IRC log for #brlcad on 20090414

00:21.15 brlcad hippieindamakin8: what do you mean?
00:22.05 brlcad typ0: I could probably put in a request to obtain it through ARL if it comes to it, but I'd imagine that there are at least some resources on-line
00:22.44 typ0 yeah
00:22.54 typ0 i've been tracking them down
00:23.14 brlcad hippieindamakin8: the fact that the final decision lies here goes without saying :) it's more "why do you want to do it that way" versus some other way
00:23.14 typ0 and all i got were general descriptions of what changed between 5.2 and 5.1
00:23.49 typ0 but no full document of either version so i can understand better what is the change involved
00:23.53 brlcad it'll all get taken into consideration when the final reviews and rankings go in, and patch submissions are evaluated
00:25.03 brlcad typ0: er, but 5.3 is linked on the wikipedia page no?
00:25.18 typ0 yes
00:25.26 typ0 but since we are at 5.1 level support
00:25.37 typ0 i will need to first implement the 5.2 changes right ?
00:26.15 typ0 my plan was getting 5.1/5.2 full documents
00:26.20 typ0 and with the help of the changes list
00:26.55 typ0 check which area changed, how it changed, and read the appropriate code
00:31.30 brlcad doesn't matter so much to know what is/isn't supported through a given change as just supporting everything new
00:31.39 brlcad if anything, you have an option for 5.1 and another for 5.3
00:31.57 brlcad but most of the point updates have been incremental additions
00:32.05 brlcad not really removing things that we might be exporting
00:34.47 hippieindamakin8 brlcad : when you said "necessary ", i would rather justify that point as better accuracy ==> better modelling at the cost of computation to some extent.
00:36.07 brlcad it's not to some extent
00:36.11 brlcad it's to a massive extent
00:36.23 brlcad that's why it needs more articulate justification
00:37.02 brlcad otherwise most of our apps would simply just use fixed/infinite precision math all the time instead of floating point
00:37.04 typ0 cool thanks
00:37.22 brlcad the reality is that it's often very impractical and makes some things practically impossible
00:38.31 brlcad if it's going to take several hours to evaluate a single BREP/BREP CSG boolean, that's not very useful or practical no matter how accurate or robust it is, for example
00:38.55 brlcad an extreme example of course, but not outside of what is possible with that approach
00:39.13 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
00:48.37 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, :P
00:50.29 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, as a matter of fact i plan on implementing accurate and floating pt. math and benchmark them and go with the floating point calculations first
00:54.08 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
01:33.49 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:35.07 hippieindamakin8 i submitted a routine which isnt exactly a patch but it is from the list of todo s .
01:36.59 brlcad hippieindamakin8: the one you were going to finish by sunday? :)
01:37.16 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, yeah
01:37.18 hippieindamakin8 :|
01:38.03 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, too much of academic load :| (but the best part is i ll get done with the exams by next weekend)
01:38.10 brlcad understandable :)
01:38.28 hippieindamakin8 7 full credit courses :P
01:38.55 brlcad decent load
01:40.23 Axman6 7? what're you doing man :|
01:40.34 Axman6 people who do 5 here are crazy
01:42.03 hippieindamakin8 Axman6, , had to ,to graduate this may considering i flunked a couple of courses last year because of my idiocracy.(and low attendance) the classes were at 8am and 9
01:42.17 Axman6 ew
01:42.18 hippieindamakin8 *considering that
01:42.34 Axman6 10's my earliest start this semester
01:42.52 hippieindamakin8 working on a presentation rt now . have one in 12 hrs.
01:42.59 hippieindamakin8 rather term paper
01:46.18 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
01:47.07 brlcad hippieindamakin8: when does your semester start?
01:47.29 brlcad sounds like you should take a summer class to ease the load
01:47.30 hippieindamakin8 spring in december last week and fall in the last week of july
01:48.14 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, naah i should be done in this semester the way has been going so far
01:50.29 Axman6 assumes he's taking all arts courses, so the work load isn't that bad at all :P
01:51.09 hippieindamakin8 hehe Axman6 i am out of all the humanities ,btw all my humanities have been arts => a minor in arts
01:51.46 hippieindamakin8 Axman6, as open electives i took some sophomore courses of mathematics to ease up load
01:52.51 hippieindamakin8 and some easier courses like robot dynamics , optimization , energy systems. the only course i fear rt now is computational geometry
01:57.06 AlexandreGuedes hi
01:57.23 AlexandreGuedes to fix it "g-vrml ignores bots that are created with dxf-g"
01:57.36 AlexandreGuedes can someone help me ?
02:04.49 dreeves starseeker that approach seemed to work for the cylinder
02:05.30 dreeves brlcad I got the cylinder rt the way it is in the image without the special case trim
02:07.56 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: you have to be much more specific
02:08.08 brlcad dreeves: awesome
02:08.16 brlcad what'd it take?
02:12.14 AlexandreGuedes brlcad: the problem would be in g-vrml
02:12.29 starseeker dreeves: cccoooolll!
02:12.37 starseeker what does it do with the tube?
02:13.55 AlexandreGuedes <PROTECTED>
02:15.53 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: "a familiar strategy"? learn the basics of using both those tools, reproduce the problem, understand the problem, review the code, walk through suspect routines with a debugger, fix the problem
02:16.22 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
02:16.51 AlexandreGuedes maybe this function bot2vrml in g-vrml
02:18.23 dreeves I have tried the tube let me clean up a little then I will tackle the other geometries
02:18.32 dreeves s/have/have not
02:19.58 starseeker awesome :-)
02:20.12 starseeker does ritual geek bow
02:20.37 dreeves it is nice to finally see it trim without hacks!!
02:21.02 dreeves returns geek bow
02:22.20 *** join/#brlcad jonored_ (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)
02:22.42 AlexandreGuedes I am reproducing the error here
02:23.15 *** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
02:23.20 dreeves now the next big challenge is to figure out to interrupt the other attributes of the various trims
02:23.45 starseeker interrupt?
02:25.42 brlcad AlexandreGuedes: there are different types of bots -- some 'solid' some 'shells' and a few others -- find out which ones each exports/imports and how the routines work with those types
02:27.47 AlexandreGuedes ok I'm doing some test
02:35.32 dreeves s/interrupt/interpret/
02:35.41 dreeves I can't spell
03:04.23 dreeves starseeker the tube isn't working yet because I'm dealing with inner loops any different than outer loops all the cylinder's loops are outer basically inner loops you trim the opposite what you trim with inner loops
03:06.24 *** join/#brlcad cad02 (
03:06.59 cad02 any mentors here
03:09.36 cad02 is there Sir Christopher Sen Morrison
03:10.23 *** join/#brlcad cad02 (
03:11.36 cad02 any mentors for brl-cad please
03:13.46 Ralith cad02: be patient.
03:13.57 Ralith this is not, as they say, a call center.
03:16.07 cad02 so what shoud i do for that,i want to talk to brl-cad mentor,its urgent please
03:17.00 louipc cad02: you may want to send an email to the brlcad-devel mailing list
03:22.22 brlcad ~ask
03:22.23 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
03:22.32 brlcad bah
03:23.40 brlcad highly suspects it's an applicant that was recently reprimanded
03:41.53 deeeffache i never knew there was a british knight on the dev team
03:42.24 brlcad heh
03:44.46 poolio deeeffache: AHAHA, I was just typing in "Apparently you've been knighted, brlcad" but you beat me to it
03:53.12 PrezKennedy brlcad, im still stuffed from Fogo de Chao
03:59.58 brlcad PrezKennedy: heh
04:00.30 brlcad is sure there is still some meat in his belly from there
04:01.08 starseeker we'll have to get brlcad a coat of arms that uses mossworld
04:01.54 brlcad already has a 'Morrison' coat of arms, Scottish heritage ftw
04:02.54 starseeker cool!
04:09.32 poolio awesome.
04:14.06 typ0 sorry to interrupt...
04:14.30 typ0 are there any issues with IGES 5.1 left to solve ?
04:21.24 brlcad typ0: nothing specific comes to mind, but wouldn't really know without having a slew of iges 5.1 files to test out
04:25.18 bjorkintosh woohoo! i'm gonna see sonny rollins
04:38.55 typ0 yeah
04:39.20 typ0 they have a lot of files to test in
04:39.32 typ0 i'll add a phase to my timeline for this testing
04:44.59 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
04:51.03 dreeves sweet the tube looks like tube now trims appear to be fully functional!
04:51.38 dreeves slow but noting a little prepping and subdivision couldn't improve
05:04.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ddreeves70 * r34216 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: this appears to have the trims implemented correctly now. Pretty slow needs some work to make faster but a good first cut.
05:07.00 dreeves starseeker which one of the files should I test with from
05:16.22 dreeves starseeker nevermind I found what I was looking for
05:35.25 typ0 does brl-cad support having BREP Objects as CSG Primitives ?
06:12.00 Ralith brlcad: with an approach to communication like that, one can see why.
06:15.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1386 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:18.14 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Brep Cylinder.png]]"
06:19.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Dented Sphere.png]]"
06:20.06 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1389 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:21.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Ellipsoid.png]]"
06:22.15 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1391 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:24.45 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1392 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:25.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Paraboloid.png]]"
06:27.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1394 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:28.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Brep Pipe.png]]"
06:29.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Rebuilt Sphere.png]]"
06:30.39 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1397 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:32.08 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Sph Cyl 1.png]]"
06:33.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1399 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:33.59 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:34.14 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
06:34.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Sph Cyl 2.png]]"
06:35.16 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1401 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:37.35 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:37.43 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Sphere.png]]"
06:38.30 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1403 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:39.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Brep Torus.png]]"
06:40.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1405 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
06:41.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Tube.png]]"
06:43.49 dreeves starseeker brlcad I have updated the wiki with raytraced images some issues I need to investigate but at least now I don't think it is trims causing the problem
06:44.52 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:46.47 dreeves I'm working to see if I can raytrace d2.g
06:48.08 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:50.48 brlcad typ0: yes, we have a new 'brep' primitive being implemented
06:54.29 dreeves brlcad i put the tube image on wiki
06:56.50 brlcad dreeves: yeah, I saw!
06:57.03 brlcad pretty cool -- is that an inner trim with an outer trim?
06:57.10 brlcad how's the top handled?
06:57.11 dreeves yes
06:57.17 brlcad awesome
06:57.50 brlcad so you do some left/right parity test on the trims to determine if it's a hit?
06:58.30 dreeves I find the closest point on the trim to the hit point in uv space
06:59.06 dreeves then I get the normal at that point and make direction vector from the closest point to the hit point then compare the normal to the dir vector
06:59.31 dreeves if they are pointing the same dir then the point is outside the curve
07:00.09 brlcad for an outer trim, how's that help testing against an inner trim?
07:00.20 brlcad or worse, nested trims
07:00.33 dreeves well inner trims are nested
07:00.50 dreeves at least they are in opennurbs
07:01.20 dreeves same check
07:01.23 brlcad right, but case of having an inner trim that has another outer trim inside of it
07:01.40 brlcad a post running through your tube example's hole
07:02.11 dreeves yeah the difference of the 2 is that an inner you throw away hits inside vs outside
07:02.34 dreeves it actually is pretty simple
07:03.20 dreeves the first loop is always an outer trim and all the others according to what I read are holes...
07:04.09 dreeves Actually have no rays on the tube where I have an odd number of hits
07:04.38 dreeves for that matter none on any of the geometries except I had 2 on the dented sphere
07:05.05 dreeves I think that is from the singularity trims
07:05.07 brlcad right, but iirc, you can have holes in your holes (resulting in non-holes hits inside)
07:05.52 dreeves remembers someone saying you can't dig a hole in hole :)
07:05.55 brlcad might be misremembering, but recall going over the need for testing all the curves to determine if the point was trimmed
07:06.10 brlcad a pseudo parity test of sorts (but not really)
07:06.17 dreeves I'm just joking btw
07:06.23 dreeves I know what you are asking
07:06.55 brlcad does end up being parity in UV space iirc, a straight line in any direction
07:07.04 dreeves Yeah I do check every trim every time unless I determine the point is trimmed
07:07.37 dreeves not the way I did it the code that was there previously definitely went that way
07:08.03 dreeves but I decided against that was having to many problems with tolerance issues
07:08.30 dreeves my special case trim lead me down that path
07:09.03 brlcad maybe just need an even more 'special case' :)
07:09.55 dreeves Well knock on wood so far every test case I have thrown at it it is handling the trims looks like we still have some issues with normal on some of the spheres
07:10.34 brlcad yeah, the dented sphere looks pretty wrong
07:10.54 dreeves I'm fairly sure those are normal issues because if it was missing hit points I would be getting odd number of hits which I'm not
07:12.03 dreeves I think I'm getting those issues near face boundaries but I'm not sure yet
07:13.16 dreeves would you say that dent looks right or not? Maybe I should build an actual dent sphere and compare
07:15.20 brlcad doesn't look right to me
07:15.34 brlcad edges seem too dark, highlight is peculiar
07:15.50 brlcad almost like it's bulging out instead of in
07:16.31 dreeves probably should maybe rt from different angles like from the side then it will be obvious what is going on
07:21.52 dreeves the code is very much in prototype form right now btw
07:22.56 brlcad it's quite possible that it's actually correct too, just a lot of unnatural distoration due to lacking global illumination
07:23.37 dreeves right I'm more concerned with what looks like the 2 rips in the surface
07:24.05 dreeves the rebuilt sphere is showing the problem as well
07:24.18 dreeves Do you know where those test cases came from?
07:28.33 dreeves The rips could be from tolerances I guess I will focus on that next. I'm going to leave the rt of starseeker's d2.g (the laptop part) i think if it works will probably take hours
07:28.49 brlcad not quite the same setup, but interesting nonetheless:
07:29.17 brlcad so maybe it is right
07:29.46 brlcad though interesting that the lights are that different
07:30.55 dreeves are you certain that you got all the dimension the same?
07:31.03 brlcad not at all
07:31.10 brlcad just eyeballed up something similar
07:31.25 dreeves yeah you case makes its point though
07:31.48 dreeves but the difference in dimension could explain the difference in the lighting
07:31.59 brlcad yep
07:32.48 brlcad betting the 3dm one is probably pretty tiny
07:33.02 dreeves This is where I wish I had direct access to more powerful machines I think I could definitely trouble shoot these more complex examples
07:33.32 dreeves Yeah very small I think
07:33.48 dreeves faster is what I meant to say
07:34.14 dreeves I think I will be able to trouble shoot them but I'm going to have to optimize just to be able to troubleshoot
07:35.44 dreeves I think we are making good progress what do you think?
07:36.00 brlcad fantastic progress
07:36.23 brlcad and 'we' is being very generous -- 'you' are making great progress
07:36.29 brlcad nice work
07:37.03 dreeves thanks
07:37.30 brlcad welp, I have a presentation to finish up for later today, ttyl!
07:37.45 dreeves but I wasn't hamming for a compliment I was just curious because you had seen previous attempts at this and I was interested in your view of comparsion
07:38.20 brlcad the devil is in the robustness
07:38.28 dreeves agreed
07:38.48 dreeves ok well ttyl I have to grab some sleep I have early meetings
07:39.14 brlcad previous efforts were also quick to show quick progress on sample cases, but then every new sample introduced a new problem, often conflicting .. and the spagetti and tolerance tweaking hell begins :)
07:39.59 brlcad your efforts are pretty quick, though, great to see
07:40.19 dreeves yeah I'm not going to be happy until we get some much larger examples going but I want to clean up the small ones first
07:47.42 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
10:31.47 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:12.48 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
11:13.12 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
11:42.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:50.58 starseeker dreeves: yeah, the d2 model I've only successfully raytraced overnight
11:51.25 starseeker I think there are something like 20+ minutes of prep time - can't recall how long the actual raytrace took
11:52.13 starseeker once that one is working I'll do a proper import of the openmoko model as openNURBS files and then we can really have some fun ;-)
12:50.21 dreeves starseeker yeah the rt still isn't handling that one yet. Did you see the update on the wiki of the tube?
12:59.53 brlcad groves to Only by NiN
13:00.49 kanzure hah.
13:00.53 kanzure I now knight you, sir brlcad
13:03.46 brlcad bows
13:12.00 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
13:24.15 starseeker hrm - segmentation fault on the d2 raytrace here
13:26.22 starseeker dreeves: yeah, saw the tube - awesome! :-)
13:27.26 starseeker groans as he realizes he needs to stop by the bank
13:27.30 starseeker yuck
13:47.01 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:05.44 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
14:16.12 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (
14:35.24 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:49.29 *** join/#brlcad Elena (n=ebautu@
14:50.07 brlcad hi Elena
14:50.50 Elena hello
14:50.56 Elena one sec
14:54.48 *** part/#brlcad Elena (n=ebautu@
14:55.56 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
14:56.28 elena i'm back.
15:06.40 *** join/#brlcad starseek1r (
15:08.44 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:58.02 starseeker reclaims his name
16:00.18 pacman87 and the thrown? or do you have to raise an army first?
16:00.36 pacman87 er, throne
16:06.07 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (
16:07.18 louipc Sir Morrison will defend your honour.
16:15.33 dreeves2 Hey brlcad or starseeker did ed see the trimmed breps yet? I'm curious about his feedback
16:17.37 ``Erik grumbles, reads, and grumbles some more
16:19.17 ``Erik this is sad, I'm seein' crap in email before the irc excahnge that caused it heh
16:20.10 ``Erik yes, sir morrison will grab a lance and jump on a horse
16:20.12 ``Erik :D
16:23.53 ``Erik ponders the cultural swath of this all
16:23.56 brlcad wants a lance and a pony
16:24.26 ``Erik waren't all too long ago that such a form was highly praising in the anglo culture, y'know?
16:24.46 ``Erik totally has to give brlcad a "my little pony" now :D
16:25.40 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
16:25.54 ``Erik I gave my brother a sailor moon doll for his 16th birthday, he retaliated by giving me a 'callisto' doll from xena the next year :)
16:26.08 ``Erik hopes he didn't say anything insulting O.o
16:27.57 ``Erik brlcad, you asked me about mentoring rolls... I'm kinda imagining my utility being as a meta-mentor this go-around, the # of slots vs mentors seem to match up for that
16:28.25 ``Erik I can take one on as a specific roll, but I want to let other people do it so we get a broader experience base
16:43.18 starseeker could see brlcad taking up jousting if crew gets to be too mundane ;-)
16:43.54 pacman87 or do both at once and joust on the water
16:44.38 starseeker heh - "ramming speed!"
16:45.11 ``Erik did ramming speed in canoes, in freezing weather... was on the losing boat, it sucked
16:48.52 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
16:49.07 starseeker ``Erik: one too many viewings of Ben Hur? ;-)
16:49.26 ``Erik um, actually, I've never seen that
16:50.24 starseeker finally - a cultural icon I HAVE seen and someone else HASN'T ;-)
16:50.54 ``Erik dons his dunce cap
17:13.19 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
17:29.38 ``Erik nice, jabbering with a fbsd dude who got a brlcad license back in 'the day', with the faxes and shit
17:30.51 starseeker heh, cool
17:47.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34217 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/ (tankwizard/TankWizard.tcl tirewizard/TireWizard.tcl): Modified the TireWizard and the TankWizard to use ttk.
17:53.34 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:06.22 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (
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18:52.01 brlcad ``Erik: that's fine, but then you need to be wielding a meta-mentor hammer to get the other mentors to check the mentor willingness button
18:52.36 brlcad at least two need to step up, or a slot will be dropped
18:52.47 brlcad will send an e-mail today
18:52.58 brlcad dreeves2: yes, he saw it -- talked about it with him for a while
18:53.28 brlcad one of the things that might make things work is that I believe nested trims toggle orientation for each nesting
18:53.41 ``Erik will serve where needed.
19:00.23 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
19:00.51 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
19:08.54 dreeves2 brlcad thanks. You are correct about the nesting and orientation and the current trim code supports that
19:09.47 dreeves2 brlcad are you seeing a problem with the trim of any of the examples? I think all those trims are working
19:10.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34218 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: document the fact that opendb reports the open database if no arguments are given
19:10.14 dreeves2 I think I am having a normal problem that is affecting good calculation of the surface normals
19:20.22 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34219 10/brlcad/trunk/include/rtgeom.h: clean up comment ws alignment
19:28.54 *** join/#brlcad AlexandreGuedes (
19:32.00 dreeves2 I meant I'm having a tolerance issue that is causing problems when calculating surface normals
19:32.26 dreeves2 Seems to be happening when approaching face edges
19:37.55 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
19:47.36 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34220 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/togglearrow.itk: Modified Togglearrow to use ttk.
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20:48.15 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Carlosvsilva 07 * r1407 10/wiki/User:Carlosvsilva: Posted reviewed application, hope to get feedback!
20:59.26 typ0 is my application well-defined and good enough for brl-cad project
20:59.42 typ0 or are there some areas which could be improved further ?
21:06.10 brlcad typ0: before answering that, did you do everything on our gsoc checklist?
21:07.05 brlcad I don't recall a patch for you iirc, which would be a problem as that's a pretty big evaluation factor
21:07.55 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, any comments ?
21:08.42 hippieindamakin8 though it was not a high priority and was minute
21:08.58 typ0 brlcad: yep, i read all
21:09.17 brlcad not talking about reading it :)
21:09.21 typ0 and i am now picking up a good issue to produce a patch
21:09.22 brlcad those are action lists ;)
21:09.33 typ0 yeah, i mean i done it all except for the patch
21:09.48 typ0 i was pretty busy with brlcad not running on the latest X11 for MacOS X
21:10.01 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, :) neways keeping my fingers crossed
21:10.01 typ0 ultimately i downgraded and it started working
21:10.30 brlcad rather late to be working on a patch :)
21:10.50 typ0 i spent a lot of time with the code, but the bug was crossing to the Tk side of the project, and i wasn't so familiar with it
21:11.02 hippieindamakin8 retires to bed
21:11.13 typ0 yeah im late
21:11.17 typ0 previously i thought there was no interest in my application
21:11.27 typ0 for the lack of comments and no answering to my questions here
21:11.48 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, dont u ever sleep ?or u go on combat naps ?
21:11.57 typ0 can i still submit a patch today ?
21:12.27 brlcad typ0: you can, it'll just be tough to evaluate it fairly against others
21:13.30 typ0 i see
21:13.44 typ0 that's why i have some work from me at
21:14.00 typ0 gSoC 2007 and other
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22:20.20 Ralith brlcad: thanks for the comments! That addressed my major uncertainties quite nicely.
22:27.30 Ralith web browsers should support embedding user-supplied text editors for multiline entry areas.
22:38.55 Ralith mafm: you there?
22:43.40 mafm Ralith: yes, I am
22:44.12 Ralith mafm: how much does g3d as-is interact with libged?
22:44.25 Ralith I remember hearing that it could load geometry; is that the case?
22:46.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34221 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ distcheck fixme
22:47.41 mafm Ralith: it uses commands that in turn call g3d directly
22:48.49 Ralith how much, not how.
22:48.53 Ralith what does it do?
22:49.09 mafm basically, nothing, just sample commands if at all
22:49.27 mafm libged and higher level services using it were incomplete by that time
22:49.52 Ralith so it can't load geometry?
22:50.21 mafm see GedCommand*
22:51.05 mafm it calls libged directly, though it should use the geometry server, I don't know if it's available now
22:51.39 mafm it won't load a .g file and show it in the screen, not that
22:52.17 mafm I started implementing simple commands, and discovered (and fixed, then with help from brlcad) some segfaults in libged itself, etc
22:52.27 mafm part of that was already after gsoc
22:53.16 Ralith kk
22:53.17 Ralith thanks
22:55.03 mafm I started by creating an ogre environment with the windows, camera modes, a console with commands for controlling the application etc; since the migration to libged was pretty much WIP and there was no network abstraction over that at the time
22:55.05 brlcad the geometry server is to a simple working state now where it will accept a connection and can deliver geometry
22:57.04 Ralith oo
22:57.11 Ralith that sounds functional enough to hook up to!
22:57.53 Ralith considering that I'm cutting back on the amount of functionality that will be implemented, think that might be a reasonable thing to do?
22:59.01 mafm well, I'd say that you first get Qt working with OGRE
22:59.21 Ralith of course
22:59.25 mafm it might be trivial, it might not if there are problems with multi-threading and so on
22:59.52 mafm then you can replace the simple windows by mimicking the interface, or enhancing them while doing so
23:00.05 mafm you can then get rid of non-Qt stuff, and go on from there
23:00.26 mafm the working commands are pretty basic
23:00.34 Ralith that's my first two milestones right there :P
23:01.10 mafm you need to convert geometry to be shown in OGRE, that part is not done (I created a sample tetrahedron, not a proper conversion)
23:02.07 mafm and a way to convert back from ogre to libged
23:02.23 Ralith ogre's just for display
23:02.40 Ralith I think it would be better to go libged -> ogre, edits -> libged, libged -> ogre
23:02.46 mafm well, yes, but you first need to convert a .g to OGRE object, don't know very well how
23:02.48 Ralith rather than libged -> ogre, edits -> ogre, ogre -> libged
23:03.01 Ralith I wouldn't do that either
23:03.09 Ralith just have some logic for rendering the .g in-situ
23:03.40 mafm but then need to be able to tell to libged which vertex that you're selecting to remove or something like that, I guess (dunno much about the process of modelling)
23:03.45 Ralith e.g. I may try to implement some basic mged-style wireframeness, which would just look at the primitive type and its params and procedurally form a wireframe based on that
23:03.51 Ralith so?
23:04.21 Ralith all actual editing of the file should be done through the interface provided by BRL-CAD
23:04.31 Ralith remember, this is supposed to be something of a thin client
23:04.52 Ralith just a GUI and state display
23:04.57 mafm yes, but if you position the object by clicking with the mouse, you'll have to convert from OGRE coordinates to brl-cad coordinates
23:05.21 Ralith er, is there a reason not to just set things up such that they're equivalent?
23:05.43 Ralith it'd be incredibly convenient to do things like selecting objects would be incredibly convenient through librt, anyway, I think
23:06.38 Ralith 'cuz that's what a selection is, really; tracing a ray from the camera's orign through the screen and finding the first thing it intersects with
23:07.03 mafm I don't even know if OGRE coordinates and brl-cad's are the same
23:07.40 mafm so (1, 0, 3) might not be the same point in OGRE display and brl-cad backend :)
23:08.36 mafm note that I say might, actually it's one of the things that I'd had liked to investigate last summer, but didn't get to that point
23:08.48 Ralith so if they aren't, set them up to be so.
23:08.56 Ralith it's a 3 dimensional cartesian coordinate system
23:09.04 Ralith they can only be so different
23:09.38 mafm I didn't say that it was a lot of work, just that it needs to be studied :)
23:10.28 mafm and if OGRE doesn't accept .g files, which I guess not, you have to perform some kind of conversion to "load" the view in OGRE
23:10.59 Ralith I'm fairly sure OGRE can render things in ways other than loading files.
23:11.35 mafm yes, like creating so called "manual objects" (as the sample tetrahedron)
23:13.20 mafm probably this step is also not very hard, I just name it as something to be done not yet implemented in g3d
23:15.05 mafm if you're satisfied with the way that commands, camera modes etc work, I'd say that the next steps would be to hook to the Geometry Service and start replicating the functionality of the editor
23:15.36 mafm maybe the structure of commands as it's now it's not needed, and for GED commands you can just send them as a string over the network
23:16.29 mafm (currently it does some pre-processing checking number of arguments, etc)
23:17.08 mafm brlcad: am I correct, or am I a bad mentor? :P
23:29.38 mafm ...

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