IRC log for #brlcad on 20090612

00:01.41 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:18.51 starseeker indianlarry: Idea on handling of the raytracing of NURBS. Expanding the boxes is killing our performance by forcing more interative solutions of intersected bounding boxes (which are not needed in most cases but are in a few). What if, for each bounding box leaf we propose to search for intersections in, we see if the xy coordinates of any of the previously found intersection points are within the bounding uv square of the leaf BB about to be consider
02:21.43 starseeker taking that one step further, when we build the surface tree we could actually store two trees in parallel, one with the minimal bounding boxes that give good raytrace performance, and one with the BB growth factor turned on. Then we can raytrace using the default bounding boxes, and for shots that return either an odd hit count or zero intersection boxes we repeat the hierarchy test with that same ray, only this time instructing it to use the grown bb
02:23.29 starseeker compare the list of leaves obtained from the grown hierarcy test to the original list - any new boxes, test them for hits. If hits are found that aren't already in the hit list, add them and resort the list
02:24.12 starseeker so in essence, each BBnode in the surface tree would store two sets of bounding box dimensions rather than one - otherwise, it's the same tree build
02:26.31 starseeker we don't even have to walk the surface list twice
02:27.32 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:39.57 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
05:49.46 Ralith hm, I sent in my tax forms a couple days ago, still hasn't been confirmed as received
05:49.53 Ralith :/
05:50.56 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:57.39 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
09:01.51 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
12:02.39 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
12:56.51 *** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=d@
14:54.30 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:38.10 starseeker indianlarry: Question: If we allow uv hit points outside uv boxes, but when performing the trimming test actually find (via a "2d" IntersectHierarchy test, I suppose) the uv box that contains the "out of box" hit point and use that to do the trimming test, would we actually get rid of the jagged edges on the trims while still allowing out of box hits?
17:16.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
17:18.50 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
18:54.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34722 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/opennurbs/opennurbs.vcproj: mods to get things building again on windows
18:55.38 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
19:57.15 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
20:32.14 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:47.13 indianlarry starseeker: You still workin
20:47.53 indianlarry starseeker: think i found an easy solution to our box growth issue
20:49.33 indianlarry starseeker: erik also mentioned his ideas about keeping neighbor links for his work that may play into the out of box hits we get
20:51.44 starseeker still here
20:52.00 starseeker sorry, chatting with Bob about Archer stuff
20:52.05 starseeker what's the easy solution?
20:52.13 ``Erik foiled their productivity mwahahhaa
20:53.02 indianlarry starseeker: think i can grow only those boxes that need it just need to check if the corner normal pass the x,y,z normals
20:53.41 indianlarry starseeker: since we bound be x,y,z min/max those are the only ones that would stick out
20:53.54 indianlarry starseeker: that's why we were seeing patterns
20:54.08 indianlarry starseeker: should actually be easy
20:54.26 ``Erik famous last words? :D
20:54.28 starseeker so you're saying check the normals at the corners in 3 space and see if they indicate "bad" behavior somehow?
20:54.51 indianlarry starseeker: see id they change quadrants
20:55.02 indianlarry starseeker: octants
20:55.12 starseeker oh, hmm
20:55.31 starseeker that might work, actually
20:55.46 indianlarry starseeker: i think we can use the knots to ensure no more then two hits as well
20:55.54 starseeker cool
20:56.19 starseeker that might make my ideas overkill then...
20:57.11 indianlarry starseeker: if we use knots during initial subdivision may make flatness resolve quicker
20:57.46 starseeker ponders... yes, that might be true
20:57.51 indianlarry starseeker: then again i've had a few too many already
20:57.59 starseeker are you suggesting breaking into quadrants ON the knots?
20:58.43 indianlarry starseeker: check flatness if not flat find median knot closest to center u,v and split there
20:59.09 indianlarry starseeker: looks like openNURBS has a closest knot index function
20:59.21 starseeker hmm. sounds promising
21:00.18 indianlarry starseeker: guit there today?
21:00.31 starseeker quiet
21:00.37 indianlarry starseeker: yes aorry
21:00.40 starseeker 'cept Bob says "get a life!"
21:00.45 starseeker indianlarry: for what?
21:01.07 starseeker indianlarry: you've been doing and continue to do awesome work!
21:01.17 indianlarry starseeker: for the typing
21:01.26 starseeker pfft. I was trained on slashdot
21:04.06 indianlarry starseeker: i'll try and hit it later but busy weekend (graduation parties to attend)
21:04.33 starseeker don't worry about it - that's way more important!
21:05.01 starseeker scowls at the single odd hit report still coming from shape1.s at high res...
21:06.02 indianlarry starseeker: I'll try and put that fuzz check in there, also need to see how they handle intersect closeness between surfaces problem could be there
21:06.25 starseeker nods - yeah, kinda looks like that
21:06.29 starseeker who's graduating?
21:06.56 indianlarry starseeker: mothers cousins kin way down the line
21:07.14 starseeker heh - well, it's a good drink excuse :-)
21:07.31 indianlarry starseeker: that's what i thought
21:07.44 indianlarry have a good weekend all
21:08.05 indianlarry is brlcad in the channel
21:08.16 starseeker you too
21:08.20 starseeker haven't seen him today
21:08.39 indianlarry catch up with him later
21:10.20 indianlarry need to make sue GSoC joeDee has commit access to SVN
21:11.24 starseeker nods :-)
21:11.28 starseeker yeah, that helps
21:11.53 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
21:12.14 starseeker just in case this helps, xyz 4.315565 -2.942501 15.995774 dir -0.742404 -0.519837 -0.422618 with backout on is the shape1 test case
21:30.54 brlcad indianlarry: I can set it but his commits will have to be watched carefully -- his patch indicated he needs more instruction on patches, commits, svn, our HACKING guidelines, style/ws, etc
21:31.47 brlcad might want to have him simply start submitting patches (to the tracker for his work) and iterate with him on the patches until they commit unmodified
21:32.21 brlcad shouldn't take more than a day or two to get anyone up to speed
21:33.09 indianlarry brlcad: i'll touch base with him
21:34.02 brlcad otherwise he does need to get kicking really soon now or there's no way he'll pass midterms
21:35.32 indianlarry brlcad: looks like he's beeen writing some test code for some simple brep primitive so i think he's starting to get into it
21:36.31 indianlarry brlcad: he emailed me some code to look at and he was re-writing dot,cross product macros and i pointed him at vmath.h
21:37.15 indianlarry brlcad: i know it can be a little hard finding things
21:38.27 indianlarry brlcad: i think he's also finding out that some of the opennurbs functions he needs are limited and sometimes replaced with stubs
21:38.34 brlcad indianlarry: yeah, it's completely understandable -- just part of the process for "commit access"
21:38.46 indianlarry brlcad: thanks
21:41.54 brlcad he should work on showing he understands the dev guidelines before getting deep into the code regardless, which covers making patches, frequent commits, not breaking things, what his responsibilities are when he does break something, etc
21:42.08 brlcad particularly for the gsoc kids, it's part of their
21:43.20 brlcad indianlarry: did he send you patch files or whole files or snippets?
21:45.11 indianlarry brlcad: just a single file snippet just to look at overall style
21:45.13 brlcad either way, that's the "tendancy to default to private conversations" I mentioned months back -- you shouldn't allow that or at least should respond to their message to the dev list (with a note to keep dev chatter public)
21:45.43 brlcad many students do that, it's natural but really should be nipped in the bud early
21:45.55 indianlarry brlcad: i mentioned that to him i think he need just a little push
21:46.16 indianlarry brlcad: i think he tried to commit some stuff and couldn't
21:46.50 indianlarry brlcad: i'll try and work it out with him
21:47.08 brlcad it's multiple issues -- not being able to commit isn't an excuse
21:47.10 brlcad he has to communicate
21:47.40 brlcad he's certainly not said anything here yet has been joining, so it's even worse
21:48.36 indianlarry brlcad: he was the one that had late finals so hopefully he'll start to get involved
21:48.42 brlcad nods
21:49.02 brlcad ~gsoctimeline
21:49.03 ibot gsoctimeline is, like,
21:50.31 brlcad yeah, three weeks to his midterm evaluation, two or three of the students are going to have to seriously kick it in or they'll have to be dropped
21:50.58 brlcad will have to send a note this weekend, didn't realize that much time had passed already
21:50.58 indianlarry brlcad: i'll mention it to him
21:51.12 indianlarry tell me about it
21:51.39 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
21:51.49 brlcad they're on a tight schedule and it's supposed to be a full-time job -- that's three weeks of no-show
21:52.21 indianlarry brlcad: acts like he has a gov't job ;^)
21:52.29 brlcad heh
21:53.23 indianlarry i'm out for a while i'll try to push things along have a good weekend
21:53.29 brlcad cya!
21:54.07 mafm hi
21:54.10 brlcad Ralith: nice to see you getting started, lemme know if you have any problems
21:54.13 brlcad mafm: howdy!
21:54.19 brlcad pacman87: how's it going?.... :)
21:54.57 Ralith brlcad: I shall.
21:55.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34723 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: When an odd nurbs hit point shows up, print out the nirt commands that will fire just that ray (make debugging 'em simpler)
21:56.36 brlcad Ralith: remember to keep a daily note for any days you work, a single brief sentance suffices -- like a commit message -- to say what you got done
21:57.01 Ralith oh, wups
21:57.08 Ralith on my wiki page?
21:57.13 brlcad roberthl: wow, no longer living in obscurity? :)
21:57.19 brlcad er, anonymity
21:57.29 brlcad yeah, wiki page work
21:57.32 brlcad *works
21:57.51 brlcad or blog or tweets, just someplace convenient (and ideally rss-able)
21:58.22 brlcad pacman did a pretty good job last year:
21:59.00 roberthl brlcad: Yeah, I kind of gave up that when I started being payed to do stuff. :)
21:59.20 roberthl (development)
21:59.28 brlcad nods
21:59.50 mafm tweets are the root of evil, just say no! :P
22:04.05 *** join/#brlcad bz8z7 (
22:07.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Ralith 07 * r1478 10/wiki/User:Ralith: Added first log entries
22:15.12 ``Erik hey, c'mon now, indianlarry, some of us gov't foke are only no-show for 2 weeks :D
22:22.43 pacman87 it's been rather hectic at my house with relatives visiting for little bro
22:22.46 pacman87 's graduation
22:23.31 pacman87 and i got recruited to move my brother in this week
22:23.46 pacman87 so now there's no more distractions
22:24.28 pacman87 which place?
22:24.31 pacman87 the speech?
22:24.54 pacman87 ww
22:25.24 pacman87 now everything's back to normal
22:25.29 pacman87 and i can get back to coding full-time
22:25.50 pacman87 speaking of which, is there a good sample sketch i can use to test my revolve?
22:26.25 pacman87 just examples of syntax for the two spline types, carcs, and lsegs
22:36.23 brlcad could try the sketch in
22:36.43 brlcad includes each entity type except the unimplemented nurbs type
22:48.43 ``Erik pacman87: if you were to draw a half circle, then revolve around a line that touch both ends of that arc like 30 degrees or so, would the resultant geometry be something like an orange slice? am I gettin' the purpose right?
22:50.27 pacman87 yes
22:50.42 pacman87 ``Erik: ^^
22:51.41 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
22:52.42 jdoliner sean, can you explain to me how I should submit code?
22:53.06 jdoliner brlcad?
22:54.42 pacman87 jdoliner: are you starting new files, or modifying existing ones?
22:55.18 jdoliner I started a new file in proc-db
22:55.38 jdoliner and I've also modified a file
22:55.38 pacman87 do you have commit access yet?
22:55.44 jdoliner no I don't believe so
22:56.20 pacman87 go to the brlcad sourceforge site
22:56.27 pacman87 under 'tracker' click 'patches'
22:56.48 pacman87 then click 'add new'
22:56.59 pacman87 and there's some instructions there
22:57.50 jdoliner k thanks
22:58.09 ``Erik yes, your first few patches will be via the sourceforge patch submission page so we can know that you understand the HACKING file and can produce correct and consistent code :)
23:01.38 ``Erik hah, trying to install cmake and accidently typed cake, got a rush of bad memories off of that
23:01.59 ``Erik (cake was the archaic fugly build system BRL-CAD used before I hacked it up for automake :D )
23:14.50 jdoliner fair enough I could use some criticism
23:16.08 jdoliner would you guys call brep on brep intersection geometry editing, or modeling?
23:19.35 brlcad probably geometry editing, but that field isn't really important
23:20.46 brlcad jdoliner: yeah, the main issue with commit access is spelled out in the HACKING file (which you've read right?) :) as well as (which you've read right?) :) just to make sure you understand your responsibilities
23:21.53 ``Erik is rt^3 wanting dev or stable ogre3d?
23:22.29 jdoliner yes of course
23:22.32 brlcad it shouldn't take you more than a day really to get commit access sorted out, so you can commit in good faith, but you aren't just given it before showing some basic understanding (and your gsoc patch didn't show that.. can talk about that if you like)
23:22.55 jdoliner no that's fine I just submitted my work up to this point
23:23.12 brlcad keep in mind that you absolutely should not be coding away quietly
23:23.20 jdoliner it's now using vmath macros instead
23:23.32 ``Erik you manually reviewed your patch file, yes? :) I always do an svn diff before commiting just to make sure
23:23.32 jdoliner I swear I haven't been
23:23.33 brlcad getting commit sorted out is priority #1, should have happened before gsoc started really
23:24.01 jdoliner k let's do that immediately then
23:24.13 brlcad also shouldn't be communicating in private -- here or on mailing list if it has anything to do with code/project/progress
23:24.17 ``Erik finds a pointy stick to jab brlcad with until he gets his ogre question answered O:-)
23:24.30 brlcad ``Erik: ask the Ralith guy, beats me!
23:24.36 ``Erik ok
23:24.40 ``Erik asks ralith and beats brlcad
23:24.40 brlcad or mafm
23:24.45 brlcad heh
23:24.57 mafm what about Ogre?
23:25.04 ``Erik dev or stable
23:25.06 Ralith ``Erik: g3d you mean?
23:25.08 mafm ralith removed it yesterday with consent from starseeker
23:25.10 Ralith Ogre stable should work
23:25.14 Ralith it's >=1.6 right?
23:25.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03Jdoliner 07 * r1479 10/wiki/User:Jdoliner:
23:25.25 mafm I noted that I had put it there last year to have all dependencies inside
23:25.26 ``Erik um, 1.6 is stable
23:25.32 Ralith then that'll work
23:25.43 Ralith mafm: iirc, the reason it was there last year was because 1.6 wasn't stable yet and we needed some 1.6 features
23:25.45 ``Erik I'll grab dev anyways, there may be some future-proofing opportunities
23:25.55 ``Erik (and damnit, brlcad, you're supposed to know EVERYTHING)
23:25.57 mafm but I don't know which version Qt (or Ralith) needs
23:26.15 mafm it only needed a simple patch for RBGui
23:26.20 Ralith well, the Qt-in-Ogre-in-Qt thing I think I'm going with depends on a 1.6 feature
23:26.29 mafm but now that RBGui is gone, no problem for me
23:26.31 brlcad reiterates for all students
23:26.34 Ralith mafm: works fine unpatched with RBGui, too.
23:27.18 mafm probably because they include the patch in newer versions -- it was only a new function
23:27.37 Ralith yeah, I think I remember debugging that when I first tried a system ogre actually
23:27.51 mafm Frequent communication with mentor -- ouch, I failed in that :P
23:28.28 brlcad we'll probably rebundle it later -- there's no problem either way until we go to press a source release and have to consider dependency management from non-developer compiling users
23:34.43 mafm current stable version is 1.6.2 (and recent, 2 months old), so if it's enough, I'd go with it
23:37.10 ``Erik <-- did an svn checkout of ogre3d's trunk
23:42.17 ``Erik yay, dependancy hell :D
23:46.15 mafm such a big library (needing in turn other libraries) is indeed not fun
23:46.49 mafm isn't there some concept in SVN about virtual repositories?
23:47.26 mafm you have a separate module (with ogre and the like) and then attach it to some point in other directories (g3d and maybe others)
23:47.43 mafm it could help in maintenance if several parts depend on it
23:48.16 mafm because OGRE needs about a dozen other libraries...
23:49.14 ``Erik and zziplib doesn't wanna build clean, neato

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