IRC log for #brlcad on 20090723

00:07.51 mafm Ralith: it's warning worthy because you might try to use X as argument to Y, for example
00:08.16 Ralith okay, how do I get it to stfu? :P
00:13.52 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
00:26.57 mafm Ralith: if X is first in .h before, it should be initialized before in the constructor
00:27.12 Ralith ah, declaration order.
00:27.26 mafm there's probably a -Wno-something to quell it
00:31.37 Ralith eh, I think -Wall is good practice.
00:32.27 mafm you can use -Wall and -Wno* after that, to omit specific warnings
00:32.51 mafm especially useful if the "fault" is on the libraries you use, not on your code
00:33.46 mafm -Wall doesn't include all warnings despite the appearance, it omits some really low importance ones
00:33.54 mafm such as unused parameters in methods
00:35.09 Ralith actually, it includes that
00:35.15 Ralith >_>
00:38.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35254 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Add some output options to bbsize, allow user to specify multiple objects and build the composite bounding box for all of them, add a man page
00:42.59 Ralith pokes starseeker
00:43.27 starseeker Ralith: saw your message
00:43.31 starseeker odd
00:43.43 Ralith maybe something changed between when you and I checked out trunk?
00:44.01 mafm well, then there are others, enabled with -Wextra
00:44.12 starseeker more likely my box - I run gentoo unstable so there may be an argument between versions or some such
00:44.19 starseeker must run - gotta get home
00:47.10 Ralith seeya
00:47.16 Ralith <3 gentoo
01:28.44 *** join/#brlcad mike111 (
01:28.56 mike111 Hi all
01:31.44 mike111 I have a region. How do I find the area of the projection on the region on a plane, for example the x-y plane?.
01:34.39 Ralith rtarea, maybe?
01:35.30 Ralith mike111: yeah, I think rtarea is what you want.
01:35.37 Ralith " rtarea - Calculate exposed and presented surface areas
01:35.57 mike111 Hi Ralith, I can't see the command in Vol.II (MGED)
01:36.03 Ralith it's not a mged command
01:36.24 mike111 a raytracer?
01:36.27 Ralith mged is the modeler.
01:36.48 Ralith things like rt are available there mostly just as a convenience measure
01:37.03 Ralith there are many, many BRL-CAD tools that are completely separate programs.
01:37.06 Ralith rtarea is one of them.
01:37.14 mike111 where is it documented? as a manpage?
01:37.28 Ralith that's the docs I found, but there may be others
01:37.33 Ralith I always check for manpages first
01:39.20 mike111 Doing man area gives an `area' command in mged: Calculates an approximate presented area of one region in the mged
01:39.20 mike111 <PROTECTED>
01:42.51 Ralith oh, cool
01:42.54 Ralith didn't know about that
01:43.07 mike111 for rtarea, how do I specify which projection I want?
01:43.13 Ralith dunno
01:43.25 mike111 I think `area' gives the surface area and not a projection.
01:43.32 Ralith hang around, someone else probably knows
01:46.59 mike111 thanks for the rtarea tip
01:47.59 Ralith np
02:21.04 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
02:21.30 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
02:23.19 starseeker Ralith: where does g3d stash its temporary files? $HOME/.g3d?
02:23.36 starseeker I'm thinking of the Ogre config stuff
02:25.48 Ralith /usr/local/share/g3d right now, as bad a choice as that is
02:26.42 starseeker nukes
02:26.55 starseeker hmm - now I get GLX backdrop image not found: Warning
02:26.55 starseeker Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
02:26.56 starseeker Error: Shell widget menu has zero width and/or height
02:27.04 starseeker when trying to pick a renderer
02:27.30 Ralith uh, that may be related to no freeimage
02:27.34 Ralith lemme send you my ogre.cfg
02:27.37 Ralith that'll make it skip the dialog
02:28.08 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
02:28.10 starseeker may as well put it on the wiki
02:28.18 starseeker other folks may want to give it a whirl
02:28.56 Ralith
02:29.09 Ralith I need to modify things such that it picks a sane default instead of popping that dialog up anyway
02:29.28 Ralith it'd probably break horribly if someone, say, set it to fullscreen or to use directx
02:30.14 Ralith stick that in /usr/local/share/g3d
02:31.59 Ralith any luck?
02:32.10 starseeker grr - now it's back to
02:32.11 starseeker Loading library ./RenderSystem_GL
02:32.11 starseeker terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::InternalErrorException' what(): OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library ./RenderSystem_GL. System Error: ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /home/cyapp/cadtoplevel/brlcad/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 90)
02:32.17 starseeker Aborted
02:32.27 Ralith ./?
02:32.35 starseeker dunno
02:32.51 Ralith is there an ogreplugins.cfg in the g3d dir?
02:33.10 starseeker yes
02:33.18 Ralith what's in it?
02:33.28 starseeker # Defines plugins to load
02:33.28 starseeker PluginFolder=
02:33.28 starseeker Plugin=RenderSystem_GL
02:33.28 starseeker Plugin=Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
02:33.28 Ralith PluginFolder should be set to /usr/local/lib/OGRE
02:33.30 Ralith ahah
02:33.32 Ralith there's your problem.
02:34.29 starseeker gets further now
02:34.34 starseeker terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::FileNotFoundException' what(): OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource sphere.mesh in resource group Autodetect or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at /home/cyapp/cadtoplevel/brlcad/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 738)
02:35.03 Ralith that's one of those 'make install not yet supported' issues.
02:35.16 Ralith sphere.mesh should be somewhere in your ogre checkout
02:35.18 Ralith copy it into the g3d dir
02:37.06 starseeker /usr/local/share/g3d/sphere.mesh
02:37.09 starseeker right?
02:37.22 Ralith yup
02:37.26 starseeker still can't find it
02:37.39 Ralith is there a resources.cfg in there?
02:37.44 starseeker Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh.
02:37.44 starseeker terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::FileNotFoundException' what(): OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource sphere.mesh in resource group Autodetect or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at /home/cyapp/cadtoplevel/brlcad/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 738)
02:37.48 Ralith it should contain:
02:37.49 starseeker Aborted
02:37.54 Ralith [General]
02:37.54 Ralith FileSystem=/usr/local/share/g3d/
02:38.08 starseeker hmm - it's set to RBGui
02:38.32 Ralith scrap it, drop in what I pasted
02:38.40 starseeker yep, bing
02:39.16 starseeker cool
02:39.20 Ralith works?
02:39.23 starseeker yep
02:39.27 Ralith :D
02:39.37 starseeker might want to fix those defaults...
02:39.49 Ralith yeah
02:39.51 Ralith just fixed two of them
02:40.04 Ralith the plugindir thing and the resourcesdir thing
02:40.05 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35255 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CMakeLists.txt: More build system improvements; installations should be somewhat less broken now.
02:40.16 Ralith was there anything else that broke?
02:40.34 starseeker don't think so
02:40.46 Ralith kk
02:40.48 starseeker might add the sphere.mesh to g3d install
02:40.50 Ralith oh, the config file thing
02:40.54 starseeker since we need it for now
02:40.57 starseeker easy to get rid of
02:42.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35256 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CMakeLists.txt: More build system cleanup, added autogenerate/install valid ogre.cfg.
02:43.07 mike111 Hi all: mged hangs when I run `area' on a simple sphere region. any ideas?
02:44.31 starseeker hmm - it's busted
02:45.23 starseeker toss it in here:
02:49.15 mike111 starseeker: is the SF link for me?
02:49.42 Ralith starseeker: okay, taken care of.
02:49.51 Ralith also switched to something prettier.
02:49.55 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35257 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (CMakeLists.txt OgreGLWidget.cxx knot.mesh): Changed test mesh to something more interesting, and added installation support for it.
02:50.21 Ralith in *theory* installation should be working now.
02:51.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35258 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/INSTALL: Updated INSTALL.
02:56.31 Ralith the installation test didn't actually quite work for me, but I think that was because I have a debug version of Ogre installed?
02:57.29 Ralith OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL was set to NOTFOUND for some reason. Will worry about that later.
03:02.38 *** join/#brlcad KhadorMech (
03:04.05 KhadorMech Hi I'm trying to get brl running on my leopard mac and I keep getting "bus error". Anyone know a work-around?
03:11.27 *** part/#brlcad KhadorMech (
03:36.04 starseeker Ralith: got the same thing
03:36.07 starseeker NOTFOUND
03:36.15 Ralith hm, weird.
03:36.34 Ralith lemme try updating the cmake module
03:40.40 Ralith didn't do any good :/
03:41.02 Ralith oh wel, committing anyway 'cuz presumably ogre's improved it by now
03:41.53 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35259 10/rt^3/trunk/cmake/ (FindOGRE.cmake FindPkgMacros.cmake): Updated OGRE's cmake module (and added some stuff from OGRE's impl. of FindPkgMacros) in the hopes of improving reliability across platforms.
03:51.53 Ralith strictly this is an OGRE-side bug
03:52.16 Ralith since it's their cmake module that's failing to find the stuff installed by their build system.
05:26.26 mike111 I'm trying to run rtarea from the commandline using mged -c new.g "Z;E s1.r;top;rtarea"
05:27.16 mike111 but getting: bu_log: write error
05:50.28 Ralith wonders why he didn't just try running rtarea itself
06:23.27 *** join/#brlcad mike111 (
07:26.56 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
10:13.52 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:02.31 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:11.40 brlcad Ralith: c++ initializes in the order declared, so when your initialization list doesn't match, it warns since you might be making some assumption about the order you listed
12:11.58 brlcad doesn't matter for simple types, but especially if they're objects, you can get into bad juju
12:13.06 brlcad the 'area' command gives projected/presented area, but just a rough approximation -- rtarea is the tool to use
12:16.08 ``Erik totally awesome, I've gotten, like, NO mail at bz, but this morning, I get spam there. yayyyy
12:16.25 brlcad he gets the bu_log write error because rtarea is async and mged terminates before rtarea finishes, yet it can't display the results because mged is gone
12:18.06 ``Erik personally thinks that mged -c needs some significant attention... fixing async issues, choosing appropriate streams, etc
12:19.02 ``Erik or; mged as a pipe tool needs attention, rather
12:53.13 ``Erik the rotate issues I've been seeing on osX.5 are not choppiness, they seem to be that it's reading a mouse down and up and doing a zoom instead of seeing a mouse down and move to rotate
12:53.20 ``Erik um, it zooms on mouse down
12:53.37 ``Erik I imagine tk and apple are not playing nice
12:54.04 ``Erik (this is on a macbook from november)
13:00.24 brlcad ``Erik: my quick lookings seemed that it was some initialization problem on mged/libged's part
13:00.53 brlcad as it works just fine when you first e an object, you can spin it around freely ... then once you zoom in/out, it's hosed
13:01.21 ``Erik ok, what I was seeing, I think is related, so I'm sharing what little info I have so the people who will fix it are prepared
13:01.42 brlcad thinks ``Erik is prepared to fix it ;)
13:03.43 ``Erik fuck that shit, I called in sick today (stomach is bugging me)
13:04.25 ``Erik felt awful green yesterday, went to a party on tuesday and wasn't used to the drinking and being around cigarettes and stuff
13:04.35 ``Erik I got old. *sob*
13:05.02 d-lo Got used to no poison and cleaner air eh? :)
13:05.25 ``Erik well, different pollutions
13:06.37 ``Erik d-lo, if you see the slavedriver or her minion, I wasn't able to get either by phone, nor the mathematicion. I left a VM for the boss, but a "hey, didja check your vmail?" shout would make me feel better?
13:07.05 d-lo righto.
13:07.09 ``Erik danke
13:08.20 ``Erik iokit is a wreck :/
13:08.48 ``Erik wants to write a little program with a similar interface to batch that throw sigstop and sigcont signals based on cpu temp and/or fan speed
13:09.17 ``Erik keep my lappy from smoking up during a rebuild of BRL-CAD :D without burning my knees
13:11.29 ``Erik has to figure out before he can even look at mouse events
13:12.40 ``Erik (interesting, I put my name in as "``Erik" in the pastebin, and it reads it as "Erik".... wonder what happens if my name is "`rm -rf /`" O.o
13:14.49 ``Erik (and, uh, it has a spam problem now.)
13:15.57 d-lo why are tyou trying to break the pastebin?
13:17.09 ``Erik because if I break it, then we know it's breakable and we can fix it. If someone else breaks it, it's a bad day
13:17.46 ``Erik spent too much time as a sysadmin, thinks that's why he was pushed towards the "test developer" roll on "that project"
13:17.55 ``Erik role
13:18.15 d-lo Sure. Right. I know you. Its pure Malice isn't it?
13:19.12 ``Erik hey, man, at least I'm not so deviant that I'm cracking secured encyption keys and hijacking data streams for man-in-the-middle attacks on commercial proprietary software
13:19.15 ``Erik :D
13:20.15 ``Erik <-- stickin' to the clasic ethos, just had a "hm, thats... interesting" moment, that's it :)
13:20.40 d-lo riiiiiight.
13:20.51 d-lo and its not commercial anymore :)
13:22.38 ``Erik you'll either have to find a group of artists willing to commit and obey a common vision (EXTREMELY difficult if you don't have $'s), or run the risk of being a rogue bandit skirting the grey areas of the law :(
13:23.31 ``Erik <-- used and was mortified by the whole bnetd situation, is gunshy
13:24.16 ``Erik and the history of strategus...
13:32.42 brlcad thinks he meant
13:52.21 *** join/#brlcad ornitorrincos (n=ilcra198@archlinux/trusteduser/ornitorrincos)
13:52.25 ornitorrincos ho louipc
13:52.48 ``Erik no, opengl support is not going to give you shaded displays or anything that X won't do.. and generally X will do it better
13:53.05 *** join/#brlcad pro-rsoft (n=prorsoft@unaffiliated/pro-rsoft)
13:53.19 ``Erik oh crap, they're ALL coming here O.o :D *duck*
13:53.28 pro-rsoft Hehe
13:53.38 ``Erik (srry, been pimping)
13:54.53 ``Erik so, yeah, not detecting opengl is not all that bad of a thing, we can figure out how to make it work, but it's not a show stopper
13:55.30 ornitorrincos just curious if it was normal or I had something broken
13:55.51 ``Erik um, if you're using linux, it SHOULD be detected
13:56.07 ``Erik do you have the mesa dev stuff on?
13:56.14 ornitorrincos then I probably have something broken
13:56.17 ``Erik GL.h GLU.h etc?
13:56.40 pro-rsoft you mean GL/gl.h
13:56.49 ``Erik er, yeah, it's been a while
13:57.09 ``Erik we had ogl support back to when it was irisgl and a propritary sgi thang
13:57.23 ``Erik proprietary
13:57.33 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
13:57.47 brlcad mornin' elena
13:57.54 elena hi.
13:58.04 elena how are you?
13:58.09 brlcad great!
13:58.17 elena I was hopping to catch one of you around.
13:58.30 ``Erik is a square, sorry
13:58.30 elena i'm working on conversion.
13:58.31 brlcad busy day and slow start to it at that, but starting to get the juices flowing
13:59.03 elena :)
13:59.06 ornitorrincos ``Erik, yes those headrs I ahve them, checked with louipc
13:59.43 elena are then any particular formats we want to support more than others.
13:59.45 elena ?
14:00.09 ``Erik ok, our ogl check starts on
14:00.48 ``Erik looking for and libGL.dylib
14:01.18 brlcad elena: yeah, .g :)
14:01.23 ``Erik with minor hackery around the mac tardedness
14:02.04 elena ok. but from what to g?
14:02.12 elena dxf for example?
14:02.32 brlcad followed by the more complex formats, namely iges and dxf for starters
14:02.41 elena ok.
14:02.42 elena thanks.
14:02.46 ``Erik are you looking for a prioritized list of import formats?
14:02.54 elena yes.
14:02.57 brlcad if you want, you could just support anything we have a g-* for
14:03.18 ``Erik *-g you mean
14:03.22 elena i did a list for that.
14:03.23 brlcad right
14:03.24 elena yes.
14:03.40 elena but for now, only with *-g and g-*
14:03.50 elena because i need sample files to test.
14:04.07 ``Erik but I don't think we have any document saying that "yes, we have alpha-g and beta-g, but if you have both, we'd prefer beta-g to carry geometry better"
14:04.11 elena and I get those samples by converting from g to that format (offline)
14:04.39 ornitorrincos is present
14:05.02 ``Erik um, I made a csv in src/conv/ a while back, but it's not sorted... might be nice if someone sorted it by preference?
14:05.28 ``Erik orn: can you paste the ogl fail to a pastebin? we have :)
14:09.47 brlcad elena: you can also find samples of most formats pretty easily by using google with the file-type keyword
14:09.58 elena ACAD and EUCLID don't have a specific file extension?
14:10.07 ornitorrincos umn
14:10.12 elena i know about filetype:pdf, doc and stuff.
14:10.12 ornitorrincos ok, who has telekinesis
14:10.25 louipc heheh
14:10.25 brlcad yea, like "filetype:dxf sample"
14:10.36 elena dxf is simple.
14:10.42 elena how about euclid?
14:11.08 ornitorrincos louipc, now the damn opengl works
14:11.11 brlcad lesse.. there suffix doesn't match their name like the others iirc
14:11.18 louipc ornitorrincos: haha! ok cool
14:11.44 louipc I preferred using openGL because X is too slow for me
14:11.53 louipc ogl uses hardware accel and stuff
14:11.58 brlcad (modern euclid that is)
14:12.06 louipc but it seems to have refresh problems or something now
14:12.26 elena thank you. for dxf, google search is a good idea.
14:12.47 elena when i'm finished, i could it those to test some real examples.
14:12.52 ornitorrincos and the irc log finished a few lines after I posted the error in pastebin
14:13.26 ``Erik louipc: really? gl lines are awful slow, usually X is a lot faster :/ the whole bus transfer issue, y'know? do you have a smoking video card on a craptacular cpu?
14:14.19 elena e.g like Erik's 8-core?
14:14.29 elena ;)
14:14.36 louipc ``Erik: kind of
14:14.43 ``Erik I'm home today, just a 2 core macbook here :)
14:15.02 louipc I run a pIII 866 MHz
14:15.57 ``Erik that is a bit behind the curve.. but *shrug* my first two machines were measured in khz
14:16.32 ``Erik and one of these days, I'll get around to making a vax 780 with 43bsd available on a web interface so people can experience BRL-CAD 4.x in its glory
14:16.40 ``Erik simh++
14:17.10 ``Erik when things like clear or ls take a few seconds, that's nutty stuff :D
14:17.20 louipc it's good to run old hardware, you can catch performance issues more easily ;D
14:17.40 ornitorrincos ``Erik, for that you can do ssh over a slow connection ;)
14:18.07 ``Erik heh, a few jobs ago, I was doing java code in a small shop, my choice hardware for development was a dual p133 with scsi's, the amd 450 was for video games :)
14:18.37 elena :-)
14:19.16 ``Erik DEC prioris, made an awesome coffee table... and it showed two penguins on boot O.o
14:22.32 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35260 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/g-egg.c: make the vertex id unique to the file. Eliminate trailing whitespace. Etc.
14:24.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35261 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libtie/tie_kdtree.c: panic mode for silliness.
14:24.37 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35262 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/prep.c: irrelevent slot.
15:03.27 d-lo is it brlcad vs the servers again today?
15:05.04 brlcad brlcad vs monthly reports and other business mail matters
15:05.21 d-lo ah... the fun stuff :)
15:09.39 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:10.18 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:16.30 ``Erik if you don't get the release out in time, I can push it while ya'll are out throwing beads at the pretty girls, just make sure ya bring back pics
15:17.27 ``Erik (ya knew that, but I won't bitch any more than normal)
16:27.14 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
17:00.14 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35263 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libtie/tie_kdtree.c: Fixed typo.
17:16.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35264 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/bbsize.xml: This is only a placeholder so that the build completes. The real file is coming.
17:28.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35265 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libdm/ libdm/dm-rtgl.c tclscripts/mged/mview.tcl): turned z-clipping on by default for dm-rtgl
17:40.32 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:48.42 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:50.28 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
18:19.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03jdoliner * r35266 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/vmath.h src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp):
18:19.05 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: adds the Jiggle get approximate intersection points closer to each other using
18:19.07 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: newtonesque methods also adds an additional macro in vmath.h Project which
18:19.13 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: decomposes a vector into components parallel and perpendiculur to a given vector
18:33.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35267 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/erase.c: Removed a few unused variables.
18:38.48 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35268 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: Mod ged_addToDisplay to check if name is already in the list. If so, return the associated gdlp.
18:41.58 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
18:49.28 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35269 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/bbsize.xml: oops - add the bbsize man page content.
19:06.32 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35270 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Added code to redraw anything associated with the object being edited if it's currently being drawn.
19:55.20 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
21:18.40 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35271 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/brlcad/ ( brlcad.module): Moved PHP-BRLCAD interface in separate file ( and implemented file conversions.
21:28.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35272 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/dm-rtgl.h src/libdm/dm-rtgl.c): coloring with region material colors
21:55.04 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35273 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/expand.c: This is a follow-on from the previous commit (i.e. return only database entries that match the pattern(s)). This handles the case where the pattern has no wildcards.
21:57.44 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35274 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Command.tcl: Added tab completion to the Command widget.
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22:24.03 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
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