IRC log for #brlcad on 20090525

00:07.36 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:45.05 *** join/#brlcad dli (
01:45.42 dli failed in building 7.14.8,
02:26.27 *** join/#brlcad cad31 (
02:27.30 brlcad dli: you're libX11 is apparently dependent upon some other library that you don't have
02:27.47 dli brlcad, thanks :(
02:28.01 dli brlcad, does brlcad uses xcb?
02:30.40 brlcad nope
02:30.49 brlcad that has nothing to do with us, just your libX11
02:31.12 dli brlcad, that answer my question, thanks
02:31.25 brlcad a bit unusual that it's linking against /usr/lib64/libX11.a
02:31.55 dli brlcad, should be a gentoo issue.
02:31.59 brlcad normally would be a dynamic library
02:32.03 brlcad a .so
02:32.17 dli brlcad, yes, but I got a static libX11.a
02:33.23 brlcad obviously
02:33.29 brlcad that's what I'm saying is unusual
02:33.54 dli brlcad, gentoo doesn't give me a choice, seems to be the default
02:34.01 brlcad very likely related to the unresolved symbols
02:34.22 brlcad eh, that not the case on my gentoo boxes
02:35.26 dli brlcad, ah, I have both from the libX11 package: /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
02:35.59 brlcad then even more odd that it'd be linking in /usr/lib64/libX11.a instead of /usr/lib64/ -- that's not the compiler default
02:36.20 brlcad /usr/lib64/ can override but it would only do so if told to try to link something static
02:37.25 brlcad actually.. it looks like you did force the build to static
02:37.35 brlcad what were your configure options?
02:37.39 dli <PROTECTED>
02:37.40 dli usr/share/brlcad --with-tag --disable-debug --enable-optimized --enable-debug=no --enable-runtime-debug=no --with-ogl
02:39.48 dli brlcad, that's all :(
02:40.46 brlcad --with-tag??
02:41.02 dli brlcad, I can remove that
02:41.11 brlcad --disable-debug is redundant with --enable-debug=no
02:41.29 dli brlcad, yes, I can clean up with that
02:41.57 brlcad slim to nil chance that --enable-nx-build will do anything useful for you
02:42.46 dli brlcad, but still why static :(
02:42.49 brlcad unless you dished out the 10k to siemens for a license..
02:43.49 dli removed those options
02:45.53 brlcad hard to say really, but having too many and unnecessary options does complicate the tests
02:46.17 brlcad did the configure summary say it was only going to build static?
02:46.19 dli brlcad, forget it, I did "revdep-rebuild", found lots of broken linking to xcb
02:46.40 brlcad well that just means you have two problems :)
02:46.49 dli brlcad, let me try again with with the new configure options
02:46.52 brlcad libX11.a should be linkable, that's a separate issue
02:47.01 brlcad it shouldn't be linking static, though .. that'll be a huge compile
02:47.18 brlcad read the configure summary -- it'll say whether it'll build shared/dynamic libs
02:47.40 brlcad Build static libraries ...............: yes
02:47.42 dli brlcad, scanelf: rpath_security_checks(): Security problem NULL DT_RPATH in /var/tmp/portage/sci-misc/brlcad-7.14.8/image/usr/brlcad/bin/fedex_plus
02:47.46 brlcad Build shared/dynamic libraries .......: yes
02:48.41 brlcad fedex is a new external code -- nothing uses it yet
02:49.00 brlcad part of the new step importer (which is incomplete)
02:49.17 dli brlcad, I have to disable it explicitly, then
02:51.08 brlcad pretty easily done
02:51.21 dli brlcad, didn't find in ./configure --help
02:51.30 brlcad --disable-step-build
02:52.01 brlcad all your --enable-*=no options are the same as --disable-*
02:52.21 dli brlcad, thanks, I will clean up those too
02:53.17 dli brlcad, so, --enable*=yes, the '=yes' part can be omitted too
02:54.15 brlcad heh, yes
02:54.23 brlcad technically those are just wrong
02:54.45 dli brlcad, good, rebuilding now
02:56.05 brlcad is there a reason you don't just try the default configure first? see if that works?
02:56.31 dli brlcad, just "./configure" ?
02:56.39 brlcad sure
02:56.49 dli brlcad, I remember brlcad messed up my sys /usr/lib badly:(
02:57.01 brlcad nope
02:57.10 brlcad --prefix=/usr did that
02:57.18 dli brlcad, so, I moved everything to /usr/brlcad
02:57.19 brlcad that's why it tells you to not do that
02:57.35 brlcad default is to install *everything* isolated into /usr/brlcad
02:57.40 dli brlcad, I guess the software changed since then
02:57.49 brlcad no, it's always been that way
02:58.07 brlcad you fed it a prefix, common mistake
02:58.40 dli brlcad, I think gentoo scripts add --prefix=/usr by default
02:59.02 brlcad possibly, but that still wouldn't be our configure doing it :)
02:59.48 dli brlcad, yes, indeed, my config.log shows: --prefix=/usr --prefix=/usr/brlcad
02:59.55 brlcad it's one of our specific design philosophies to install isolated into /usr/brlcad
03:00.42 dli brlcad, I see, all gentoo ebuilds tried to use default configure, but ended up with --prefix=/usr by gentoo
03:01.16 brlcad there's a ebuild option to set that
03:02.24 brlcad no matter, if you just "reset" the prefix like you did, it should be fine
03:02.58 brlcad it's the mess of others that make things more complicated than they need to be
03:03.18 brlcad unless you're specifically creating a new ebuild for portage, it's unnecessary
03:05.13 dli brlcad, found it, --prefix=/usr is added by "econf", I should use ./configure instead
03:06.16 dli brlcad, does the default configure do /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib ?
03:09.36 brlcad "do"?
03:10.10 dli brlcad, sets to /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib ?
03:10.19 brlcad sets what?
03:10.41 brlcad brlcad will install libs into /usr/brlcad
03:10.53 brlcad /usr/brlcad/lib to be specific
03:11.07 brlcad what it'll *use* depends on your system
03:11.20 dli brlcad, then, it doesn't matter /usr/brlcad/lib or /usr/brlcad/lib64, I need to set LDPATH those myself
03:11.21 brlcad you had no configure options telling it what to use
03:11.38 dli brlcad, thanks, let me try again
03:11.53 brlcad right, you don't even need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
03:12.02 brlcad unless you plan on developing brl-cad applications
03:12.09 brlcad and even then you don't need it
03:12.27 dli brlcad, good, my ebuild is much cleaner now
03:14.22 dli <PROTECTED>
03:15.17 dli no, I don't need --datadir either
03:18.29 brlcad seriously, why so many?
03:18.34 brlcad get it working first
03:18.41 brlcad then add all those insane options :)
03:18.49 brlcad many of those do absolutely nothing
03:18.54 brlcad as they are the default
03:19.28 brlcad two of them are strongly not recommended and will even likely cause you problems .. yet you've added them ..
03:19.35 brlcad (the last two)
03:20.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34582 10/brlcad/trunk/INSTALL: minor typo
03:43.52 dli brlcad, I got 7.14.8 running now, thanks
03:51.40 brlcad cool
03:52.07 brlcad tutorials on the website ;)
05:11.20 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
05:11.53 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
05:19.51 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
05:36.06 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
07:26.47 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
08:26.07 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
08:26.33 elena hi
08:54.01 brlcad g'morning elena
09:02.45 elena hi brlcad. how are you?
09:32.51 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:33.32 brlcad elena: great, nice long weekend in effect
10:08.00 elena brlcad: it's still sunday there?
10:56.03 ``Erik no, GMT-5
10:58.32 ``Erik is the long weekend part he's referring to, I'd imagine :)
11:41.05 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
12:32.39 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=opera@
12:45.29 brlcad plus I think I need to take leave tomorrow
12:49.40 ``Erik ah
12:50.02 ``Erik when is ellie getting the facelift?
12:55.49 brlcad have to give them a call -- it was 'today' but mischeduled (as they're not open) and tomorrow looks like a no-go if I'm out of state still
13:01.52 ``Erik heh
13:01.57 ``Erik is still waiting for his car back
13:02.03 ``Erik mebbe I'll call it... bertha... or helga...
13:02.28 ``Erik most likely, "a car"
13:05.50 ``Erik brunhilde?
13:09.11 ``Erik ah, I got it, curbeater... no, wait
14:06.27 brlcad curbie
14:07.02 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:07.15 brlcad elle is probably going to get dirty this week
16:54.30 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
17:07.34 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
17:16.12 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
17:21.13 elena hi madant
17:29.41 brlcad nifty,
17:38.43 madant_ hi elena, brlcad :)
17:59.15 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
18:09.47 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
18:10.26 ``Erik BAH!
18:10.30 ``Erik going offroading with it?
18:17.26 brlcad rain/storms dirty wet roads
18:41.12 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
18:45.53 mafm US Army Will Upgrade To Windows Vista --
18:46.07 mafm hope that doesn't affect you, poor cadheads :)
18:55.09 alex_joni mafm: ouch
19:35.02 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
19:44.37 jdoliner what on earth do "discards qualifiers" arguments mean?
19:46.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r34583 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/org/brlcad/numerics/ mult() method was ignoring scale!!!!!
19:46.28 jdoliner i'm getting one when I try: line.from =
19:46.33 jdoliner line.from = point;
19:56.12 brlcad const is a qualifier
19:56.44 brlcad setting a non-const pointer to a const pointer discards that qualifier
20:01.54 jdoliner oh I see, I had my output parameter set as a constant
20:01.58 jdoliner which is no good at all
21:47.42 *** join/#brlcad suryajith (n=suryajit@
21:53.19 Ralith mafm: oh wow
21:55.35 brlcad ahh, darn. found my backups of jason's brep work, and unfortunately my recolllections were correct in that there was no piston model there
22:04.30 starseeker brlcad: ouch
22:04.46 starseeker virtues of using open models as test cases :-)
22:05.21 starseeker wonders if the siggraph guys forgot this was a holiday weekend when they put together the poster submission timeline
22:24.19 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
22:42.27 *** join/#brlcad AndIrc (
23:07.07 starseeker downloads this small, fast webserver called teepeedee2
23:10.49 starseeker ``Erik: looks like uncommon web may have another application to borg into its list of required libs ;-)

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