IRC log for #brlcad on 20090706

00:35.51 *** part/#brlcad alecs1 (i=alex@
02:40.54 starseeker Ralith: any luck with QT/Ogre?
02:42.08 Ralith starseeker: not quite yet; there turned out to be more posisbly relevant functions than I expected.
02:42.11 Ralith working through them now.
02:43.25 Ralith isn't quite sure how qgraphicsscene and qgraphicsview relate
02:43.34 Ralith and I haven't worked out how to use gdb reliably on C++ yet.
02:46.19 ``Erik gdb still isn't c++ friendly? O.o
02:47.13 Ralith I dunno, I probably am just misusing it
02:47.26 ``Erik
02:47.39 Ralith it demangles names and basic stuff like that fine
02:47.44 Ralith I just have trouble getting it to break on class member functions
02:47.59 ``Erik line# breaks don't do it?
02:48.14 Ralith huh?
02:48.16 Ralith oh
02:48.19 Ralith didn't try that >_>
02:48.23 ``Erik heh
02:48.28 Ralith didn't know gdb could do that, even.
02:48.39 ``Erik yeah, break file.cxx:42
02:48.39 Ralith first, though, food!
02:48.42 Ralith cool, thanks
02:48.59 ``Erik tends to use line # more than function name
02:49.06 Ralith probably will now that he knows it
03:05.16 Ralith ugh, qt builds slow.
03:08.39 starseeker yeah, line # breaking works better for me in c++
03:09.15 Ralith it's packages like qt that I wish would use cmake
03:09.19 Ralith so I'd have some idea how far along it was
03:11.26 louipc ls
03:11.28 louipc bah
03:23.28 *** join/#brlcad pacman871 (
03:54.23 Ralith reaids paradigms of artificial intelligence programming while he waits.
03:54.34 Ralith trace is a really neat function :D
04:18.37 Ralith starseeker: line number breaking works within every instance of a class (for non-static funcs), right?
05:28.13 Ralith woo, qt rebuilt!
05:54.52 Ralith argh.
05:56.04 Ralith it looks like I'm going to have a very hard time building with a custom Qt without uninstalling my system one
05:58.32 Ralith tries a really dirty hack
06:04.11 Ralith damn.
06:13.22 Ralith hack seems to work, but I'm not getting anywhere with g3d.
06:30.17 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
06:31.19 elena hi
06:32.06 Ralith hullo
06:34.08 Ralith well crap
06:34.16 Ralith that just about exhausts my Qt modding ideas
06:34.20 Ralith no luck there either
06:39.16 *** join/#brlcad Evgen (n=NUser@
07:43.41 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
08:25.21 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
09:38.37 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
10:02.44 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
11:09.10 *** join/#brlcad cosurg1 (
11:35.27 d-lo Merning all. *READREADREAD*
11:42.39 d-lo Ralith / madant: Was just annoyed that ogre had a dep to boost, thats all. Personal preference.
11:54.35 d-lo Ralith: Thanks for dropping a few comments here and there in irc and the wiki. Keep that wiki log going, so we/I can track whats going on. It will also help people who want to chip in advice not tell you something you already tried. I know that frustrates me when people do that :/
12:15.50 ``Erik d-lo: the server side thingymajigger you were looking at was projectdorkstar? (saw mention of someone looking to combine panda3d with dorkstar)
12:16.17 d-lo what thingymajigger?
12:16.23 ``Erik server side game mgmt
12:17.16 d-lo Hrm, I am at a loss. I don't remember looking at projectdorkstar...
12:17.22 ``Erik darkstar, rather
12:17.23 ``Erik O:-)
12:17.33 ``Erik
12:17.42 d-lo ah, havne't really looked at that in a while.
12:20.03 ``Erik *shrug* just noticed it mentioned and went "huh, that looks real familiar"
12:20.25 d-lo kk, thanks! I will book mark it and look for that panda3d reference.
12:26.09 ``Erik does shadowbane do mob ai on the server?
12:26.34 ``Erik or, did it, rather O:-)
12:26.52 d-lo Heh, calling it AI would be rather generous.
12:28.25 ``Erik heh, well, yeah, but you know what I mean
12:28.56 d-lo a bit.
12:29.15 d-lo Its one of the major issues we are looking to rectify with the Emu.
12:29.38 ``Erik <-- was pondering how to 'share the love' of ai computation time with clients that could arbitrarily disconnect
12:29.55 d-lo Oh, so kinda like AI at home?
12:30.00 d-lo err AI@Home?
12:30.28 ``Erik if you have a group of half a dozen people whacking on a baddy and someone crashes or disconnects when they're housing the ai for it, it'd be retarded for the mob to simply freeze up for the other players
12:31.45 ``Erik game ai has to respond fairly quickly and have some randomness, so I d'no if packet bundling across multiple hosts like an @home is pragmatic
12:32.26 _clock_ I think Artifical Intelligence is not a good approach to model human behaviour
12:32.29 ``Erik but doing ai for 10000 mobs, plus all the message management, plus state persistence, don't wanna overload the server
12:32.30 d-lo What about redundant calcs? 2 or 3 of the same calc on machines. First one to return a result is used.
12:32.44 _clock_ I think we won't move from place until we master AS - Artificial Stupidity.
12:33.10 ``Erik if(random() > .5) mob->special1(); else mob->special2(); <-- cuz of that
12:33.13 ``Erik ?
12:33.28 ``Erik sorry, misread
12:33.52 d-lo Yeah, I mistyped a bit too. I ment several different machines performing same calc for redundancy.
12:34.25 ``Erik hm, latency issues, I guess... two machines calc and start doing their thang, send to the server to redistribute, do you wait the .8 seconds on all machines for the mob to hop to the appropriate state?
12:34.31 *** join/#brlcad docelic__ (n=docelic@
12:35.37 ``Erik _clock_ we're not talking about making a single smart 'ai', we're talking about scaling to a buttload of stupid videogame ai's :D mmorpg style
12:37.24 _clock_ ``Erik: again I contribute to a discussion I haven't read much about :)
12:38.43 d-lo I would imagine there would have to be minimum Calculational ability and network latency requirements in order for a 'node' to be accepted on the AI Compute 'cloud'
12:38.48 ``Erik mebbe the 'repeatably random' notion from upstairs actually DOES have a practical use
12:39.42 ``Erik custom random function, each mob has its own seed/state for the function...
12:40.18 ``Erik with an occasional key packet to make sure everything is sync'd up
12:41.04 ``Erik or mebbe it's not the pig and I'm burning cycles thinking about the wrong thing :D
12:41.28 d-lo Server side has final say on the sync for the simultaneous calcs, correct?
12:41.39 ``Erik server is never wrong
12:41.54 ``Erik to prevent abuse
12:42.59 d-lo Right, but putting AI in the hands of the 'Enemy' still makes me quesy.
12:43.12 ``Erik having the clients periodically send "this is what I think is happening" packets and having the server do a quick check might be an effective way of rooting out cheaters
12:43.50 ``Erik "wow, you sent a dozen bunk state packets in the last 60 seconds, why don't you take a breather for an hour disconnect();"
12:45.01 ``Erik meh, an amusing thought exercise, but optimizing vapor in the end :/
12:45.27 ``Erik didja get time to work on your server component over the weekend?
13:00.52 d-lo sorry, got disctracted... 'server component' ? SBEmu or GS?
13:06.37 ``Erik sbemu
13:06.46 ``Erik it's my rdo, soz I'm not thinking work O:-)
13:06.54 d-lo Right on.
13:07.04 d-lo I am at work and having trouble thinking work. :)
13:07.09 d-lo A bit.
13:07.13 d-lo Mostly infrastructure now.
13:07.22 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:07.41 d-lo Seeing as I have found myself in the Dev Team Lead, Design Team Lead and overall PM.....
13:08.05 d-lo annoying since that means less time for code.
13:08.05 ``Erik yeah, been there, done that heh
13:08.38 d-lo I think the 4th weekend was poor timing for spinning up the SBEmu project, but thats the way the cards fell.
13:08.45 ``Erik I started working on a freebsd driver for nvidia cards long ago, other people joined the cause and I ended up doing less and less code, more and more dealing iwth people and with nvidia
13:08.56 d-lo Working to make the Design team as autonomous as possible.
13:09.25 ``Erik I assume all the volunteers are code monkeys?
13:10.09 d-lo Anyone who doesn't have code skills but are seemingly mature enough to write up a decent Application are being used on the design team.
13:10.21 d-lo They are the ones who are going to formalize the existing SB game processess.
13:10.42 d-lo aka Class.Race restriction tables, etc.
13:10.53 d-lo all that junk that us Devs don't really wanna do :)
13:10.58 ``Erik imagines that with an accessable vcs, irc channel and skeleton to start from, it'll be fairly self-organizing
13:11.17 ``Erik right, coders aren't glorified data entry clerks O:-)
13:11.45 d-lo Thats what I am hoping. Now that the holiday weekend is over, I am hoping things will get rolling.
13:11.49 ``Erik "make the target modellers do it, not our problem" "butbutbut" *sigh* :)
13:12.23 ``Erik too bad ya picked c++ *duck* :D
13:13.35 d-lo lol. We have a good solid plan now. Your comment on Java got me thinking and fired off a discussion on the boards.
13:14.09 d-lo Java Crypto doesn't play right with the SB Client, so we need to *at least* have a C/C++/openSSL proxy running in the server suite.
13:14.23 ``Erik so that means you're looking to do it in CL using iolib and cl-prevalence (or elephant? or rucksack?)
13:14.25 ``Erik :D
13:14.56 d-lo We've rounded up a good team of Pascal 'grammers and are ready to have at it! =D
13:15.41 ``Erik I thought I was clever thinking up an image/event system for fast data storage only to find a java implementation from a few years ago, and a paper from '87 about the idea
13:16.21 d-lo doh!
13:16.27 ``Erik heh, I've seen people try to write quake style engines in a combination of pascal and assembly... ahhh, the bad old days of efnet #opengl :)
13:16.28 d-lo so... did they confirm it was a good idea?
13:17.00 ``Erik for a data set that can stay in memory, it's a really nice solution *shrug*
13:17.20 ``Erik when you start looking for bigger data sets, replication, etc, it starts falling apart
13:17.58 ``Erik but it's sexier than the orm approach
13:18.17 d-lo heh, true :)
13:19.44 ``Erik
13:26.09 d-lo good link. thanks :)
13:28.55 ``Erik is somewhat amused that BRL-CAD does not compile on :)
13:29.26 ``Erik (c++ template fudgetry in libpc)
13:40.45 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
14:51.08 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
15:29.05 elena starseeker?
15:34.03 d-lo He's around, what's up?
15:44.41 elena hi.
15:44.47 starseeker hey elena
15:44.52 elena just requesting some help
15:44.56 starseeker sure, what's up?
15:45.19 elena i need some help with setting up brlcad on the server.
15:45.33 elena Erik did it for me yesterday
15:45.53 starseeker OK...
15:45.54 elena but there's on more variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH that needs to be set.
15:46.16 starseeker you mean in the system LD_LIBRARY_PATH/
15:46.19 starseeker ?
15:46.34 elena yes. i guess.
15:46.52 elena in my account, erik showed me to use export .....
15:46.53 starseeker depending on how you're launching things, you should be able to set that locally
15:46.57 starseeker right
15:47.05 elena but i need it to work in apache's account, too.
15:47.11 starseeker ah
15:47.44 ``Erik hrm, php doesn't have a setenv() equivalent?
15:48.06 ``Erik (once the migration happens, this problem disappears, btw)
15:48.12 elena hi Erik.
15:48.19 elena maybe it does.
15:48.27 starseeker hands elena to the *BSD guru
15:49.05 elena yes. it has something. i just imagined it's better to have it set properly.
15:49.11 elena whatever that means :)
15:49.23 starseeker the quick fix is probably to tack it onto the system LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but I'm not sure where to do that on BSD and I probably don't have the admin rights anyhow
15:49.35 elena so, should I implement it on my side?
15:49.39 starseeker (at least, I don't think so...)
15:49.56 starseeker elena: If you can set it yourself, that's more robust
15:50.04 elena ok.
15:51.01 elena thank you.
15:51.30 elena and, Erik, thanks again for yesterday.
15:52.51 ``Erik np, elena, that's what I'm here for O.o
16:00.27 ``Erik ok, I regenerated the ld hints file, it SHOULD work without settig the env variable, I think
16:01.07 ``Erik d'no why tcl isn't sharing rpath info with libbu, though :/
16:01.18 elena testing
16:01.29 elena yep. it works.
16:01.54 elena i'll revert my changes.
16:08.48 elena partially working.
16:08.59 elena bug: title is not retrieved correctly.
16:09.21 d-lo Gotta admit... I like the layout and color scheme!
16:09.31 elena bug: raytrace images created in the wrong directory.
16:10.26 elena local file selection (ie. uploading through ftp/scp) works, but it's not enabled.
16:10.54 elena theme is open source. i like it, too :)
16:34.10 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
16:55.00 starseeker elena: nifty!
16:58.52 elena :)
17:13.09 ``Erik green and beige, seems a bit... armyish *duck* :D
17:13.32 starseeker neutral and environmentally friendly ;-)
17:13.50 starseeker has been watching too much HGTV
17:14.16 ``Erik what, the color scheme, or the army? if it's the latter, I might have to explain a few things to ya ;>
17:14.30 starseeker heh
17:14.42 ``Erik got my bsd hack box running, w00t
17:23.15 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo1 (
17:34.56 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
17:47.26 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03jdoliner * r34975 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/brepintersect.cpp:
17:47.28 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: The first step in the long processes of implementing the methods for keeping
17:47.30 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: track of intersection data we get out in order the reconstruct the mesh later.
17:47.32 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: Implements a class with the specific responsibility of keeping track of the
17:47.34 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: intersections in the triangles to later reconstruct the faces.
17:48.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyII (
19:29.10 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
19:55.24 *** join/#brlcad alecs1 (i=alex@
19:58.24 alecs1 hi, I would like to add some tolerancing information to some brl-cad structures
19:58.53 alecs1 the first idea is to just add a pointer to custom data to the primitives
19:59.20 alecs1 and then create some data structures for the types of tolerances I might need
19:59.50 alecs1 but if there's some plan of how to do it properly I would love to integrate my work with that
20:00.11 alecs1 how would you suggest to go about it?
20:01.49 jdoliner which structure were you looking at?
20:05.22 alecs1 first the rcc
20:06.02 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:06.45 alecs1 here's the original thread where I asked long ago:
20:25.56 ``Erik *readreadread* hm, and brlcad answered you... are attributes not sufficient?
20:30.50 alecs1 I don't know; variant c) from the reply looked like and attractive and easy way to get accustomed to brl-cad code
20:32.07 ``Erik funny, it looks like the least easy to me :D
20:32.35 ``Erik a looks like the easiest and most simple to me *shrug*
20:34.36 alecs1 look at it from the pov of a guy that doesn't know too much about brl-cad; a programmer's first idea is to just add one more data structure :)
20:34.46 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03Ebautu 07 * r1539 10/wiki/More_Changelog: July 6 activity.
20:35.23 ``Erik 'cept we have to maintain backwards compatability for the saved files
20:38.52 starseeker brlcad: I think we found your next car:
20:41.04 elena i open a database in read-only mode. I type title
20:41.15 elena and I get "Sorry, this database is READ-ONLY."
20:41.20 elena why is that?
20:41.58 starseeker I'm guessing bug
20:42.14 elena that's in 7.14.9.
20:42.24 elena in 7.10.4 works ok.
20:43.07 starseeker Bob's on it
20:43.32 starseeker Bob's fixed it
20:43.56 elena :)
20:44.24 elena bob's quick. I should look for a meaner bug :)
20:45.35 ``Erik do not anger the bob!
20:47.06 CIA-32 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34976 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/title.c: Check if read-only only if modifying the title.
20:48.00 starseeker possibly the fastest bug turnaround ever :-P
20:48.32 elena thanks. now I can go to bed happy.
20:48.38 elena bye.
20:50.21 *** join/#brlcad sander^ (
21:22.54 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:55.20 Ralith d-lo: right; just getting a bit discouraged with all the things not working.
21:55.36 Ralith Still got some stuff left to test in the qt-hacking area before I move on to the ogre-centric approach, though
21:57.30 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
22:11.51 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:29.26 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
22:29.46 tegtmeye ping brlcad
22:31.37 ``Erik he hasn't said anything all day, I think he was heading to some rowing thing u p north for the weekend, he might be chumming or on his way back (or recovering)
22:32.33 tegtmeye ot an interesting cad bug
22:33.03 tegtmeye os x 10.5 seg fault with two monitors connected
22:33.06 tegtmeye works ok with one
22:33.57 tegtmeye hear that there is no working version w/10.5 currently?
22:33.59 ``Erik funky, my only 10.5 box is my laptop, so no dual head :/
22:34.02 tegtmeye is that correct?
22:34.09 tegtmeye jsut found it
22:34.09 ``Erik but I thought his desktop was on 10.5
22:34.22 tegtmeye brlcads?
22:34.24 ``Erik it works on my laptop *shrug*
22:34.25 ``Erik yeah
22:34.51 tegtmeye can't find any bugreports for this but someone overthere says its a known issue
22:35.41 tegtmeye trying to get it into ports over here
22:37.08 tegtmeye I'll track him down tomorrow, thanks

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