IRC log for #brlcad on 20090528

01:51.07 *** join/#brlcad d-lo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:53.14 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
02:05.01 brlcad Ralith: thx
02:05.13 Ralith ?
02:05.13 brlcad returns from the void
02:05.34 Ralith (brlcad*)
02:06.48 brlcad starseeker: thought you already had a link to that triming paper..
02:07.41 brlcad jdoliner: the .la files are "libtool archive" files that can only be linked against using 'libtool'
02:08.46 brlcad jdoliner: the .a and/or .so files that get installed would be what you'd link against, else you should have a with libtool directives
02:09.25 brlcad starseeker: nice car
02:09.57 Ralith what's the point of a .la?
02:14.03 brlcad thx was for the status update :)
02:14.16 Ralith :)
02:14.25 brlcad .la files encapsulate a lot of metadata information about how to build that library
02:14.46 brlcad it's not a library exactly, but a set of instructions and declarations that are important to libtool
02:14.50 Ralith ahh.
02:14.56 Ralith so it doesn't have any object code in it.
02:15.01 brlcad it's a text file actually, you can see the content
02:15.13 brlcad it says what object files comprise that library
02:15.19 brlcad what flags are required
02:15.25 brlcad what libraries it depends on
02:15.27 brlcad etc
02:15.40 Ralith cool
02:15.42 brlcad everything it might possibly need to know to portably link against that library static/shared
02:15.52 brlcad just a sausage detail of libtool
02:16.00 Ralith on the subject of sausages
02:16.02 Ralith foods
02:16.11 brlcad you can actually use libtool directly, but you invoke it instead of gcc
02:16.23 Ralith neat
02:17.40 brlcad e.g., this probably would have worked: libtool --mode=link gcc intersect.cpp -o intersect
02:17.51 brlcad assuming it had no other requirements
02:19.47 brlcad starseeker: surprising that thing has nearly 400hp yet still only manages 0-60 in 4 and top of 171
04:00.25 yukonbob hello, cadheads
04:00.57 pacman87 hi yukonbob
04:02.30 yukonbob waves to pacman87
07:08.08 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
07:29.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r34597 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: sync with
08:28.42 *** join/#brlcad pacman871 (
08:33.55 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (n=rossberg@
09:03.33 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
09:09.22 *** join/#brlcad pieromorelli (
09:47.20 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:17.09 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry (
10:43.08 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
11:15.02 d-lo Mornin all
11:41.36 brlcad howdy
11:41.40 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
11:41.47 d-lo brlcad: Everything go okay?
11:42.40 brlcad yeah, mostly good news in the sense that there wasn't immediate bad news
11:43.22 brlcad but going to have open heart surgery in a few weeks
11:44.04 d-lo Well, I suppose thats as good of news as one could hope for. Good to here there isn't anything immediate.
11:44.23 d-lo I take it the docs are confident with the pending open heart surgery?
11:48.32 brlcad that bit we don't have any info about yet
11:48.40 *** join/#brlcad bcsaba (
11:48.46 brlcad about what they plan to do exactly even
11:49.11 d-lo ah, well here's to hoping for the best!
12:15.38 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
12:15.45 *** part/#brlcad elena (n=ebautu@
12:17.33 bcsaba Hi, I would like to read about brl-cad from develompent point of view.
12:18.00 bcsaba can you suggest some resources?
12:19.30 bcsaba thanks in advance
12:24.05 brlcad bcsaba: there's a lot of various material, the HACKING file in all distributions is a decent starting point
12:24.43 brlcad as is src/README, or just asking questions in here or on the brlcad-devel mailing list
12:26.38 bcsaba I tried finding something on the web page for the momemnt, but I'll check these first
12:27.04 bcsaba One question: is BRL-CAD support team working somehow?
12:43.11 brlcad bcsaba: there is some developer stuff on the website as well, but I'd start with the HACKING file
12:44.02 brlcad bcsaba: not sure I understand your question, support is provided here on IRC, on the forums, through the trackers, and on the mailing lists
12:44.34 brlcad most of the team's interactions are over IRC or on the brlcad-devel mailing list
12:45.04 bcsaba I mean to use BRL-CAd in a team. To work team members on a project together somehow.
12:45.28 *** join/#brlcad pieromorelli (
12:46.39 brlcad ah!
12:47.36 brlcad bcsaba: brl-cad is used by teams of modelers, but the software does little automatically for you in that regard (other than mged allowing multiple clients to work on a .g simultaneously)
12:48.03 brlcad that is one of the design intents of the new modeler gui, though, and the supporting geometry service interface
12:53.15 brlcad bcsaba: I take it you've not done much research into just how much open source CAD is out there? :)
12:54.14 brlcad we're by far as good as it gets and we still have a long ways to go -- many of the commercial CAD systems don't even intrinsicly support team workflows
12:54.15 bcsaba You're right, I started it now only.
12:54.48 bcsaba That's why I asked some help from experts, where to start with it.
12:56.02 brlcad what we have going for us is history (brl-cad's been around for decades), expertise, and community .. we're set up so anyone can get involved to help make it better
12:58.27 bcsaba If someone else editing the .g file whlie I working on it too, how his/her modifications affects my work?
12:58.55 bcsaba If for example something was removed what I was just using in my work?
12:59.09 brlcad it depends
12:59.53 brlcad if you're using two different MGEDs then their actions will affect your work (eventually)
13:00.01 brlcad if you two share an MGED instance, everything will work just fine
13:00.17 brlcad MGED is the name of the main GUI editor, fwiw too :)
13:00.37 brlcad MGED has the ability to have multiple simultaneous user sessions (even remote ones)
13:01.40 brlcad some actions, like ray-tracing do all their I/O at the beginning and no longer need it afterwards so if you start rendering, for example, and an edit is made to the .g, it won't matter
13:02.00 brlcad i presume you mean two modelers though
13:02.31 bcsaba That's multiple session thing is something new for me, I'll check this out.
13:02.42 bcsaba Yes, I presumed two medelers.
13:03.25 brlcad the new GUI I referred to is going to utilize a geometry service (currently under development) which makes all I/O go through a daemon interface (ala mysqld) which will better support user sessions
13:03.51 brlcad so that you can have two independent modelers working simultaneously on the same model and receive notifications of each other's work
13:04.07 brlcad that is, however, very much under development as we speak
13:04.42 brlcad bcsaba: perhaps of interest, long-term development priorities:
13:05.44 brlcad that covers the next four years or so
13:08.48 bcsaba Understand. Thanks for your time and the information for now.
13:09.16 bcsaba I'll read forward, and I think I'll return with knew question later too.
13:26.56 starseeker brlcad: that trimming paper is to be presented at this year's siggraph - I was figuring it hadn't been published yet
13:28.16 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=suryajit@
14:20.54 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:19.38 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=suryajit@
17:14.48 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:29.07 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
19:33.17 ``Erik brlcad:
19:33.31 ``Erik does ellie fall into that?
20:03.04 *** join/#brlcad andax (
21:15.04 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
22:36.32 brlcad ``Erik: Elle not Ellie :)
22:37.24 brlcad and no, mine is not in that range -- mine is late 2008 iirc
22:48.45 ``Erik heh, ok
22:49.22 ``Erik the tesla roadster went for sale in that period, they sold 400 and had to recall 345 cuz of lotus screwing that up
22:50.28 brlcad heh, awesome
22:50.59 brlcad some newb factory dude
22:51.42 brlcad "dammit jimmy! those bolts aren't tightened to 200 psi! they should be 500psi! .. uh oh"
22:53.04 ``Erik ('cept it'd be footpounds)
22:53.05 ``Erik :D
22:55.36 brlcad e-mails that to his dealer
22:56.14 brlcad how'd you run across that? recall came out today..
22:56.19 ``Erik HN
22:56.26 ``Erik it'll be on slashdot in a couple days
22:56.36 ``Erik :D
22:58.01 ``Erik
22:58.23 brlcad mm..
22:59.12 ``Erik btw, coolness:
23:01.28 brlcad ~(375 * 500.0) + (2.0 * 100.0 * 375)
23:01.29 ibot 262500
23:02.14 brlcad so roughly less than the cost of 1% of the cars tesla has sold to date
23:02.50 ``Erik huh?
23:03.18 brlcad assuming an avg repair cost of a 500 plane ticket and 2 hours at a 100/hr to send a tech over to tighten the bolts
23:03.19 ``Erik <-- didn't dig into numbers, just saw that 345 were recalled and 400 sold
23:03.32 brlcad says they're flying guys out to fix the problem
23:03.43 ``Erik if you live outside of one of their core areas
23:03.54 brlcad right, upper bound of sorts
23:03.59 ``Erik I think the actual repair cost is neglegible compared to the 'opportunity cost'
23:04.33 brlcad the customer service reputation of "dude, the guy came to my house!" is pretty remarkable regardless of the production count :)
23:04.58 ``Erik yeah, it's a slick damage control move if people read down that far
23:05.19 brlcad the tesla is sweet
23:05.34 brlcad heck, I might have even held out for the model S had I known that pricetag
23:05.37 ``Erik don't like rolls royce and maybach do that, too? I vagually recall that they have trucks they'll dispatch to fix the car right where it is if it every breaks down
23:05.38 brlcad probably not, but maybe :)
23:06.02 ``Erik next time around, when they're a little more powerful and have better range :D
23:06.09 brlcad finding a place to charge the car would have been a bitch
23:06.22 brlcad without a garage
23:06.26 ``Erik *nod*
23:07.12 ``Erik even with a garage, not like there're available outlets at work, or the parking lot up in delaware to look at new speakers
23:08.38 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
23:12.52 ``Erik still wants to see a car that uses a high efficiency diesel generator, capacitor bank and dc motors, similar to a freight train
23:13.43 brlcad and goes all the way up to 60 mph after 60 sec but gets 200 mpg? :)
23:15.58 ``Erik nah, what I'm thinking is like a 20hp generator, would have the same 'burst' capability to push the motors hard for the 4 or so seconds to hit 60 in the capacitors plus some, and a bit more than enough horsepower left over to recharge the capacitors while holding highway speed
23:16.19 ``Erik throw in regenerative braking for aggressive stop&go and it's all good :D
23:16.50 ``Erik and a lot less weight than a battery assembly
23:17.32 ``Erik (and the engine could run in the optimal efficiency/output range instead of being all over the place like a regular ICE car)
23:19.06 ``Erik was hoping to do that to his truck, but simply lacks the time and will
23:19.52 brlcad lazy!
23:20.40 ``Erik indeed
23:20.59 ``Erik too much code to write, too much to do around the house
23:21.34 ``Erik too much to recoup from after wow addiction :D
23:23.40 ``Erik mebbe I woulda if I had a two car garage, or bought a car I didn't care about putting in the garage *shrug*
23:42.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (

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