use. let me know what more I can do to help *shrug*
13:02.08 ``Erik like the cylons, I have a plan. And the low hanging fruit is all depending on the migration happening :D
13:03.01 ``Erik (if irssi lacks the ability to do time sensitive log file selection, I will fucking add it)
13:12.22 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34198 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/mirror.c: remove dead code, clean up indentation
13:15.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34199 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/mirror.c: ws
13:17.05 ``Erik wonders how much of that dead code was his
13:27.19 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
13:38.10 brlcad pnone
13:38.36 ``Erik heh
14:00.16 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:35.20 dreeves startseeker have you had a chance to look at it?
14:37.32 dreeves starseeker in the nurbs_test.g the nurbs_cyl.r is a good test case of the trimming trimming appears to be working somewhat but I'm getting surface acne
14:40.13 starseeker dreeves: just getting at it now
14:40.39 starseeker dreeves: IIRC, the opennurbs library deliberately doesn't provide the intersection code for a line + nurbs
14:42.23 starseeker yeah, I ran the tests with your update
14:42.38 starseeker getting severe acne on all of them
14:43.05 dreeves That is the trimming if you turn off the trimming the acne will go away
14:43.37 dreeves I'm not 100% sure right now what is causing that...
14:44.07 dreeves especially on the end cap
15:04.29 dreeves btw yeah they don't provide one and the one we have added isn't working numintersections method is failing I believe when it is breaking down into bezier curves Although I'm not convinced that is the problem
15:05.45 dreeves well anyways I'm headed out for awhile
15:07.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34200 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/mirror.c: remove stray 1
15:10.20 mafm_ madant: sorry, had to run outside. I haven't build the project for a while, so can't help :)
15:11.40 typ0 what is the best documentation resource to learn about IGES converter status ?
15:11.50 typ0 commit logs ?
15:11.56 typ0 i already checked the bug-tracker
15:13.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34201 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ ( primitives/table.c table.c): move table.c into the primitives directory as first step towards refactoring the API in order to hide the table itself. let primitives contain logic that is solid-specific
15:15.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34202 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ ( mirror.c primitives/mirror.c): move rt_mirror() up into primitives as well since it's one of the first table calls
15:16.34 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
15:16.35 brlcad typ0: probably reading the source code and/or asking here -- there's not a lot of documentation
15:17.07 brlcad commit logs might be helpful, but seeing as that's an older converter from pre-open-source days, it may be somewhat thin on details
15:17.21 brlcad should read the two manual pages for it
15:20.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34203 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/ (tankwizard/TankWizard.tcl tirewizard/TireWizard.tcl): Minor mod related to ripping out BLT.
15:28.56 madant mafm, no problem, just needed a bit of cleaning of my files
15:34.09 *** join/#brlcad Elena (n=ebautu@
15:36.21 brlcad hi Elena
15:39.59 madant brlcad, do we (mafm, pacman87, me etc. ) who have commit access need to submit a patch ?
15:40.20 madant and seems like Elena doesn't like you :D
15:43.12 typ0 cool thanks
15:45.29 *** join/#brlcad Elena (n=ebautu@
15:47.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34204 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/sysv.h src/libsysv/bcmp.c): adjust bcmp signature to match posix using void pointers and size_t
15:50.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34205 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/sysv.h src/libsysv/memset.c): do the same to memset, use void and size_t to match standard
15:51.49 brlcad madant: the purpose of the patch is primarily to make sure students are working with the code, on their way towards being integrated with the community, and working towards commit access
15:52.45 brlcad so if you're doing and have all three of those already, then you probably have your answer
15:52.46 madant k, so if i continue the work with MathGrammar and foundations of libged integration that works too ?
15:53.09 madant oh and brlcad, i had a crappy knee a couple of days ago
15:53.26 brlcad crappy knee?
15:53.43 madant yeah knee pain after running around 9 kms.. :)
15:53.46 brlcad and yes, working with mathgrammar and libged would be perfect
15:53.59 madant reminded me of your knee comment regarding reaching college level speeds
15:54.04 brlcad I get crappy knee after much less than 9kms these days :)
15:54.27 Elena hello
15:54.40 brlcad howdy Elena
15:54.47 madant anyways it disappeared in a couple of days.. i have never really understood how the knee gets "hurt" and gets back on track.
15:55.45 brlcad madant: torn ligaments that heal
15:55.45 Elena how are you?
15:55.45 brlcad peachy, you?
15:55.45 Elena fine
15:56.33 brlcad nice to see that you made it onto irc finally :)
15:56.45 Elena :)
15:57.38 dreeves starseeker fyi just for kicks and grins I only looked at the endcaps for the cylinder and I just special case treated the trims like circles it worked perfectly that is just a simple distance check (I just happen to know those trims are circles) so maybe my approx. is causing more problems than I realized
16:03.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Cyl special trim.png]]": Don't get excited this is very special case trimming.
16:04.38 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34206 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): remove bcmp() from libsysv (which was added for windows compatibility) as there is a c89 equivalent (that should be available on windows). just use memcmp() instead.
16:04.40 brlcad gets excited
16:05.12 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1385 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
16:05.22 brlcad purdy
16:06.54 dreeves yeah don't get excited that is a very special case trim
16:07.22 dreeves I just wanted to prove to myself it wasn't something else goofy going it wasn't
16:07.52 dreeves it is my line nurbs curve intersection isn't working very well
16:09.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34207 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/ (2 files in 2 dirs): remove bcmp.c from windows build files
16:09.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34208 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libsysv/CMakeLists.txt: remove bcmp.c, no longer needed/included
16:10.12 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34209 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_diff.c: no longer need sysv.h
16:10.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34210 10/brlcad/trunk/src/canon/canonlib.c: last usage of bcmp(), converted to memcmp().
16:13.53 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34211 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: update rtwizard bug items (now works with perspective, doesn't seem to hang with latest, and confirmed line overlay problem)
16:18.02 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34212 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ (. include/ misc/): ignore configure-generated files
16:20.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34213 10/brlcad/trunk/src/shapes/: ignore coil binary
16:24.34 brlcad typ0:
16:24.40 brlcad almost forgot about that report
16:24.53 brlcad notes the strong need for more organized docs on the website
16:46.39 typ0 sweet
16:46.42 typ0 cheers
17:19.33 brlcad hmm
17:19.52 brlcad hmm2
17:34.11 brlcad begins a rotatable logfile configuration for sportchick
17:39.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34214 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (32 files in 4 dirs):
17:39.08 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Removed the basic, intermediate and advanced modes. Removed the canvas menus,
17:39.08 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: hierarchy label, attributes label and the collapse/expand buttons. Moved the
17:39.08 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: view/edit toolbar items to the primary toolbar. Turned off tearoff menus.
17:50.04 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (
17:50.46 dreeves2 starseeker I am not at my computer that I'm connected to irc on so if you have written anything I can't see it
17:51.32 dreeves2 but anyway I have thought of a much better way to evaulate the point in the curve that won't require us to modify opennurbs I'm going to work on that when I get a chance later today
17:53.36 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34215 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob made a slew of major gui changes to archer including the removal of the distinct experience levels.
18:08.02 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
18:17.14 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (n=chatzill@
18:17.29 brlcad thinks fbsd is fs-confused
18:17.41 ``Erik ?
18:17.57 brlcad it is spewing filesystem full messages
18:17.59 ``Erik old old OLD ufs is very slow about updating free lists
18:18.08 brlcad various loggers
18:18.18 brlcad httpd, irssi, user logging
18:18.21 ``Erik but youd' have to be fucktarded enough to run an ancient version to see that, like 5 series
18:18.22 ``Erik :D
18:25.16 brlcad still, pretty severe bug
18:25.20 brlcad probably needs an fsck
18:25.30 brlcad can that be run safely while live?
18:25.49 ``Erik uhmmmmm, I don't recall if the snapfs was there on 5.2.1 :(
18:26.25 brlcad something is seriously hosed with 1.5GB free and it vomiting filesystem full messages
18:26.53 ``Erik usually it just took a few minutes to put everything into the free list
18:27.08 ``Erik yeah, you have the snapfs man pages
18:27.14 brlcad there's been 1.5GB free for days
18:27.35 ``Erik df is reading free mem
18:27.43 ``Erik smoething must be borked up
18:29.55 brlcad basically running bzip2 on all her old log files one at a time -- each new file seems to generate a dozen or more full messages
18:30.05 brlcad yet bzip2 completes successfully
18:30.17 brlcad and even as more space is freed up, still spews
18:30.45 brlcad well, I'll let this run spewing for a few hours
18:31.00 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: I answered your comments at Student Proposal
18:31.02 brlcad should free up about 4GB
18:31.04 ``Erik yeah, ya got free space, shouldn't be throwing those alerts
18:31.20 brlcad and make syncing better down the road
18:31.25 brlcad (more importantly)
18:31.32 brlcad for post migration woes
18:32.07 ``Erik heh, pine just bitched at me on that machine
18:34.18 ``Erik I d'no, it shouldn't be bitching about that. mebbe it was a bug in that version, 5.2.1 was a quick 'fix some other bugs' release, the ONLY release I've ever seen wih the third number
18:34.38 ``Erik is mostly using 7.2
18:35.01 brlcad I can't find hint of it on-line yet though
18:35.15 brlcad would have thought plenty of others would have filled up a disk if it was a simple bug
18:37.13 ``Erik <-- doesn't know, it may require an fsck to regenerate the free block list :(
18:37.49 brlcad heh, up to 1.7 free and still bitching :)
18:38.10 brlcad seems to be slightly less though
18:38.46 starseeker dreeves2: cool!
18:44.46 ``Erik argues for rapid migration instead of fixing the old stuff O.o
19:01.29 dreeves2 starseeker did you see the image of the cylinder I uploaded. Basically Ignored all trims except for the end cap trims and then I used a circle to represent the trims that obviously worked great but I think this idea I have should work
19:01.44 starseeker yes
19:01.55 starseeker how do you plan to make it general?
19:27.33 dreeves2 look at closest point to the intersection point then calculate a direction vector from that point to the intersection point then compare the normal at that point and the direction vector if they are pointing the same direction then the point is outside the curve this makes a couple of assumptions but conceptally that is how it would work
19:31.31 dreeves2 Does that make since?
19:31.55 starseeker you mean the closest point on the trimming loop?
19:32.00 dreeves2 yes
19:32.30 dreeves2 This is a methon on ON_Curve that will give you that
19:33.16 starseeker hmm.
19:33.54 starseeker would need to ask Ed about that one
19:33.58 dreeves2 obviously we will have to deal some special cases and check orientation
19:34.09 dreeves2 of the loop
19:34.11 starseeker nods
19:35.41 dreeves2 Yeah I tried to give Ed a call to see what he thought but I couldn't get him on the phone and I have meetings I had to join. If you get his feedback I would like to hear what he had to say
19:35.59 ``Erik eh?
19:36.41 starseeker if you like I can ask him when a good time to call would be - I don't want to garble it in translation and he will have questions
19:37.15 ``Erik ed is effin' brilliant, we kinda try to protect him... how the fuck do you think you have a direct line to him?
19:38.16 dreeves2 what?
19:38.27 starseeker ``Erik: he's talked to Ed before
19:39.04 ``Erik aight *shrug* ed is a valuable resource, not one to be squandered
19:41.01 ``Erik <-- a little protective :)
19:41.30 dreeves2 I thought brep was #1 priority how is asking him a question about it squandering him?
19:41.36 starseeker it isn't
19:42.06 ``Erik I'm being reactionary... if it's a good brep question, then it's all good
19:42.27 starseeker dreeves2: if I understand correctly, you're proposing to use the normal ON the trimming curve?
19:43.19 starseeker isn't quite seeing it...
19:43.22 dreeves2 yes
19:43.25 ``Erik I kinda joined in half through a discussion, saw a request for a limited resource, so'z I threw the 'zomfg wtff' card down, I apologize :)
19:44.42 starseeker dreeves2: taking a flat plane as an example, how would the normal on the trimming curve be any different from the normal at any possible intersection point (in or out of the trimming curve?)
19:45.10 dreeves2 hang on having to think about something here
19:55.02 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
19:56.00 dreeves2 ok at any point on the curve we should be able to calculate a normal it will be in the plane of the curve.
19:58.54 *** join/#brlcad andax (
20:22.26 dreeves2 It would be the normal at the point returned from the closest point
20:22.48 dreeves2 Are you following now?
20:42.17 dreeves2 ``Erik just for my clarification who is the "we" you were referring to in the statement "we kinda try to protect him"?
20:43.18 ``Erik core dev team, brlcad and ed are valuable resource, I try to defend them
20:45.48 louipc ``Erik: are you squanderable? :P
20:46.02 ``Erik sure
20:46.11 louipc haha kidding
20:46.38 dreeves2 How did that become your responsiblity? :)
20:46.53 ``Erik as far as brlcad development goes, I'll throw my arse under the bus
20:47.01 louipc he's the front-line
20:48.32 ``Erik I have 99% of the answers, I think the folk who have the other 1%... their time is more valuabe than mine, so I'll step up
21:04.12 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (
21:04.51 dreeves2 the cgi:irc stuff sucks but I have to deal with here because of the firewall stuff here
21:06.39 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
21:30.50 brlcad looks like there are a variety of fs errors
21:30.52 brlcad
21:41.26 brlcad wow, and it gets a lot worse
21:43.38 brlcad too much to even copy paste.. looks like thousands of issues
21:44.07 brlcad that certainly bumps up the migration priority even more
21:44.23 brlcad this isn't fixable without a shutdown
21:47.20 *** join/#brlcad Elena (n=ebautu@
21:51.25 starseeker hope I didn't cause any trouble - had to do a quick svn checkout in tmp
21:51.33 starseeker I erased it pronto
21:55.17 brlcad different filesystem
21:55.45 brlcad the /usr partition is the one with problems
21:55.49 starseeker the wildcat-cad svn checkout started working, wanted to make sure to grab a copy
21:55.50 starseeker ah
21:56.16 louipc ouch
22:06.22 *** join/#brlcad jonored (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)
22:07.06 Ralith wow, that openbook screenshot looks nice!
22:09.22 Ralith what allows the edges to be drawn so selectively?
22:09.45 starseeker to be honest, I'm surprised it worked that well
22:10.08 brlcad ``Erik: are you willing to be listed as a mentor for anyone?
22:10.23 brlcad if so, you should mark the "I'm willing" checkbox
22:10.43 brlcad if not, have to evaluate who will be mentoring then and maybe need to drop a slot
22:16.14 ``Erik I can, not what I envisioned myself as doing this rotation, though
22:18.56 brlcad what did you envison yourself doing? :)
22:19.07 jonored brlcad: There is a GSoC proposal submitted from me for boolean evaluation of CSGs with the same name (Jonathan Gibbons, nick jonored), but I'm finding that I'm too swamped by a very harsh semester both academically and not, and haven't been able to properly complete the expected pre-acceptance work and really address robustness issues with what I was thinking for an approach. Hopefully I can try properly next year :)
22:20.22 brlcad jonored: okay, letting us know is really very much appreciated
22:21.04 brlcad jonored: maybe you can get involved throughout the year before gsoc next year
22:21.29 brlcad a sure-fire way to help get selected is to already be involved :)
22:22.05 jonored I've got a summer that I'm not taking classes over to have a break from coursework and academic projects to do some code :)
22:25.36 brlcad sounds like a fun summer :)
22:27.14 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, so wat do you say about the robustness ?
22:27.38 hippieindamakin8 w.r.t what we have discussed alongside the application
22:49.59 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
23:06.58 poolio allo all
23:14.47 brlcad howdy
23:17.06 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
23:19.05 Ralith hey jonored!
23:19.06 Ralith how goes
23:24.22 jonored Ralith: Not great, but that's to do with said terrible semester.
23:24.37 poolio brlcad: so how many of the slots are you taking? :)
23:29.57 Ralith jonored: over soon, at least?
23:34.47 jonored Over soon. Hopefully ending with a degree, if not the two that I was aiming for.
23:49.47 brlcad poolio: depends on how many of the existing mentors step up and mark that they're willing to mentor a given application
23:56.27 typ0 does anyone know a place where i can get the IGES 5.2 standard full document ?

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