IRC log for #brlcad on 20090427

00:18.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34316 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c:
00:18.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: simplify the export calculations for the point data size: use masks so we can
00:18.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: avoid error-prone magic numbers. also remove the unnecessary void pointer
00:18.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: casting redundancy in _describe(), BU_LIST_FOR gives us the right iterator type.
00:19.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34317 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: ws
00:25.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34318 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: cleanup and prepare to fix ifree()
00:27.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34319 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: print the type if we encounter something unexpected to help with debugging
01:02.53 b0ef jdoliner: not really sure what you mean by hybridization between B-REP and CSG; you will work on NURBS in other words?;)
01:30.59 *** join/#brlcad rbfish2k (
02:06.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34320 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c:
02:06.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: restore an _ifree() implementation that still 'cheats' by just leveraging the
02:06.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: fact that all of the point structure types have a bu_list element that we can
02:06.59 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: iterate over. we can save a little time by avoiding to dequeue the points too
02:06.59 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: since the list is being wiped out anyways. stub in the _print() callback
02:07.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: pretending that rt_pnts_internal is what we're going to use for the solid
02:07.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: specific structure.
02:47.14 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
02:52.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34321 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: one more void* elimination along with consolidating the buf size to one place.
02:57.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
03:11.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34322 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: make the point iteration consistent with the other routines -- don't use a separate head pointer. add a couple magic sanity checks too
03:16.58 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
03:53.38 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
03:59.14 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
05:20.22 starseeker hrm.
05:20.40 starseeker appears to have exceeded the memory capabilities of his system
05:29.28 Ralith haiku runs nicely on my laptop :D
05:29.36 starseeker cool!
05:29.40 Ralith I should install it to disk and see if it's actually responsive from there >_>
05:29.53 starseeker if it supports the laptop hardware
05:30.07 Ralith hm?
05:30.12 Ralith it's running pretty well right now...
05:30.20 Ralith full resolution, functional network, mouse, keyboard
05:30.22 starseeker wait, are you running in virtual machine?
05:30.28 Ralith nope
05:30.31 starseeker !!
05:30.31 Ralith booted it from a USB stick
05:30.32 starseeker nice
05:30.43 Ralith pretty shiny.
05:30.58 Ralith kinda dissapointed that ff2 came up though
05:31.01 Ralith was hoping for a native browser
05:31.07 Ralith that is, custom browser
05:31.11 starseeker ah
05:31.19 starseeker thinks that will come after a stable release
05:31.28 starseeker probably use webkit or gecko though
05:33.20 Ralith yeah, I remembered reading about some effort to transfer existing work to webkit
05:41.20 Ralith 300fps spinning teapot in software
05:41.21 Ralith not bad
06:33.19 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
06:38.46 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
06:38.58 mafm hi
06:44.37 Ralith hi
06:46.33 *** join/#brlcad LarsG (
06:51.29 elena hello
07:09.17 madant howdy mafm
07:09.43 madant Ralith: how's the gui planning coming up :)
07:16.02 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
07:22.00 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
07:52.36 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
08:46.25 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
08:58.50 brlcad wanders off to practice
09:01.27 brlcad Ralith: that's pretty cool, so next step is get a compiler installed and work on a minimum brl-cad compilation? :)
09:03.11 Ralith maybe!
09:03.18 Ralith madant: slower than I'd like
09:07.34 madant :) one thing i learned last time is :D most things take longer than you anticipate :)
09:22.15 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
09:22.23 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
09:50.26 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
09:54.06 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
10:53.20 d-lo nornin all!
10:58.57 ``Erik yargh, matey, shiver me timbers, or somethin'
11:09.41 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
11:24.34 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
11:43.37 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
11:55.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:04.04 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
12:12.51 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
12:25.59 *** part/#brlcad LarsG (
12:27.28 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:22.28 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:22.58 ``Erik cooks up some corned beef hash and eggs O.o
13:23.22 d-lo Now *THAT* sounds good... Mmmmmm
13:23.52 ``Erik the gf thought I was batshit insane for buying a can of corned beef hash
13:23.54 ``Erik it's good shit!
13:24.03 ``Erik fat kid shit, but good!
13:24.52 ``Erik I think I'll bring eds lappie back to him tomorrow
13:25.17 ``Erik in th emean time, this ucw action vs function crap not acting like call/cc should is strusfrating me.
13:25.50 brlcad that's good stuff
13:26.34 ``Erik (it's my rdo, I think I've dropped more lines of code this morning than in the last fortnight)
13:28.43 brlcad just had a delectable plate of his own creation. yum!
13:29.02 ``Erik think you guys could spare a corner with a workstation for me? I'm getting clobbered with questions left and right that burn time and even lead to philosphical debates :( that he actually stated that he was doing me a favor by not asking me a question for a WHOLE FUCKING HOUR
13:29.12 ``Erik I have shit to do, I need to hide to do it :(
13:30.45 ``Erik indianlarry takes most of it for me as he's not on a crunch for anything, but when he's not there or doesn't have the answers... *grouse*
13:31.14 ``Erik I might be turnin' those new suns into my chair real soon
13:31.24 brlcad um, maybe don't get suckered into philosophical debates
13:32.04 ``Erik hehehe, it's hard, he has ideas that he needs to be heared, and when ya disagree, it must be because you didn't understnad him
13:32.05 ``Erik :/
13:32.14 d-lo lol
13:32.16 brlcad i'm sure that's not all the questions, but that one you can certainly do something about
13:32.16 d-lo lock the door
13:32.30 ``Erik uhhh, he has a key? :D
13:33.02 ``Erik waterfall/perfection vs agile/chaotic
13:33.05 ``Erik *sigh* :D
13:33.09 d-lo oh, THAT one. I thought you were talking about the previous owner of cliffs seat.
13:33.23 ``Erik no, he's totally controllable, not an issue at all
13:34.50 ``Erik last friday, I said "ok, if you think that's how it should be, go do it. If it works, people will follow" way too many times
13:35.29 ``Erik <-- was seriously close to flipping out, wasn't planning on going to lunch, but HAD to get out of that environment O.o
13:35.44 ``Erik gave me a damn headache :D
13:35.48 ``Erik aaaanyways
13:36.31 ``Erik I think I might have to look for a place to squat in to crank some productivity, dark and music... O.o
13:36.50 d-lo You like headphones?
13:39.50 ``Erik I can't use headphones for very long, they tend to push on my jaw just below my ears and give me a headache
13:43.04 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:44.02 starseeker tries to gear up argouml and discovers that a major python version update on gentoo == pain
13:46.20 ``Erik d-lo, do you tubesperms do mess duty, or do ya'll get a specialist?
13:46.42 ``Erik s/allothta/pasttesnse()/
13:48.13 d-lo Mess duty only when you are new to the boat and can't stand any Watchstation.
13:48.20 d-lo NUB = Non Useful Body
13:48.26 ``Erik :D
13:48.31 d-lo NUB = Mess duty.
13:48.45 ``Erik this somehow reminds me of navy mess... *cookcoookcook*
13:49.19 d-lo If you aren't pulling out 15 day old leftovers, you aren't doing it right imho. =D
13:49.39 ``Erik hehehe
13:51.49 ``Erik noms his brunch
13:54.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34323 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bn.h: stub the notion of a point
13:58.56 brlcad enum ftw
14:00.22 ``Erik public thinking *shrug* when I get around to the actual draw routines, mebbe I'll consider applying it
14:01.01 ``Erik mmm salty, but good, I should buy corned beef hash more often :D
14:03.29 ``Erik heads out to check up on his car, renew his rental contract and stop by the grocery store O.o
14:06.06 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
14:07.55 d-lo ...just don't go out for pizza! *ducks*
15:01.13 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
15:01.22 mafm hi
15:15.23 brlcad howdy mafm
15:28.37 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:31.07 madant hi mafm
15:41.46 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
15:59.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34324 10/brlcad/trunk/include/nmg.h: alignment cleanup while looking where data could be attached
15:59.14 brlcad hippieindamakin8: hola! any progress on that nmg routine?
15:59.31 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, hey
15:59.50 hippieindamakin8 not yet. just back from 7 hrs of continous examinations.
16:00.27 hippieindamakin8 i ll do that on 30th as soon as i am done with the endsems . got 2 more on wednesday and i ll be done.
16:02.52 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, i ll look through the nmg_junk and the other conversions to nmg and rewrite it then
16:12.26 brlcad hippieindamakin8: oh yeah, how'd those go?
16:12.31 brlcad your exams that is
16:12.40 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34325 10/brlcad/trunk/include/nmg.h: more ws and comment cleanup
16:13.30 brlcad hippieindamakin8: when you do look, keep in mind that nmg_junk alludes to the notion that the way it does it for polys from file isn't necessarily the 'right' way
16:13.56 brlcad didn't investigate exactly what was meant by that comment but I think it has to do with the fact that the nmg is manually constructed instead of using functions
16:24.33 ``Erik no no, I seem to get accosted by curbs when I go out for pizza
17:23.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:38.54 ``Erik grooves to regina spektor
17:43.39 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:46.16 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:58.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34326 10/brlcad/trunk/include/nmg.h: looks like indent is messing with some of the defines, reindent. also a few other minor tweaks for consistency and null out the NMG_FREESTRUCT pointer after it's free for sanity too.
18:06.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:27.28 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (
18:27.52 dreeves waives at brlcad and starseeker
18:29.14 dreeves ~logs
18:29.15 ibot All conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
18:54.34 brlcad howdy dreeves
18:58.16 dreeves I have been very preoccupied with a project but should be freeing up in the next day or two then maybe we can make some more progress I see you all have added some more test data thanks!!
18:58.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34327 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: align the closing scope with the define macro
19:19.45 starseeker hey dreeves
19:33.11 starseeker brlcad: Are there any worthwhile open source SIMD abstraction libraries out there?
19:49.49 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
19:50.21 elena hi.
19:50.57 starseeker howdy
19:51.04 elena how are you?
19:51.12 starseeker well. yourself?
19:51.18 elena fine.
19:51.59 elena do you have some spare time now?
19:52.04 starseeker sure
19:52.42 elena can we talk about the project plan?
19:53.12 starseeker yep.
19:53.18 elena great!
19:53.39 elena where do we start?
19:54.02 starseeker do you have a wiki page with your proposal?
19:54.07 elena yes.
19:54.09 elena 1 sec.
19:55.04 elena
19:57.49 starseeker I guess the main question at the moment is what features are needed/desired?
19:59.36 elena ``Erik mentioned a rating system.
19:59.46 ``Erik wakes up
20:01.09 ``Erik oh, yeah, I figure the point is a community, there'll be both spammers as well as well meaning folk who simply produce crap...
20:01.21 elena basiclly, browse for models, search, and upload models.
20:02.38 starseeker right - there are some fairly obvious core capabilities without which there is no site. The most important is the model -> web-ready information capabilities
20:03.37 starseeker I would say that the user interaction modes are orthogonal to the "handle CAD models" core functionality
20:04.00 brlcad personally (and open to debate) I'd like the site to effectively counter abuse in a manner similar to most wikis
20:04.04 brlcad that is .. make it easier to remove the content than it is to add it, use recaptcha for anonymous submissions, and provide a strong feedback loop (like cia and/or e-mail notifications on changes)
20:04.19 starseeker agrees
20:04.28 starseeker recaptcha is a must
20:04.47 ``Erik no, recaptcha is NOT a must
20:04.55 ``Erik a strong community is a must
20:05.17 elena i think we should not allow anonymous submissions.
20:05.30 starseeker ``Erik: I would contend that a strong basis of good quality models will attract a community
20:05.45 elena the least you can do is create an account if you want to submit something.
20:06.02 starseeker my concern with anonymous submissions is being sure that they aren't (say) something from a company's commercial files
20:06.17 brlcad elena: put a lot of thought into that particular topic -- there's a reason to allow it
20:06.17 ``Erik hackernews ( has an aggressive moderation community, does not... slashdot uses a designated coop
20:06.40 brlcad that's not to say unchecked submissions -- but to allow them with extra effort
20:06.41 ``Erik this is a topic that has a lot of random experimentation and little proof
20:08.03 brlcad specifically with regards to starseeker's point, *any* submission should have a cited source and the submission process allowing that source to be specified
20:08.54 starseeker I would suggest solving the technical problems of CAD model -> web page is the first order of business - how those tools are used is (obviously) more complicated from a social standpoint
20:09.29 ``Erik argues that there is no technical solution to a social issue
20:09.48 brlcad if the claim is "I made this", then anonymous wouldn't be allowed -- but if some random user found the openmoko model and wanted to add it to the db, nothing should prevent that contribution presuming it's properly cited (and probably manually reviewed)
20:09.58 starseeker ok - but we're doing a gsoc project here, so shouldn't the focus be on concrete functionality?
20:10.18 starseeker brlcad: ok, that makes sense
20:10.54 ``Erik but is the essense o fthe project to create a pile of code? or is it ot begin developing a community?
20:11.07 starseeker I would say it's the former
20:11.43 starseeker without the former, the latter isn't practical
20:11.49 brlcad I'd rather the system be set up as open as possible, and just make it easy to correct and respond to bad use (think wikipedia not journal submission)
20:11.56 ``Erik *shrug* I personally believe it's a critical discriminating point
20:12.14 brlcad ``Erik: developing the community is our job :)
20:12.39 ``Erik I kinda think the point of any software is to support a community, to develope a piece of software with no appreciation of a community is ... pointless
20:12.43 brlcad the project is about writing code and becoming a contributor
20:13.05 brlcad those aren't orthogonal goals
20:13.09 ``Erik and now; I walk like an egyption. *dance*
20:13.23 starseeker blinks
20:13.48 brlcad elena: so I mentioned this earlier when you weren't around but just in case...
20:13.54 brlcad please do keep in mind a few things: 1) conversations should be public, 2) mentoring should similarly be public especially technical discussions, and 3) your listed mentor is predominantly for logistically tracking your progress -- i.e., they're not your "go-to" person for technical discussions -- those really should be open forums (here and/or irc) where any/other devs can at least listen in
20:13.54 ``Erik whoa ohh whoahh ohh woohhha ohh wohhh ohh whoaahhhh
20:14.29 brlcad mm, and that should have read (here and/or mailing list) ;)
20:14.31 elena ok. I know that.
20:14.37 brlcad elena: okay, just making sure :)
20:14.50 brlcad sometimes a critical piece of information slips through.. makes all the difference
20:14.51 elena thank you.
20:15.02 brlcad trying to make sure everyone gets the same information this year :)
20:15.17 brlcad the channel /topic is useful too ;)
20:15.56 starseeker has a question - is the intent to recognize the file format being provided, or to rely on the user to identify the format?
20:16.41 elena I didn't do it before, but we could try to recognize the file format.
20:16.49 elena using some magic bytes maybe?
20:17.32 elena or simpler, it's file extension (not sure how general is that)...
20:17.36 brlcad to me, the heart of that project from a task perspective is the ability to upload a .g file (for starters) with annotated metadata, and then visualize that model categorized through the website (raytrace renderings along with more fundamental information like file types, object counts, sizes, dates, license, etc)
20:18.37 brlcad it doesn't need to recognize -- there's only a limited set of types
20:18.52 brlcad have a selector on upload that specifies the type, then it can be named anything
20:19.11 elena ok. that's even simpler :)
20:19.14 brlcad could still have the uploader require a consistent naming convention too
20:20.45 brlcad elena: what would your preference be in terms of scope -- more focus on conversion capability or more focus on the site index itself?
20:21.25 elena what do you mean by "site index"?
20:23.03 brlcad the site browsability, the web interface itself
20:23.26 elena aaha.
20:23.40 brlcad as much as there are lots of potential ideas where this can/will go, there's simply not enough time, so narrowing that scope would be good
20:24.08 elena usability is importanta, but i'd like to focus on conversion, too.
20:24.34 elena conversion will require me to learn more about brlcad.
20:24.40 elena not you, the software :D
20:24.40 brlcad e.g. making the front-end framework really easy to use and well organized vs having support for tracking versions of files vs having support for importing/exporting various formats cleanly vs rendering views vs rating/karma system vs robust metadata support, etc
20:24.53 brlcad the dash makes all the difference ;)
20:24.56 brlcad brlcad vs brl-cad ;)
20:26.33 elena i'd go with support import/export, then rating, then rendering, then easy to use, metadata, etc.
20:26.59 brlcad now the all-important question -- why? :)
20:26.59 elena not sure about the last one. it might be higher weighted.
20:27.36 elena import/export is important. without it we have no content.
20:27.39 brlcad I can say that clear licensing is a top-priority regardless and that has a little bit to do with metadata
20:28.08 brlcad without the licensing sorted out, most of the other features are moot
20:28.21 brlcad not complicated, but critical
20:28.22 elena rating is important (Erik is right that people may upload bad stuff, by mistake or willingly).
20:28.44 starseeker barring a flood of content site admins can address that manually
20:29.20 starseeker free CAD models are currently fairly rare
20:29.25 brlcad a review queue solves that, similar to drupals comment moderation system
20:29.29 elena then I'd say that licensing implies registred users for submissions.
20:29.40 elena not necesary to say I made this.
20:29.48 elena but to say I put this here.
20:30.21 brlcad depends entirely on the source and the license
20:30.25 elena it's not necesary for flood.
20:30.40 elena but let's say I find 10 models of a cup.
20:30.58 brlcad okay
20:31.14 elena I'd like to get an idea of other though about them before I start downloading them.
20:31.47 brlcad no comprendo
20:31.49 elena i, myself, I'd always start with the highest rated ones.
20:32.15 starseeker oh, you're talking about a user sorting site content
20:32.32 elena yes. sorry, was related to rating and flooding.
20:33.33 brlcad rating is simply a means to filter/sort site content -- with the right browsing and searching mechanisms, those aren't necessarily that important; moreover using filtering/searching on top of bad browsing is still usually a horrible user experience
20:34.07 brlcad the unfiltered browsing needs to be well organized by itself regardless of searching/filtering aids
20:34.31 brlcad a really good example site related to this is
20:34.42 starseeker sourceforge's system of filters might also be worth mentioning here - you can (for example) filter out all search results that don't match a particular license
20:35.10 elena I was thinking more of
20:35.28 brlcad freshmeat has evolved into a rather feature-filled system, but it's core browsability remains efficient even with tens of thousands of projects
20:36.18 starseeker elena: the trick with rating systems like that is they tend to highlight the "coolest" items
20:36.23 brlcad yeah, that's not bad -- pretty similar
20:36.50 starseeker for technical searching, my first order of business is to limit the search space to the "must haves" - license being the obvious one
20:36.53 elena yes. coolest is not always the best.
20:37.19 brlcad my point earlier was scope though -- there's not nearly enough time to "support import/export, then rating, then rendering, then easy to use, metadata, etc" .. the point is (at least for this summer), what to leave out
20:37.34 elena btw, what drupal version is on
20:37.56 brlcad I'd say rating/sorting is one to leave out .. searching and basic browsing would come first
20:38.06 brlcad elena: a version that needs to be upgraded :)
20:38.06 starseeker brlcad: yeah
20:38.25 starseeker agreed - that's why I figured code dealing directly with the cad files was first up
20:38.51 starseeker which I guess is import/export and metadata
20:38.53 elena agree.
20:39.28 brlcad import/export for any geometry type or just .g files (for now)?
20:39.39 starseeker would say .g files...
20:40.09 elena how about import for g, export multiple types?
20:40.24 elena i played just a little with the conversion tools.
20:40.48 elena it looked to me that I could used them to convert one to another.
20:40.50 starseeker probably want to go the other way, actually - ending up with the .g file, at least BRL-CAD can read it :-)
20:40.56 elena but you know better.
20:41.33 starseeker the conversion tools can do a lot, but they have their limitations
20:41.45 elena yeah. it make more sense that way :)
20:41.51 brlcad elena: the issue is that almost every time you convert geometry from format A to format B, it's a lossy conversion (nearly universal to the point of being universal to the CAD industry)
20:42.19 brlcad our importers often preserve everything or nearly everything, but our exporters most certainly do not for many formats
20:42.34 elena yes. I know. but how lossy is it?
20:42.35 brlcad and many formats simply cannot represent various forms of geometry
20:42.40 brlcad night and day
20:42.51 brlcad fundamentally different representation schemes
20:42.58 brlcad not like jpg vs png
20:43.20 starseeker elena: sometimes very lossy. that's why you want to always preserve the original submitted format
20:43.39 elena got it.
20:43.45 brlcad difference is more like text file vs screenshot of text file
20:44.02 starseeker even something like Pro-E -> IGES is likely to lose information - Pro-E -> dxf is guaranteed to since dxf can't hold a lot of what Pro-E uses
20:46.09 elena then, it's export/import .g or export .g/import many+keep original?
20:46.23 elena what's your oppinion?
20:46.23 brlcad consider a simple sphere -- we could represent that same sphere in at least five different ways: 1) as a point+radius, 2) as a 2D outline of a circle that is rotated about an axis, 3) as a collection of polygons approximating the surface, 4) as one or more spline surfaces, 5) as a volumetric data set, ...
20:46.59 elena yes. you're right.
20:47.14 brlcad and brl-cad actually supports all five of those particular representations... :)
20:47.23 elena and I've seen this when created an .g object database and exported to triangles.
20:47.39 brlcad yet a given export format usually does not -- many export formats only support polygons or triangles for example
20:47.42 brlcad exactly
20:47.53 starseeker start with export/import .g, imho. Once that's working, more formats can be added
20:49.03 starseeker the original format of the model is an important fact to preserve in the metadata (probably the second most important after license)
20:49.16 elena ok.
20:49.35 starseeker but you should preserve that information for .g files too ;-)
20:49.41 starseeker so no harm starting there
20:50.31 brlcad and the users can always install our tools and convert to .g if they really want to :)
20:50.44 brlcad but that does bring up another point about the site interface
20:51.06 brlcad I'd really like it to talk about what format the geometry is or at least what types of geometry are contained
20:51.18 brlcad so that if it's 100% triangles, the site will say so
20:51.21 elena "users can always install our tools and convert to .g if they really want to" correct!
20:51.51 brlcad likewise, a special flag to note whether it's a solid model or not
20:52.27 ``Erik convert from, rather?
20:52.42 brlcad for .g, the answers to that metadata is pretty simple (there's only 3 primitive types we support that aren't solid)
20:54.56 elena is there a tools that gives this information? I don't recall one.
20:55.09 elena like some kind on statistics.
20:55.16 brlcad mged can
20:57.55 brlcad another thing I think will be critical is queueing -- uploaded geometry gets queued for addition, views are queued for rendering, conversions are queued, etc
20:58.31 brlcad so that the system can be taken down or manually prodded without interrupting jobs or without locking up resources
20:59.01 elena I think so, too.
20:59.30 ``Erik if a tool does not exist, it will shortly after notification that it should :)
20:59.37 brlcad geometry uploads are going to be generally be very big (possibly hundreds of megs), renderings and conversions are going to take potentially minutes or hours
21:00.03 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
21:00.05 brlcad yeah, we can make tools as needed to in order to facilitate the site
21:00.32 elena really?! I didn't expect geometry files that big. :(
21:00.55 brlcad they can be anywhere from a few bytes to a GB or more, depending on the model
21:01.03 brlcad we'll just have to manually limit the sizes
21:01.05 elena probably that says a lot of my experience :)
21:01.12 ``Erik we deal with files that gobble mulpiple gigs on drive :(
21:02.03 brlcad not that any of *those* would ever be uploaded, but it's not inconceivable that the system will grow to support large models (they are often the most interesting after all)
21:02.15 elena uploading those might be a problem.
21:02.20 elena for the user.
21:02.32 elena aha.
21:02.34 brlcad hence the need for a queue and (ideally), multiple upload methods
21:02.41 ``Erik gotta think towards future-rpoofing, though
21:02.47 starseeker nods
21:03.44 brlcad e.g., could easily support anonymous ftp uploads ala's former file release system
21:04.16 brlcad you upload your model via anon ftp, then select your file from a list
21:04.35 brlcad could do similar things with sftp/scp
21:04.42 ``Erik I mean, starseeker is making tires that cork hard drives, yet he still can't get my tread right :D
21:04.44 starseeker have to be careful about restricting that so it isn't abused, but yes that could work
21:05.03 starseeker ``Erik: whatda mean? my tires are tiiiiny
21:05.12 starseeker 27k for the default with tread, iirc
21:05.18 ``Erik where's my effin' tread?
21:05.24 brlcad "sphflake -d8" is enough to make a model that will fill most hard drives :)
21:05.47 brlcad tread's off by default
21:05.51 ``Erik much less brlcad's!
21:06.01 starseeker waiting on a fix for the major/minor axis assumptions in that weird dimensional case, iirc
21:06.29 starseeker yeah - I regard tire -p 1 as the "default" treaded example
21:06.32 ``Erik I'm still not sure if my fronts are being replaced by all seasons or not
21:07.00 starseeker elena: anyway - is this helpful in narrowing your focus?
21:07.16 elena yes. very.
21:07.30 ``Erik well, damn, I'm doing my best to UNnarrow here :D
21:07.38 elena however, I'll copy it and read it again tomorow to filter it out.
21:07.50 elena :)
21:07.54 starseeker heh
21:08.15 elena is this chat logged?
21:08.16 ``Erik mannies does soem good lasagna
21:08.20 ``Erik yeah, uh
21:08.23 starseeker ~log
21:08.23 ibot methinks log is as piece of wood, or a record, or the opposite of exponentiation, or
21:08.53 brlcad ~logs
21:08.53 ibot All conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
21:08.58 starseeker showoff
21:10.08 starseeker Ralith: heh - speaking of native Haiku web browsing - looks like a gsoc project will integrate webkit into the native Haiku browser. You might get your updated browsing experience fairly soon :-)
21:10.47 brlcad BeOS's old web browser was pretty hilarious -- which is where 'Haiku' got its name
21:11.20 starseeker What was that called. Netcrawler or something?
21:11.39 brlcad if a page wasn't there, it would give you a haiku
21:11.41 brlcad netpositive
21:11.46 starseeker ah :-)
21:11.50 starseeker oh yeah, I remember that
21:12.07 ``Erik there is no page here
21:12.07 ``Erik I tried real hard to find one
21:12.07 ``Erik but there was none here
21:12.07 starseeker got a lot of those things - getting browsing up for a virtual machine is still a trick for me
21:12.08 brlcad
21:13.11 starseeker wishes in some ways that Microsoft had bought BeOS after Apple dropped it and turned it into the next version of Windows
21:13.23 brlcad <PROTECTED>
21:13.26 starseeker would have been a way to get a nice Windows
21:13.33 ``Erik some of thos eare brilliant
21:13.54 brlcad rewrote low-level threading support so that it would cleanly support 10,000 threads multiplex seamlessly
21:14.00 starseeker jeez
21:14.19 starseeker does Haiku manage any of that yet?
21:14.20 brlcad hilarious dev articles
21:14.32 brlcad a few things, but not much yet
21:14.43 brlcad they've had a mountain to climb just to reproduce the old api
21:14.52 brlcad s/reproduce/reimplement/
21:14.56 starseeker nods
21:14.59 brlcad without optimizations
21:15.09 starseeker who bought the old BeOS code?
21:15.13 starseeker Palm was it?
21:15.22 brlcad basically
21:15.32 starseeker doesn't understand why they're still sitting on it
21:15.33 brlcad there were some proprietary licensed portions too
21:15.37 starseeker ah
21:16.40 brlcad even if they could give away some of the code, they'd be suceptible to shareholder lawsuit
21:16.52 starseeker mmm
21:16.54 starseeker that sucks
21:17.03 brlcad long threads about the be code
21:17.12 brlcad lots of folks wanted it
21:17.24 starseeker remembers a few abortive attemps to buy it ala blender style, but those never went anywhere either
21:17.29 brlcad one even tried (illegally apparently), which is where Zeta OS came from
21:18.35 starseeker oh, yeah. I had forgotten them
21:19.02 starseeker never made any sense to me - it was clear if the OS was going to have any chance at gaining mind share it would have to be as open source
21:20.22 starseeker brlcad: oh, bty - know of any portable open source SIMD abstraction layers?
21:22.09 brlcad there are a few projects related to abstraction, but it's pretty low level effort
21:22.43 starseeker ah. So, not likely to be terribly useful?
21:22.51 brlcad more work designing the algorithms themselves and they're very closely tuned to cache sizes, the algorithm at hand, and the capabilities of the unit
21:29.29 brlcad there's projects like gcc's automatic vectorization and other more spansive projects like OpenGL
21:29.36 brlcad or the variety of GPGPU libraries
21:30.28 brlcad cuda, libsh, brookgpu
21:30.32 starseeker was just asking because these raytracing guys seem to like SIMD if they want decent performance on anything...
21:31.33 brlcad guys?
21:31.41 brlcad context?
21:31.53 starseeker the Direct raytracing of NURBS paper
21:31.59 brlcad ah, right
21:32.08 brlcad very much required to get the performance they were getting
21:32.25 brlcad some of that was stubbed in for sse2
21:32.53 brlcad include/vector*.h
21:33.24 starseeker OK, so we will need to do it ourselves then
21:34.31 brlcad pretty much
21:34.38 starseeker needs to dig into this "create a tree of bounding boxes" step
21:34.53 starseeker not clear why the performance was so bad on the openbook model
21:34.56 brlcad the closest you could probably get as a general system would be something like opencl, but it's not clear what that would imply dependencywise
21:35.23 brlcad would think you'd need to understand that before making a decision on how to improve it ;)
21:35.34 starseeker exactly
21:36.02 starseeker you're referring to Khronos Group's OpenCL?
21:36.42 brlcad yes
21:36.53 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34328 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: more consistency cleanup
21:37.04 ``Erik hronos is still around?
21:37.35 brlcad very much so
21:37.37 starseeker well, at least the license looks reasonable
21:38.00 brlcad have a pretty big presense at siggraph each year
21:38.15 ``Erik wow, I thought they'd died off in the late 90's
21:38.56 brlcad opencl is also slated to be included in Mac OS X 10.6 so there are expectations that library may take off in a big way
21:40.02 brlcad starseeker: dependencywise, I meant more what they take to be managed as a dependency, like build issues, how well it actually works, whether it's a special compilation pass or simply a library link, it's longevity and portability, etc
21:40.14 brlcad it'd certainly require algorithm/code rewrites regardless
21:40.16 starseeker ah
21:51.29 elena i'll go now. thank you all for your help. bye.
21:51.48 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
21:55.03 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:29.53 brlcad was just the victim of a hit n' run
22:30.21 madant brlcad: seriously ?
22:30.27 brlcad dammit, really need to have video cameras installed
22:30.29 brlcad madant: yeah
22:30.47 madant damn
22:30.59 brlcad minor damage, but seriously infuriating
22:31.05 brlcad as I think it was intentional
22:31.15 madant you are ok right ?
22:31.28 brlcad yeah, it's to the car, not me
22:31.41 madant aah. ok..
22:32.21 madant no way to find out what happened or who did it ?
22:32.24 brlcad I heard a large truck backing up (the sort that beeps) and then take off fast, which made me look out the window .. and I saw the damage
22:33.25 madant hmm. that sucks .. insurance would cover the repairs etc. right ?
22:33.31 brlcad yeah
22:33.56 madant some people are just evil :D
22:34.25 madant just woke up all of a sudden at 4 am
22:38.30 madant would the police be able to track them ? you are filing a complaint right ? i have no idea how the system works in US .
22:42.43 Ralith starseeker: that must have been what I read to lodge the idea in the first place
22:43.19 Ralith brlcad: I'm kind of sad that that sort of error's mostly absent in the modern world of software
22:43.44 Ralith yeah, it's only really practical when the user understands and can intuit what's wrong anyway, but it just sounds fun.
22:44.44 brlcad madant: already filed and have the report, but nothing they can really do about it given no eye witness
22:45.24 Ralith brlcad: oh damn :/
22:45.29 Ralith glad the damage is minor.
22:45.34 Ralith and insured.
22:53.33 madant hmm. yeah you should implement the camera idea..
23:00.21 brlcad Ralith: what sort of error?
23:00.43 brlcad a little out of context and not thinking clearly at the moment to follow that response
23:01.31 Ralith haiku 404s
23:01.36 Ralith er, DNS failures
23:01.39 Ralith or whatever that error was.
23:01.52 Ralith netpositive's
23:02.21 brlcad ahh
23:02.28 brlcad okay, yeah, that makes more sense now :)
23:03.13 brlcad it was generally an alternative (or in addition) to returning "Error: 404 Page not found" .. which is arguably just as cryptic :)
23:06.51 Ralith yeah, but familiar, and standard.
23:07.00 Ralith in addition would be cool.
23:07.16 Ralith is of the opinion that the software world would be a nicer place if humor abounded more freely in released products
23:41.10 starseeker Ralith: you mean Windows isn't a joke?
23:41.26 Ralith :P
23:41.43 Ralith it is, but sarcasm so extreme that it fools most of the world isn't my kind of humor.
23:41.51 starseeker brlcad: crap - sorry to hear about the car :-(
23:41.58 starseeker Ralith: ah
23:42.17 Ralith "Oh yeah, *this* is a real OS! It's *exactly* what you need!"
23:44.44 brlcad eep, /tmp: out of inodes
23:44.55 Ralith that sounds bad
23:48.19 brlcad yeah.. especially since I don't think it's 'actually' out of inodes
23:48.42 Ralith :|
23:48.45 Ralith that sounds *really* bad then
23:49.47 brlcad hmm.. that's not a root filesystem though.. might be able to fix that one
23:50.51 Ralith well, it is /tmp; couldn't you just boot a livecd and nuke it?
23:51.56 brlcad eh, this is a dedicated server sitting down in florida
23:52.01 brlcad maybe after a 20 hour drive :)
23:52.13 madant heh :P
23:55.19 Ralith that does indeed make things harder.
23:55.38 Ralith perhaps some cleverness with a temporary symlink to a dir on the root fs while you unmount and nuke it?
23:56.21 Ralith I can imagine lots of things going wrong in the instant between deletion and symlink creation, though
23:56.33 Ralith then again, they're probably going wrong anyway if the FS is borked.

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