IRC log for #brlcad on 20090520

01:01.43 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner2 (
01:31.50 brlcad starseeker: awesome progress :)
01:35.31 brlcad ~starseeker++
02:11.34 starseeker brlcad: thanks! :-)
02:11.42 starseeker next up, trimming
02:13.33 starseeker or more specifically, trimming + bounding volume hierarchy
03:26.00 *** join/#brlcad madant__ (n=madant@
07:09.45 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
10:05.09 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry (
10:07.08 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:08.26 indianlarry ~/whois
11:21.07 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
11:34.38 brlcad yawns
11:43.23 alex_joni O prostituata merge la ginecolog...
11:43.23 alex_joni Acesta o intreaba:
11:43.24 alex_joni - Domnisoara, aveti pierderi mari in timpul menstruatiilor?
11:43.34 alex_joni eek.. sorry, wrong paste :/
11:43.41 brlcad heh
11:43.57 brlcad what an odd paste at that :)
11:44.44 indianlarry flashes back to catholic school
11:45.06 alex_joni brlcad: that's part of a joke in my native language
11:46.37 d-lo_ Hrm, I see prostitue, gynocologist and menstration.... I probably don't wan't to hear the actual joke based on that....
11:47.47 archivist clean safe laugh
11:59.12 d-lo_ hah, thats pretty good :)
12:06.10 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
12:15.58 madant hadn't heard of Scala :O
12:41.07 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:07.11 ``Erik heh, archiviist: that was on hn a few days back :)
13:11.27 ``Erik hm, starseeker, that java vuln I mentioned yesterday went up on /. this morning
13:12.05 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, saw that
13:12.09 starseeker turned it off
13:12.33 starseeker madant: Oh, the lisp in lisp thing? Yeah, it doesn't get a lot of press
14:12.43 brlcad heh
14:13.14 brlcad "Oh, * lisp *? Yeah, it doesn't get a lot of press" :)
14:13.37 brlcad loves lisp, but it's not exactly ever going to be "mainstream"
14:14.53 starseeker must concede that
14:15.53 madant is checking out
14:23.27 ``Erik seems to have had a resurgance the last few years, though
14:25.26 _clock_
14:26.00 brlcad
14:26.04 brlcad that's pretty "steady"
14:26.18 ``Erik wait, vodka makes me do yoga? awesome, it's healthy for ya! :D
14:26.35 _clock_ ``Erik: right
14:27.10 ``Erik the new lisps aren't usually called lisp, though... they go with funny names like clojure and arc
14:27.53 ``Erik (and it's scattered and often using a variety of odd vcs's if any, so ohloh won't pick it up well)
14:27.55 ``Erik *shrug*
14:28.31 brlcad ohloh's language parser would see them as lisp
14:28.58 ``Erik how does ohloh find projects to add?
14:29.03 brlcad and the fact that it's scattered and obscure doesn't really help your point :)
14:29.04 madant what percentage of the world's code base right now would be open source ;)
14:29.22 starseeker madant: a minute fraction
14:29.38 brlcad at least, perhaps we define "resurgance" quite differently :)
14:29.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34568 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/scale_hyp.c tclscripts/archer/HypEditFrame.tcl): Added scale H (move V) editing capability for hyperboloid. This affects libged and Archer.
14:30.22 ``Erik from the forum/blog/newsgroup/irc/packagegrowth/etc perspective, it's grown a huge amount over 5 years *shrug*
14:30.56 ``Erik but it's an ugly nonunified world, MOST work is just "here's a tarball" on a site and maybe a registry in cliki if you're lucky
14:31.02 brlcad I think that's probably just because it's what you're reading (because it's interesting to you)
14:31.28 ``Erik if there is a public vcs, it's darcs on this random machine, or git on that one, or something else over there
14:32.02 ``Erik *shrug* but I've been interested in it for 10 years now... :)
14:33.09 brlcad fwiw to answer your question -- if it has a public vcs, anyone can add it to ohloh
14:33.23 ``Erik so it has to be manually added?
14:33.36 brlcad by someone that cares, sure
14:33.43 brlcad they don't go scraping around for projects
14:34.13 ``Erik imagines 95+% of the lithp world doesn't care about ohloh :) (most probably haven't even heard of it)
14:34.20 ``Erik but that's pure conjecture
14:35.03 brlcad conjects that 95% of the lisp world doesn't even amount to a 1% difference in those stats
14:35.49 brlcad law of averages, it's not like the ones on there do care
14:35.58 ``Erik might be amusing to write a script to scrape all the lisp repo locations off of few dozen 'central' locations and add them
14:42.44 _clock_ Is BRL-CAD Turing-complete?
14:42.49 _clock_ I think it should be.
14:42.53 ``Erik tcl is
14:55.20 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
14:56.30 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34569 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/mirror.c: stub in the new mirror calls for all of the rest of the primitives, change indentation on the old sections
15:10.07 ``Erik wonders if brlcad is on the way in, or working from home
15:33.03 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
15:44.10 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
15:44.21 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
15:44.52 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
15:45.07 elena hi.
15:49.09 d-lo_ hai!
15:49.32 elena hi d-lo
15:53.47 brlcad hola elena
15:54.00 elena hi Sean.
15:54.00 brlcad ``Erik: in, but no lunch
15:54.22 elena bon appetit!
15:54.36 brlcad elena: how's summer looking so far? :)
15:54.47 elena interesting.
15:54.58 elena challenging
15:55.02 elena fun.
15:55.06 brlcad well that's good!
15:55.16 elena yes.
15:55.39 brlcad have to get you set up soon
15:56.14 elena anything I can help with?
15:57.34 brlcad probably
15:57.49 elena just let me know.
15:58.08 *** join/#brlcad alvaro1 (n=alvaro@
15:58.17 elena I'll also catch up with Cliff.
15:58.46 elena I was away lately.
15:58.56 brlcad nods
15:58.56 elena in norway :)
15:59.06 brlcad sounds like fun :)
15:59.17 brlcad details in pm for setup
16:00.16 d-lo_ whereabouts in Norway?
16:03.25 alvaro1 [root@alvaro-edicta-host brlcad-7.14.6]# ./configure --enable-optimized
16:03.25 alvaro1 configure: error: cannot find install-sh or in misc ./misc
16:03.43 brlcad alvaro1: you ran ?
16:03.48 alvaro1 no
16:04.09 brlcad run it
16:05.17 alvaro1 sh gives me this ERROR: Unable to locate GNU Autoconf.
16:06.34 alvaro1 should i install this?: autoconf.noarch : A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
16:06.37 starseeker alvaro1: well, step one is to install it :-)
16:06.41 starseeker yep
16:07.01 starseeker make sure automake is in there too
16:07.16 starseeker or rather, in PATH
16:07.39 alvaro1 there are two choices: autoconf.noarch : A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code , autoconf213.noarch : A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
16:08.06 starseeker I'd go with plain autoconf
16:14.59 alvaro1 starseeker: (libedit.i386 : The NetBSD Editline library) is equivalent to libtoolize ?
16:15.13 starseeker no, I don't think so
16:16.07 starseeker look for an autotools package, if there is one
16:16.36 alvaro1
16:17.34 brlcad libedit is equivalent to the gnu readline library .. nothing to do with libtool
16:17.36 starseeker which OS/distro are you on?
16:17.44 brlcad libedit is cool, we should be using it
16:17.49 starseeker :-)
16:18.11 starseeker hasn't checked - do we get tab completion/history for free using that?
16:24.19 alvaro1 <PROTECTED>
16:26.11 brlcad alvaro1: you have to run successfully
16:26.21 brlcad until that happens, you cannot run configure
16:26.23 brlcad so stop trying :)
16:27.08 alvaro1
16:29.02 alvaro1 and libedit is installed but keeps on reporting the error about libtoolize
16:29.47 brlcad alvaro1: 12:21 <@brlcad> libedit is equivalent to the gnu readline library .. nothing to do with libtool
16:29.52 brlcad did you miss that?
16:31.33 alvaro1 brlcad but is asking for libtoolize and when i search on the repos the only thing that appears is libedit
16:32.02 brlcad sounds like you need to do some searching then for your platform
16:34.19 alvaro1 brlcad: libedit.i386 is equivalent to libtoolized on fedora see this:
16:35.41 elena hi starseeker. brlcad just setup my account.
16:39.07 alvaro1 libtool.i386 seems to be working
16:43.02 brlcad alvaro1: you are totally misunderstanding that description
16:43.38 brlcad libedit IS NOT libtool .. read the rest of the description, search online for libtool and read it's description .. they are very different projects
16:44.17 brlcad elena: so .. what's "step one"?
16:46.10 elena i'll take a look at the current setup.
16:46.24 elena also you mentioned problems with captcha. are they solved?
16:46.36 brlcad nope
16:46.59 elena maybe I could take a shoot at that first...
16:47.32 brlcad elena: your project (the repository aspect) has a nice benefit that it can somewhat start with a clean slate
16:48.24 brlcad that would be cool -- fixing the captcha problem on the contact form would certainly take off one headache :)
16:48.39 elena can you rephrase "slate". I don't understand it.
16:48.48 brlcad mm a "fresh" start
16:48.53 brlcad a blank piece of paper
16:48.54 elena aha.
16:49.23 elena then next step would be to find a theme.
16:49.34 elena something in tone with
16:49.48 brlcad's theme is bound to change, don't worry about it
16:50.07 elena ook.
16:50.10 brlcad it just needs to be clean and asthetically pleasing ;)
16:50.15 brlcad "just" :)
16:51.18 d-lo_ yes. Eye trauma == bad
16:53.21 brlcad as for the location, can either go with or ..
16:53.26 brlcad I've also had registered for a while after some discussions at the ACM solid modeling conference a couple years ago, that could be used
16:53.43 brlcad or [whatever] really
17:01.38 brlcad my goal is to end up at so that the repository can have its own identity, community, policies, and such
17:01.56 brlcad sort of a separation of model/view and controller in MVC lingo :)
17:02.16 brlcad also doesn't mean we have to start there either though
17:08.13 elena i'd go with more. for now.
17:08.24 elena maybe solidgeometry could be more general.
17:08.51 elena a next step.
17:10.04 brlcad okay, sounds good
17:10.11 elena great.
17:25.41 brlcad elena: clean slate:
17:25.54 elena :) thanks.
17:26.41 brlcad cliff can help out with logging in, navigating, transferring files, etc
17:27.12 elena i'll try to do it myself first.
18:00.25 alvaro1 it is necessary run "make test" ?
18:01.07 alvaro1 is it necessary run "make test" ?
18:03.05 elena maybe not, but it is a good idea to do it.
18:06.50 alvaro1 and "make benchmark" ?
18:11.37 starseeker only if you want to test your system's performance
18:15.09 alvaro1 what comes after make , make test, and make benchmark ?
18:15.47 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
18:17.11 alvaro1 what comes after "make" , "make test", "make benchmark", and "make clean", ?
18:17.31 starseeker uh - why did you do make clean?
18:17.55 starseeker if you're trying to install BRL-CAD, it's make and then make install
18:17.55 elena I was going to suggest not to make clean.
18:18.21 alvaro1 what do i do now ? i did make clean
18:18.58 elena run again. make and make install
18:19.11 alvaro1 sure?
18:19.24 starseeker that's standard for GNU autotools builds
18:19.25 elena starseeker?
18:20.05 starseeker alvaro1: have you read the INSTALL file?
18:20.20 starseeker elena: hey elena
18:20.28 elena hi.
18:20.34 starseeker how are things going?
18:20.39 alvaro1 starseeker: yes but the command line is giving instructions too
18:20.39 elena great.
18:20.46 starseeker :-)
18:20.51 elena i just got an account on
18:21.17 starseeker alvaro1: The standard install procedure is ./configure && make and then as root make install
18:21.32 starseeker alvaro1: I take it this is the first time you've compiled software on your machine?
18:21.37 elena i'll look around for the setup and then bug you with any question I have :)
18:21.49 alvaro1 well i am runing make install, first time
18:21.53 starseeker elena: cool :-)
18:22.20 starseeker alvaro1: OK. If you get any permissions errors on make install, it means you're not in the root account
18:22.37 alvaro1 i am logged as root
18:22.47 starseeker ok. It should work then
18:35.37 brlcad alvaro1: yet you're also making up your own instructions
18:36.47 brlcad make clean is not mentioned anywhere in the INSTALL file or the instructions that are prompted after each build step
18:36.55 brlcad those instructions match up, you're not following either of them
18:38.03 brlcad read the INSTALL instructions and follow them -- the quick instructions are particularly relevant
18:39.03 alvaro1 well after make install stops i will go back if necessary, do yo suggest to interrupt "make install" ?
18:39.54 brlcad no
18:40.05 brlcad if make install works, you should be done
18:40.28 alvaro1 ok let's see the result...
18:40.46 brlcad look at the instructions, follow after the "Once installed, ....." section
18:41.07 brlcad that should help
18:54.28 alvaro1 in the INSTALL file ?
18:55.39 brlcad that would be the installation instructions
19:29.08 alvaro1 how do i add PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH ; export PATH to the path permanently ?
19:33.30 brlcad alvaro1: do you have a .profile in your home directory?
19:33.36 alvaro1 yes
19:33.47 brlcad what's in it?
19:33.53 alvaro1 let me see
19:35.20 alvaro1 no i do not have a .profile on my home directory
19:40.25 brlcad ls -la .profile that returns nothing?
19:41.02 brlcad run this: echo "" >> .profile && echo "PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH ; export PATH" >> .profile
19:41.19 brlcad then open a new terminal -- the path should be set
19:41.26 brlcad can check it with "echo $PATH"
19:43.18 alvaro1 if i open gedit and paste "PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH ; export PATH" and save it as .profile in my home directory will work too?
19:43.32 brlcad without the quotes
19:43.35 brlcad sure
19:43.56 brlcad might need to run: chmod 755 ~/.profile
19:46.31 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (n=jdoliner@
19:47.59 alvaro1 it is not working for some reason please see:
19:50.14 brlcad assuming you put it into the right place, that looks right
19:50.32 alvaro1 yes it is at home
19:50.35 brlcad note that's a root shell, you have to open a new user shell
19:50.53 brlcad also check to see if you have a .bash_profile
19:52.20 alvaro1 i have a .bash_profile
19:52.29 brlcad so put it in there
19:52.47 brlcad you already have a path line in there even
19:58.03 alvaro1 michael jhon mush had a great smile!
20:01.28 brlcad he did :)
20:08.42 alvaro1 brlcad: thanks i'll try to upload binarys, but i am going to explore brlcad first, it is running on fedora 10
20:33.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34570 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/tor/tor_mirror.c: unused var
20:41.40 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
20:42.57 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
21:06.47 ``Erik heh
21:07.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34571 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS src/mged/mged.c): Added -v to command line mged for version information.
21:09.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34572 10/brlcad/trunk/ (doc/docbook/system/man1/en/mged.xml src/mged/mged.c): Document the -v argument.
21:31.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34573 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ ( primitives/tgc/tgc_mirror.c): separate out the tgc mirroring for the guts to rt_tgc_mirror()
21:33.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34574 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/mirror.c: turn on tor and tgc/rec mirroring through the new routines sans debugging, remove the old.
21:35.12 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34575 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/mirror.c: bah, fix the preprocessor logic. helps to compile first.
22:37.16 ``Erik hehehe, I wonder if I messed up the slushbox doing that :D
23:26.37 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
23:37.16 brlcad howdy jdoliner
23:46.09 *** join/#brlcad rincon (n=alvaro@
23:46.59 rincon what i see in the help is the mged classic, where can see the help of the new GUI
23:53.50 brlcad rincon: what do you mean?
23:54.14 brlcad rincon: there's extensive tutorials on the website
23:54.18 brlcad under documentation
23:54.32 rincon the images on the local manual seems so differrent than the gui
23:55.14 brlcad latest docs are the mged tutorial series, pdfs on the website
23:55.23 brlcad the ones that are locally installed are older
23:55.33 brlcad still valid, but yeah different
23:56.20 rincon ok then it is better to look at the website...

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