IRC log for #brlcad on 20090420

00:26.58 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
00:27.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34259 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/mirror.c librt/primitives/mirror.c): this is wrong -- librt should ONLY work with base units. libged or application responsibility to be aware of units and convert accordingly. push it up into ged_mirror().
00:27.59 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34260 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db_inmem.c: indent
00:29.06 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34261 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt: mirror.c and table.c were moved
00:47.06 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
00:58.19 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:50.13 dreeves brlcad starseekerI think I'm going to have to troubleshoot the surface subdivision algorithm in the bvh stuff because it is what was causing the problems with dented sphere, rebuilt sphere, etc.. however I can't just turn it off because it is used for the initial guess.
01:51.29 dreeves I mean to say I'm going to have to do that before moving on to the bigger geometries because I'm seeing similar issues that I saw with the less complex geometries
01:52.55 dreeves also probably need to go ahead and get the more generalized trimming stuff working because on larger trim curves my approximations may not be sufficient
02:03.05 starseeker dreeves: sounds good
02:03.32 starseeker the larger examples aren't of serious interest until we can handle the simper cases - they are intended as "stress tests"
02:07.34 dreeves yeah starseeker I think we are pretty close to handling the simpler cases ok now except for the distorted sphere fine (but I'm not sure about that one period) I think if physically make those examples bigger the raytracer will start showing the problems again
02:09.20 dreeves I think we have to generalize for the simpler cases and make it alot more robust before tackling the more complex examples I was wanting to wait but I think I'm seeing the problem with that approach so I will have to take a step back
02:09.23 brlcad gets a nifty response from the openusability folks
02:09.50 brlcad starseeker: were you interested in that? (did you see my messages on friday?)
02:10.22 brlcad dreeves: hmm, pulling it back to some of the more basic aspects of the problem... that sounds very familiar :-)
02:13.30 starseeker brlcad: I did see that, but my thought on it is that we're not quite ready for usability work yet...
02:14.26 brlcad there's many places and many ways where usability can be improved
02:14.30 brlcad we're not just talking about mged
02:14.34 starseeker ah
02:14.38 brlcad though even mged could use some basic attention
02:14.44 brlcad or archer for that matter
02:14.45 starseeker would the others generate interest?
02:14.55 starseeker isn't familiar with openusability... googles...
02:15.14 brlcad wouldn't it be nice if someone specifically paying attention to usability sorted out exactly how the menu system should be arranged?
02:15.32 starseeker yes, it would be
02:15.36 brlcad or basic key bindings for that matter
02:15.42 brlcad or information panels
02:15.45 brlcad or command line options
02:15.45 starseeker what are the mentoring requirements?
02:15.57 dreeves Well the 2 basic issues right now are 1) the approximation of the trim curve right now it is hardwired for 100 segments. On a smaller curve that means a segment may represent something like 0.03 or less in length but on a larger curve that may represent some like 5 or xxx in length which obviously that gets to be a problem. I just need to get away from the approximation approach altogether. The second issue is the subdividing the surface and surroundi
02:15.57 dreeves ng the segment of surface with a bounding box and the current algorithm grows by some small percentage to account for curving near the edges well on smaller geometry that fudging maybe sufficient but on larger geometries that fudging is not near enough
02:16.19 starseeker figures key bindings will need to be configurable to Solidworks/Pro-E/Unigraphics to allow work flows to be preserved
02:16.44 brlcad sure, that might be one thing -- but what should our defaults be?
02:16.53 starseeker nods
02:17.09 starseeker yeah, that sounds good - I take it you got a positive response?
02:17.48 brlcad I certainly have my notions and background in usability and biases towards tools I've learned, but that's still different from specifically and intently sitting down as a project and sorting out what those defaults should be -- takes time
02:18.55 brlcad unknown about whether we can participate this year, but that's not even really the main focus I think -- just getting ourselves aligned to be thinking more about usability and prepared to mentor such projects will be good
02:19.03 brlcad so even if we can't participate this year, perhaps next year
02:19.30 starseeker sure
02:19.39 starseeker what specifically do you need me to do?
02:19.46 starseeker scrolls back...
02:19.48 dreeves I think once we have generalized those 2 issues we can handle the bigger and more complex geometries
02:19.48 brlcad the mentoring requirements are more towards being the experts in our domain (CAD, solid modeling) so that we can have a useful dialog
02:20.03 starseeker dreeves: sounds good
02:20.30 brlcad as they are students that likely have no background in our area or even necessarily software design for that matter -- they get students that focus specifically on usability
02:20.48 dreeves so I'm not really pulling back just going back and generalizing the stuff I have hardwired up to this point
02:21.20 brlcad dreeves: it was tounge-in-cheek, not critique :)
02:21.43 dreeves Oh you didn't offend me and I definitely took it that way
02:21.56 brlcad generalizing what's in place is a form of "going back", and going back is the approach I'd started down on a while back
02:22.18 starseeker brlcad: yeah, I'd certainly be willing to work as mentor on a project like that
02:22.58 brlcad starseeker: great, I figured you would be
02:23.00 dreeves Yeah the main reason for what I wrote is mainly if anyone else wanted to work on this more than anything I just want people to know what needs to be worked
02:23.31 dreeves i.e. starseeker
02:23.48 dreeves and I know there are a couple of people looking at things
02:23.50 starseeker dreeves: I'm going to be attacking from the "need debugging/analysis capabilities" side, which should be orthogonal to the thrust of your work
02:23.53 dreeves associated with brep
02:24.05 dreeves coole
02:24.07 dreeves cool
02:24.49 brlcad woot! looks like my rt_mirror() change works...
02:24.51 brlcad why does bob have to make it so complicated sometimes :)
02:24.54 starseeker once we get to more complex geometries, we're likely to hit test cases where it's really hard to get a minimal case (possibly even problems specifically caused by a case being complex)
02:25.05 starseeker brlcad: lol!
02:25.13 starseeker has wondered this...
02:25.53 dreeves Did that other person ever respond what they were doing with curvature the other day?
02:26.03 brlcad seriously, he had the math doing flips because he wanted to specify a point (sure) and a direction (okay) .. and a distance down that vector (um)
02:26.20 brlcad and then tracking that distance all the way through to librt to the primitives themselves for a couple of them
02:26.36 starseeker winces
02:26.37 brlcad I mean really.. just move the point
02:27.06 dreeves :)
02:27.19 brlcad now the trick will be to rewire all the primitives to actually use a plane_t instead of a point+dir
02:28.45 dreeves ok so he wasn't really trouble shooting a perceived problem with opennurbs
02:28.53 brlcad which is a nice compact plane equation -- a vector and a distance, 4 values -- but changes things .. probably just derive the point and dir
02:29.09 starseeker nods
02:29.32 starseeker dreeves: no, Bob is doing libged (prime mover thereof, actually)
02:30.13 dreeves ok I'm talking about something else
02:30.46 starseeker heh - welcome to irc - multi-threading conversations
02:31.04 dreeves yeah I'm learning I'm new to irc
02:32.33 dreeves it is basically chatting and I have done plenty of that but usually one on one
02:33.28 brlcad dreeves: they (jonored) was working on implementing the curve() callback
02:34.48 brlcad he'd noticed that the normal was being filled in during shot(), so norm() perhaps can stay pretty simple (need to verify what others are doing) .. but that still leaves curve()
02:36.03 brlcad briefly mentioned on the 17th if you have logs
02:38.23 starseeker ~logs
02:38.23 ibot All conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
02:39.28 brlcad really need to get website irc log integration with drupal working so we can search our own content
02:41.03 brlcad even a cron job that snatches from ibot and adds to cms would be better
02:56.18 dreeves ok the website with the logs is neat
02:57.49 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:58.00 dreeves btw shot isn't calculating the normal it is being calculated from what is returned from opennurbs in the intersect function
03:03.49 brlcad er, but that happens during shot() right? :)
03:04.09 dreeves yeah if you mean it is being called from shot?
03:04.18 dreeves which it is
03:05.05 brlcad right, that's all that mattered
03:05.11 dreeves oh ok
03:05.21 brlcad it's filling in the hit_normal
03:05.28 brlcad normally shot isn't responsible for doing that
03:05.36 dreeves obviously I didn't understand something
03:05.45 dreeves ah ok
03:06.41 dreeves makes since then
03:06.46 brlcad also normal != curvature, don't know if you were thinking that or not
03:07.26 dreeves no I know that
03:07.57 brlcad k
03:08.12 dreeves goes back to look at exactly what is being returned
03:10.52 brlcad probably shouldn't be filling in hit_normal the more I think about it
03:11.01 brlcad at least, norm() really shouldn't be empty
03:11.21 brlcad I think what some of the other primtivies do that have the information calculated early is to stash it into vpriv
03:11.37 dreeves actually it is returning the derivative in both s and t and normal is being calculated from that
03:12.04 brlcad yeah, then probably shouldn't do that .. just stash the derivs
03:12.12 brlcad then norm() can do the final calculation
03:13.25 dreeves ok in the next round of clean up I can do that unless the other person is working on that. Don't want to step on what they are doing.
03:16.28 dreeves I'm definitely ready to harden what we have now vs keep tweeking/hacking to make work with the different geometries. I think that is what is required to take the next big step. What do you think?
03:18.32 dreeves you know since I went back to utah's combination of tolerances I haven't had to touch them again. Of course that is with this test geometry that is all roughly the same overall size
03:23.19 brlcad dreeves: yeah, I'd just let them work on that part -- it's not exactly busted as it is
03:23.37 brlcad it's much lower-hanging fruit (norm() at least, curve() could be interesting)
03:24.27 brlcad if I remember utah's paper, all of their geometry was pretty small :)
03:24.48 brlcad elaine mentioned that it wasn't very robust.. :)
03:27.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
03:28.19 brlcad of course it was a pretty general comment at the time, but hinted at their specific effort
03:28.41 dreeves Yeah it would be good to have the test geometry scaled up
03:29.27 dreeves do you know where nurbs_tests.g came from?
03:33.19 brlcad yes
03:33.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34262 10/brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h: note that unlike much of the rest of vmath.h, the input and output vectors cannot be the same since it's a macro and the values aren't stored/copied for efficiency.
03:33.31 dreeves I'm currently raytracing the perfume bottle from the opennurbs example data it is relatively pretty large compared to the test geometry I'm seeing issues but not sure which is the problem. tolerances or the subdivision or maybe even trimming
03:33.58 brlcad they were created in rhino
03:34.40 dreeves yes
03:34.49 dreeves oh the nurbs_test was?
03:34.54 brlcad yes
03:35.05 brlcad those objects were all directly created in rhino
03:35.11 dreeves oh ok
03:35.32 dreeves can you get trial versions of rhino?
03:35.48 dreeves will have to investigate that
03:35.51 brlcad since we actually use rhino's format (3dm) as our serialized object data, it just imports directly
03:37.16 brlcad they do have evaluation copies
03:38.02 dreeves I may have to grab it create some more test geometry
03:38.03 brlcad the only limitation is that they've forever been windows-only
03:38.36 dreeves that is fine I have a windows laptop to
03:38.38 brlcad that's something we could probably do pretty easily
03:39.02 brlcad more exhaustive test geometry
03:39.03 dreeves I wouldn't mind if someone else wanted to do that
03:39.34 brlcad yeah, that should be pretty simple
03:39.49 dreeves Yeah same geometries scaled up and make additional geometries that make use of all the different types of curves and use of the planar surface
03:39.51 brlcad I can see if I can get my seat set up tomorrow
03:40.00 dreeves awesome
03:40.08 dreeves that will save me significant time
03:40.20 dreeves since I have no clue how to use rhino
03:40.24 brlcad the only problem with the different curve types is that rhino doesn't expose much of that through the gui
03:40.41 brlcad they simplify it way down and do things automagically as they see fit
03:41.05 brlcad but shouldn't be too hard to try to coerce a few trimming types
03:41.29 dreeves yeah I figured as much
03:41.54 dreeves really that is probably the way it should be but would be nice if they had an expert mode where you could limit that
03:42.51 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34263 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
03:42.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: remove the mirror_pt 'distance' parameter from rt_mirror() as it just
03:42.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: unnecessarily complicates the interface. point+dir are sufficient. testing
03:42.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: seems to indicate no change in functionality so hopefully we're 'good to go'
03:43.25 dreeves yeah d2 is difficult to get anything useful from it other ability to scale
03:43.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34264 10/brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h: vectors, not points
03:44.13 dreeves obviously we want in the end to be able to handle that one but I think there probably is a couple more test cases that need to be worked before we tackle that one
03:48.11 brlcad thinks the recent effort and successes warrant a posting
03:48.27 dreeves ok one more request on the test geometry one object that has some large components with small components attached i.e. with the attached i.e. some like an ellipsoid with blended tubes attached such that the tubes are wider at the bottom and get more narrow as they go up but not a cone
03:50.37 dreeves almost like one of those balls that have the little rubber spines attached all over it (except the test geometry can just have maybe less than 10 attached at random places)
03:52.01 brlcad one kush ball coming up :)
03:52.43 dreeves thanks
03:52.53 dreeves :)
03:58.36 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brep Perfume Bottle.png]]"
04:00.49 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ddreeves70 07 * r1424 10/wiki/BREP_Primitive: /* Current Images of test cases */
04:17.22 starseeker dreeves, brlcad - I'll see if I can throw together some more example geometry - i've got a working rhino copy
04:18.03 starseeker doesn't have a clue how to use it either, but sufficient random clicking should produce some thing
04:18.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34265 10/brlcad/trunk/ (12 files in 11 dirs):
04:18.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: modify mirror's argument handling to make -p be for point and -o be for offset
04:18.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: instead of (confusingly) implying 'scalar point value' and 'origin'
04:18.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: respectively. update the various docs and test cases as found while we're at it
04:18.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: including fixing some really out-of-date old docs. FIXME: really stupid that
04:18.59 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: command help is in more than one place in the tcl sources.
04:30.59 *** join/#brlcad rbfish2k (
04:40.52 *** join/#brlcad rbfish2k (
04:41.25 rbfish2k hello
04:41.46 brlcad hello rbfish2k !
04:41.52 rbfish2k i am new here.
04:42.09 brlcad i've got to run but there's generally always someone around -- just have to post a message and wait
04:42.18 brlcad welcome!
04:42.27 rbfish2k thanks
04:42.30 rbfish2k cya
04:42.38 brlcad heh
04:43.04 starseeker well, you tried :-)
04:43.21 brlcad he's the guy from the list
04:50.58 hippieindamakin8 hello guys
04:59.20 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
06:21.15 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
06:25.20 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
07:29.03 mafm hi
07:31.03 pacman87_ hi mafm et al
07:48.19 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (n=chatzill@
08:40.53 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
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10:47.37 *** join/#brlcad d-lo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:51.41 brlcad morning to the d-lo
11:09.15 d-lo word to the brlcad!
11:21.12 Ralith to the bed
11:21.42 Ralith oh hey brlcad
11:21.45 Ralith when do we find out who got in?
11:22.19 Ralith oh wait
11:22.23 Ralith 12 *noon*
11:22.49 Ralith hopefully awaits!
11:25.26 starseeker d-lo: did you ever take a look at argouml? is it any good?
11:27.27 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:28.11 d-lo nope, didn't try it out.
11:29.56 d-lo neat, its got an online version via jnlp... neat!
11:51.43 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:03.14 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
12:19.31 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:01.25 starseeker blinks - Oracle bought Sun
13:02.13 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
13:02.24 Axman6 yah
13:02.27 Axman6 :(
13:02.52 Axman6 i was kind of hoping it's be Apple (though i knew it'd never happen), mainly because i wanted my next computer to be an UltraSPARC
13:05.28 starseeker dearly hopes they don't mess with the open source stuff
13:10.16 starseeker that's the part that concerns me the most - Oracle isn't a very visible player in the open source sphere
13:11.13 starseeker if they decide openoffice, java, mysql and solaris don't need to worry about being open any more... ouch. They could be forked, but especially in java's case not very effectively
13:11.57 starseeker <snort> Oracle's website is "too busy to handle request" for the press release
13:12.12 starseeker well, that's at least one area they could clearly use Sun's help ;-)
13:21.43 Axman6 heh, yes indeed :)
13:24.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34266 10/brlcad/trunk/include/config_win.h: drand48() MS Visual C++ replacement
13:26.35 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34267 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/BrlcadCore.def: two additional bu_vls functions to export
13:29.13 ``Erik hm, oracle buys sun
13:29.36 ``Erik the announcement page on oracles site gave me an 'unable to connect to database' error
13:29.41 ``Erik nifty. shoulda taken a screenshot
13:30.17 ``Erik axman: you can always buy an old sun... :)
13:30.45 Axman6 with a T2? i don't think so :(
13:31.19 ``Erik ah, heh, why a t2? you could get a IIe or IIi pretty cheap
13:31.58 *** join/#brlcad Murielle (n=Murielle@unaffiliated/murielle)
13:33.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34268 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp:
13:33.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: test list for non-emptiness to prevent crash on MS Windows
13:33.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: (one should not increment an iterator pointing to a containers end() element)
13:34.39 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
13:36.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34269 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ (8 files in 7 dirs): reorganized CMake files
13:37.24 *** part/#brlcad Murielle (n=Murielle@unaffiliated/murielle)
13:46.47 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, error connecting to the db .. lol
13:59.42 ``Erik heheh
14:02.05 d-lo lol @LISP aaahahahahahahaha.
14:02.45 d-lo LISP: She is an aging beatnik, who lives in a rural commune with her hippie cousins SMALLTALK and FORTH.
14:06.40 Axman6 ``Erik: there's been some recent work on getting haskell to perform really well on the T2 by someone at my uni, which was sponsored by sun, who also donated a T2 for the work, and i'd love to play with the massive amounts of parallelism you can get on one
14:07.43 starseeker d-lo: ah, but that beatnik is also a zen coding kung-fu master ;-) And like most such masters, he lives in humble, isolated circumstances :-P
14:08.41 starseeker saddles up and heads out
14:09.20 d-lo starseeker: yeah, if thats what you need to believe :) Anyways, the whole 'hippie' comment is where I am deriving my chuckles from hehehehe.
14:13.34 starseeker actually, some of the comp.lang.lisp denziens are a rather commercial business friendly bunch
14:13.50 starseeker actively resent open source
14:14.11 starseeker claim it destroys markets and jobs
14:25.31 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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14:25.43 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
14:36.57 ``Erik would argue that 'commercial business friendly' and 'open source' are orthogenal; plenty of open source commercial businesses and proprietary non-commercial efforts
14:41.36 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
14:43.42 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:52.21 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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16:22.51 madant ~help
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17:01.38 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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17:17.33 hippieindamakin8 waits for the results of gsoc to be announced
17:35.36 Ralith ``Erik: indeed; it's mostly just the *way* business is done that OSS threatens.
17:36.14 Ralith also, nice oracle error ^^
17:37.06 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, i seemed to miss out on the OSS thingy what is that ?
17:37.17 Ralith 07:38:37 * ``Erik would argue that 'commercial business friendly' and 'open source' are orthogenal; plenty of open source commercial businesses and
17:37.20 Ralith <PROTECTED>
17:37.26 Ralith ugh, irssi linebreak fail.
17:37.37 hippieindamakin8 aah :)
17:51.50 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
17:53.38 hippieindamakin8 hey madant
17:57.48 pacman87_ i still haven't found a good way to scroll in irssi
17:58.01 d-lo pgup pgdown work for me...
17:58.24 pacman87_ those af
17:58.43 pacman87_ arent on my kb
18:00.01 pacman87_ i was trying to figure a way to remap some function keys
18:01.07 hippieindamakin8 yeah pgup and pgdown work for me too
18:01.51 pacman87 my ipod touch keyboard doesn't have pgup/pgdn
18:02.05 pacman87 i'm ssh'd into a server, and running irssi in screen
18:02.39 hippieindamakin8 aah :)
18:04.21 hippieindamakin8 pacman87, cant u just remap the keys on the server ?
18:04.47 pacman87 how? i tried messing with inputrc, but couldn't find any docs on the command syntax
18:06.34 hippieindamakin8 i forgot the file .. let me check i had to modify it when installing this OS
18:08.22 pacman87 thanks
18:10.22 hippieindamakin8 pacman87, it is .xmodmap
18:10.40 pacman87 i though that only worked in X?
18:11.49 hippieindamakin8 oops :)
18:18.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34270 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ missing the patch-g.h header from dist
18:21.28 hippieindamakin8 pacman87, which OS are u using ? shouldnt there be a keytable config of the keytable daemon
18:23.03 pacman87 freeBSD
18:26.40 hippieindamakin8 pacman87, "This one is allready in /etc/inputrc and only needs to be "uncommented":
18:26.40 hippieindamakin8 # alternate mappings for "page up" and "page down" to search the history
18:26.40 hippieindamakin8 "\e[5~": history-search-backward
18:26.40 hippieindamakin8 "\e[6~": history-search-forward"
18:27.02 pacman87_ i found that
18:27.14 hippieindamakin8 :P
18:27.32 pacman87_ it maps pgup/dn to something else
18:27.54 pacman87_ instead of something to pgup/dn
18:30.10 pacman87 i know the "\e*" codes for the function keys
18:31.33 pacman87 "\e[18~" and "\e[19~" for F7 and F8
18:31.40 hippieindamakin8 yeah
18:32.08 pacman87 "\e[18~":page-up
18:32.08 pacman87 "\e[19~":page-down
18:32.19 pacman87 that's currently in my .inputrc
18:32.45 pacman87 but i was guessing on the "page-up" and "page-down" commands
18:32.46 hippieindamakin8 but true that i couldnt find anywhere to remap the pg up/dn keys
18:33.36 pacman87 "\e[17~":"F6"
18:33.36 pacman87 ^ that one works, print out the string when i press F6
18:48.05 pacman87 13 minutes...
18:54.04 brlcad well, want to thank all of the applicants beforehand regardless of the results
18:54.19 hippieindamakin8 :)
18:54.58 brlcad in the end, it was pretty tough decision for several applicants that were all pretty competitive with each other
18:55.40 brlcad I know it's certainly starts out as a summer job since you have to put food in the mouth, but open source is about volunteerism
18:56.21 brlcad hope everyone continues to stay involved and contribute, regardless of the selections
18:56.30 hippieindamakin8 sure
19:06.43 Ralith pacman87: try "\e[18~":"\e[5~"
19:07.46 Ralith those look like POSIX escape sequences, so sending one to the terminal might work as desired.
19:11.52 hippieindamakin8 pacman87, madant Ralith : congrats
19:14.42 Ralith hippieindamakin8: I got in? :D
19:14.50 Ralith is trying to check the site but keeps getting server errors
19:15.08 starseeker hmm - they seem a bit overwhelmed...
19:15.09 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, whats ur name ?
19:15.10 starseeker ah
19:15.24 Ralith hippieindamakin8: Ben
19:15.28 hippieindamakin8 saunders ?
19:15.32 Ralith yup
19:15.38 hippieindamakin8 yeah u are through :)
19:15.41 Ralith :D:D:D
19:15.45 Ralith joy!
19:16.45 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
19:16.53 hippieindamakin8 1. madant 2. pacman87 3. Ralith 4. Elena 5.joe
19:17.18 Ralith brb, celebrating
19:17.49 Ralith ty for the notify
19:18.09 hippieindamakin8 Ralith, :)
19:18.14 madant woke up in the middle of the night to find this going on
19:18.34 madant well 48 minutes past 12 :P
19:19.03 madant yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
19:19.23 madant pacman87: congrats man :)
19:19.36 madant hippieindamakin8: thanks a lot dude :)
19:20.01 madant Ralith: :) welcome to gsoc ;) you'd be awesome
19:20.06 Ralith ty ^^
19:21.10 madant and congrats to us too :) +1 slot ;)
19:21.24 madant d-lo: :) be gentle with me :)
19:22.03 hippieindamakin8 madant, that statement sounded extremely funny (slapstick) in my head :P
19:22.20 d-lo SLAVE! BRING ME COFFEE!!!!! j/k
19:22.28 madant brlcad: let's hope this year is more awesome than last one :D
19:22.34 Ralith d-lo: that'd be quite a feat of shipping
19:22.56 madant hippieindamakin8: my grey cells are still half asleep :D
19:23.24 Ralith manages to load his projects page
19:23.25 hippieindamakin8 madant, get back to your sleep man :) sleep peacefully
19:23.49 madant :D damn brlcad still hasn't changed the sleep factoid
19:24.26 madant hippieindamakin8: when do the exams begin ?
19:24.50 hippieindamakin8 madant, they have already started dude. done with one of them 5 left
19:25.55 madant we should have had elena and jdoliner out here too :)
19:27.00 brlcad d-lo: hehe
19:27.24 madant ah the man himself :)
19:27.53 d-lo Welcome aboard all!
19:28.06 brlcad madant: it's a passing requirement, no? each year *must* be more awesome
19:28.06 d-lo hands out mops and buckets.
19:28.08 brlcad else FAIL
19:28.15 madant wonders how awesome MoRe is going to be :)
19:28.32 brlcad we juuust miight not call it "MoRe" ..
19:28.33 madant quickly picks up the mop and bucket :D
19:28.49 d-lo well, it will obviously be more awesome.
19:29.14 ``Erik ?
19:29.24 madant d-lo: damn.. it is tough going to be cheating :D
19:29.30 starseeker favors
19:29.31 ``Erik i can has more geometryburgers?
19:30.26 brlcad no, but you can has cheez
19:30.27 madant seconds starseeker
19:30.32 starseeker geometryburgers? is this some unit I am not familiar with? "I have 3 geometryburgers worth of models in this repository"
19:31.11 madant hippieindamakin8: all the best for ur exams dude..
19:31.12 brlcad is inclined to separate it from the domain altogether to let it have self-identity
19:31.16 d-lo starseeker: 3.14 geometryburgers = 0.125 metric ass tonnes.
19:31.22 hippieindamakin8 madant, thanks :)
19:31.32 starseeker d-lo: aahhh, of course
19:31.33 ``Erik mmmm apple pi
19:32.03 brlcad hippieindamakin8: yeah, good luck!
19:32.17 d-lo will vote for only if Megan Fox is involved.
19:32.27 brlcad heh
19:33.21 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, thanks :)
19:33.30 madant brlcad: any stats up yet ? total number of projects/students ? at least they were true to the larger "student peer group per project" :)
19:33.33 hippieindamakin8 Megan Fox eh ? :P
19:33.47 jonored thinks that the reprap and thingiverse should both expose at least some dublin core metadata, so that we can aggregate the two and future similar sites sensibly...
19:34.07 jonored wrong project. the brlcad database, not the reprap... wrong project I want to work on.
19:35.26 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.6 posted (20090403) || Congratulations to D.Thomas, E.Bautu, J.Doliner, T.Ruitenbeek, and B.Saunders! || GSoC2009 Next Step: do the checklist(!), introduce yourself, meet the mentors, finalize milestones
19:36.19 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.6 posted (20090403) || Congratulations to D.Thomas, E.Bautu, J.Doliner, T.Ruitenbeek, and B.Saunders! || GSoC2009 Next Step: do the checklist(!), introduce yourself, meet the mentors, finalize milestones -- coding begins May 23rd
19:38.19 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
19:42.49 madant jdoliner: let me be the first to congratulate you :D
19:44.12 jdoliner thanks madant
19:44.19 pacman87_ is there a wiki page up yet to list the 2009 projects?
19:44.19 jdoliner I'm very excited to working with all of you
19:44.46 jdoliner i'm looking for one right now
19:44.47 pacman87_ congrats all
19:45.06 madant pacman87_: don't think so.. :)
19:45.20 madant pacman87_: i meant no page ofcourse :D
19:46.28 pacman87_ it'd be good toput names, nicks, and projects together
19:47.08 madant interesting :)
19:47.24 madant when do we have a similar misters org :D
19:49.58 d-lo Mysters? no thanks. might as well paint the letters rainbow and include My Little Pony icons!
19:49.59 brlcad pacman87_: yes, the 2009 page is there ready to be populated .. been ready since application time ;)
19:51.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
19:53.13 d-lo madant: actually, there already is a community of men involved in computing. Check it out as it is the largest collection of computer geeks in the world:
19:53.29 pacman87_ <PROTECTED>
19:53.31 madant d-lo: :P
19:53.39 mafm who's clifford yap? starseeker?
19:53.51 hippieindamakin8 madant, yeah
19:53.59 hippieindamakin8 * mafm
19:54.08 ``Erik some programmer wannabe, he doesn't have face fuzz, so he's not a real programmer yet
19:54.09 ``Erik :D
19:54.13 madant howdy mafm :)
19:54.14 d-lo must be feelin frisky because i just saw a potential "He's your daddy" joke...
19:55.14 mafm congrats to all applicants, specially to the selected one
19:55.17 mafm ones*
19:55.47 mafm I also observed that brlcad sacrifice himself and chose the girl as pupil... neat trick :P
19:55.59 madant :P neeeet
19:56.02 brlcad the mentors aren't set
19:56.04 hippieindamakin8 :P
19:56.14 mafm -- here it is
19:56.19 brlcad i just can't get in to change anything
19:56.30 mafm by what nick goes Joe Doliner?
19:56.39 ``Erik jdoliner
19:56.41 brlcad probably jdoliner :)
19:56.48 brlcad he's tricky that way
19:56.49 ``Erik real creative one there ;>
19:56.53 madant argh some people type way too fast
19:58.32 pacman87_ it's ok, i type slow
19:58.53 pacman87_ itouch kb
19:59.30 brlcad ~seen elena
19:59.33 ibot elena <n=ebautu@> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 4d 2h 27m 54s ago, saying: ';)'.
19:59.49 brlcad hm, that doesn't seem right
20:00.03 brlcad ~seen ebautu
20:00.04 ibot i haven't seen 'ebautu', brlcad
20:00.22 madant nice last words.. er smileys nevertheless :D
20:00.55 *** join/#brlcad andax (
20:03.02 mafm lol, ok
20:03.09 mafm I thought that it might be hippieindamakin8 or something
20:03.18 hippieindamakin8 mafm, no :)
20:03.27 mafm hippieindamakin8: didn't get selected?
20:03.41 hippieindamakin8 no man
20:04.26 hippieindamakin8 mafm, not this year too :)
20:04.38 mafm sorry :(
20:05.13 hippieindamakin8 unfortunately this is the last year i am eligible for the gsoc unless i get through gradschool admissions next year after working for an year
20:06.19 mafm well, you'd better to to Bangalore and get the big bucks!
20:07.41 ``Erik eligible as a student, ya mean... :D
20:07.44 hippieindamakin8 mafm, bangalore hasnt got big bucks anymore thanks to recession :)
20:08.04 hippieindamakin8 ``Erik, yeah . But i ll be arnd from now on
20:08.22 ``Erik ghah, parser error, unhandled condition, aborting
20:08.48 hippieindamakin8 mafm, moving to Pune rt now. (waiting for a confirmation from a university in Sweden too)
20:11.38 madant hippieindamakin8: what in pune ?
20:12.06 hippieindamakin8 joining a firm called tetrahedrix
20:12.25 madant recollects pune has India's tallest climbing wall
20:13.10 hippieindamakin8 is it ? naice
20:14.38 madant hippieindamakin8: sweden sounds exotic ;)
20:14.56 mafm hippieindamakin8: where's "Pune rt"?
20:15.10 mafm ah, in india
20:15.14 hippieindamakin8 :P lets see. they dont have projects now .
20:15.17 madant or as my prof said when i told him about wanting to do an internship in Ghana.."ah.. ghana, well how i mean exotic"
20:15.44 hippieindamakin8 mafm, it is near bombay / mumbai
20:15.49 hippieindamakin8 madant, lol
20:16.56 brlcad madant: doesn't nepal have the world's tallest climbing wall? right next door to india ;)
20:17.30 madant hahaha.. :) indeed.. but climbing everest is more a matter of money these days.. :D
20:18.13 madant would suck at traditional climbing big time :) too much equipment to carry
20:21.11 madant
20:24.20 brlcad so the next step is to make sure those timelines/milestones look good -- everyone needs to make sure their project is up on the wiki
20:24.33 brlcad i'll fill in the 2009 page with links soon enough
20:25.14 madant should get back his "little piece of death" to sober up.
20:28.24 brlcad heh
20:40.51 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r34271 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/table.c: enable partial 'l' support for pnts primitive
21:16.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:22.18 brlcad woot
21:45.24 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:15.02 ``Erik wiggles his toes
22:15.44 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (
22:15.56 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
22:16.53 ``Erik "it was made for elvis, but he found it tacky"
22:20.11 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
22:20.11 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:20.11 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:20.11 *** join/#brlcad bjorkintosh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:20.11 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
22:41.56 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
22:47.10 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
23:10.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r34272 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: for pnts primitive, added full 'l' command support
23:17.50 jdoliner is anyone here william bowman in real life?
23:18.27 ``Erik no, he's more of a mail list guy
23:19.22 jdoliner ah, I see
23:19.51 jdoliner I can't seem to find his email anywhere
23:19.55 Ralith jdoliner: I'm william bowman in my imagination!
23:20.34 jdoliner wonderful, then in you imagination I'm your apprentice
23:20.44 jdoliner pleased to meet you
23:21.07 jdoliner I guess I'll just introduce myself on the mailing list and have him email me back
23:21.33 ``Erik ralith: you don't have the massive goatee or the cigar, you can't be him :D
23:21.42 Ralith :[
23:22.05 Ralith he sounds awesome
23:22.59 ``Erik he's a character O.o (I share an office with him)
23:59.22 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (

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