IRC log for #brlcad on 20090521

00:17.32 rincon can i export to dxf format from brlcad ?
00:19.00 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (n=jdoliner@
00:25.12 *** part/#brlcad rincon (n=alvaro@
00:29.11 starseeker glowers at shape1
00:31.47 starseeker dreeves__: Do you happen to know if face->Loop(0) returns a trimming curve or the "outer" curve per the Trimming loop entry?
00:42.40 starseeker dreeves__: You're probably aware of these, but just in case:
00:44.24 brlcad starseeker: fwiw, that url is also src/other/openNURBS/faq.txt
00:44.31 brlcad starseeker: Loop() should be a trimming curve
00:44.36 brlcad OuterLoop() will return the outer
00:44.37 starseeker brlcad: oh, sorry
00:44.43 starseeker brlcad: cool, thanks
00:45.16 starseeker thinks he is slowly getting a handle on what they want to do to trim
00:47.18 starseeker Ah, you're referring to the mcneel faq
00:47.25 starseeker thought you ment the thesis
00:47.42 starseeker really should be updating the BRL-CAD bib file with all of these nurbs papers
00:48.02 starseeker might be time to pause tomorrow and do that
00:48.09 starseeker I think I'm gonna need 'em
00:49.42 starseeker dreeves__: also,
00:50.48 starseeker dreeves__: the DA_Oliver_Abert thesis addresses trimming in some detail in section 5.4
00:59.26 ``Erik brlcad: did you even hear the revving? I was snickering all the way off post :)
01:06.06 brlcad was that what that was? :)
01:06.18 brlcad thought maybe had a hole in the muffler
01:13.18 brlcad starseeker: since you mentioned nishita's paper, keep in mind that we're intentionally not doing a surface decomposition to bezier surface patches
01:14.02 brlcad instead evaluating the nurbs surface directly
01:14.59 ``Erik heh, no, I slipped it in neutral in the intersection and tried to rev it a couple times (very unresponsive throttle), then popped it back in drive
01:38.21 *** join/#brlcad rincon (n=alvaro@
01:41.47 rincon how do you draw a circle ?
01:44.03 brlcad rincon: 3d primitives
01:44.26 brlcad something circular is the base of a right-circular cylinder (rcc primitive)
01:44.36 brlcad or a tgc or an rec
01:44.47 brlcad examples in the back of volume two
01:45.34 rincon brlcad has object snaping ?
01:49.05 brlcad that's related to one of the gsoc projects (constraint resolution), until then you'll have to be explicit
01:53.07 rincon i understand
02:45.50 starseeker brlcad: right. The algorithm appears to be adapted to do the uv space trimming (the trims being bezier curves)
02:49.17 starseeker is currently trying to figure out how to get the uv space control points out of the trim curve
03:15.06 *** part/#brlcad rincon (n=alvaro@
03:15.13 dreeves__ starseeker it is the outer curve
03:15.52 dreeves__ all the loops after 0 are holes or inner loops
04:22.28 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (
04:27.02 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
04:27.03 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
04:32.04 *** join/#brlcad starseek1r (
07:12.07 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
07:44.17 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:49.07 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
09:34.43 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:11.43 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry (
10:15.41 *** join/#brlcad _sushi__ (
11:04.44 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
12:04.16 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:36.21 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
12:57.39 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:18.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34576 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/pscale.c: Include the command name in error messages.
13:38.43 brlcad dreeves__: really?
13:38.48 brlcad re-reads
13:44.07 brlcad ahh, I see now, conventionally it is to be considered valid -- the structure doesn't require it, nor does Loop() and OuterLoop() scans also not caring .. but then IsValidFace() insists that [0] has m_type outer
14:23.39 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
15:02.16 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
15:44.19 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
17:27.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34577 10/brlcad/trunk/ (16 files in 6 dirs): Added the ability to rotate primitive (i.e. eto, hyp and tgc for now) parameters.
17:28.55 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (n=jdoliner@
17:33.22 jdoliner indian larry?
17:47.56 brlcad jdoliner: howdy joe
17:48.10 brlcad looks like you two just may finally be able to sync up :)
17:48.24 jdoliner we've been emailing a bit...
17:48.26 brlcad also, highlighting works much better if you don't inject a space ;)
17:48.41 jdoliner indianlarry
17:48.43 indianlarry jdoliner: hey joe how's it going
17:48.51 jdoliner hi
17:48.55 brlcad should be chattering on the brlcad-devel list if it's related to the task so others are aware of what's up/planned
17:48.58 ``Erik rolls around and pops
17:49.04 brlcad but good to hear regardless
17:49.51 brlcad private chatter should really only be for time-tracking or personal issues
17:49.52 jdoliner so I mentioned in my application that I have a slightly unorthodox school schedule
17:50.16 indianlarry you plan on starting later in june?
17:50.27 jdoliner I did originally
17:50.48 brlcad what's your schedule look like now?
17:50.57 jdoliner but my course load is such that I feel confident starting earlier
17:51.09 indianlarry cool
17:51.20 ``Erik what's unorthodox about scheduling the classes around the parties and co-scheduling sleep and study/homework? :D
17:51.21 jdoliner I just might not be at quite full steam until early june
17:52.03 jdoliner but I have a few logistic questions
17:52.03 ``Erik neat, I made indianlarry "lol"
17:52.26 jdoliner first where in the code base should my code go?
17:54.45 ``Erik what about making it a command in src/libged/ ?
17:55.05 jdoliner because all I plan to interact with is the openNurbs library
17:55.39 ``Erik then how will you call it?
17:56.27 indianlarry Erik mentioned that there is a facetize command that takes a CSG and creates a bot/nmg object
17:56.59 indianlarry something like that for the csg evaluation would be a nice start
17:58.05 ``Erik r nurbs.r u nurb1.s u nurb2.s; beval mynurb.r nurbs.r
17:58.49 jdoliner well perhaps it's unfeasible, but what I meant by that is it'd be nice if the code was portable enough that other projects using openNurbs could run it
17:59.25 jdoliner of course it'll interact by being called
18:00.39 indianlarry brlcad: you listening
18:01.09 jdoliner libged seems like the most obvious place to put this
18:01.43 jdoliner since it seems to me like it's obviously part of the editor
18:03.51 ``Erik *ponder* src/other/libbrepeval/ ? src/libged/brepeval/ ? src/libged/brep_eval_xxx.c (and lose coupling to the rest of libged) ? *shrug*
18:05.13 indianlarry jdoliner: so you'll be finished by weeks end ;^)>>>>>>
18:05.52 ``Erik (I'd imagine that the actual location of the code has little to do with the coupling to other stuff in the directory and the pertinent files could be easily pulled and used elsewhere?)
18:06.01 jdoliner indianlarry: of course :P
18:06.27 jdoliner ``Erik: true, these are really two different issues
18:09.35 starseeker OK, so the trimming curves are nurbs curves, NOT bezier curves
18:09.35 starseeker important to know
18:09.55 indianlarry starseeker: in their own param space?
18:11.00 starseeker In the param space of the surface they are in, if I'm not mistaken
18:21.02 brlcad indianlarry: always, just not necessarily interactively ;)
18:21.36 brlcad jdoliner: I'd expect libged to just be a wrapper to some (non-libged, probably librt) library routine
18:21.54 indianlarry brlcad: i think joe is okay putting it into libged
18:22.33 brlcad right, but that it doesn't really belong there
18:22.49 brlcad libged ==> command
18:23.00 brlcad there does need to be a command, but that routine is needed elsewhere too
18:23.04 indianlarry librt?
18:23.16 indianlarry other?
18:23.19 brlcad yeah, means it belongs lower-level ala librt
18:23.28 brlcad no, other is only for 3rd party codes that we don't maintain
18:25.19 brlcad also while it will be nice to have it generalized for other packages, but that's certainly not the priority
18:25.29 brlcad would be great to have but shouldn't hinder the goal
18:25.34 brlcad integrating it as a facility for librt routines to use it is the priority focus
18:25.50 brlcad so we can tessellate implicits reliably (for shaded displays)
18:33.33 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
18:39.41 brlcad jdoliner: the biggest implementation issue is dependency management, and what ends up being needed to make the evaluation work -- whether your implementation only depends on openNURBS or libbu or libbn or librt or some combination thereof
18:40.53 brlcad a good similar example of integration (wrt libged) is the bot_smooth command, src/libged/bot_smooth.c which basically calls rt_bot_smooth() from librt
18:52.34 brlcad starseeker: my stable here says .8
18:52.40 starseeker same here
18:53.13 brlcad howdy madant
19:00.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34578 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: Add code to dump text summary of trimming curves - useful if there is interest in the exact nature of a particular trimming curve.
19:00.25 madant hi brlcad
19:01.16 madant seems like my laptop is gonna take more time to get fixed up.. i will have to think about installing debian on this p3 ..
19:01.30 madant and so much work to do ..
19:01.38 madant is scared
19:01.51 brlcad no fun
19:02.17 madant no fun at all.. i remember 2.5 hour compile time of brl-cad during last summer when i tried :(
19:02.29 brlcad heh, that's aweful
19:02.39 brlcad you'd be better on working remote on a fast server :)
19:02.57 brlcad could probably arrange that
19:03.15 madant that'd be aaaaaaaaawesome
19:03.25 brlcad not quite as satisfying as hearing the laptop heat up, but certainly more productive :)
19:03.34 madant would a 512 kbps connection be enough ?
19:04.11 brlcad don't see why not
19:04.27 madant great.. what do i need to do :)
19:04.50 brlcad mm, i'll see if I can get an account created on something reasonably fast
19:04.57 brlcad might take a day
19:05.08 madant no problem.. i need to write much on the wiki before that ..
19:05.54 madant how are my co-gsocers :)
19:06.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34579 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (6 files in 5 dirs): separate out and define rt_ell_mirror()
19:08.11 brlcad haven't heard much from pacman87 or Ralith lately, but the others seem to be getting prepared
19:08.26 Ralith waves
19:08.42 brlcad heh, yeah him :)
19:08.55 Ralith school is taking a little more time than I had expected, unfortunately. That shouldn't be a problem for long though.
19:09.06 brlcad when is the semester over?
19:09.20 Ralith in about three weeks, but the workload will lighten before then.
19:10.23 madant i wish everyone had the same time table..
19:10.28 Ralith yeah.
19:10.30 madant well on second thoughts .. maybe not
19:10.52 madant :) talk about too crowded travel destinations, internships .. the whole mess
19:10.56 Ralith hehe
19:11.16 Ralith actually, the only immediate time sink I have right now is a linear algebra take-home final.
19:12.23 madant used to love matrices :)
19:12.56 Ralith I've found the course to be very fun.
19:12.58 madant what's the final topic in ur linear algebra course ?
19:13.11 Ralith lots of neat stuff even at the entry level
19:13.13 Ralith final topic?
19:13.18 Ralith uhhhh
19:13.32 Ralith the final itself covers the whole course, but the last topic I studied was...
19:13.34 madant i meant the last major section .. whatever you call it :)
19:14.23 Ralith quadratic forms
19:15.48 Ralith ocrap, looks like google still needs some paperwork from me.
19:16.07 madant <PROTECTED>
19:16.12 Ralith not yet
19:16.18 Ralith really needs to keep better track of his email
19:16.18 madant ah..
19:16.47 madant remembers his last lecture in Linear Algebra was on SVD
19:17.47 madant i guess we all just got the acm mail just now
19:17.53 madant i mean the gsoc students
19:43.28 brlcad the schedules can be flexible, but we just have to make sure that the timelines and goals match up or are shifted accordingly (especially if less work earlier is going to be compensated with more work later), otherwise reducing goals to match effort
19:43.40 brlcad so when midterm comes, we can make sure everyone is 100% ;)
19:44.56 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
19:46.29 Ralith iirc, the time intervals I allocated are pessimistic enough that that might not be necessary (yet, anyway)
19:46.55 Ralith 'course, we'll see how that stands when the code starts flowing.
19:51.55 ``Erik ralith: every coder says that :D
19:52.11 Ralith hehe
19:52.14 Ralith thought that might be the case.
19:53.03 Ralith still, I have a tendency to, given a solid block of free time, take a problem, sit down, and grind my way through it in an allnighter or two
19:57.49 Ralith I love LaTeX.
19:58.44 ``Erik whoa whoa whoa, we don't need to know about your bedroom activities, there!
19:58.59 ``Erik \documentclass{badjoke}
19:59.15 Ralith :P
19:59.55 ``Erik (which is probably why it's pronounced luh-TEK... UNIX embraced the jokes, though...)
20:00.22 Ralith I thought it was lah-tek
20:00.32 ``Erik lah, luh, whatever
20:00.49 brlcad Ralith: remember to leave ample time for discussion
20:01.06 Ralith interestingly, I read that the author(s) have no position on its pronounciation.
20:01.32 brlcad that's often not included in estimates, but particularly relevant for gsoc work as the communication is argubly the primary product
20:02.10 ``Erik hm, of which, LaTeX or TeX? there's some inherited pronounciation going on
20:02.25 Ralith brlcad: point. There are times when discussion is of minimal necessity, though; I doubt there's need to debate very much of, for example, the how to hook Qt into OGRE, simply because there's probably only a few ways.
20:02.29 Ralith ``Erik: the former.
20:02.36 Ralith TeX has a well defined pronunciation.
20:03.28 ``Erik mebbe the lah/luh/lay part is where no position comes in, and TeX's is assumed for the latter part? *shrug*
20:03.34 ``Erik nerd etymology, pheer
20:03.40 Ralith hehe
20:03.46 Ralith metanerdiness!
20:04.30 ``Erik yes, do include things like communication, documentation, etc in the estimations
20:05.38 brlcad Ralith: true, plus much of the discussion and design is already sorted out in prototype form via IOE
20:05.42 ``Erik heh, what's the (industry) heuristic? guess how long it'll take, double that for the surprises, double it again for all the other crap? O:-)
20:06.06 brlcad but if there are unclear points (e.g. on IOE or appearance/behavior), then those should generally at least be commented on
20:06.07 Ralith double it until you get bored.
20:06.10 Ralith well sure
20:06.25 Ralith that's what IRC's here for ^^
20:07.49 ``Erik irc's for hashing stuff out or asking questions, but the answer should probably be written up in a more useful fashion for searching or getting an overview, no?
20:07.53 brlcad i'll just be happy if it's an empty shell that does absolutely nothing except has all the framework hooks in for new command bindings, tabbed contexts, the menu, and appearance/bindings working :)
20:08.18 Ralith appearance/bindings?
20:08.28 Ralith would be happy with that too.
20:08.32 brlcad the custom apperance overrides
20:08.42 Ralith would then be even happier to hook it up to things after SoC's over :D
20:09.05 Ralith I don't recall hearing/talking about that
20:09.07 brlcad if you recall in IOE, there are some universal keybindings (to bring up the command-prompt overlay for example) and some context specific bindings (e.g., go to end of line)
20:09.13 Ralith yeah
20:10.02 brlcad making it "look" like IOE or similar to it will be work in itself (as default Qt appearance is rather not useful)
20:10.19 brlcad other than a starting point
20:11.40 brlcad inheriting from their tabbed widget, for example, so it can be drawn cleanly integrated with the opengl context
20:12.09 brlcad (ala stellarium's inherited widgets)
20:13.03 Ralith hm, tabbing's an interesting problem there
20:13.28 Ralith oh hey
20:13.33 Ralith it supports nested OpenGL contexts
20:13.36 Ralith so that would actually work fine
20:13.51 Ralith (iirc; I remember seeing an impressive demo of something of the sort)
20:16.32 Ralith afks for a couple hours
20:16.59 Ralith hm, not sure how that would work out with Ogre.
20:17.04 Ralith probably wouldn't. might need some fancy code there.
20:17.11 brlcad I think the most important pieces to the interface 'framework' are going to be a command terminal, a debug output/logging console (perhaps one in the same), then the command overlay, followed by switchable (tabbed) contexts, the 3D context, then the menu ... but that's off the cuff
20:17.28 brlcad ogre is just handed a graphics context and goes to town rendering in that context
20:17.37 brlcad you're not using ogre to create the window or the graphics context
20:17.49 brlcad one of it's lower-level initialization paths iirc
20:18.11 Ralith yeah, but I'm not sure how that works out with the tabbed contexts
20:18.27 Ralith will discuss more later; I'm about to be late to a class.
20:18.28 brlcad you're a qt app with ogre embedded, not an ogre app with qt widgets embedded
20:18.34 brlcad okay, cya ;)
20:20.57 brlcad as for tabbed contexts, you'll probably need some sort of context+content manager so when a given tab is activated, it simple tells ogre to render a different scene graph (which may be nothing) and draws its overlay for that tab widget directly to the ogl context
20:21.30 brlcad (so there's still just one ogl context ever, but you keep track of what gets drawn to that context with some manager class)
20:25.19 *** join/#brlcad Briggs (
20:29.19 indianlarry cd
20:38.55 ``Erik steps down from his screen soap box before indianlarry stomps him
20:39.37 brlcad heh
20:51.29 starseeker well, chased him out anyway ;-)
20:56.34 ``Erik nah, I just told him the 3 commands he'll use when he starts using it and suggested stealing someones hardstatus line
20:56.48 ``Erik did a little d&p show
21:16.19 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:32.17 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
21:32.21 ``Erik heh
22:13.03 Ralith returns!
22:13.11 brlcad heh
22:13.21 brlcad goes to see the new terminator
22:14.12 Ralith enjoy
22:14.25 brlcad hopefully not teh suck
22:14.45 starseeker crosses fingers
23:06.28 madant crosses fingers and toes
23:19.07 ``Erik O.o
23:19.19 ``Erik guesses it's just a bunch of action, no story
23:26.05 madant thinks or worse little action and no story
23:28.00 ``Erik they showed a 5 minute clip of the movie during some show I was watching a few days ago, seemed like they were pretty big on action from that (naturally, they picked the most "action-packed" part, though)
23:34.42 madant trailers are always misleading ;)
23:35.02 madant oops..5 minute clip..not trailer..
23:35.21 madant ok must be good for the eyes then ..
23:46.13 ``Erik some big assault by the humans on a robot station, a10's and helicoptors all over, made a big point about a terminator unit that got knocked down being landed on by a helicoptor (skid crushing part of it) and one of the guys that jumped out putting two rounds in its skulls so its eyes go out
23:46.43 ``Erik I have no context as to what part it is, but *shrug* I imagine it wouldn't matter in that flick :D

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