IRC log for #brlcad on 20090624

00:05.25 starseeker wow... it looks like they're trying to lay the ground work for modernizing how Xorg and hardware autodetection (hal) work together
00:06.56 starseeker figures... I upgrade, get power failure, reboot with bad config setup...
00:07.03 starseeker yeesh, one of those weeks
00:07.31 starseeker oh, well - I guess on the bright side I didn't get killed by a tornado, so it's all good...
00:20.07 starseeker there we go - ah, X feels good
01:28.48 Ralith hm.
01:29.01 Ralith I can't seem to get a test mesh visible in Ogre-in-Qt :/
01:29.31 Ralith Ogre seems to be working, though; at least, its background color is showing up fine.
01:30.56 Ralith mafm: you around?
01:44.00 mafm Ralith: briefly, almost 4am here and I want to go to bed :)
01:51.39 Ralith mafm: ah. How'd you get that shape thingy to render in ogre?
01:52.03 Ralith I've got ogre at least apparently rendering, but nothing seems to be visible
01:52.36 mafm I had a shape floating around, for testing purposes
01:52.42 mafm aren't you using it?
01:52.55 Ralith no, I mean how did you get it to actually RENDER?
01:52.58 Ralith I'm loading a mesh fine.
01:53.22 mafm well, it's been almost a year ago since I did that, I can't remember
01:53.29 Ralith 'kay
01:53.35 mafm probably you have to put it in a point where you can see it
01:53.51 Ralith I'm using:
01:53.52 Ralith _camera->lookAt(sphereNode->getPosition());
01:53.52 mafm I don't think that you need anything special
01:54.00 Ralith so I'm pretty sure it's visible
01:54.07 indianlarry starseeker: back up and runnin I see
01:54.08 mafm is the camera far away?
01:54.15 Ralith shouldn't be
01:54.20 Ralith camera's at 0,0,0 and the sphere's at 10,0,0
01:55.18 mafm I meant that if it's inside the sphere (because the sphere has a large radius) probably it's not painting the inside, so you can't see it
01:55.29 Ralith could be
01:55.30 mafm try to get controls working, too
01:55.32 Ralith s/10/50/
01:55.47 mafm I remember to have problems with culling
01:55.50 Ralith I'm hesitant to do that until I have something to look at, cuz there'd be no way to test
01:56.03 Ralith I pretty much copypasted the scene setup code from Application.cxx
01:56.14 Ralith so any solution you applied should be working here, too.
01:56.30 mafm so in some distances, for no obvious reasons, I couldn't see my tetrahedron in action
01:56.49 Ralith yeah, nothing visible at 50,0,0 either
01:56.50 mafm so I had sometimes to zoom in or out, etc
01:57.27 mafm mmm, check if the node is visible, it should have a getter method for that
01:57.45 Ralith I already force it to visibility
01:58.47 Ralith I think maybe I'll add the Qt overlay, get a widget up for displaying current camera position/orientation, and then see about enabling controls.
02:03.24 mafm yep
02:03.35 mafm aren't you using my camera controls?
02:03.51 mafm you can hook it to Qt right away, I think
02:04.00 mafm blender mode, mged mode, etc
02:04.21 Ralith since I had to drop RBGui, right now I'm working with a very minimal setup that just tests the Ogre/Qtness.
02:04.30 mafm so you would readily have zooming, rotating around the object and so on
02:04.54 Ralith I'll be bringing your code back in once I get this working and can begin to swap in Qt for the existing stuff.
02:04.57 mafm well, I think that you can use it even without Qt
02:05.08 mafm probably the input is still working
02:05.21 mafm it only requires OGRE and OIS, IIRC
02:05.44 mafm so you don't really need anything related with GUI to control the camera
02:05.54 Ralith I'm not init'ing OIS currently, partly due to some weird singleton errors it was causing
02:06.03 mafm ops :S
02:06.13 Ralith and I think Qt provides input, too, so it shouldn't be necessary long-term
02:06.29 Ralith I'll see if I can wire up Qt's input to your existing camera control stuff, though; good idea thre.
02:06.40 Ralith after I get Qt widgets rendering.
02:12.18 mafm I think that my input works directly with OIS, so it would be easier if you get it working
02:12.54 mafm also, I don't know if you can pass the input Qt->OGRE, or you have to get the input in Ogre and pass it over to Qt
02:13.13 mafm since Qt works with OpenGL probably you can
02:17.07 Ralith ah, crap, looks like I dropped the Ogre stuff in the wrong place
02:19.02 Ralith well, thanks for the input
02:21.59 mafm ok
02:22.02 mafm good night!
02:22.06 Ralith nite!
02:39.12 starseeker indianlarry: heh, yep
02:58.36 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r34866 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (OgreGLWidget.cxx OgreGLWidget.h OgreScene.cxx OgreScene.h): Moved code Ogre to a subclass of QGraphicsScene, OgreScene, instead of a subclass of QGLWidget, in preparation for drawing Qt GUI elements on top.
03:13.59 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r34867 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (OgreScene.cxx OgreScene.h): Removed an unnecessary state-tracking bool and added experimental resize handling.
03:26.06 Ralith damn, Qt stuff isn't working first try :/
03:27.17 louipc not too bad. my shell script doesn't even work first try heheheh
03:28.37 Ralith hm
03:28.53 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r34868 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreScene.cxx: Qt test widgets (not yet working)
03:28.56 Ralith maybe my tiling wm is to blame.
03:29.00 Ralith needs to go eat, though
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04:06.03 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_1 (
04:12.21 Ralith okay, the widget shows up when Ogre doesn't render anything.
04:24.00 Ralith it looks like, somehow, Ogre is rendering on top of the Qt stuff.
04:24.05 Ralith anyone here familiar with OpenGL?
04:33.46 Ralith I need to work out how to force Ogre's rendering to happen *underneath* Qt's.
04:44.27 starseeker is this something Qt would need to manage?
04:44.48 starseeker I would suggest checking how Qt manages overlapping windows in OpenGL without Ogre being involved
04:48.23 Ralith starseeker: I'm not sure I see what overlapping windows has to do with it.
04:48.36 Ralith Ogre's being drawn in the 'background' of a GraphicsScene
04:48.48 Ralith but somehow it's also ending up on top of the widgets.
04:48.49 starseeker hmm
04:49.06 Ralith I thought generally things drawn first ended up underneath things drawn later?
04:49.14 starseeker not sure
04:49.19 Ralith maybe I should clear the depth buffer after drawing Ogre?
04:49.54 starseeker what happens with a "normal" background in Qt + opengl?
04:50.04 starseeker if you change the background I mean
04:50.11 Ralith change?
04:50.27 starseeker that's essentially what Ogre is doing - continually updating the background
04:50.56 starseeker if you painted a different color (or something) in the background of a GraphicsScene, does something similar happen?
04:51.06 starseeker doesn't know, just throwing out questions
04:51.31 Ralith Ogre isn't exactly doing anything continuously; it's doing it whenever Qt asks it to draw.
04:51.55 Ralith it's Qt-in-Ogre-in-Qt, and the two Qts are actually one Qt, so in theory it should know what's up.
04:52.27 Ralith I'm doing things very similar to the way they're done in a known-working Qt-in-OpenGL-in-Qt example I have
04:53.02 starseeker hmm.
04:54.08 Ralith just instead of calling OpenGL stuff directly in drawBackground, I call ogreRoot->renderOneFrame();
04:54.57 starseeker and the render is painting the OpenGL context and overwriting the dialog views?
04:55.13 Ralith or something that looks that way.
04:55.25 Ralith okay, clearing depth buffer did no good
04:56.07 starseeker what about calling an explicit repaint (or something like that) for the dialog widgets after the renderOneFrame?
04:57.12 Ralith I'm pretty sure that already happens.
04:57.17 starseeker hmm
04:57.24 stevegt_1 okay, for the record, lurkers, and irc logs (after struggling with it and digging through the code off and on all afternoon trying to figure out what some of the parms mean), the 'in ... extrude' command to generate extrude primitives can be used like this:
04:57.24 Ralith okay, it's def. something that Ogre does
04:57.27 stevegt_1 in foo.e extrude 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 sketch.1
04:58.12 Ralith starseeker: if I comment out the Ogre render call and just do glClearColor(...) and glClear(colorbuffer | depthbuffer) I get a white background with my widget on top of it.
04:58.26 stevegt_1 that's assuming that you want a 5 mm thick extruded sheet in the shape of sketch.1, which in my case was imported from qcad using dxf-g
05:00.07 Ralith (when white is my clear color, that is
05:00.33 starseeker Ralith: probably means renderOneFrame is making some assumption it shouldn't
05:00.41 Ralith yeah
05:00.43 Ralith but what :/
05:00.44 stevegt_1 the '1 0 0 0 1 0' vectors (A and B in the mged prompts, uvec and vvec in the code) are the part of that i haven't yet completely understood -- they control stretching and rotation, but i haven't figured out exactly how yet, so i just used the vectors brlcad mentioned earlier today
05:01.09 stevegt_1 (we now return you to our regular programming...)
05:01.13 Ralith stevegt_1: if you leave the params out it will prompt informatively for them.
05:01.37 stevegt_1 informatively?!? it wants "A" and "B"...
05:01.47 Ralith hm, maybe not.
05:01.50 stevegt_1 hee
05:04.02 stevegt_1 the closest i came to any enlightenment was in Unigraphics/ug-g.c, which makes me think that looking at some Unigraphics docs might explain the history of those two vectors
05:04.54 Ralith or just fiddle them and ratyrace and see what it looks like :P
05:05.54 starseeker Ralith: you probably don't want to hear this, but I would suggest looking at the source of the glClear stuff and renderOneFrame to see what the differences are in how they address the ogl window
05:06.00 Ralith starseeker: here's something interesting; if I render the Ogre stuff then glClear everything, the widgets are *still* not rendered.
05:06.13 stevegt_1 did that, didn't get a feel for what I was doing
05:06.15 Ralith ...the source of glClear? I'm pretty sure that's in the drivers >_>
05:06.32 starseeker it's not a Qt function?
05:06.39 Ralith no, it's an OpenGL function.
05:06.42 starseeker ah
05:06.55 Ralith that's why its results as mentioned above are interesting
05:07.16 starseeker if you render Ogre, do a glClear, and then call some sort of Qt redraw event does that restore the widgets?
05:07.22 Ralith Ogre's renderOneFrame does something that makes *all* GL stuff go on top, at least until Qt resets it (it doesn't happen if I only call renderOneFrame once)
05:07.33 stevegt_1 would have to play with it a while longer, probably while looking at the code
05:07.55 Ralith starseeker: because glClear alone results in the widgets displaying, and based on the aforementioned working example, I think a widget redraw happens automatically.
05:08.14 Ralith as I mentioned above, if I render Ogre and then do a glClear, the widgets do NOT display.
05:08.20 Ralith so Ogre's setting some OpenGL flag or something.
05:08.53 Ralith wonders if there's some way to catch all OpenGL calls ogre makes
05:09.34 stevegt_1 hint to future self: play with those 'in ... extrude' vectors in mged while looking at src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c; also see how extrusions are handled in src/conv/*
05:11.15 starseeker Ralith: is this related?
05:13.38 Ralith starseeker: hmm, looks like it might be; I don't know how Qt does its OpenGL, but it could well be immediate mode.
05:17.18 starseeker I'm wondering about the last post here, if it's still true in Qt:
05:17.33 Ralith seems like there must be some way to reenable whatever it is that Ogre disables
05:17.41 Ralith I mean, if I render a single Ogre frame, Qt manages to recover.
05:17.47 Ralith so obviously it's reset somehow.
05:20.19 starseeker are the Qt widgets creating their own GL contexts? I thought it was one shared context, but maybe I'm wrong...
05:20.27 Ralith it is one shared context.
05:20.45 Ralith this thread is from before Ogre supportes context sharing.
05:23.13 Ralith it looks like renderOneFrame is doing extra stuff, though; I'll try finding this RenderTarget;:update thing and using that
05:31.12 Ralith :/
05:32.04 starseeker no dice?
05:32.28 starseeker is wondering about the swapBuffers parameter on RenderTarget::update...
05:32.31 Ralith wait...
05:32.33 Ralith yeah I'm trying that
05:33.35 Ralith yeah, doesn't work
05:33.50 Ralith that is, it has the same results as renderOneFrame
05:34.18 starseeker hmm. any chance of asking the ogre forums what's going on?
05:34.34 Ralith could give that a try
05:34.55 Ralith I think I'll try the approach in that first thread you posted, if I can find some way to manually call the widget update
05:40.19 starseeker Ralith: is QGLWidget::isSharing important?
05:40.45 Ralith don't think so
05:41.01 Ralith that's to do with display lists
05:41.02 starseeker there's also QGLWidget::paintGL and QGLWidget::paintOverlayGL...
05:41.05 Ralith good go dthis example code sucks.
05:41.36 Ralith I'm not actually touching QGLWidget here; the Ogre stuff is going on in GraphicsScene::drawBackground
05:41.44 Ralith well, a class derived from GraphicsScene
05:41.47 starseeker erm
05:42.25 starseeker oh, right
05:43.10 Ralith this guy uses variable and class names that take up almost the entire width of my editor singlehandedly ;_;
05:43.20 starseeker you're doing what this is doing? ?
05:43.35 Ralith yup
05:45.13 starseeker so the widgets are QGraphicsItem objects?
05:45.28 Ralith they get wrapped in those at some point, I imagine
05:45.39 Ralith the whole point is that they can be any QWidget though.
05:47.16 starseeker yeah, I'd contact Samuel Rodal and/or ask in the ogre forums
05:48.05 starseeker be right back, must reboot
06:03.01 starseeker phew - it worked
06:03.20 starseeker sets up large packages for overnight rebuild and turns off brain...
06:05.55 Ralith heh
06:05.55 Ralith nite
06:05.59 Ralith Ogre forum post made.
06:10.12 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03Ralith 07 * r1505 10/wiki/User:Ralith: Log for 2009-06-23
06:52.48 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03Ralith 07 * r1506 10/wiki/User:Ralith: Addendum to log for 2009-06-23
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15:14.42 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r34869 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c: Fixed some formatting, and added a hollow bounding box representation
16:28.14 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r34870 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: Added bug in regards to rtedge and perspective viewing
16:34.41 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34871 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/typein.c: Fixed a few cases where the return value should be GED_MORE instead of GED_ERROR.
16:39.20 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r34872 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/ msvc9 went byebye
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17:03.09 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34873 10/brlcad/trunk/ more msvc9 removal
17:08.04 brlcad oops
17:19.11 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r34874 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS:
17:19.11 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: Added that rtedge works correctly in non-perspective mode, but still incorrect in
17:19.12 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: low-res perspective modes
17:31.06 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
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17:55.50 jdoliner does anyone know why this is segfaulting?:
17:56.04 jdoliner ON_SimpleArray<ON_Polyline> answer;
17:56.27 jdoliner ON_Polyline initial_segment = ON_Polyline();
17:56.27 jdoliner initial_segment.Append(segments.First()->from);
17:56.27 jdoliner initial_segment.Append(segments.First()->to);
17:56.27 jdoliner answer.Append(initial_segment);
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18:54.21 brlcad jdoliner: not without a debugger
18:54.51 jdoliner yeah I figured it out
18:57.00 jdoliner weird thing during the initialization that was causing it to try to extend the array
20:09.25 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r34875 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/opennurbs_ext.h src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp):
20:09.25 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: changed tolerance on vertical trim check; added near hit/miss logic to shotline cleanup
20:09.29 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: but still WIP
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21:53.10 *** join/#brlcad m03sizlak (
21:53.43 m03sizlak i need a high quality 3d model of manhattan
21:54.59 Ralith starseeker: thanks for the participation in the thread
22:39.48 starseeker Ralith: well, I don't know if it accomplished anything :-/
22:40.05 starseeker figured if it was active it might attract more attention
22:40.08 Ralith starseeker: at the very least, it held the attention of someone knowledgable.
22:40.12 Ralith yeah.
22:40.31 Ralith and answered an important question
22:42.29 starseeker hmm, I can't get the forums to come up - have there been more replies?
22:43.21 Ralith nothing of interest, unless you count my own recent post explaining why I'd rather like to make things work within the current setup
22:43.47 starseeker ah, there we go.
22:43.48 Ralith and simplifying the question down to two simple queries
22:44.32 Ralith if only there was some simple way to log all OpenGL calls g3d as a whole makes
22:45.13 Ralith that way we could see what Qt does to get the context back to a usable state after an Ogre render call
22:45.24 Ralith and isolate Qt's own rendering for test purposes
22:45.40 starseeker hmm: ?
22:46.21 Ralith windows only.
22:46.32 Ralith I don't have any windows devboxes
22:46.43 Ralith perhaps I could get someone to log it for me?
22:47.38 Ralith brb
22:47.47 starseeker claims to have preliminary Linux support
22:48.21 Ralith worth a try
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22:49.04 starseeker
22:50.23 Ralith NOTE: trace doesn't seem to work with Linux NVIDIA OpenGL drivers. If you need to make a trace on Linux, use a Linux machine with Mesa drivers.
22:50.26 Ralith >:/
22:50.28 starseeker
22:50.46 Ralith oh nice
22:51.20 starseeker GPL, but usable as a tool I would think (brlcad?)
22:51.26 Ralith certainly
22:51.28 Ralith gcc is GPL, after all
22:51.46 starseeker nods - this is for debugging, not for inclusion anyhow
22:52.01 Ralith grabs some lunch
22:54.54 starseeker old, but maybe useful?
22:55.52 brlcad m03sizlak: and I need a high quality model of a lightcycle and a replicator ;)
22:56.44 starseeker Ralith: yeah, it's looking like most roads lead to BuGLe
22:57.11 brlcad okay to use during development, it's not being integrated
22:57.23 brlcad there's also a very powerful opengl debugger on the mac
22:57.43 brlcad part of the performance tools
22:58.42 brlcad still, you should be able to back down to basic qt tests first without having to worry about opengl calls
23:16.51 Ralith brlcad: basic qt tests like what?
23:17.10 Ralith I've already confirmed that everything works, even rendering OpenGL stuff, when Ogre isn't called.
23:17.27 Ralith (including rendering Qt widgets, if that wasn't clear)
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23:17.52 starseeker what about setting up the "bad" condition (Ogre having futzed up the rendering) and walk through the Qt cycle that restores it?
23:18.01 Ralith starseeker: that's what I was planning to do.
23:18.05 starseeker nods
23:18.14 Ralith only, save a lot of time by stripping it down to just the OpenGL calls.
23:18.23 Ralith I guess I could grab a source checkout of Qt and do it the other way, though
23:18.34 Ralith might lead to a tidier fix.
23:18.41 starseeker would recommend that, actually
23:18.54 starseeker awareness of Qt source code will probably be a requirement sooner or later...
23:19.16 starseeker eyes the Tcl/Tk trees living in src/other
23:20.14 Ralith let's not intern Qt
23:20.18 Ralith :P
23:20.42 starseeker heh :-)
23:20.52 starseeker well, the chips will fall where they need to
23:22.40 Ralith I'm certainly not checking it in myself after that Ogre mess.
23:22.48 starseeker hehe
23:23.14 starseeker if it has to be checked in, I'll take a stab at it - only if we need to though

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