IRC log for #brlcad on 20090605

00:23.47 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:51.04 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
01:03.13 ``Erik heh, pheer ~{ ~}
01:10.55 Ralith ?
01:11.17 Ralith as in, the lisp format thingies?
01:25.20 ``Erik yeah
01:27.25 Ralith has been teaching himself lisp
01:27.30 Ralith very fun stuff.
01:28.14 ``Erik indeed
01:28.20 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
01:57.18 brlcad howdy pacman87
01:57.42 brlcad ready to code yet? :)
02:00.48 *** join/#brlcad mike (
02:00.56 Mike111 hi all
02:03.44 brlcad howdy Mike111
02:04.19 Mike111 hi brlcad; how are you?
02:09.02 Mike111 I will have a non-brlcad model supplied (maybe as IGES or DXF). I want to change the model, that is, replace an original object (component in the model) with my own. How do I do that?
02:09.16 brlcad i'm great, busy times but great
02:09.26 brlcad can't wait to see how these renders turn out...
02:09.50 brlcad Mike111: it totally depends on the supplied model and how it's structured
02:10.55 Mike111 they model won't be a brl-cad format so there won't be a `tree' of combinations or primitives
02:10.56 brlcad many imports come in as polygonal meshes, which suck to edit (in brl-cad) beyond affine transforms (translation/rotation/scale) and delete/duplicate/replace
02:11.13 brlcad it may still be a collection of 'parts'
02:11.34 brlcad if your editing intent is to replace a given part, you should be able to delete the part and replace it with your own
02:12.37 Mike111 is there a way to automate this, if I need to do this repeatedly for the same model (try several different components)
02:14.45 ``Erik you're asking if BRL-CAD can automatically remove regions and replace them with other (different) geometry? O.o
02:15.36 Mike111 if I can script this operation, that is, define which part I want to remove, remove it and then attach the new part
02:15.38 brlcad if what you're doing is identically repetitive or repetitive in some prescribed pattern, sure it could be automated
02:15.51 brlcad heavily scriptable system
02:15.59 brlcad pick your poison/language
02:16.15 brlcad tcl inside mged, anything outside
02:16.27 ``Erik plus the clone and pattern tools
02:16.53 brlcad example scripting here:
02:17.00 Mike111 so far I've written script which I just piped in mged (a series of mged commands)
02:17.25 Mike111 the SGI example is good. clear to follow.
02:17.51 Mike111 Erik: what are those?
02:18.19 ``Erik commands inside of mged
02:20.17 brlcad Mike111: lots of commands categorized and listed in:
02:20.30 brlcad as well as the appendix of the MGED Tutorial
02:21.54 Mike111 Thanks.
02:22.31 Mike111 still not clear to me how exactly do I select a part of a DXF or IGES model.
02:24.14 ``Erik depends on how it converts
02:24.40 Mike111 brl-cad can import these formats directly, right?
02:25.14 brlcad yes, there's dxf-g and iges-g
02:25.31 brlcad if they have multiple objects, they will import as multiple objects
02:25.38 brlcad give it a try, see what it does :)
02:26.31 Mike111 once I loaded a DXF or IGES model, how do I check its `tree'? with `ls'?
02:27.33 ``Erik sure, or fire up the geometry viewer
02:27.49 brlcad tops, l, ls *, tree, ...
02:28.08 brlcad lots of ways -- Tools -> Geometry Browser will show you graphically
02:29.14 *** join/#brlcad feuerret (
02:30.41 Mike111 do you know a good GPL meshing program?
02:31.05 starseeker you mean mesh editing or mesh conversion?
02:32.45 Mike111 I mean meshing a model (not conversion), that is, taking a 3d model and creating a mesh (say unstructured) on the skin
02:33.25 Mike111 Other applications (such as structural analysis) need a mesh to analyze a model
02:33.28 starseeker um. it depends on what input data you're starting with. point cloud? CSG model? nurbs surface?
02:34.42 Mike111 I will have a CSG model which I generate in brl-cad.
02:35.14 ``Erik g-stl ?
02:35.24 Mike111 Later on, I may have a model which is imported (DXF or IGES) plus a component made in brl-cad
02:35.45 Mike111 Erik: you mean exporting the brl-cad model into stl?
02:36.29 brlcad many of our exporters mesh on output
02:36.36 brlcad g-dxf, g-stl, g-obj, g-nff, g-x3d, etc
02:36.41 ``Erik plus there's an mged command called "facetize" which converts the named region to a triangle version
02:37.05 brlcad those formats don't support CSG or implicit geometry, so we have to convert to their representation
02:39.23 brlcad if you really want to get fancy for FEA purposes, the recommended approach would probably be to buy a Cubit license ($300 for 5-years) and use our g-sat converter which hooks to Cubit
02:39.33 brlcad their meshing facilities are some of the best for FEA
02:40.25 brlcad as for free, there's not really a lot of good meshers for FEA purposes that are open source, at least not that preserve solidity
02:54.59 Mike111 the lab here used a mesh generator running on CentOS linux.
02:55.16 *** join/#brlcad Feuerret (
02:55.30 Mike111 as I understand, it needs an IGES file which `only describes the skin' (outer surface of the model)
02:55.37 Mike111 that's what the lab users just told me
02:56.58 brlcad yeah, iges supports a wide variety of geometry including skin-only models
02:57.25 brlcad we call them "plate-mode bots", and such an iges should import as such iirc
02:57.31 Mike111 can I directly export the model as `skin-only' from brl-cad or one its exporters?
02:57.42 brlcad "bots" == "bag of triangles"
02:58.07 brlcad we only export skin-only if it imported as skin-only
02:58.41 Mike111 what is I create the model in brl-cad from scratch?
02:58.57 brlcad those are solid models
03:00.11 Mike111 so they cannot be exported as `skin-only'?
03:00.32 brlcad a solid model that is tessellated to a bot is trivial to convert to a plate-mode bot
03:00.59 brlcad I'm not sure I believe that you actually need skin models though, *especially* if it's for a mesher designed for FEA
03:01.19 brlcad a general content mesher, sure
03:01.26 brlcad but not one for analytic purposes
03:01.58 brlcad I'd bet your lab is abusing some non-analytic mesher tool (simply because it was free and did the job)
03:02.41 brlcad hm, looks like our iges exporter will not export plate-mode bots
03:04.40 Mike111 what about the option you mentioned on tesselating a bot and converting it to a plate-mode bot?
03:12.43 brlcad that's possible but it wouldn't do anything useful for you
03:12.56 brlcad before guessing, you probably should just take a very simple test case and see how it works
03:13.03 brlcad make a sphere
03:13.11 brlcad export that sphere as dxf, iges, and stl
03:13.25 brlcad see how each import into that mesh tool
03:13.49 brlcad then try importing something, export it as dxf, iges, and stl .. see how it imports into the mesher
03:14.23 brlcad that will answer way more questions than speculating on what is possible, our terminology, their terminology, your understanding, etc ;)
03:23.43 Mike111 OK, I'll give it a try and take it from there.
03:24.39 brlcad cool, please update on how it goes!
03:25.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34665 10/brlcad/trunk/ (BUGS TODO): the regression test case is failing due to a change in view initialization. needs to be fixed.
03:26.01 Mike111 The Lighting tutorial is clear. Howeverm, now the link is missing from the brlcad wiki page.
03:28.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/block: blocked [[User:]] with an expiry time of infinite (anonymous users only, account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
03:28.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1461 10/wiki/Main_Page: Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|Talk]]); changed back to last version by [[User:|]]
03:28.27 brlcad fixed
03:28.49 brlcad it's a wiki .. you can fix it if it happens again ;)
03:28.59 brlcad just select History, see what happened
03:29.14 Mike111 sure, thanks for the info.
03:29.37 brlcad if you compare a revision to the previous, it'll show the changed lines. you can see in that one that someone spammed a link this morning
03:30.31 Mike111 nasty
03:31.11 brlcad happens
03:31.17 Mike111 how do I place light sources in specific locations, such as in the tutorial?
03:31.19 brlcad it's trivial to revert
03:31.31 brlcad you create geometry, put it where you want
03:31.52 brlcad e.g., there I created little spheres
03:32.18 brlcad you put them in a region and mark the shader as a 'light'
03:32.39 Mike111 so if a primitive has only the `Light' shader enable they essentially act only as light sources?
03:33.06 Mike111 so if a primitive has only the `Light' shader enable it essentially acts only as a light source?
03:33.07 brlcad 'only' as light sources?
03:33.50 brlcad when you apply the light shader, it's considered a light, which means it illuminates the scene
03:33.56 brlcad creating a light disables the default lights
03:34.14 brlcad rather, rendering a scene with a light in it disables the defaults
03:34.25 brlcad not just creating it, have to have it in your scene ;)
03:34.35 Mike111 that's the -A0 setting?
03:34.46 brlcad no, that's the ambient energy in the scene
03:35.48 brlcad that page isn't meant to explain everything about lighting -- there's too much to cover for that short space -- it's meant to explain lighting _after_ you already understand how to create a light :)
03:36.06 brlcad the tutorial series covers lighting iirc
03:36.22 Mike111 you mean volume II?
03:36.24 brlcad but basically you create geometry, apply light shader, then render
03:36.50 brlcad II or III -- that's the series
03:41.11 Mike111 Vol. II, p.124:"The light shader is technically complex and not discussed in this tutorial". :(
03:41.11 brlcad make sph sph ; r light.r u sph ; mater light.r light 255 0 0 0
03:41.23 brlcad that will make a red spherical light
03:41.34 brlcad so maybe it was III
03:42.46 brlcad or not..
03:42.57 Mike111 I'll check later in detail.
03:43.01 brlcad don't see a light ref
03:44.45 brlcad covers it a little bit
03:45.20 brlcad but if you run that line I gave you and then edit the object with the combination editor (then select 'shader'), you'll see the options
03:45.53 Mike111 I was looking at these options yesterday, after reading the lighting tutorial
03:47.59 Mike111 can you clarify what are the `fraction' and `lumens'? settings for intensity?
03:55.32 *** join/#brlcad cad21 (
03:55.55 *** join/#brlcad Feuerret (
03:56.51 *** join/#brlcad Feuerret (
03:57.11 brlcad ignore lumens
03:57.23 brlcad fraction is the % contribution to the scene
03:57.41 brlcad so if you have just one light, it contributes 100%
03:57.51 brlcad you can make it twice as bright by making it 200%
03:58.06 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
03:58.30 Mike111 so it's basically the intensity?
03:58.41 brlcad if you have two lights with fractions 1 and 1, they'll both be contributing 100% respectively (resulting in the same 'intensity' as one light at 200%)
03:58.54 brlcad basically, but it's balanced among all lights in your scene
03:59.40 *** join/#brlcad Feuerret (
03:59.40 Mike111 ok. what are `angle' and `target'?
04:01.16 *** join/#brlcad Feuerret2 (
04:01.19 brlcad angle is the direction the light faces
04:01.27 brlcad er, sorry, target
04:01.38 brlcad target is the direction
04:02.05 brlcad angle is the angle of the light cone -- default is 180 degrees
04:02.15 brlcad 20 degrees would make a sort of "spotlight"
04:02.35 brlcad .1 degree would be like a laser
04:02.49 brlcad 5 degrees like a flashlight, etc
04:03.00 Mike111 you mean how much the light is `spread'?
04:03.03 brlcad right
04:03.37 brlcad they're directional by default, not omnidirectional
04:03.55 Mike111 would 360 give an omnidirectional source?
04:04.06 brlcad you know, I don't remember :)
04:04.49 Mike111 180 means the source only emits towards the `bottom'?
04:05.39 Mike111 so that's why you need a target? to specify a direction vector around which the light `spreads'?
04:12.15 Mike111 brlcad: sorry but I need to go now. I'm logging the chat so if you reply I'll view that later. Cheers
04:14.21 brlcad right
04:14.30 brlcad that's direction and the spread/angle
04:39.08 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
04:48.02 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
04:48.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03173.57.41.37 07 * r1462 10/wiki/User:Pacman87: /* About me */
04:49.45 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03173.57.41.37 07 * r1463 10/wiki/User:Pacman87: /* About me */
04:54.43 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34666 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/opennurbs_ext.h src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp):
04:54.43 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: linear approximation a lot closer, now need to get the final newton
04:54.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: step working on the trims. I do see some artifacts from the tangent sign
04:54.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: change in the UV horizontal(v) but as discussed that should be an easy fix,
04:54.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: The hit checks (odd/even) are back on so you may see some background specks
04:54.45 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: around edges - this seems to have cleaned up some of the odd looking behavior
04:54.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: in the images BRLCAD generated (but didn't check all models)
05:02.47 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
07:27.01 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
07:59.23 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:04.50 brlcad indianlarry: up late eh? :)
09:22.39 Ralith aren't we all?
09:25.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
09:33.51 Axman6 brlcad: do/have you done any Ada programming? (i feel i've asked you this before, so sorry if i have)
10:07.19 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
10:21.32 Ralith sleeps
11:32.25 d-lo Mernin all!
11:34.37 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (n=rossberg@
11:50.30 starseeker indianlarry: awesome!
11:51.48 starseeker thank you!
11:53.43 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:18.49 starseeker scowls at jove - where did "jove.h:431: error: conflicting types 'getline'" come from?
12:39.51 starseeker hmm - some sort of getline definition in stdio.h... ugh
13:01.01 starseeker disables jove building and moves on with life
13:02.32 ``Erik svn rm ftw O.o
13:04.09 starseeker blinks at the number of format argument complaints he's getting
13:04.30 starseeker serves me right for updating my system - now I'll bet my gcc/automake combo is too new to work again...
13:06.33 ``Erik eh?
13:07.06 starseeker runs gentoo unstable, so I tend to be uncomfortable close to the "cutting edge" of gcc/autotools versions
13:07.24 ``Erik has a feeling that the actual problem is a more strict automake and an inferior package management system that did not update all the packages that installed (now old style) m4 files? :D
13:07.54 starseeker eh, possibly
13:08.07 starseeker not sure how to spot that
13:08.12 ``Erik lots of "underquoted" issues?
13:08.35 starseeker no, more complaints about "expects unsigned int, but given long int" or some such
13:08.45 ``Erik ohhh, type issues, n/m :)
13:09.23 ``Erik what are your -W flags?
13:09.32 starseeker should be default
13:09.49 ``Erik doesn't remember default O:-)
13:10.22 starseeker <PROTECTED>
13:11.05 starseeker yeah, not sure
13:11.18 starseeker isn't too concerned right now - more important that install works
13:11.34 starseeker (me neeeeeds moooore cooores......)
13:11.46 starseeker 40 minute builds suck
13:12.17 starseeker guesses when Qt/Ogre installs become part of the game the time will have come to upgrade this sucker
13:12.48 _clock_ Qt a part of brlcad install?
13:13.00 starseeker not yet
13:13.06 starseeker we might never put it in
13:13.30 starseeker but Ralith is exploring combining the Qt toolkit with Ogre
13:18.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:18.19 starseeker hmm:
13:28.15 starseeker what on earth: /usr/bin/install: will not overwrite just-created `/usr/brlcad/share/man/man3/librle.3' with `../../../../brlcad/src/other/libutahrle/librle.3'
13:29.45 starseeker sees duplicate entry in Makefile... how did it get there...
13:33.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34667 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libutahrle/ Remove duplicate entry for librle.3
13:36.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34668 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libtienet/ Remove duplicate tienet_util.h entry
13:39.24 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
13:39.51 ``Erik ponders the breakage in opennurbs
13:40.08 ``Erik src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_system.h:150: error: expected identifier or '(' before '/' token
13:40.12 ``Erik line #'s must be off
13:40.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34669 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/images/Themes/Windows/ Remove duplicate entry for pane_collapse.png
13:41.20 starseeker blinks
13:42.44 starseeker ``Erik: where are you seeing that?
13:42.52 ``Erik amd64 fbsd7
13:42.53 starseeker what OS I mean
13:42.55 starseeker ah
13:43.24 ``Erik knew what ya meant :D
13:44.24 starseeker gets the latest nurbs raytrace of shape1.s - swwwweeeeet
13:45.08 starseeker ok, so that was it - my toolset is suddenly picky about duplicate file listings in
13:45.13 starseeker <snort>
13:45.20 starseeker oh, well - legit errors I suppose
13:45.32 starseeker alrightie, I'm on the road
13:46.44 d_rossberg ``Erik: // => /* */
13:46.54 ``Erik yes, compiling with that
13:47.08 ``Erik wanted the compile to finish before I commited :)
13:47.57 ``Erik there're more of those, I'll wait until I get them all and commit 'em all at once
13:48.10 d_rossberg isn't // already legal in C code?
13:49.34 ``Erik it's c99
13:50.26 ``Erik I'm compiling with "-W -Wall -ansi -pedantic" because I'm nuts
13:54.03 ``Erik meh, screw it, we'll just say c99 is required for opennurbs :D
13:54.49 d_rossberg opennurbs is C++ :P
13:54.59 ``Erik it's mostly c++, there're 2 C files in it
13:55.27 ``Erik which is how I'm tripping that issue :)
14:33.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34670 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h:
14:33.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: added initial curve approximation to trims, still some fuzz, haven't optimized
14:33.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: merely replaced linear check for now i'm sure its slower
15:29.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34671 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h: pass in the full uv point in the curve iteration function (not sure I'll need it but if I do this will minimize the effort to swap out different curve solver attempts) - no functionality change
15:37.24 indianlarry starseeker: probably should have passed it in for good measure, could also use to stop iteration is v falls out of closeness (is that a word?)
15:37.49 starseeker not sure :-)
15:38.15 starseeker was just going to take another stab at writing a newton iterator, looks like it needs both but I'm not totally sure
15:38.55 starseeker probably need the test of within the triangle defined by the normals and the line segment between the two end points too
15:38.59 starseeker (ick)
15:39.16 indianlarry sounds good i'm looking at getting rid of the horz v problem and checking a couple saw tooths
15:39.40 starseeker cooool
15:39.49 starseeker (lunch, back in a bit)
15:40.08 indianlarry okay
15:40.33 indianlarry (cigar break)
16:07.14 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
16:08.06 madant is finally all set (sort of) .. sleepless nights here i come
16:40.09 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
17:04.24 starseeker is back
17:07.32 ``Erik sticks his finger up his nose
18:10.14 ``Erik heh
18:12.00 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
18:17.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34672 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h: Add an attempt at a Newton iteration solver. Still waaay too many hard coded values chosen arbitrarily - doesn't seem to be better than Keith's initial curve approx.
18:32.54 starseeker indianlarry: is this the kind of effect you're seeing?
18:34.05 starseeker I'm nirting through those cracks, and I'm not seeing any failed to converge errors... not sure what to make of it
18:38.07 starseeker fwiw, a specific example is Origin (x y z) = (28.64 19.53 23.17), Direction (x y z) = (-0.7424 -0.5198 -0.4226)
18:51.31 starseeker that ALMOST looks like a sawtooth behavior - it doesn't seem to be a newton convergence issue, although I could be wrong.
19:06.16 indianlarry starseeker: i found the saw tooths, looks to be my error tolerences on the bulk BBoxes
19:06.52 starseeker nice work!
19:07.58 indianlarry starseeker: won't need to set error so high if i get the BBoxes breaking on the Horz/Vert peaks
19:08.07 starseeker nods
19:08.28 indianlarry would make curve lie on inside of BBox
19:10.44 starseeker how did you want to do that? Newton converge to find the max within the bounding box?
19:10.52 indianlarry for sure
19:12.22 starseeker ponders how to approach that...
19:16.34 indianlarry not sure but at least 2d problem and brute forcing an iterative approach is doable especially in prep stage
19:16.56 indianlarry starseeker: sorry having connection problems
19:17.32 indianlarry starseeker: wow, now that's a saw tooth you posted
19:17.50 indianlarry starseeker: bur yes that's what i was seeing as well
19:17.51 starseeker that's a zoomed in sawtooth ;-)
19:17.59 starseeker having connection problems too
19:18.30 indianlarry starseeker: in most places things seem pretty tight
19:18.43 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
19:18.44 starseeker indianlarry: what about checking the tangent vectors at the start and end points? even if it is a special case, it might help
19:19.18 indianlarry starseeker: definitely, will start there
19:19.45 indianlarry starseeker: did brlcad try and raytrace that phone again?
19:20.03 starseeker don't think so - let me see if I can take a stab at it
19:20.21 ``Erik shouldn't you be enjoying scotch and a cigar instead of wanking around on irc? O.o :D *duck*
19:21.10 indianlarry ``Erik: something sensual about working in the raw and nobody knowing... oops
19:21.31 ``Erik wait, no one knowing?
19:21.35 ``Erik looks for his pants O:-)
19:22.55 indianlarry puts scitch back in cabinet
19:23.11 indianlarry then puts scotch back in cabinet
19:23.27 starseeker that how you can tell you've had enough? ;-)
19:23.52 indianlarry almost ;^{o>>>>>>>>>>>>>
19:25.56 ``Erik no, 'i' and 'o' are right next to eachother, that's the beginning of the buzz
19:26.11 ``Erik when he spells it "astjopch", ...
19:26.40 starseeker actually doesn't see which one is the phone...
19:27.02 indianlarry starseeker: didn'y see it either
19:27.21 indianlarry it is a laptop keyboard
19:28.05 brlcad indianlarry: haha
19:29.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34673 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (34 files in 3 dirs): Added the p/parameter command to Archer.
19:29.28 indianlarry brlcad: where's the phone/pda dot.g
19:29.42 brlcad looks
19:30.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34674 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libtie/ (tie.c tie_kdtree.c): Irrelevant type signing fixes. Remove unused parameters.
19:35.56 brlcad indianlarry: hm, hm.. some good and bad news :)
19:36.09 brlcad somethings are rendering better, some not at all any more :)
19:36.18 brlcad it's the HTC-Magician
19:36.44 brlcad ...which looks like wasn't uploaded!
19:37.02 starseeker thought so
19:37.34 brlcad going up now
19:37.47 starseeker brlcad: is that piston.g file THE piston?
19:38.03 brlcad nope
19:38.06 starseeker didn't think so
19:38.32 brlcad that was before I found it, hunted for and checked a bunch of other pistons
19:38.40 starseeker ah
19:39.05 brlcad huh
19:39.11 brlcad actually the phone did upload
19:39.19 brlcad just not showing in the listing for some reason
19:39.24 brlcad ah, permissions
19:39.34 indianlarry brlcad: hopefully it's an odd hit issue, noticed some elements (Pumkin text) were just single surfaces not solid
19:40.41 brlcad indianlarry: it lists now
19:40.55 indianlarry brlcad: thanks
19:41.14 brlcad indianlarry: yeah, the single surfaces weren't solid so that makes sense though rendering them as a thin surface was useful/interesting
19:41.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34675 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (libtienet/load.c libtienet/load.h slave/slave.c): revert back to magic void* for now
19:41.27 brlcad implicit plate-mode
19:41.54 starseeker brlcad: some of the geometry in this phone is failing isValid
19:42.08 indianlarry brlcad: just uncomment "//#define KODDHIT" in brep.cpp
19:42.52 brlcad starseeker: I know, that's some of them
19:43.15 brlcad indianlarry: k
19:44.38 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34676 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpkg/tpkg.c: I don't think ports > 65535 make much sense...
19:50.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34677 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (16 files in 7 dirs): eliminate trailing whitespace
19:50.45 starseeker brlcad: I take it this sucker was valid geometry in Rhino?
19:51.02 brlcad starseeker: don't know, found model
19:51.14 starseeker ah
19:51.32 brlcad I'd be surprised, though -- it wasn't a hobby job
19:55.14 brlcad it's interesting to note that the iges one renders semi better with the old nurbs code
19:55.21 brlcad sans trims
20:02.11 starseeker brlcad: I'm wondering about our 3dm importer - this phone geometry doesn't look so hot
20:02.25 brlcad no doubt it needs work
20:02.36 brlcad half the examples I found failed outright or aborted mid-stream
20:02.44 brlcad that's why I left both
20:02.57 starseeker loaded it into Rhino and exported again - still bad geometry
20:03.06 brlcad displays in rhino?
20:03.12 starseeker yes
20:03.52 brlcad so something to trace, could be that IsValid() is wrong or being used as a check incorrectly/unnecessarily
20:04.13 brlcad didn't investigate exactly the validity it's complaining about
20:04.45 starseeker we're sure this phone is supposed to be solid and not just a surface model?
20:05.14 brlcad eh
20:05.18 brlcad that was never claimed
20:08.10 brlcad don't tell me you're just thinking of that? :) i'll say it again, those are a set of fairly *random* 3dm files. they are a random sampling of real models found around the net, obviously provoking a random set of issues across the board (import, validation, rendering, etc)
20:08.45 starseeker well, we've been focused on correct trimming
20:08.55 starseeker one thing at a time
20:09.04 brlcad of course
20:09.48 brlcad what did you expect though?
20:10.08 starseeker thought you would reject anything not claiming to be solid ;-)
20:11.34 brlcad well the original intent was hunting for the piston model, as I remembered it was readily available somewhere
20:11.51 brlcad so it was more a matter of find 3dm, see what happens
20:11.54 starseeker ah
20:11.58 starseeker got it
20:12.00 brlcad still a good measure of where things are at overall
20:12.25 brlcad as those should all be well-*behaved* regardless of their structure
20:13.04 brlcad not saying that's the priority now, or the focus, or something to worry about right now even -- that was never the intention
20:14.47 starseeker OK :-)
20:15.12 starseeker we (or I anyway) thought they were examples of wacked trimming behavior
20:15.25 brlcad they very well could be
20:15.32 brlcad some of them were clearly trimming poorly
20:17.41 starseeker hmm:
20:19.06 brlcad those are pretty cool
20:20.51 brlcad anyways, just gotta multitask the info from earlier, not to disregard/ignore but not to focus on to the point of ignoring the big picture -- just some more test cases that should be investigated (for variety of purposes)
20:21.44 brlcad they're found models -- some of the best ways towards making the tools robust and well-behaved, e.g. has me looking through the 3dm importer to see why (most)/many failed
20:22.07 starseeker nods
20:22.23 brlcad as I did pretty much exactly what a user would have
20:22.38 brlcad stashes those new 3dm's in and tests
20:23.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34678 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ update dependancy information.
20:24.20 starseeker that PeeWee piston is a monster
20:24.25 starseeker 300 regions
20:24.40 starseeker adjusts drawing routine to have a hope of eing it up
20:26.02 brlcad awesome, black widow isn't 'too' shabby
20:26.35 brlcad massive convergence failure reporting
20:26.52 starseeker er, yeah - sorry about that
20:26.57 starseeker debugging output
20:27.14 brlcad takes a pic
20:28.02 starseeker it very probably shouldn't be attempting to converge in most of those cases - the limit that restricts the newton converence to a domain where it "should" work is stupid simple right now
20:29.17 brlcad
20:29.47 brlcad that top cap is pretty interesting
20:29.48 starseeker hah - not too bad
20:30.04 brlcad probably just an even/odd count problem
20:31.52 brlcad i'm really happy to see the db encoding isn't a problem
20:32.23 starseeker how long did it take it to draw that wireframe?
20:32.53 brlcad breaking up the 3dm into per-object objects is minimal overhead, maybe 10%
20:32.56 starseeker 's wireframe draw was a lot slower than the raytrace - some work to do there
20:32.59 brlcad wireframe was instant
20:33.07 starseeker huh - odd
20:33.16 starseeker can you do me a favor and try the PeeWee model?
20:33.25 brlcad gettin' there
20:33.27 brlcad going down the list
20:33.47 starseeker ah :-)
20:34.39 brlcad oof, Cox Olympic aborts rt :)
20:35.03 brlcad opennurbs_curve.cpp:3172: failed assertion `false'
20:35.22 brlcad seemed to import clean at least
20:36.45 brlcad ah, same on Cylinder 020
20:39.17 brlcad peewee wireframe is also instant
20:39.29 brlcad maybe you have your surface plotter enabled
20:41.17 brlcad peewee crashes (not via assertion)
20:41.44 brlcad ah, wait, there is an assertion .. just delayed logging
20:43.22 brlcad oh, shoot.. wrong mged -- screw those last results
20:44.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34679 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Bringing up the menu shouldn't toggle (i.e. expand/collapse) the tree.
20:51.20 brlcad <- cox olympic
20:52.00 brlcad <- cylinder 020 (ouch)
20:54.30 indianlarry looks to be an GetNextDiscontinuity in the ON_Curve that will walk down and give discontinuities for derivative,tangent and curvature
20:54.42 indianlarry could it be that easy
20:54.44 brlcad peewee wireframe does suck now
20:55.01 starseeker yeah, was afraid of that
20:55.17 starseeker indianlarry: oo, that would be awesome
20:55.39 starseeker just check if it is in the bounding box - if it is, split the box at that y value
20:55.54 starseeker or domain value rather
20:56.21 indianlarry it will actually give you the curve param point which is what i walk down so break at each discont
20:56.44 indianlarry hope it works
20:58.45 brlcad starseeker: about 4min to e, fwiw
20:58.52 brlcad render is zippy
20:59.08 ``Erik heh, like, cox .049 black widow? I have a couple of those at home O.o
20:59.20 ``Erik and I think I might have a cox peewee somewhere
20:59.20 brlcad not many warnings spewed either, but pretty wrong
21:00.00 indianlarry i base the trim error on the length of the curve in uv and the ends of cylinder are a long linear trims
21:00.07 brlcad <- pee wee
21:01.40 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34680 10/brlcad/trunk/ (22 files in 6 dirs): Eliminate libtienet.
21:03.19 brlcad <- nice!
21:04.04 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34681 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h: More Newton iterator tweaking.
21:08.39 starseeker brlcad: yeah, that's my iterative wireframe routine crapping out
21:09.19 starseeker almost wonder if the way to go is to make an "edge tree" routine and use that...
21:09.43 brlcad last one, tee dee,
21:10.56 brlcad geometry with .g's uploaded for convenience (regions fixed to not have spaces so they e up)
21:11.09 starseeker brlcad: cool, thanks!
21:11.17 brlcad starseeker: curious, what's it iterating on?
21:11.31 brlcad because it didn't look any different than in .4
21:11.41 brlcad which was instant
21:11.43 starseeker yeah, it wouldn't
21:11.54 starseeker shape1 does look different
21:12.12 starseeker have you tried that one in .4 vs trunk lately?
21:13.23 starseeker it's making sure the wireframe is "smooth" to within some multiple of the tolerance
21:13.31 starseeker I'm sure it's not very intelligent about it
21:14.08 brlcad I just did, that was all the reporting about them failing to render
21:15.08 brlcad the difference in wireframes was probably there, but it certainly wasn't drastic enough to notice (on any of them)
21:15.34 starseeker yeah, shape is kinda a worst case wireframe
21:16.01 starseeker if it's a big model compared to tolerance, the routine does a lotta work for ziltch
21:16.31 starseeker hmm, that might be an option, base it on some fraction of the smallest bounding box dimension...
21:19.05 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34682 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Eliminate libtienet.
21:21.15 brlcad it's the same problem the other primitives have
21:22.00 brlcad they need to be dynamic to model size and view size, levels of detail
21:22.46 brlcad which for the most part can all be done with view size, but there are some absolute model/computation limits that it should enforce
21:33.50 brlcad ``Erik: looks like that does a hell of a lot more that just eliminate libtienet...
21:35.15 ``Erik there might be a little more, but big chunks were moved out of libtienet into their application dir
21:35.19 brlcad and could ya make the commit any bigger? jeez.
21:35.24 ``Erik hehehe
21:35.26 ``Erik svn mv, dude
21:35.29 brlcad bob's rubbing off on you
21:35.41 brlcad and yeah, that sounds so wrong :)
21:37.03 ``Erik (and I'm just getting warmed up on the horrors, mebbe I'll get to commit and run like hell for my car)
21:37.04 starseeker brlcad: correct me if I'm wrong, but the primitive plotting routines don't currently know anything about the view, do they?
21:37.28 brlcad starseeker: none at all, that's why it's not been simple to fix
21:37.34 starseeker ah
21:37.39 starseeker ok, very good
21:37.39 brlcad requires a functab change which affects all prims
21:37.55 brlcad I was going to get to it *after* all of the functab refactoring
21:38.14 brlcad still have a bit of work under way to finish up there
21:38.21 starseeker yeah, that's what I thought - fairly intrusive change
21:38.45 brlcad gsi had a quick hack that we could adopt, but it really was a big ugly for my taste
21:39.03 starseeker nods
21:39.08 brlcad they implemented a hi/lo command that would toggle wireframe detail
21:39.19 starseeker That's worth doing right, imho
21:39.44 brlcad primitves were modified to do what they do now and an even higher-res smooth version
21:39.51 starseeker might also help with the "use arcs as well as lines" approach?
21:40.10 brlcad the primitives shouldn't be tessellating themselves
21:40.17 starseeker nods
21:40.24 ``Erik hm, 3 arcs instead of 48 lines, that'd be nifty
21:40.40 brlcad instead of returning render segments, they should return their edges/contours/surfaces -- e.g. the brep form
21:41.03 brlcad from the brep form, tessellate as needed based on view size
21:41.52 brlcad they could still self plot, but even then they could return as ``Erik mentioned -- arcs/curves lines points, etc
21:42.07 brlcad basically a crude brep form
21:44.08 ``Erik runs for his car
21:44.26 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34683 10/brlcad/trunk/ (13 files in 11 dirs): flatten ADRT build.
21:46.16 ``Erik yeah, I spoze that's 'nuff breakage for one afternoon :D
21:53.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34684 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: Hack around a performance issue with the adaptive sampling drawing for NURBS - this isn't a final solution but should avoid the killer performance zones.
21:55.34 starseeker brlcad: does that help any?
21:58.18 brlcad yes
21:58.30 brlcad about .5s on peewee
22:00.08 starseeker that preserves the shape1 drawing and attempts to "recognize" when it needs to be less fine
22:00.25 starseeker will still have bad areas of course, but might be a reasonable compromise for now
22:01.10 brlcad cool
22:03.48 starseeker the trick is essentially to recognize that if we have to subdivide beyond some number N times, we have an edge describing a large length compared to the tolerance and the better course is to hope that big steps are "smooth"
22:04.47 starseeker if indianlarry's singularity trick could be applied to edges we might look for derivative changes as another tool, but it can wait until a "proper" solution is available
22:04.58 starseeker (especially given it's a universal primitive problem at the moment)
22:09.32 starseeker indianlarry: so far what I'm seeing suggests that the linear approximation is a Really Good approximation for trimming - with that zoom in showing sawtooth it may be that at default resolutions shape1 isn't triggering a need for the exact curve solutions
22:14.30 brlcad nod
22:41.47 ``Erik looks for his engines
22:53.11 ``Erik hm, can't find 'em :/ must still be at my parents place
23:25.28 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@

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