IRC log for #brlcad on 20090505

05:56.58 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
07:05.59 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
07:07.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34416 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: added scale_ell.c to stay in sync with
07:18.44 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
08:08.54 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
08:11.41 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
08:13.06 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
08:50.42 *** join/#brlcad _clock__ (
08:54.10 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
08:55.30 mafm hi
08:56.11 brlcad hi!
09:23.30 mafm brlcad: I was talking with a friend yesterday and reminded me of our discussions
09:23.36 mafm he hates Ogre with passion
09:24.27 mafm it seems that the holy wars about 3d engines are the new rage, after sysv vs bsd, vi vs emacs and kde vs gnome :D
09:32.52 ``Erik hrm, yet a new convert O.o I'm pimping BRL-CAD on WoW :(
09:33.03 ``Erik lemme guess, crystal space? :D
09:33.19 ``Erik has yet to find a 3d engine that doesn't suck
09:33.54 mafm yep, he's a crystal space partisan :D
09:33.56 ``Erik of course, vim and emacs each suck in their own way... bsd and sysv each have their issues... linux just sucks, plain and simple
09:34.05 mafm and yes, I don't like much any of them
09:34.45 ``Erik (and windows makes black holes look like minor deflective entities)
09:36.30 mafm lol
09:43.58 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
10:21.41 d-lo Mernin all! ``Erik, you're up early!
10:25.01 archivist sleep seg faulted
10:37.48 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (
10:44.48 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
11:26.58 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
11:49.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:43.49 archivist brlcad, been seeing that type of spam on other lists
13:01.22 brlcad archivist: I know, I've read that it looks like viral social networking
13:01.52 brlcad that if you sign up on yaari, it spams everyone in your contact list after you import them (automatically and unknown to the user)
13:02.24 archivist heh...not the sort of thing I visit or sign up for :)
13:04.24 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:08.16 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
13:33.25 starseeker ``Erik: Linux may suck, but we have drivers :-P
13:34.03 starseeker looks forward to Haiku becoming usable so he can again adopt a niche OS
13:46.48 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
13:49.16 ``Erik hm, I have no gear that doesn't have bsd drivers, and scars from when linux did lack drivers for common equipment
13:49.32 starseeker raises eyebrows.
13:49.39 starseeker do the nvidia drivers work well now?
13:49.40 ``Erik d-lo: late
13:49.43 ``Erik yes
13:49.53 ``Erik for the last 5 or so years
13:50.23 starseeker ``Erik: wow. Guess it has been a while since I did comparative operating system testing
13:51.00 ``Erik I think I did manage to force a release a few years back to support a chipset... the code was all their but the driver lagged with its listing, so it refused to try to use an 'known' pci id
13:51.23 archivist nvidia dont work well with a realtime kernel though
13:51.28 ``Erik so I sent a message that, uh, kinda insinuated need from my work address (at the time, I was developing ogl code)
13:51.55 ``Erik careful, archivist, someone will state that the NT series is a realtime kernel :D
13:52.10 starseeker heh :-)
13:53.29 ``Erik starseeker: I was happily running linux games (rtcw, ut) on my fbsd box with an nvidia card before I moved to md in '03
13:54.37 ``Erik I think the drivers came out in '01
13:55.26 starseeker remembers the original fuss about subpar support on *BSD - guess by the time things settled down I had stopped operating system hopping
13:55.39 ``Erik it lags, but it's there, kinda
13:57.19 ``Erik <-- shortly after that, they had a driver for fbsd
13:58.22 ``Erik stupid effin' linux
13:59.44 ``Erik ioctl(fd,code,...) hm, ioctl(fd,in,out,len) geeeee, { out = in; } /* DONE! */
13:59.48 ``Erik shakes fist
14:05.52 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
14:21.19 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:44.16 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
15:44.30 *** join/#brlcad d-lo_ (
15:49.56 ``Erik y'know, I need to make smaller portions when I stir-fry... about half of what I do (or invite a fool over)
15:57.20 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:02.44 d-lo so ``Erik , taking today off?
16:03.27 ``Erik yesterday was al expecting dude to show up... today, dude called off again but I felt like poop, so SL, hopefully tomorrow will be AL for house repair
16:03.49 ``Erik check out "polly scattergood"
16:04.02 d-lo dude as in Cable repair dude?
16:04.04 ``Erik I think she's gonna make waves in the next year
16:04.13 ``Erik no, house repair, the rotted out wood
16:04.29 d-lo ah, the door frame?
16:04.36 ``Erik he's gonna disassemble my houses face to get all the rotten wood out
16:04.42 d-lo wow.
16:04.51 d-lo good to do. Not cheap?
16:05.09 ``Erik his initial estimate is 375, he's retired and does this for fun
16:05.18 ``Erik eric edwards hooked us up
16:05.24 d-lo nice :)
16:05.26 ``Erik eric knows RRRVRONE
16:05.37 d-lo que?
16:05.51 ``Erik for?
16:06.27 d-lo RRRVRONE = ?
16:06.30 ``Erik the 'rrrvrone' is a family guy joke, 'cleaveland' style
16:08.01 ``Erik aaanyways, I was talkin' about goldfrapp a couple years ago, they just recently were spotting in commercials and stuff... good stuff... I think this polly girl is the next one
16:08.09 ``Erik in spite of her essex accent
16:08.37 ``Erik should so be a label recruiter :
16:08.39 ``Erik :)
16:08.44 d-lo lol
16:08.54 d-lo its your calling. Goferit.
16:09.24 ``Erik well, check out her youtubes
16:10.04 d-lo Prolly when I get home. Kinda involved in werk right now :/
16:10.13 ``Erik a very british face, but she does good tunes
16:11.28 d-lo Ah, so she's the kind of female vocalist where you look at her face and not elsewhere?
16:11.39 ``Erik no, ... other way 'round
16:13.52 ``Erik not uh, susan boyle, but ... up that alley
16:13.59 d-lo heh, you weren't kidding about the british face.
16:14.44 ``Erik at least the girl from goldfrapp was adolescent jack material
16:15.05 ``Erik I think this polly girl will make a mark, *shrug*
16:19.48 d-lo Well I will check out her vids at home. Just hope she isn't a nother mute-and-watch chickie.
16:20.20 ``Erik heh, if you mute, just close the window
16:20.30 ``Erik honest, she ain't pretty
16:21.10 starseeker hmm, this sounds like it might be interesting:
16:21.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34417 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/concat.c: Modified ged_concat to not require a suffix/prefix. If one is not provided, it behaves as if / was specified.
16:49.06 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (n=jdoliner@
17:02.58 brlcad wow, kudos to NX5 .. nice interface revamping
17:04.18 starseeker googles NX5
17:04.47 starseeker ah
17:04.52 brlcad unigraphics
17:05.08 starseeker wow
17:05.09 brlcad they (stupidly) renamed to 'NX' a while back
17:05.46 starseeker erm. Throwing away a widely recognized brand name for "NX"?? that IS stupid
17:06.05 brlcad one that is barely even searchable by itself
17:06.36 starseeker agreed though - nice UI
17:06.44 ``Erik thowing away a widley recognized brand name for "AMCAC"??? that IS stupid
17:06.50 ``Erik thowing away a widley recognized brand name for "ARL"??? that IS stupid
17:07.06 starseeker ``Erik: ARL is the brand
17:07.22 brlcad that's actually not far from the look of the icons I had in mind
17:07.23 starseeker what do you mean?
17:07.28 brlcad he meant BRL
17:07.31 ``Erik ok, you can believe hat. I'll keep working on BRL
17:07.32 brlcad was renamed to ARL
17:07.35 ``Erik no, I meant ARL
17:07.45 starseeker Oh, gotcha
17:07.49 ``Erik BRL was a widely recognized name, we changed to ARL
17:07.55 brlcad that's what I meant
17:08.03 brlcad go back to your embibbing
17:08.13 ``Erik returns to lisp development
17:08.59 starseeker those icons look like they could be vector
17:09.09 brlcad nice bright high-resolution icons, clean theme, crisp tabbing
17:09.40 brlcad still a little dead space but some basic concepts to be noted
17:10.12 starseeker is puzzled by the virtually empty bar below the two rows of icons
17:10.18 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
17:10.34 brlcad yeah, selection-sensitive options
17:10.41 starseeker ah
17:10.48 brlcad not the best organization for those
17:11.11 brlcad photoshop does the same thing but better because there aren't icons above, but similar concept
17:11.22 starseeker perhaps appearing/disappearing transparent toolbars for selection sensitive would be an option?
17:11.32 starseeker s/toolbars/whatever
17:13.14 brlcad who is to say that theirs doesn't appear/disappear ;)
17:13.22 brlcad still clunky by the placement alone
17:14.02 brlcad bigger issue is the buffet of probably somewhat randomly used buttons above it
17:14.19 starseeker heh, true. I was thinking along the lines of the toolbars on the edge in stellarium
17:14.26 brlcad the lesson to take from it, though, is nice vibrant icons ;)
17:14.42 Ralith takes notes
17:14.43 starseeker nods - yes, those are striking and easily viewed
17:14.59 brlcad and fairly unambiguous
17:15.07 starseeker if I'm not mistaken, those are all expressible as vector icons - great for resolution independence :-)
17:15.32 brlcad i highly doubt they are vectors, but sure :)
17:15.37 starseeker THINKS QT supports that, but isn't sure...
17:16.01 ``Erik dislikes qt
17:16.03 starseeker I know KDE was working towards it for their desktop icons at the very least, and I think it was across the board
17:16.04 Ralith I would be surprised if it didn't
17:19.25 starseeker ah, yeah - as of QT 4.2 they support svg icons
17:21.23 starseeker likes the idea of not having to shove lots of different resolution .png files into the repository :-)
17:29.29 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
17:59.03 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:27.42 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
19:31.21 brlcad aaalmost gets the new mirroring equations to work
19:32.44 brlcad starseeker: true
19:33.16 starseeker winces in sympath with brlcad - nothing as frustrating as "almost" working
19:33.18 brlcad though while unclean, it's *very* trivial to maintain image resource files
19:33.29 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
19:33.37 starseeker true. We will be doing it with Archer anyway, I guess
19:33.49 starseeker or rather, are doing
19:33.52 brlcad vector is of course better, but it 'can' be considerably more complicated
19:34.20 starseeker to store, or to use?
19:34.25 brlcad not that you need to store multiple image files either, can always store just one and downsample as needed
19:34.28 brlcad yes
19:34.33 starseeker heh
19:34.40 starseeker was thinking they're harder to design...
19:34.58 brlcad actually more on use, storing it is just a matter of yet another resource file
19:35.18 brlcad storing in memory can be more tricky, but that's akin to use
19:35.25 starseeker ah.
19:35.33 starseeker was hoping QT could take care of that...
19:36.03 brlcad hopefully
19:36.06 brlcad but if not, meh
19:36.11 starseeker nods
19:36.20 starseeker if not, simpler to go with images
19:36.22 brlcad that's not really a technical problem
19:36.26 brlcad yeah
19:37.01 starseeker can even create them as svg, generate images if needed, then "someday" convert to straight svg
19:37.14 starseeker after all our other problems go away
19:37.40 brlcad another potentially 'neat' idea would be for each 'icon' to be a tiny little .g scene :)
19:38.29 brlcad even better over svg since most of what we need to display isn't vector 2d, it's actually 3d.. so we could just make a 3d resource and display that instead
19:38.44 brlcad would need a little backend work to make it flexible though
19:38.53 starseeker that is an interesting idea
19:39.22 starseeker you're thinking to raytrace the .g scenes to generate the icons?
19:39.27 brlcad no no
19:39.59 brlcad shaded display geometry, just tiny to whatever size the icons are
19:40.03 starseeker ah
19:40.11 brlcad i mean you could render them, but no need really
19:40.24 starseeker once we can do shaded displays :-)
19:40.27 brlcad what it would require, though, is some good display support
19:40.33 starseeker no kidding
19:40.40 brlcad and probably annotations
19:40.44 starseeker isn't sure if he has ever heard of such an approach to icons
19:40.49 brlcad since most of the icons require some form of annotative overlay
19:41.13 starseeker blender did their whole interface on opengl IIRC, but I don't think their icons are mini blender scenes..
19:41.32 starseeker probably made in blender though, come to think of it...
19:41.44 starseeker that is a nifty idea
19:43.00 starseeker probably would be for "new interface mark 2" though - lot of things need to be working really well to pull that off
19:44.43 brlcad I wouldn't put it in archer, but it's not that complicated at all really
19:45.19 starseeker is wondering about the performance implications of so many tiny shaded scenes
19:45.45 brlcad you're making the scene, so it really can be just about anything -- e.g. bots so shaded display works, geometry for whatever annotations you want to display, etc .. text is the main stickler and something like ftgl solves that
19:46.42 starseeker true - I was thinking more along the lines of how the display management would cope with it
19:46.47 brlcad they're static scenes and don't even need to update each frame unless there are antialiased/transparent items in the icon
19:47.50 brlcad it wouldn't be more than a few hundred polys per icon, likely less than 100 displayed at a time -- insignificant
19:48.11 starseeker right, but wouldn't each icon be its own opengl context?
19:48.23 brlcad and even if it were a problem, you grab it from the framebuffer and display static image until resizes
19:48.28 starseeker maybe that isn't a problem...
19:48.31 starseeker ah
19:48.41 brlcad no, just the one context
19:49.00 starseeker oh, right - full screen context with elements within it
19:49.09 starseeker duh
20:04.37 brlcad heh, cool
20:06.17 brlcad it's now actually more efficient (space-wise) to store a sphere as a pnt primitive
20:06.31 starseeker heh :-)
20:06.36 starseeker neat!
20:07.08 brlcad when I put that optimization in for per-point radius values, that makes it actually only store series of 3+1 instead of sph's usual serialization which is same as tgc (12)
20:07.39 brlcad even with the pnt overhead (2 values), it's still less for a single sphere (6 values)
20:07.52 starseeker is it worth reworking sph?
20:07.54 brlcad half the storage :)
20:08.00 starseeker cool!
20:08.03 brlcad no, just funny
20:08.30 brlcad sph does it that way so it's compatible and interchangeable with an ell (said tgc earlier, meant ell)
20:08.43 starseeker figured ;-)
20:09.17 brlcad and changing it would break db compatibility, so not really worth it
20:09.33 starseeker nods
20:09.38 brlcad would only matter if you had a lot of spheres.. and if you do, then you probably should be using a pnt anyways
20:09.51 starseeker point :-P
20:10.27 brlcad shakes his fist at this dotproduct
20:13.19 brlcad ahhh, it's bug in the *current* mirror command too
20:28.38 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (n=kvirc@
20:43.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34418 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
20:43.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: mged inconsistently ignores signals. initially allows it to be backgrounded,
20:43.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: but then later will ignore them. may be related to some issue introduced with
20:43.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: bu_suspend_interrupts() and libged, but either way it's really annoying and
20:43.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: should be changed (ideally to allow them)
21:06.39 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34419 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: Need to convert/scale points to local units before calling routines that expect local units.
21:07.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34420 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (move_arb_edge.c move_arb_face.c): Need to convert points from local to base units before using.
21:14.26 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34421 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl GeometryEditFrame.tcl): Provide better interaction when editing in Archer (i.e. update value panel and change the edit mode if the current edit class is not appropriate).
21:50.46 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:09.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34422 10/brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h:
22:09.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: instead of referring to the 4th component of a plane_t as [3], refer to it as
22:09.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: [W] given it's effectively a homogeneous component for the normalized plane
22:09.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: equation vector. aside from that, code shouldn't be accessing the element by a
22:09.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: magic number regardless in case we want to change the implementation.
22:19.49 starseeker will be wanting one of these if he has a yard someday:
22:21.06 starseeker with that and roomba, life starts to get good :-)
22:21.27 starseeker especially if you're a cat, apparently:
22:38.38 brlcad starseeker: back to our earlier work (which we should pick up again sometime soon) since I just ran across it again, check out src/libbn/plane.c
22:38.51 brlcad should look pretty familiar
22:39.26 starseeker ah yes
22:39.35 starseeker excellent :-)
22:41.22 starseeker how robust are those?
22:42.00 brlcad most of them do exactly what we'd want, doing a given test and taking tolerance into account
22:42.15 brlcad a lot of line/point/plane tests, no curves
22:42.20 starseeker excellent.
22:42.26 starseeker yeah, I was looking for curves ;-)
22:42.58 brlcad so specialized, like finding the intersection of three unique planes
22:43.01 brlcad s/so/some/
22:43.35 brlcad or given three points, make a plane
22:43.41 starseeker nods
22:44.18 starseeker I've been trying to figure out if there are any good reference books containing algorithms for curve/* intersections
22:50.42 starseeker hmmm.
22:56.42 brlcad not exactly what we were referring to earlier
22:56.51 brlcad fully 3D user interfaces are a different beast altogether
22:57.13 brlcad where you have windows and palletes and widgets floating around in space potentially
22:57.24 starseeker mmm
22:57.33 Ralith that strikes me as confusing.
22:57.41 starseeker I was hoping they might talk about interacting with 3D models
22:58.13 starseeker nuts - yeah, I'm not a big fan of 3D interfaces in that sense
23:00.04 brlcad it still applies -- just depends what we're talking about
23:00.54 brlcad for example, I've had in mind to use something like radial menus around objects that are selected (or to at least have it as an option) .. that becomes rather effective only if set in the 3d scene with the object
23:01.19 Ralith oo, that does sound neat
23:01.36 Ralith visually anyway; dunno if it'd be more usable than standard radial menus around the pointer.
23:03.14 ``Erik pie menus are a nifty idea, but I imagine most users wouldn't follow them well because they're so ingrained in the drop menu paradigm :(
23:03.16 brlcad yeah, there's some work that has shown it 'can' be effective, but depends on a lot of things
23:03.53 Ralith the work I saw depended on it being around the cursor, though
23:04.31 Ralith 'cuz then you get the ability to select any item with a very small constant amount of imprecise movement
23:04.49 Ralith if it's not centered on the pointer, then I think you lose most of that advantage.
23:05.06 ``Erik you also need to be away from a screen edge, and to break the users mentality
23:05.12 ``Erik but it is a really neat idea
23:06.03 brlcad that's just a matter of view-dependent scaling of the menu in the scene (which you would have to have)
23:06.10 brlcad so that you don't end up with precision issues
23:06.25 ``Erik what, the screen edge aspect?
23:06.43 brlcad ``Erik: fortunately, we don't give them any such option at the moment .. so no behavior that we're breaking on our part :)
23:06.59 Ralith hehe
23:07.10 ``Erik if your user invokes right at the edge of the screen, do you draw a hemisphere? in a corner, just a quadrant?
23:07.30 Ralith I'd just have the thing appear a little bit offset.
23:07.34 Ralith it's not got *that* large a radius.
23:07.36 ``Erik well, effort to add a feature that "doesn't feel right" to 99% of users is probably ... wasted
23:07.54 ``Erik and if your pie expansion is towards the corner?
23:08.00 brlcad technically, displaying the vertices in the 3D scene when an object being edited is a form of a 3D gui, particularly when you then allow vertices/objects/points to be selected and edited in the scene directly
23:08.09 Ralith then that's a problem, I guess. You'd have to move everything.
23:08.12 ``Erik moving hte menu out from under the user seems... almost criminal to me
23:08.23 Ralith indeed.
23:08.41 Ralith although...
23:08.58 Ralith it might not be completely unreasonable to just swap the new menu in place of the old one, in general
23:09.10 ``Erik technically, we don't support 3d gui yet... every "3d" thing any of us deal with are compressed into 2d for display.. :) (unless you do stereoscopics or a cave or something)
23:09.11 Ralith kind of like GUI file browsers moved from new windowing all the time to just changing dir in the current window
23:09.48 ``Erik ralith: most make that selectable, some have a number of approaches
23:09.55 Ralith I think the effort of learning a CAD tool of any kind is enough that we're justified in being creative with GUI work, and possibly doing uncommon things.
23:10.10 brlcad if the gui is in the scene, it's in the scene and is a normal "out of view" problem if an object is near the edge
23:10.23 ``Erik I think the default mac 'finder' settings are abysmal, but still better than the default winderz explorer
23:10.24 Ralith since, ultimately, any unfamiliarity induced by such will be less than the challenge posed by learning the fundementals of the system.
23:10.46 brlcad i.e. the menu is displayed and they can't see it all because of where the object is, just like that control point they can't click because it's too close to a menu or the edge of a context or whatever
23:10.57 ``Erik aint' sayin' it ain't a good idea, just playing devils advocate and looking for corner cases
23:11.04 brlcad it's also not to say that it'd be the *only* method available
23:11.28 brlcad there are a couple really good 'proof of concepts' out there that are remarkable
23:11.45 ``Erik yeah, but they tend to be cotton candy examples, y'know?
23:11.59 ``Erik if they're the couple that I was looking at around '00 or '01
23:12.05 ``Erik when the papers came out
23:13.39 ``Erik I was looking at coding video game stuff at the time (so there's a lot of leeway in breaking user convention), I d'no, it seemed like a paper idea to me when talking serious production *shrug*
23:13.52 brlcad these were working prototypes, don't have the link atm though
23:14.17 brlcad here's an example that's not as impressive, but at least related and functional:
23:14.28 ``Erik but I'm old, bitter and cynical... I like zui as a notion, but it'd take a ground shaking 'killer app' to move it from a geek curiousity to a real thing
23:14.51 ``Erik ah, I hadn't seen that image before
23:15.12 ``Erik the examples I saw made a bit point of concentric rings
23:15.36 brlcad yeah, something like
23:16.05 ``Erik yes
23:16.23 ``Erik the downside is what does that picture MEAN? to a cold user, wtf?
23:16.42 ``Erik the video game picture, I think I understand... two of those images
23:16.55 brlcad a variant of the radial is simply two horizontal menus and two vertical menus
23:17.10 ``Erik I assume the wrench means "repair this unit" and the dollar sign means something about expenses... the rest... I d'no
23:17.25 brlcad like I said, not as impressive -- the icons are not exactly intuitive outside the domain
23:17.36 brlcad but then so are most of the icons in a CAD app to an outsider
23:17.37 ``Erik but video games are lenient :)
23:17.45 ``Erik *ponder*
23:17.51 ``Erik brainfart time
23:17.58 ``Erik imagine instead of a full circle of images
23:17.58 Ralith tooltips come into their own here, too.
23:18.08 Ralith or an equivalent.
23:18.21 ``Erik ralith, if I have to mouseover something to understand what it is, the hci guys failed.
23:18.33 Ralith you only have to mouseover it *once* though
23:18.51 ``Erik ok, imagine two quarter-circles, centered on each side, with the functional text drifting off against it
23:19.05 ``Erik uh, ralith, if I have to memorize from a mouseover, your hci has failed :D
23:19.09 Ralith :[
23:19.28 Ralith large menu options w/ text instead of icons?
23:19.32 Ralith which is what you seem to be suggesting.
23:19.50 Ralith as brlcad says, I don't think you can do much about icons being unintuitive.
23:20.16 ``Erik no, I suggest an amber screen with a cable bundle to a server :D
23:20.51 ``Erik what's the infamous usenet quote? the only intuitive interface is the nipple?
23:20.57 brlcad ideally, there's as little menu, buttons, and widgets as possible, the less the better is generally the case for usability (i.e., if it looks like something you should be able to do, then you should be able to do it.. lots of direct manipulation)
23:21.31 ``Erik so when you design a gui, it's a balance between making things clean for a knowledgable superuser and accessable to a newbie
23:21.43 brlcad it's more a matter of context management so that there's as little conflict of options as possible, without resorting to all-out modalities
23:21.49 ``Erik I hate to say it, but the microsoft 'faded menu' approach appeals to the ugly truth fairly well
23:22.08 ``Erik imho
23:24.02 brlcad Ralith: that's why a lot of what you're doing is more leaning towards the work that's gone into IEO since that's a lot more about context management
23:24.43 ``Erik aaaanyways, coders tend to look for glitzy 'neat' solutions that just make the mere mortal experience more difficult, I'm just trying to be 'that guy' to pull folk back to ground :)
23:24.44 brlcad and not so much the 3D scene interaction
23:26.00 Ralith but the glitzy neat solutions are glitzy and neat!
23:26.22 ``Erik hehehehe precisely! I'm glad you understand!
23:26.24 ``Erik :D
23:28.00 ``Erik my mother works for a bank, she just recently got approval to work from home... before that, she sat in an aeron chair, running XP... filled her screen with putty and ran a curses(or equivelant) program on a dusty as/400
23:28.01 brlcad would rather focus on trying to figure out how to make things work or implementing prototypes rather than spending time trying to navel gaze on all the possible ways that something might go wrong or be implemented poorly :)
23:28.22 ``Erik there's glitzy neat stuff, and then there's stuff people use to get the job done :)
23:28.44 ``Erik *point* yes, no glitz, get something working :
23:28.45 ``Erik :D
23:29.09 brlcad "glitz" can often tie in almost directly to usability
23:29.11 ``Erik wants the modelers to tell him what frustrates them the most :(
23:29.20 brlcad depends entirely what you mean by glitz
23:30.12 brlcad because very often, what many call glitz in some interfaces is actually HCI hinting, which can be very effective for shifting locus of attention
23:30.19 ``Erik hm, yeah, I don't think there's a hard definition, I think I consider it to be eye candy that is not necessary to efficiently accomplish the task
23:30.43 ``Erik when the gui inhibits the use, then it's just glitz
23:30.46 ``Erik :)
23:30.59 brlcad e.g., the "genie minimize" or "scale minimize" in mac os x .. on the surface is purely 'glitz', a shiny effect .. but it's not
23:31.07 brlcad it actually shows you where the window went
23:31.09 brlcad very effective
23:31.12 brlcad and looks cool to boot
23:31.53 brlcad if you need to restore that working context, you were told exactly where it went, or at least the direction it went
23:31.58 ``Erik <-- uses genie
23:32.51 brlcad is it "necessary", absolutely not -- is it useful, very much so in combination with many other usability hints that are going on simultaneously
23:33.01 ``Erik I've seen a lot of instances where code was developed to look cool, but the users felt it made things more difficult to use.. THAT is what I want to cut off
23:33.15 brlcad well complain about that when you see it :)
23:33.32 ``Erik and it's the user that matters, not the chapter about hinting in the hci book :D
23:33.48 brlcad otherwise, it's just contemplating all the possible horrible ways things could go fantastically wrong
23:34.10 brlcad which isn't productive :P
23:34.15 ``Erik I called in sick today, I'm allowed to be the peanut gallery, damnit
23:34.17 ``Erik :D
23:34.35 Ralith hehe
23:34.38 starseeker not to mention I'll accidently stumble into at least 10 of the worst UI mistakes anyway, regardless
23:34.48 starseeker so don't worry about it ;-)
23:35.14 starseeker we'll just be ready to correct mistakes
23:35.37 ``Erik pie menus are neat, I bet if you cut off the top and bottom quarters and put text next to the items (context based), it'd be more usable to a newbie
23:36.29 brlcad that's the variant I mentioned that is basically two vertical and two horizontal menus
23:36.32 starseeker remembers when he was learning Tribes, there were interactive tutorials that went through the uses and meanings of the various options
23:36.50 starseeker was actually fairly effective
23:37.12 ``Erik brlcad: ss?
23:37.36 brlcad more radical hierarchical example: (not a fan, but interesting nonetheless)
23:37.47 brlcad ss?
23:37.49 starseeker we could convert the cup tutorial steps into an in-gui step-by-step...
23:37.57 brlcad the cup sucks
23:37.58 brlcad it's boring
23:37.59 ``Erik starseeker: yes, but video games are a special turf, like I mentioned earlier... that ti's challenging to operate is often considered a boon, unlike other apps
23:38.05 ``Erik ss == screenshot
23:38.10 starseeker well, something more interesting than the cup then
23:38.11 brlcad ah, don't have one
23:38.28 brlcad at least not on hand at the moment, there are some examples stashed away in my data archive
23:38.38 ``Erik hm, that's an interesting image, but not what I mean
23:38.50 brlcad I know, it was unrelated
23:38.55 brlcad just another example
23:39.02 ``Erik tell ya what, on thursday or friday, I can draw on my whiteboard, or gimp one up
23:39.04 archivist that was fugly
23:39.04 starseeker that is radical
23:40.06 starseeker is a traditionalist in some ways - he likes what stellarium does with the toolbars hidden at the edges
23:40.27 ``Erik tell ya what, man, amber crt, vt102, ...
23:40.42 starseeker isn't THAT much of a traditionalist...
23:40.58 brlcad that's what command-mode is for, part why it's first and fundamental ;)
23:41.11 brlcad command mode is pervasively available
23:41.13 ``Erik when the library bought wyse terminals to place next to the card catalog, that was hot shit
23:41.38 ``Erik uhmmmmmmmm, lee had a question about the tcl command prompt in BRL-CAD on friday, did he get to you on that?
23:41.44 starseeker well sure - if it's all you've got, vacuum tubes are the bomb
23:42.00 starseeker to me? don't think so
23:42.01 starseeker what was it?
23:42.06 ``Erik to brlcad
23:42.09 starseeker oh
23:42.18 ``Erik s/^/brlcad: /
23:42.19 ``Erik :)
23:42.29 brlcad what's interesting about a (well-designed) radial menu is that they're measurably more efficient than a linear menu due to directionality, spatial memorization, and distance travelled (fitts) so long as the menu stays small (and isn't a decision tree)
23:42.54 brlcad ``Erik: think he did .. at least I talked to him friday and solved some problem for him
23:43.02 brlcad don't remember what it was atm though
23:43.15 ``Erik 'k, he was looking for some command to find something in a .g file and I didn' have an answer for him
23:43.16 brlcad ah, catching a db get
23:43.25 brlcad yeah
23:43.33 ``Erik <-- doesn't do the tcl side
23:43.33 brlcad problem solved
23:43.37 ``Erik aight, good
23:44.14 ``Erik y'know, I'm struck by differences in utilization of "world of warcraft" between me and redvsblue
23:45.12 ``Erik I use addons to place icons in the fitts positions and pack my keyboard full of immediate commands, she likes to use the mouse for everything and doesn't have any command object in any corner or edge
23:45.47 starseeker ``Erik: spoken like a true vim user :-)
23:45.47 ``Erik (doesn't even run the program full screen)
23:46.02 brlcad it was pretty simple -- if you do a "db get_type foo" in a db, it'll either tell you "foo"'s type if it found that object or return an error
23:46.20 brlcad he was making a new user command and wanted to supress that error
23:46.30 ``Erik I use both vim and emacs these days... and netbeans on occasion :) I like to imagine that I strive to be task oriented instead of tool oriented
23:46.33 brlcad which is done by simply wrapping the command in a catch statement
23:46.43 brlcad catch {db get_type foo}
23:46.53 brlcad will return 0 or 1 on success/failure
23:46.57 ``Erik ok, lee asked me and I immediately threw my hands up and said "ain't my turf"
23:47.07 brlcad well now ya know ;)
23:47.11 brlcad can catch most commands
23:47.16 ``Erik I've already forgotten :D
23:47.38 ``Erik when we get python and lisp wired in right, mebbe I'll pay more attention O:-)
23:48.06 brlcad has little to do with tcl
23:48.24 ``Erik if I had to write a mod for one of my eggdrop bots, I'd probably rewrite the bot in C to avoid being in the neighborhood of tcl
23:48.42 brlcad in any arg-style command language it'd be nearly the same
23:48.57 ``Erik I assume the tcl 'catch' is modelled after the 'error/catch' facility found in, uhhhh, lisp, snobol, etc?
23:49.09 brlcad pretty much
23:49.10 ``Erik um, like an exception?
23:49.15 ``Erik in c++/jabba?
23:49.18 brlcad sorta
23:49.23 brlcad little more basic than exceptions
23:49.32 brlcad just captures the result in a variable
23:49.34 ``Erik oh, so it doesn't grok heirarchy
23:49.42 ``Erik just a push/jmp/pop
23:50.08 brlcad akin to something like: foo="`cat asdf 2>&1`" ; echo $?
23:50.17 brlcad if this were posix shell interp
23:50.24 ``Erik *nod* push/jmp/pop :)
23:50.28 brlcad catch {cat asdf} foo
23:53.27 ``Erik ralith == ben?
23:54.10 ``Erik is looking at gsoc crap
23:54.20 madant_ :)
23:55.02 ``Erik ya'll with your weirdassed handles
23:55.18 ``Erik Hi, my name is Erik, my handle is Erik, if you want to connect the dots, it's Erik.
23:55.21 ``Erik :D
23:55.51 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34423 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (28 files in 17 dirs): universally use [W] instead of directly accessing plane_t's distance factor at index [3]. it's a homogeneous scaling factor.
23:58.08 ``Erik w00t, :g/\[3\]/[W]/g ftw
23:58.16 brlcad heh, not quite
23:58.41 ``Erik is 'w' understandable in all those contexts, or commented if not? :D

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