IRC log for #brlcad on 20090603

03:04.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34641 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Command.tcl:
03:04.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: protect the gets rename the same way mged/text.tcl does it by making sure the
03:04.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: proc has a body/exists first. the s2 folks reported that they're getting an
03:04.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: error about gets not existing which would be consistent with the Command.tcl
03:04.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: constructor getting read multiple times.
03:17.01 brlcad teh awesome,
03:18.41 brlcad took 60 cores to crunch that image out in about 3 hours :)
03:18.53 brlcad granted it was running at less than half-speed with all the verbose overlap logging
03:19.01 Ralith top's a little overexposed
03:19.26 Ralith but yeah, very nice
03:19.35 brlcad and there are something like 16 spotlight light sources, 128 shadow rays, texturing, bump-mapping, .. lots of reflectivity
03:19.53 brlcad pretty "expensive" picture
03:20.09 Ralith pretty subtle bumpmapping/texturing.
03:20.15 brlcad yep, intentionally
03:20.25 Ralith I dunno, it might've been a bit underboard, so to speak
03:20.41 Ralith I have a hard time telling it apart from a flat gray untextured model without looking very close
03:20.42 brlcad it's closer to what it actually looks like
03:20.57 Ralith okay
03:21.09 Ralith I guess it actually looks like an untextured model :P
03:21.47 brlcad untextured looks much different
03:21.52 brlcad way too 'perfect'/clean
03:22.33 Ralith I guess it's the lack of a comparison that dose it
03:22.42 Ralith does*
03:25.05 brlcad and to 'finish' it off, a 2x2 subsampling to eliminate the aliasing and rendering edges cleanly ..
03:25.08 brlcad
03:27.53 brlcad 4x4 would be better, but that would take all night and there are other scenes of the goliath also worth rendering
03:28.46 brlcad was nice if only just to sort out how remrt/rtsrv work once again, been a couple years
03:29.30 brlcad calls it and heads out
03:53.37 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
04:30.25 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:59.49 brlcad howdy jdoliner
05:00.06 starseeker that is an awesome goliath
05:00.53 brlcad it finished shortly after you left
05:00.58 starseeker heh figures
05:01.07 starseeker scowls at cat
05:01.42 brlcad s/sc/throws b/
05:02.06 starseeker nah, enough broken glass here for one night
05:02.17 starseeker she's a good enough cat most of the time
05:02.23 brlcad glass? :)
05:02.40 brlcad was thinking more the stone or metal variety ;)
05:02.49 starseeker she knocked over a lamp with an old style neon light bulb in it (you know, the big round ones)
05:02.59 starseeker ah :-)
05:06.08 brlcad thinks these will make a nice set of renderings for the museum
05:09.24 starseeker indeed, they'll love it
05:10.34 starseeker still would prefer to be sure the texture images are something we can include in the repository
05:11.19 brlcad now that it's clear how it'll turn out, should have remrt quell overlaps, quell liboptical light overlap reporting, and render an 8k x 8k for a poster print
05:11.34 starseeker :-)
05:12.53 brlcad that's about 48 hours at the same settings and cpus, could probably triple the cpu horsepower to have it done overnight
05:13.42 brlcad should do the other 2k's of the other 3 or so scenes first though
05:13.54 brlcad then pick one to posterfy
05:14.11 starseeker heh - museum could sell copies
05:18.25 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34642 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: quell overlap reporting for the non-primary photonmapping rays
05:32.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34643 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: ws style consistency cleanup, fix crazy equal alignment
05:34.08 starseeker brlcad: can you leave irc messages for people?
05:34.18 starseeker for when they reappear?
05:34.21 brlcad memoserv
05:38.10 starseeker thanks
05:38.24 starseeker 's brain gives out
05:40.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34644 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/refract.c: propagate the same overlap logging behavior on refracted rays as on the originating ray
05:43.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34645 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_air.c: utilize the same overlap logging when shooting rays via the (incomplete) 'textured mist' shader.
05:44.23 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34646 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: ws indent
05:55.43 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34647 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_toyota.c: propagate the overlap reporting callback for reflected texture rays
05:56.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34648 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ (refract.c sh_light.c): ws, style, indent, consistency cleanup
05:59.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34649 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_light.c: the biggest offenders of all when there are many light sources and/or lots of shadow calsbs. shoot an abundance of shadow rays but now utilizing the same overlap verbosity as the primary application ray.
06:01.31 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
06:03.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34650 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
06:03.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: all of the raytracers should now respect an application-defined overlap callback
06:03.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: including (most importantly) the ability to have a lot of light sources with
06:03.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: shadows and not have overlaps profusely reported particularly when the ray
06:03.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: tracer is told to be quiet.
07:24.11 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
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08:55.30 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
09:03.26 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
10:28.24 d-lo mernin all!
10:30.56 d-lo brlcad: Heh, so what prompted the rt/light fix in r34650 ? =D
10:38.49 d-lo brlcad: Kudos on the lighting Wiki page! +1 Digg
10:52.11 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
11:43.07 starseeker staggers back to an awake state
11:46.51 d-lo Staggers? heh, have a good night then eh?
11:51.42 starseeker nope. Cat knocked over a lamp with an old style circular bulb in it (think office celing light, just curved into a circle) so I got to get home and spend time on glass cleanup and laundry
11:52.07 starseeker tried hard to get some NURBS work done but brain shut down just before 2am
11:52.57 starseeker is surprised indianlarry isn't in yet
11:53.31 d-lo I think he is here....
11:53.46 d-lo here, as in at work, if not on irc
11:53.48 starseeker indianlarry: online?
11:55.03 indianlarry yes sorry
11:55.08 starseeker np - morning!
11:55.16 indianlarry how it go
11:55.43 starseeker 's brain thinks it should still be in the OFF setting - I'm convincing it otherwise
11:55.57 starseeker had a couple questions on the trimming code
11:56.04 indianlarry sure
11:56.31 starseeker if I've got it right, the CurveTree is being built in the preprocess-trims stage, and does not persist beyond that stage currently?
11:56.49 starseeker i.e., when we get to the utah_isTrimmed stage the tree isn't present?
11:57.14 indianlarry the curves should be attached to each 3d subdivision
11:57.27 starseeker ok - where are they stored?
11:59.16 starseeker knows that's embarassingly basic - sorry
12:00.27 indianlarry in the top surfacetree object there's an xsorted list of all curve segments 'm_sortedX' ad an y sorted list 'm_sortedY'
12:00.41 indianlarry sorry probably need to change to U,V references
12:00.47 starseeker ah, ok
12:00.52 indianlarry then in each subdivision
12:01.50 indianlarry there is an 'm_trims_above' and an 'm_trims_right' list
12:02.30 indianlarry so far it looks like i can remove the right and ysorted list
12:02.32 starseeker does it being private mean we won't be able to get at it from brep.cpp?
12:03.02 starseeker indianlarry: I'd leave them for the moment
12:03.20 indianlarry just intend to access through member functions like isTrimmed(u,v)
12:03.22 starseeker at least, until we hit it with some tougher geometry
12:03.51 starseeker Oh, I see
12:04.01 indianlarry i'll put the quick linear is in test should get us one step closer before newton
12:04.07 starseeker cool
12:04.16 indianlarry you all stay up too late
12:04.27 starseeker heh
12:04.52 indianlarry i'll get crackin and try to clean it up a bit
12:05.24 starseeker np - I saw that TODO about finding multiple overlapping boxes and figured that was needed for the more "detailed" trimming
12:05.50 starseeker opennurbs_ext.h line 909 currently
12:06.41 indianlarry yea should only happen in special cases but can happen (sharp edge turned back on self)
12:07.19 starseeker thought we were going to make a list of all overlapping trim segments and store that for an isTrimmed test, but perhaps the above+right method gives us a subset that contains that subset and is "close enough" without doing the extra work of identifying the actually overlapping line segments
12:08.18 starseeker is the set of above+right guaranteed to contain all possible intersecting trim line segments?
12:08.28 indianlarry actually just the above should give us everything i'll probably remove the right
12:08.35 starseeker really
12:08.42 starseeker huh
12:09.08 indianlarry i think so
12:09.46 starseeker oh, right - do the brain experiment of trying to construct a trim line that intersects, has a line segment to the right, and NOT a line segment in or above (both of which should show up as "above"?)
12:10.04 indianlarry you got it
12:10.25 starseeker <Windows NT booting noise>
12:10.28 starseeker brain coming up
12:10.34 indianlarry heh
12:11.15 indianlarry do you try openbook?
12:11.27 starseeker yeah - it actually looks impressive!
12:11.37 indianlarry how long in prep
12:11.49 starseeker because it has so many small nurbs surfaces, it actually gets startlingly close
12:11.56 starseeker not too long
12:12.02 starseeker Sean wasn't at all bothered
12:12.09 indianlarry cool we're on the way
12:15.14 starseeker indianlarry: so for the IsTrimmed test, you will take the list of above line segments from the m_trims_above subdivision entry, check each segment bounding box to see if it truly is above or inside, and if inside find the box with the closest linear approximation based closest point to the hit point?
12:15.49 starseeker then if we need to, inside that last box we can go from the linear approx. based test to an actual closest point test?
12:17.29 indianlarry yes
12:17.48 starseeker ok, I get it now :-)
12:18.00 indianlarry i'm thinkang about carrying the vdot to bound the iteration
12:18.38 indianlarry and precomputed slope
12:18.39 starseeker might be a good idea
12:19.32 starseeker is glad he didn't muck with the code too much last night - would have done waaaay more work for less benefit
12:19.56 starseeker was mentally stuck on getting a list of JUST overlapping sections, not overlapping plus above
12:20.26 starseeker when the correct answer is probably "meh, we can sort that out cheaply and quickly at IsTrimmed"
12:21.20 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
12:21.31 indianlarry hopefully i'll have something before you get in
12:21.37 starseeker thinks some ascii-art uv space pictures might be in order for code documentation of these structures...
12:21.48 starseeker indianlarry: probably - I've got to get it together here :-)
12:21.55 starseeker indianlarry: awesome, awesome work
12:23.40 indianlarry starseeker: your idea
12:25.24 starseeker not so much with how do deal with the trimming curves and boxes
12:25.33 starseeker er to deal with
12:26.06 starseeker hunts for a way to ascii art output vector drawings...
12:29.07 starseeker maybe create by hand, we'll see
13:17.41 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
13:24.44 starseeker here are some text versions of the uv parameter space:
13:24.52 madant brlcad: can i have access to a decent computer somewhere :) something which has lesser than 2 hour build time i mean
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14:16.04 brlcad starseeker: what are the vertical lines?
14:47.26 starseeker 2D raytrace paths
14:58.43 ``Erik why, is that a metaball on that lighting page? :D
15:00.16 brlcad because it's what I snarfed from wikipedia
15:00.27 ``Erik doh
15:02.37 ``Erik then you should probably do something to note where it came from or something to comply with the gfdl
15:06.36 brlcad i did
15:06.43 brlcad feel free to make it better :P
15:17.36 ``Erik oh, click to follow, okie
15:17.46 ``Erik you're not in today? (at least, not in the next 13 minutes?)
15:33.05 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
15:43.33 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
15:48.16 elena hi
16:19.21 starseeker hey elena
16:19.33 elena hi starseeker
16:19.35 starseeker how's it going?
16:19.52 elena almost ready with the theme.
16:20.01 elena i've worked locally until now
16:20.09 elena and soon will start to use svn.
16:20.21 starseeker yeah, you need to be using svn throughout
16:20.30 starseeker need an intro to it?
16:20.33 elena brlcad said i should use it and commit frequent.
16:20.42 starseeker he's right
16:21.02 elena i read about it and i checkout the more folder
16:21.05 starseeker if you're not set up for that, that's definitely the next thing to do
16:21.08 elena which is empty now.
16:21.23 starseeker uh, I thought it was web
16:21.29 starseeker checks
16:21.38 elena web/htdocs/more
16:22.01 starseeker ok. you're working in that directory?
16:22.22 elena i guess so. isn't that where I should?
16:22.39 starseeker sure. just need to commit
16:22.54 elena aha.
16:23.05 elena i was expecting to find the drupal code in d folder.
16:23.16 elena but only has the site settings.
16:23.33 elena in the more may i commit the drupal code?
16:23.41 elena or it goes in some other place?
16:24.37 starseeker go ahead and commit - we can always undo
16:24.46 starseeker put it where it works, we can fix it if we need to
16:24.46 elena ok.
16:24.59 elena this is the theme i started with
16:25.31 elena but i made some changes to it.
16:26.04 elena i liked the colors.
16:26.06 elena :)
16:26.35 starseeker don't worry about the theme much - first order of business is the core functionality
16:26.42 starseeker themes later
16:26.47 elena ok.
16:27.21 elena i'll get an preview version this week.
16:28.10 starseeker sounds good :-)
16:28.19 elena can you check is the svn tags are ok?
16:28.21 starseeker you can check in without being finished
16:28.39 starseeker tags?
16:28.40 elena brlcad said you could make sure they are "set properly".
16:28.51 elena i don't know exactly how to do that.
16:29.02 elena maybe he did it when added more to the svn.
16:30.09 starseeker OK, I'll check with him and do what needs doing
16:30.13 starseeker if anything
16:30.14 elena i believe that is what he said "tags set properly". sorry, I don't remember exactly :(
16:30.25 elena thank you.
16:30.36 elena ~log
16:30.37 ibot well, log is
16:30.37 starseeker you can commit?
16:31.23 elena i didn't try yet. i have the code in another folder.
16:31.23 starseeker I think it's actually
16:31.45 starseeker might as well give it a whirl and see :-)
16:31.55 elena ok. i will.
16:32.09 starseeker Don't be shy - we're here to help :-)
16:32.18 elena :)
16:32.34 starseeker I've committed any number of embarassingly bad things
16:33.47 starseeker and I can't spell :-P
16:35.11 elena i found it. he said: "the basics are pretty simple, perhaps starseeker can help walk you through setting up a new repository module with the trunk/branches/tags set up properly"
16:35.31 elena but then asked for my sf username and maybe he did it.
16:35.51 elena
16:36.16 starseeker kinda looks like there are branches and tags directories, but I doubt we'll need them yet
16:36.26 elena ok.
16:36.37 starseeker unless he's got something specific in mind, I would expect you'd work in trunk
16:36.52 starseeker checks log
16:37.47 starseeker well, maybe...
16:39.07 starseeker ah, yeah - we're using the "web" module so we don't need to set up a new one
16:39.21 elena ok.
16:39.30 elena module == folder ?
16:39.56 starseeker kinda
16:40.04 starseeker functionally that's about it
16:41.11 starseeker basically work you do won't impact work in the iBME, brlcad or jbrlcad efforts (which have their own build systems, etc.)
16:41.30 elena aha.
17:31.52 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:50.32 elena i get:
17:50.38 elena svn: Commit failed (details follow):
17:50.45 elena Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
17:50.59 elena /var/local/mastertree/host/sfp-svn/hook-scripts/
17:51.15 elena then for each file says: svn:mime-type is not set
17:51.48 elena in the end it suggests to use svn propset svn:mime-type for each file.
17:53.02 elena or : You may want to consider uncommenting the auto-props section in your ~/.subversion/config file.
17:53.28 elena oh. obvious. :)
17:53.40 d-lo righto. If you are trying to commit code, then use 'svn propset svn:mime-type text/plain'
17:53.49 d-lo or whatever mime-type is needed.
17:54.17 elena i'll uncomment that line since there are too many files to do it manually.
17:54.42 elena i didn't understand what it says until I pasted it. :)
17:57.40 d-lo irc will eventually solve the world's problems. :)
17:59.21 ``Erik by removing humans from it? :D
18:07.31 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry (
18:11.21 d-lo ``Erik: only certain humans
18:12.04 ``Erik namely; those that use irc? :D
18:14.04 d-lo that cyclic logic just made my nose bleed.... :/
18:14.23 brlcad madant: still working on it, but you might have to just go with slow (and learn how to only do subbuilds) ..
18:14.35 brlcad haven't had the time to get things set up
18:16.35 ``Erik "how not to hummer your business" ow O.o
18:17.50 brlcad elena: yeah, by using the existing 'web' module, the trunk/branches/tags was already set up, then I further cleaned up the checkout by putting in the more pertinent config files
18:18.26 elena ok. thank you.
18:20.40 brlcad elena: that's your own box of sand to work in, though, you can put what you want/need into there
18:21.18 elena i'm about to.
18:21.26 elena still fighting svn :)
18:21.35 starseeker elena: this is helpful
18:21.39 elena i'll commit drupal first.
18:21.54 elena i think i got it.
18:22.00 elena commiting now.
18:22.02 elena thanks.
18:22.18 starseeker the subversion config there saves a LOT of the propset stuff
18:22.23 elena it doesn't seem hard, it's just the first time.
18:23.42 brlcad the example config file on the wiki will auto-set props on a lot of file types
18:23.44 starseeker you will grow to love svn, especially after your first major accidental overwrite/save disaster ;-)
18:23.56 brlcad because you want mime types to be set as wel as eol-style
18:24.44 starseeker for large commits of lots of new files, that config file is all but essential
18:25.02 starseeker REALLY suggest getting it set up
18:25.31 elena ok. i got it.
18:25.41 elena i'll add drupal specific files, too
18:35.25 elena goes to get dinner
18:41.43 brlcad happy hunting
18:43.46 brlcad elena: and you really must commit before doing any more work :)
18:44.28 brlcad same goes for everyone really
18:45.40 brlcad hardest new dev behavior, antisocial, actually counterproductive in the long run the longer time between/until commits
18:56.44 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:59.20 louipc could they set up a personal repo and merge their work in?
19:01.19 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
19:01.46 brlcad louipc: only if they're doing so several times a day
19:02.16 brlcad the point isn't so much the revision control as it is the communication of how and why development occurs to others, throughout the whole process
19:02.26 brlcad not just some checkpointed end-result
19:02.42 brlcad it's a communication mechanism
19:02.47 louipc yeah
19:03.23 louipc I was thinking it could help wean new devs on the idea of frequent commits.
19:04.05 brlcad usually happens best when they just dive in head first
19:04.13 louipc haha good stuff
19:04.20 brlcad so the benefits become evident more quickly
19:04.21 brlcad seriously
19:04.46 brlcad if it's only partial, the opposite occurs -- they'll wean themselves into less and less frequent commits eventually into isolation
19:06.03 brlcad happens nearly universal, particular when they're new or insecure or (intentionally or unintentionally) subversive and generally 'afraid' of being open about their development process
19:06.08 brlcad and activities
19:06.28 louipc I guess it depends on the person really
19:07.45 brlcad it does, but the tendency is pretty universal particularly for new developers
19:07.52 starseeker typically the fear is betray of inexperience/inability - everybody starts out that way, but none of us like to admit it ;-)
19:08.05 louipc yeah
19:08.17 brlcad nobody wants to show their mistakes
19:08.23 starseeker the point isn't don't make mistakes - the point is figure them out and fix 'em
19:08.39 brlcad want everything to be "just perfect" before they share it, like working on a piece of art that is finally unveiled
19:09.23 brlcad unfortunately, these are living works of art that have to be worked on by others if they are to survive, long after their contribution
19:09.32 starseeker this trend can be encouraged by environments that a) punish mistakes and b) take a silly mistake as evidence of incompetence
19:09.39 louipc that's why I like the idea of patches and reviewing them with others, they don't need to go into the working code until they're right
19:09.55 louipc but you still get the communication and everything
19:10.17 starseeker good project management has to be very constructive - work to solve problems and improve people's skills
19:10.26 brlcad code is easily read 10 times more than it is written, communicating intention and process throughout the development becomes critical, otherwise it's actually 'cheaper' to throw their contribution out the window and rewrite it from scratch
19:11.09 brlcad (openly)
19:11.27 louipc yep
19:12.32 starseeker the only times when there is justification for working long on code in isolation is something like a mathematical algorithm in a CAS system where it is easy to get code that produces AN answer and it's (very) difficult to be sure it's the RIGHT answer just by looking at the answer. In that case, releasing code that gives "an" answer is an invitation to misuse. But such cases are EXTREMELY rare
19:13.46 starseeker I don't think BRL-CAD really has any such cases - the closest is probably analytical ray tracing for things like weight or surface area, but even there the answer itself serves as a sanity check - it has physical meaning
19:16.09 ``Erik of course, releasing code that gives "an" answer may invite people to review and possibly correct or ask useful questions
19:16.55 starseeker my experience with mathematical software suggests it's far more likely to be used by people to solve pratical problems than to be reviewed with the care necessary to detect subtle errors
19:17.27 starseeker there is a reason mathematical problems drive formal methods in coding ;-)
19:17.45 louipc just make sure you put a disclaimer
19:17.51 ``Erik heh, and there's a reason that copy&paste coding is considered harmful :D
19:18.26 starseeker copy/paste in what sense?
19:18.36 louipc I copy paste
19:18.47 ``Erik people who grab code without understanding what it does and shove it in
19:19.34 starseeker ah. I was thinking more along the lines of people solving engineering problems and plugging their values into a "solver" for their particular equation
19:20.48 ``Erik so like a copy&paste coder who uses a library without knowing what it does underneath and doesn't care to learn because it's already there? :D
19:21.30 ``Erik we were actually having a discussion about which sorting algorithm to use for the nurb trimming this morning, heh :D
19:22.16 louipc haha I was taught the virtues of not knowing/caring what a library's function was doing, only what you put in and got out
19:22.32 starseeker ``Erik: in commercial coding, they probably won't LET you see the code behind the library
19:22.36 louipc kind of bad I guess...
19:22.58 ``Erik well, I'm thinking basic operations, like the set and sort stuff in jabba
19:23.16 ``Erik *shrug*
19:23.28 starseeker basic operations are more likely to be correct, just statistically speaking
19:23.43 starseeker simpler, more use cases that will shake out errors
19:23.44 ``Erik one of the neat things about STL was that it explicitely defined the asymptotic behavior
20:06.11 *** join/#brlcad andax (
20:18.34 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34651 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): started second level of NURB trimming using linear approximation
20:38.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r34652 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/ (327 files in 52 dirs): Initial commit. Drupal 5.18
20:38.39 brlcad woot :)
20:38.44 brlcad ~elena++
20:38.50 starseeker excellent
20:39.55 brlcad starseeker: even when working on a mathematical algorithm, you're not necessarily releasing that effort into production -- committing doesn't mean it has to be enabled for end-user use
20:41.02 brlcad quite the contrary, you can get some synergy where someone instantly recognizes a flaw early that saves the would-be-isolationist from going down the wrong path with bad assumptions/axioms for hours/days/weeks on end
20:41.19 brlcad or help with testing the implementation or documenting right away, etc
20:42.28 elena hurray. it finished.
20:42.31 brlcad most of what you refer to is a matter of making it user-visible and announced or at least active for use
20:42.39 brlcad elena: hurrah! :)
20:42.46 elena it turns out i had to remove everything and svn add them again.
20:42.58 brlcad yeah, props will do that
20:43.08 brlcad (wiki page mentioned that) ;)
20:43.27 elena :(
20:43.28 starseeker brlcad: true - I guess the problem with some of those projects is the line between "user visible" and "commited to public repository" isn't really there
20:43.48 brlcad project infrastructure
20:43.56 starseeker elena: It will get better - commiting large amounts of other code generally causes the most trouble with props
20:44.12 starseeker shudders at the memory of the docbook commits...
20:44.14 brlcad have to provide some way for code to develop openly but distinguished from vetted algorithms
20:44.17 elena btw, you should change the room title...
20:45.12 elena now that config is set, the following adds/commits should work ok.
20:46.04 elena now i'll checkout on the server :)
20:46.45 ``Erik find . -name .whatever -print0 | xargs -0 svn propset ...
20:46.58 ``Erik *.whatever, even
20:47.05 ``Erik :D
20:48.06 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.8 posted (20090511) || GSoC2009 Next Step: code code, type type, commit! commit frequently (multiple times daily) while you work. update wiki daily on progress.
20:54.44 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.8 posted (20090511) || GSoC2009 Next Step: code code, type type, commit frequently while you work! update wiki/blog on daily progress.
20:55.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r34653 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/.htaccess: Initial commit. Drupal 5.18 (cont)
20:57.34 elena i forgot some (hidden) files.
20:57.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r34654 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/profiles/default/ (. default.profile): Initial commit. Drupal 5.18 (cont)
21:00.26 elena may I create a database/user?
21:03.00 *** join/#brlcad andax (
21:06.37 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r34655 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/: Added but svn:ignored.
21:11.51 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r34656 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/themes/ (33 files in 3 dirs): Added fireflystream theme (initial commit)
21:16.50 ``Erik ahhh hhhhaaaaaaaaaa
21:22.20 brlcad elena: sure
21:22.26 brlcad let me know if you need a hand
21:22.31 elena thanks.
21:22.47 brlcad just shouldn't allow remote connections
21:22.57 elena ok.
21:24.45 brlcad elena: you didn't have to use 5.x simply because the current site is
21:24.56 brlcad don't know if that was why or just because it's more stable
21:25.21 elena i like it better than 6.
21:25.32 brlcad PrezKennedy: you there?
21:30.19 elena brlcad I can't create it. i don't have the rights.
21:30.52 elena can you help me?
21:36.21 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
21:53.16 brlcad yup, send me user/pass in pm
22:22.56 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:18.29 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:19.31 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:20.22 Ralith anyone else having lots of [near-]timeouts?
23:44.11 brlcad Ralith: I was, but not now
23:48.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34657 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/opennurbs_ext.h src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp):
23:48.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: closest NURBS trimming curve shouldn't ever be NULL - assign closest to the
23:48.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: first curve in all cases, then check for anything better. Visual artifacts now
23:48.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: more consistent with that expected for stage 2 trimming - activating and
23:48.32 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: committing.

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