IRC log for #brlcad on 20090727

00:32.06 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35284 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-rtgl.c: scaling normals to maintain accurate lighting
01:44.19 *** join/#brlcad LarsG (
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02:17.46 *** join/#brlcad mike111 (
02:18.08 mike111 hi all
03:09.08 brlcad hello
03:15.39 mike111 hi brclad, how r u?
03:21.02 brlcad i'm doing great
03:21.20 brlcad at least better than last week ;)
03:21.30 mike111 that's good :) .
03:22.37 mike111 Does g-stl accept any other units than mm or inches?
03:22.51 Axman6 brlcad: problems last week?
03:36.53 brlcad mike111: no, the intent there is really just to provide a metric or standard file, not really unit support
03:37.11 brlcad Axman6: no matter, just issues
03:37.29 Axman6 well, i hope they're all sorted :)
03:37.42 brlcad not yet, but hopefully
03:37.44 mike111 I thought so. I've got a model in meters, but g-stl exports in mm so the model becomes 1000 larger
03:38.36 brlcad mike111: you can set the units in mged before running g-stl and it'll fix that
03:38.50 brlcad then set it back
03:39.31 mike111 not sure what you mean. I build the model in m units.
03:39.44 brlcad I know
03:39.51 brlcad i mean if you open the .g file, type
03:40.15 brlcad 'units mm', run g-stl, then back to mged and run 'units m' .. it should work fine
03:41.33 mike111 if I built the model in meters and then switch to mm mged doesn't scale the model to keep the original size (before units changed)?
03:42.15 brlcad nope
03:42.38 brlcad the units command just sets the working units, what you want to work with
03:43.00 mike111 but sometimes it is easier to work with different units on the same model.
03:43.40 brlcad exactly why you can work in mm for a while, switch to 'in' for a particular set of parts, back to "m", put in in a scene being modeling in "ft", etc...
03:43.44 mike111 from what you're saying I need to convert everything to the same units otherwise mged will scale the entire model everytime I switch units
03:43.55 brlcad no no no
03:44.13 brlcad i'm saying you need to run the "units" command
03:44.14 brlcad run it
03:44.17 brlcad see what it does
03:44.21 brlcad it doesn't scale
03:44.28 brlcad it just sets the working units
03:45.24 brlcad so if you made a 1000x1000x1000 box with "units mm" (the default) .. then type "units m", it'll display as 1x1x1
03:45.50 mike111 then g-stl would still convert an object of 1m length to 1000mm example
03:45.52 brlcad which is to say that it didn't scale anything, just changed the working units such that when asked to display that box (which already exists), it displays using those working units
03:46.07 brlcad smacks forehead
03:46.13 brlcad you're still not getting it :)
03:46.20 brlcad set the units to mm
03:46.31 brlcad then what you have is exactly what g-stl is assuming you have
03:46.49 brlcad no scaling
03:46.55 brlcad just different presentation of values
03:47.33 brlcad re-read what I suggested and try it: 'units mm', run g-stl, then back to mged and run 'units m'
03:47.45 mike111 sure. I'll try that later.
03:47.54 brlcad check the value of your objects, you'll see they don't change
03:47.59 brlcad they just display with whatever units you set
03:48.13 mike111 another question: what's the difference between `sca' and `oscale'?
03:48.15 brlcad g-stl doesn't really care about units, it just looks at the value
03:49.30 brlcad history, subtle differences -- no practical difference
03:49.51 brlcad oscale is intended to be used with object-edit mode, which only applies to combinations
03:51.56 mike111 I'm using `sca' with oed, but the manual also mentions `oscale'.
03:52.55 brlcad oscale should go away
03:53.23 mike111 thanks for clarifying that. :)
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08:26.41 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35285 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreGLWidget.cxx: Fixed reception of keyboard input.
08:40.49 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35286 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreGLWidget.cxx: Less emphatic keyboard focus; no longer breaks everything else.
08:45.27 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35287 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/MainWindow.cxx: Focus render area on application startup, making keyboard camera control work immediately.
08:52.30 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35288 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreGLWidget.cxx: Reordered constructor initializers and dropped an argument name to quell warnings.
08:55.10 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35289 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (OgreGLWidget.cxx OgreGLWidget.h): Dropped unnecessary cruft left over from past attempts to get the Ogre GL context correctly resized.
09:10.33 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35290 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (CameraMode.cxx CameraMode.h): Replaced broken vertical rotation limits with smooth wraparound.
09:16.01 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35291 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CameraModeBlender.cxx: Added rotation limit fix to CameraModeBlender, including changes to prevent horizontal rotation overflow.
09:21.12 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35292 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (4 files): Applied rotation limit/overflow fix to CameraModeMGED and cleaned up earlier tweaks.
09:24.33 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35293 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CameraMode.cxx: Added a forgotten but all-important negation that prevents circularIncrement from becoming incredibly overenthusiastic.
09:26.31 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35294 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CameraMode.cxx: Doubled correctional offsets in circularIncrement to prevent pervasive view jumping.
09:29.48 Ralith that's weird.
09:30.17 Ralith the view jumps a ton when vertical rotation crosses π/2
09:39.10 Ralith +/- pi/2, that is
09:41.17 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03Briannew220 07 * r1583 10/wiki/Main_Page: /* BRL-CAD Wiki */
09:44.16 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35295 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CameraMode.cxx: Simplified some code in the continuing effort to remove the viewjump at a vertical rotation of +/-pi/2
09:59.47 Ralith hm
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11:28.58 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r1584 10/wiki/Main_Page: Bloody spammers :/
11:31.06 d-lo_ Mernin all.
11:40.45 d-lo Spammer are stupid. Does anyone really pay attention to spam anyways?
11:43.52 archivist yes all the wiki cleaners
11:44.25 archivist lock the main page down
11:45.43 archivist on my wiki I protect any spammed pages,to stop the buggers from using the same page again
11:46.17 d-lo well, the brlcad wiki isn't mine to admin :)
11:48.49 Ralith sup d-lo!
11:48.53 Ralith I actually caught you!
11:48.55 Ralith :D
11:50.03 d-lo hides.
11:50.16 d-lo Thing are going well I see :)
11:50.29 Ralith reasonably.
11:50.46 Ralith it's a shame the OpenGL embedding thing didn't work out as well as planned.
11:50.55 Ralith but, fortunately, it should be hard to tell the difference.
11:51.09 Ralith and there is yet hope for getting it working later on.
11:51.27 d-lo Perhaps in time, after a few iterations, you (or someone) will find the key to making the embedded openGL approach work.
11:51.44 Ralith I can't work out what's going on with the camera angle such that it flips around every time yaw hits +/- pi/2 though :/
11:52.05 Ralith cleaned up mafm's camera code a good bit looking for it, but no luck yet.
11:52.21 d-lo I had a thought this weekend: Since pictures speak a thousand words, why don't you start dropping a medium-rez SS or two on your wiki status log ;)
11:52.41 Ralith yeah, I'll do that
11:53.00 Ralith about right when I get around to catching up on the log messages themselves >_>
11:53.05 d-lo as for the camera, how are you controlling it?
11:53.15 Ralith I was able to reuse all mafm's camera control code, fortunately
11:53.28 Ralith just had to swap out the OIS related code for its Qt equivalents
11:54.03 Ralith and just tonight I fixed keyboard input, so camera control works exactly the same as in original g3d; three selectable modes which each interpret kb/mouse input differently.
11:54.04 d-lo good deal. But even after that swap, there are still that eqn problem?
11:54.10 Ralith eqn?
11:54.14 d-lo equation
11:54.17 Ralith O.o
11:54.18 Ralith wat?
11:54.26 d-lo <PROTECTED>
11:54.38 Ralith yeah
11:54.46 Ralith that's something that was always in mafm's code
11:55.04 d-lo so are you feeding the camera an angle?
11:55.13 Ralith I thought I knew what was causing it (there was some arbitrary limits and weird math and special handling of yaw) but scrapping all that didn't help.
11:56.02 Ralith uh, lemme check the code
11:56.16 d-lo CameraManager ?
11:56.54 Ralith no, not using that
11:56.55 Ralith CameraMode
11:57.15 Ralith looks like we're passing a SceneNode to OgreCamera::setPosition
11:57.47 Ralith lemme see if there's a less indirect approach to that.
11:59.36 Ralith okay, got something.
11:59.55 d-lo Side note: curious. There is a definition for a Vector in the CameraMode class. Pretty sure thats been defined somewhere in the orge suite. :)
12:00.06 Ralith not to mention in BRL-CAD.
12:00.10 Ralith it's a low priority cleanup issue.
12:00.20 d-lo i figured :)
12:02.46 Ralith this is weird
12:03.05 Ralith it's like mafm wasn't expecting the camera to track it's own position/orientation O.o
12:04.18 Ralith oh, I think I see why; rotation *around* a point.
12:04.48 d-lo are you referring to the fields inside CameraMode?
12:05.11 Ralith no, the complexity of the code from L134-L168
12:05.45 Ralith still, I'm pretty sure there's a cleaner way to do this...
12:07.03 d-lo ah, okay. Yeah, the code that is executed once _actionPan is checked against SimpleVector(0,0,0).
12:07.11 d-lo *agreed*
12:07.40 d-lo I think a breakout of that code into more logical internal functions would pretty much solve the problem.
12:08.38 d-lo outside of the Camera pan issue, how else are things going?
12:08.51 Ralith I dunno, it's pretty tempting to rework a good chunk of the class from the conceptual level
12:09.05 Ralith get it proper support for continuous/instantaneous forms of all movements
12:09.17 Ralith pretty good; Qt's a pleasure to work with
12:09.30 d-lo I say go for it, depending on how long it will take.
12:09.33 Ralith I'm pretty close to strapping mafm's command system into the GUI
12:09.37 d-lo Qt = goodness :)
12:09.39 Ralith shouldn't be long, unless the math trips me up
12:09.40 Ralith yeah
12:09.46 Ralith I didn't have that high expectations going in
12:09.51 Ralith but DAMN it makes things convenient.
12:10.15 Ralith the UI designer app's great, too, and cmake's solid support for the whole stack tops things off nicely.
12:10.37 Ralith being able to go from the designer to code and then easily access that code from the implementation is great.
12:13.29 d-lo Now, are you sucking in the UI file through cmake directly?
12:13.33 Ralith yep
12:13.39 d-lo nice.
12:13.55 Ralith you edit the UI file, cmake notes the edit time change and reruns uic before the next build.
12:14.03 d-lo I was messing around with QT a while ago and the Designer used to have a 'generate code' function... I think they took that out :/
12:14.04 Ralith metaobject handling is the same.
12:14.12 Ralith they moved it into a separate tool
12:14.19 Ralith now you just run 'uic blah.ui'
12:14.26 Ralith and get ui_blah.h
12:15.32 Ralith perhaps the most encouraging part of working with Qt was how easy it seems to be to create specialized widgets
12:15.44 Ralith as you might've noticed, I made the primitive console its own widget
12:15.53 Ralith *very* straightforward
12:16.02 Ralith and the doc's are a dream, too.
12:16.07 Ralith docs're*
12:18.03 d-lo Good stuff man. I gotta get workin now :/ Keep up the good work. You've got good momentum, keep it up :)
12:18.22 Ralith kk
12:18.27 Ralith seeya next time I'm up way too late ^^
12:18.48 d-lo hah, late == early :)
12:26.52 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35296 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (5 files): Initial attempt at re-integrating command support. Uncertain success.
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14:05.23 mafm d-lo: the Vector definition probably it's just a storage of x and y values, not a full blown class with operations and stuff
14:07.26 mafm about the strangeness (180 degree turn) it happens when looking from zenithal view or something
14:07.52 mafm due to something like the value of the function (cos, sin, whatever) changing sign
14:09.06 mafm you can add a simple check to avoid that artifact if you want, but IIRC the must-have camera modes (mged and blender) were working mostly as expected
14:09.29 mafm probably with some advanced functionality missing
14:09.43 mafm but well, it's just a matter of extending it
14:10.12 mafm other camera modes (orbital/continuous) were a bonus
14:15.38 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35297 10/brlcad/trunk/ (9 files in 4 dirs): These changes get kill, killall, killtree and killrefs working with undo in Archer.
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14:59.14 d-lo mafm: I figured that SimpleVector was a 'quick n dirty,' just was wondering why it hadn't been replaced yet, thats all :) And its a full 3D vector.
15:02.37 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35298 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c:
15:02.38 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: Corrected a problem with bounding boxes being placed on the wrong side of the body
15:02.40 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: when being made.
15:04.50 mafm d-lo: well yes, it's 3d, but it's only storage with 1 operation:^3/trunk/src/g3d/CameraMode.h?revision=35292&view=markup
15:04.59 mafm not nearly as complex as Ogre's
15:05.28 d-lo right :) I get that :)
15:05.31 mafm maybe I hadn't used brlcad includes by then
15:07.01 d-lo no big deal. I was just skimming over the code and noticed that.
15:09.03 mafm what I mean is that the idea is to have a lightweight way to pass 3 float coordinates for panning and the like contained in one class (parameter), instead of having to instantiate a full vector class with all of the associated operations
15:47.11 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
15:47.58 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35299 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/dm-rtgl.h src/libdm/dm-rtgl.c): sorting points by color for faster OpenGL drawing
16:43.52 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03IRPGuardian 07 * r1585 10/wiki/Main_Page:
16:57.00 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03IRPGuardian 07 * r1586 10/wiki/User:IRPGuardian:
16:59.11 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35300 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
16:59.13 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: improve the opengl header tests (which were not working correctly on Mac OS X
16:59.15 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 10.4) to go through AC_CHECK_HEADER instead of being custom AC_COMPILE_IFELSE
16:59.17 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: tests. opengl functionality tests occur later on. set GL_CPPFLAGS instead of
16:59.19 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: GL_CFLAGS for the header search paths to be consistent/pedantic.
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17:52.50 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03jdoliner * r35301 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp: Added functionality to find starting points for curve intersections
18:04.35 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35302 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_obj_bounds.c: Fixed a small memory leak.
18:58.59 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35303 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: unpush rears its head once again, now with an sf tracker (2826720 from victor). additional thought is to allow object creation as part of the unpush in order to retain matrix-less parents.
19:01.52 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35304 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
19:01.58 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: another repeat offender, the ability to really easily checkpoint/backup a .g
19:02.06 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: file while editing it via some sort of archive/backup command. something near
19:02.14 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: equivalent to an external cp file.g /path/to/backup/dir/file_20100427_021800.g
19:02.18 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: with automatic date and timestamping.
19:04.27 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35305 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: consider option to reid/remat/edcodes and potentially others to ignore negative regions
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19:27.33 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35306 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: add file input support to mv/mvall commands so you can feed them mapping files. this relates to sf request 2827957
19:29.30 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35307 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/prep.c: The rt_prep_parallel routine was returning without releasing RT_SEM_RESULTS in a few places. This was causing a hang in Cliff's bbsize.
19:31.59 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35308 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Add Bob's rt_prep_parallel fix to news file.
19:34.52 brlcad that's not exactly a user news line
19:35.25 brlcad should be worded from the user's perspective, not the code
19:36.11 starseeker ok
19:37.26 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35309 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Tweak news file.
19:39.20 brlcad ah, and that clarifies even more.. :) not a news line
19:39.28 brlcad pre-release bug catch
19:42.22 starseeker so, no news item?
19:42.33 starseeker make_bb would also have triggered it
19:42.57 brlcad yeah, then it's a fix for make_bb
19:43.11 brlcad remember the last commit comment is the one that gets pulled for the report
19:43.51 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35310 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Tweak news file some more.
19:43.57 starseeker oh, whoops
19:43.59 brlcad ah yeah, the "expand capabilities" line is another
19:44.37 brlcad not user visible until it's released, and that is encompassed by the first line
19:45.02 starseeker ok, I'll clear it
19:45.47 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35311 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bbsize is already mentioned as a new command, don't need extra NEWS line.
19:53.48 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35312 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c:
19:53.51 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: Human model mostly fits into bounding boxes when in the standing position now.
19:53.53 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: Rotation matrix is still throwing things off when limbs are moved, causing bounding
19:53.55 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: boxes to be rotated around some other point other than the point center.
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20:13.15 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35313 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/ move DM_RTGL_* into the WITH_OPENGL block.
20:23.36 Ralith mafm: there's no overhead to additional member functions.
20:24.08 Ralith you could use the most advanced linalg class available, and if its data was just three coords it'd be just as lightweight :P
20:24.38 Ralith mafm: and yeah, all the camera modes basically work great; I just want to have it *completely* working.
20:27.03 Ralith mafm: and yeah, it happens precisely on the zenith, or its reflection around the horizontal plane. Any tips as to *where* the simple check goes? I've fiddled around in several places to no avail.
20:59.08 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35314 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/dm-rtgl.h src/libdm/dm-rtgl.c): starting to add support for point heirarchy
20:59.43 brlcad ack.. moved DM_RTGL on me
20:59.48 brlcad no wunda
20:59.50 ``Erik mwahaha
21:00.21 ``Erik two of my primary builders weren't seeing GL, so I was getting slews of unresolved symbol glEnable() etc
21:01.06 brlcad he accidentally committed it enabled for about a day, probably stale build
21:01.35 brlcad i just finished adding a proper --enable-rtgl option for it, was mid-testing
21:02.00 ``Erik full autogen cycle didn't pick it up *shrug* but coulda been stale...
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21:02.38 ``Erik has done so much nonproductive bs crap today, was itching to get a build so he could code again O.o
21:02.55 ``Erik fix email access, catch up on email, fill out paperwork and forms out the wazoo, etc
21:09.32 ``Erik mmm, finally, a good debugging stack. *sigh*
21:12.12 Ralith brlcad: wait, where's OpenGL come in on rtgl?
21:12.17 Ralith I thought it was just the raytracer?
21:12.32 mafm Ralith: I think that when you create an object of type Blah vs Vector3, the amount of memory that you reserve is different, and things like that
21:12.44 brlcad Ralith: it's both
21:12.51 Ralith mafm: no, not if it's just a matter of additional member functions.
21:12.56 brlcad it uses raytracing to find the surfaces, then uses opengl to display them
21:13.00 Ralith brlcad: oh, cool!
21:13.15 mafm in this case maybe Ogre::Vector3 doesn't inherit from other classes and so on, but still, you have to include the file and all of it's includes, and you spend more time compiling every time
21:13.50 Ralith mafm: building an include file doesn't take much time, and chances are it's already included somewhere else anyway.
21:14.09 Ralith not to say that you did badly there or anything
21:14.12 Ralith but just fyi.
21:14.21 Ralith brlcad: how far along is it?
21:14.33 brlcad pretty far, it looks awesome
21:14.37 Ralith :D
21:14.52 Ralith after SoC I'd like to have a go at stapling it onto g3d
21:15.08 Ralith not sure how it'd be made to interact with ogre, though
21:15.36 brlcad it'll be a little tricky, but interesting idea
21:15.47 brlcad it might be easier to merely staple libdm into g3d
21:15.54 brlcad as it is a dm interface
21:16.10 brlcad i.e. it'd be a different 3d view renderer instead of ogre
21:16.17 Ralith that would be pretty easy.
21:16.30 Ralith judging from past experience wrt. adding new Qt widgets
21:16.53 mafm well, I decreased compiling times by more than 50% in many projects (not mine) just by removing includes
21:16.57 mafm your mileage may vary
21:17.29 Ralith I guess the challenge would really be how to keep all the displays sync'd
21:17.41 mafm^3/trunk/src/g3d/CameraMode.cxx?revision=35295&view=markup -> the camera thingy is here in vertical rotation, IIRC
21:17.41 Ralith such that you can swap from one to another and still have all the same stuff visible, same perspective, etc.
21:17.56 Ralith mafm: yeah, I know it's in there, but *where* in there?
21:17.58 brlcad Ralith: you wouldn't use ogre, you'd use libdm instead of ogre
21:18.02 brlcad different render manager
21:18.03 mafm when passing some limit pi/2, or 0, or something like that
21:18.03 Ralith brlcad: yes, I know
21:18.24 Ralith wait
21:18.39 Ralith brlcad: so to get Ogre, I'd just write a libdm interface for Ogre?
21:18.54 Ralith mafm: no, I already scrapped all that with some code that handles overflow and wraps properly.
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21:21.15 mafm c (3.141592/2.0+0.01)
21:21.17 mafm -.008
21:21.18 mafm c (3.141592/2.0-0.01)
21:21.20 mafm .011
21:21.31 Ralith ?
21:21.36 mafm I think that when changes sign, the direction of the vector changes
21:21.46 Ralith when what changes sign?
21:21.49 Ralith the direction of what vector?
21:21.51 mafm so it looks backwards instead of forwar
21:22.05 brlcad Ralith: you still seem to be missing the "libdm instead of ogre" part ;)
21:22.14 Ralith brlcad: so, scrapping Ogre entirely?
21:22.19 brlcad not scrapping
21:22.32 Ralith you were regaling me the other day with how valuable Ogre's optimizations would be O.o
21:22.33 brlcad i'm saying you could make it a build-time option to use libdm or use ogre
21:22.37 Ralith oh.
21:22.39 Ralith that's no fun :P
21:22.41 brlcad if you use libdm, you got classic mged displays
21:22.48 Ralith rtgl's no classic display
21:22.49 brlcad if you use ogre, you get the new stuff
21:23.04 brlcad it is in the sense that it's just another libdm interface
21:23.09 brlcad you do one, you have them all
21:23.13 brlcad it's a pretty simple interface
21:23.20 mafm Ralith: do you understand how the camera mode class works, in general?
21:23.28 Ralith brlcad: I guess a compiletime option would be acceptable until the BREP-based solution shows up, then?
21:23.35 Ralith which could be integrated with Ogre properly?
21:23.41 Ralith mafm: I'm pretty sure I do
21:23.48 brlcad Ralith: you could certainly integrate what's there with ogre
21:23.55 brlcad it just is kinda funky that way
21:24.07 Ralith brlcad: I could? Ogre doesn't seem to take well to manual OpenGL calls.
21:24.19 mafm the camera is in some point in an sphere of variable radius around the target
21:24.25 brlcad so don't make manual opengl calls .. and I think that was more something you were doing wrong :)
21:24.48 Ralith probably, but the point stands that it's outside what Ogre's designed to accept.
21:25.09 mafm <PROTECTED>
21:25.20 brlcad it's not, ogre has point-cloud visualization -- just don't know if it'd perform nearly as well as what it's doing by hand
21:25.35 brlcad it basically is just a massive point cloud getting generated
21:25.46 Ralith it doesn't wrap a surface around it?
21:25.55 brlcad still, it'd be way more useful to integrate libdm instead of ogre, even better to have both run-time toggleable
21:26.12 Ralith that's what I was thinking of originally :P
21:26.24 brlcad that's not what you said
21:26.27 Ralith it would probably be pretty easy to do so, if, as I mentioned, the state tracking could be worked out.
21:26.32 brlcad that doesn't involve putting libdm *into* ogre still
21:26.47 brlcad it doesn't involve ogre at all really, just swaps between one or the other
21:26.47 Ralith that's also not what I said :P
21:27.00 brlcad 17:18 < Ralith> brlcad: so to get Ogre, I'd just write a libdm interface for Ogre?
21:27.11 Ralith brlcad: as in, have Ogre be a libdm *client*
21:27.18 Ralith in the same position as rtgl.
21:27.32 Ralith but I was actually referring to before that confusion.
21:27.41 brlcad that would defeat most of the benefits ogre brings to the table
21:27.46 Ralith ah.
21:28.26 brlcad it'd work fine if you had some concept of an abstract graphics display class with one specialization using ogre and another using libdm
21:28.40 *** join/#brlcad Patmcc19_ (
21:28.57 Ralith yeah
21:29.00 Ralith thus that being where the work lies.
21:36.27 Ralith brlcad: how far along is the brep stuff, anyway?
21:41.50 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:44.26 Ralith pokes mafm
21:45.10 Ralith mafm: calling lookAt gives the camera a set of coordinates; negative values just mean negative coords.
21:45.13 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
21:45.32 Ralith mafm: the place the camera's looking at shouldn't even modified by the yaw.
21:46.41 Ralith and if the camera was looking backwards, it wouldn't be able to see the object :P
21:47.05 mafm I never managed to grasp the meaning of yaw, etc
21:47.13 mafm but imagine that your head is the camera
21:47.46 mafm when you're behind an object almost at the zenith, and you cross the zenith, your head would be heading downwards
21:48.48 mafm what this camera/head does is to rotate, so your head is always up
21:48.48 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35315 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (CameraMode.cxx Console.cxx Console.h): Another apparently effectless simplification of CameraMode and failed attempt to enable console signalling.
21:48.48 Ralith mafm: ahhhh.
21:48.48 Ralith that makes sense!
21:48.48 Ralith thanks.
21:48.48 Ralith it modifies the roll.
21:48.48 mafm when you pass the zenith you rotate, so the head continues to be "upright" instead of heading downwards
21:48.58 Ralith I guess... that's actually desired behavior then, isn't it O.o
21:49.20 mafm it was, yes
21:49.28 Ralith not always, though
21:49.32 Ralith it's certainly not how blender handles things
21:49.36 mafm the orbital mode was "invented" by me, didn't try to emulate any other program
21:49.44 Ralith this isn't orbital mode
21:49.46 Ralith this is *all* modes
21:50.04 Ralith (I do love how smooth the view moves in orbital, though ^^)
21:50.31 mafm well, let's say that I started with orbital since it's the more comprehensive
21:50.39 Ralith nods
21:50.45 Ralith I'll twiddle things and see where it goes
21:50.46 mafm I didn't care of that weird thing at that point
21:51.02 mafm but it turns out that it's a bit strange when happens for the rest of the modes
21:51.06 Ralith now that I understand *why* it's doing that, at least conceptually, I should be able to ferret it out.
21:51.28 mafm I mean, it's not designed to be specifically at that way, just that I didn't bothered changing it
21:51.32 Ralith yeah
21:52.56 mafm and IIRC was in one of the parameters of rotation (horz or vert) in the transition at the zenith
21:53.10 Ralith parameters of rotation?
21:53.45 mafm horzRot, vertRot
21:54.09 mafm the variables which hold the position of the camera, having center as base
21:54.36 Ralith those are floats; they don't have parameters...
21:55.31 mafm well, the right word for you would be "orbital/spherical coordinates", instead of parameters :D
21:55.41 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35316 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Console.cxx Console.h): Working command input! :D
21:55.52 Ralith mafm: oh, you mean "it occurs when vertRot passes the zenith?"
21:55.56 Ralith yeah, I noticed that
21:55.57 Ralith that is
21:56.01 Ralith I noticed the magic value
21:56.05 Ralith didn't realize its significance
21:56.46 mafm yes, something like that
21:57.22 mafm so the check would be to detect the transition and modify the resulting value
21:57.59 mafm "when Blah was almost at zenith in past frame and now is past zenith, do whatever"
21:58.55 Ralith well, that would have to refer to M_PI
21:59.08 mafm maybe you don't have to save state between frames, just compare if the past value of the variable plus delta is bigger than 2*pi, or so
21:59.24 Ralith and the only remaining references to M_PI are ones I've already vetted :/
22:08.19 mafm I think that part of the problem is that some coordinate varies between 0 and pi, another between -pi and pi
22:08.22 mafm
22:08.23 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35317 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c: Added shoulder joints to bounding box list, giving a (nearly) fully boxed model when standing.
22:08.56 Ralith mafm: as far as I can see, I've standardized everything to +/-pi
22:10.13 mafm I can't really remember the specifics
22:10.26 Ralith no worries, I'll work it out
22:10.32 mafm :)
22:10.38 Ralith while you're here—
22:10.59 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35318 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Console.cxx: Added history to the console.
22:11.14 Ralith where does the text output used in the original console come from?
22:11.20 Ralith it looks like logger output
22:12.13 Ralith hm. looks like Logger::attach
22:12.37 Ralith which is ObserverSubject::attach?
22:12.52 Ralith yep
22:14.47 mafm the console was observing the log, yep
22:14.56 mafm so you can see things in both places
22:15.17 Ralith kk, cool
22:32.50 Ralith argh
22:32.55 Ralith I hate iterating over STL containers holding const values
22:32.58 Ralith I can never get it right :|
22:46.32 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35319 10/brlcad/trunk/ ( src/libdm/ src/mged/ (log message trimmed)
22:46.35 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: add a proper --enable-rtgl flag to configure that will enable/disable
22:46.39 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: compilation of the new rtgl dm interface. it's still tied to opengl (which is
22:46.41 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: presently defaulted off), so you have to specify --with-opengl too.
22:46.45 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: intentionally did not assign aliases or add to enable-all as a) it's still under
22:46.49 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: development, b) it needs more work at least to not hang drawing, and c) there
22:46.53 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: still needs to be a way to turn all the dm/fb's on/off consistently with
22:57.24 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35320 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Console.cxx Console.h OgreGLWidget.cxx): Working, but backwards, log messages in console output.
22:59.55 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35321 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Console.cxx: Flipped console message ordering the right way around.
23:02.07 Ralith woo
23:02.11 Ralith fully functional console :D
23:16.44 ``Erik surprisingly easy, huh?
23:21.24 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35322 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (7 files): Dropped some no-longer-relevant code held over from RBGui usage.
23:22.22 Ralith ``Erik: yep; mafm's existing command/logging stuff was put together solidly, and Qt is, too, so it was pretty straightforward to glue them together.
23:25.50 Ralith G3D has now been completely uncrufted :D
23:25.58 ``Erik completely? O.o
23:26.00 Ralith oh wait
23:26.01 Ralith not quite
23:26.40 Ralith there we go.
23:26.48 Ralith NOW it's been fully uncrufted.
23:27.05 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35323 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (14 files): Dropped remaining RBGui code and cleaned out CMakeLists.
23:27.07 Ralith ^^
23:34.28 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35324 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Commands.h: Removed command reliant on outdated code.
23:45.25 CIA-37 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35325 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/MainWindow.cxx: Wired the dropdown setting change signal to the ogreView's setFocus slot so the user doesn't have to keep clicking on the render area.

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