IRC log for #brlcad on 20090501

00:29.34 starseeker is afraid to ask
00:30.15 *** join/#brlcad BigATo1 (
00:32.32 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
01:31.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34382 10/brlcad/trunk/ (log message trimmed)
01:31.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Need src/conv/step in the list for Makefile generation. Attempts to build as of
01:31.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: r34379 seems to suggest that there are missing files that need to be checked in
01:31.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: to get a working src/conv/step build - ssince src/conv/step is currently keying
01:31.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: off the BUILD_STEP variable (which bty it shouldn't do that forever - in theory
01:31.50 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: it should check for a system install if BUILD_STEP is off) turn off STEP
01:31.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: altogether until it the rest of the necessary files get checked in. This is a
01:35.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34383 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: Another instance of fb_pgflush - change to fb_flush
01:36.44 starseeker makes a note to mention the svn status command to indianlarry...
01:45.05 starseeker brlcad: Sean, FB_WPIXEL in include.h seems to be using _fb_pgin and _fb_pgout - I'm getting a linking error when I try to build libfb
01:47.27 starseeker fb/fbgrid.c, fbed/fbed.c and lgt/reflect.c are using FB_WPIXEL
01:54.36 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
01:54.42 starseeker can we define FB_WPIXEL in the fb_paged_io.c and export that?
01:55.17 starseeker isn't sure how that works for inline versions of things...
02:00.16 brlcad hm, looking
02:03.48 starseeker er, include/fb.h rather
02:03.58 brlcad nods
02:05.53 brlcad that's three very obscure tools .. they can probably just use fb_wpixel instead.. I really doubt the "inline" performance boost is signficant any longer
02:06.06 starseeker alrightie
02:06.09 starseeker want me to get it?
02:06.17 starseeker q
02:06.19 starseeker whoops
02:07.05 brlcad you can if you beat me to it, but it's my mess to clean up
02:07.21 starseeker is stubbornly working towards a build ;-)
02:16.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34384 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Remove inline version of fb_wpixel, change calls to non-inline version - speed change is likely not significant any longer and the inline version requres exposure of fb_pgin and fb_pgout
02:17.27 brlcad oof, heh
02:17.55 brlcad beat me to it by mere seconds
02:18.18 starseeker heh, sorry :-)
02:18.32 brlcad no matter, trivial change
02:18.36 brlcad but thanks
02:18.46 starseeker np :-)
02:19.21 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
02:20.51 starseeker sighs in relief
02:20.56 starseeker on the docs now
02:21.09 starseeker brlcad: is that an ok hack for the step build until monday?
02:21.20 starseeker either I'm nuts or there's a bunch of files not committed yet
02:21.38 starseeker (or both)
02:24.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34385 10/brlcad/trunk/ (doc/deprecation.txt include/fb.h): deprecate FB_WPIXEL since it's been around for such a long time 'just in case'.
02:25.54 brlcad starseeker: good enough for now, sure
02:26.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34386 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/ (exppp/ express/ Whoops. Commit fixes for src/other/step files so they will work with multiple processor building.
02:26.57 starseeker brlcad: OK, we'll be nice about it ;-)
02:27.44 starseeker waves broadsword wildly over his head with manical look in his eyes - "Cut 'em out!"
02:28.45 starseeker now, let's see what happens with tire...
02:30.31 starseeker ERROR: bad pointer x9b474b0: s/b rt_sketch_internal(x736b6574), was Unknown_Magic(x65787472), file ../../../brlcad/src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch.c, line 1868
02:32.29 brlcad starseeker: that's very interesting
02:33.02 brlcad this is why magic numbers are so useful :)
02:34.14 brlcad if you look up the unknown magic, it's very insightful
02:34.53 brlcad and that line number is telling, has to be related to the changes
02:35.48 starseeker libbu/magic.c?
02:38.17 starseeker ah, got a bomb trace that means something
02:38.27 starseeker rt_sketch_ifree
02:38.42 starseeker called from rt_extrude_ifree
02:39.13 brlcad did you look at the unknown magic?
02:39.50 starseeker I looked at the c file - doesn't that mean it can't tell what it is?
02:40.05 brlcad not the c file
02:41.04 brlcad whenever you see a magic code, you should look it up
02:41.06 starseeker oh - that number matches RT_EXTRUDE_INTERNAL_MAGIC?
02:41.12 brlcad there ya go
02:41.24 starseeker erm
02:41.24 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
02:41.29 brlcad so sketch's ifree was called, but seemingly passed an extrude object
02:41.59 starseeker checks rt_extrude_ifree
02:42.32 hippieindamakin8 waves at everybody and wishes
02:42.35 brlcad obviously related to my recent change, but tbd whether it's an init problem now that it's going through the functab or some other issue
02:45.10 starseeker extrude.c:2321 is where the call is coming from
02:45.17 brlcad do you see the bug :)
02:45.38 starseeker giving it ip of extrude?
02:45.39 brlcad has it fixed, fwiw
02:45.43 brlcad yep
02:45.52 starseeker cool
02:46.02 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34387 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c: free the sketch that the extrude was using, not the extrude itself. and good gravy, don't pass the extrude to sketch's ifree.
02:46.13 brlcad copy-paste bug of a var that just happened to work in that scope
02:46.15 starseeker thanks!
02:46.39 starseeker thanks for the magic number tutorial - that helps :-)
02:47.12 starseeker won that one :-P
02:47.20 starseeker er you won that one
02:47.51 starseeker tests
02:49.38 brlcad reviews the other ifree() mods in case similar mistakes were injected
02:49.41 starseeker ../../../brlcad/src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c: In function 'rt_extrude_ifree':
02:49.44 starseeker ../../../brlcad/src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c:2321: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'tmp_ip.idb_meth->ft_ifree'
02:49.50 brlcad bah
02:49.53 brlcad still compiling :)
02:51.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34388 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c: poinnnterrrrrr
02:51.33 starseeker &tmp_ip rather than tmp_ip?
02:51.38 brlcad there's another thing noteworthy about your bad pointer message
02:51.39 brlcad yes
02:51.50 brlcad Unknown_Magic
02:51.57 brlcad it's clearly not "unknown"
02:52.03 starseeker yes
02:52.06 brlcad which means the table is out of sync (and should be syncd)
02:52.21 brlcad doesn't like that table
02:52.31 brlcad needs to be a better way to register magic numbers
02:52.36 starseeker aaah. I was wondering a little why it didn't go ahead and say something useful...
02:52.39 brlcad but C does make that a pain
02:53.15 starseeker that's the magic.c table?
02:54.00 starseeker looks at the Primitives section and his jaw drops
02:54.13 starseeker no eto, no hyp, no sketch, no extrude...
02:54.37 starseeker ouch
02:55.43 starseeker checks first this time - you working on it already?
02:57.30 brlcad nope
02:57.39 starseeker hops to it
02:57.46 starseeker here magic.h magic.h magic.h...
02:58.32 brlcad I spent a good bit of time cleaning up magic.h many moons ago, left magic.c as an exercise to the reader
02:59.49 brlcad magic.c isn't maintainable as-is .. and it was way too much of a diversion to make it something better at the time
03:00.03 starseeker nods
03:00.07 brlcad looks like extrude was isolated..
03:00.08 brlcad -rt_sketch_ifree(&tmp_ip);
03:00.09 brlcad +tmp_ip.idb_meth->ft_ifree(ip, resp);
03:00.26 starseeker yep, sneaky
03:08.34 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34389 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/magic.c: Gah - update the magic.c list of primitives so the error messages know about more primitives
03:08.58 starseeker still unmaintainiable, but hopefully slightly more useful
03:13.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34390 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/magic.c: update libbu magic.c entries while we're at it.
03:17.10 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
03:17.26 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34391 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/magic.c: update nmg magic.c entries.
03:34.35 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34392 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/magic.c: and update the rest of magic.c's entries. RT_CNURB and RT_SNURB are apparently duplicates of other magic value definitions - leave the originals
03:34.41 starseeker there we go
03:35.12 starseeker yep, tire is working again too
03:35.15 starseeker awesome
03:44.39 starseeker calls it a night
04:14.47 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
05:58.39 *** join/#brlcad dreeves (n=dreeves@
06:27.24 dreeves hey so I notice that breplicator and brep_cube is generating errors and not generating the test case and did anyone get a chance to work on any more test cases?
06:35.13 starseeker dreeves: beyond what I've got up on bz?
06:35.28 starseeker I can make some more - the current ones are showing errors last time I looked
06:35.53 starseeker haven't tried the test cubes lately - what's the failure?
06:36.20 starseeker gah.
06:36.34 starseeker must sleep now - will answer once consciousness is regained
06:38.42 dreeves starseeker I have been busy on something else lately so if you have created more then I don't know about them. The only one I'm finding is brep_pinch
06:39.55 dreeves I will go check out bz
07:40.27 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (
08:23.51 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:24.05 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
08:37.20 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
10:19.29 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
11:13.41 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
11:50.23 starseeker dreeves: everything other than nurbs_tests.g in is "new"
11:50.41 starseeker I don't have the sh script set up to raytrace the new ones, unfortunately
12:30.42 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:31.31 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34393 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/breplicator.cpp: turn off the new face as the new face doesn't have the right UV trimming parameters (domain is wrong iirc), but is still a good example for understanding how the trims work.
12:31.48 brlcad dreeves: that last commit makes breplicator.cpp work again -- the new face that was added was a trimming example
12:40.59 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34394 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/brep_cube.cpp: this wasn't broken, just quirky. you had to provide an(y) argument or it wouldn't write out the geometry file. the subsequent db_lookup would then get passed a null dbip, causing a bomb to go off.
12:41.08 brlcad and that 'fixes' the brep_cube example (it wasn't broken, just dumb)
13:03.53 dreeves ok thanks
13:11.42 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
14:45.09 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
18:18.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34395 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: libfb needs to have fb_open_existing/fb_close_existing pushed up into the fb functab and the #ifdef sections eliminated.
18:44.30 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34396 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ this still needs a lot of work. the built sources aren't declared portably. add a BUILT_SOURCES section, sort, and make the vars specify one-per-line. the fedex sources should be a noinst lib.
18:46.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34397 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/getput.c: remove the vax section. DEPRECATE all of these routines as they are exactly what libbu provides.
18:51.21 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:51.23 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:51.23 *** join/#brlcad CIA-28 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:52.12 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:52.12 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
18:52.16 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:02.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34398 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: meh
19:02.41 starseeker heh - that's a bob commit message ;-)
19:02.47 brlcad :)
19:02.53 ``Erik nah, too many syllables
19:02.58 madant hah
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19:15.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34399 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/pkg.h src/libpkg/pkg.c): pkg_2send's buffers aren't modified. declare them const.
19:27.48 brlcad yeah, looks like the few references I can find indicate a 20-30% acceptance rate roughly
19:27.58 starseeker ndos
19:28.01 starseeker er nods even
19:28.04 brlcad the paper rate is 15-20%
19:28.13 brlcad varies year/year
19:28.20 starseeker not too surprising really
19:32.14 brlcad looks like rate was 18% in 2008 if this random guy's count is correct
19:36.50 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34400 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_remote.c: convert all fbputshort/fbputlong/fbgetshort/fbgetlong calls to the corresponding libbu xdr routine (bu_pshort and friends), using unsigned char pointers were appropriate and casting as needed when going through libpkg.
19:41.43 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34401 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_remote.c: ws style indent comment cleanup
19:50.00 *** join/#brlcad JucaBlues (n=felipe@
19:50.08 brlcad hello JucaBlues
19:50.14 JucaBlues hi!
19:50.30 brlcad inkscape always welcome ;)
19:50.37 JucaBlues :-)
19:51.05 JucaBlues I've been looking at libdwg
19:51.11 JucaBlues it is written in esperanto!!!
19:51.15 brlcad sorry to hear that ;)
19:51.31 JucaBlues we gotta fork that!
19:51.32 brlcad ahh, yeah.. it's got a lot wrong with it :)
19:51.33 JucaBlues :-P
19:51.46 brlcad aside from dwg being a horrible format
19:52.13 JucaBlues yeah, I know, but we need to build the "bridge", dont we?
19:52.29 brlcad there's lots of bridges possible ;)
19:52.56 brlcad dxf is generally better and nearly as pervasive as dwg
19:53.11 brlcad btw, there is 'opendwg' from the creative alliance
19:53.28 brlcad mired in legal woes with autodesk, but they're further along iirc
19:53.37 JucaBlues does brlcad deal with both file formats?
19:53.48 brlcad s/creative alliance/open design alliance/
19:53.53 brlcad we deal with dxf
19:53.58 JucaBlues but opendwg libs are proprietary...
19:54.21 JucaBlues the only good thing I see in opendwg is their documentation of reverse engineering efforts
19:54.46 brlcad dwg would be 'nice' ... but not necessary or a priority frankly given it's a proprietary format that autodesk is intent on defending
19:55.39 brlcad our more current efforts have been towards beefing up dxf support (all 3d entities, and now nearly all 2d entities)
19:55.50 brlcad and in implementing a full STEP conversion capacity
19:55.56 brlcad that's our hot one atm
19:56.01 brlcad big project
19:56.30 JucaBlues not having dwg support would lead to less poeple adopting freesoftware CAD tools such as brlcad ? (in your opinion)
19:56.33 brlcad curious, what do you need dwg for?
19:57.00 JucaBlues I am not a CAD user
19:57.07 JucaBlues I am a developer wishing to help
19:57.25 JucaBlues so, I am not totally aware of users needs
19:57.26 brlcad there are so many proprietary CAD formats, no I don't think not supporting dwg would be a major deciding factor for anyone -- it's more about usability and features of the CAD system
19:57.58 JucaBlues but it seems to me that support for proprietary file formats would be good in order to lower the barrier to adoption of free software tools
19:58.25 brlcad just about every major CAD vendor has a massively popular proprietary format that they default to .. dwg is only as visible as it is because of autocad's big (30% or so) market share
19:59.29 brlcad JucaBlues: I'd certainly agree with you there .. it's more a matter of time and priorities, and the payoff (in terms of adoption/users/visibility/etc)
20:00.47 brlcad we could spend a lot of time trying to reverse engineer any of the top five proprietary formats, or implement one of several major open interchange formats (that most of the major CAD vendors support) like STEP, IGES, and DXF
20:01.25 brlcad the payoff is much greater .. so long as they can export their data from their system and import
20:01.53 JucaBlues I have been in touch with free software since my first years at university (2003). Then, since mid-2007 I've been helping Inkscape. In the university I've been advocating alot about freesoftware
20:02.07 brlcad starseeker: were you doing a build on mac or linux yesterday when you were fixing src/conv/step?
20:02.11 JucaBlues only now, in 2009, we have successfully founded a study group here
20:02.16 starseeker brlcad: mac
20:02.20 brlcad huh, odd
20:02.24 starseeker why, is it busted still?
20:02.27 brlcad i'm getting failures on the built sources
20:02.29 brlcad yeah, it is
20:02.30 JucaBlues and we are now focusing on cad tools
20:02.31 starseeker arrrgh
20:02.32 brlcad I can fix it, though
20:02.38 brlcad JucaBlues: what sort of focus?
20:02.59 JucaBlues we are trying to figure out a way of helping free software CAD tools
20:03.04 brlcad JucaBlues: and glad to hear about the advocacy, good stuff ;)
20:03.41 JucaBlues we are a group of half dozen people and we meet once a week to discuss it
20:03.52 JucaBlues some of us are coders
20:04.05 brlcad that's where I would emphasize interoperability through the few open standards (if you preserve everything exported, users really don't care)
20:04.10 JucaBlues others are more interested in political aspects of the free software movement
20:04.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34402 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c: Sigh. Try another tread pattern tweak for tire.
20:04.28 brlcad STEP is the big one that just about every single major CAD vendor adopted in early 2000's
20:04.50 brlcad that was a massive ISO collaboration to 'solve' the interoperability problems and proprietaryness
20:05.16 brlcad the only problem for open source is that ISO spec is freaking expensive and enormous (as it's sort of the combination of all CAD formats into one)
20:05.31 brlcad fortunately for us, though, we have it ;)
20:05.35 JucaBlues expensive?!
20:05.40 brlcad ISO
20:05.45 JucaBlues isnt it freely distributed just like SVG?
20:05.46 brlcad iso sells their specs
20:05.54 brlcad like ISO C
20:06.13 brlcad you won't just find the C standard floating around the web, you have to buy it
20:07.11 JucaBlues sad...
20:07.35 brlcad but like I said, not so much an issue with anyone that works with us on step since we have copies of the specification, provided via ARL for BRL-CAD use
20:07.59 brlcad yeah, CAD is one of the biggest industries that have the least open source penetration
20:08.08 brlcad and massive vendor lock-in through proprietary formats
20:08.22 brlcad even ISO STEP is a massive step forward, *ahem*
20:08.42 brlcad much better than the alternatives
20:09.20 brlcad but it's not all about the file formats.. that's only a small piece to the puzzle, and one I'd argue that's not nearly as important as, say, usability and features
20:09.33 brlcad usability in particular
20:09.37 JucaBlues can brlcad be easily used for 2d architecture work? or is it really a CAD tool focused in engineering ?
20:10.37 brlcad it can be (and has been) used for 2d and architecture work, it's just not an area of emphasis (read: an area the current core devs focus on)
20:10.53 JucaBlues ok, cool
20:11.08 brlcad here's a broad brush-strokes overview of the main areas being worked:
20:11.46 brlcad turning brl-cad into a fully hybrid modeler, bolstering the open source community, improved infrastructure, and a better gui
20:12.12 brlcad we have a ton of functionality (more than blender believe it or not), but you wouldn't know it given our gui/usability
20:12.41 JucaBlues but it has fundamental differences if compared to blender, right?
20:12.57 brlcad so a lot of work is going into strapping up a new interface, making the existing binaries be plugin functionality to that new interface
20:13.05 brlcad absolutely
20:13.10 brlcad blender is a content modeler
20:13.23 brlcad content modelers are horribly suited for CAD work, at a fundamental level
20:14.37 brlcad akin to the fundamental difference between other commercial content modelers like 3D Studio MAX or even Maya .. compared to the likes of AutoCAD, Solidworks, NX, CATIA, Pro/E
20:14.43 brlcad night and day
20:14.57 brlcad the similarities sort of end at "they both deal with modeling"
20:16.00 JucaBlues I got impressed by brlcad statistics (such as 20 years old development history). Does it still have funding from US government? Is the core dev team employed to develop it?
20:16.06 brlcad JucaBlues: so do you have a goal or just surveying what's out there or looking for a niche to work on or ..?
20:16.45 brlcad yeah, the project was started circa 1979, first release in 1984, so more than 25 years now
20:17.01 brlcad it is still majorly funded by ARL
20:17.53 brlcad many of the devs have full-time jobs with ARL, but not all, and even many of those that are employed invest even more time outside of work of their own volition
20:18.44 JucaBlues we are committed to using free software on one of our university labs (we are the guys who removed MSWindows from those PCs) and now we have to figure out how to provide free software solutions to the needs of the projects that are developed in this lab
20:19.07 brlcad I estimated a while back that the open source contributors will probably exceed the funded contributors in two or three years if our rate of development continues to increase and the open source community continues to grow (which would be awesome)
20:20.34 brlcad well we are the *only* open source CAD system that's actually in production use, of production quality, but we are certainly very far off from most of the commercial codes (particularly wrt usability) too
20:20.39 brlcad ;)
20:20.47 brlcad nice to hear that commitment, though
20:21.19 JucaBlues we figured out that most of the projects there will need CAD. So we started this research initially focusing on CAD tools. We nedd to (1) tell them which free software they should use. (2) set up the machines (install/compile it) and (3) provide guidance (tutorials/courses)
20:22.58 JucaBlues and we think that we should code stuff in case we figure out that the available solutions are still not enough
20:23.11 brlcad our biggest issue in terms of replacing something like autocad is drafting facilities (2d sketch support needs more work), constraints and parametric support (a GSoC project now for the second year), and gui usability (huge overhaul effort under way)
20:24.04 JucaBlues are there tutorials available regarding the 2d stuff? where can I read more about it?
20:24.06 brlcad well if you all decide that you're interested in working with brl-cad, you're more than welcome any time
20:24.36 brlcad I don't think our goals are separate, more just only so many clock ticks per day and existing core devs are pulled in dozens of directions with goals :)
20:24.49 brlcad mmm.. 2d tutorials
20:25.07 brlcad yeah .. there are, but it really is sucky
20:25.18 brlcad easier to script their use than it is to use the gui
20:25.24 brlcad unfortunately
20:25.57 brlcad not sure where they're at though.. hm.
20:30.30 brlcad for what it's worth, another reason the 2D support is minimal is that most of the industry has moved away from utilizing a 2D drafting approach as the foundation, instead modeling directly in 3D with 3D techniques and deriving 2D as needed
20:31.12 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:31.14 brlcad plus we're a solid modeler, so 2D entities are totally second-class citizens .. you can't do anything with them without an extrusion/sweep/revolve operation to define a volume :)
20:31.35 brlcad similar to how the big-boys treat them, just with a worse 2D sketcher :)
20:33.38 JucaBlues (sorry ... I was on telephone here)
20:34.14 JucaBlues so... it is cool to hear that there is 2d support even though it seems to be minimal and not very user friendly
20:34.15 brlcad np
20:34.21 brlcad I rant from time to time ;)
20:34.32 brlcad yeah, the support is totally there engine-wise
20:34.37 brlcad gui-wise, it's teh suck
20:35.02 JucaBlues I am participating on GSoC again this year (in inkscape), so I cant get committed to another project right now
20:35.26 brlcad that's why we can import a DXF nearly faithfully, most of their entities (2d and 3d) transcribes to one of our entities
20:35.28 JucaBlues but I will inform my colegues about it
20:35.36 brlcad cool
20:35.51 brlcad well if you want to dabble, or if they want to dabble, welcome to
20:36.05 brlcad commit access is an easy deal for competent folks :)
20:36.20 brlcad what's your gsoc project?
20:36.26 JucaBlues ok. is there a subset of the coders who are most familiar with the 2d stuff (gui and core) ?
20:36.37 JucaBlues who sould I contact?
20:37.00 brlcad best to just ask in here or on the brlcad-devel mailing list, someone will chime in
20:37.09 brlcad highly likely I will answer if someone else doesn't :)
20:37.34 JucaBlues ok. are you sort of a project leader?
20:37.35 brlcad notes that tendancy even with hundreds of folks on the list :P
20:38.04 brlcad yeah
20:38.33 JucaBlues May I know your name? Or do you preffer the anonimity?
20:38.41 brlcad i'm Sean
20:38.58 JucaBlues pleased to meet you, Sean. I am Felipe Sanches.
20:39.20 madant :) anonymity .. synonymity rather :D
20:39.24 brlcad likewise, pleasure :)
20:39.46 brlcad Christopher Sean Morrison in full absurdity longness ;)
20:39.53 JucaBlues I think that it is rare to have such a great/fast feedback on other projects irc channels
20:40.26 brlcad oh chatter here comes and goes too .. just depends what's going on, I was between commits and almost always available on irc
20:40.27 JucaBlues Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches in full (mine is longer :-P)
20:40.32 brlcad haha
20:41.36 JucaBlues ah! My SoC project this year is user interface improvements for CMYK colorspace and ICC color profiles handling in Inkscape
20:42.22 JucaBlues Last year I worked on initial implementation of SVG Fonts support in Inkscape (which is one of the features defined in the SVG 1.1 spec)
20:42.26 brlcad cool, like preference selection and applying to the current project?
20:43.32 JucaBlues color transforming palettes and color pickers using the currently selected target device color profile
20:43.36 brlcad thinks it would be awesome to have a brl-cad composite renderer that output svg ... mmm
20:52.45 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34403 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: vector renderer ala rtedge but with vectors instead of raster and with support for filled regions.
20:53.03 starseeker brlcad: that needs nurbs, doesn't it?
20:55.39 brlcad to be done "well", yeah probably, but depends
20:56.10 brlcad i mean rtedge could probably do a fantastic job as it is
20:56.36 brlcad with just region tracking and interpolating a spline between contiguous regions
20:57.49 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34404 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): get gone getput()
21:44.51 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34405 10/brlcad/trunk/ use single tick quotes to avoid escaping
21:49.02 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34406 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ ( needFunc.h):
21:49.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: this should at least restore the build to a working state for now. make it an
21:49.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: EXTRA_PROGRAMS so we can traverse into here even though the fedex stuff isn't
21:49.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: being generated. (STEP_FEDEX_PLUS, STEP, and STEP_AP203 are not subst'd) few
21:49.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: other minor changes are keeping 'sources' and headers declared separately for
21:49.05 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: consistency.
21:50.05 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34407 10/brlcad/trunk/ can traverse into src/conv/step again (though it won't do anything due to the EXTRA_PROGRAMS declaration)
22:08.33 Ralith brlcad: that *would* be really cool
22:23.34 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34408 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ don't even make them a clean rule so dist doesn't try to clean them
22:53.18 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
23:26.46 brlcad Ralith: so you're ready to take it on? :)
23:26.52 brlcad would be a fun little project for someone
23:26.54 Ralith hehe
23:27.00 brlcad not even that hard really
23:27.14 Ralith perhaps once I know my way around librt.
23:27.29 Ralith or, even better, once nurbs is working.
23:27.46 brlcad even as a sampled approximation, it would look pretty superb
23:27.51 Ralith indeed.
23:28.12 brlcad with nurbs, you'd still have to figure out the projected contours and those aren't so easy
23:28.15 Ralith but then, rtedge's output would give pretty good results just tracing using standard tools, no?
23:30.00 brlcad what do you mean?
23:30.45 Ralith vector auto-tracers
23:30.52 Ralith dunno what they're called
23:31.02 Ralith but like in inskcape, you can just tell it to trace a bitmap
23:31.07 Ralith inkscape*
23:31.36 brlcad right now rtedge fires rays at the model in a grid and looks at each neighbor to a ray to determine if it's on an "edge"
23:31.45 brlcad if it is, it renders a pixel for that grid cell
23:31.59 Ralith yes.
23:32.03 Ralith and then you take that render as an image
23:32.10 Ralith and feed it to a vector tracing tool.
23:32.20 Ralith tracing as in following the lines, not raytracing
23:32.27 brlcad instead of rendering a pixel, it'd probably need to instead store a spline control point on that edge
23:34.16 brlcad walking over the grid of results, you could build up the 2d connected spline paths, output as svg
23:34.32 Ralith yeah
23:34.35 brlcad little more detail than that, but it's the jist
23:34.56 Ralith I'm just commenting that output as a plain bitmap could probably be converted into a svg for pretty good results too
23:35.07 Ralith albeit not *as* good
23:35.10 brlcad and if you threw in some adaptive refinement sampling, the result would probably be pretty indistinguishable from a projected brep
23:35.16 brlcad ahh
23:35.17 brlcad yeah
23:35.22 brlcad I tried that a few years ago
23:35.31 brlcad it was pretty bad
23:35.59 brlcad reconstructing connectivity based on raster image alone is starting with too much information lost

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