IRC log for #brlcad on 20090508

00:00.32 brlcad damn
00:02.37 ``Erik ?
00:02.43 brlcad dreeves_: finally got to cleaning up the patch and testing the extrude enhancement .. bug it fails to render on my first attempt, will check it more tomorrow to see if my merge wasn't clean but looks like maybe some logic breakage (getting random behavior from 3/odd hits to crashes to alloc failures)
00:03.11 ``Erik hm
00:03.52 brlcad unfortunately, it's really hard to tell -- it's a bad patch with so many ws changes merged in at the same time
00:04.14 ``Erik feh, ask him to fix that and resubmit
00:04.26 brlcad (for future ref., should rarely ever change formatting/ws/style in a patch unless *that* is the patch)
00:04.30 ``Erik :%s/[ \t]+$//
00:04.34 brlcad that was the fixed :)
00:04.40 brlcad needs more fixing
00:05.17 ``Erik both the emacs and vi/ex fu is in the standard footer, it takes a bit of work to screw up formatting
00:05.51 brlcad indentation was fine
00:06.00 brlcad that's mostly what the footer enforces
00:06.44 brlcad spaces within parens, one-liners vs breaking things up onto multiple lines, brace placement, .. those were things changed (mostly for the better, but still makes the patch unreadable)
00:07.07 ``Erik *shrug* learning how to submit to a project "wrong" style is part of maturing as a developer, learning to know what the diff is before commit is another part
00:07.13 ``Erik bounce it on him and let him learn :)
00:07.19 brlcad i just did
00:07.22 brlcad :P
00:08.34 brlcad mm, okay really time now, seeing if that worked was last 'todo' for the day
00:51.29 ``Erik I was wrong, it's the command window that has the status bar, not the display window
01:22.23 brlcad ah yeah
01:22.52 brlcad it's status is done through plot
01:24.49 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34463 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ patch-g.1 and rpatch.1 are missing from the install and dist
01:30.50 starseeker ``Erik: you got Lisp in Small Pieces????
01:30.54 starseeker is jealous
01:31.23 ``Erik heh, yup
01:31.29 ``Erik $90 or so at amazon
01:31.55 ``Erik I've talked to peter enough that I'm sure I could get PCL signed, but getting lisp in small pieces signed would be gnarley O.o
01:32.28 ``Erik (I actually put the order in after getting fitshaced and talking to peter in private for a bit heh)
01:33.14 starseeker has PCL, but hasn't been able to face the $90 price tag of Lisp in Small Pieces
01:33.15 ``Erik I made a comment about lisp1 vs lisp2 on my "blog" and xach said that lisp in small pieces would answer my queries
01:33.52 ``Erik amusingly, the $50 book is hardback, the $90 is softback
01:34.08 starseeker $50 for a hardback???? where????
01:34.15 ``Erik amazon, pcl
01:34.22 starseeker oh, PCL
01:34.44 ``Erik I asked him how I could get the most money in his pocket, he said amazon *shrug*
01:34.50 starseeker nods
01:35.12 starseeker yeah, PCL is in some ways the accumulated wisdom you would get by a LOT of reading of the #lisp irc logs
01:35.26 starseeker tends to make it extremely useful
01:35.48 ``Erik it helped me a lot reading it at, I figured I should stand up and help the community by 'donating' the $'s to buy it
01:36.18 starseeker could you bring in your Lisp in Small Pieces for a day? That's the closest thing out there to a literate lisp implementation, and I've been really curious to get a look at it
01:36.39 ``Erik sure
01:36.44 ``Erik the ToC is jizzgasmic
01:37.38 ``Erik chapter 1 is how to implement a basic interpreter
01:37.43 brlcad you three need a room for the night? :)
01:38.02 ``Erik chapter 2 goes into the lisp1/lisp2 debate, 3 is continuations
01:38.21 ``Erik brlcad: this book is to programming what your car is to daily drivers
01:38.38 brlcad mmhmm
01:38.54 starseeker brlcad: sorry, didn't mean to wander offtopic
01:39.03 brlcad heh
01:39.16 brlcad smacks starseeker with the clue-by-four jokestick
01:39.21 starseeker ah :-)
01:39.32 starseeker was up at 4am, brain not functional anymore
01:39.34 ``Erik I haven't dug in, but this thing really seems to but the dragon book to shame
01:40.04 starseeker If I were to actually start writing a literate lisp implementation, that book would be purhase item #1
01:41.00 starseeker probably followed by the ANSI Lisp spec in physical form, if I can get away with the $$ (NOT cheap...)
01:41.26 ``Erik a lot of recent rumblings about updating the ansi spec
01:41.48 ``Erik but some greybeards are poopooing the id
01:41.50 ``Erik idea
01:42.24 starseeker again? where'd that pop up?
01:42.43 ``Erik some blogs and irc convo, uh, does "pcos" ring a bell?
01:42.54 starseeker irc handle?
01:43.47 ``Erik no clue, it was a reference to a uunet or blog post
01:43.47 starseeker hmm
01:43.47 starseeker will dig in a sec...
01:43.55 ``Erik I think I'm remembering it right... was spoken in the same reverence as "rms" "jkh"
01:44.33 ``Erik yet another rumbling about updating the spec *shrug*
01:46.57 starseeker I collected a lot of info about spec issues some time ago:
01:47.13 starseeker was on the wiki, but I think that's gone now
01:48.14 starseeker oh, I'll bet pcos = Pascal Costanza
01:48.17 brlcad sips a recently acquired delightful 21-year
01:49.27 ``Erik holds his tumbler out and waits for brlcad to share
01:49.35 starseeker basically, the objection to updating the ANSI spec is that the group who's job it is to do that is below minimal strength to do anything, and getting it up to strength would involve people coughing up $$ for membership
01:50.35 ``Erik pascal sounds familiar
01:52.03 starseeker more annoyingly, the copyright on the spec document itself is so hopelessly muddled that there is no hope of an "unofficial" update that would be invulnerable to copyright lawsuits
01:52.13 ``Erik if the committee cannot get enough paying membership to make a decision, maybe the committee should rethink the buy-in amount or their charter
01:52.25 starseeker and the commercial vendors MIGHT have an interest in torpedoing such an effort
01:52.39 ``Erik I mean, this sounds lik ea classic "failboat" situation
01:53.01 starseeker apparently the original spec process was rather... intense, according to some of the chatter I've heard from those who were there
01:53.18 starseeker I don't think they have the discretionary power to do that
01:53.21 ``Erik does the next CL have to be ansi, even?
01:53.39 starseeker not really - sbcl is fast becoming a "de-facto" standard
01:54.24 brlcad starseeker: so join the group and help update the spec .. how much is that fee? :)
01:54.31 starseeker checks...
01:54.55 ``Erik just 2 years salary? :D
01:56.13 starseeker erm... the J13 page is gone
02:01.59 starseeker humph - moved it
02:04.03 starseeker ah ha
02:05.11 starseeker so at least $8k-$9.5k, unless I can get myself declared an academic institution
02:06.58 starseeker and convince a few more people to pony up fees - I doubt any of them have bothered to cough up now that nothing is happening
02:12.11 brlcad could always one-up it and start an ISO spec effort
02:12.20 starseeker nods
02:12.44 starseeker yeah, a restart would have to be the way to go
02:12.58 brlcad would probably have even better adoption, and while more complicated and longer process, much more likely to gain momentum
02:16.20 starseeker Actually, there IS an ISO Lisp of sorts...
02:16.59 starseeker I remember looking at this because they actually did explicitly public domain their spec document - problem is, IIRC, it is a small subset of the functionality of Common Lisp
02:17.56 starseeker er, here actually
02:18.32 brlcad looks like it's gone through several revisions though, could be a great place to start
02:20.49 starseeker it probably would be - it is certainly worth starting with
02:21.01 starseeker for creating a new document
02:21.27 starseeker I doubt they want to match the functionality of common lisp though - many consider that a rather... bloated spec
02:21.31 brlcad always saw all the bickering over (relatively insignificant) differences in the various lisp implementations to be one of its biggest failings
02:21.39 starseeker which is rather more ironic when you consider they lack things like GUI and threads
02:21.43 brlcad smalltalk had/has nearly the same problem
02:21.57 starseeker nods
02:22.16 starseeker yeah, it tends to attract people for whom the language is an end, not a means
02:22.55 starseeker I still think if they had successfully implemented a useful, universal GUI layer early enough they would have become what Java is now
02:23.11 brlcad like a linux distro, it more just needs a champion that is willing to dedicate to being a leader through sustained advocacy and significant use
02:23.33 madant runs scared at the mention of Java.. boogie monster..
02:25.01 ``Erik no
02:25.23 ``Erik java didn't succeed from having a gui layer... it had an 8.5 ton marketing guerilla behind it
02:25.41 brlcad starseeker: actually the same reason that you're stearing clear of islisp assuming they wouldn't consider features included in common lisp (and seeing it as a subset as being a problem in itself) means it's probably already fairly doomed as a 'new' fork
02:25.49 brlcad I meant contributing to them to extend
02:26.02 starseeker 's approach would be to take the ISLISP spec and sbcl (plus probably Sacla and start crafting something as clean and elegent as possible from the ground up..
02:26.22 brlcad forks almost always fail, from scratch fails with a couple more significant digits of certainty ;)
02:26.25 starseeker brlcad: yeah, that's true
02:26.30 ``Erik the common subset of sbcl and clozure is probably a good starting point
02:27.16 starseeker brlcad: if I were to tackle it, the idea would be to build off of something like the VLISP research
02:28.04 starseeker
02:28.47 starseeker "just another lisp" wouldn't work
02:29.37 ``Erik one of the oft flaunted "advantages" of common lisp is that it's a stnadard, not an implementation, though...
02:29.57 starseeker yes - you create a standard and an implementation together
02:30.05 starseeker hence the literate approach
02:30.15 brlcad you'd probably have better luck just trying to create an 'iso scheme'
02:30.45 ``Erik python has several implementations, but the only successful ones are very niche oriented :(
02:30.48 brlcad or extending islisp
02:31.25 starseeker brlcad: true. The only way I would see a new effort as being better than building off of sbcl as is though is to have a "verified" lisp
02:31.35 starseeker which would have to be a ground up effort by definition
02:31.37 ``Erik other than the primary one... which kinda says to me that doing an implementation and standard together ... is no better than just doing the implementation
02:31.44 ``Erik you surrender the 'standard' aspect
02:31.51 ``Erik know what I mean, vern?
02:32.29 starseeker true - but without at least one implementation, a spec is just paper
02:32.44 starseeker and for a verified implementation, it would be a LOT of work to do even one correctly
02:33.19 ``Erik well, C is a standard that has implementations... java is an implementation that claims a standard...
02:33.34 brlcad starseeker: heh, that would probably matter to .. a couple dozen people? :) .. I just don't see that gaining momentum outside of being an academic project
02:33.48 ``Erik the ebb and flow of the two are pretty distinct
02:33.54 starseeker brlcad: agreed :-). It would matter in the mathematical field only
02:34.08 starseeker as a foundation for a verified Computer Algebra System
02:34.35 ``Erik yeah, it's too bad that computer algebra systems just don't matter :D *Duck* *run* *flee* *hide*
02:34.35 starseeker the CAS might matter to more people, but you can't build a house with no foundation
02:34.36 brlcad so what's "wrong" with CL? what's the actual problem being solved?
02:34.45 brlcad as that is an ansi standard already
02:35.00 ``Erik modern computing assumes things that CL doens't acknowledge
02:35.03 starseeker no standard thread support, and no standard ffi mechanism are the biggies
02:35.05 ``Erik like network programming
02:35.08 ``Erik threading, etc
02:35.19 ``Erik it's state of the art for '85....
02:35.53 brlcad as a *language*, lots of languages don't have support for things like threading and networking
02:36.08 brlcad that has little to do with the language itself
02:36.38 brlcad c/c++ certainly seem to do just fine without 'em
02:36.52 ``Erik thinks it's dandy, but things like java, python, ruby, etc all support new shtuff, so *shrug*
02:37.29 ``Erik ah, but C is its own ffi, the bsd tcp/ip socket is pretty much de facto standard, pthreads, ...
02:37.48 ``Erik it's not like there're two dozen competing halfassed attemps for each technology :)
02:38.01 brlcad there's a big diff between the language not supporting it and there being *no practical way possible* to do networking and threading too
02:38.42 ``Erik it's like even basic threading has the same kinda mess that c/c++ sees with gui widget toolkits
02:39.24 brlcad c/c++ does fine because there are plenty of libs that build up from platform-specific intrinsics all the way up to generalized apis (e.g. pthreads) .. so where is the 'standard lisp common library' project?
02:40.05 brlcad there were two dozen competing halfassed attempts, and it still wasn't a (big) problem
02:41.15 brlcad how about the dozen ways you can get two processes to talk to each other even on modern systems .. still not standard
02:42.04 brlcad sounds like you'd probably get the most mileage if that is in fact the problem, with developing something like APR for lisp
02:42.53 brlcad or a libbu or an stl or glib or stdc, etc
02:43.54 brlcad and make it cross-platform to CL and Scheme to boot for bigger adoption props ;)
02:44.07 brlcad 'platform' in the loose sense of course :)
02:44.27 ``Erik *shurg* mebbe, but when combined with a small user community and that most people seem to have social skills in like wth de raadt or drepper, it gets awful ugly awful fast
03:01.04 starseeker raises eyebrows - Oracle will not be throwing out SPARC
03:03.11 ``Erik that's not too surprising, is it? oracle wants to build an end-to-end stack to compete with the ibm solution...
03:05.08 starseeker yes, but including their own chips? will they really do better than using x86?
03:05.26 starseeker don't get me wrong, anything that continues to enhance opensparc I'm all for
03:05.58 ``Erik historically, sun machines have been i/o superbeasts... and it might be more product differentiation than technical capability *shrug*
03:09.25 starseeker dreams of the "open hardware desktop" and opensparc is the obvious (only?) serious candidate for a CPU - continued support for the open aspect I suppose isn't guaranteed but fingers crossed...
03:11.30 ``Erik you assume oracle will continue support of the open aspect... typically pointy haired business sense says to lock it down as much as possible and go proprietary
03:12.12 starseeker not assume - hope
03:13.14 starseeker they have to differentiate themselves from IBM somehow - if people study opensparc processors in college before entering the "real world" that may help Oracle, and probably won't hurt
03:13.36 starseeker locking it down makes sense only if they want exclusive use of it
03:14.01 starseeker or license it I suppose
03:14.22 starseeker ARM seems to have the "license our CPU IP" market sewn up...
03:15.11 ``Erik I d'no, I have a feeling we'll see oracle producing sparc powered "database appliances"
03:15.26 starseeker thinks students using *BSD and Linux in college was a big factor in those becoming more "accepted" once that generation got into the workforce
03:15.45 ``Erik a few, mebbe half a dozen different physical boxes, all to support a dedicated database instance
03:16.11 starseeker ``Erik: sure. that's what I'd expect. What's not clear is whether being proprietary with sparc gets them anything in that scenario
03:16.40 ``Erik it doesn't have to, they just need to think it does
03:17.06 starseeker If you're coughing up the $$$$$ for Oracle in the first place, aren't you likely to go with THE Oracle stack rather than mix and match what would have to be unsupported 3rd party sparc hardware with Oracle software?
03:17.09 ``Erik apples openness with their architecture was incredibly short lived, I can't see oracle thinking any different
03:17.11 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
03:17.40 starseeker apple plays in the desktop market
03:17.54 ``Erik and most suits tend to think that openness == vulnerability
03:17.57 starseeker most of their users don't care if the CPU is a stick of bubble gum, as long as it works
03:18.20 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, I've seen that argument too
03:18.53 starseeker debunking it is hard work - usually because it involves getting them to listen to unplesant truths in a way that doesn't get you fired
03:19.25 starseeker but at least some of Sun's management seems to be clued in on open source, so perhaps Oracle will listen to them
03:20.00 starseeker has seen speculation that Larry will keep OpenOffice going just as a nose-thumbing to Bill Gates, but I dunno...
03:20.28 ``Erik larry does hate bill
03:20.29 ``Erik a lot
03:21.03 starseeker won't be sorry to see KOffice get serious help, in some ways... it's a lot cleaner than the beast that is but its import/export (all important for that set of apps) kinda sucks
03:24.33 starseeker but that assumes serious dev resources would be committed by someone, and the only logical candidate I can think of is probably Red Hat...
03:25.39 starseeker and they've gone the way of Gnome...
03:26.08 starseeker oh, well. two to three years should tell the tale
03:26.22 ``Erik I feel like such an outsider... vim, gnome, ... heh
03:26.46 starseeker too, for that matter - vim, fluxbox + gkrellm
03:26.50 ``Erik got into gnome with 0.10
03:27.06 starseeker wow
03:27.08 ``Erik never like gkrellm, never really messed with fluxbox
03:27.30 ``Erik I think sawfish was the X wm I grooved to the most
03:27.47 starseeker migrated from blackbox - gkrellm is a lot of compact info and functionality (mounting dvds, etc) in a very small space
03:27.53 ``Erik fvwm, ice, e, as, wm...
03:28.05 starseeker tried 'em all
03:28.15 starseeker the runner up was probably windowmaker
03:28.30 ``Erik see, by the time gkrellm existed, I'd learned 'nuff to be totally happy in an xterm
03:28.50 starseeker but as I got past the point where having icons to click on to start apps was important, windowmaker seemed less optimal than it did initially
03:28.59 starseeker ``Erik: heh.
03:29.31 starseeker is a graph junkie - CPU graphs + hard disk activity graphs + network traffic graphs
03:29.36 poolio starseeker: ever tried a tiled WM?
03:29.58 ``Erik I got into sawfish with I think it was the 'crux' theme? a 2x2 workspace setup, Xterm in top left, web in top right, email in bottom left, "whatever else" in bottom right
03:30.07 starseeker has never seen any visual presentation of systeim activity he likes better - not even from Apple
03:30.20 starseeker poolio: urm. isn't fvwm tiled?
03:31.34 ``Erik got into centralized performance monitors with lightweight daemons polling info off the local machines
03:31.51 starseeker ah :-) yeah, different situation.
03:31.58 starseeker has never had more than one machine to keep track of
03:32.20 ``Erik went from a few to a few hundred in '02
03:32.56 poolio starseeker: hmm, i dont think it's considered tiled. Does it do automatic window layout and stuff?
03:33.11 starseeker oh, that kind of tiled. no, haven't used one like that
03:33.31 poolio I went from Fluxbox -> xmonad, and love it :)
03:33.51 starseeker ``Erik: heh yeah, that kind of monitoring is a whole 'nother animal
03:34.12 starseeker googles xmonad - anything that can unseat fluxbox is worth a look
03:35.05 starseeker written in Haskell?? how's the performance?
03:37.14 starseeker hmm - almost looks philosophically a sort of graphical screen
03:44.42 starseeker poolio: congrats - you've just successfully caused me to install a window manager out of curiosity - hasn't happened in years
04:02.00 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
04:03.25 starseeker poolio: this is... actually pretty friggin cool
04:04.19 starseeker it really does feel in some ways a bit like what screen would be if it were a graphical program...
04:17.47 starseeker may just try this for a few days
04:17.57 starseeker see what it feels like
04:18.24 starseeker may not miss the graphical monitoring
04:18.34 starseeker any favorite tricks?
04:18.42 poolio starseeker: schweet :D It's all configurable in Haskell. I can give you my stuff if you want, and you can hoook it up to a kinda graphical monitor like dzen2 or xmobar
04:19.10 poolio lemme take a screenshot :P
04:20.12 poolio
04:20.47 poolio The main thing I hated with fluxbox was that I would always have a billion windows opened and stacked on top of each other, and then on some desktops I'd want certain layouts for coding/chat/etc...
04:21.03 poolio It takes a while to get used to, but now I could never see going back :)
04:22.03 starseeker can see that - I'll sometimes have five xterms open to the same directory, only two of which have anything happening because the other three are hidden
04:22.13 starseeker then I get to clean up the mess when everything is closed down
04:22.22 starseeker yeah, that monitor looks interesting
04:22.28 starseeker an extension, I take it?
04:24.34 starseeker poolio: there seems to always be one line at the bottom of a given terminal window - is that deliberate to allow controll space?
04:26.54 starseeker snorts - gimp looks rather ackward
04:27.05 starseeker no surprises there
04:32.55 starseeker will have to check out dzen, but after sleep
04:36.00 poolio yeah so, you can also 'float' applications, so you can have windows on top and have the window manager ignore them, but it's not very good at that...
04:36.48 poolio err, I'm not sure about the one line gap, I have that too but thought it was related to the sizing of the window
05:06.03 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (
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06:43.02 Ralith starseeker: playing with xmonad? :D
06:43.25 Ralith has it running on his two display machine
06:43.28 Ralith handles it beautifully.
06:43.59 Ralith does not have any gaps on his terms
06:48.20 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
06:57.32 *** join/#brlcad cad21 (
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08:46.15 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
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09:01.30 Mike111 hi all
09:14.55 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
09:29.26 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
09:38.25 Mike111 I am unable to compile 7.14.6 on Debian Lenny, P6
09:38.31 Mike111 any ideas?
09:40.11 Mike111 here are the final lines from make:
09:40.25 Mike111 make[2]: Entering directory `/home/yoel/app/brl_cad/brlcad-7.14.6/src/bwish'
09:40.26 Mike111 /bin/sh ../../libtool --silent --tag=CC --silent --mode=link gcc -I../../src/other/incrTcl/itcl/generic -I../../src/other/tcl/generic -I../../src/other/tcl/unix -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g -O3 -L/usr/local/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -g -O3 -o btclsh btclsh-cmd.o btclsh-input.o btclsh-main.o btclsh-tcl.o ../../src/libtclcad/ ../../src/libdm/ ../../src/other/incrTcl/
09:40.26 Mike111 ../../src/other/incrTcl/ -L../../src/other/tk/unix -ltk8.5 -L../../src/other/tcl/unix -ltcl8.5 -ldl -lm ../../src/libtermio/
09:40.34 Mike111 ../../src/libtclcad/.libs/ undefined reference to `X24_close_existing'
09:40.44 Mike111 ../../src/libtclcad/.libs/ undefined reference to `_X24_open_existing'
09:41.01 Mike111 ../../src/libtclcad/.libs/ undefined reference to `X24_interface'
09:41.09 Mike111 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
09:41.19 Mike111 make[2]: *** [btclsh] Error 1
09:42.07 Mike111 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/mike/app/brl_cad/brlcad-7.14.6/src/bwish'
09:42.07 Mike111 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
09:42.07 Mike111 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mike/app/brl_cad/brlcad-7.14.6/src'
09:42.07 Mike111 make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
09:44.38 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
11:53.29 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (
11:58.04 brlcad starseeker: tis a good one to try out -- that wm has a lot of features that are in IEO for the new gui
11:58.15 brlcad xmonad and wmii have a lot in common
11:59.25 brlcad Mike111: cool, so now that you're that far .. we can try some things
12:00.12 brlcad try this: cd src/bwish && make CFLAGS=../../src/libfb/
12:07.13 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34464 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ removed fedex_src dependency
12:19.08 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:46.49 starseeker ``Erik: here you go, a common lisp window manager:
12:48.30 ``Erik hehehe isn't that what sawfish is? :D
12:49.08 ``Erik my wm of choice these days is the quartz/aqua dealie
13:00.32 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
13:37.10 starseeker hrm - setting up dzen isn't so simple, if you want to do it right
13:39.17 starseeker ooo -
13:39.28 starseeker darn it, now I'm gonna have to figure it out
13:53.33 madant_ likes conky :)
13:53.50 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
14:15.14 *** join/#brlcad alvaro (n=alvaro@
14:16.48 rincon does brlcad has uninstall facilities, when you install it from the tar.gz file?
14:17.43 brlcad it fully installs into one directory, so you can just remove that directory
14:17.53 brlcad for example: rm -rf /usr/brlcad
14:18.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34465 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/CMakeLists.txt librt/CMakeLists.txt): stay in sync with
14:18.22 brlcad wonders why the distcheck isn't catching the cmakelist updates..
14:21.03 rincon brlcad: will .tar.gz installation will add a menu?
14:22.06 brlcad no
14:22.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34466 10/brlcad/trunk/ ah, so the cmakecheck is running but just not halting (depending on the version of make) when the script reports an error. make it stop so that an out-of-sync CMakeLists.txt file will cause a distcheck failure.
14:22.21 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:22.35 brlcad the .tar.gz is an install tree, you 'install' it by just copying it into place
14:22.56 brlcad e.g., it'll unpack a usr/brlcad directory, and you copy that to /usr/brlcad
14:23.10 brlcad to uninstall, you rm -rf /usr/brlcad
14:23.20 *** join/#brlcad samrose (n=samrose@
14:23.21 brlcad doesn't get much simpler
14:24.01 rincon brlcad: no need of using the ./configure or make ?
14:24.20 brlcad rincon: depends if you have a source tarball or a binary distribution
14:24.31 rincon good question?
14:24.34 brlcad that was all presuming you had a binary
14:24.44 rincon i do not know that
14:24.57 brlcad well I can't tell you what you downloaded :)
14:25.15 brlcad and if you don't know, you have a lot bigger problems than uninstall :)
14:28.39 rincon i downloaded this:
14:29.15 brlcad well that's a binary install
14:29.19 brlcad hence the ia32
14:29.49 rincon there was no newer version for a 32 bit computer...
14:29.56 brlcad you took some link in order to get to that download link though, I'm sure that told you it was a binary install too
14:30.35 brlcad yeah, binaries are only pushed out every so often for given platforms, want people from the community to do that
14:31.17 brlcad there's enough development tasks to be messing with binary installers every release, those installers can be prepared by anyone (even you!)
14:31.37 brlcad if you want to help maintain the linux ia32 build, go for it
14:32.38 rincon whre is the newest version of brlcad sources?
14:32.56 ``Erik starseeker: are you in today?
14:36.02 brlcad ~cadsvn
14:36.02 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
14:37.51 rincon i copied brlcad folder to /usr now how do i start it?
14:46.20 starseeker ``Erik: I'll be in in an hour or so
14:46.49 starseeker ``Erik: something urgent?
14:47.09 ``Erik aight, I brought in that book if you want to thumb through it and see if it's worth picking up a copy... I've only skimmed, but I plan on getting deep into it this weekend O.o
14:47.44 starseeker ah, cool :-)
14:48.04 starseeker that may be the only book I've seen where a LIBRARY copy brings $99
14:48.33 starseeker rincon: type mged
15:00.37 rincon in /usr/brlcad/bin/mged ?
15:02.28 rincon command. /usr/brlcad/bin/mged does not works
15:02.58 rincon [root@alvaro-edicta-host bin]# /usr/brlcad/bin/mged
15:02.59 rincon /usr/brlcad/bin/mged: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
15:02.59 rincon [root@alvaro-edicta-host bin]#
15:04.16 *** part/#brlcad rincon (n=alvaro@
15:24.42 starseeker starts distcheck going and heads out
15:53.29 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:55.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34467 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/mirror.c: that 2.0 scaling factor was rather important so that the object is translated across the mirror point far enough. fixes a bug introduced with the r34263 elimination of the offset as a separately tracked value.
15:56.12 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34468 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: unbroked. last call for commits.
16:04.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34469 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Consolidate the necessity to provide a simulation of drand48() to one place.
16:05.36 brlcad ~bob1961++
16:32.25 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:05.15 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
17:08.37 ``Erik huzzah, my car is standing on all 4 again
17:08.49 brlcad congrats
17:09.08 ``Erik still needs body work and a new wheel though :(
17:09.55 madant thinks 'them americans' love their cars too much ..
17:10.35 brlcad madant: indeed!
17:10.41 brlcad is sick of car commercials
17:11.08 madant oh.. and brlcad, what about the guy who bumped ur car ? any progress with the police ?
17:11.20 brlcad madant: nah, they're not going to do anything
17:11.28 madant brlcad, except the "things just work" commercial of course ..
17:11.29 brlcad will just get fixed
17:12.50 madant hmm.. my cousin getting engaged tomorrow :P big deal in india i guess :D are there engagement parties in US ?
17:13.05 brlcad of course
17:14.03 madant hates being in family weddings etc. :P
17:25.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34470 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
17:25.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: no longer using the horrible old/former/obsoleted sf task tracker, so don't
17:25.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: reference it. instead just point to the trackers and be more succint on what
17:25.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: the purpose of this file is and how the devs use it. refer to the task backlog
17:25.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: as a backlog.
17:43.18 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
17:43.37 *** part/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
17:43.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34471 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (libtienet/tienet_master.h master/master.c): announce when listening
17:44.20 ``Erik opposed to the old former obscoleted whiteboard in the hallway? :D
17:45.48 brlcad no particularly, no
17:48.09 brlcad not everyone has access to that, nor is it very effective at being persistent or supporting a lot of items
17:48.18 starseeker madant: the cog commercial is just using the car as an excuse to do the cool stuff ;-)
17:48.41 ``Erik it's very persistant, I bet the old items are still sunbaked on it somewhere
17:48.54 starseeker and probably still need doing :-/
17:49.41 brlcad starseeker: actually, most of them are still active .. the only ones that were remaining when the board was taken down are the oldest ones in the sf tracker
17:52.07 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
18:09.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34472 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
18:09.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: keith improved asc2g so that it will import even larger bots before running out
18:09.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: of memory (and import faster). he made it chunk in input into manageable sizes
18:09.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: and being more memory efficient. this was in response to sf feature request
18:09.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 2750772 from dwaynelk (asc2g fails on large/complex bots)
18:15.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34473 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: note that bob improved the interactive editing support in archer adding support for mouse-based editing of arb8's torii and ellipsoids
18:16.01 brlcad I think that's everything -- should check yourself to make sure your user-visible changes are in there
18:16.34 brlcad vaguely recalls a tire bug being fixed?
18:16.52 brlcad dunno about user-visible for adrt, didn't seem in commits
18:17.10 ``Erik nah, pieces are still not public
18:17.33 ``Erik soon... mwahaha
18:21.55 brlcad updating TODO -- anyone have something they think will be done by next month?
18:22.09 brlcad ideally at least one item from anyone doing anything
18:22.40 ``Erik will get his car back, get his door fixed, and pick his nose. :D
18:23.04 brlcad yeah.. okay
18:23.08 brlcad that's not helpful
18:24.13 ``Erik d'no how helpful "do more adrt stuff" would be O.o
18:24.26 brlcad how about that pnts as points to the dm mod?
18:25.06 ``Erik if I lose the will and steam with adrt work, I may go back to that as a distraction :/
18:25.07 brlcad well it is helpful if you can specify 'stuff'
18:25.58 ``Erik would have to think on that *shrug*
18:26.16 brlcad even if it's minor, something measurable .. precursor to a much more involved planning day coming up anyways
18:26.45 ``Erik regaining the 2 lost isst modes? O.o
18:27.07 brlcad what's one of them?
18:27.18 ``Erik cut and shot
18:27.29 brlcad what's probably the easier of the two? :)
18:27.38 ``Erik d'no, but cut is first :)
18:28.12 brlcad what's shot?
18:28.24 brlcad things on the shotline?
18:28.37 brlcad assume cut is the split-view cutting plane
18:31.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34474 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
18:31.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: stub out a preliminary guess on what's achievable by the end of this release
18:31.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: iteration (3 weeks remaining) with coverage across at least 5 devs. pnt
18:31.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: improvements, step-g progress, archer updates, functab refactoring, and adrt
18:31.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: views.
18:31.32 ``Erik hrm, the split view one is cut, yes, ... mebbe the oter one was flos?
18:32.35 ``Erik *shrug*
18:32.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34475 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: break up the adrt to-do's, remove 'cleanup' as it's too vague
18:38.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34476 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
18:38.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: the polygonal NMG -> ON BREP is actually more important than old bspline/nurbs
18:38.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: NMG -> ON BREP so just stub out the goal for both. 'not suck' is too
18:38.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: nondescript for the tables command (don't remember what that meant, and I wrote
18:38.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: it). erik exposed nmg_fix_normals so remove from list.
18:42.13 ``Erik 0
18:42.14 ``Erik
18:43.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34477 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
18:43.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: had it in mind for years now to record a matrix above all primitives (akin to
18:43.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: putting each primitive into their own comb) so that all primitives will retain a
18:43.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: local coordinate system by default (where their V stays at 0,0,0). this will
18:43.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: help primitives like the torus support non-uniform scaling without screwing with
18:43.12 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: the implicit form of a torus.
18:44.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34478 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: screw it, c++ is requisite given the BREP integration, GS and GE plans, and the new modeler.
18:46.15 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34479 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: the tops behaviors were merged with the old form formally deprecated. in 7.14.4
18:48.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34480 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: expand on CSG optimize task (probably should be multiple, but good enough for now)
18:49.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34481 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: looks like today will be release day.. awaiting a few more distchecks to complete.
18:51.22 brlcad wonders if someone could go kick xon/xoff
18:57.08 ``Erik they should be rebooting now
19:03.13 ``Erik aight, thye'reup
19:04.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34482 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Add NEWS note on tire tread fix.
19:06.27 starseeker brlcad: what do you think - are we ready on the backend to have a go at implementing exec for search?
19:09.13 starseeker is currently trying to internalize what is needed to build the "bounding box tree" needed for the NURBS raytracing algorithm
19:09.15 brlcad starseeker: it's close, there's still a few api problems that should be sorted out in the ged structure and to invoke a pass-through callback
19:09.34 brlcad that sounds like a more pressing task actually :)
19:09.59 brlcad nurbs trumpeth all this summer as we pull into the final stretch
19:11.25 starseeker heh - well, you asked for things that might get done within the month...
19:11.34 starseeker doesn't know about that one yet
19:11.44 brlcad implementing the bb routine for nurbs sounds like a good goal :)
19:12.01 starseeker is also trying to figure out how that relates to our own ideas about sub-bounding-boxes for e.g. pipe
19:12.01 brlcad succint in itself
19:12.06 starseeker k
19:12.21 starseeker pulls up TODO, unless it's frozen now?
19:15.41 brlcad todo is never really frozen
19:15.58 brlcad only risky code changes
19:17.14 brlcad starseeker: ws 'type' in that news commit
19:17.19 brlcad er, typo
19:17.32 starseeker oops sorry
19:17.44 brlcad and is that for specific use?
19:17.48 brlcad thin tires, thick ones?
19:18.45 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34483 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS TODO): Fix NEWS ws typo, add TODO item specifically identifying need for a NURBS 'bounding box tree' building routine
19:18.57 starseeker um... I THINK it showed up thicker treaded tires
19:20.04 starseeker or, "wider" actually
19:20.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34484 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Tweak tire NEWS item some more
19:24.39 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
19:43.23 starseeker brlcad: distcheck passes on linux x86_64
19:43.32 brlcad cool
19:57.58 starseeker and Mac OSX
19:58.08 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34485 10/brlcad/trunk/ (12 files in 6 dirs): Added ged_pscale() for scaling primitives.' attributes.
19:58.39 starseeker hmm.
19:58.42 starseeker rebuilds
20:01.02 brlcad huh, well that was certainly a good refactoring
20:01.27 brlcad eliminated a couple hundred lines
20:06.38 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34486 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: Add pscale.c to CMakeLists.txt
20:13.24 brlcad starseeker: did distcheck catch that?
20:13.40 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:13.56 starseeker didn't hault, but I saw your script report it
20:14.03 brlcad damn
20:14.42 brlcad that should have worked
20:27.33 *** join/#brlcad andax (
20:30.38 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (n=kvirc@
20:39.35 starseeker ok, distcheck passed again on x86_64 linux and Mac
21:28.18 brlcad thanks
22:16.54 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
22:53.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:06.34 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:27.09 starseeker and on gentoo 32 bit linux, fwiw

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