IRC log for #brlcad on 20090527

00:18.07 pacman87_ 8fglrx wiki
00:18.18 pacman87_ wrong keyboard
00:35.39 *** join/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
00:35.45 SRabbelier pacman87_: ping
00:36.55 SRabbelier pacman87_: you pasted ? :P
00:37.15 SRabbelier pacman87_: if you did, did you solve it? :P
00:37.19 pacman87_ SRabbelier: yeah
00:37.30 SRabbelier pacman87_: (do you happen to have a Lenovo laptop? :P)
00:37.41 pacman87_ no, home-built desktop
00:38.17 SRabbelier pacman87_: ok, how did you fix the error? :D
00:38.43 pacman87_
00:39.05 SRabbelier pacman87_: win, where'd you find that? :P
00:39.11 pacman87_ google
00:39.24 pacman87_ from the phoronix forums, i think
00:39.41 pacman87_
00:39.48 SRabbelier pacman87_: cool, where do I apply the patches to though? I mean, where are the sources stored?
00:40.00 pacman87_ you tried running the install script?
00:40.04 pacman87_ and it failed?
00:40.50 SRabbelier pacman87_: well, I tried running the
00:41.16 pacman87_ ok, the sources should be in /lib/modules/fglrx
00:41.26 SRabbelier pacman87_: and after running it my x11 woulnd't start, so I reverted the xorg.conf, and checked /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log
00:42.19 SRabbelier pacman87_: ah, let me try the manually, see if it's what the ati-driver... thing is using
00:42.37 pacman87_ it is, and it failed for me
00:42.39 SRabbelier ah, yup
00:42.48 SRabbelier the build_mod/ one too
00:42.53 pacman87_ right
00:42.58 pacman87_ you have to make the changes first
00:43.06 SRabbelier right
00:44.47 SRabbelier pacman87_: mhhh, the patch doesn't apply
00:45.14 pacman87_ did you try it?
00:45.37 pacman87_ build_mod/ first
00:45.55 SRabbelier pacman87_: oh wait, you're right, I saw a whole bunch of warnings, thought it was the same error as first
00:46.08 SRabbelier pacman87_: instant win!
00:46.18 pacman87_ do you know how do get dual head working?
00:46.23 pacman87_ that's what i'm stuck on atm
00:46.48 pacman87_ without xinerama, the second screen is all black, and the mouse goes to an X when i move to it
00:46.49 SRabbelier pacman87_: I was hoping the cataclist centre would help there
00:47.03 pacman87_ not really
00:47.22 SRabbelier :(
00:47.23 pacman87_ i was hoping there'd be documentation for how to do the xorg.conf
00:47.35 pacman87_ but my google skills are failing me
00:49.38 SRabbelier pacman87_: bummer
00:49.47 SRabbelier brb, restarting X
00:49.48 *** part/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
00:55.49 *** join/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
00:55.55 SRabbelier pacman87_: no go :(
00:56.04 SRabbelier pacman87_: I get the same X11 errors
00:57.21 pacman87_ is the fglrx module loaded?
00:57.29 pacman87_ lsmod | grep fglrx
00:57.31 SRabbelier nope xD
00:57.39 SRabbelier pacman87_: doesn't ./ install it?
00:58.00 pacman87_ yeah, but it doesn't load it
00:58.24 SRabbelier pacman87_: ah, ok, I successfully insmodded the module
00:58.38 pacman87_ and?
00:58.47 SRabbelier pacman87_: I don't know till I kill x again will I :P
00:58.58 SRabbelier goes for another murder
00:59.03 pacman87_ crosses fingers
01:02.21 *** join/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
01:03.08 SRabbelier pacman87_: no win
01:03.20 SRabbelier pacman87_: :(
01:03.58 SRabbelier pacman87_: and there's actually a /dev/dri/card0 now
01:06.11 SRabbelier goes try
01:06.13 SRabbelier brb again!
01:06.14 *** part/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
01:15.11 *** join/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
01:15.15 SRabbelier pacman87_: instant win!
01:15.20 brlcad heh
01:15.36 SRabbelier brlcad: sorry for abusing your channel for a totally offtopic discussion :P
01:15.55 SRabbelier brlcad: I just happened to find pacman87_'s post, then found his nickname and that he hangs out here :P
01:17.35 pacman87_ i'm also in #ati and #xorg
01:18.13 SRabbelier pacman87_: hehe
01:19.45 brlcad SRabbelier: perfectly alright when there's not an on-topic discussion underway
01:19.53 SRabbelier brlcad: sweet
01:20.07 SRabbelier is really happy with his now-working videocard
01:20.19 brlcad :)
01:20.25 pacman87_ i'm still trying to get dual-head working
01:21.28 SRabbelier pacman87_: the display manager tab of Catalyst doesn't help you?
01:21.42 pacman87_ amdcccle?
01:21.46 SRabbelier pacman87_: right
01:22.17 pacman87_ i can change the resolution, but the mouse is still an X and the screen is black
01:22.30 pacman87_ if i enable xinerama, both screens go black
01:22.37 pacman87_ with the X'd mouse
01:23.13 SRabbelier pacman87_: ftl :(
01:27.53 *** part/#brlcad SRabbelier (n=sverre@
01:34.58 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
01:59.55 starseeker hmm: Direct Trimming of NURBS Surfaces on the GPU
01:59.57 starseeker A highly efficient direct-trimming technique for NURBS surfaces, based on a novel point-classification scheme for curved regions including holes. This approach is applicable to tessellation-based rendering as well as to ray tracing systems.
02:02.51 starseeker 's curiosity is up
02:03.27 starseeker wonder if that's similar to what we're trying
02:06.30 starseeker reflects that it would be supremely ironic to figure out how to do that only to go to siggraph and read about it a few months later :-/
02:34.44 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=suryajit@
02:44.43 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
02:53.53 *** join/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
02:54.43 *** part/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
02:55.06 *** join/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
02:55.10 *** part/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
03:35.29 starseeker brlcad: here's a car you might appreciate ;-)
04:01.34 jdoliner brlcad I'm having a bit of trouble compiling against openNurbs
04:02.05 jdoliner I try:
04:02.35 jdoliner gcc intersect.cpp -o intersect
04:02.52 jdoliner and I get the libopenNURBS is an unrecognized file format
04:15.26 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
06:59.55 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
10:37.55 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry (
10:50.25 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:54.32 *** join/#brlcad pieromorelli (
10:56.37 d-lo Mornin all!
10:58.45 indianlarry hey d-lo
10:59.05 indianlarry looks like the builds on cruisecontrol are failing
11:07.27 indianlarry think i'll remove the '-no-undefined' option from the step library builds to get things rolling
11:37.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34590 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/ (6 files in 6 dirs): removed '-no-undefined' to get build rolling, will go back and resolve library dependencies
12:14.01 *** join/#brlcad pieromorelli (
12:46.23 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
12:46.53 madant brlcad: seems like i am hitting a week of backlog right at the start .
12:48.45 madant brlcad, i think i should have acess to "better computational capability" in a couple of days. will make up . at worst june 1st. will work on documentation till then.
12:52.02 pieromorelli documentation, that is the point. I miss a comprehensive handbook on mged commands... any suggestions? very very grateful thanks....
12:55.59 d-lo pieromorelli: Its not up-to-date, but this might get you a good starting point:
12:56.03 d-lo
12:56.21 d-lo only a handful of things have changed since those wiki pages were created.
12:56.42 d-lo nearly all the commands still work as documented.
12:59.22 pieromorelli thank you very much
13:14.22 madant if only mike muss et al. knew how the machine-human interface is going to change so much in 2 decades :D
13:14.36 madant who was the architect of mged ?
13:33.35 louipc isn't it still mouse and keyboard?
13:42.57 madant you can almost do nothing in catia with only the keyboard :)
13:44.28 starseeker muss et. al. were part of the group who defined what is "standard" today
13:44.56 starseeker early on, a lot of interface ideas we take for granted were the topic of cutting edge research
13:45.53 starseeker and the command line still exposes power no GUI can
13:46.47 starseeker we can certainly take a huge leap forward in usability, but the keyboard isn't going anywhere :-)
13:47.31 starseeker is though - to the roads!
13:56.50 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
14:07.58 ``Erik (also; modern machines seem to lack the button and knob boxes...)
14:10.13 archivist I only expect to type in numbers when prompted, rest is mouse , then you can keep one hand in your pocket/eat sweets pick nose etc
15:14.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34591 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Added editing for the extrude primitive.
15:46.12 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
16:37.46 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
16:58.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34592 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Arb8EditFrame.tcl GeometryEditFrame.tcl): Remove the value entry panel.
17:06.35 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
17:08.41 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:10.02 pacman87_ checking for Tcl configuration... configure: WARNING: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions
17:15.24 pacman87_ forgot to --enable-tcl-build --enable-tk-build
17:19.52 pacman87_ make[2]: Entering directory `/home/brlcad/brlcad/src/libged'
17:19.53 pacman87_ make[2]: *** No rule to make target `rotate_extrude.lo', needed by `'. Stop.
17:26.37 ``Erik might need to automake src/libged/Makefile (or re-run if'n auto* is all voodoo for ya)
17:28.05 d-lo Voodoo: I don't thing that word means what joo thing it means.....
17:29.24 elena hi.
17:29.47 pacman87 hi elena
17:30.40 elena hi pacman. how are your hardware projects going on?
17:31.02 elena embedded system homeworks, i believe.
17:31.55 pacman87 elena: all finished, school's been out for ~2 weeks
17:32.07 elena really, that soon? nice.
17:32.55 pacman87 i've been fighting with the fglrx driver for the last few days
17:33.13 elena ubuntu jaunty?
17:33.22 pacman87 ``Erik: rerunning didn't help
17:33.34 pacman87 elena: nope, slackware64-current
17:33.55 elena we fighted it last week. it won.
17:34.05 pacman87 had to dig up a patch to get the module to compile
17:34.30 pacman87 now i'm trying to get it to ignore the edid info so i can use the resolution i want
17:34.36 pacman87 and avoid 60 hz refresh
17:34.47 d-lo pacman87: 'make distclean' then './' ?
17:36.58 pacman87 eta 5 min
17:40.17 ``Erik d-lo: some people believe auto* is sorcery that involves chicken blood, magic charms, etc... :D
17:40.45 pacman87 same error again
17:42.07 ``Erik hm, probably means the Makefile isn't being regenerated correctly (or the .in file), check the timestamps?
17:42.57 pacman87 timestamps on which files exactly?
17:43.01 ``Erik sees rotate_extrude.c in his
17:43.04 d-lo has chicken bones on a string hanging from his Windows machine
17:43.04 ``Erik Makefile*
17:44.43 ``Erik should be the oldest (and reasonably new), Makefile should be the newest. if the clock changes (or nfs goes gimpy), it can confuse stuff pretty badly
17:45.15 ``Erik huh, the last update I did gives me the same error, nifty
17:45.25 pacman87 is 11:38, is 12:45, Makefile is 12:36
17:45.30 pacman87 fresh checkout
17:45.50 d-lo NIFTI: Naval Infrared Firefighting Thermal Imager
17:47.15 ``Erik ah, the .deps files can't being filled correctly
17:49.26 ``Erik er, aren't
17:49.27 ``Erik heh
17:56.18 ``Erik pacman: your makefile isn't being regenerated, make sure you're using gnumake (sometimes other makes don't play well)
17:57.07 pacman87_ $ make --version
17:57.09 pacman87_ GNU Make 3.81
18:09.25 pacman87 lunchtime
18:11.21 d-lo hammertime!
18:12.56 ``Erik grabs a hammer and looks for d-lo O.o
18:13.12 d-lo can't touch this.
18:13.21 d-lo =D
18:35.33 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
19:25.14 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
19:27.16 d-lo Ralith: How goes the project?
19:40.53 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34593 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (17 files): A little cleanup.
19:45.16 d-lo fyi ``Erik pacman87 , I checked out a new copy of the repo and am getting that same error. (make[2]: *** No rule to make target `rotate_extrude.lo', needed by `'. Stop.)
20:35.25 ``Erik yes, I'm poking at it a little. It's creating files in the .deps directory that have no content (other than a single line that says "#dummy")
20:39.06 ``Erik silly windows user, +x isn't for C source
20:39.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34594 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (20 files): remove svn:executable prop on .c files.
20:46.23 ``Erik well now
20:46.25 ``Erik that'd be why
20:48.09 ``Erik hurrrr, someone forgot to add the new .c files
20:51.59 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:52.02 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34595 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (rotate_extrude.c scale_extrude.c translate_extrude.c): Added editing for the extrude primitive.
20:53.33 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34596 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (rotate_extrude.c scale_extrude.c translate_extrude.c): remove svn:executable prop on .c files.
21:44.38 *** join/#brlcad Feltenix (
21:45.32 Feltenix quick question, can brlcad import iges files and export dxf files?
21:47.41 starseeker yes, and yes
21:47.47 starseeker iges-g and g-dxf
21:48.57 Feltenix thanks
21:49.13 *** part/#brlcad Feltenix (
22:43.50 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:57.35 Ralith hey d-lo; a little bit delayed while I deal with my school's inexplicable enthusiasm for end-of-year makework.
22:57.45 Ralith shan't last much longer.

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