IRC log for #brlcad on 20090418

00:50.13 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (n=dreeves@
00:53.14 *** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (n=dreeves@
01:07.39 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:11.38 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
01:45.33 starseeker brlcad: I agree, real world geometry is the way to go
01:53.28 starseeker wonders if we can get the ProE files for this sucker:
02:00.54 *** join/#brlcad _pseudo (
02:04.14 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
03:24.45 *** part/#brlcad pacman87 (
03:24.51 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
03:28.34 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
04:21.58 yukonbob happy friday, cadheads
04:25.19 pacman87 good evening
07:10.11 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
07:21.21 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
07:33.59 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
08:28.26 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:37.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
09:25.44 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
09:57.57 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (n=_sushi_@
11:08.46 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
11:49.26 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:03.59 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (
14:11.06 ``Erik blinks and looks at the microsoft access database sitting in rt^3
14:35.47 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
14:46.38 madant searches for his mojo
16:04.12 *** join/#brlcad cad24 (
16:10.19 brlcad ``Erik: eh?
16:16.33 ``Erik rt^3/docs/BME.eap ?
16:17.51 ``Erik hmmm, that uml thingy dave uses must use access as the backend
16:27.21 brlcad ah
17:07.34 starseeker ew
17:09.08 starseeker maybe could work?
17:11.29 *** join/#brlcad FAMULUS (
17:12.05 FAMULUS what would cause an object which has been Blasted to the canvas to show in a raytrace, but not in wireframe?
17:26.00 ``Erik you mean like an overlay vs underlay issue?
17:26.21 FAMULUS ``Erik: I can't see the object in wireframe view
17:26.27 FAMULUS but I can see it when I raytrace
17:26.45 FAMULUS feature or bug?
17:27.28 ``Erik um, I'm not quite sure what state your mged is in, if you raytrace and have it in overlay (I think?) mode, the wireframe will not show
17:27.39 brlcad starseeker: give it a go? only way to know would be to try it out
17:28.37 brlcad FAMULUS: Settings -> Framebuffer -> turn off "Framebuffer Active"
17:28.52 brlcad it's also a checkbox on the raytrace control panel
17:29.46 starseeker brlcad: I'll ask him on Monday
17:30.14 starseeker doubt it can import the access database, but maybe he can export it somehow
17:30.25 brlcad starseeker: er, ask him what? :) I know he tried out various tools, most that just crashed a lot on him
17:30.35 brlcad the only one that was mildly stable was the commercial one he's using now
17:30.48 brlcad there are renderings of those class diagrams
17:30.51 starseeker ask him to export the data from his commercial tool into some non-access form
17:30.59 starseeker nods
17:31.13 brlcad
17:31.45 starseeker psd?
17:32.00 brlcad photoshop
17:32.06 starseeker ah
17:32.16 brlcad gimp reads those iirc
17:32.39 starseeker wonder why he stuck the access database into svn
17:32.55 brlcad what erik said more than likely
17:33.03 brlcad it just happens to be what the software uses on the backend
17:33.21 starseeker nods
17:33.36 brlcad it is otherwise "just a binary file" that the software stores its data into, whatever the name of that software is
17:33.44 brlcad or even more, might just happen to use the same suffix
17:33.51 brlcad dunno if he was reading the contents
17:33.58 starseeker well, if that's the only thing that works, I guess that's what we go with
17:34.16 starseeker emerges argouml to see what it's like
17:34.18 ``Erik notes that the extension there is .eap where access is technically .mdb, 'file' told me it was access and some googling shows that the 'jet database' is what access actually calls itself internally
17:34.44 brlcad on a more interesting note .. :)
17:34.51 ``Erik imagines some company wrote a 'jet database' and ms bought it, now windows tools just use it as a convenient backend, like sqlite
17:35.19 brlcad isolated a tgc failure in havoc that returns only one hit point -- good test case
17:37.44 starseeker hmm
17:38.02 ``Erik the aging 'new' bz is all updated again
17:38.04 ``Erik O.o
17:38.39 brlcad woot
17:38.57 ``Erik most sarcastic woot ever? :D *duck*
17:39.04 brlcad nope, good stuff
17:39.10 brlcad genuine wootage
17:39.16 starseeker brlcad: confirmed, returns a miss here too
17:39.19 starseeker odd
17:39.33 brlcad it's a funky tgc with a pinched top, but it's a clean shot
17:39.38 ``Erik migration would equal w00tage :D hop to, boy :D *duck*
17:39.42 brlcad right into the side and out the flat disc
17:40.35 brlcad nirt seems to plot the right entry and exit values, so kind of odd
17:40.48 brlcad ``Erik: I did at least finally turn off the german server
17:41.05 brlcad spent much of last week sorting that out
17:41.22 brlcad they didn't want to "let me go" giving hell about terms I never agreed to
17:41.32 ``Erik heh
17:41.47 ``Erik lame, as much as I like the notion of having a backup on another continent, it sounds like they were being dickish
17:41.57 brlcad they were, I was very surprised
17:42.11 brlcad up until then, everything had been perfect/better with them
17:42.17 ``Erik did the florida one agree to migrate your IP pool?
17:42.47 ``Erik lotr on tnt, btw, good background noise
17:42.53 brlcad but then they were royally being dicks when I asked to cancel .. and it was even originally just going to be temporary (until after bz is migrated, 6 months or so)
17:43.04 brlcad they haven't answered
17:44.20 brlcad even if I had agreed to an annual contract renewal (which I didn't), my message to them was 12 days before the end of term ..
17:44.30 brlcad they claimed it needed to be 14 days in advance
17:44.38 brlcad which just made me even more livid
17:45.20 brlcad 6 e-mails later that just keep escalating, they finally agreed to my request
17:45.30 brlcad very absurd, disappointing
17:45.44 ``Erik hm, *shrug* they're probably feeling some economic crunch and have some pointy haired fuckwit that thinks forcing customers to stay is a viable business solution
17:46.31 ``Erik lots of service companies seem to try that :(
17:46.38 brlcad it's not like I'm going to just keep paying them for the hell of it, especially after that
17:47.59 brlcad especially given that they had an interesting "we will terminate you instantly" clause if you put up porn
17:48.16 brlcad I told them, do I *really* need to put up porn for you to get the point?
17:48.56 ``Erik heh, nothin' like a goatse or lemonparty to get someones attention O.o
17:49.06 brlcad especially given I didn't agree to the term and I was before the end of the term I didn't agree to anyways
17:49.24 brlcad yeah, it was getting rather unpleasant
17:49.44 brlcad so now I'm thinking about whether I'd ever go back to them
17:49.52 brlcad shame really, it was just going to be temporary
17:50.01 ``Erik there're still residual scars burnt into the back of my brain from when I saw a particularly ... 'hardcore' gay porn image iwth "verizon customer service" stashed in a humor pic site (I'm ok with nsfw, but this was not safe for human consumption)
17:50.09 brlcad guess they don't realize how I throw money away at having servers on standby *cough*
17:50.32 brlcad heh
17:50.45 brlcad when it was heated, those thoughts were crossing my mind
17:50.46 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
17:51.13 brlcad wouldn't have taken a whole lot to turn the site into "custom porn" for them with entire transcripts of our discussions
17:51.58 ``Erik have you seen ? :D
17:53.40 ``Erik aaanyays, the new machine seems solid. given that the old one provides many different services, it might be a good time to migrate some of the less critical or less connected ones over (like mebbe bind)
17:54.01 ``Erik thinks 'incremental migration' might be a good strategy
17:54.09 ``Erik until then, it's still my personal playpen I guess :D
17:58.33 brlcad I fear migrating bind actually -- if you want to tackle that one, go for it
18:01.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34242 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/tgc/tgc.c: note that the units being displayed are in 'mm' regardless of the local units set.
18:02.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34243 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h:
18:02.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: allow a NULL parameter to be passed to RT_HIT_NORMAL if they don't have a normal
18:02.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: array to be filled in and just want hitp->hit_normal to be calculated. this
18:02.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: makes it pretty trivial to update code that used RT_HIT_NORM() over to
18:02.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: RT_HIT_NORMAL() by just adding a NULL and 0 flip value.
18:20.22 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:20.49 brlcad so for information purposes, I'm applying to the openusability call for projects
18:21.04 brlcad there's little chance we'll be accepted as the deadline was a couple days ago, but applying anyways
18:21.17 brlcad basically, it's similar to gsoc but specifically focused on usability
18:21.50 brlcad and since usability is one of our biggest problems, I figure why not
18:21.59 brlcad (unfortunately, I just heard about the effort)
18:22.24 ``Erik O.o heh
18:22.26 brlcad that said, need to know who (of developers) would be willing to mentor a usability project?
18:22.29 louipc that's pretty cool
18:22.37 ``Erik
18:22.41 brlcad (if you have commit access, you qualify)
18:22.46 louipc I want all my console apps to have a vi-like interface hehe
18:22.53 brlcad louipc: hehe
18:22.58 ``Erik vi ftw
18:23.10 brlcad scratches two names off the list!
18:23.11 brlcad j/k
18:24.10 brlcad unlike gsoc, I don't think they'd actually be coding -- I think their tasks are specifically towards usability specifications, mockups, specific guideline formulations, etc
18:24.33 brlcad need an okay to give them your e-mail if you're interested
18:25.26 brlcad was thinking perhaps starseeker and/or ``Erik and whomever else is interested
18:39.27 PrezKennedy i want brlcad to be like emacs... some games and a mail app built right in
18:45.50 brlcad I think we can make that happen
18:46.00 brlcad even with justification!
18:46.18 brlcad games for those down-time moments when they're waiting for a render or a conversion to complete
18:46.28 brlcad mail app for .. discussing model changes, yeah
18:48.55 brlcad starseeker: ``Erik: how about it? .. *crickets*? :)
18:49.25 archivist irc window?
18:49.33 brlcad archivist: hm?
18:49.55 brlcad archivist: you up for mentoring a usability project? :)
18:50.34 archivist dunno /me never dun nuffink like that
18:51.05 brlcad would you like to do somefink like dat?
18:51.52 archivist I would have a bias towards a Solidworks look alike :)
18:52.02 brlcad that would be fantastic
18:52.24 brlcad actually, that's very good usability background to be able to talk about with the student
18:52.48 louipc I didn't think solidworks was very usable
18:53.01 archivist heh!
18:53.03 louipc autocad was better I think
18:53.09 archivist hell no
18:53.16 brlcad the point would be really to engage the student in a dialog
18:53.23 brlcad be able to relate it to what industry does
18:53.31 brlcad and to how / why we do things
18:53.51 brlcad and then (I gather) to figure out what we can best focus on or how we can best approach improving our usability
18:54.03 brlcad such that it fulfills expectations, is intuitive, is familiar, etc
18:54.18 brlcad (and productive, can't forget the most important aspect) :)
18:54.28 brlcad louipc: you interested?
18:54.58 louipc maybe if I have a partner :P
18:55.09 brlcad you're not exactly committing to anything firm just yet -- I just need to be able to give a list of potential mentors as part of our application
18:55.36 louipc so I would just talk about what I find helps usability?
18:55.48 brlcad I'd be glad to partner up there, I have a fair bit of usability training and experience (contrary to brl-cad's gui, heh)
18:56.13 brlcad louipc: you would be mentoring a student that would be working on some specific aspect of usability
18:56.49 louipc hah
18:56.49 brlcad like lets say, hypothetically, that they were going to look at ways of making mged's existing menu mess be less of a mess
18:57.17 brlcad or finding patterns in our 400+ commands and finding ways to make their command-line invocation more consistent and intuitive
18:58.27 louipc Yeah I would like to, but I don't want to lead anyone on about knowing more than I really do...
18:59.08 louipc brlcad: yeah that sounds alright
18:59.17 brlcad or maybe formulating a specific case study on the usability of a prescribed interaction scenario, like modeling a cup, and going into excrutiating detail on the various calculatable metrics to suggest changes that would improve efficiency
18:59.56 louipc that's a good one
19:00.08 brlcad louipc: your familiarity and mentoring ability more comes from your ability to speak to (or figure out) what brl-cad does, what CAD does/requires in general, and to explain that to someone who probably has absolutely no experience with CAD
19:00.16 louipc I was kind of doing that at one point
19:00.48 brlcad sounds like we have a winner then! .. would you PM me an e-mail?
19:01.08 brlcad still an outstanding question for archivist starseeker ``Erik ... and I'm sure more of you lurking here!
19:01.40 brlcad usability is our biggest problem, this has huge impact potential
19:02.06 archivist sure does
19:02.33 archivist been trying and watching all sorts over the years
19:02.44 PrezKennedy brlcad needs a ribbon :)
19:02.54 louipc archivist: I don't like how solidworks is so click-and-point dialog-box heaven :P
19:03.17 archivist its faster once you are used to it
19:03.38 brlcad PrezKennedy: are you saying you want to mentor too? :)
19:03.51 archivist and on a cold day you can keep one hand in your pocket
19:03.51 PrezKennedy poor kid would be ruined for life
19:04.50 brlcad humorously and coincedentally relevant:
19:04.59 louipc well actually the point-and-click is more usable for novices
19:05.01 PrezKennedy brlcad, am i even qualified to mentor anything? :p
19:05.32 brlcad PrezKennedy: undoubtedly
19:08.27 PrezKennedy scary, but it could be fun
19:14.00 ``Erik *readreadread*
19:14.37 ``Erik I have strange notions about usability, I kinda prefer mged -c to mged for the incredibly rare occasion when I can be assed to do it... O.o
19:15.00 brlcad ``Erik: so you could mentor someone specifically about command-line usability metrics
19:15.07 louipc ``Erik: I agree
19:15.11 brlcad they still propose what they're actually going to work on
19:15.13 louipc :D
19:15.14 brlcad similar to gsoc
19:15.40 brlcad thinks brl-cad would be a formidable usability playground .. lots of ways to improve
19:16.45 ``Erik *shrug* whatever, I suppose
19:21.54 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
19:23.18 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
19:23.36 brlcad ``Erik: cool
19:38.30 PrezKennedy dont forget to make it web 2.0!
19:38.58 ``Erik web 7.14, yo
19:39.32 PrezKennedy web 3.11 for workgroups
19:40.09 ``Erik web bob? O.o
19:40.09 archivist object oriented assembler rulz
19:41.17 archivist sad thing is that did exist as a book Object oriented assembly language byL. Dirfman
19:41.31 archivist worse...I have it
19:42.30 ``Erik it's called objc, right? :D
19:42.49 ``Erik C is the pdp11 assembler, right?
19:45.08 archivist High Level Assembler :)
19:45.32 archivist I shouldnt joks as that exists as well
19:46.57 ``Erik dang wussies and yoru labels and stuff *shakes cane* whatever happened to good old machine code monitors? :D
19:50.01 *** join/#brlcad pacman87_ (
19:50.19 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
20:15.43 pacman87_ ssh + screen + irssi + ipod touch ftw
20:22.37 brlcad heh, where'd you get an ssh client from?
20:24.39 pacman87 app store
20:25.00 brlcad huh
20:25.31 brlcad haven't syncd my phone in few months.. probably should
20:31.25 brlcad which app do you have? looks like there's at least 4
20:32.37 brlcad jugaari looks like it might be worth it if it does all it says..
20:33.01 pacman87_ iSSH
20:33.22 brlcad er, jaadu
20:36.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34244 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (11 files in 4 dirs): remove all references and instances of the old deprecated RT_HIT_NORM() macro, instead using the new RT_HIT_NORMAL() macro.
20:37.57 pacman87_ i won the ipod in a coding competition
20:38.05 pacman87_ got 3rd
20:38.12 brlcad hah, awesome
20:38.23 pacman87_ .2% away from 2nd
20:38.33 brlcad what was 2nd's prize? :)
20:38.46 pacman87_ 24in hdtv/monitor
20:38.47 brlcad acm competition?
20:39.04 pacman87_ no, amd sponsored
20:39.11 brlcad lemme guess, first was an amd laptop? :)
20:39.21 pacman87_ desktop
20:39.25 brlcad ah
20:39.33 pacman87_ plus tumer dard
20:39.38 pacman87_ card
20:39.46 pacman87_ quad core
20:40.14 brlcad nice prizes
20:40.45 brlcad the touch is probably a more useful productive use of your time than an hdtv would have been :)
20:41.07 *** join/#brlcad DGMurdockIII (
20:41.21 pacman87_ probably
20:41.44 pacman87_ and my gf likes playing with it
20:44.23 *** join/#brlcad _pseudo (
20:44.55 *** part/#brlcad _pseudo (
22:11.52 ``Erik /t 04:42PM <pacman87_> and my gf likes playing with it
22:11.55 ``Erik O:-)
22:13.39 yukonbob "hey baby, wanna i-touch?"
22:14.12 yukonbob "You mean an iPod Touch?"
22:14.15 yukonbob "not exactly"
22:14.24 pacman87_ was wondering when someone would say something...
22:14.35 yukonbob hi pacman87_ :)
22:14.45 pacman87_ howdy
22:18.00 pacman87 ping times to my ipod vary from 44ms to 1000
22:18.15 pacman87 or 15000
22:18.18 pacman87 1500
22:20.09 yukonbob ?ping times
22:20.37 pacman87 ssh out, ping back in
22:21.06 yukonbob ah... /me forgot you said Touch, even after was joking about it. :P
22:21.57 pacman87 maybe i shouldn't port bzflag to it :P
22:23.08 pacman87 wifi access all over campus is very nice
22:23.23 pacman87 having the internet in my pocket :D
22:32.35 brlcad pacman87: it was too easy ;)
22:33.25 dreeves brlcad are you aware that dented sphere is a revsurface?
22:33.28 brlcad pacman87: didn't you hear my rant in the channel about the latency last year wrt ipod/iphone port of bzflag?
22:33.45 brlcad dreeves: yeah, I vaguely recall that
22:33.45 pacman87 i must've missed that one
22:33.51 pacman87 ~logs
22:33.52 ibot All conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
22:34.13 brlcad not so much a rant as several semi-extended discussions about why it'd kinda suck as a client :)
22:34.28 pacman87 yeah, every other packet took really long
22:34.34 pacman87 and ended up out of order
22:34.43 brlcad even if you could buffer up and stabilize the networking, the cpu is a bit of a problem being somewhat weak
22:34.50 brlcad and being fully-interruptible
22:34.57 pacman87 radar-only!
22:35.03 brlcad the OS steals time from everything including itself at times..
22:35.35 brlcad even when your app is running, especially if you make a system call
22:35.57 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:37.32 pacman87 i don't suppose there's an easy to search the online logs
22:37.40 brlcad nah, it sucks
22:37.47 brlcad but I basically just gave you the abridged version
22:38.08 pacman87 k
22:44.49 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
22:54.13 hippieindamakin8 good morning/ good afternoon folks
22:55.38 hippieindamakin8 woah ipod/iphone port of bzflag : cool
23:53.59 starseeker dreeves: how is it revolved? around the center of the dent?

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