IRC log for #brlcad on 20090429

00:11.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34358 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: good gravy nmgs render absurdly slow. order of magnitude. seems to get worse the bigger the smp too. included a lot of detail after investigating.
00:15.12 brlcad can't believe his eyes.. rt_nmg_shot() .. are you serious?
00:16.35 ``Erik heh, nmg_manifolds() ?
00:17.10 brlcad no, look near the end of shot..
00:17.14 ``Erik or going through and verifying that it's a valid NMG before bothering to shoot?
00:17.31 ``Erik "build table indicating"...?
00:18.52 brlcad that's prep
00:19.59 ``Erik oh heh :D wrong func
00:20.25 ``Erik bu_calloc(), nifty
00:20.40 brlcad per ray
00:20.46 brlcad and the size isn't even dynamic
00:20.51 ``Erik yeah, instead of grabbing some off the stack
00:21.10 brlcad it's crazy, makes me think I have to be missing something
00:22.01 ``Erik hrm
00:22.08 ``Erik the size is dynamic
00:22.25 ``Erik prep calculates a maximum possible number of hits
00:22.38 ``Erik it should probably be allocated at prep and retained in the soltab or something
00:22.40 brlcad per sho() it's not
00:22.43 brlcad shot()
00:22.52 brlcad I mean, it's not dynamic per ray
00:22.56 ``Erik right, but it's not a compilable static
00:22.57 brlcad it's fixed to the model size
00:23.09 brlcad right, yeah, didn't mean that
00:23.21 ``Erik rt_nmg_ialloc() is probably where it should be allocated (once)
00:24.04 ``Erik but that'll run up the memory footprint :/ (shouldn't be an issue these days, but that might've been the thinking a the time)
00:25.42 brlcad I know nmgs are second-class citizens, but it's really bad the way it is
00:25.52 brlcad not any worse than it is now
00:26.03 ``Erik huh?
00:26.13 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
00:26.17 brlcad it's calling that malloc per shot() which is per thread
00:26.26 brlcad 8 threads, 8 callocs
00:26.47 brlcad which explains why it's a freaking order of magnitude slower than bot
00:26.48 ``Erik right... you kinda contradicted yourself there, though :D
00:26.50 hippieindamakin8 hey brlcad
00:27.23 brlcad contradicted? perhaps misunderstood or wires crossed..
00:27.53 ``Erik oh, okie, ordering issue
00:27.53 brlcad you said adding to rt_nmg_ialloc would run up the memory foot .. don't see how any change will run up the foot print
00:27.56 ``Erik groks
00:28.13 brlcad because it's already about worst case
00:28.56 brlcad now the only question is whether that ray_data needs to have its own copy of the hitmiss table
00:29.00 ``Erik if you have 100 nmgs in a scene, right now it allocates "big ugly" for each nmg in order, so "push pop push pop", if each holds its own from prep, it's push push pop pop
00:29.24 ``Erik no?
00:30.45 brlcad not sure how the rays interact with the model data exactly, but yeah that sounds like that is a possibility
00:31.00 ``Erik and if ya have 1000 nmg's, each gobbling up a meg for the hit table, taht's a gig consumption *shrug*
00:31.45 brlcad course right now.. if you have 100 nmgs.. that's 100 * width * height interleaved push/pops instead of just 100
00:32.48 ``Erik *shrug* I d'no what the common utilization is :) might be one of those things where ya just have to try it and see if it breaks
00:32.49 brlcad 100 * width * height being just average too .. could be much worse (overlapping objects)
00:33.14 brlcad either way, performance is absolutely abysmal on a simple sphere
00:33.18 ``Erik is that mod a 'jr developer' task?
00:33.24 brlcad make sph sph ; facetize -n sph.nmg sph
00:35.19 ``Erik wonders if he's screwing up by trying to find and save these low hanging fruit tasks for new developers O.o
00:39.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34359 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg.c: style consistency cleanup, ws, indent, comments.
00:39.59 brlcad I wouldn't think this was one regardless
00:40.45 brlcad mucking about in librt is rarely a simple task and should be "over tested" and done so carefully regardless of the change
00:41.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34360 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg.c: didn't mean to sneak in that ray_data.
00:44.49 ``Erik of course, mucho testing, but the change should be quite simple *shrug*
00:47.38 brlcad i think your experience is blinding you, or we have very different thoughts on simple tasks
00:49.02 ``Erik hm, I'm thinking folk who have a nontrivial background in C development but are new to BRL-CAD
00:49.20 brlcad requires knowledge of optimization, profiling, testing, lots of librt (wtf is a hitmiss, what's a ray_data) to know what to change and how that will impact, to even know that shot() and prep() are and how they interact, etc
00:50.15 ``Erik the poolios, not the irix64s :D *duck*
00:50.28 brlcad then yeah, different level
00:51.07 *** join/#brlcad piksi_ (
00:51.08 brlcad I'm thinking someone with just a couple years coding experience at most, after intro C at a uni, maybe OO, maybe a couple projects
00:51.42 ``Erik is my mental model here
00:51.51 brlcad something that doesn't generally require much planning or research
00:52.02 ``Erik that's what the "junior kernel hacker TODO list" grew into
00:52.33 ``Erik competency expected, but a mentor is assigned to help ease one into the twisted dark world of kernel development
00:52.34 ``Erik :D
00:53.46 brlcad what they mean by junior is something else entirely
00:54.07 brlcad someone not yet in the core, not yet proven, regardless of ability
00:54.24 brlcad to me, the delineation is more about ability
00:54.36 brlcad we have plenty of "simple" tasks
00:54.40 ``Erik well, someone without a commit bit... core is more a guidance body than a development team
00:55.20 ``Erik *shrug* depends on the target audience, I suppose :) BRL-CAD is not exactly a sophmore project
00:56.13 brlcad it's not, but the point is that there are plenty of tasks that don't require more than freshman knowledge, tasks that would be immensely helpful
00:56.22 brlcad but are time-consuming and low-priority
00:57.07 ``Erik yeah, we had a list of tasks with both technical ability and effort required rated at some point, is that still floating around?
00:57.23 ``Erik like a 1-5 scoring iirc
00:57.33 brlcad yeah, it's in doc iirc, but it wasn't well organized
00:57.38 brlcad or at least was
00:57.51 ``Erik mebbe that's wiki meat
00:58.03 brlcad probably really just need to add complexity to our todo list and expand it with more ideas
00:58.11 ``Erik doc/ seems to elude a lot of people O:_)
00:59.33 ``Erik (I've seen projects transpose characters in their URL to act as a screen, btu I don't wanna be 'that' project... *shrug*)
00:59.43 brlcad another relevant project:
01:00.52 ``Erik yeh, I d'no, :) we might not have the pool of interested people to make an effort like that time effective *shrug* I d'no
01:01.11 brlcad more inline with ability in mind .. checking for consistent return codes, function name consistency, api completeness (if you have an alloc routine, you should have a free routine, etc), static functions, etc
01:02.07 ``Erik heh, -Wall -Werror -W -ansi -pedantic
01:02.13 ``Erik and valgrind, pheer
01:02.28 brlcad yeah, see that is stuff just about anyone can hit up
01:02.36 brlcad and really is a great way to get familiar and get started
01:03.09 brlcad then tackling a simple project is probably the next step up
01:03.58 ``Erik (if someone has more than 4 gigs on a 64b system, I'd kinda like to see someone stub a 4gb allocate in main() and fill the pages to verify we're 64b safe... I hav ea gut feeling that we use unsigned int when we should use void * or size_t)
01:05.20 ``Erik I looked around your car and didn't see any damage, didja get it repaired already?
01:06.13 brlcad nope, I just cleaned it up well
01:06.24 brlcad it's on the front
01:06.37 ``Erik hm, I did notice that wart growing out of your grill
01:06.58 ``Erik didja get a 30 day fixit ticket?
01:09.16 ``Erik 2 more weeks or so before I get mine back :(
01:10.34 poolio ``Erik: hey now, hey now.
01:10.48 ``Erik hey then, hey then O.o :D
01:12.11 *** join/#brlcad LarsG (
01:12.56 ``Erik glares at doc/docbook/ some
01:13.26 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:16.37 starseeker ``Erik: now what'd it do?
01:17.11 ``Erik too many directories with a single operation
01:17.18 starseeker yeah, agreed
01:17.37 starseeker needs to fix that...
01:17.50 starseeker right after I figure out what I did with tire...
01:17.59 ``Erik bought a dual core lappie, gets strusfrated when he's cpu blocked without cooking them both :D
01:18.18 starseeker :-)
01:20.17 brlcad ``Erik: no, they don't give fixits just fines
01:20.44 ``Erik huh, lame, I was told that they give a fixit and 30 days to show it was done :/
01:21.00 brlcad testing it out, not really happy with it
01:21.10 ``Erik half the cars in my cul de sac don't have front plates
01:21.34 ``Erik given that a sheriff and state trooper live here and there's no issue, I'm under the impression that it's not a very enforced law
01:21.41 brlcad said I was going to wait until I was stopped at least four of five times, that has already happened
01:21.52 brlcad still putting in for an exemption request
01:22.13 brlcad gets too much attention
01:22.16 ``Erik it is an attention grabbing vehicle...
01:22.31 ``Erik I'm sure it's just an excuse so they can look it over
01:22.49 brlcad for most of them, it was
01:22.58 ``Erik the sedate appearance is one of the things that drew me to the m3
01:23.00 brlcad warnings, wagging fingers, etc
01:23.19 brlcad as they rubbed the drool off
01:24.10 brlcad anyways, still trying to figure out a workable solution
01:25.27 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
01:25.58 ``Erik find a state that doesn't require a front plate? :D
01:27.14 brlcad PA
01:27.18 brlcad WVa
01:28.01 ``Erik pa is doable, wv is a bit of a commute :D plus ya went and bought a house heh
01:28.22 ``Erik shoulda bought a house up in pa with a garage, dude ;) *duck*
01:29.02 ``Erik just imagine, you coulda started carpooling with ww when the rotational is over!
01:29.41 ``Erik thinks he's getting his ass kicked tomorrow
01:30.36 brlcad hell, I wouldn't move
01:30.47 brlcad just get a residence address, enough for a license
01:31.03 brlcad PA would drive me insane, not for me
01:31.17 brlcad I'd take no garage over that any day
01:34.13 ``Erik you don't HAVE to become amish to live in pa, y'know... it helps, but it's not mandatory... :D
01:35.24 brlcad nope, I'm a city bug
01:35.50 ``Erik philly isn't a city? :D
01:36.10 brlcad has a lot of good rowing
01:36.17 ``Erik <-- likes to be near a city, but at the edge of suburbia where it turns into farmland
01:37.07 brlcad I love knowing I can bike or even walk to just about anything that I need
01:37.18 brlcad essentials, recreation, whatever
01:37.31 ``Erik peaceful calm slow home life, but can drive down into the city to hit a show or whatever
01:37.56 brlcad and dullards not all going to bed at 9pm, finding something more than taco bell open to eat at 3am
01:38.23 ``Erik is old, woke up at 5am the last few days wtih no alarm :(
01:38.34 brlcad so did I :P
01:38.40 ``Erik can't be arsed to drive to denny's, but ...
01:38.54 ``Erik I said am, not pm :D
01:38.58 brlcad to each their own, it's just not what makes me happy
01:39.05 ``Erik *nod*
01:39.34 ``Erik I'm annoyed enough at hearing my neighbors here, *shrug*
01:41.01 yukonbob hello, #brlcad
01:42.17 brlcad howdy yukonbob
01:42.38 yukonbob saw a funny bumper sticker other day "Honk if you're Amish"
01:43.31 yukonbob contemplates reading 3-4 days of scrollback :P
01:44.08 ``Erik there was a large amish community near springfield mo, the stores right on the road were ripoffs, but if you drive down the gravel roads for a bit, there was a totally awesome bulk store, good stuff :)
01:46.44 brlcad tries a quick nmg hack
01:46.58 ``Erik the memory thing?
01:47.20 ``Erik had to distclean and autoreconf, too much crap has changed :/
01:47.27 brlcad damn, no different
01:47.35 ``Erik starseeker: try not to laugh too hard
01:52.10 starseeker urm. surprised there's no solution to the date thing already implemented
01:52.39 ``Erik I looked around, couldn't find one... I just posted it to #ucw, haven't gotten my beatdown yet
01:54.36 ``Erik is the result
01:55.35 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34361 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: problem narrowed down even further. nmg hit/miss book keeping just sucks in a major way. quick test showed a tangible 3x increase, but will require a fair bit of restructuring.
01:56.18 yukonbob notes "bookkeeping" is one word
01:56.59 brlcad and book keeping it two words, it's late but not that late ;)
01:57.16 ``Erik fight! fight! fight!
01:57.17 brlcad keeps his books away from yukonbob
01:57.42 yukonbob heh
01:57.57 yukonbob was trying to parse that sentence and had to do double-take
01:58.03 yukonbob (or is that doubletake?)
01:58.20 ``Erik double::take;
01:58.24 yukonbob heh
01:58.36 yukonbob double take;
01:58.51 yukonbob take = bookkeeping();
01:59.24 ``Erik allyourbookkeepingarebelongtome
01:59.29 ``Erik Icanhasbookkeeping?
01:59.40 yukonbob in soviet russia, books keep YOU!
02:00.19 ``Erik y'know, he ended up in branson
02:00.35 ``Erik about half an hour drive from where I used to live :)
02:01.29 ``Erik someone really didn't like the ucw link O.O
02:01.46 ``Erik (yet no one is adding links, bummer)
02:39.56 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (i=bryan@
02:58.44 starseeker ``Erik: nice work with the lisp site!
02:59.03 starseeker is jealous - ``Erik has actually made lisp do something useful
03:08.45 ``Erik ô´heh
03:10.03 ``Erik I'm an 80's coder... I code to get shit done, not to code...
03:16.33 Ralith I code to cause jellied donuts to spontaneously appear.
03:19.59 ``Erik see, that's the thing... back in THE DAY </reverb>, we didn't care of jellied donuts appeared... it was nice when they did, but that wasn't the goal
03:22.51 Ralith if jellied donuts weren't the goal you were doing something wrong
03:23.38 ``Erik heh
03:23.44 ``Erik don't make me stab you.
03:24.09 Ralith I've got powdered sugar and I know how to use it!
03:24.53 PrezKennedy heheh 80's coder
03:25.16 PrezKennedy gettin shit done in FORTRAN :)
03:28.02 ``Erik bitch, I will beat your ass down
03:28.27 ``Erik C is a 60's language, LISP is a 50's language, scheme is a 70's language, ...
03:28.52 ``Erik smalltalk is 70's, objc and c++ are early 80's
03:30.00 brlcad yawns
03:32.36 ``Erik tsa is old news... I don't think there has been any real advancement since around '85 or so :(
03:51.19 starseeker stares at his ellipse equations and wonders why they heck they are working...
03:52.55 starseeker oh
03:52.57 starseeker right
03:55.55 PrezKennedy ``Erik, you should program with a 90's language... like Java! ;)
04:29.58 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
04:55.11 starseeker hmm... these are going to be big enough and elaborate enough to need more room than I originally thought.
05:18.07 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
05:24.58 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
05:43.56 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
05:46.05 madant are things all right in california ? declaration of emergency has pretty bad connotations in india ..
05:53.43 madant hope this swine flu episode ends pretty soon.. flus are such a pain in humanity's ass to control..
05:54.23 *** join/#brlcad piksi (
06:06.43 pacman87 starseeker: what ellipse equations?
06:13.23 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
06:13.24 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
06:16.49 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
06:38.22 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (
07:14.51 *** part/#brlcad LarsG (
07:19.41 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
07:44.17 *** join/#brlcad piksi_ (
08:04.32 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:37.12 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:38.19 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
10:05.11 madant how mafm
10:05.17 madant oops.. howdy :)
10:11.48 mafm hai
10:35.53 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
11:48.44 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:07.13 starseeker pacman87: the ones solved by the tire tool
12:08.55 ``Erik now make this tread:
12:08.56 ``Erik :D
12:10.50 alex_joni ``Erik:
12:11.56 ``Erik heh, the twheel, those're neat
12:12.07 alex_joni nice to model ;)
12:12.16 ``Erik tehre's a video where they slapped those on a high perfomrance mb
12:12.23 ``Erik but they never showed it actually running, just slowly driving
12:13.34 alex_joni <- from 2006, it is kinda working I think
12:13.48 ``Erik
12:15.05 ``Erik wants to see what they do when put under extremes, like track driving
12:57.16 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:00.44 ``Erik *sigh* I made two collosal mistakes. 1) I read the comments on slashdot. 2) I looked up this 'boxxy' mentioned in a comment and now I am ... dain bramaged?
13:01.36 ``Erik I THINK it's a parody, but it's ...
13:20.02 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=IceChat7@
13:35.28 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
13:57.00 ``Erik the maddest ant of the all :D
14:08.50 madant :P
14:10.06 ``Erik them all, even
14:54.26 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34362 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/rotate_arb_face.c: Handle special cases for arb4 and arb6.
15:54.33 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
16:07.02 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
16:28.22 ``Erik watches b5
16:31.51 ``Erik this is... actually... really bad...
16:45.41 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:13.57 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (n=jdoliner@
17:33.41 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
17:40.26 ``Erik (alpha (beta)) == <alpha><beta></beta></alpha> ...
17:40.34 ``Erik woops, wrong winder
17:50.59 brlcad hello d_rossberg
17:56.44 d_rossberg waves from home
17:59.17 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:00.03 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:00.09 brlcad happy Walpurgisnacht eve
18:01.03 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:02.03 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:03.15 d_rossberg :) it's the "Freinacht" in Bavaria
18:04.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34363 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/CombEditFrame.tcl: Minor cleanup.
18:04.40 d_rossberg and tomorrow our village gets a new maypole
18:05.07 d_rossberg (sorry, i mean on May 1st)
18:05.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34364 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (5 files): Added code for prompting the user for a rotation point when rotating an arb face.
18:05.32 brlcad maypole?
18:05.43 brlcad ahh
18:05.48 brlcad interesting, never seen one
18:06.00 brlcad well, maybe I have, but I certainly don't remember -- was too young
18:07.41 d_rossberg they are very commonly here
19:14.33 pacman87 hi d_rossberg
19:33.00 d_rossberg hi pacman87
19:34.51 d_rossberg i'm your mentor again
19:35.26 pacman87 so i've noticed :)
19:35.28 d_rossberg but i think you know better than i what you have to do this GSoC
19:35.40 d_rossberg ;)
19:36.03 pacman87 i'll try to keep my dev log updated
19:36.43 d_rossberg and maybe i can give some advices on higher order geometry
20:10.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34365 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Catch calls to toggleTreePath to so that mRestoringTree gets set back to 0.
20:17.37 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34366 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Override the kill command in ArcherCore in order to remove any edit panels associated with the object(s) being killed/deleted. Will need to look at other commands that kill/delete objects from the database.
20:48.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34367 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c:
20:48.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Add more detailed commentary on the precise nature of the constraints imposed to
20:48.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: define the elliptical torus shapes in the tire tool. The equations don't make
20:48.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: some of the sources of the constraints or the reasons they were used immediately
20:48.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: apparent.
20:56.53 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
21:31.49 starseeker ``Erik: what are your tire dimensions again?
21:40.21 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
21:53.36 starseeker 255-40R18?
23:09.19 starseeker brlcad: did something about rt_sketch_internal change?
23:09.38 starseeker I'm betting a bad pointer crash on sketch.c line 1868
23:09.43 starseeker er getting
23:34.55 ``Erik 255/40-18
23:35.13 ``Erik on the back, 225/45-18 up front
23:35.26 starseeker WOULD be testing that, if the friggin thing wasn't bombing all of a sudden
23:39.45 starseeker what the...
23:39.53 starseeker ``Erik: do you have a recent compile?
23:43.20 starseeker reverts - no time for this now

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